#12 angels sent to earth to decimate human
nyamcattt · 1 year
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Komm, süsser Tod
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Chris Powell was the teenage son of Mike Powell, a cop, and Grace Powell, a District Attorney. Following his younger twin brothers, Jon and Jason, to the abandoned amusement park across from his home, Chris discovered his father taking a bribe from mob boss Phillipe Bazin.[5][6]
While trying to escape with his brothers from Bazin's henchmen, Chris discovered an amulet that transposed him into the Darkhawk armor. When his father disappeared after Chris saw him, he swore to use the Darkhawk armor as an "edge against crime". Darkhawk's powers included a force blast which emanated from the amulet on his chest, a force shield from the same amulet, a claw cable which could serve as both a Wolverine-like claw, and a grapple cable, glider wings and later flight capability, enhanced vision and strength, and an image underneath the Darkhawk helmet which served to frighten and distract his enemies.[citation needed]
He often teamed up with Spider-Man. As a sometime member of the New Warriors, he befriended Speedball, Nova, and later, Turbo.[citation needed] During his tenure as a crime fighter, he was often trying to rescue his father, mother, or other family members.[citation needed]
He developed quite a roster of enemies: he would fight villains such as Hobgoblin and Tombstone, who were seeking to take his amulet, with the latter succeeding. He was extremely weakened and even dying from having the amulet removed, but still able to use all of his powers except for turning back into human form to heal. Once he retrieved the amulet he was able to put it back in his chest and fully heal. Darkhawk had 2 separate encounters with Venom, who felt that Chris was good natured and held back whereas Darkhawk was greatly opposed to Venom's ideals and way of handling crime, and swore to bring him to justice, despite Venom offering to be his ally. Lodestone: a magnetically-powered villain developed by Bazin, was often pitted against Darkhawk. He also fought against some who would later ally with him, such as Portal, a teleporting mutant who killed another Darkhawk and stole parts of his armor, Savage Steel, which had been created by the secret police cabal that Chris' dad had been a member of, and Damek, a mercenary sent from the future to kill Darkhawk.[citation needed]
Chris learned that his armor was actually an autonomously existing android armor, one of five commissioned by an alien mob lord named Dargin Bokk, being held in a sentient spaceship, Ocsh, in Null Space. When Chris grasped the amulet, it actually caused his body to switch places with that of the Darkhawk body, although his mind remained in control of the 'replacement' body.[citation needed]
After helping them several times, Darkhawk was brought aboard the Avengers West Coast as a reserve member, but saw little action with them after becoming a member, because they were dissolved shortly thereafter. Nonetheless, he did at least start a lasting friendship with Spider-Woman.[citation needed]
Darkhawk 2.0
Later, Chris and Darkhawk actually split into two separate entities, with the armor being updated into the "2.0" form, as it was informally known. This advanced form of armor gave Darkhawk new powers, such as the ability to form a force shield encasing his body, an actual "Hawk" construct (a gigantic force-field shaped like a hawk), and the ability to summon weapons from Osch. Darkhawk 2.0 and Chris re-merged, with the prospect of no longer needing to use the amulet in order to switch bodies.[citation needed]
Chris joined a self-help group of ex-teenage-super-heroes, the Loners, who admitted to being addicted to their powers. Members included: Turbo, Green Goblin IV (Phil Urich), Ricochet, Lightspeed and later Spider-Woman III (Mattie Franklin). The group was hired by a mysterious benefactor, later revealed to be Rick Jones, to track down the Runaways in Los Angeles.
Powell displayed trouble controlling his anger in his Darkhawk persona, leading to a short skirmish with Turbo. Dismayed with himself, Powell admitted to his teammates that he suffered a nervous breakdown.[7] Powell decided to never turn into Darkhawk again, but this decision did not last long, as shortly thereafter the group battled the notorious Avengers villain, Ultron. Darkhawk delivered the final blow, using a darkforce blast at point blank range to blow Ultron to pieces.[8]
The Loners continued their meetings and Chris was drawn back into heroics by Spider-Woman and made an enemy of MGH manufacturers who had abused Mattie Franklin and the woman running them as well as Nekra, a woman who was getting rich by selling her bodily fluids to them. Chris then got his Darkhawk amulet stolen from him temporarily by an unbalanced Phil Urich but was able to regain it with help from the group.[9]
Secret Invasion
Having registered with the government, Darkhawk was assigned to the position of security chief at Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.. During the Skrull invasion, he worked alongside his old teammate Nova against the Deviant Skrulls.[10]
Fraternity of Raptors
The being known as Talon came to Earth, and offered to teach Chris how to control his amulet. They went to the Negative Zone to fight Annihilus. There, Chris bonded fully with his amulet. This allowed him to learn that the Fraternity of Raptors that Talon represented was evil and that the Fraternity had created the amulets. Evilhawk had been a hallucination caused by his mind, which had been unable to process all the information the Amulet gave him. The Raptor, known as Razor, took over Chris' body and assassinated Lilandra.[citation needed]
Later he fought Gyre another member of the Fraternity of Raptors that had been recruited as a pawn of the Sphinx. Darkhawk, Nova, Black Bolt, Mr. Fantastic and Namorita defeated the Sphinx and his pawns. Darkhawk was able to separate Gyre from his Kree host by using the same technique Talon used to separate Chris from Darkhawk and bring back Razor.[citation needed]
Avengers Arena
Arcade kidnapped Chris and fifteen teenage heroes and brought them to Murderworld, a secluded island where no one could find them, and forced them to fight each other to the death, and only the last man standing within thirty days would be allowed to leave.[11] One night, he was attacked and had his amulet removed, leaving his fate unknown.[12] His amulet would get passed around by others locked in Murderworld.[13]
Chris was later shown in a coma-like state in a strange tank along with the deceased heroes, where Arcade appeared to be healing him. Waking up, he located Arcade and knocked him out. He later reclaimed his amulet and was among the survivors of the battle.[14]
Marvel Legacy
Powell eventually resurfaced back in New York, set to marry a new fiancée by the name of Miranda Cruz. With whom he'd shared all of his exploits while piloting the sentient automaton known Darkhawk. Nowadays his Amulet has become inert, not so much as even changing when he focuses his thoughts on becoming his alter ego again; but lately has been suffering from nightmares of the Tree of Shadows every time he slept. Following in his father's footsteps, he eventually became an officer of the law at the NYPD. Taking to the same beat Micheal Powell used to back when he was one of the police, he reminisced about how his father would listen to people and remember their names while trying to keep the peace on the streets.
Trying to be the every bit as big a man and a better cop than he was by holding the values he once thought Mike stood for before, Chris found out his father was a corrupt cop. All the while ruminating on whether the world needed him as Christopher Powell, police officer or as the cybernetic hero he once was. While on patrol, dispatch sent out notice of a disturbance at Wonderland Amusement Park, where he first found the Raptor Amulet.
While investigating the derelict establishment, Powell was approached by two shady cops right near the area where he first became Darkhawk. Officer Hal Fingeroth and Sergeant Harold Conrad came to Powell offering certain opportunities while on the force which Chris quickly denied, when the latter opted to be a bit more forceful in his persuasion; Conrad was quickly eviscerated by members of the Fraternity of Raptors who were after the young officer's depowered amulet. Canorus and Aceptar created the odd circumstances which led to Christopher retracing his origin as a superhero in order to kill him and take what they believed was theirs by right, but the former raptor didn't go without a fight; discovering that these new raptors were in actuality just armored Shi'ar thugs given how easily Aceptar was stunned by a shock baton.
Though Christopher was eventually subdued by Canorus and his gem taken from him. Canorus was able to activate it again with a damaged Razor taking his place, whom nearly beat Powell's other would be assassin to death until Chris got his attention. The badly broken android grabbed hold of Powell and ported him to a portion of the Datasong he called the "Perch," where memories of previous host pilots were stored within a Raptor's own motherboard.
Razor, now calling itself Darkhawk after the recombinant persona imprinted on itself due to their shared escapades as a hero. Chris learned from his other half that a whole new Fraternity has sprung up in the wake of Novas' decimation, eager to bring the universe to heel under their thrall and had been searching for a means of acquiring the Raptor androids from the Null Space void to cement their dominance. Horrified by this development the now empathetic Razor sought to defy this mandate by said cabal of zealot pretenders by escaping his pod and severing his link to the Tree of Shadows, which was the reason why Powell couldn't become Darkhawk anymore. Severing his brethren's connection to their amulets earned Raptor their ire, however. They nearly hunted it down and executed until he was summoned to Earth by Canorus. Seeing the opportunity to heal itself, and hoping to enlist aid in stopping the renegade Raptor sect, Darkhawk sought union with Chris Powell once again in order to recover and grow in power.
Seeing as the whole of the universe was at stake, including his own homeworld in the long run. Chris knew in spite of his misgivings about space travel and the new life he has on Earth, that since his android had grown a conscience since the War of Kings. That he could not just sit by and pretend what effects the galaxy has no consequences for everybody involved, himself included. Donning the name Darkhawk once more, he took to the skies after blasting the other raptor back to his enclave in space before taking off, wondering how Miranda will react to the change of pace.[15]
Infinity Countdown
After learning from Richard Rider that the Fraternity of Raptors were after the Infinity Stones, Chris wanted to find a way to stop them, but he was stuck on Earth. He was later attacked by the bounty hunter Death's Head who was hired by the Raptors to capture Chris and bring him back to them alive. After learning that Death's Head had a spaceship, Chris was able to convince Death's Head to take him to the Raptors. After saying goodbye to Miranda, Chris and Death's Head traveled to where Death's Head was to meet the Raptors, the planet Arcturus IV; however, the Raptors betrayed Death's Head and destroyed his ship. Chris survived the ship's destruction and confronted the Raptors, but he was quickly overwhelmed by their numbers.
Chris' Darkhawk Amulet was removed from his body by the Raptors' leader Gyre and used in a ceremony to transform Richard Rider's brother Robbie Rider into the being called Dark Darkhawk by fusing him with Ratha'kon, a being supposedly more powerful than the Phoenix Force. The Raptors then left a dying Chris where he was set off to destroy Earth. As Chris dragged himself across the ground, he encountered his other half Razor who revealed to him the origins of the Tree of Shadows and of the first Raptor. After some coaxing from Razor, Chris tapped into his hidden strength and emerged with a new Darkhawk body after fully fusing his mind with the armor. Chris then flew after the Raptors to stop them.[16]
Chris battled the Raptors with help from Death's Head and Nova Prime. Nova made it difficult to fight Dark Darkhawk as he preferred to reason with his brother Robbie than fight him. Dark Darkhawk then shockingly turned on Gyre and destroyed him while stating that he would bring order to the universe, not Gyre. The Raptors were eventually stopped when Death's Head rigged the power core of the Kree ship the Raptors stole to explode. Only Dark Starhawk survived the explosion, though stunned, allowing Chris to reclaim his Darkhawk Amulet. Dark Starhawk then disappeared in a flash of light after striking his Nega-Bands together. Grieving over the loss of Robbie, Nova angrily told Chris to stay on Earth or he would have him locked up. After Chris returned to Earth, he decided stay out of space for a while. Later that night, he was met by Sleepwalker while he dreamed, telling him that the influence of the Infinity Stones threatened the Mindscape and that the only way he could protect it was to become a Sleepwalker.[17]
Young Again
Darkhawk attended Thanos' funeral along with prominent cosmic figures where it was revealed that Thanos had transferred his mind into a new body. However, the Black Order came and stole Thanos' corpse, while opening a rip in space in order to trap them.[18] While trapped there, Darkhawk's atoms began to break apart, affecting his link to the suit. After being captured by the Universal Church of Truth from a possible future, Chris found out that his body was merged with the armor and that he had become younger than when he first found the amulet.[19] Under the control of the Church, Darkhawk and the other prisoners attacked the Guardians of the Galaxy, but Rocket Raccoon was able to free them from the Church's control and sent the church back to their timeline.[20]
After the Void was leading the forces of the Cancerverse into invading the Negative Zone, Darkhawk was among the heroes summoned by Mister Fantastic using his Dimensional Anchor in order to defeat the Scourge. Once the Silver Surfer managed to merge Bob Reynolds with Void back, Nova sacrificed himself in order to defeat the Scourge, ending the threat.[21]
Powers and Abilities
Power Grid [24]Intelligence 2Strength4 Speed*5  3Durability4 Energy Projection*6  3Fighting Skills 2* Armor Transformations
Skilled Combatant: Chris is skilled in Kendo and an unidentified branch of Karate.[citation needed]
Strength level
25+ Tons.[15]
Darkhawk Amulet:
Consciousness Transfer: Chris can transfer his consciousness into the Darkhawk's alien android while at the same time, switch the robotic body's place with that of his own body wherever he is at any time.[citation needed]
Darkhawk Android: The Darkhawk Armor is advanced Shi'ar technology meshed with magic, allowing the host numerous superhuman capabilities:
Superhuman Strength: The Armor allows Chris to lift in the excess of 25+ tons. Able to knock out Venom.[citation needed]
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Durability: Darkhawk is superhumanly durable; he is capable of shrugging off physical impacts, energy blasts, and most artillery fire.
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Armament Conjuration: The Android can summon weapons from the extra-dimensional expanse from whence they came, or manifest desired munitions from its own body at will.[citation needed]
Flight: The retractable glider wings under his arms allow him to glide on air currents. Darkhawk can also fly at speeds that let him fly from New York to California in only a matter of hours. After the Darkhawk armor attained a new form, Chris is able to fly interstellar distances.[22]
Self Repair: Even major injuries to his Darkhawk body can be repaired by switching back to his human form.[citation needed]
Superhuman Vision: Darkhawk has telescopic and infra-red vision. He can see through most camouflage.[citation needed]
Force Field: Chris can utilize a circular wafer-thin force field.[citation needed]
Concussion Blasts: He can fire blasts of destructive dark energy from the amulet on his chest.[citation needed]
Mode Shifting: Talons can morph their bodies into a host of augmentative forms. Becoming transparent, doubling body armor, projecting greater weaponry, etc.[citation needed]
Formerly *Avengers Identicard
Formerly Avengers Quinjet
Darkhawk's armor and appearance has been a continued source of debate amongst Marvel "True-Believers." After his series was canceled, his new appearances often reverted back to the original Darkhawk armor. As of his Loners appearances, he is in "DH 1.0" form, although he had appeared a few times as DH 2.0 prior to this.[citation needed]
It has been a misunderstanding amongst many readers and fans of Darkhawk that he was aware of his status as a hero within the Marvel 2099 universe, in which he is known as "The Powell," one of the "most powerful, and feared, heroes in the universe." This wasn't Earth-928 (or Marvel 2099), it was a similar cyberpunk dystopia world within Chronopolis. This was resolved by DeFalco himself within the letter columns in one of the final issues of the ongoing series.[citation needed]
Links and References
185 Appearances of Christopher Powell (Earth-616)
15 Minor Appearances of Christopher Powell (Earth-616)
Media Christopher Powell (Earth-616) was Mentioned in
123 Images featuring Christopher Powell (Earth-616)
13 Quotations by or about Christopher Powell (Earth-616)
Character Gallery: Christopher Powell (Earth-616) 
Christopher Powell (Earth-616) on Wikipedia.org 
Darkhawk Zone: The Ultimate Darkhawk Fansite
Darkhawk @ New Warriors Continuity Conundrum
New Warriors Message Board
Recommended Readings
Darkhawk #1-50 (March 1991, April 1995)
Darkhawk Annual #1-3 (1992, 1994)
New Warriors #14, 22-25, 47-51
New Warriors Annual #3
Avengers West Coast #93-95
Runaways Vol 2 #1-6
Marvel Team-Up #15-18, 25 (2005)
Loners #1-6 (2007)
Nova (vol. 4) #17-#19 (November 2008, January 2009)
War of Kings: Darkhawk #1 and #2 (February 2009 and March 2009)
War of Kings: Ascension #1-4 (April 2009, July 2009)
Discover and Discuss
Search this site for: Christopher Powell (Earth-616)
↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #3
↑ 2.02.1 The Loners #1
↑ Avengers Vol 3 #2
↑ Darkhawk Annual #3
↑ Darkhawk #1
↑ Amazing Spider-Man #353
↑ Runaways Vol 2 #1-3
↑ Runaways Vol 2 #6
↑ The Loners Vol 1-6
↑ Nova #17-18
↑ Avengers Arena #1
↑ Avengers Arena #3
↑ Avengers Arena #4
↑ Avengers Arena #18
↑ 15.015.1 Darkhawk #51
↑ Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #1-3
↑ Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #4
↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #1
↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Annual Vol 3 #1
↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 5 #11-12
↑ Annihilation - Scourge Omega #1
↑ Infinity Countdown: Darkhawk #3
↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #3
↑ Darkhawk #51, Trading Card Variant
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dovechim · 6 years
you’re my kryptonite (m)
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➾ 17.3k
➾ superhero! hoseok (please listen to anpanman before/during reading💓)
➾ warnings: mentions of outrage of modesty (minor), public sex, unprotected sex, slight degradation, cum, breathplay, temperature play, dangerous rooftop sex (pls don’t do this), mentions of death, torture 
➾ summary: Superheroes are immortal, they are everything we are not. The Krypton are a race of superhumans sent down to Earth to protect humans, and they are the epitome of nobility and protection. You have always believed in their immortal, God-like powers, revered and admired them your entire life. Your wish for your very own superhero is granted when you meet Jung Hoseok, a Krypton with the most unique, powerful abilities you’ve ever seen.
But when a couple of Krypton go rogue, and your faith in the superheroes you’d believed in all your life is shaken and uprooted, you realise that sometimes, you have to be your own hero instead.
ps: thank you so much to my fave hoseok hoes, @readyplayerhobi , @94hixtape and @wonhopes for listening to me rant about this fic <3 u guys are my heroes!!! 💜 and ofc, thank you to my lovely followers who sent in suggestions and gave me the Nasty Fuel i needed!
In the past month alone, the crime rate has risen by 250%. How can you protect your family? Want a peace of mind whenever you go out? Look no further, for we have your solution right here!
“Are you at it again?” Somin calls from the kitchen, but you ignore her as you continue to stare dreamily at the television set.
Millions of years ago, The Kryptons landed on our planet, sent to protect the human race with their God like powers. Now, we can’t imagine life without them- and why should we? We believe The Kryptons were sent to help us to live our best lives. One Krypton to every human. Just as nature intended. Call us to get yourself your very own superhero guardian angel now!
“Daydreaming about something you can’t afford? Why don’t you take a 12 month instalment instead?”
“Superheroes are not an electrical appliance,” you retort weakly even as the ad features barely clothed men in loin cloths, muscles bulging as they escort petite young women home under the cover of night. “Anyway, this ad is totally misrepresenting them. Not all superheroes are ripped like that.”
“Please,” Somin says as she fumbles through her morning coffee. “Who wants a skinny superhero anyway? Aren’t superheroes only good for their physique? How else are they better than us otherwise?”
“Not all…” your voice doesn’t travel all the way to the kitchen, because you’ve long ago given up on trying to convince Somin to let herself be assigned a Krypton. She belongs to the rare group of people who still remain sceptical of the superhumans that have integrated themselves with the human race ever since they landed on Earth all those years ago. Why sign up for an additional burden when she’s survived all 23 years of her life alone?
Somin strolls in with her nose still in her mug, taking a seat next to you as she switches the channel.
“This just in: a group of assassinators have infiltrated the Pyramid House, making attempts on the President’s life.” The newscaster on television is currently standing in front of a once regal building, now reduced to scraps of concrete and crumbling pillars. “Thankfully, the President’s dedicated team of Krypton bodyguards managed to whisk him away to safety.”
The footage on television cuts to a scene of carnage within the President’s quarters itself, the interior completely decimated and unrecognisable. You’ve never seen destruction on such a large scale before. As the newscaster begins to detail the approximate body count, you reach to switch the channel.
“Hey, I was watching that!” Somin says as she attempts to wrestle the remote from you.
“Why depress yourself further? Life is already hard enough… what is the world coming to these days,” you mutter to yourself, but Somin is almost freakishly strong as she manages to steal the remote from you.
“Damn, look at that, it’s completely destroyed,” Somin’s eyes are glued to the television screen as you stand up, straightening your pencil skirt as you stroll into the kitchen to continue making breakfast. “Look at that carnage. The building is destroyed beyond repair. That kind of damage couldn’t have been done just by guns or machinery alone. The culprits must have been way more than just your random ragtag group of criminals. And who else could have been capable of such large scale destruction? Kryptons, that’s who. Just because they’re Earth’s protectors, doesn’t mean they can’t and won’t go rogue. We give them so much power over us, when the time does come and they decide that us mere humans aren’t worth keeping around-“
Somin stands up, brandishing her empty coffee cup. “They’re the real bad guys!���
“There you go again with your conspiracy theories,” you finish buttering a slice of bread, slapping some egg mayo onto one side before you slice the entire sandwich in half. “You’ve been watching too many movies lately. You know those things only happen in the fantasy realm- here, the real bad guys we have to face are those stack of bills over there.”
“And next up on the morning news, a young woman was recently found dead in an alley by police at approximately 5am this morning,” the newscaster has moved on already. “There were no injuries found on her body, the cause of death is still yet to be determined. This is the second such case in a month, authorities are currently investigating.”
“See! Another mysterious death! I’ll bet it’s another one of those Kryptons-“
Emerging into the living room again, you shove a sandwich into her mouth before she can say anything further. “Are you even listening to yourself? The Krypton are our superheroes! They make up majority of our lawkeeping forces!” 
“Which is why it would be easy for them to take over!” Somin argues over the newscaster currently delivering a report on the autopsy of the newest victim.
“And don’t change the subject, it’s your turn with the rent this month, hmm?” You pat her lovingly on the head as she takes a bite and chews reluctantly. Somin pouts at the mention of rent, and switches off the television, getting to her feet and following you to the door.
With her sandwich stuffed in her mouth, she rubs her hands together, giving you puppy eyes as you slide your feet into your heels and get ready to lock the door. “Please, can this just be your month one more time? I promise I’ll pay double next month!”
You don’t reply as you walk toward the lift, peering into your bag to make sure you have all your essentials for the day. Somin hastily follows suit, straightening her blazer and brushing her bangs into place on her forehead as she gets into the same lift as you.
You pinch her cheek between your fingers, “Just do well for your interview today, brat.”
All those news reports are wrong. The real villain in your mundane life is taking public transport during rush hour.
Being confined in a tiny little train cabin, with tons of sweaty bodies pressed up against you is slowly taking a toll on your sanity. But this has been your reality for the past five years of your life. The woman beside you is currently absorbed in watching some drama serial on her phone, tuned out from the real world as she jams her handbag into your ribs unknowingly. Irritated, you try to shift away from her, but you only jostle up into another body next to yours, and you feel a stray hand slide down your side, coming around to briefly cup your ass before it draws away.
Heat singes your cheeks as you flinch automatically, your elbow flailing and knocking the woman’s phone out of her hands. She hisses in displeasure, and you can only apologise hastily to her while attempting to move away from that stray hand as best as you can in the crowded quarters, but the most you can move is only a few inches.
You clutch your bag to your chest, with your heart pounding in your chest as you bite your lip hard. If it’s just a misunderstanding, you don’t want to call attention to yourself and make a fuss out of nothing. You’ve never felt more helpless than you do right in this very moment, rooted to the spot with your voice stuck in your throat. If only you had your very own Krypton to swoop in and save the day, you wouldn’t have to deal with this at all. You’re trying your best to remain as small as possible in the confined space, but a trickle of dread makes its way down your spine as you feel a touch on your waist, making its way down your thigh and towards the hem of your skirt. Your voice feels as if it’s stuck in your throat, palms clammy against the strap of your bag as you struggle to calm your racing heart, to say something, call for help, anything-
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
You’re startled to find that the resulting voice is not yours, and the source of it comes from behind you. The touch withdraws from you abruptly, and you turn to face your saviour, only to find a young man with light brown hair parted in the middle of his forehead, with his hand clasped firmly around your perpetrator’s wrist.
There is a growing commotion as you can only stare at the young man who saved you. Your perpetrator is a middle aged man who is half-heartedly trying to deny the allegations, but with the firm insistence of your saviour and the resulting mob psychology, he is forced into a corner, restrained by a couple of other passengers who continue to interrogate him.
“Miss, are you okay?” His voice jolts you out of your daze, and you tear your gaze away from them toward your brown haired saviour. “Here, sit down for a moment till we get to the next station.”
His gentle hands are on your elbow, guiding you to an empty seat that someone has given up for you. You lift a shaky hand to brush your hair out of your eyes so that you can get a better look at the young man who is peering at you in concern. When you look up into his eyes, you’re stunned to realise that they are the lightest shade of pearlescent pewter, and they are filled with worry when you remain speechless. You are entirely absorbed by his radiant beauty that seems to resonate from his smile alone. There are two little dimples on either side of his chin that further highlight his charming grin, and for some reason, it’s the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen, and you’re completely captivated by this man.
“You must have been shocked, right? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything, I’ll just need you to follow me to the next station so we can make a report, okay?” He smiles when you nod mutely.
The announcement for the next station prompts him to take your hand and gently tug you up from your seat. His long, dainty fingers are wrapped around yours securely, and he leads you out of the train, with your molester held firm in his other hand, dragging him along with what seems like a surprising show of strength given his lean stature.
When you reach the control station, your saviour maintains a firm, reassuring grip on your hand as he says a few words to the station personnel, as well as the few Kryptons stationed alongside them. Remembering that Kryptons are easily identified by their unusually vibrant eyes, you watch as your perpetrator is interrogated by a sapphire-eyed Krypton- a Clairvoyant- and the officer who comes over to you to take your statement has emerald eyes, so he must be a Mass Manipulator, capable of super strength.
Your voice is still a little shaky and unstable as you give details and recount the entire incident. Your Krypton thanks you with a smile as he finishes your statement, leaving to help his partner finish up his interrogation before they haul the culprit away. A trill ring from your bag distracts you, and as you dig through, looking for your phone, you realise that you’re terribly late for work, and the call is probably from your boss asking where you are.
“You’re probably late to work, right?” The man with the enchanting grey eyes has a voice that is equally as mesmerizing. You press the ignore button on your call hastily 
“N-no, it’s alright, I’ll just catch the next train or something,” you give him a forced smile, still unable to believe how utterly beautiful this handsome stranger is. It occurs to you that you haven’t thanked him properly till now, and you curse your own incoherence in the face of such a good looking man. “Thank you so much for your help! I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble this morning, you must be late to work too?”
You briefly take in his attire of a pair of skinny jeans and a thin white shirt, but he grins and shakes his head. “Oh, I’m alright, but let me call you a cab.”
“N-no, it’s alright, I’ll just take the train,” you start to politely refuse his offer, but he only walks towards the taxi stand nearby, waving a hand to stop a taxi for you. He opens the door for you, gesturing for you to get in, and you bite your lip hard, wondering how to best turn down his offer when you know you can’t afford that $15 ride to the Central Business District where you work.
You sigh internally, deciding that you’ll just have to skip lunch for the next two days as you get into the car. He closes the door for you, and before you can react, he passes a wad of cash to the driver and gives you a little salute. “It’s on me today, miss. Have a lovely day!”
The car starts to move off, but you hastily wind down the window and stick your head out of the car, straining to keep him in your line of sight. “Wait! You never told me your name! How can I repay you?”
But your saviour only waves you off with a charming smile. “I’m Hoseok! And you’re welcome!”
You aren’t too late to work thanks to Hoseok, and when you burst into the meeting room, you realise that your boss hasn’t even arrived yet, and you set up for your presentation in a frenzied state of mind, skin still tingling from Hoseok’s touch, and his grey eyes still haunting your thoughts endlessly.
You’ve never seen anyone with eyes like that, not even a Krypton.
All throughout work, the hot topic of the day is clearly the attempt on the President’s life. With investigations still ongoing, rumours are rampant that the assassins are actually the Kryptons. No mere mortal could have snuck past all those security defences and overpowered the military security force on patrol, and besides, the resultant damages were beyond catastrophic.
Gossip abounds all around you, but they’re nothing more than just fact-less rumours. Besides, you have more important things to do, like stalk every single social media platform you have just to find Hoseok’s profile. Just as you’re mindlessly scrolling through your feed, your boss drops by with an armful of files that she unloads onto your desk, and you barely even have time to breathe amidst all the data entry, calculations and refiling that you have to do.  
In addition, she casually remarks over her shoulder that the storeroom could use a good and thorough cleaning before next week, leaving you slumped in your chair as you mentally prepare yourself to clock in another late day tonight.
“Hey, aren’t you getting off work?”  Your co-worker, Jimin, is grabbing his coat from the back of his chair, shutting off his workstation.
You glance up from the pile of paperwork on your desk with a tired yawn, rolling your shoulders to regain some semblance of circulation and hearing way too many joints in your body cracking. That can’t be healthy, can it?
“You go ahead, I’m just gonna finish up some stuff here,” you wave him off with a tired smile and continue working on your spreadsheets till you can feel your temples aching. When you glance out the window, the sun has already long ago set, having given way to a light drizzle that is slowly getting heavier and heavier. Somin has already texted you multiple times to ask if you’re getting dinner for the both of you on the way home.
Recalling the earlier news reports about the increasing crime rate has you glancing repeatedly at the clock to keep track of time. If only you had your very own Krypton to escort you home, then you wouldn’t have this uneasy lump in your throat as you clock the ever descending darkness outside. With Somin’s adamant refusal to get assigned, you try to convince yourself that you’ll be fine. But somehow, her logic of ‘I’ve lived my entire life without one of those Kryptons’ doesn’t quite work for you the way it does for her.
You hurry to the storeroom with crossed fingers, hoping that there won’t be much in the storeroom for you to organise, but you know better than that. There are stacks and stacks of cardboard boxes jammed up against the door, making it hard for you to even squeeze your way past it. It takes you nearly 20 minutes before you manage to slip past the crack in the door and flick on the lights in the dusty little room.
You get to work trying to move the top box from the pile, grunting with the effort and your muscles strain as it lands on the floor heavily in an awkward angle, twisting your wrist in the process. You grit your teeth and cradle your arm to your chest for a moment, massaging your wrist tenderly and wincing when pain shoots up your entire limb. The pain makes you collapse onto the dusty floor with tears brimming in your eyes, looking up at the huge stack of boxes still to be unpacked and organised, and desperation wells up in your chest.
You can’t do this. You’re too weak. It’s impossible for a mere mortal like you. If only you had an assigned Krypton…
You don’t know how much time has passed as you sit there in tears, staring at the stacks and stacks of boxes through the tears that clouds your vision. What makes it worse is that everyone would have left work by now, so there’s absolutely no one here who can help you but yourself. The knowledge leaves you paralyzed on the floor, overcome with your own perceived weakness as you continue staring up at the stack of boxes in a daze. But then, the door widens just a crack, and you immediately push yourself to your feet, crying out when you put weight on your injured wrist before hastily wiping the tears from your cheeks. “S-sorry, I was just unpacking in here, it’s just-“
The man that looks down at you has emerald eyes, indicating that he’s a Krypton, and you nearly sag onto the floor in relief.
Finally, you’re saved.
“Do you need help?” He says with a kind smile, offering a hand to help you up.
You vaguely recognise him as Kim Taehyung, an Account Manager who is also your Jimin’s assigned Krypton. Having seen the two of them together on more than one occasion, they have been the subject of many lunch gossips, with some even speculating that there is more than simply a mortal-Krypton relationship between them. While not uncommon, it is literally the stuff of fairytales, and you can only dream of one day being able to fall in love with your very own Krypton just like that.
“Why are you still at work? I thought everyone had left ages ago.”
“Oh, I was just packing up when I heard a noise from the storeroom. Lucky I decided to check it out, hmmm?” His emerald gaze glows as he shifts the stack of boxes away from the door effortlessly. Turning to you, Taehyung gets down on one knee as he inspects your injured wrist before shrugging helplessly. “Sorry, I can’t do anything about this, better call a Healer Krypton. Where’s your assigned Krypton? Shouldn’t he be here instead?”
Biting your lip hard, you just give him a small smile and turn to the boxes on the floor. “I’m okay, really.”
But Taehyung won’t let it go. As a Krypton, his instinct is to protect and serve mortal humans, so he gently takes your hand to stop you from straining your wrist any further. “Hey, I’ll do it. At that rate, you’re going to take forever. Let me help you. You just need these unpacked and in those cupboards right?”
“R-right,” you hold your hand to your chest as you watch him unpack and sort through the giveaways at an inhumane speed. With his super strength, he sends all the brochures and flyers onto one shelf, the thick stacks of magazines onto another shelf, and notebooks onto another.
He crushes the empty cardboard boxes with a single glance so that they’re flat, levitating them through the air as he gestures you toward the door. “Let me call you a cab so you can go to the hospital to take a look at that wrist, if you don’t have a Healer Krypton. I’d ask Yoongi to do it, but he’s already left for the day.”
You turn to look at Taehyung in surprise, “no, it’s okay! You don’t have to go with me. Won’t Jimin be jealous?”
The emerald eyed mutant only raises an eyebrow in confusion. “Jealous? Why would Jiminnie be jealous of me helping you like this? It’s my duty as a Krypton to help all mortals in need, and-“
“No, I meant, aren’t the two of you… you know,” you make a vague gesture with your hands, a blush heating up your cheeks as Taehyung throws his head back in genuine laughter. “At least that’s what I heard.”
Taehyung shrugs easily. “Not that it matters. Our duty is to protect and help you in times of need. He’ll understand.”
You don’t miss the familiar way in which Taehyung refers to Jimin, but instead of commenting on it, you nod thoughtfully as Taehyung walks you back through the quieter sections of the office. “Taehyung… is it possible for a Krypton to… go rogue?”
“What? Never. It’s impossible,” Taehyung answers immediately, shaking his head vehemently. “Where did you hear such a thing? We are, first and foremost, a peace-keeping force on this Earth. It’s what we were brought here to do. We settle everything in a non-violent manner as far as possible. Are you having trouble with your assigned Krypton? Is that why he isn’t here to protect you?”
“No!” You laugh nervously. “Not at all, in fact, I don’t even have an assigned Krypton yet.”
“You should definitely get one as soon as possible,” Taehyung pauses as he hands you your bag, escorting you to the lift. “You’re going to need it. These days, it’s dangerous to go out alone without a Krypton. I don’t know what’s happening to this town lately, but rest assured, with the Krypton around, you don’t have to worry about it at all.”
Taehyung walks you to the taxi stand nearby before he scratches his neck, shifting his weight on his feet as he glances out at the empty road. “Hey, I really don’t want to leave you here, but Jimin’s already waiting for me at home… if I’m late for dinner just one more time, he’ll-“
“Oh I get it, I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you this much already! I’ll be fine,” you wave him away hastily. “Go ahead!”
“Alright,” Taehyung still seems reluctant, his phone chimes in his pocket, distracting him as he pulls it out to check it. “Well… make sure you take a taxi straight to the hospital, alright? See you tomorrow!”
You wait till he’s well out of sight before you start walking to the nearest bus stop instead. Only rich people have the privilege of seeing a Healer Krypton, but for people like you, it’s straight to bed with an ice pack and an ace bandage. When a light drizzle starts up, Taehyung��s suggestion seems even more tempting, but you’ve already taken a taxi to work once, which more than the last five years combined, so taking one home again tonight would feel way too luxurious.
Cursing softly under your breath for leaving your umbrella at home, you hitch up your coat over your head to shield yourself from the rain. But you must have made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, vision obscured by your coat still shielding your head from the incessant rain, because you suddenly find yourself in an unfamiliar alley. Recalling snippets of the news report earlier that morning, you feel a shiver run down your spine as you speed up your walk, phone clutched tightly in your grip and panicked eyes darting around vigilantly.
Hopefully, you can get out of this grimy little alleyway and get your bearings soon enough. The rain makes it even harder to see, and you regret wearing your flimsy little heels, for they slow you down noticeably.
Resounding splashes from behind you make you turn around, realising you’re being followed as you can just about make out the silhouette of a burly figure in the darkness. Your heart speeds up in your chest as you attempt to quicken your footsteps, but you place your heel on a particularly slippery spot, and your ankle gives way.
“Are you alright?” A voice sounds from behind you, and you catch a glimpse of sapphire hued eyes glowing in the dark. Your heart settles in your chest, immediately sagging against the ground in relief. With Kryptons around, no crook would ever dare lay a hand on you.
The voice draws nearer, and as you struggle to get to your feet, there is a throbbing pain in your temples that renders you immobile. The mind numbingly overwhelming migraine leaves you helpless as the stranger’s hands close around your elbows, forcing you to stay down on the ground as the pain only grows stronger.
“Pl-please help me, my head…” you say to the Clairvoyant Krypton as the stranger takes you into his arms and you relax completely, entrusting your life to the superhuman whose entire race was devoted to protecting mere mortals like you.
The Krypton places his hand over your forehead, and as his large palm comes into contact with your skin, the pain only grows stronger, and you struggle in his grasp, breathing growing laboured.
“Shush, little one, it’ll only hurt more if you struggle,” his voice is a raspy baritone, and as you fight to hold on to your consciousness, you keep your eyes glued to the way his doe eyed, sapphire gaze burns into yours. “Just give in, don’t fight me, darling.”
Lulled into a sense of security by the Krypton’s words, your eyes start to droop, muscles relaxing as you sink into his grasp, consciousness slipping away from you as the pain only increases its crescendo in your temples, until-
There is a blast of howling cold wind that buffets both you and the Krypton, and you are tossed aside, the Krypton groaning loudly and losing his grip on you as he registers the impact upon his body. Once his hand loses contact with your forehead, the pain immediately subsides, but you are far too weak to even sit up, so you remain collapsed on your side as you watch another figure slowly descend from mid-air, remaining slightly elevated so that their feet aren’t touching the wet, muddy ground.
The rain abruptly comes to a stop as the sapphire eyed Krypton remains collapsed on the ground, until the figure reaches out to pull him upright until he is on his knees, and then he lets go, leaving the Clairvoyant hunched over, his chin bowed to his chest. Then, with his hand back around the Clairvoyant’s neck, the figure lifts him until his knees no longer touch the ground, and you can see the tendons in his neck bulging, his biceps tightening as he struggles. Briefly, he opens his eyes and they glow a cerulean blue, denoting his attempt to utilise his power of mind control over his opponent, but to no avail as the floating figure only chuckles.
Belatedly, your still foggy mind realises that this must be a showdown between two Kryptons, but what kind of power does that floating figure have? And why would they be fighting each other, when they were creatures of justice who couldn’t even harm a fly?
Your eyes travel up the length of the mysterious, floating figure, partially enshrouded by the cover of the night so you can barely make out any of their defining features. But judging from their stature, it is most definitely a man, if only you could see their face-
The figure’s eyes are glowing, as if illuminated by lightning, making the rest of his features seem inhuman, to the extent of resembling an ethereal, otherworldly being. You can just about make out his straight, slim nose, chiselled jawline and delicate lips, and you are breathless as he slowly lets his feet rest upon the soaked ground. With a wave of his hand, the kneeling Krypton before him is sent flying into the cement wall in an explosion of rubble.
Turning his attention to you, the figure takes a few steps before he kneels. His eyes slowly darken as the illumination fades, and as you struggle to meet his gaze, you gasp as you’re met with the same pewter gray as this morning.
Amidst your bedraggled, half drenched appearance, you try your best to tame your ruined hair do as you glance up at him, still looking as handsome as ever with rivulets of rainwater streaming down his chiselled jaw. His hair is swept back off his forehead as he places his arm around your shoulders, sliding the other underneath your thighs to scoop you close to his chest.
With the sudden proximity, your breath is snatched right out of your chest, and you struggle for something to say in response. “H-hi, Hoseok, I’m welcome.”
Hoseok only laughs a deep, belly laugh at your attempted Dad joke.
“Wh-who was that? Back in that alley? It was a Clairvoyant, right?” Your teeth are still chattering, and even though you’ve insisted that you’re fine about a million times over, Hoseok refuses to set you down until you’re at your doorstep. He only relents when you tell him you can’t unlock the door from this angle, but once you’re inside, he forces you to put your feet up again. “Why was my head hurting so much? Did he… do something to me?”
Hoseok has his mouth set in a grim line as he wraps a towel around your shivering frame. “He would have, if I didn’t get there in time.”
“Wh-what do you mean? Wasn’t he a Krypton, I thought Kryptons were supposed to protect and help us, and-“
“Not all. Recently, there have been murder and assassination reports that couldn’t have been committed by anything but a Krypton. That level of destruction and power, nothing else could explain it.”
“You sound just like my roommate Somin,” you dismiss his crazy theory with a shake of your head. “I mean, I understand if she’s anti-Krypton, there are people who believe that we can survive fine without them. But I never imagined a Krypton would be against his own race like this.”
Hoseok runs his hands through his hair in frustration, heaving a sigh. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me, and it’s normal. You were brought up your whole life to believe that us Kryptons are nothing but peace-loving, enforcers of justice who can do no wrong. But it’s all propaganda. My people, we aren’t as righteous as everyone makes us out to be.”
He turns to you now, his eyes pleading his desperation. “You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to. Just please, let me stay by your side.”
With Hoseok this close, you can feel his warm breath against your cheek in gentle puffs that somehow manages to both calm you down and send your heart racing at the same time. He reaches for the towel around your shoulders to pull it over your head, rubbing it against your hair gently to dry it. Hoseok then brings his hands to cup your face, and his warmth feels heavenly against your still cold and clammy skin, and you close your eyes.
You think back to the immense pain that radiated through your temples the moment that Clairvoyant Krypton had his hand over your forehead. Although it had seemed impossible at the time, it makes sense now that his power of mind controller would only be magnified through physical touch, and had he been given just a tad more time, no doubt would he have fried your brains and left you for dead in that cold, dark alley.
Just like those two other victims before you.
“No. I believe you.”
“Just let me be your hero.” Hoseok says softly, his lips are only an inch away from yours. “After knowing what it’s like to save you, I don’t think I could live with the idea of letting anyone else take my place.”
Your eyes drop to his lips, noting how soft they look, and Hoseok brings a hand to cup your cheek gently, stroking the soft flesh with his thumb.
There’s only one hitch to this whole plan: Somin.
Hoseok manages to sneak out of the house undetected the next morning after having spent the night in your room- sleeping on the floor, of course, on his insistence- and you have it all thought out.
You’re up bright and early to make Somin’s favourite- golden, fluffy and syrupy pancakes that are on the table the moment she stumbles into the kitchen blearily. Upon catching sight of them, she gives you a surprised look, but apparently, her hunger surpasses her suspicion, and she devours half her stack before you gather the courage to even utter a single word.
“S-somin, um, I have something to-“
“Spit it out,” Somin doesn’t even glance up from her plate in the midst of mopping up every single drop of syrup.
You sigh internally. “Listen, so there may be Kryptons going rogue lately-“
“So you believe me! Finally!” She pumps her fist into the air, nearly sending drops of syrup everywhere, and you wince in response, watching her wave her sticky fork around.
“And so,” you continue smoothly, “I thought I’d get us our very own Krypton to protect us!”
All her elation immediately deflates as she stares at you in disbelief. “Really? That’s your brilliant solution? You deduce that Kryptons are going rogue, and then you get another Krypton to protect us? How do you know that this Krypton isn’t a rogue one? Did you develop some magical rogue Krypton detector overnight or something?”
You hold up your hands in defense, “whoa, hold up there with the sarcasm, it’s way too early for this. And how come you’re suddenly acting like you’re the older one here?”
Somin only slumps in her seat, the corners of her mouth turned downward in an unspoken apology. “I’m just trying to keep us safe.”
If you told her about what happened last night with that Clairvoyant Krypton, there’s no doubt she would freak out even more, and then your chances of convincing her to let Hoseok protect the two of you would go down the drain just like that.
“I met this Krypton,” you begin calmly, and just as you anticipated, Somin’s eyes grow wide, but you hurry on before she can say anything. “And he can protect us. If there are rogue Kryptons running around, then our only chances of survival lie with the Krypton who are on the side of the law. Please, Somin. You saw how much damage was done to the Pyramid House. Us humans don’t stand a chance against Kryptons if they were to turn on us like that. You know that. He’s our only hope.”
Somin remains silent for a moment, running the twines of her fork through the puddles of sticky syrup that still remains on her plate. “Alright. But I just have one last question. If you can convince me with your answer, I’ll accept him.”
“Really?” You sit up straight in your seat, nodding intently at her. “What is it?”
“How do you know this Krypton can be trusted? What if he is the rogue one?”
Once more, you think back to the way Hoseok had cradled you in his own arms back in that alley, the flash of rage in his illuminated gaze as he sent the other rogue Krypton crashing into the wall.
“Because he saved my life,” you’re at a loss for words, offering her this simple reasoning as you shrug helplessly. “I’ve never seen another Krypton like him, with the kind of powers he has. I can’t explain it, and it probably sounds phony as hell to you, but he makes me feel safe. Whenever I see him, it’s like I know that no matter what happens, he’ll be there to save the day.”
You don’t expect Somin to believe you, not when you can’t seem to believe the words that are spilling from your tongue yourself. It’s just indescribable, how much Hoseok means to you, and what he has come to mean to you, at this point. Hoseok is nothing like the Krypton you grew up dreaming of- he isn’t insanely jacked with bulging muscles, but he can still carry you to safety when he needs to, and neither does he own a shiny Batmobile, but when it matters the most, he still manages to show up just in time to save you.
He isn’t just any Krypton, he is the Krypton you were always meant to be paired with.  
“Alright. He can move in with us, starting tomorrow. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know, I guess,” Somin brings her plate to the sink, turning her back to you as she starts scrubbing the dishes.
For a moment, you are left speechless, but then you remember that you left Hoseok out in the cold outside your apartment, waiting for you to let him in once you’ve convinced Somin.
“Um… how about we make that today?”
“So, what is your power exactly?” Somin is currently interrogating a very nervous looking Hoseok as he sits up, ramrod straight, at the counter with his hands folded neatly in his lap.  His eyes slide over to you, and you give him a small nod and a reassuring smile.
“My emotions are in tune with the weather, and I can control them that way,” Hoseok starts off nervously. To distract him, you push a plate of pancakes over to him, sliding a fork into his hand. “A-and, um-“
“Oh. So just a weather forecaster? How would that help if we’re faced with a rogue Krypton? A Mass Manipulator, for instance?”
“Somin…” you sigh as you watch her bustle around the kitchen, not even pausing for a moment to make eye contact with Hoseok. “Be nice.”
“I am being nice, I’m just asking what he can do to protect us if the event ever arose,” she crosses her arms defensively. “At this rate, it seems as if we might be better off without him. In fact, we might even have to protect him.”
“Once I touch another Krypton, I gain the ability to use their power as well,” Hoseok says quietly, his fork now set aside. “And it’s permanent, too.”
Both you and Somin are stunned into silence, a new regard for the stormy eyed Krypton sitting at your kitchen counter who is more powerful than you could have ever imagined. You can just barely hear an impressed whistle coming from Somin’s direction as she sizes him up and down as if he were a wrestler due to enter the ring for his next match.
“What powers do you have currently? Who was the last Krypton you touched?”
You and Hoseok exchange a brief glance before he turns to her with a casual shrug. “The weather control ability belongs to me. On top of that, I have Invisibility and Clairvoyance, why?”
“Hmm, well, nothing,” Somin says casually as she stirs some cream into her coffee, taking a careful sip so as not to burn herself. “It’s just, I have a really important interview today, and-“
“Don’t wear your nude heels today, they’ll break just after you get off the bus. And your interviewer, she’ll be in a bad mood because her baby threw a tantrum this morning. Appease her by getting her a coffee. Her favourite is Hazelnut latte.”
Somin looks as if she’s struggling not to look visibly impressed as she heads for the door, slowly sipping on the rest of her coffee. Before she leaves, she gives you and Hoseok one last look.
“Well, it’s not that I believe in such bullshit, or anything, but better safe than sorry, right? I’ll need all the luck I can get for this one!” Somin chooses a pair of dark red heels instead as she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Wish me luck for today’s interview!” 
“Good luck!” You shout belatedly after her as she disappears out the door.
“Looks like she’s warming up,” Hoseok comments as he slumps against the kitchen counter in relief. “You didn’t tell me she was so scary!”
“Awww, is my cute little superhero scared?” You reach over to ruffle his hair fondly, a smirk tugging on your lips when he grunts in irritation. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the big bad meanie!”
You reach to give his cheek a fond little pinch, but Hoseok catches your wrist just before you can make any contact, and there is something entirely different about his gaze that takes your breath away as he draws you in close to him. His breath is now on your neck, and those tempting lips of his are dangerously close to your skin.
“We’ll see who’s the big bad wolf over here,” his low murmur sends a pleasant shiver down your spine, and his other hand cups the dip of your waist intimately, stroking your delicate curves with a flaming touch that you can feel even through the material of your dress. “If you’re not careful, I’ll eat you right up.”
“Oh?” Not one to back down from such a blatant attempt at flirting, you tilt your head back to expose more of your neck for his viewing pleasure, and you can practically see the desire to mark you with his lips and teeth cross his mind. “Be my guest, then.”
You circle an arm around his neck, teasing the sensitive skin with brushes of your fingertips before you pull yourself upright. “But after work. Bills need to be paid, can’t just sit around and be my pompous superhero self now can I?”
“Pompous? I’m pompous?” Hoseok protests with a yelp as he follows you, placing a well-mannered hand on your arm to support you as you slip on your shoes (navy heels, not maroon, he says. When you frown in worry, asking if they’ll break too, he just shrugs and says that navy matches better. Like you said, pompous.)
“Look, it’s not that I don’t appreciate having my own personal superhero and all,” you press the button for the lift, already feeling your navy heels pinch at your toes. “But do you have to follow me around all day long? Don’t you have a job or something?”
“What do you mean?” Hoseok frowns at you, tilting his head as if he doesn’t understand. “My job is to protect you.”
Rolling your eyes to the heavens, you grip your bag tighter, already envisioning additional late nights to come in the future just so you can feed one more freeloader. And you don’t even have to be a Clairvoyant to visualise this.
“You don’t have to send me to work every day, Hoseok, nothing is gonna happen in broad daylight,” you tell him as you speedwalk to the train station. “Besides, what are you even protecting me from at work? Are you gonna predict my future and tell me that I’ll get a paper cut while I’m reading my morning paper and flipping past the classified ads section?”
“Watch out!” Hoseok holds out a hand to push you to one side of the pavement, both arms encircling your waist to keep you close to his body just as a bicycle whizzes past the both of you, causing your dress to fly up from the breeze created. His arms slide down to your hips to keep your skirt from exposing too much as he glances after the rider that has long ago disappeared from sight. “That guy was going way too fast for a pavement!”
You notice a few women applauding your superhero and sighing dreamily, admiring the way Hoseok has his arms wrapped around you protectively. You’re so caught up in the way his arms feel around you that you don’t realise that Hoseok is nagging at you to be more careful, wondering aloud how you even managed to get this far in your life without being eliminated by natural selection already. 
Alright, maybe he isn’t the perfect superhero you always dreamed of.
“I wasn’t even using Clairvoyance back there…” Hoseok mutters under his breath. “And for your information, miss, no one even reads the Classifieds section anymore.”
“Oh stop it already, you’re like an old man,” you roll your eyes even as you scan past the gantry and hurry to the platform to catch your train. Just as you manage to squeeze into the packed train, there is a renewed anxiety in your chest when bodies are pressed up against you, and you are jostled about amongst a crowd of strangers.
Except Hoseok elbows his way into the train too, manoeuvring the both of you into a corner where he cages you in with his body, giving you ample space to breathe easy. You can scent the soothing smell of his cologne from this close, and it’s a welcome change from all the body odour and sweat you have to endure. Faced with his strong chest, you’re tempted to just wrap your arms around his slim waist and feel how firm his pecs are under your cheek.
A few stations down the line, Hoseok nudges you toward a middle aged lady. “Hey, she’s getting off at the next stop. Go stand in front of her and take her seat when she stands up.”
True to his word, she does get off at the next stop, and you secure her seat with Hoseok standing in front of you, holding on tightly to the handgrips so that you can admire the way his slim biceps flex and relax. His casual white shirt rides up just a tad to reveal a hint of his toned lower belly, along with a faint trail of hair that suddenly makes your throat go dry, and the ride to your stop seems a lot longer than usual this morning.
Contrary to what he says, Hoseok does actually have a job that he has to get to. It’s only when you tease him about using his ability to turn himself Invisible and keep a surveillance on you at work that he defensively reveals that he actually runs a dance school.
“Oh,” you pretend to be disappointed. “No peeking under my skirt at my desk then? I was hoping you’d eat me out at least. Always fantasised about a ghost giving me head, and you seem like the closest alternative.”
He sends you a look of mock disgust before giving you a sleazy little wink. “If I wanted to see your panties, I wouldn’t have to sneak about. See you later, baby.”
Your coworkers can’t help but notice how cheerful you are for the rest of the day.
You never thought that letting someone else into your life could be this seamless, but Hoseok’s presence makes you wonder where he’s been all his life. Even Somin has warmed up to him considerably, although maybe it’s because of his timely advice having helped her clinch her dream job that makes her forget about all her previous inhibitions towards him.
Two weeks into her new job, Somin decides that it’s her treat at your favourite Italian restaurant. So you find the two of you seated comfortably and waiting for Hoseok to finish up one of his evening classes before he joins you.
“You’re ready to order, right?” Somin closes the menu in favour of taking a sip of wine. “Just order for your boyfriend too. I heard the food takes at least an hour to arrive, anyway.”
You nearly spit out your own mouthful of wine as Somin casually gets the waiter’s attention with a wave of her arm. “Um, excuse me? Did I miss something?”
“What? Don’t be coy with me, miss. That apartment is like a living hell for me,” Somin fans herself dramatically. “The two of you have so much fucking sexual tension, I feel like I’m the director of your porn shoot sometimes. Oh, I’ll have the truffle cream carbonara, please.”
She casually directs the last part of her sentence at the waiter, who clears his throat as he takes down her order, clearly uncomfortable at being privy to your conversation. You swallow hard as the waiter turns to you, thankful for the dim lighting in this restaurant that hides your reddened cheeks.
“I-I’ll have the squid ink pasta, and one more pesto truffle linguine as well.” You send Somin a sharp glare as you hand over your menu. “Oh, and four servings of garlic bread too, please!”
You wait till the waiter is a safe distance away before you reach over to pinch her arm, hard. “You can’t just say things like these in public! And what does that even mean anyway? Just for that, I’m declaring dessert on you too.”
Somin only shrugs as she rubs her sore arm, rolling her eyes as she downs another gulp of her wine. “Whatever, text your boyfriend already to ask what’s his ETA. There’s nothing I hate more than cold pasta.”
Mumbling a curse under your breath, you reach for your phone to type out a text to Hoseok asking where he is.
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You frown at your phone screen, tapping out of the messaging app to open up your call log. “I think he might be lost or something, he says he’s at the-“
Your voice freezes in your throat when you feel something brush against your calves under the table. Immediately, you turn to Somin, but she’s only tilting her wine glass to get the very last dregs, totally oblivious.
The touch travels up your calves to the bend behind your knee, and the slightly calloused fingers caress your skin gently. Your heart is in your throat as you push the tablecloth out of the way to check underneath the table, but nothing is immediately apparent, until you realise that your skirt is folded in a very unnatural way.
And then, in the blink of an eye, you spot a freshly showered Hoseok with his hair still damp, crouched underneath the table with his face between your legs and his hands parting your thighs gently. He sends you a smirk before he disappears, pushing the tablecloth back into place as his touch travels further up your thighs. 
“What’s wrong? Did you drop something?” Somin is slightly tipsy now as she attempts to glance over at your lap.
“N-no! Just wanted to make sure my bag was still there, that’s all,” you give her a forced smile, and thankfully she is distracted as she calls the waiter over to order another bottle of wine.
You can feel Hoseok start to suckle wet kisses into your inner thighs now, and his tongue laves at your skin reverently, leaving trails of his kisses behind. You’re beyond thankful that you wore a skirt today of all days, and you can feel the way his breath quickens as his hands travel all the way up to the hem of your underwear and tug them down. Hoseok pulls your underwear right off your feet, leaving you bare as he helps you out of them, one thigh at a time. When he’s done, he spreads you again to his heart’s content, and you can’t imagine how his view must be like down there.
Hoseok is uncaring of how your posture might look like as he forces your legs part with a hand on your inner thigh, continuing to nose his way up till he reaches the apex. In an attempt to preserve your modesty, you tug the tablecloth surreptitiously to cover more of your lap even as he begins to pepper soft kisses onto your lower lips, and you can feel the way that they swell and engorge in response, and your arousal begins to make everything feel so slick down there, to the point where you’re worried you might even stain the chair.
When he deems you ready enough, Hoseok spreads your lips with his two slim fingers, and you can almost smell your arousal immediately. Thankfully, waiter arrives with your orders of garlic bread just at that moment, and the pungent smell of your appetizers helps to cover everything up.
Somin immediately reaches for a slice, stuffing it into her mouth and moaning in delight. “Oh my God. You were right, we should order ten more of these!”
You’re just about to help yourself too, but then Hoseok decides to grace you with a generous lick from your soaked core to your slit, and you have to bite your lip hard to keep from gasping. You can feel his smirk against your inner thighs as he gives kitten licks to your clit, torturing you with every lap of his soft, wet tongue. You can feel the knot in your lower abdomen growing tighter and tighter, in your desperation, you reach for a slice of garlic bread and bite into it harshly just so you can have an excuse to let out that moan you were holding in, just as Hoseok sees it fit to tease your clit with the pointed tip of his tongue.
“It’s that good, right?” Somin is already on her third piece. “If Hoseok doesn’t get here soon, he might not get to taste any of this heaven…”
Your thighs are trembling as Hoseok laps at your core in response, and you know exactly what he means. “O-oh, I t-think he already knows how good it tastes.”
“You mean he’s been here before?” She takes a swig of her wine to chase down her fourth slice. “And didn’t think to invite us?”
Hoseok’s licks are getting more and more daring, and you feel as if he’s delighting in making you as messy as possible. Every lick of his warm, wet tongue sends electric shocks down your spine, and you are practically sitting ramrod straight in your seat, biting your lower lip hard in order to remain quiet. Your thigh muscles are aching as Hoseok holds them apart firmly so he can bury his face in your cunt, and you don’t want to imagine how you must be dripping all over his face by now.
Just as Hoseok takes a hand off your thigh and you think you can relax, he slides something icy cold into you, and you jerk straight off your seat in response, reaching for your wine glass to cover up hastily.
Somin gives you a strange look. “Are you okay? Do you need the bathroom or something?” 
“Um, no, just thought I saw Hoseok coming in for a second there,” you mumble into your wine glass, and the cheeky little bastard has the gall to chuckle against your inner thigh, and you can feel the vibration travel straight to your clit. You’re trying to figure out exactly what he’s fucking you with, and when he begins to grind his palm against your clit, you realise that he has one of his fingers inside you now, but how is it ice cold? Unless-
That bastard can manipulate temperature along with the weather too.
You can’t believe this. You’re unbelievably aroused right in the middle of an Italian restaurant, sitting opposite your roommate, with Hoseok eating you out like you’re the finest dish on the menu here. He must have taken your fantasy of getting eaten out by someone under the table to heart, and now you’re beginning to wish that you’d never told him about this in the first place.
You have gradually acclimatised the temperature of his icy fingers, so as Hoseok adds one more, he focuses directly on your clit, laving it with the flat of his tongue as he thrusts into you, curling his fingers to seek out your sweet spot. You surreptitiously reach a hand down to where you think his head might be, and true enough, you are met with silky strands of hair, and you give it a firm tug in response to his incessant licks and suckles.
Your grip tightens on your glass, to the point that you’re afraid that it might even shatter as Hoseok brings you closer and closer to the edge. All it takes is a particularly firm suck, one that you can hear even over the particles of conversation around you and the gentle music throughout the entire restaurant. Your walls close around his fingers, the pleasure ebbing and flowing throughout your entire body as you tense every muscle in your body to keep yourself quiet.
Hoseok is licking up every drop of your release, and you can feel him slurping everything up as he cleans you thoroughly. With a final kiss on your inner thigh, he draws away, and you wonder how he’s going to show up at the table with his face all covered in your juices, and then-
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice comes from behind you, and Somin straightens in her seat.
“Finally! We already ordered for you, and sorry to say, but the garlic bread is pretty much all gone,” she gestures to the empty baskets on the table. “And ugh, you’re all gross from your class, couldn’t you have at least showered first?”
Hoseok says nothing as he slides into his seat, wiping his chin with the back of his hand as he sends you a smirk that makes your core throb again, aching for his tongue, even though you only just came. “No problem. I heard the best dish in this restaurant isn’t for sale, anyway.”
From now on, every time you feel the slightest touch against your legs, even when you’re working at your desk, a shiver of arousal shoots up your spine, and you fully blame Hoseok for it. He’d sent you off to work that morning with a satisfied smile on his face, resembling the cat who’d just caught the canary as he took in your attire of slacks rather than your usual pencil skirts.
But you have no time to submerge yourself in daydreams and fantasies about him and his skilful tongue, because your workday is more than a little busy. There is a new joiner to your team today, and your boss has instructed you to show him the ropes.
The new joiner in question is Jeon Jeongguk, a fresh grad straight out of college, and a Krypton to boot. He is a Clairvoyant with the most stunning cerulean eyes, and a doe eyed, innocent look that you feel as if you’ve seen somewhere before. His young, boyish good looks have attracted the attention of all the women you walk past while giving him the company tour, and on your own part, despite yourself, you can’t help but wonder if he already has an assigned mortal.
It doesn’t help that he is extremely flirty and touchy, finding excuses to place his hands on your arm, shoulder, and even the small of your back on the pretence of helping you up the stairs. Even if you started the workday all tired out and just wanting to snuggle in bed with Hoseok’s arms around you, just spending a few minutes around Jeon Jeongguk has you feeling like you’re on top of the world again, especially whenever he touches you.
But there is a small niggling feeling at the back of your mind, even though a part of you is tempted to just enjoy this handsome man’s attention. All around you, women are cooing over how handsome he is, and you can see that Jeongguk is enjoying their gazes of admiration too, sending them little winks and smirks. Any of them would be fighting for your place to be mentoring such a handsome young man as him, a Krypton no less, and here you are, being ungrateful, no less.
Feeling a little conflicted, you give him an inane task of sorting out the post-its by colour while you return to your desk, just so you can regather your scattered thoughts without him constantly giving you his innocent little grin and feeling his eyes roam around your body. A part of you can’t believe how incredibly fit he is, with his dress pants tight against his upper thighs, and the contrast of his narrow waist makes his body proportions ungodly. Without him at your side, you can think a little clearer now; why should a Clairvoyant Krypton even need to be so jacked when their power doesn’t even manifest physically?
In the period while you’d been away from your desk, someone had dropped a post-it on your keyboard.
Meet me at the rooftop.
-your anpanman
But… Hoseok? How could he be here? And more importantly, why?
Just as you push your chair back, Jeongguk bounds over from the storeroom to proudly announce that he’s finished with all the post-its, so did you have anything else in mind for him, or could the two of you go grab a coffee together?
He pushes himself into your personal space unabashedly, his bright doe eyes glowing a mesmerizing cerulean as he flashes you his charming little smile. You have a hard time pushing away from him, reminding yourself that you need to meet Hoseok up at the rooftop as you randomly tell him to go organise the calendars now, watching his face fall as you make your escape.
You’ve never been up to the rooftop before, and you’re wondering how Hoseok even knows about this place, having never visited your workplace, at least not officially. It’s fairly windy up top, and in the distance, you can see dark clouds beginning to gather, sure signs of a storm approaching. You wonder if it’s that good of an idea to be this exposed when there is a risk of lightning strikes, but then you catch a figure standing by the railings.
“Hoseok? What are you doing here?” You struggle against the increasingly strong wind as you make your way to him, sliding your arms around his waist as he turns around.
“I had to, of course, because someone was being naughty little slut, flirting with the intern,” the frown between Hoseok’s brows deepens, and you can see that his lips are set in a firm line, a sure sign that he’s pissed off for real now.
And then suddenly, the approaching dark clouds make sense.
“Wh-what do you mean? I was just trying to show him around, and I-“ You let your hands drop from his waist slowly.
A low rumble of thunder cuts you off. Hoseok’s eyes are glowing dimly, giving him an ethereal look as the wind sweeps his hair off his forehead. “Is that why you let him touch you all over?”
Hoseok slides his arm around your waist, hand dipping dangerously low as he brushes the top of your ass. “Let him touch you here, too?”
It’s not only the air that is extra super charged with electricity, you feel it in every single nerve of your body as Hoseok lets his hand envelope your ass cheek fully, groping it hard and to his heart’s content. Letting him touch you like this in such a public place sends a thrill through your veins, even as you glance around in desperation.
“No! I’m yours alone, I promise!” You pant against his chest as Hoseok lowers that sinful mouth of his to tongue at your exposed collarbone. “H-hoseok, not here, can we finish this at home?”
“Too bad I don’t listen to naughty little sluts who’ve been bad,” Hoseok releases his grip on your ass, letting his hands play with the little zipper on the front of your slacks. “Let me tell you what I do with desperate little sluts like you. I’ll fuck you so good that you’ll be sobbing and crying on this rooftop here, and everyone will know that you’re getting fucked by me. Then I’ll leave you dripping with cum, in case that little intern decides to get in your pants, he’ll find a little surprise in your dirty little cunt.”
Hoseok strokes your cheek gently even as he flicks open the button on your pants. “And too bad you wore slacks today, hmm? Looks like we won’t be done any time soon, babydoll. Bend over that railing for me, sweetheart.”
With trembling steps, you can only do as he says, and Hoseok pushes your pants down just enough to reveal your bare ass. You can hear him swear under his breath as he realises that you’ve gone commando today, and he swats your cheek with a sharp spank that makes you cry out in a needy little whine. From up here, it’s a long way down, and as Hoseok pushes between your shoulder blades, your weight is solely balanced on your midriff, leaving you completely at his mercy as he continues to spank you hard.
“What- do sluts- say- when- they’re- getting- spanked?” Hoseok punctuates every word with a sharp slap to your behind, alternating both cheeks as he watches your flesh bear his handprints, blooming a pretty pink that he ingrains in his memory for later times.
“Th-thank you, I want more, till I can’t sit down, please,” you can feel the blood rushing to your head as Hoseok tilts you nearly upside down, his firm grip on your waist keeping you in place. The wind slices against your cheeks, and the adrenaline pumping through your veins only serves to heighten your arousal as Hoseok slides two fingers through your puffy lower lips, only to draw away with them coated in your sticky wetness. As he circles your clit, there is a jolt of electricity from his fingertips that makes you sob his name shamelessly, feeling him chuckle against your back as he repeats the motion.
“That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, a low baritone that is accompanied by a roll of thunder that serves to underscore his dominance over you as he soothes your reddened skin with his palm, rubbing gently to calm you down. “So nice and wet for me, I think you’re ready to be fucked, hmmm?”
“P-please, baby please fuck me,” you whimper as he spreads your lips apart, admiring the strings of your sticky arousal that stretch from his fingers.
“Come down from there first, sweetheart,” Hoseok helps you down gently, his hands warm and steady around your waist as he sets you down on your feet. “That’s it, now down on your knees, wanna see your pretty lips around my cock.”
You oblige immediately, sinking down to your knees as you reach for his zipper, palming his bulge generously and giving it a little squeeze that elicits a strangled moan from him. When you reach into his underwear to wrap your hand around him, he is already dripping with precum, and you hold your tongue out to watch the drops land with a morbid fascination. The purple head of him is drooling with precum non-stop, a testament to how unbelievably turned on he is as he fists his hand in your hair.
Laving the tip of him with your tongue, his salty flavour explodes on your tastebuds, but you’re not given long to savour the taste of him because he pushes you down, forcing his length into your throat as you gag messily. Spit and precum are trailing down your chin, some of it getting caught on his balls as he rolls them roughly in his palm, thrusting into your mouth with a hot groan.
“Shit, that mouth of yours, so fucking good,” he pants, pushing into your mouth further. “Take all of it, choke on my cock like a good little slut. Gonna fuck your mouth cunt so good.”
You are gurgling around his cock, tears in your eyes as you relish the precum pouring down your throat. Hoseok pushes you down to his base, holding you there for a few torturously long seconds before he pulls away to admire the strings of saliva and precum that connect his aching hard cock to your lips.
“So pretty for me,” he coos, running a thumb to clean up some of the mess on your chin and popping it into his mouth. “Come here.”
Hoseok props his ass on the railings, stroking his dick a few times as he spreads his legs. His lap is inviting, cock twitching, as if beckoning you to perch yourself upon it and ride him till kingdom come, but your fear of heights makes you hesitate. The claps of thunder and flashes of lightning only serve to accentuate exposed you are, and when you make contact with him, his skin is alive with electric currents that deliver a pleasant shockwave to every single nerve of yours, especially when he concentrates his fingertips on your abused clit. Every stroke feels like a mini orgasm, and your thighs are trembling as he takes in how sensitive and reactive you are.
“You trust me, right?” Hoseok strokes your hip, pulling you in between his legs. “I won’t let you fall, sweetheart. Get on my dick.”
With his help, you straddle his lap, fully aware of how precarious your position is. When the tip of him brushes against your folds, you grab his shoulders and sink down on him fully, completely forgetting that you’re on the edge of a rooftop, getting fucked on top of a 50 storey building. You take him down to the root, relishing his breathless groan when you squeeze tight around his cock.
Hoseok’s hands are on your waist, holding you firmly to his base as he abruptly spins around so that your body remains suspended in mid-air. The spike of adrenaline and fear makes you clench around him, and he gives a few practice thrusts before he really starts pounding into you, every smash of his hipbones against your pelvis absolutely divine.
“You like fucking out here, where anyone could see us? You better keep it down unless you want the whole office to see what a slut you are. Or I bet you’d like any of those pedestrians to look up and see my cock in your dirty little pussy hmm?” The roars of thunder are getting louder, and with every flash of lightning, Hoseok’s features are lit up in a show of his dominance, and a hint of anger as well, accentuating the animalistic lust that resides in his gaze as he continues to ravage you. “Watch me take your pussy over and over till I fucking tear you in half, princess.”
You glance down to witness his cock spearing you open, and then Hoseok takes one hand off your waist to fondle your clit, and you jerk in response, half in arousal, half in fear. But Hoseok only smirks and lets his other hand drift down to your inner thigh, and now you are completely unsupported by anything other than his control of the wind currents alone. Your head tilts back, exposing the column of your neck to him as you feel the wind assaulting you from every angle, combined with his harsh thrusts, you are coming around him with a desperate sob, drenching him in a shower of your arousal.
“Well, fuck, looks like it just started pouring,” Hoseok is wiping the back of his chin with his hand, his white shirt completely soaked by you. But his thrusts don’t let up as he continues to chase his pleasure, heavy balls slapping against your clit.
“H-hoseok, I can’t, fuck, it’s too much, please,” you reach out to push against his firm lower abdomen, breasts heaving and nipples all sore and peaked from the wind’s assault on them. They are like an extension of his nimble fingers as you feel your nipples being pinched and rolled, the sensation shooting straight down to your clit. It’s as if Hoseok and nature have become one, intent on stimulating every single erogenous point on your body, and it’s too much all at once.
Hoseok drives his cock deep into you, feeling the entrance of your womb with his cock as he savours the way your tummy bulges with his intrusion. “Just one more, you can do one more for me, can’t you? My good girl.”
You are spineless, completely at his mercy as his fluid hips continue to rock into you. Glancing up, you catch a glimpse of his windblown hair, eyes alight with the luminous glow of lightning itself, sweat and your cum drenching his upper torso as his abs flex with every thrust. His fingertips are ice cold as he circles your clit, and you don’t know if it’s just your lust induced haze, but his dick is warming up with every thrust as he bottoms out against your cervix.
The knot in your belly is growing tighter and tighter, and your muscles are spasming with the overload of electric current from his touch alone. You are whimpering and pleading for him, caught up in the throes of ecstasy that threaten to overwhelm you and drag you under, but then you notice the door leading to the rooftop open.
“______? Are you here?” Jeon Jeongguk is struggling against the suddenly ferocious wind that buffets him from all angles, seemingly immobilised even as he tries to take a step forward. He has his eyes shielded as he glances around the rooftop of the building, first from one end, and then to the other- at this rate, he’ll definitely catch you with Hoseok’s dick still buried deep in your pussy, hanging off the ledge of the rooftop-
“Eyes on me, babygirl,” Hoseok gets your attention back on him with a sharp slap to your clit, and you cry out in equal parts pain and arousal.
Your shout has attracted Jeongguk’s attention, but you’re too far gone to care, especially as Hoseok begins fucking you with a renewed enthusiasm, intent on reaching his high this time as he imprints bruises into your hips. Your cunt is all swollen and aching, walls tightening around his cock as Hoseok sends you over the edge. Your lungs are burning, but as you gasp for air, there is a foreign sensation pressing on either side of your throat, restricting your air flow and heightening your pleasure as your nerves are rubbed raw and pink by his pretty cock pounding your cunt.
“Shit, gonna fill your sweet pussy up so good,” Hoseok grunts as he drives into you. His cock is twitching, growing almost unbearably hot as he releases, spurts of cum drowning your womb till you are overflowing with him. The restriction around your throat eases, and your airflow is regulated once more as you squeeze and contract around him, encouraging him to spill every last drop in his balls. He continues to fuck his cum into you with deep thrusts, watching it bubble up around his length and leak down your thighs, dripping onto the railing beneath him.
When he pulls out gently, arms back around your waist to cradle you to the safety of his warm body, you can still feel your cunt pulsing, pushing out rivulets of his cum as it streams freely down your thighs.
“Your pink pussy looks so creamy and pretty,” Hoseok gives you a brief kiss on your cheek as he runs his fingers through the mess between your legs before he pulls your slacks up. “Gonna smell like me all day now.”
The thunder has softened into a distant rumble, dark clouds clearing and a hint of the sun peeking out from behind them as Hoseok helps you with your clothes, murmuring soft praises as he does so. As you are coming down from your high, you help him tuck his now softened dick back into his pants, pressing your cheek briefly against his chest in a hug.
“You okay?” His voice is a pleasant rumble in his chest that you feel reverberating throughout your own.
“Yeah. D-did Jeongguk really see us though? Not that I care, or anything-“ you hastily correct yourself. “I just don’t want that little brat catching sight of the goodies.”
Hoseok pulls away with a laugh that makes your stomach flip, and the butterflies are flitting about equally unnerved. “Of course not, sweetheart. Do you think I would really let him see you like that? We were invisible the whole time.”
A darkened room, with the smell of fear and desperation in the air. The door is locked, but footsteps approach from the other side. With a tremendous force, the door is blasted open by some unknown power, splinters of wood embedding themselves into soft skin.
The glow of cerulean cuts through the blanket of darkness.
Hoseok awakes in a sweaty panic, eyes darting around the room as he gasps for breath, frantically reaching for you in the mess of blankets and pillows strewn around on the bed. You are still slumbering peacefully, completely unaware of the mortal peril that awaits you, but when Hoseok shakes you awake, you only swat him away.
“Five more minutes…”
But he is insistent, and when you pry your eyes open, you take in your boyfriend’s distressed state. Pushing yourself into a sitting position, you stroke his sweaty bangs away from his forehead, bringing his cheek to rest on your breast as you force his breathing to follow the slow cadence of your own. “What’s wrong? The same dream again?”
It is that one particular dream that has been plaguing him ever since he took you on the rooftop weeks ago. You always thought that being a Clairvoyant Krypton was a gift highly sought after, but having to watch your boyfriend wrest himself out of his nightmares repeatedly every single morning has you grateful that you are a mere mortal. It has definitely been taking a toll on your superhero, and the Krypton looks tired and worn out as he closes his eyes against your soft skin for comfort.
But despite having the same recurring dream for weeks in a row, nothing untoward has happened yet. You sought to appease him by staying home from work initially, but it was only a temporary solution. Bills still needed to be paid, and so you push Hoseok away from you gently so you can get ready for work.
Hoseok is uncharacteristically more clingy than usual as you struggle through your morning routine to beautify yourself. His arms are around your bare waist, lips on your shoulder and neck as nuzzles into your warm skin.
Considering that you already have a mega powerful Krypton boyfriend who sucks up powers like he’s Kirby, you’re not the least bit worried. If there’s any situation in which you find yourself in mortal danger, you know you can always count on Hoseok to swoop in and save the day like he always does. Alone, you may have resigned yourself to a life of nunnery locked up at home, but with Jung Hoseok by your side, you have nothing to fear.
But Hoseok clearly doesn’t feel the same way. You’ve already had a few arguments over Jeon Jeongguk, with Hoseok insisting that you stay away from him because he was apparently “dangerous and harbouring malicious intentions”.
“Do you even hear yourself, Jung Hoseok?” You are running late for work for the third time this week, and this has you in a mood. You brush him aside irritably as grab your coffee from the barista, thanking her with a brief smile. “I can’t just stay away from him, he’s my intern, I have to show him the ropes and stuff. It’s my job on the line here.”
“Can’t you just… I don’t know, hand him over to someone else? Like Jimin? He’s a sweet boy, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking over for you,” Hoseok follows you around like a puppy, bottom lip jutting out petulantly. His own Americano remains untouched in the other drink tray that you’re carrying.
“Jimin hasn’t been to work for a while actually…” You frown a little as you take a sip of your drink, feeling the liquid immediately warm you up from the chilly breeze outside. “Look, I know you’re worried about me and all. But he hasn’t even done anything to me yet. I know you’re just trying to look out for me baby, but I can’t just march up to my boss and get Jeongguk fired just because he’s intending to murder me the second he gets me alone.
“Clairvoyance deems a person guilty before proven innocent.” You tiptoe to give him a kiss to placate him, pushing the straw of his iced drink to his still pouting lips. Your arms are wrapped loosely around his slim waist. “I have to go in now. Have fun at dance, my favourite superhero. See you for dinner.”
You never knew that your big, scary superhero could pout in such an adorable way. But when the sky begins to darken, and a roll of thunder rumbles nearby, you pinch his bicep with a frown. “Hey! Stop that, people need to get to work. And all this humidity is ruining my hair!”
Hoseok relents with a sigh. You swat him on his ass to get him going, and he reluctantly steals one more kiss before watching you enter your own building.
Managing to dodge one pesky little Jeon Jeongguk should be an art form in itself, you decide, as you manage to make it through precisely 90% of the work day holed up in random meeting rooms and changing your location every few hours to make sure he doesn’t hunt you down. But going back to your desk to drop off some documents proves to be a bad idea.
“Noona, these just came for you, boss says it’s really urgent.” Jeongguk is hovering by your desk with a post it on his index finger as he waves it about. On your desk is a mountain of files that makes it look as if you have a million years’ worth of backlog. “She’s been trying to get a hold of you all day, where have you been?”
Ignoring his question, you briefly look through the files, along with the note from your boss that demands everything be done by tomorrow. It’s your fault for disappearing all day, now you’ll just have to lug every single file home.
“There’s so much, are you sure you can handle that all on your own?” Jeongguk sports a worried frown between his brows as he watches you stack all the files on top of one another. They come up to chest level, and you’re not even halfway done yet. He wheels over one of the document trolleys sitting nearby, and helps you to load it up.
“It’s fine, I can take a taxi back and claim it, anyway,” you mutter to yourself, already kissing a relaxing evening with Hoseok and Somin goodbye. Just as well, since Hoseok is due to be back late from his classes today. But Somin will definitely be more than annoyed since she wanted to binge watch the latest series of Black Mirror, and is too much of a scaredy cat to do it on her own.
“Noona, let me help you, I’ll come with you,” Jeongguk is way too helpful for his own good as he helps you to manoeuvre the trolley to the lift. “I’m a Krypton, let me do my job.”
It occurs to you that you could very well call Hoseok and have him help you out with this just as easily, but the thought of distracting him from his classes fills you with guilt. He is your Krypton, but what for make him come all the way here when you have another equally willing Krypton at your disposal?
Jeongguk jogs out onto the street to hail a cab, and looking at the document laden trolley, you’re almost sure that you could never manage it on your own. Besides, Somin is waiting at home for you, so you won’t exactly be alone. But there is still an unsettling feeling that pervades as Hoseok’s warnings are resounding in your head. You glance at Jeongguk’s frantic waving, your mind racing to think of a solution that will get you out of this.
Just then, you see a familiar silhouette leaving the building.
“Taehyung! Kim Taehyung!” You shout at the top of your lungs, attracting the stares of few passerbys, but the man in question turns around.
He takes in the trolley at your side, and Taehyung jogs over with a concerned look on his face.
“Taehyung, I’m sorry to bother you, but could you help me with these?” Glancing over at Jeongguk, you see that he’s managed to hail a cab already, and he’s making his way back to you at that very moment. “And could I trouble you to follow Jeongguk and I back to my house? It’s just, my boyfriend isn’t home yet, and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea and all…”
Your voice trails off as you berate yourself for being unable to come up with a better excuse. It sounds lame even to your own ears, but Taehyung only shrugs as he starts to push the trolley toward Jeongguk and the taxi. “Sure, no problem. Seems like your boyfriend is the jealous type, huh?”
“Something like that,” you mutter under your breath as he helps you to load up the car, slightly more at ease now as you get into the front seat, with the two boys taking up the passenger seat.
A bolt of lightning splits the violet and fuchsia sunset sky, and the following roll of thunder echoes deep in your bones.
“Th-thanks for helping me with these,” you are out of breath even though you barely even lifted a finger in helping them lug the entire trolley up the stairs that lead to your apartment. You can only blame the out of service elevator, but the two boys are unaffected. “I don’t know what I would have done without you, Taehyung.”
“Hey, what about me? I helped too!”
“Yeah, a huge help you were,” you sigh as you unlock your door, and the thought of the long night ahead puts a further damper on your spirits. “But really, thank you. I’ll treat you both to something delicious someday, okay?”
Kicking off your heels, you step inside your house, and seeing how you struggle even getting the trolley past the threshold, Taehyung levitates it effortlessly, following you inside as he sets it down in the corner for you.
“Jeon, you coming in, dude?” Taehyung kicks off his shoes as he invites himself inside.
“Uh, yeah, of course!” Jeongguk closes the door behind him, and although this isn’t exactly what you’d planned for, you can’t just kick the two boys out like this.
“Did you guys want a drink or something? I’m afraid I don’t have much in the house,” you chuckle nervously as you take a peek in the fridge. You know how Hoseok likes his beers, but unfortunately, the three of you had just finished the last of it on your last movie night, and there’s nothing in the fridge except for some stale sodas, and-
“Why so nervous, little one?”
The voice sends a shiver down your spine.
Jeongguk’s eyes are alight with an aquamarine glow as he steps into your kitchen, and suddenly, any desire to run or escape fades, and you feel unusually at ease, your entire body as light as air, every nerve of yours completely numb. Your ears feel as if they are stuffed with cotton, your mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert, and your head is pounding, the pain growing with every step that Jeongguk takes.
“I-it was you-“ you are struggling to form the words, your lungs constricting as Jeongguk’s once innocent smile morphs into a malicious grin as he watches you crumple to the ground, clutching your temples. “It was you-that night.”
“Bingo,” he whispers as he crouches down beside you, laying a hand on your forehead, and suddenly, everything is multiplied tenfold, making you scream in agony. The throbbing turns into a stabbing pain, and your mind begins to swim, consciousness rapidly fading as Jeongguk’s touch sucks the life force out of you. “You were so easy to charm, little one. Just a few touches here and there and you’re putty in my hands. Just like all the other girls before you. Just like your pathetic little boss who hired me the moment I looked into her eyes.”
“Dude, I didn’t know you could manipulate moods,” Taehyung comments, his tone one of awe as he makes sure the door is locked before joining him in the kitchen. “That’s sick. So, what should we do with her now?”
“We wait till that freak Krypton of hers gets home. Then we’ll kill them together.” Jeongguk strokes your cheek gently. “Although, it would be fun to see how he reacts when he comes home and sees the walls painted with her blood, wouldn’t it? I didn’t finish the job last time, but this time will be different. Lucky for me, Taehyung came along and told me you happened to be his coworker. Funny how things work out, hmm?”
Then, he turns to Taehyung. “Restrain her.”
Taehyung moves to do as he says, lifting you effortlessly and shoving you into one of your living room chairs. But then, there is a scuffle that emerges from one of the bedrooms, and the two men freeze.
“What is that? Do you have a roommate? Is there someone else living here?” Jeongguk turns to you with a vicious snarl. “You won’t spill? No matter. We’ll just go check it out, and then you can watch whoever it is die in front of your eyes. Taehyung, bring her.”
And then you are forced to your feet, and each step that you take is against your will as they lead you towards Somin’s room. Jeongguk pushes the door open, only to be met with some resistance, but with a single glance from Taehyung, the door is blasted apart, sending splinters flying everywhere and revealing Somin’s trembling figure in the corner, fingers wrapped tightly around her phone as she glances up fearfully.
“I think I’ll take that,” Taehyung says as he wrenches the phone from her, and it comes flying across the room. “Well. Look what we have here. Looks like it’s two for the price of one.”
Taehyung’s tremendous strength sends you sprawling into the corner as he shoves you hard with this telekinetic ability, and you crash into Somin, tears streaming down your face as she clutches you in fear.
“The attack on Pyramid House,” you gasp, wincing as you push yourself into a sitting position, knees curled into your chest. “P-please, why are you doing this? What do you want? Why are you hurting innocent people? Y-you’re Kryptons, you’re supposed to be protecting us!”
Jeongguk only sighs as he perches himself on the edge of Somin’s bed, studying his fingernails in mock boredom. “Yeah, we got tired of that. In case you haven’t realised, we Kryptons are the superior race here. Just look at you. You’re pathetic. You can’t survive without us. All you’re good at is squandering natural resources and defacing the Earth you live on. How much sense does it make to keep such an inferior species around?”
Hoseok was right all along. You should have believed him, taken his warning more seriously, and then maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation. Now, you are helpless and stranded without him, too weak to fight back against the very heroes you’d entrusted your life with.  
“It wasn’t reported as such, but the attempt on the President’s life was a success,” Taehyung speaks up now, coming to crouch in front of the two of you. “Our people have taken over the government from the inside. It was really too easy, like taking candy from a baby. See what happens when you let outsiders defend you? Now, we are everywhere. With the silly little ‘One Krypton to every human’ propaganda your own government promoted, it really speaks volumes for the trust that you have in us.”
“Too bad that trust is unfounded,” Jeongguk snorts in amusement.
“Jimin, what have you done with him?” Thoughts of your sweet natured, angelic little co-worker come to mind, and suddenly, a sick feeling pervades the pit of your stomach.
Taehyung only grins as he draws a slice across his throat. “Dumped him in a random alley somewhere. You’ll hear about it in the news soon. If you’re still alive by then, that is.”
“Now of course, every revolution has its rebels, individuals who think they can make a difference by standing in the way of the greater good,” Jeongguk joins Taehyung as he traces a random pattern on your cheek, causing your migraine to roar to life, and you are once again immobilised by the pain. “Your boyfriend is one such example. But no worries, for he’ll soon be eradicated.”
“Th-is is n-not a r-revol-lution, y-you fucking fools,” you grit your teeth against the blinding pain that threatens to drag you down into an eternal darkness, fighting it with every ounce of strength that you have. “It’s a-a genocide.”
Jeongguk relinquishes his touch with a disappointed sigh, and the debilitating pain lets up just a tad. “Well, I suppose that would have to depend on which side you’re on, now wouldn’t it? For us, it’s a liberation after years of being your slaves.”
“Now, be good girls and don’t move while we wait for your boyfriend to come back, hmmm?” Taehyung sing-songs as he upends the entire bed, lifting it above your heads and sending it crashing down. The both of you are screaming in terror, waiting for the weight to smother you, but it never comes.
The bedframe is wedged against the two walls that form the corner in which you are huddled against with Somin, forming a barrier that keeps you trapped. You hear the two rogue Kryptons murmur something on the other side of the barrier, and soon enough, their retreating footsteps indicate that they have left the room.
You remain paralysed, slumped against the wall as you feel your terror as acutely as a lump wedged in your throat.  Somin is still trembling, tears trailing down her cheeks as she gets to her feet, attempting to dislodge the bedframe that imprisons the both of you.
“Somin, stop, what are you doing?” You grab her arm to stop her from throwing her weight against the bedframe.
“Getting us the fuck out of here, that’s what,” she says with her lips pressed into a firm line. With a lunge, her shoulder hits the solid frame, but it doesn’t budge a single inch, but she cries out in pain as she clutches her shoulder.
“We can’t do this, we’re too weak,” You tug her away from the bed, trying in vain to see the damage done, but Somin is and has always been stubborn. “We’re no match for them, Somin, you saw what Taehyung can do! And together with Jeongguk, they’re practically unstoppable!”
“Then what are we supposed to do?” Somin shoves you hard against the wall with a sob, frustration evident in her voice. “Just give up and wait for them to kill us?”
“N-no, Hoseok. Hoseok will come and save us, he always does,” your voice is nothing but an unsteady tremble in your chest. “He will save us, I know it. We can’t do it without him.”
But Somin is having none of it as she shakes you hard, with her hands on your arms. “Don’t you fucking see? You said it yourself. Jeongguk reads every single thought of ours before we even form it in our heads. Taehyung controls every single movement of ours. How would Hoseok be any different if he can’t even get close enough to touch them? We have to do it. We have to save ourselves.”
“B-but still, maybe… he is a Krypton, and he- he stands a better chance…”
“You better hope so, little one.” And you can’t see him, but you know that the two rogue Kryptons are back in the room.
The bedframe is tossed aside by Taehyung carelessly, landing on Somin’s desk and crushing it to smithereens. It’s only then that you see Hoseok, who is down on his knees, head bowed with Taehyung standing behind him, and Jeongguk’s hand is only a few inches away from Hoseok’s forehead.
Your boyfriend is subdued, there isn’t a single scratch on his body, but Taehyung is keeping him pinned with tremendous force through his telekinetic ability. Even so, the rogue Krypton seems to be expending a significant amount of concentration and energy in keeping your boyfriend on his knees.
Hoseok’s breathing is laboured, as if he were breathing in lungfuls of broken glass, and you can see the veins which are prominent in his neck as he struggles to lift his head to look at you. His cheeks are tearstained, lips mouthing words that you cannot hear. Every movement is pure agony and torture for him as he groans, a low, mournful sound as he struggles against his invisible bonds. As Hoseok continues to struggle, he is suddenly lifted into the air and slammed against the wall headfirst, causing the entire structure to collapse as he falls boneless to the ground in a crumpled, defeated heap.
“I thought I’d do you a favour and allow the two of you to see each other in your last dying moments,” Jeongguk shrugs as he beckons you over with his free hand. “Come over here, little one. I won’t bite. At least not for now.”
There is nothing more devastating than witnessing a superhero experience defeat. But even worse still is watching your superhero, the one who’d never failed to be your saving grace and source of strength and comfort, tossed aside like a ragdoll. That image of Hoseok on his knees, head bowed in helplessness is forever burned into your irises as you watch him struggle to his feet, only to be slammed face first into the ground.
A guttural scream rips from your throat, and you don’t even realise that it had come from you if not for the searing pain that tears into your larynx as you lunge at Jeongguk. But you are caught in mid-air and flung aside just as easily. Never in your life have you felt more helpless than this very moment as the wind is knocked out of you and you crumple like a piece of paper tossed into a raging inferno.
“Enough playing around. Taehyung, get that freak on his knees and make him stay there. It’s time to end it for good,” Jeongguk grabs you by the collar and shoves you aside. As Somin lunges for his throat, he deflects her easily with a swift knee to her stomach. “And put these two worthless little rats in their place while you’re at it.”
Hoseok is forced up onto his knees, an invisible force around his neck cutting off his air supply as he struggles in vain. Then, you and Somin are forced to your knees as well, prostrate against the ground with your forehead against the cold floor.
“_____,” Somin chokes out your name in a bare whisper. “Y-you have to do it.”
“I can’t,” your breath is a raspy, broken sound that you don’t even recognise. You are rooted to the spot by more than just physical pain and Taehyung’s might; you are paralysed by the inaction that has plagued you for your entire life, frozen by the belief that you are helpless to save yourself when it really counts. “H-hoseok…”
“-can’t save us right now.” Somin closes her eyes as she struggles to control her panic laden breathing, whimpering as her arm bends in an unnatural direction with her being forced to put her weight on it. “A-aim for Taehyung.”
You suddenly recall the look of immense concentration on Taehyung’s face as he struggled to subdue Hoseok. With the added effort of keeping you and Somin in place, it shouldn’t take much just to tip the scales in your favour and break his concentration, allowing Hoseok just that split second he needs to make contact with Taehyung, and then-
If it’s not you, then who?
Little by little, inch by inch, you push your arms below your body to support your weight even as you can see the deathly glow of Jeongguk’s cerulean eyes refract throughout the room as he concentrates his efforts on Hoseok. The two rogue Kryptons are now occupied, and this is your chance.
It’s up to you to save your superhero.
Taking a deep breath, you gather every single ounce of energy that’s left in your broken and bruised body. With an inhumane strength, and the image of Hoseok’s tearstained cheeks urging you on, you push yourself to your knees, lunging for Taehyung’s torso with your eyes tightly screwed shut even as your muscles strain against his immense power. For a moment, it feels as if you are suspended in midair, caught in a moment of suspense, but you push forward with all your might.
And it works- Taehyung is distracted, and his concentration breaks for a second as you slam into him, causing him to topple into Hoseok, and that’s all it takes.
The moment Hoseok’s hands come into contact with Taehyung, Jeongguk is sent flying, smashing into the concrete wall behind him with a surprised groan. Taehyung crashes through the window in a similar manner, and Hoseok is left struggling to his feet, panting harshly with his sweat soaked hair limp on his forehead.
With a swift gesture, Jeongguk floats into the air, his hands coming to clutch at his throat desperately as he struggles for air. Hoseok tosses him out the window, plummeting to his death after Taehyung, and then he slumps to the ground, closing his eyes for a brief moment in silent victory.
You can feel him lift you gently and levitate you into his arms. Back in his embrace, your bruised and battered body feels renewed.  
“A-are you okay?” His voice is merely above a whisper, but you understand him just fine.
“I’m okay, but Somin-“ 
“I’m- fine too, just this stupid arm,” she says as she cradles it close to her chest, giving you a look of awe. “That was fucking amazing, ______.”
When you glance over at Hoseok, a similar look is reflected upon his own face. A smile spreads slowly across his lips, as dazzling and illuminating as the sun that creeps into the twilight dawn. He beams at you, and his radiance equals the sun itself as it strikes a chord of joy in your heart.
“Maybe you can be my hero now.”
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bibledictionary · 3 years
For the entirety of the great tribulation period, up to the return of Jesus, the Beast (Antichrist) has broadcast an endless stream of deceptions (Revelation 13:5 - 6). His subtle lies, coupled with the performance of evil supernatural wonders, have led the world to worship him as both god and savior (Matthew 24:15, 2Thessalonians 2:1 - 4). His authority is absolute and no one dares challenge him militarily (Revelation 13:4, 7).
The Antichrist is aware that his authoritarian and violent rule over the earth will be interrupted by the return of Jesus (Revelation 12:12). Satan, however, is forever the optimist when it comes to pursuing evil.
Satan the devil has never let his perfect record of defeats, or prophecies guaranteeing his future failures (Revelation 19:20 - 20:3, 7 - 10), stand in his way. He believes he can repel the return of Jesus and maintain his earthly reign.
Gathering an army
The devil, near the end of his forty-two months of rule, turns his attention to amassing the greatest human military force in history in order to fight the coming of Jesus. He believes he can beat the odds and find a weakness in the Lord's return. His consuming desire is to continue to bask in the glory of God's greatest creation worshipping him.
There is, however, a tiny flaw in the devil's plan to defeat Jesus when he returns. His choice of humans to combat spirit beings is, to put it bluntly, crazy! The Bible records that just ONE spirit can completely decimate any number of humans (e.g. an angel, in 701 B.C., killed 185,000 warriors set to attack Jerusalem). His decision to use human military strength to fight Jesus, which he has never done, is worth a try in his mind.
Mount of Olives todayPix by Andrew Shiva (Wikipedia)
Release the demons!
God will, surprisingly, aid Satan's military goals so that humanity witnesses the futility of rejecting him and Jesus Christ. The sixth of the seven last "vial" plagues sent on the earth will dry up the Euphrates River. This will enable the "kings of the east" (Revelation 16:12) to link up with the devil's existing forces.
Three unclean and powerful demonic spirits will then be released by Satan. Their goal is to perform miracles to deceive the masses into defending the earth from an "invading" army led by Jesus (Revelation 16:13 - 14). Ten "kings" or rulers will also allow the Antichrist to use their military strength in the upcoming battle with the Lord (Revelation 17:12 - 13). All this military might will eventually gather in the valley of Jezreel near ancient Megiddo (Armageddon, Revelation 16:16).
Two Witnesses killed
There is one task, however, the Beast must complete before launching his offensive against Jesus. The Two Witnesses, for forty-two months, have been miraculously protected from all harm. They possessed the unique power of instantly killing anyone who opposed them (Revelation 11:3 - 6).
Just before the Lord's return, however, their supernatural protection is removed. The Beast immediately goes to war against them and murders them in Jerusalem's streets (Revelation 11:7 - 12).
The world rejoices at the deaths of the two witnesses who "tormented" them and leaves their bodies unburied for three and one half days. God then resurrects them and has them publically rise to heaven. It is then heralded, by those near God's throne, that Jesus will return to the earth to reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15 - 19).
First resurrection takes place
After the two witnesses are made alive others are resurrected as part of the first resurrection (Revelation 11:18) conducted just before Jesus returns. These righteous folks are known as the "dead in Christ" (1Thessalonians 4:16). They are those who possessed God's Spirit and were obedient to him unto death. The last ones given eternal life are Christians protected in an earthly "place of safety." They will be instantaneously changed from flesh to immortal spirit (Revelation 11:10 - 12, 1Thessalonians 4:16 - 17, 1Corinthians 15:51 - 53).
The next prophetic event is the wedding supper of the Lamb, which takes place in heaven (Revelation 19:7 - 9). This unique event symbolizes the spiritual union between the bride and Jesus Christ. The bride are all those chosen worthy to be a part of the first resurrection (the spiritual church of God).
Battle of good versus evil
After Jesus gathers his spiritual army, composed of saints (Revelation 17:14), he begins his glorious return to the earth (Revelation 19:11 - 16). His Second Coming will save a remnant of humanity who would otherwise perish (Matthew 24:21 - 22).
Satan's immense military will attack Jesus as he nears the planet (Zechariah 14:1 - 3, Revelation 19:19) and heads toward the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4). The devil's forces, however, are no match against God. The Beast and False Prophet will be thoroughly defeated by Jesus (Revelation 17:14). Countless humans will quickly lose their life (Revelation 19:17 - 18, 21).
The carnage of men and machines who dare to fight Jesus will have no equal in human history. The amount of dead flesh generated by man's defeat will be more than enough to feed every bird that feasts on them (Revelation 19:17 - 18, 21). The amount of blood spilled in this last world war will so saturate the ground that large pools of it will form (Revelation 14:17 - 20).
As the forces of righteousness land on the Mount of Olives it splits in two and creates a wide valley (Zechariah 14:4, Acts 1:10 - 12). Both the Beast and False Prophet are thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20).
The Adversary is caught!
Satan, the evil genius who initiated the great tribulation, is placed in a spiritual prison for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1 - 2). Jesus, upon his return, will fully assert his role as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16) to bring God's kingdom to the earth!
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spynotebook · 7 years
Detail from the cover of The Raven Stratagem by Yoon Ha Lee
It’s June! The days are longer, the nights are warmer, and the amount of new science fiction and fantasy books that will soon be available is truly mind-blowing. Read on to find out about more than 30 great new titles, coming out over the next 30 days!
Beren and Lúthien by J.R.R. Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien
Editor Christopher Tolkien draws out a key love story from his father’s The Silmarillion, exploring how the tale changed over the years by placing it within different contexts as it evolved. The book features artwork by Alan Lee, who also illustrated The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and shared a Best Art Direction Oscar for Return of the King. (June 1)
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Valerian: The Complete Collection, Volume 1 by Pierre Christin (author) and Jean-Claude Mézières (artist)
Luc Besson’s big-screen adaptation of this much-loved French comic series arrives July 21; get a head start with this first collected volume, which compiles books one and two (The City of Shifting Waters and The Empire of a Thousand Planets), as well as the first-ever English translation of book zero (Bad Dreams). It also contains a new interview with Besson and a sneak peek at his upcoming movie. (June 1)
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All Good Things by Emma Newman
The author (Planetfall, Between Two Thorns) wraps up her Split Worlds urban fantasy saga with this fifth entry in the series. (June 6)
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Grim Expectations by K.W. Jeter
The author, who coined the phrase “steampunk,” marks 30 years of the genre with a new George Dower tale, a sequel to Infernal Devices. (June 6)
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The Kill Society by Richard Kadrey
Kadrey’s ninth Sandman Slim book sends the supernatural drifter to Tenebrae, the land of the lost dead, where he takes up with a gang of damned souls while dodging a pack of bounty-hunting angels. (June 6)
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The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente
Female superheroes, and wives and girlfriends of superheroes—forever being kidnapped by villains, or simply being shoved into the background until the plot requires their presence—finally raise their voices in this collection of linked stories. (June 6)
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The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 Edition edited by Rich Horton
This new collection contains 30 stories curated from publications like Asimov’s and Lightspeed, written by acclaimed authors like Kameron Hurley, Genevieve Valentine, Steven Barnes, and io9 co-founder Charlie Jane Anders. (June 6)
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The Black Elfstone: The Fall of Shannara by Terry Brooks
Brooks finishes out his popular Shannara fantasy series after 40 years with this final installment. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Brooks described it as “a gift back to the readers for sticking with me for this much time.” (June 13)
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Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire
McGuire’s magical Wayward Children series continues with this follow-up to the acclaimed Every Heart a Doorway, though this new entry is described as a standalone story. (June 13)
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Fata Morgana by Steven R. Boyett and Ken Mitchroney
The crew of a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress faces another kind of dangerous adventure entirely when they’re knocked from a World War II battle into a strange and unfamiliar parallel world. (June 13)
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Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson
This tale explores the strangely interwoven lives and experiences of three women in three very different places and times: post-World War I England; Dust Bowl-era Oklahoma; and the Midwest, circa 2065. I’ll leave you to guess which era’s characters is planning to move to Mars. (June 13)
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Raven Stratagem by Yoon Ha Lee
The author follows up Ninefox Gambit with the further adventures of Captain Kel Cheris, possessed by a centuries-old general who is both brilliant and psychotic, and is wreaking havoc on both the rebellion in their midst and an impending enemy invasion. (June 13)
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The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.: A Novel by Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland
“D.O.D.O” is code for the top-secret “Department of Diachronic Operations,” and this thriller involves military intelligence, time travel, linguistics, and 19th-century magic, co-written by the acclaimed author of Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, and more. (June 13)
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Soleri by Michael Johnson
This first book in a brand-new epic fantasy series draws inspiration from both ancient Egyptian history and King Lear. (June 13)
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The Space Between the Stars by Anne Corlett
A space traveler values her solitude above all else until she learns that the overcrowded Earth she left behind has been decimated by a deadly virus. Joining a scrappy group of survivors, she begins the long journey home, not sure what she’ll find or who she’ll have to become. (June 13)
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The Asylum of Doctor Caligari by James Morrow
In 1914, a young painter scores a job as an art therapist at a European asylum—a plum gig until he realizes the asylum’s director is into the very, very dark arts. (June 20)
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A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden
A mythical monster who is the last of his kind emerges into a changed world hellbent on vengeance, but realizes he will have to tread carefully in the battle of old versus new to get what he desires. (June 20)
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Indigo by Charlaine Harris, Christopher Golden, Kelley Armstrong, Jonathan Maberry, Kat Richardson, Seanan McGuire, Tim Lebbon, Cherie Priest, James Moore, and Mark Morris
A collaborative work about a woman in New York City who’s an investigative reporter by day, and a superpowered vigilante by night. Both parts of her lives have her focusing on a single goal: nabbing a cult that’s been ruthlessly murdering children. But what role does her own mysterious past play in this vigilante saga? (June 20)
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Kangaroo Too by Curtis C. Chen
The author follows up Waypoint Kangaroo with another tale about the secret agent. This time, spacecraft sabotage leads him to the moon, where his search for information is compromised when his partner is arrested and a terror attack wreaks havoc on the moon’s booming tourist industry. (June 20)
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The Management Style of the Supreme Beings by Tom Holt
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Mapping the Interior by Stephen Graham Jones
In this horror novella, a 15-year-old follows what he thinks is the ghost of his father into the mysterious depths of his family home. (June 20)
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Born Nathaniel Essex in Victorian London, Sinister became a biologist in 1859. He was a contemporary of Charles Darwin and became obsessed with Darwin's theories. However, Essex believed his peers were shackled by too many moral constraints and that their research should be beyond morality. Essex believed that humanity was undergoing increasing mutation, due to what he called "Essex Factors" in the human genome. He dreamed of bringing the perfection of the evolution of the human race to the masses. After the loss of his young son due to birth defects, he delved deeper into his work. Essex's theories were mocked, making him bitter, and his revealing of an unorthodox experiment resulted in his ousting from the Royal Society. Angry, Essex stated that if becoming a monster was what was required for his work to progress, then he would become a monster.[9]
Essex met with Cootie Tremble and the Marauders, the group he would eventually lead. The Marauders kidnapped homeless and neglected people off the streets of London and used them as test subjects for Essex's experiments. Essex ordered the Marauders to awaken the immortal Egyptian mutant En Sabah Nur, who would become known as Apocalypse. En Sabah Nur ordered the Marauders to take him to Essex. During this time, Essex's wife, Rebecca Essex, was pregnant with their unborn child and was shocked to find that Essex had dug up their first-born child to experiment on him. Nur met Essex and became interested in Essex's work. Nur offered an alliance with Essex in continuing his research. Left with the choice of continuing his work or his wife shunning him, Essex allied himself with Nur. Essex explained to Nur that Nur was the first born in what he believed would be a great mutation in the human race.[9]
The time-travelers Cyclops and Phoenix confronted Nur, believing that they were to prevent Dr. Essex's future transformation into Mr. Sinister, but unaware that Madame Sanctity of the Askani had sent them to the past to stop Nur from conquering England. Essex was necessary for the birth of Nathan Summers, also known as the mutant Cable, whom Madame Sanctity worshiped. Nur defeated Cyclops and Phoenix and leaves them for Essex to experiment on. Phoenix explains to Essex that continuing his work with Nur would lead to the destruction of the world. Deciding to leave his life of unorthodox research and dedicate his life to his wife and unborn child, Essex returned home to learn that his wife had freed all of his captives, prematurely had the baby, and was dying of stress. Asking for forgiveness at her side, Rebecca denied him and stated, "To me, you are... utterly… and contemptibly… sinister!", with her dying words. Essex agreed to Nur's offer and was ordered to create a plague to destroy the weak of the world, as Nur's first prelate. In his alien ship, Apocalypse painfully transformed Essex into an ageless being of extraordinary pallor with telekinesis, asking him to shed his past name and choose another. With his new abilities and dispassionate outlook, Essex took the new name, "Sinister", Rebecca's last words to him.[9]
Sinister has shown an obsession with Scott Summers, and the Summers genetic line. This led Sinister to create a clone of Jean Grey called Madelyne Pryor, with the sole purpose of breeding with Scott. That successful quest resulted in the birth of Nathan Summers.[10]
At some point, he is approached by Professor Xavier and Magneto regarding his genetic collection of DNA. Xavier wanted Sinister to prioritize collecting mutant DNA in a comprehensive database that would be safe, secure, and redundant. He offered to provide samples that Sinister would have trouble getting on his own including Magneto and himself. Sinister agreed to the compromise but had his memories erased of the encounter such that he would not remember meeting Xavier and Magneto.[11]
Mister Sinister returns in the title X-Factor, leading the Nasty Boys[12] and has allied himself with the mutant terrorist Stryfe.[13] In the storyline "X-Cutioner's Song", the character impersonates Apocalypse and uses his Four Horsemen to capture Cyclops and Jean Grey.[14] Sinister hands them over to Stryfe in exchange for a canister containing his genetic material,[15] but finds it empty, unknowingly unleashing the Legacy Virus in the process.[16] Afterwards, Sinister confronts Cyclops to reveal that the canister contained the deadly Legacy Virus. It was during this conversation, that Sinister said, "I care enough to wish you and your brothers to be protected from this illness", but he corrected himself in saying that he meant "brother".[17]
In 1996, Mister Sinister's origin story is told in the limited series, The Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix. It establishes the character as Nathaniel Essex, a scientist from the 19th century obsessed with evolution who made a pact with the ancient mutant Apocalypse to become a virtually immortal being.[18] It furthermore establishes that Mister Sinister created Cyclops's son Nathan, who becomes the time-traveling soldier Cable, in order to destroy Apocalypse.[19]
It was also revealed that Sinister had initiated the Morlock Massacre because he saw his signature in them (as many of them were experiments of Dark Beast, a student of Mr. Sinister from an alternate timeline known as the Age of Apocalypse), and he would not allow unauthorized use of his theories, so they were slaughtered.[20] Though some of his Marauders did not survive the battle, many of them returned thanks to Sinister's genetics mastery and the fact that he had multiple clones of all of them.[21] He also considered doing the same with the Genosha mutates, who were experiments of Sugar Man (another student of his Age of Apocalypse counterpart). Yet in the end he did not because the mutates were sterile and so in his opinion, they were not a tainting of his work.[20]
Another running storyline for the character was his mysterious ties to the X-Man Gambit; these ties were first introduced in X-Men v2 #6 when Sabretooth encountered Gambit and the X-Men and implied that the two had a history working together.[22] When Rogue briefly absorbed Gambit's memories,[23] she realized the relationship between the two: that Gambit had been an agent of Mister Sinister, recruiting Sabretooth and several other villains, to serve as Sinister's Marauders.[24] Furthermore, he had served as a guide for the group in the tunnels, before abandoning the villains upon discovering their plans on wiping out the Morlocks. His payment for these deeds would be Mister Sinister's services as a scientist, to correct a genetic defect regarding Gambit's powers that was causing him to slowly lose control over them.[25]
Mister Sinister appears in the title Gambit;[26] besides revealing the connection between the two characters, Mister Sinister would provide Gambit with a chemical compound designed to neutralize the genetic modification process that the Skrulls were using as part of their infiltration process of Earth, as the alien shapeshifters had formed an alliance with Apocalypse to conquer Earth.[27] It was also revealed that Mister Sinister had genetically altered the villain the Living Monolith, allowing him to access Havok's power, in order to serve as replacement for Havok in Apocalypse's plan to harvest the power of The Twelve.[volume & issue needed] Following Apocalypse's defeat, Sinister attempts to use the High Evolutionary's space station to mutate the human population but is stopped by the X-Men.[28]
Sinister's actions would have worldwide repercussions: by helping High Evolutionary strip all of mutantkind of their powers, Sinister unknowingly wiped out a community of evolved mutants known as The Neo.[29] The surviving Neo began hunting Sinister down, forcing Sinister to go into hiding as the Neo known as Domina (whose daughter was one of the dead) kills over 17 Sinister doppelgangers left behind by Sinister as he goes into hiding.[30]
Sinister would resurface in the pages of Weapon X, experimenting on mutants under the guise of Dr. Robert Windsor.[31] It is revealed that the character worked alongside the Nazis during World War II and created a clone of Namor called N2 which was destroyed by Captain America.[32] He would be accompanied by the Marauder Scalphunter in the series, with Scalphunter serving as his bodyguard.
Mister Sinister reappears in the "X-Men: Endangered Species" storyline, sending the Marauders and Acolytes out to murder all those who have knowledge of the future;[33] In the "X-Men: Messiah Complex" storyline, Sinister, leading a mob of many of the remaining evil mutants, seeks out the first mutant child born since Decimation (also known as "M-Day", when the Scarlet Witch de-powered most of the world's mutant population). However, the character is apparently killed by Mystique, who presses his face onto an unconscious Rogue, whose powers had been amplified into an instantaneous death-touch.[34]
Some years ago, Kraven made a deal with Mister Sinister. He and the Blob tracked down the X-Men, and they fought the united forces of Spider-Man and the original X-Men. Kraven fled after a short battle, but not before wounding each member of the X-Men. Kraven returned to Sinister, with genetic samples from Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel, and Beast. Furthermore, Sinister requested a sample of his DNA.[35] Mister Sinister later cut a deal with Carnage in order to obtain a sample of the Carnage Symbiote. After removing the sentience from the Carnage symbiote sample, Mister Sinister combined it with the DNA of the original X-Men and Kraven the Hunter where he will use this creation on a later date.[36] Years later after the death of Kraven, an ex-Morlock who had kept his powers post M-Day named Joe Buggs was murdered by a mysterious mutant hunter. His friend Ed (who had lost his powers) went to the X-Men for help. He claimed that the man who killed Buggs was Kraven the Hunter. Although they were skeptical about Kraven's apparent resurrection, the X-Men called on the help of Spider-Man, who had battled Kraven many times over the years. After discussing the battle that they had with Kraven years ago and the fact that he had given samples of the X-Men's DNA to Sinister for cloning, the lights went out on the wing where they were located. The hunter attacked and quickly dispatched Colossus but was held at bay by Spider-Man's webbing. He broke free claiming his name is Xraven and was able to defeat Cyclops and Shadowcat, holding her hostage, giving the ultimatum that he would kill her if they did not surrender. Spider-Man insulted Xraven, claiming that Kraven would never threaten a helpless girl. Xraven was momentarily fazed by his comment, but attacked again, claiming that he is the "favored one". Cyclops realizes Xraven's weakness and tells him that Mister Sinister sees him as nothing but a pawn. He tells Xraven to read his mind, in order for him to see the kind of a man Sinister really is. After Xraven sees Cyclops' memories, he flees but the X-Men become aware of the fact that he was able to get DNA samples from Shadowcat, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine. Returning to Mister Sinister with the samples, Mister Sinister tells him that he planned to clone a new generation of mutants, and that he would unite all mutantkind. After seeing what Sinister's real intentions were in Cyclops' memories, Xraven destroys the samples, claiming that Mister Sinister would breed slaves as opposed to warriors, and Xraven attacks him.[37]
Miss SinisterEdit
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Miss Sinister in X-Men Legacy #214 (September 2008). Art by Scot Eaton.
The series X-Men: Legacy reveals that Mister Sinister had been anticipating his physical death for some time, putting events in motion that would lead to his resurrection. It was even revealed that besides the Summers family, Mister Sinister had also been manipulating for some time events in the Xavier family as well as the Marko, Ryking and Shaw families. By using the Cronus Device, he manages to implant within their DNA the seeds through which to ensure his own rebirth. Then he transferred his own consciousness and powers to the machine which after his death would activate itself and his consciousness would take control over the body with his DNA imprint.[38] When that happened, Sinister's consciousness took control over Professor Xavier's body to save him from a gunshot wound.[39] However, the combined efforts of Sebastian Shaw and Gambit destroy the machine, enabling Xavier to successfully drive Sinister's consciousness from his mind and body. At the end, a female character appears called Miss Sinister.[40] Her name is revealed to be Claudine Renko, and she possesses telepathy and a healing factor similar to Sinister, but not all the memories or mind due to the fact that she was engineered to be Mister Sinister's fail-safe in the event the Cronus Device would fail. When that ultimately occurred, Claudine was activated.[41]
Later X-23 (Laura Kinney), flanked by Gambit, encounters a young girl named Alice and witnesses her being murdered, though the next day Alice appears to them somehow alive. Encouraging them to follow her to a peculiar desert laboratory, Alice introduces them to her employer/owner/adoptive mother, Claudine. Revealing herself openly to X-23, Claudine explains that Alice is also a clone, fourth of a series of five created by Essex as another experiment alongside several other children that live in the complex.[volume & issue needed] Claudine later on approaches Gambit and the latter having left the X-Men's base to strike out on her own, seemingly asking for the former's help. Claudine at this point seems to be suffering from injuries inflicted earlier by Wolverine's son Daken. A near fatal strike from X-23 reveals the nature of the injury as Claudine's body morphs into that of Mister Sinister.[42]
Mister Sinister then incapacitates Gambit and X-23 but is quickly re-absorbed back into Miss Sinister who then straps X-23 to a peculiar chair and expands upon her own origins, stating that while everyone believes her to be merely a clone of the mad scientist, in truth she actually was an ordinary woman with her own personality, mind and dreams, but in her search for immortality she allowed herself to be infected with a virus which would grant her a healing factor, however while the virus was apparently ineffective, Claudine would learn later that the virus actually was engineered to transform her into a host of Mister Sinister as it contained his own DNA and thus his immensely powerful telepathic powers, which would lead to his resurrection. When the Cronus Device failed, the virus was automatically activated and Claudine was compelled to go to the laboratory in the desert, where she would be used as a host for Essex. Claudine believed she had been able to stop the process, possessing only vague, but invasive memories of Essex's life, but learned later that she had only delayed the inevitable. Now everything that makes Claudine is being swallowed by the malignant presence of Essex within her mind, and in order to free herself of Sinister and prevent her own death, she aims to switch bodies with X-23, thus inheriting Laura's healing factor, something she had always wanted. The plan backfires when Essex controls Laura's body and uses her to mortally wound Claudine again. Laura manages to overcome Essex's presence in her mind, expelling it through force of will. Laura, Alice and Gambit manage to escape the laboratory as it collapses and arrange for the children to be given new homes before setting off on their journey again. However, in the wreckage left behind, Claudine is still alive, although just barely, and is being watched over by the fifth Alice clone, the new host of Essex.[43]
When next seen Miss Sinister found herself within the company of the reality displaced X-Men of a dead universe. One in particular who came into her graces by the name of Jimmy Hudson had been hiding a secret within his D.N.A., a sort of genetic anomaly that would enable her to create and control spontaneous mutation with time to experiment on it.[44] Over the following months Claudine would find that this substance called Mothervine was originally conceived for the purpose of controlled mutant child births, after further study she found it could also be used to cause further advancement evolution's within natural born mutants or trigger mutation in non-mutants.[45] But the secondary and primary mutations caused were debilitating to the point of being lethal, a great many she tested it on would die during the procedure.[46]
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