peteclamiston · 8 years
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ime aksing the tuogh quetsions nowe so we woant haive to aks theim whein we are on the traine to poland
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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my felloe americans doant be ashaimed to owne yoar rascisisms
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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thease mothfueckers at LIGO speindid $620 milioen when all theye hadd to do wuz buye me a threie doler buritoe supreame
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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okaye i amdit mabey i bean werkieng oute a litel bitt bro 
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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tomorowe at sixx am youe maye risume yoar discuession abuot howe maney tiemes the deth stahr can gett bloewn upp befoare it becums boaring
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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as the sickenieng holidaye musiec faides whut rimaines is the tickieng cloack of yoar owne doome
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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cum cliembe up on santa muertes lapp bro i pormise youe woant feale a thieng
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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i saliute donal truenp foar foar supoarting me and foar boadley speikeing the werds that maney americans insiede theyer heades
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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atfer sum tieme i haive cum to aperciate an evan ejnoye the taiste of the bahll gaigg
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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the loanlieneiss of the loang ditsansce dinasuoar
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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thanke youe to all my supoarters in oaklinds
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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okaye so mabey my doag pouchie dint dye heroicly but i stil thenk he diserves sum aperciation bro
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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oh grate so i frogot to tipp wun fueckin caib drievier an nowe i gota fahtwah on my ass
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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doant aks me to saye no to druegs bro aks druegs to saye no to me
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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dunot feale pitty foar the munkie bro foar he has bean sufficientley druegged
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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asshoales asembel
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peteclamiston · 9 years
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the foarsce awakins atfer twoe weiks in a medicley induesced coama followieng the tragiec shuting
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