kinaaadman · 4 years
Madam Cecilia
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f. litan
photo by:  Gabriel Metsu
Madam Cecilia - 60 year-old wealthy business woman, mother of the three girls named: Acacia, Laurel, and Rosemary
Acacia - 22 year-old eldest child
Laurel - 19 year-old middle child
Rosemary - 17 year-old youngest child
The time is the present
A village in Westenille, England.
Scene 5
                Night. Madam Cecilia’s bedroom. There is a king size bed in the middle of the room. The roses are put in vase at the left side of the bed. While the lampshade is place at the right side of the bed. Tall Bookshelves are at the corner of the room.
                The daughters of Madam Cecelia: ACACIA, LAUREL, and ROSEMARY are heading to their mother’s bedroom. FOOTSTEPS are exaggeratedly heard.
                LAUREL opens the door stage slowly and quietly and they enter one by one.
(Greets her mother that is lying on the bed.)
Good Evening mother. I hope that you take your medicines in time, are you…
(ACACIA suddenly interrupts Laurel in speaking.)
(Steps forward)
Mother, what is that news that you are going to tell us?
Oh yes! My dear children, my life on earth is not that long and as my last farewell all of my wealth will go to the three of you…
(ACACIA and ROSEMARY are celebrating, while LAUREL stays quiet and does not have any reaction but experiencing
(Raises her forefinger)
But in one condition, join me in my death. In this way, we will be together. The tea that is place on the left side of my bed has a poisoned and you have to drunk it.
(ROSEMARY and ACACIA approach to their mother’s bed. LAUREL stays still in the same place where she stands.)
Mother, we love you but this is too cruel to happen. I mean, we love you so much, we are grateful to have a mother like you. You are the best mother for me and for us.
I agree with Rosemary, I love you mother more than anything in this world. You are the best thing that we have.
(Faces the audience.)
But I… I also love my mother(Puts hand on her chest). (Speaking while walking) I also want to feel her, to touch her, to tell stories about my recent science experiments. I want her to hear that I want to be a doctor someday, that I will take care of her. But I always choose not to because of this feeling of rejection.
Oh, my poor children. It is not mandatory, if you are willing, you can take it and if you are not, that is totally fine. And by the way, you can go outside and enjoy the part of your inheritance. The papers are in my office, place on my table. Our lawyer, Atlas will assists you regarding to that.
(ACACIA and ROSEMARY exit excitedly and whispering joyfully.
LAUREL stays.)
How about you Laurel, are you not happy to get your part? You do not even express your love to me through your lovely words. No wonder why you are not like them. Then why you stay?
LAUREL is approaching to MADAM CECILIA’S bed
(Takes a deep breath)
This is the perfect moment to tell you this, Mother. I know that there is no so much interaction between us (Holds the hand of MADAM CECILIA) but I love you and I want to feel the presence of your love even it is too late. I am not your favorite child even though I have many achievements in life. None of those cannot give me happiness even your wealth but what I want is the care of a mother. The care of you. I do not have the ability to use flowery words to express my love to you, all I can do is to take care of you and to join you until your last breath. And I am ready to drink the tea and leave this earth together with you.
(Pause for a moment)
Through these years I do not hear those words coming from you. I have no idea that you really care or it is just my fault that I do not pay much attention to you. Throughout my life, I hear praises everywhere because of the social title, wealth, power and connections that I have. I also have my family, but I think they does not have any interest in me and then I have you. The unexpected one.
(Close curtains)
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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d. catacutan
photo by: Danikka Catacutan
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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j.a manaloto
photo by: canva
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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j.a manaloto
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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j paule
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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j paule
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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r.n torres
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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r.n torres
photo by: canva
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kinaaadman · 4 years
Living Among the Dead: Day 118
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m.y.f. gueco
photo by: pinterest
Day 116
A brown haired guy slowly walked behind a car, peeking to a pack of Goners. He sighed as he tightly held his knife. A mini store is just 3 feet away from him, but he can’t go any near, since the pack is roaming around the store.
It’s been almost 4 months, since the patient zero has infected patient one, until all of the human race is about to end.
He decided to enter the car and start it, to attract the attention of the Goners. As the car starts to make sound, he ran and hide behind a near car. The Goners starts to attack the car and making unpleasant noise.
He maked a signal, ran around the store and opened the back door.
10 minutes pass…
The brown haired guy walked out the store, and a red haired guy followed him while eating a bag of chips.
“Why don’t we go to Maryland?” The brown haired guy paused and raised his eyebrow.
“And where did you get that idea from, Daryl?” Daryl handed a note to the brown haired guy. And he read the note.
If you survive, go to Maryland.
“Hey! What are you doing?!” Daryl tried to stop the brown haired guy from tearing the paper. But the pieces of papers immediately flew away.
“What is wrong with you Rick?!” Rick just shrugged and start to walk.
“We can’t find enough food for a week, we’re low in ammo, and Washington is dead, full of rotting Goners!” Rick stopped and look back.
“And we can’t take the risk to go there. Do you know how far Maryland is?! We’re in the god damn Washington, it’s 2,220 miles from here!”
“We can look for a car and scavenge enough gas. We need to try Rick.” Rick pause for a while and stared at Daryl.
“Okay, fine. But you’re the one, who’s going to that.” He returned to the store and sleep down the counter.
As time goes by…
Rick woke up soaking in cold sweat and holding dearly his MP5 gun. Trembling in fear, as he recall his nightmare. Daryl died, as he shoot himself.
He directly point his gun to the back door as he heard a sound, a tiredly soaking in blood Daryl came in. He jumped and ran to him, checking for bite marks or wounds.
“I’m fine. Just tired.” Rick helped him to seat in the counter. He ripped his clothes that made Daryl yelp.
“Don’t be a baby, I already saw everything back in the camp.”
“I was jus-just startled.”
Rick looked every inch of pale white Daryl’s body to look for a wound or scratch. He then get a bottled water and damped a cloth, when Daryl stopped him.
“Why are you wasting the wat-“
“Could you just shut up?” Rick starts to clean the blood stain in Daryl’s body.
Daryl couldn’t stop staring at Rick. He never did this to him, even back in the military camp. He would just stay away from him, to avoid getting stained. Then he felt a sensation in his stomach.
“What are you staring at? You being gay to me?” Rick smirk and throw a new shirt.
“How many bullets left?” Rick opened a can of sardines and started to eat.
“I used 20 bullets, so maybe around 20. And you have 24, plus the remaining bullets you have in your gun.”
“Damn it. Maryland better pays.” He gave the remaining sardines to Daryl and stood up.
“Eat, then sleep. We go when the sun rises.”
 Day 117
Cold breeze and fresh air flashed to their skin, as they pass by the landfields. After a long time, they felt peace. They would exchange anything, just for a day like this.
“It’s nice, right?” Rick looked at Daryl, he smiled and nodded.
“I wish it wi-“
They stopped when they saw a man and woman, waving at them. They looked at each other.
They slowly get out of the car, and approached them.
“We have food and water, but we run out of gas. We could exchange food and water for gas.” The woman smiled warmly.
“Yeah, we can enjoy the food together. My wife’s a good cook.” The man stepped forward.
Daryl seemed to be pleased, excited for new people. While Rick, is cautious, analyzing if they should be trusted.
“No thanks, we have eno-“
“What are you saying? We don’t have food for tomorrow, there’s only 2 cans left.” Daryl pulls the hem of the shirt of Rick.
“I don’t trust them.”
“You don’t trust anyone, besides me.”
“And that keep us safe.” Rick look at Daryl sternly.
“We’re good. Thanks for asking.” Rick’s about to turn around when he saw a M16 rifle in the woman’s back.
“But weren’t asking.” Then the man started to shoot.
Rick immediately pushed Daryl, but a bullet shot Daryl in the shoulder. He pulled him behind the hays.
He pulled Daryl’s mini uzi gun and started shooting them. They shouted in pain and starts to crawl.
He checked Daryl. Seing he passsed out, he cursed.
They started to shoot again, he peeked and saw that they’re crawling back.
Then they shoot again, he analyzed that they have 30 rounds of bullets. They got at least more than half of the bullets.
He lifted his gun and shot 2 times, they backfire. He repeated it, and exactly as he thought, they reloaded.
He smirked and stood up, aiming at them. Looked at them, and mercilessly shoot them multiple of times.
He returned to Daryl, sat him besides him and tried to wake him up. Fear, pain and anger start to overflow. Tears slowly fall on his face, till they flood and blur his eyes.
“Daryl, wake up! Come on, man!” He wiped his tears, but silence answered him. He put his ear to his mouth, to see if he’s still breathing.
“I-I’m fine…” Daryl whispered. Rick gasped and tightly hugged Daryl. Thinking how painful it is to lose him.
They stood up, and approached the van. Rick left Daryl few feet away, and check if there’s still someone in the van. Nothing to see, he comes back to Daryl and helped him lean on the van.
“I’ll be back. I’ll just get our things, then fix you.” Daryl nodded.
He immediately took their bags, with their few canned goods and ammo.
As Rick walked back, he heard a child babbles. He slowly and cautiously approached the van, aiming his gun and ready to shoot.
Then he saw Daryl holding a year old baby. He furrowed his eyebrows in curiousity. Daryl look back at him with a smile and excitement.
“Where did you get that thing?” He walked pass them and checked the van.
“First of all, it’s not a thing. It’s a baby, a baby boy. And I saw him inside the van.” Rick paused and looked at Daryl. He rolled his eyes, as he saw guilt in Daryl’s eyes.
“I don’t feel guilty for killing them. They shoot us first, they shot you.” He look inside the van, and saw a box of food supply, water bottles, and baby formula and bottles. He smiled and looked back, he saw Daryl playing with the baby, he frowned.
“Drop that thing, and let’s go!” Daryl looked at him dead shock.
“You didn’t just said that.” Rick scoffed.
“I just did, and I’m not telling it again.”
“We can’t jus-“
“Why not?! They shot you, Daryl. They almost killed us!” He angrily punched the van, that cause the baby to cry.
“For Christ’s sake! I hate baby noise, they crap smelly, the-“ Daryl stopped Rick from talking, by kissing him. Rick’s eyes widened in surprise, an unfamiliar and odd sensation in his body emerged. Without realizing, he’s kissing him back.
They stopped to breath. As they breath, they deeply and meaningfully looked at each other.
“Let’s go, before it gets dark. I’ll fix my shoulder, just drive.” Daryl tapped Rick’s shoulder and leave him speechless.
“Idiot.” He smirked and approached the van.
3 hours passed…
“How’s your wound?” Rick looked at the rear-view mirror, as he drives.
“Fine, good thing the bullet went through.” Daryl starts to play with the child again, and Rick just shooked his head.
Then the car slowed down, Rick looked at the dashboard and saw the gas is empty. He hitted the wheel in annoyance.
“We need to walk, Maryland is near.” He looked back at Daryl, and the baby.
“How are we suppose to bring that thin-“
“Karl. That is his name.”
“Whatever. What do you suggest Mr. Tagg we do?” Daryl smirk.
A while…
“Did you put your silencer in your gun?” Daryl nodded.
“Your knife?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Let’s go!” Rick lit the cloth and throw it to the van, it immediately burn. The Goners start to approached the van and create noise. The slowly walked, far away from the van.
They were covered in blanckets, with blood and guts from Goners. To disguise like them. While Karl is hiding in Daryl’s blancket.
Suddenly Karl started to cry, getting hungry. Daryl and Rick looked at each other, as they immediately take the baby bottle from their bag.
Some Goners heard the noise, and started to approach them. As Rick got the bottle, he gave it to Daryl.
Rick started to stab Goners’ heads. Blood splattering to his face.
“Run! Find a nearest shelter!” He said, as Daryl ran to looked for a hideout.
As Goners starts to crowding Rick, he pulled his gun and start to shoot them. Kicking and pushing them, to prevent them getting near.
“Ahhh!” Rick looked back, and saw Daryl bitten by a Goner. He ran to him and shoot the head of the Goner.
He looked at him teary, Daryl just smiled sadly as he pulled his gun to fight. They nodded and started to shoot.
Packs of Goners started to surround them, adding that Karl started to cry again. Feeling that death is about to take them. They held each other’s hands and kissed, for the last time.
Boom! Boom!
They tremble as grenage thrown near them. Rick hugged Daryl, to cover him.
They looked up as the explotion stopped, and bright light is focused on them. They slowly stood up.
A man approached them, big, muscular and hairy one. He smiled at them warmly.
“We came to help you. Are you okay?”
“Who are you?” Rick pull Daryl behind him.
“We are the Hope, a community here in Maryland. We have foods, medical facilities, and security.”
“How can we know you’re telling the truth?”
“Come with us, and see.”
“You should go Rick, take Karl with you.” His forehead furrowed.
“What?! No, you’re coming with us.”
“No! I’m bitten, but you and Karl aren’t. Please take them!” Daryl looked at the man.
“Please! Just go, and leave me here.”
He took off his blanket, and gave Karl to Rick.
“Can’t we take him there, until he become- I’ll deal with it when he turns.” Rick looked at the man.
“I’m sorry we can’t take the risk.” He clenched his fist.
“Put us in a room, then if he turn into a Goner. I’ll kill him. I ju-just can’t leave him here. I want to give him everything before he dies. Please!” Rick kneeled as he beg. The man stood him up.
“Okay, fine. Make sure to end it, okay?” Rick nodded. He looked back at Daryl and smiled.
“Why Rick? Why?” He pulled him closer.
“Because I love you.” The he kissed Daryl.
 Day 805
A brown haired guy walks down the stair, taking flower from the table. He enters a room, smiling at a red haired boy. He offered his hands, and the boy took it.
They passed few people, greeting them with warm smiles, they enter a yard. Full of cross statues, names were engraved and dried flowers besides them.
A red tomb with an engrave says “Here lies Daryl Tagg-Hax”. They sat near it, as he put down the flower.
“Karl this is Daryl, a very good friend of mine.” Rick pointed the tomb, and smile sadly.
“He’s already 4 years old, Daryl. But still can’t say a word.” Slowly touching the tomb, a tear fell on his cheek.
“Da-da.” Karl giggles. Rick looked eye widen at Karl, joy and satisfaction arise to him.
“Maybe I’m wrong, Daryl. Maybe.”
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kinaaadman · 4 years
Dangerously in Love
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r. rodriguez
photo by:  Jan Kryciński
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent” – Isaac Asimov
 In the world of wolvendom.. There once was a man named Lindow Amamiya, and he looked like a typical guy who gets all sorts of girls in the class although he can’t feel any sorts of emotions at all which is probably why he is single and had no relationship experience or whatsoever. He’s an orphan and he is an teacher in a magical academy. During his average daily life of wasting time away by reading books he was sitting around and is so relaxed as he read a book. Time passed and he managed to fall asleep. As he woke up he is awake in some place that is quite unfamiliar with him..
 Lindow Amamiya’s POV
 Lindow: “Where am I?” He whispered
I looked around the premises to get clues in regards where in the world am I
As I look around I observed that I am in a room in which the windows are all boarded up and bolted shut as if something monstrous would escape from the room in a way that its impossible to remove these boards. Although the windows are boarded up I noticed that there’s at least an electricity in the building and a light projected  in the room that is bright enough to illuminate the room almost completely. I also noticed how precious the materials are and there are cameras inside the room. There are also chairs and tables across the room all scattered in an chaotic manner almost as if someone was in a hurry to get out of these place. It also resembled as that of a classroom.
 As I looked closely on the boards I decided to try and communicate with the perpetuator behind these predicaments
 Lindow: “It seems like I was dragged away while I was sleeping and locked me up in here.. Well these materials are precious and in which it is an honor to lock me up using such materials, Whoever hears me I’m not that strong you know? I know someone’s there because of the cameras installed in this room.” He said mockingly
 Silence filled the entire room
 Lindow: “I guess whoever is there is away..”  He murmured
As I walked around and looked for answers in regards to where am I, I noticed an floating orb and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. As I get closer a silhouette of a girl becomes clearer and clearer. The girl came out of the orb and managed to push me and we both fell onto the ground.
 Hannah:” Ow.. Where am I? Who are you?” She asked in confusion
 Who is this girl? Why did she came out of an orb? As far as I know there’s no magic that is able to distort time and space. These questions popped out of my head but I guess there’s only one way to find out..
 Lindow: “Argh.. That’s my question. Who are you? Where are you from? You’re the one who came out of nowhere you know..” He said with a straight face
 As I looked closely she’s blonde and looked like a typical girl that every man wished for. Well it’s not like I would know that, but it is according to my commoner’s dictionary.
 Hannah Campbell's POV
 Lindow:” Argh.. That’s my question. Who are you? Where are you from? You’re the one who came out of nowhere you know.. “He exclaimed.
 That’s a good question.. Who Am I? Where did I came from? All I know is I came from an village and was talking with my friends and everything after that is so hazy..
 Hannah: “I’m sorry but I was expecting that you would know that.. I do know my name atleast. It’s Hannah Campbell how bout you? What’s your name?” She asked energetically
 Lindow: “It’s Lindow.. Lindow Amamiya. A pleasure to meet you.” He said with a straight face
 This guy seems to be mocking me. Who says those words without energy or expressions at all anyway? Pleasure? More like a drag for this guy as far as I can tell but either way I need to know what’s going on so I need to calm myself.
Hannah: “So what’s with this place anyway?” She asked curiously
 Lindow: “I was hoping you’d know.” He said mockingly
 Lindow then proceeded to discuss what he knew about the situation and as soon as he was about to ask about why Hannah can’t seem to remember anything besides her name, something appeared in the illuminated light. It looks like a Robot Cyclops eye with bright red light came out of it with a sea urchin like figure that floated in midair. Just what the hell is that thing? The thing then began to spoke to us with a strange tone that seemed to be happy about what's going on.
 Sea urchin like figure: “Hi and welcome to Magia Arcadia Academy I am program: Sea Urchin and if you would be so kind please step onto the particle accelerator to know more about your current situation. It’s the thing that shines light at the end of the room with some floating circles on it. It should be able to transfer you guys to me. Basically it is a magic teleporter. Hurry up now you guys don't want to be late nyehehe” says happily
 I felt as if something fun is about to happen and so I immediately stepped onto the teleporter and Lindow on the other hand seemed to be stuck in his place and had no reactions or whatsoever that I ended up calling out to him right before I disappear.
 Hannah:” Lindow c'mon hurry up we might miss something” She said excitedly
As I stand in the teleporter, I was enveloped by the light that teleported me and it was blinding enough that I had to close my eyes because it hurts. As I open my eyes I saw Lindow came shortly after. I looked around my surroundings and noticed quite a few people are gathered in here. The place has a stage, it is also an open area compared to the room earlier. The place looked  like a beach now that I continue to gaze upon it. Shortly after my sightseeing, the sea urchin began to talk.
 Lindow Amamiya’s POV
 As Hannah called out to me before she steps into the teleporter the words that the robot said reeked like a trap all over the place. Whatever happens I guess even from the beginning of my capture we played in that thing's hands and there's nothing I can do about it. As I opened my eyes I saw people that seemed to be waiting for sea urchin to talk.
What's going on? Why is there a Cyclops that talked to us? Who is he? Why are we gathered? Why is the area open compared to the room earlier where they almost had no intentions to let us get away? Something's wrong.
 Sea Urchin: “Hello there folks today we are gathered for such an important announcement.. I am certain that most of you that were in here ahead of time has figured out already that you cannot escape in this place due to the barrier and it is strong enough to dispel any magic attacks. Furthermore I have a proposal and that is.. a killing game. The rules are simple, kill a person that you're with without any witnesses and after the body is found we would hold a trial and if the killer gets away with it the killer gets to live while everyone who are innocent well.. they get to die.” It said menacingly
After the thing said those words I am almost certain that it is serious. Everyone was shocked by the proposal and they can't seem to accept it. Furthermore I may have been known as a genius but I don't have any magic but perhaps I can destroy the barrier with my anti magic..
Sea Urchin:” Oh and one more thing if the innocent discovered the killer well.. they can expose the killer and only the killer will die and they get to live. While if they both parties agreed to have work with them and the killer gets to live and so is the accomplice. Any questions?” It said jokingly
Suddenly a guy got pissed off and he had extraordinary strength that he managed to pick up a whole boulder and threw it at sea urchin. Everyone then started to be in chaos and started firing to one another but somehow another sea urchin is created. It was so clear that sea urchin was annihilated by the boulder because of the impact but somehow sea urchin managed to recover again with magic.. Wait something’s not right a device that is powered in magic can't control itself and always has a host as its source of magic. Which means one of us is behind these predicaments..
Sea Urchin then decided to kill the guy that tried to attack him. Everyone showed fear in their faces as they watch the guy burn away in smithereens that lead to death. In that moment, everyone realized that this is really happening. Lots of people died battling one another as well so much that half of us are the only ones left. We are 12 in total and one of us is the mastermind. Everyone then decided to introduce themselves for their own good. And of course it started with me.
 Lindow: ”My name is Lindow Amamiya, I am the ultimate anti magic magician. A pleasure to meet you” He said with a straight face
 Abby: “The name is Abby Hasunuma, The ultimate magic barrier magician.” He said formally
 Kurt: “I’m Kurt Princeton, The ultimate swordsman.” He said seriously
Stella: “Stella Velvet, The ultimate fire magician” She said irritatedly
 Jasper: “Jasper Kingston, The ultimate air magician and I'm looking forward to our future endeavors” He said enthusiastically
 Jason: “ This is lame, I'm Jason Birmingham, The ultimate earth magician.” He said sarcastically
 Michael: Projects text into a screen in his robot suit it says “I’m Michael Johnson, The ultimate technician. Nice to meet u ^_^”
 Yuna:” I’m Yuna Priestess, the ultimate water magician” She said happily
 Gordon: “I’m Gordon Wang Xiao, the ultimate chef and say no more to peasant’s food” He said boastfully
 Yujiro: “I’m Yujiro Takamura, the strongest man in the world” he said horrifyingly
 Finally it’s Hannah’s turn
 Hannah: “I’m Hannah Campbell, well.. here’s the thing I’m no ultimates or whatsoever but all I know is I opened a portal through here and Lindow was a witness of that! And I don’t actually remember anything past that..” She said gloomily
 Patricia: “I’m Patricia Mondragon, unfortunately I don’t remember mine either.” she said innocently
 Everyone started to talk and they can’t believe that in these two people they can’t remember their pasts and what’s more is that Hannah opened a portal out of nowhere. In which it is a magic that doesn’t exist in our world and needed technology to do so but according to her she did it with shear mental will. I’ve also learned that she’s from a village far away and suddenly she’s just here. I wonder if that’s possible.. I believe there’s something more onto this.
 After they discussed, they all agreed to explore the areas.
Days passed and not a single one of us found a possible way out. The area that we’re in isn’t so big either, it only consisted of an island with a big statue of sea urchin in it and two buildings that has rooms that we all sleep onto, it is divided into two buildings for males and females. We are separated from one another. The buildings also contained rooms for us based from our skills and abilities except for Hannah Campbell. It seemed that the perpetrator didn’t expect these circumstances. If so I bet that person observed Hannah, I must stay close to Hannah.
 Hannah Campbell’s POV
 Lately Lindow decided to stick around with me. It seems that he wants to be friends with me. That is nice I hope to make lots of friends in this adventure. Although it seemed that we have to kill one another in order to get out..
 Nothing strange happened every day besides Lindow’s curiosity to be friends with me. Although it seemed like he don’t react or show emotions at all.. I wonder what’s wrong? I’d better ask him eventually.
 At some point, Sea Urchin decided to call a meeting it states that we should all meet at the statue. We were there and everyone was given a some sort of record tape. Except for me.
 Hannah: “Sea Urchin, How come I don’t have one?” She asked as she frowned her face
 Sea Urchin: “You don’t need one after all that are your secrets and yours is revealed already.” It said with a straight face
 Hannah: “Well I guess so...” She said as she frowned her face
 We watched the record tapes that were given to one another in but we decided to share it to one another so that we would know everyone’s motives. It seemed that the contents of the tapes are about their families or someone important to them whom were taken away by Sea Urchin. Sea Urchin then suddenly showed up in front of us
 Sea Urchin: “This are your motives to kill one another hehehe. After all of you manage to get out of this place, is when you would ever know what happened to them.” It said menacingly
After Sea Urchin spoke those statements everyone started to not trust one another but Lindow still decided to stick with me for some reason. He also seemed unfazed by the video that was given to him. Perhaps he trusts me and perhaps he believed that the individuals in the video are okay.
Few days later while I ate together with Lindow a body discovery announcement rang across the two buildings. There were two bodies it was Gordon Wang Xiao, the ultimate chef and Patricia Mondragon which later on Sea Urchin announced that her skills were of the Ultimate Assassin although she intended to keep it, someone knew due to her high position in the society and the culprit killed her because of it apparently. They were severely mutilated and my memory from that went hazy. My split personality took over and the trial ended subconsciously and apparently I turned into a detective all of a sudden and managed to win the trial. I grew closer to Lindow and understands him more because of what he told me after he narrated what happened in the trial. I later found out that he can’t feel emotions but somehow whenever I’m around, he felt something apparently. The culprits were apparently Jason Birmingham the ultimate earth magician and Stella Velvet the ultimate fire magician and their power were traced by me when my split personality apparently took over. They are also the ones who had a high position in their world that they are lived in so much that they concluded to kill Gordon and Patricia and it was later on proved that they were the culprits thanks to keen observation of Lindow and Hannah’s split personality.  During the trial my split personality was interrogated and found out that I was jumping between habitable worlds since my world went into oblivion. I said that I couldn’t stand for it to happen again which is why I tried to save worlds as much as possible, Now 4 of us are dead there’s only the 8 of us.
 Several trials occurred and my bond with Lindow grew stronger we managed to find out the mastermind before she manage to kill everyone. We later on knew that the world is still intact but several killing games has occurred at the same time that we were playing it. As we managed to expose the mastermind, the whole place collapsed and turned back into the room that we were in from the beginning and apparently it was made possible by simply running it with illusion magic that Yuna was so accustomed of. So much that it cannot be detected by magicians and she happens to be the mastermind. Lindow’s anti magic properties accidentally canceled some of the illusions which led to the capture of the mastermind. Lindow used his anti-magic to dispel the illusions and we managed to get out of the place. We managed to survive with 4 of us left excluding Yuna. It was Yujiro, Michael, Me and Lindow managed to survive. Me and Lindow’s bond grew exponentially big and we fell in love with each other during the struggles that we went through. We then created an organization against the terrorists across the world and locked Yuna for interrogation purposes and with the help of my power I read Yuna’s mind to locate where the other games are being held at. With the help of my friends and my love one we managed to stop the killing games that occurred across the world.
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kinaaadman · 4 years
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photo by: Stephanie Ramson
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