#13th Massachusetts Battery
majaloveschris · 7 months
Did you see the dm “sighting” yet? Very convenient for someone to write about seeing them together on Valentine’s Day after everyone speculated they definitely were not together on that day lol
Yeah, I saw it. You know, guys, what my thoughts are on DM and her anons. I don't believe anything most people send there unless they provide a picture, which obviously didn't happen, and it usually never does due to Chris's ability to drain phone batteries or to make people forget they have a phone. It's also interesting that nobody else saw them—only this one person—and they didn't even take a picture of them.
I saw that somebody "confessed" they sent that anon, but at this point, who even trusts these people? I can also say I was the one sending that to DM for whatever reason. You don't even know at this point who sends that stuff in and who lies about sending those things. There are people on both sides who are so eager to prove their truth that they are capable of everything.
I feel like this whole anon thing is so unreliable, especially when DM is supposed to have a page that provides "confidential information," and while sometimes she is on point with things, most of the time she isn't. Trusting a no-name, no-face person who doesn't even provide any evidence is bold.
We have evidence of her being in France before and around VT Day; you can see that she was also at that party with her friends. And we know Chris was in Massachusetts. They both willingly shared their location. Those girls who were also on that trip have boyfriends too (they at least look like real couples), and they stayed in France, even on VT Day. If Alba wanted to spend VT day with Chris, she would have. Nobody forced her to go, and nobody forced them to plan a trip around that time. She was still there at the party, and since the others stayed, she probably did too. Saying she was still there on the 13th but somehow went back to MA on the 14th sounds impossible to me. I don't think they spent VT day together, and until there isn't a single proof of her being in MA, I would rather believe that video than a no-name person who didn't even provide a single piece of evidence.
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markerhunter · 7 years
Summary Statement, 2nd Quarter, 1863 – Missing batteries
Earlier this week, I finished the transcription of the second quarter, 1863 summary statements with a pair of entries for California under the “Miscellaneous” heading.  In the past, I’ve given my own “miscellaneous” listing to cover batteries which were not mentioned in the summary. But since the clerks of 1863 have secured that heading, I’ll have to consider other options.
For this quarter, with…
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historyinfullcolor · 7 years
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Gen. Alexander Webb
Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. - Halting Pickett's Charge
"In every battle and on every important field there is one spot to which every army [officer] would wish to be assigned -- the spot upon which centers the fortunes of the field. There was but one such spot at Gettysburg and it fell to the lot of General [Alexander] Webb to have it and to hold it and for holding it he must receive the credit due him." U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock
On July 3, 1863, during the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., II Corp's U.S. Gen. Alexander Webb's Second (Philadelphia) Brigade, held the Union line at the center of Cemetery Ridge.  The Brigade became the focal point of what became known as "Pickett's Charge".  "Pickett's Charge" was Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's plan to send 12,500 men to punch through the center of the Union's line and move deeper into the North.  
Only six days earlier, 28 year old West Pointer Webb had replaced the popular commander of the Philadelphia Brigade and the men didn't like it.  He was pegged as an unproven staff officer who had ridden U.S. Gen. George Meade's coattails to get his command.  Webb understood he would need to prove himself in battle to earn his men's trust.  
About 1:00 p.m., Lee began bombarding Cemetery Ridge.  Immediately, “the air [was] filling with the whirling, shrieking, hissing sound of the solid shot and bursting shell; all threw themselves flat upon the ground, behind the little stone wall; nearly 150 guns belched forth messengers of destruction, sometimes in volleys, again in irregular, but continual sounds, traveling through the air, high above us, or striking the ground in front and ricocheting over us, to be imbedded in some object to the rear", recalled Pvt. Joseph McDermott of the 69th Pennsylvania.
Webb was spotted standing "in the most conspicuous and exposed place, leaning on his sword and smoking a cigar, when all around him the air was pierced by screeching shot and shell".  Webb ignored his men's shouts to seek cover.  "That was enough for us," said Lt. John Rogers of the 71st Pennsylvania, "General Webb was no longer the dress parade soldier that we supposed him to be at first."
The prolonged bombardment convinced Webb, "that an important assault was expected."  He seized the time to prepare for the upcoming battle.  At 2:00 p.m. Webb sent Capt. Charles Banes to find Gen. Henry Hunt, the Chief of Artillery for the Army of the Potomac, to get the authority to replace his batteries with fresh units not already engaged with the enemy.
Authority granted, Banes appealed to the 13th New York Battery of the 11th Corps and Captain Andrew Cowan of the 1st New York Independent Battery of the 6th Corps to move to the endangered area.
Webb went over to talk Lt. Alonzo Cushing, commander of Battery A.  Webb, who had taught mathematics at West Point, already knew the 22 year old West Pointer.  According to Webb, Cushing had one functioning gun, a U.S. 3-inch Ordnance Rifle, 26 men dead or wounded, 65 dead horses and had been wounded in the shoulder and thigh.  Webb told Cushing that he thought his position would be a hot spot in what he believed was an imminent infantry assault.  Cushing did not hesitate.  He responded that he would run his remaining guns by hand up to the stone wall in front and pile canister, his only remaining ammunition, beside the guns.  He and his remaining men would fight it out with the infantry.
To the fill in the gap left by Cushing's battery, Webb moved in the 71st.  Some of the men took position behind the stone wall running along the crest of Cemetery Ridge.  They immediately began loading up the 300 abandoned firearms they had collected from the field the previously.
As the wave of Confederates approached, Webb went to his reserves, the 72nd Pennsylvania and told them "not to fire or get up until he gave orders."  He proceeded to the left and center of the 69th.  He gave the men "all the encouragement in his power" to withstand the approaching assault.  Now Cowan's battery came thundering up.  His lead gun overshot the clump of trees and ended up near Cushing's guns.
As Confederate Gen. Richard Garnett's Brigade came within 250 yards of the stone wall the Philadelphia Brigade unleashed their firepower.  Overwhelmed, "the fight soon became awful.  We mowed the rebs right and left but still they came on.  We had to retreat," wrote Sgt. William Burns of the 71st.
Webb was appalled.  "When they [Garnett's Brigade] came over the fences, the Army of the Potomac was near being whipped than it was at any time of the battle.  When my men fell back from the wall I almost wished to get killed," he confided to his wife after the battle.  Then, he added, "I was almost disgraced."  
Garnett's men surged forward capturing the wall.  The 72nd began firing, their volley hitting Garnett who fell dead.  Webb sprinted over to the 72nd and gave the order "charge bayonets".  But over the racket of battle his order, "couldn't be herd, I don't suppose ten feet away."  Webb dashed to the Color bearer, Sgt. William Finnecy, and ordered him "as forcibly as a man could" to advance the colors.  In the confusion, the sergeant may not have recognized his new commander.  Resolving to lead the charge himself, Webb grabbed the staff and the two struggled.  Finnecy would not relinquish his colors or budge out of the regimental line.  Convinced the 72nd would not move, Webb set off towards the 69th who were still fighting at the wall.  As he left, 13 bullets riddled the Color bearer and he fell down dead.
The Confederates, catching sight of an officer targeted Webb.  Webb survived the hail of bullets with only a graze to his thigh.
Confederate Gen. Lewis Armistead, twirling his hat on his sword, then led the way to his death as men followed him over the wall.  Webb ordered three companies to change front to right to combat the tide.  Cowan's battery mowed the enemy with their guns and the 71st fired their 300 scavenged riffles into the sea of grey. 
Nonetheless, Webb's position was being overwhelmed.  U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock ordered the 19th Massachusetts and 42nd New York to, "Go in there pretty G_d d___ned quick."  They charged into the breach, pushing the Confederates out of the clump of trees to the wall.
Into the fray, the 72nd charged and the 71st joined them.  "[Webb] went right in front of us and led us when we gave a yell and charged on them and drove them back with great slaughter", asserted Sgt. William Burns of the 71st.
The fighting turned into pandemonium.  According to Cowan, "... I do not think ...there was such a thing as regiments.  The men were fighting pretty much at will."
As more Federals poured into the area, the Confederates realized the fight was futile.  The men held up their hands as token surrender.  The “sharp, quick huzza of the Federals told of our defeat and their triumph,” wrote Lt. George Finley of the 56th Virginia.
"I ordered no man to go when I would not go myself", Webb wrote in a letter to his wife.  For their actions at Gettysburg, Gen. Alexander Webb, and very belatedly in 2014, Lt. Alonzo Cushing, were awarded the Medal of Honor.
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bobmccullochny · 4 years
December History
December 18   1620 - The British ship Mayflower docked at modern-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, and its passengers prepared to begin their new settlement, Plymouth Colony. Passenger William Bradford became the first governor of the colony.
1787 - New Jersey became the 3rd state in the US.
1839 - John William Draper took a daguerreotype of the moon, the first celestial photograph made in the US.
1865 - The 13th Amendment went into effect, abolishing slavery in the US.
1878 - Joseph Swan demonstrated his carbon filament electric light, almost a year before Edison.
1892 - The premiere performance of The Nutcracker by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
1912 - Piltdown Man's skull was found in a gravel pit in Sussex, England. At first, it was believed to be the 'missing link' between man and early primates, but was later discovered to be a hoax.
1932 - The Chicago Bears defeated the Portsmouth Spartans (9-0) in the first NFL Championship Game.
1936 - The first giant panda in the US, Su-Lin, arrived in San Francisco from China.
1958 - Project SCORE, the world's first communications satellite, was launched.
1961 - Based on an African sing called 'Mbube' - The Lion Sleeps Tonight was the # 1 song on the billboard Charts. It is probably the most well-know doo-wop song of all time.
1968 - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was released. It was based on Ian Fleming's book of the same name.
1969 - On Her Majesty's Secret Service was released, starring George Lazenby as Agent 007, James Bond.
1977 - George and Kathleen Lutz purchased their new home at their home at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville New York. Their 28 day adventure in the home was dramatically portrayed in the 1977 book and 1979 film, The Amityville Horror.
1985 - Brazil was released in theaters.
1987 - Moonstruck, Broadcast News, Eddie Murphy Raw, *batteries not included, Overboard, Ironweed and Leonard {art 6 debuted in theaters.
1996 - The Oakland, California school board unanimously passed a resolution for the incorporating of Ebonics in the classroom.
1997 - Comedian Chris Farley died from a drug overdose, at the age of 33.
1997 - HTML 4.0 was published by the World Wide Web Consortium.
1998 - The Prince of Egypt and You've Got Mail were released in theaters.
2002 - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers debuted in theaters.
2009 - Avatar and Nine were released in theaters.
2013 - A&E suspended Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson for comments he made regarding homosexuality and the civil rights era in an interview with GQ magazine. He was reinstated on December 27.
2013 - Her and Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues were released in theaters.
0 notes
rosalindrobe7-blog · 7 years
Brass Clocks Accent Any Room.
Just what is a mantle clock? Hands of your clock will start spinning. The clock contains 2 fifty percents, a day side and also an evening side. Adding and also deducting an offered variety of days across the factor that the moment adjustments at the start or end of summer season time (Daylight Saving Time) leads to the same regional time on the day in question. But as opposed to trusting their very own reasoning as well as automated updates on their phones, numerous Britons will certainly go online to ascertain the time on Sunday early morning.
You can accumulate them in numerous styles and also styles from numerous clock designers as well as clock manufacturers if you are a collection agency of modern wood clocks. Researchers have actually located shift workers that obtain too little rest at the wrong time of day could be enhancing their danger of diabetes mellitus as well as excessive weight. If you cherished this short article and you would like to acquire additional info concerning distintorestaurante.Com.br kindly stop by the web-page. Atomic clocks are accountable for integrating time for much of our innovation, consisting of electrical power grids, GPS, and the watch on your apple iphone. These wall clocks are easy to review and also rarely make any type of sound. The Notice of the Atomic Researchers (BPA) moved the minute hand of the symbolic End ofthe world Clock from three mins to two-and-a-half minutes to twelve o'clock at night. Solar power means no battery modifications, and an atomic radio preserves perfect criterion and also daytime financial savings time worldwide. Transforming the clocks also gave farmers more daylight in the morning so that they could start work in the areas previously. Steve Jaggs, the keeper of the clock, stated: On a daily basis our group of very experienced clock technicians takes care of this Victorian masterpiece yet, in order to keep the clock ticking, we should currently take the time to extensively inspect and also recover it. It exploded much later than planned, most likely a great twelve hours later, at twenty-six minutes past 8 on Monday early morning. I began with some illustrations to find a form I liked, and also created some hand provides to demonstrate the style details as well as materials. In a lot of animals, the clock resets each day on a roughly 24-hour routine, claimed College of Massachusetts neurologist William Schwartz, who examines circadian biology, but was not involved in the research study. The clocks moved forward last weekend - but time has actually been flying in Belfast. . The earliest mechanical appear the 13th century didn't have an aesthetic sign and also indicated the moment audibly by striking bells Many clocks to this day stand out clocks which strike the hour. Nevertheless, once it was discovered that specific crystals oscillate at precise prices whilst drunk of an electronic current, digital clocks quickly took over as individuals knew they gave far better accuracy. American states that utilize DST will certainly set their clocks forward one hr, making the moment 3am in the early morning instead. While CrunchGear employees as well as close friends have actually sold blood, sperm, pot, Arby's roast beef, as well as took a look at the occasional stack of poop on a plate to the joy of corrupt, rich bar-goers (true tale!), we do no sell MP3 alarm clocks. Bulova also developed grandpa clocks for Harley Davidson. When the clock hands are correctly synchronized, this can develop an impressive impact. This web site informs you the best ways to set your Today and after that you simply allow the hand turn around the face. As far back as 1784, Benjamin Franklin, among The U.S.A.'s Starting Papas, had created a letter to the Journal of Paris teasing the truth people were resting through daylight and burning candles as well as fuel for light in the evening. The early clocks were mainly in towers in public buildings, as well as did not have any type of hands; they just sounded the hr on a bell. God's Clockmaker: Richard of Wallingford and the Development of Time. The general guideline, I believe, is a day of bodily adjustment each hour of time area moved. In other instances, Marketing Wall surface Clocks sporting activity innovative design of the hands. His layout was a considerable enhancement over the earlier mechanical clocks, because it had an error margin of 3 min approximately each day. Russia's restored interest in nuclear weapons was additionally one more factor in moving the hands forward. That is since Mr Jaggs is responsible for returning the hands not simply of any kind of clock, yet of Large Ben, probably the most famous chips in the world. These clocks were even more dependable than timepieces or other approaches permitting exact as well as dependable informing of the time of day for the first time in human history. The clocks going back also mark the end of British Summer season Time (BST) as Britain changes to Greenwich Meanwhile Time (GMT) for winter season. If the average game time was under 2:55 in 2018, after that MLB would certainly play in 2019 without a pitch clock, and the time-of-game goal would certainly be 2 hrs, 50 minutes.
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markerhunter · 6 years
Summary Statement, 3rd Quarter, 1863 – Missing Batteries
Summary Statement, 3rd Quarter, 1863 – Missing Batteries
With the final entry for Wisconsin, I’ve presented all the sections from the Ordnance Summary Statements for the third quarter of 1863.  Those covered equipment reported from “light” batteries, or any other unit reporting field artillery on hand.  With any such accounting, and in particular during wartime, there will be gaps and missing information.  When I started these summary statement…
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bobmccullochny · 5 years
December History
December 18   1620 - The British ship Mayflower docked at modern-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, and its passengers prepared to begin their new settlement, Plymouth Colony. Passenger William Bradford became the first governor of the colony.
1787 - New Jersey became the 3rd state in the US.
1839 - John William Draper took a daguerreotype of the moon, the first celestial photograph made in the US.
1865 - The 13th Amendment went into effect, abolishing slavery in the US.
1878 - Joseph Swan demonstrated his carbon filament electric light, almost a year before Edison.
1892 - The premiere performance of The Nutcracker by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
1912 - Piltdown Man's skull was found in a gravel pit in Sussex, England. At first, it was believed to be the 'missing link' between man and early primates, but was later discovered to be a hoax.
1932 - The Chicago Bears defeated the Portsmouth Spartans (9-0) in the first NFL Championship Game.
1936 - The first giant panda in the US, Su-Lin, arrived in San Francisco from China.
1958 - Project SCORE, the world's first communications satellite, was launched.
1961 - Based on an African sing called 'Mbube' - The Lion Sleeps Tonight was the # 1 song on the billboard Charts. It is probably the most well-know doo-wop song of all time.
1968 - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was released. It was based on Ian Fleming's book of the same name.
1969 - On Her Majesty's Secret Service was released, starring George Lazenby as Agent 007, James Bond.
1977 - George and Kathleen Lutz purchased their new home at their home at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville New York. Their 28 day adventure in the home was dramatically portrayed in the 1977 book and 1979 film, The Amityville Horror.
1985 - Brazil was released in theaters.
1987 - Moonstruck, Broadcast News, Eddie Murphy Raw, *batteries not included, Overboard, Ironweed and Leonard {art 6 debuted in theaters.
1996 - The Oakland, California school board unanimously passed a resolution for the incorporating of Ebonics in the classroom.
1997 - Comedian Chris Farley died from a drug overdose, at the age of 33.
1997 - HTML 4.0 was published by the World Wide Web Consortium.
1998 - The Prince of Egypt and You've Got Mail were released in theaters.
2002 - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers debuted in theaters.
2009 - Avatar and Nine were released in theaters.
2013 - A&E suspended Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson for comments he made regarding homosexuality and the civil rights era in an interview with GQ magazine. He was reinstated on December 27.
2013 - Her and Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues were released in theaters.
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