sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th KP Fannies Runoff Elections
Alrighty, everyone! All of the votes have been cast and the Committee has fully counted them!
We ain't gonna reveal the winners yet, but I can say that 25 of the 29 categories have already been decided and there are gonna be some surprises. That being the case, the winners will be notified by PM of which awards they've won so that the acceptance speeches can be prepped up. There are officially four ties that we'll have to break through in the runoff election. The runoff election will basically work in just about the same manner as the final voting round process. One choice per category. You must sumbit your vote to either the KP Fannie Committee fanfic account by PM or through the [email protected] email address by June 22nd at 11:59pm (Central US time). They are, as follows:
8) Best Alt-Other Canon Pairing Bonnie & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - Sharper the Writer Bonnie & Shego - Picture This - MrDrP
17) Most Unlikely-Unique Story S + D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel Groundhog Daze - MahlerAvatar
21) Best Series Center Will Not Hold Series - SimplyShelbs16 S Plus D Equals K Series - Neo the Saiyan Angel
22) Best M-Rated Story Possibles' Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201 My Kind of Hero - DismalOrc29177
With all this being said, may the best author win!!
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Final Round of Voting
Hello and good evening to everyone in the Kimmunity.
Now that the first round of voting has come to a close, I am happy to tell you that we have approached the final round of voting. This is going to decide the winner of each of the 29 categories
Now, before the voting can commence, I need to go over a few house rules with y'all on this very important round of voting.
Rule #1) You can pick any category you desire, but you only get one choice per category. No more than that. Authors may vote on their own stories up to 5 categories.
Rule #2) You cannot split your votes.
Rule #3) You can submit your vote in either one of two approved methods
A) You can submit the form by PM to the Kimmunity Fannies fanfiction account (if you have an FFnet account) The link is here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2622561/KP-Fannie-Committee
B) You can submit the form by an email to the Kimmunity Fannies Yahoo email account. The email address is [email protected].
You cannot, however, do both. It will screw up the system.
Rule #4) You have to submit your vote by June 14th at 11:59 PM (Central US TIME). No votes will be accepted after this date.
Rule 5) You have to put your normal screen name (be it Tumblr, Twitter, DA, FFnet, the active KP forums, or Instagram) under your vote so that it'll tell me who has voted.
Rule #6) And this is the most important rule of all -- You CANNOT share your vote on any social media site (be it Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facetime, Kik...etc.). The Final Vote Round of the KP Fannies has been private in the past and we, as members of the Council, want to retain it as such as part of our tradition in this fandom.
Rule #7) In the event that a tie emerges in a category, it will go into a runoff to determine a winner. And if still tied, the Sharper Eye test will come into play. (i.e. the story with the most faves and follows will win out in the end.)
With all the house rules in play, may the best author win.
EDIT 1: Had to put in the actual email address to submit votes. :P
Below is the nominees list: 
1) Best KP Style Name
Rebecca Starlet (Nacos and a Movie) - StW
Geneous - (Dynamic Reversal) - Emperor of Dreams
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accuarate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
BattleSkarr & S'ordcClash (All Things Probable) - Slyrr
2) Best Original Character
Anna Stoppable - This Is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Otto Bahn & Lynn Accurate (What's the Alma Mater) - MrDrP
Rebecca Starlet - (Nacos and a Movie) - STW
Emmie & Jennie Gold - Possibles Pure Love Road -kmtdiccion
Cappuchino - RJ & Martin - Emersonian
Rhino - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
3) Best Minor Character
Monique - That's So Monique - NeoTyson
Tara - The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Bonnie, Monique, Camille, Tara, & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Bates - A Servants Loyalty- Daccu65
Connie & Lonnie Rockwaller - Fun with Con and Lon - Icarus the Foxkidd
Monique - Center Will Not Hold ... Or Will It - SimplyShelbs16
4) Best Villain
Bonnie, Camille & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Monkey Fist - (RJ & Martin) Emersonian
Dementor - Sophmore Slump - SimplyShelbs16
KP, Drakken and Shego - I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
Gemini - This Is Our Year: Postgraduation - F86Sabre53
DNAmy - Sheryl - GerbilHunter
5) Best Songfic
The 12 Days of a Possible Family Christmas - STW
KP Never Lets It Go to Her Heart - Ozzy-Zike Fan 10.57
6) Best AU Story
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
KP: Gifted - LJ58
Two Tickets For Murder - eoraptor
A Journey Through Time - DisneyChannelLover
7) Best Crossover-Fusion
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion (fusion)
Sky Blue, Ocean Blue - purplegirl761 (Steven Universe)
Turbo a KPPR Story - brycewade1013 (Power Rangers)
A CO N*** Mole Rat in the Schnee Mansion - daccu65 (RWBY)
KP: A Tale of Promethus - LJ58 (KP/Frankenstein Fusion)
The Grim Adventures of Kim and Ron - shadowwriter329 (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
8) Best Alt-Other Canon Pairing
Bonnie & Junior - Nacos and a Movie - STW
Ron & Tara - Today My Life Begins - kmtdiccion
Bonnie & Shego - MrDrP - Picture This
Bonnie & Tim - MasterDuelistMichael - The Tweeb and the Queen B
Bonnie & Ron - Honey Pot - Mr Aanonymous
Ron & Shego - Your Loss is My Gain - Kixen
9) Best Kigo
Canadian Wedding - Von Uriken
I Forget - obscurebeing
Through the Timestream -RedWolfBlack
KP: A Blonde Moment - eoraptor
Acid Rain - VoltageStone
Morning Conversations - FeudorLaurent
10) Best Drakgo
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
Expiration, Pudding and Plums - Imyoshi
S Plus D Equals K - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Unlike the Others - nobody3456
Evil Family - MaRci3o9
11) Best Kim/Ron
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - Eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Could It Be - Shasta627
12) Best Comedy
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Midsummer Nightmare - SimplyShelbs16
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Picture This - MrDrP
13) Best Romance
Last Dance- Whitem
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Could It Be - Shasta 627
When the Ball Drops - GerbilHunter
14) Best Friendship
It Came with the Lanyards - SimplyShelbs16
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Assorted Ficlets - purplegirl761
The Mad Scientists Assistant - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Just Like Old Times - nobody3456
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
15) Best Action-Adventure
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
Lesson One - eoraptor
I'm Scared too - Magic Flying Spud
MMP Twist: Exchange - Czech8
The New Fearless Ferrett - Neotyson
This is Our Year: College - F86Sabre53
16) Best Drama
Awkweird- SimplyShelbs16
Dead Man Switch - Sentinel103
KP: Gifted - LJ58
The Line - Icarus the Foxkidd
Standards - eoraptor
Eternal - Neo the Saiyan Angel
17) Most Unlikely-Unique
Coffee Shop Nights - Magic Flying Spud
Two Diverged Into One - DisneyChannelLover
Too Close for Comfort - James SunderlandsPillow
S D Equals K - Neo the saiyan Angel.
Groundhog Daze - Mahler Avatar
KP: Gifted - LJ58
18) Best One-Shot
Lesson One - eoraptor
Check the Name - Magic Flying Spud
Turkey Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Ron at the Symphony - Mahler Avatar
Could It Be - Shasta627
Christmas Surprises - F86Sabre53
19) Best Novel-Sized Story
Nacos and a Movie - STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
RJ & Martin - Emersonian
KP: Gifted - LJ58
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
20) Best Short Story
Awkweird - SimplyShelbs16
The Initiative and Other Interruptions - Jimmy1201
Motherhood - Taurusdoodles99
The Adventures of Anna Stoppable: Trip to Japan- F86Sabre53
The Tweeb and the Queen B - MasterDuelistMichael
Reunion: Memories & Resolution - Nathaniel E. Kenway
21) Best Series
Center Will Not Hold Series - SimplyShelbs16
Blonde Moment Series - Eoraptor
S Plus D Equakls K Series - Neo the Saiyan Angel
Where the Wind Blows Series - LJ58
This Is Our Year Series - F86Sabre53
I Let Her Lie Series - Nathaniel E. Kenway
22) Best M-Rated Story
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
STD 2018 Feels - Jimmy1201
My Kind of Hero - DismalOrc29177
An Average Day - Neo the Saiyan Angel
My RonRon Time - NeoTyson
KP: Impossible Journey- LJ58
23) Best New Author
24) Best Single Line
Nacos and a Movie - (Chapter 26: The Fight: Round 2)
"Shego's battlesuit, meet Kim Possible! Kim Possible, meet Shego's Battlesuit!"
Drakken presented Team Possible with a nasty surprise (Shego's Battlesuit made exactly from the specs of Kim's Battlesuit) and said suit was presented dramatically (i.e. a thunderstorm).
Sky Blue Ocean Blue (purplegirl761) Single lines:
"Don't say that!" Drakken hollers. "You think there isn't a part of me that wants that more than I care to admit? You think there isn't a part of me that would still love to do exactly that? Well, there is! And every time I listen to that part of me, horrible things happen to me and the rest of the world! Ruin! Chaos! Tragedy! Mutant termites! Despair! Fast food restaurants warped beyond recognition! Screaming people! Brainwashed people! People tortured – forced to sit on ice cubes until their rears freeze!"
-from the latest chapter of Sky Blue, Ocean Blue
Last Dance - Whitem: "The two were now standing in the middle of the room, enveloped in silence, and Kim noticed that Ron was floating away from her.
"Please Ron… don't go!" A frail hand reached out to the man she had loved for her entire life. "I… I want to go with you."
Ron's slowly fading form smiled as he answered. "I'm sorry Kim, but you can't. It's not your time. You still have a few more good years left. I waited for you during my lifetime, and I can wait for you in eternity. I love you KP."
Lesson One - Eoraptor Best line: "KP, Ninja school? Sounds cool, but so totally not for me. I spent my first day tangled in, or out of, my own clothes; couldn't eat a meal for like a week, and almost wrecked the joint with a magical sumo stomp. And on top of all that? No fast food!"
"But then I realized — I'll never defeat you. You're smarter than me — than most people — and boy do you know how to win a fight. You see Kimberly Ann," Drakken lectured. "What started all of this was one little thought: If I can't take over the world, maybe she can." - I'm Scared Too
(Magic Flying Spud)
arandomshipper - KP The Princess Bride -
From behind her she heard the sound of many swords being drawn. She sighed. "You reeeeeaaaally don't wanna do this, boys."
"We have our orders."
"If you were ordered to jump off a cliff, would you do that, too? This isn't any different, when it comes down to it, except this way will be more painful."
Butterfly's Wings by Vyrkerion again
-- build up to line: [I could paraphrase a more succinct explanation, but eh it's just a nomination] His skin was pale, and somewhat translucent revealing embedded circuitry and mechanical bits hidden below the surface. Even still then the faintest hints of where freckles used to be dotted across his cheeks. His eyes were a soft brown punctuated with a brilliant glowing red emitting from the depths of his pupils. Most of his head was burnt and scarred, the remnants of the machines fusing with his body, but patches of dusty blonde hair could still be seen sticking out from his scalp.
Kim choked, "Oh… Oh god… no. NO." And with that, Kosch the Killer released his grip on Kim Possible's throat and sent the girl plummeting.As she fell, she could see Kosch mutter something and in her last moments of conscious barely lip-read the words:
-- the actual line I'm nominating:
Die. Kay. Pee.
Die KP.
25) CPNeb Kimmunity Award
SimplyShelby16, Magic Flying Spud, Jerridian, Tennente, Legionniare24601, and Neo the Saiyan Angel.
26) Kimmunity Achievement Award
Whitem, MrDrP, Neo the Saiyan Angel, Jimmy1201, Mahler Avatar, Molloy
27) Best Reviewer
Invader Johnny, MrDrP, Mindless Violence Fan, Jimmy1201, Neotyson, Uberscribber.
28) Best Story of 2018
Nacos and a Movie- STW
Possibles Pure Love Road - kmtdiccion
I'm Scared Too - Magic Flying Spud
KP: Gifted - LJ58
This is Our Year: Sightseeing - F86Sabre53
Step Up - Icarus the Foxkidd
Another Kind of Drama- Novashiro
Honey Pot - Mr. Aanonymous
29) Best Writer of 2018
STW, Kmtdiccion, Eoraptor, SimplyShelbs16, MagicFlyingSpud, Neo the Saiyan Angel, IcarustheFoxkidd, Jimmy1201.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
The 14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - The New Co-host - Part II
(30 minutes later)
GT and Ron were eating away at extra Nacos with Kim and Rufus watching.
"Getting extra nachos for a safety bed for spillage is like having a cheesy dessert!" GT remarked at the small tower of nachos stacked on top of one another that she created.
"Wait until you see our nacho stacking contests I do with Rufus!" Ron exclaimed.
"Yippee!" Rufus remarked after finishing off another Naco.
Kim was looking through on her pendant Kimmunicator 6.0 for GT's stories and found her profile.
"I have seen your works on the Net before." Kim said while continuing to scroll down on GT's profile.
"Have you now?" GT wondered while sipping on her soda. "I have been around for wile...just lurking around!"
"To tell you the truth, GT, I'm really hooked on the Drakgo shorts you're doing!" Kim remarked, pointing to GT's stories on the 60-chapter Drakgo short collection.
GT grinned and replied, "Are you? I hope you fell that your parts have been done just." She then said to herself.
I will not praddle on...I am in control of my sanity.
"Yes...well...only 50 or so chapters to go yet!"
Kim's mind went to the thousand-yard stare as if she got PTSD.
"Unlike Sentinel's stories..." she said with an emotionless stare.
"Wow!" Ron reacted to GT's progress on the Drakgo shorts, "Keep on goin'!"
"Don't you fret, Ron! You'll be in there more!" GT exclaimed, "I have a mission to complete after all!"
Rufus then pointed with his paw at the condition of his wife.
GT then looked at Kim and she asked, "Are you okay?"
Kim's eyes then began to twitch and shouted loudly, "Sentinel...that idiotic old fart!"
"KP, please...we're in a restaurant here! Now's not the time to be 'reminiscing' about him!" Ron replied, trying to calm down his wife.
Turning to GT, he added "Whatever you do, don't mention about Sentinel or his stories around KP, especially THAT story that begins with the letter H. She still has some pretty bad memories about it."
"Me k-k-kissing Eric on the lips...s-s-s-s-lapping Ron and s-s-s-s-s-starving him on a m-m-m-m-mountain...a-a-a-a-a-abusive parents..." Kim stammered hard on the particulars of 'that story'.
"Sorry if I have to do this, KP..."
Ron, with quick thinking, then took some cold water and threw it on his wife's face.
Kim went back to normal, albiet with her hair wet. The twitching and stammering stopped.
"Thanks, Ron, for that save." she said normally, water dripping from her face.
"So yeah, GT, don't bring him up at this year's ceremony." Ron suggested.
"Got it, never mention that...ever!" GT replied.
Getting back to the co-host topic, she asked, "So...this co-host thing! What's it about exactly?"
"For the past couple of years, since Whitem stepped away from hosting the ceremony due to family reasons, Sharper was the one who took up the mantle and he has presented the past two ceremonies." Kim explained. "It's also stipulated in his Fannies contract that both he, me and Ron, and the other members of the Kimmunity Council signed, that he needs a co-host for each ceremony."
"Ohhh...that explains a lot!" GT replied as she finished up her Naco.
"For the 12th Fannies Ceremony..." Kim said hesitantly, taking a deep breath, "...he decided, of all things, to put the Ceremony in the mansion of his...'Queen'."
"And who, may I ask, is Sharper's Queen?" GT asked.
"Bonnie Rockwaller!" came Ron's reply. From a distance, Justin and Alexa were crying very loudly miles away at the house.
"I suppose she wasn't a gracious house." GT chuckled.
"She tried to humiliate me by exposing myself nude in front of the audience and to take the Best Writer announcing for herself." Kim added. "Thanks to the help of Wade and Ron, we exposed her darkest secret: tax evasion. She then spent a total of six months in the slammer, plus six more for house arrest!"
"And that is important because...?" GT question.
"GT, me and Ron have presented this particular award every single year since Zaratan did the first Fannies...uh...when was it, Ron?" Kim asked before getting stumped on the year.
"I believe it was...2006! Yes, 2006 was when it began!" Ron grinned, guessing the correct year.
"Aww...that was our first year dating!" Kim replied with a smile, while rubbing her hands against her husband's chest.
"Thirteen years really do fly by, don't they?" Ron said to his wife.
"And yet, our love for each other remains as strong as before!" Kim said, smiling as the two kissed each other on the lips.
"So when do I get to meet Sharper?" GT asked.
"I'm going to send him a text right now!" Kim said as she sent a text to Sharper.
"We'll tell him that we have found our co-host!"
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - The New Co-Host - Part I
"Now that we got this business of the LAM backlash out of the way, let's now concentrate on the Fannies Ceremony." Kim said while grabbing the script. "We need to go over it with Sarah for the final walkthrough.
"Well, what are we waiting for then, KP?" Ron questioned. "Let's get to her dressing room!"
Rufus got out of Ron's pocket and pointed out something.
"Gummi." he squeaked, observing a gummi bear on the floor.
"Look, Ron! Someone left a gummy on the floor!" Kim said while bending over and picking up the gummi bear.
"Not just a gummy, KP...a whole trail of them!" Ron gasped, seeing the trail of gummi bears leading in a path.
Rufus was scurrying along the path of the sugary confections.
"Let's see where the trail leads to!" Kim exclaimed. She and Ron followed the naked mole rat.
The Possibles finally reached Sarah's dressing room.
"Now...we may never know what we are going to find in there!" Kim said, catching her breath.
"It may be disturbing to your eyes, KP!" Ron exclaimed with worry.
"Ron...I've handled tough sitches before, so it will be no big to me!" Kim replied with a wide grin before knocking down the door.
Kim and Ron gasped in horror.
Sarah's entire dressing room was a complete mess. It was completely disorganized with gummi bears and sugar all over the place. On the floor was Sarah herself with her face coated in sugar. Nura, aka Legionnaire24601, and Daisy, aka temporaryinsanity91, were also groaning as well, clenching their stomachs.
"Oooh...got a tummyache..." Sarah groaned.
"It was only supposed to be a contest..." Daisy uttered.
"Sugar has officially betrayed us!" Nura moaned.
"NOOOOO!" Sarah whined. "It wasn't supposed to be this way!"
"Sarah!" Kim exclaimed, looking at the open candy pantry, "That candy was reserved for the afterparty!"
"I couldn't...resist!" Sarah said slowly.
(One hour later, at Bueno Nacho)
"Sarah, Daisy, and Nura are all officially out for a few days due to a tummyache." Wade said from the Kimmunicator 6.
"Awww..." Rufus groaned.
"That's so not the update we wanted to hear..." Kim sighed, "...but thanks anways, Wade."
"What are we going to do, KP?" Ron asked as he ate his usual order of Naco."Sharper needs a co-host if he wants to continue hosting the Fannies! It's in his contract!" Rufus was also eating his Naco as well, digging into the meat and cheese of it.
"But where are we going to find a co-host 24 hours before the ceremony begins?" Kim questioned while taking a bite of her Taco salad. Her overalls strap was barely resting on her shoulder.
A young woman in her early 30s came into the restaurant. She was wearing ripped teal jeans, black comic shirt with teal-colored super heroes and black biker boots. What attracted them was a satchel with KP dolls on it. It had, from left to right: Kim, Ron, Drakken, Shego, Eric and Athena. She was also playing a retaliation scheme for the Drakken and Shego dolls
"Hmmm...hey there...uh, what's your name, by the way?" Kim asked as she stood up, the undone overalls strap swaying behind her.
"Ohm...hello!" the young woman replied as she shoved her dolls in the satchel. "The name's Gothicthudra, or GT for short.
"I'm Kim Possible and this is my husband, Ron Possible!" Kim replied.
"Why do you two take the wife's last name instead of the husband's?" GT asked.
"South Dakota trip...don't ask." Kim muttered.
"How can I help you?" GT asked.
"We're running into a tight sitch here." Kim expained the pickle they were in, "The Fannies Awards are going to start in less than 24 hours and we don't have a co-host!"
"The normal co-host got sick from a candy incident." Ron added.
"Oh my gosh!" GT exclaimed, her hands over her mouth, "Who...are they OK...did they drink minttea...they should drink mint tea! I mean, sorry...about the co-host situation!"
"It's no big! They're fine!" Kim reassured GT, "They just had tummyaches."
"It was KPRS4ever, Legionnaire, and TemporaryInsanity that were the co-host and back-up co-hosts respectively." Ron explained.
"Well...geesh, sorry to hear about your issue..." GT said while squeaking her shoe against the floor. She looked around and whispered into Kim's ear. "I'm not doing anything, just sayin'."
"Anything evil you mean?" Kim whispered back.
"Pft...me...evil? Nah...no!" GT laughed while looking at the ground and then shook her head "No."
"OK." Kim affirmed "Just making a background check."
"Would you like a Naco, GT?" Ron asked, holding up one of the Nacos left on his tray, "They're nature's perfect food."
"Mmmm...Naco!" Rufus squeaked.
Yeah, for gaining two pants sizes Kim said to herself.
"UH, YES, YES IT IS!" GT shouted so loud that the entire restaurant could hear her. She took a breath and added, "Why yes, I would like one, thank you!"
Kim sighed and rolled her eyes.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Chapter 1
The 14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards
From the Desk of Sharper,
Hello, everyone and welcome to another installment of the traditional Kim Possible Fannies Awards. With everyone still recovering from the impact of the live-action movie, let us bask in the pomp and circumstances of the traditional awards ceremony where, who knows what surprises may be in store.
The fanfic is rated T for some strong language and a couple of obscene gestures, a bit of sexual dialogue, a drug reference, and some action violence.
Kim Possible, characters and settings, are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney.
Any OC I create is my own.
Chapter 1 - Kim & Ron vs. the LAM Backlash & Bullying
(July 27, 2019)
This was it.
The day before the annual KP Fannies Ceremony.
After two years on the road that also involved the kidnapping of a co-host AND the leader of a quasi-government police agency, plus an alternate dimension of the KP crew and the whole bru-ha-ha over the live-action movie, the ceremony returned to the Tri-City Convention Center in Middleton. The KP Kimmunity and the Middleton City Council agreed on a four-year deal to host the Fannies at the Convention Center. The presentation itself was going to be held at the Timothy North Memorial Theater.
Everyone was getting ready for all the glitz and glamor of the awards show, especially on which dress the grown KP women were going to wear for tomorrow's event.
At the same time however, something else had bothered the now 31-year old Kim's mind.
In fact, the infamous trip they took to South Dakota last year made their marriage stronger. It's just that they did not want to be associated with the Stoppable Family Vacation Curse, so both Kim and Ron decided to legally change the entire family's last name to put his wife's name first. This year, they had taken a trip to both Hawaii and South Carolina and did not run into any significant problems.
And yet, something else had nagged at her mind for over the last five months.
It was all the hate the LAM had been receiving over the timespan. It was like a big stress ball that Kim was squeezing really and mighty hard but it was about to pop. She didn't say anything about it at all after the February 15th premiere of the LAM. -
"Ron, all of this is getting on my nerves! UGGGGGHHHHHHH!"
"KP, calm down a bit! You're letting this whole thing get to your head!"
Both Kim and Ron Possible-Stoppable were walking down the hall of the convention center. . Ron was in a button down shirt, white tennis shoes and baggy jeans held with a belt. Thankfully for Kim, he was not showing his underwear. She was wearing her favorite dark denim baggy Club Banana overalls. It had holes in the kneecaps, but it had a cargo pocket big enough for Rufus. The left strap was hooked but she unhooked the right strap. It was dangling behind her back so that she liked it 90s style. Plus, she had a green button-down shirt. She also was wearing a gold statement necklace, giant dangling earrings,a ladies watch, two bracelets and a total of five rings, including the wedding band. Kim finalized the outfit with black sneakers.
Rufus, on the other hand, was standing on top of his owner's shoulder.
"I am so not jelly about the criticism of the LAM!" Kim countered at her husband.
"Am too!"
"Am not!"
"Am too...times infinity!" Ron snarked.
"Ughh...got me on the infinity clause!" Kim exclaimed.
"Jinx, I owe you a soda, KP!" Ron said, giving a smile to his wife.
Kim smiled back and got back to the topic at hand.
"Anyways, what pissed me off about the whole criticism starts with the little parts. First off...the look of the LAM's mission outfit!" Kim ranted.
Ron sat down on a nearby crate and began to listen to his wife's rant.
"First off...people complained about the fact that the actress was not wearing a croptop! She is 17 years of age last time I checked. That would be downright creepy! And second thought was that people were comparing it to a Halloween costume! I mean, do they even have a brain cell in that head of theirs? Hell, even I can defeat Shego in that outfit!"
"So said the person that wore croptops to school all the time!" Ron snarked. "And of course, currently owns 25 pairs of baggy overalls."
"Ron..." Kim groaned, "...fashion ideas change between 2003 and today, though I do swear by Club Banana's baggy overalls. I do think the mission pants looked very cute on the actress despite the obvious lack on the pockets."
"I tell ya, KP." Ron said while eating some of the Bueno Nacho catering at the nearby table. "Some people just think with that Dawson's Casting mentality!"
"And that, Ron, will serve as a transition to my second point about this whole criticism BS!" Kim replied, continuing on with her rant, "These so-called quote-en-quote 'fans of my show' thinking that a grown-ass 24 to 28-year old woman would play a FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD GIRL?! Does ANYONE even KNOW what teenagers even look like?!"
"I tell you, these women cannot even grasp what it is even like to be in the shoes of a teenager approaching her very first day of high school!"
Her anger became more apparent.
"The damn nerve of some people to call a teenager a 'crop-top hoe' and a 'bad bitch' really wants me to unleash all my styles of kung-fu against them and send these idiots to the hospital. That is simply a sick and wrong term to describe me and my gender, thank you very much! And this is on the poor girl's first major starring film role! I mean, can't those people just live and let live? They have the animated version that they can watch all the time on the Mouse's new stream thing coming up in November. Let the teens and young kids of THIS generation, including my own, have the LAM!"
"Maybe that was the reason why the trailer for the LAM had more than 160,000 dislikes on the interwebs." Ron said while drowning the Naco in sheer Diablo sauce. Rufus dug into the Naco.
"Getting on to point number three against the LAM backlash, Ron." Kim continued with her rant. "The whole 'me-with-a-secret-identity' thing is complete bullshit!"
"Wow, KP! I have not seen you this salty and potty-mouthed since the South Dakota trip!" Ron exclaimed. He had seen Kim utter even worse words than that during that fateful trip.
"Ron, you know my stance when it comes to this!" Kim said, "Through all of my years of high school, I neither once HAD a secret identity that only, like, two people knew nor did I belong to some secret agency where if I blew my cover I would have to be relocated to another host family! The only time I even was involved in one was because of teamups, though it felt weird working with a platypus wearing a fedora and having that mission wiped out from my memory."
"Wasn't there that one time in your show, KP...?" Ron asked.
"Oh that, Ron?" Kim said, "I remembered that you were the Fearless Ferret at the time under Timothy North, God rest his soul."
"And Mr. North offered you to be Ferret Girl." Ron said.
"But I declined stating that I don't get the whole superhero-secret-identity thing." Kim countered "I made that crystal-clear that everyone: my parents, my friends, my neighbors, hell, even the former team-mates on the Middleton High squad that I was out there saving the world from the bad guys!"
"Yet...some people just don't learn." Ron bemoaned.
"Ugh...and don't even get me started on point number four...THE worst thing of the whole LAM criticism! In actuality, I don't even call it criticism...it is so in the territory of bullying! Again, as I have stated before, the Kim actress was 16 (now 17) when she did the movie! And they bully the poor girl on all her social media sites such as Flitter, InstaPic, and AddressBook! The other thing that annoys the hell out of me is the whole 'my childhood is ruined' shit every time something is rebooted! No, their childhood isn't ruined. They had a childhood, like we did, and it lasted a good while until we got to adulthood!"
"And for those people that have the nerve...the damn audacity...to actually post hateful comments such as killing herself? In my eyes, I do not consider some of them to be 'fans of my show' " Kim replied with air quotes around 'fans of my show" with her fingers. "To me, they should be arrested by the police and sent to jail!"
Taking a deep breath, the redhead added, "My show was supposed to teach kids about friendship and kindness. And in my eyes, the Kim LAM actress is a perfect repesentation of...well...me! She took on those hateful comments with messages of positivity. THAT in all honesty, represents THE true Kim Possible spirit that has been exhibited by some of our good fans in the past, such as the late CPNeb and the late Commander Argus. I loved it! You loved it! Our kids loved it!"
Rufus nodded his head in agreement, belching out what remnants of the Naco there was.
"Even Rufus, the mole rat who did become CGI, loved it! If they are going to target the KP LAM actress, they'll have to get through me first!"
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