#171216 Premium Unit Event
fyars · 7 years
171216 Premium Unit Event #1 Jinyoung & Youngjae Full Fanacc
They were dressed in their Kono Mune Ni stage outfits - Jinyoung in a white shirt and Youngjae in a black silk shirt.
When they went up stage, Furuya-san (MC) asked them to introduce themselves. Basically it must be → "Hello! This is GOT7" then their names, but since JB was not here, the 2 stumbled a bit and said the phrase "We are GOT7" unsynchronizedly, then giggled in embarrassment.
When it's Jinyoung's turn to introduce himself, he lifted the mic to fast with exceeding strength, making it collide into his own teeth with a "BANG!". JY immediately held his lips like a kid clearly suffering but YJ just laughed loudly bc his hyung's accident is just so cute 
Since the event hall is very small, the "Bang!" sound from Jinyoung's mic even echoed harder, making it even more embarrassing for him. To cover up that embarrassment, JY quickly said "Everyone, I'm okay, I'M OKAY!" while his plumped lips from just got even redder ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
JY: (still embarrassed) Hmmm... Japan is really hot eh?  MC+YJ+Agases: ?????  MC: You meant like.."hot"? Really? In this winter weather?  YJ: Not...cold at all?  JY: Totally not cold at all. But hot. Since everyone is here~~~  MC: You meant Korea is SUPER COLD, while Japan is a bit warm, but here is TOO HOT bc your fans are here?  JY: *shy* MC: Everyone~ Is it hot in here?  Ahgases: Yeah~ㅋㅋㅋ  MC: Hey (that reaction is) cold~  JY: Sorry~ (for the lame joke)  MC: It's okay, took only 2mins anyway  YJ: AHAHAHAHAHA
MC: How do you feel working as an unit and having unit event like this, just 2 of you?  JY: It's the first time we do this as an unit right? Well after all, aren't we the best (among the 3 units)?  MC: You even make ranking of the units in your group???  JY: Of course! ㅍㅅㅍ JY: It's special. Since this is the 1st time we promote in this form, I'm super happy to be able to do event like this.  YJ: It's somehow "fushigi" (=strange)!  MC: Strange?  YJ: *innocently* Yeah strange desu yo↗︎!   JY: I'm sorry this kid says strange stuff sometimes. YJ: Uhm can we...sit now?  MC: Of course of course!  YJ: *in tiny voice* Uhmm and...I need water..please... (HIS OTTERING IS SHOWING!!)  MC: Ahaha okay~ *calls staff*   YJ: Oh and...uhm.. 2 water please For Jinyoung hyung too~  JY: Awww *holds YJ's hand* (my child is) so kind!♡♡♡
Furuya-san then asked some staff to get water for them immediately (seemed like they didn't expect Youngjae to ask for water so they didn't prepare) while 
JY: *raised both hands to clap nobly* Water please~  MC: Wow such a courteous way of ordering, sir!  YJ: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When Furuya-san was asking for water into his mic so that the background staff could hear, Youngjae even said in tiny voice "Everyone, please gimme water~" in that super adorable expression while bringing his hands together. He's not an idol. He's an otter ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MC: I went to your Osaka TURN UP show last time!  JY: Alone?  MC: Yup  JY: After the show we would definitely want to greet you, but you didn't show up..  MC: ....  YJ: Were you busy!?  JY: It's totally okay though....  MC: ....  YJ: Were you busy!?  MC: ...... JY: No, really, it's okay  YJ: I WAS OKAY TOO! But this place hurts a bit *places a hand on his chest*  MC: ...  JY: Why~  MC: Hey it's premium unit event today and you two came just to bully me??  YJ: Teehee sorry~  JY: He must have been "I forgot ehe~"  MC: NO I DIDN'T  JY: ㅋㅋㅋ MC: But the live was really amazing! Your stages were so cool! "Kono mune ni" perf was splendid too!  YJ: Oh really? So among 3 units which one is the best match to your style?  MC: ...  JYYJ: *turns to interpreter noona* Tell him he must answer right away! Must answer right away! MC: After all, it's "Kono mune ni" for me!  YJ: But after one show when we  asked which stage he liked best he said "Bam's 97 Y&R stage was~"!  MC: Oh no no I didn't say such terrible thing!  JY: Wow~ *unbelievable face* MC: *tries hard to convince 2young* I'm just a man seeing life in rose color  JY: Woa~ "life is colored rose" huh?  MC: Yea "life is colored rose"! This gentleman here really says something impressive!  JY: *giggles with his wrinkled eye-smile* ㅋㅋㅋ
MC: Let's talk abt their unit song. What thought did you have in mind when you wrote this song, Youngjae?  YJ: Its original name is "Daijoubu" (It's alright). Geunde...demo... (both mean "but")  MC: Awesome! Translating by himself!  YJ: AHAHA~  JY: *pats YJ* It's okay, just go on! :)
YJ: Its original title was 괜찮아/Daijoubu, but during the process of translating the lyrics I wrote, many changes occurred gradually too. 괜찮아 means "Wherever you are it's still okay, I'm still here. As long as you come back to me it'll be okay". That's what I had in mind.
MC: Jinyoung, when you first listened to the song how did you feel?  JY: I thought it's a very well written song. It's a song containing so much of Youngjae's own color, that's why it's really fun when we practiced it. MC: So you mean you can feel the emotions in this song while practicing, that's why it's enjoyable right?  JY: Honestly speaking if a song sounds so-so to me I wouldn't want to practice it, but this song is different! It inspires me!  YJ: AHAHAHA~  JY: Gotta do what you want right!? MC: So basically you won't feel the urge to practice songs you don't like?  JY: But not this song!! What I said is just for example!  MC: If your company gives you songs you don't like you'll be like "I don't wanna practice~ don't wanna~" too?  YJ: AHAHAHA I'M SO HAPPY XD MC: Also, the piano scene in your unit teaser is awesome!  YJ: Oh really? You saw it?  MC: Wh...what did you mean by "saw it"?  Of course we saw that's why we are talking about it now, right?   YJ: AHAHAHAHA OH RIGHT HAHAHA  OUCH *almost choked on his own spit*
YJ: I just wanted to play the piano, since it's how I made "Kono mune ni". I wrote lyrics for it first, then made the melody after using the piano. That's why I wanted to put the piano playing scene into our video too. My scene was filmed as exactly as how I created the song.
Since YJ's Japanese is still limited, all the explanations on Kono mune ni were in Korean and got translated. But YJ always ended his long explanation with Jpn phrases like "imi desu" (It means~) or "deshita" (that was), which was really cute 
 JY: He's really studying Jpn hard!
JY: YJ's scene was easy. Mine was hard tho. At least YJ still could play the piano, while I had nothing to do!! Like, just sit there and made blank face. PD would tell me "Look that way!" and I was like, *looks*. When it's done, I was just "Thanks for the work!" then went home  MC: "Kono mune ni..." stage was great, but of course we're also looking forward to Budokan live too!  YJ: Yes please look forward to it! Because~  All: OOOHHHHH~~  YJ: WOOOHH~ hehe let's stop here! I will just reveal this much! JY: So, who are going to Budokan!?  Ahgases: \\٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و//  MC: ' v ' JY: WHO. GONNA. GO. TO. BUDOKAN??  MC: *finally realized he is targeted* Wait, are you bullying me now?  JY: *shrugged* Again, who gonna go to Budokan? *turns to look at interpreter noona*  YJ: She has schedule alr~
MC: Let's move to Unit song associated game. It's confession time!!! Please give it an applause everyone! *Kono mune ni is playing*  YJ: Why did you play Kono mune ni when the atmosphere is about to hyper up like this?  MC: Now using your song title "Kono mune ni..." (In this heart), let's try confessing something you can't say normally to each other! Since today there're only the 2 of you here, I think it will help strength your bond too.  YJ: *already places both hands on his left chest* MC: Youngjae, you feelin' it? Anything (confession) came out (from your heart) already?  YJ: *tugged the shirt's neck to look at his bare chest inside*  MC: Wait this is getting strange!  YJ: Still nothing~  MC: GYAAA WHADDA YOU LOOKING FOR FROM THERE!?  YJ: Nothing coming yet~  MC: Jinyoung first! Confession please!  JY: *Thinking REAL hard*  MC: Wow his head gear is running desperately at the moment  JY: Can I have some times? I can't recall any, so maybe I'm just gonna make one.  MC: "Making" something to confess, okay.... ^^'' MC: So Youngjae, your confession?  YJ: *also thinking hard* Hmmm.... I ONLY like everyone right now~ HAI IT'S A JOKE! HAHA~  JY: Oh wait, how about everyone? Do you have something to confess to us?  MC: What a splendid thing! Now they totally kick the question to their fans  YJ: Anyone wanna confess? You! *points at a random fan*  Ahgase: Gyaa kawaiiii!  YJ: Kawaii? Okay so her confession to me is I am kawaii 
Youngjae then went off the stage all the way to a fan at 3~4th row to ask her confession. But her voice was small so 
YJ: I can't hear you. Let's speak louder, like this *places the mic to his mouth* Ah AH AHHHHHHH And it was very explosive. I hope the fan was alright.
Another ahgase: Actually I want to ask a question more than a confession to JY. 「Jinyoung-san」「Jinyoung-oppa」「Jinyoung-hwangjanim」just「Jinyoung」&「Jinyoung-chan」which do you like best? 
YJ: From my perspective it's Jinyoung-chan~♡  JY: Hmm I'd like to be called "Jinyoung-oppa" MC: Everyone let's call "Jinyoung-oppa" together!  Ahgase: Jinyoung-oppa~~  JY: Hey, are you alright? That noona over there clearly looks terrified by the "oppa" thing. She kept shaking her head like this *imitates*  Ahgase: No I don't~  JY: Noona if it's hard you don't need to try, okay~ 
JY: I now got one confession to YJ. It's an apology though. In the van that takes us around for activities, YJ always practices his singing and enunciation. But I'm really sleepy... and it keeps blasting to my ears...  MC: Always?  JY: Yeah always... YJ: Because I'm a singer, and I got a super loud voice. Plus the van is small so my voice echoes even more...  JY: So when YJ isn't looking, I....secretly turn UP the volume in my earphones....  YJ: I gotta confess to hyung too! Everytime JY hyung feels cold he'll turn on the heater full-fledged. When he does that, it's super hot for me, so when he's sleeping I secretly adjust the temperature DOWN All:   YJ: Bc the hot air can't flow outside, I just switch it OFF~ MC: Well then, with these confessions as an opportunity, will anything in the van be changed in the future for the 2 of you?  JY: I will...just turn up the volume of my earphones louder~   YJ: And I will turn down the temperature of the heater more lol~
After this was the fansign segment, and last greetings before the event ended. Both of them said they're looking forward to seeing Ahgases again in Budokan. When they both exited already, JY playfully peeked out from the stage wing again to wave at fans and tease Furuya-san lol.
fanacc by coded4d9dc
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