#1959 Volkswagen Westfalia
ajl1963 · 1 year
Freakin', Tiquen 2023 - Destination Detroit: Part One - The Henry Ford Museum
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foreaft · 5 years
* LUNA LOVEGOOD   :   HC   :   After Luna’s graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she received ‘ Outstanding ’ marks in several subjects at Ordinary Wizarding Level ( O.W.L. ) and Nastily Exhausting Wizard Testing ( N.E.W.T. ), as well as a few ‘ Exceeds Expectations, ’ she is granted the opportunity of a paid internship with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.  Due to her grades and exceptional work, she is granted the creative freedom to further explore & expand current knowledge of magical creatures, as well as discovering magical creatures previously unknown on her travels.  She spends eight years ( 2000 — 2008 ) traveling, choosing to focus on Northern, Northwestern, and Central Europe.  On her travels, she does make many new discoveries, of new and currently known species.  In her first three years, the length of her internship, she must report back to London every three months ( for a day or three ) to present viable information, new findings, or discoveries.  If she fails to present useful / viable information, her ability to explore via internship will be revoked and she will be at the mercy of other internship activities such as desk work.  Though, for her travels, she is granted permission, by the Department of Magical Transportation and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement’s Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, to enchant & use a muggle vehicle for transport and usage as a home base / living space.  Her request was accepted because she planned to use the muggle vehicle as it was intended, to drive, so the vehicle would not be suspicious to muggles.  She uses a broomstick and apparition for simple transport when stationary in a certain area ( city, town, field research, etc. ) and she uses the vehicle for long - distance travel such as when she is done in one area and moves to another ( town to town, state to state, etc. ).
The enchanted vehicle is a lilac & white 1959 Volkswagen Westfalia Camper.  It is registered under Luna’s name at the Department of Magical Transportation as a security measure .  .  . the exact shade of purple, or lilac, is called French Lilac ( #DEB4E8 ) !
It is enchanted to forgo fuel ( gas ), running on magical energy instead, and it doesn’t need to undergo muggle car maintenance too !  She does have to clean it, but there’s spells for that.
The inside of the vehicle toggles between muggle and magical appearance based on usage of a spell.  To access the magic - made living space, one must cast a spell; if the doors open and no spell is cast, the doors open to the normal, muggle interior of a Volkswagen camper.
When being driven, the magic - made living space must be unoccupied, and all passengers must occupy the camper’s normal muggle interior space.  The vehicle will not start up or move if any humans are occupying the magical living space.
She names her vehicle Cinthia, from the word ‘ hyacinth, ’ the name of a flower that she saw in a garden of a town she was studying it.  The ones she saw where the same shade of purple as her vehicle.
In 2006, she begins the wizarding legal process of propositioning creation of a museum focused on magical creatures ( national & international ).  She works at the legal processes while traveling using owl postal services and two - way mirrors, coming back to London only when it was absolutely necessary to sign papers in person, etc.  It takes two years, for legalities and for building, but in 2008, Luna returns from her expeditions & travels, permanently, to run and manage the Lovegood Museum for Magical Creatures.
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spectrespecced · 6 years
After Luna’s graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she achieved ‘ Outstanding ’ marks in several subjects at Ordinary Wizarding Level ( O.W.L. ), and ‘ Exceeds Expectations ’ marks in a few subjects at Nastily Exhausting Wizard Test ( N.E.W.T. ) level, she is granted the opportunity of a paid internship with the Depart of Magical Creatures.  She is granted the creative freedom to explore the world and further explore & expand current knowledge on magical creatures, as well as potentially discover magical creatures on her travels.  She spends eight years traveling, choosing to focus on Northern and Central Europe, where she does make many new discoveries, of new and currently known species.  During her eight year internship, she must report back to London every three months ( for a day or three ) to present viable information, new findings, or discoveries.  If she fails to present useful / viable information, her ability to explore via internship will be revoked and she will be at the mercy of other internship activities such as desk work.
In 2006, she begins the legal wizarding world process of propositioning creation of a museum for magical creatures ( national & international ).  She works at the legal processes while traveling using owl postal services and two - way mirror communications.  It takes two years, for legalities and for building, but in 2008, she returns from her expeditions, permanently, to run and manage the Lovegood Museum of Magical Creatures.
During her travels, she is granted permission, by the Department of Magical Transportation and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement’s Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, to enchant & use a muggle vehicle ( a 1959 Volkswagen Westfalia Camper ) for transport and use as a home base / living space.  Her request was accepted because she planned to use the muggle vehicle as it was intended, to drive, so the vehicle would not be suspicious to muggles.  She uses a broomstick and apparition for simple transport when stationary in a certain area of a country, the vehicle is used for long - distance travel such as between countries.
The enchanted vehicle is a lilac & white 1959 Volkswagen Westfalia Camper, and it’s registered at the Department of Magical Transportation as a security measure ...
It is enchanted to forgo fuel ( gas ) and instead runs on magical energy ...
The inside of the camper toggles between muggle and magical appearance based on use of a spell.  To access the magic - made living space, one must cast a spell; if the doors open and no spell is cast, the doors open to the normal interior of a volkswagen camper.
When being driven, the magic - made living space must be unoccupied, and all passengers must occupy the camper’s normal interior space.
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