#1989 vault to midnights pipeline
yournameoverandover · 8 months
i really strongly feel that ttpd is going to share sonic roots with reputation (darker, bombastic types of sounds, though not as industrial) and emotional roots with midnights 3 am tracks/renegade.
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allyouzombies · 11 months
thoughts on 1989 TV?
I've not yet actually listened to the whole thing because of life hectic-ness, namely foot surgery that has made fun things like Consuming Music I Love suck a lot. So I'm listening all the way through today while I do some scanning for work! This is gonna be a sort of "live react" stream of consciousness thing that I'll ideally edit before bombarding you with my Thoughts :-)
In general, everything sounds so much crisper and I am LIVING
I've always been kinda meh towards style aside from the last chorus, but there's something sooo much better about style tv!! Haven't listened to the OG 1989 in ages, so I'd need to compare to really explain it (and it might be obvious, but I'm not the greatest at remembering the little details from pre-reputation albums bc rep was my first as a a Fan™️)
Her matured and vastly improved vocals are to die for and have been throughout the ~taylor's version~ journey. MWAH!
OOTW is already a gorgeous song, but tv is, again, just so...!!!!!
AYHTDWS is already one of my favorites, so the rerecording has me EMOTIONAL it's so beautiful. Hold me I listened twice (which I consider a sin on full listen-throughs of albums, though I AM a horrid sinner, so)
I still hate shake it off, but this one's much better. Milder hate, more like distaste now, sort of like a mushy thing on the bottom of my shoe instead of the bottom of my sock
IWYW makes me sprint thru the streets at 5 AM even with my recently removed stitches owie
WHAT IS THE SECRET SAUCE HERE?? Do the drums sound better? Idk!
I know bad blood is considered cringey but listen. It's also so fun and the cringe makes us free. Maybe the harmonies on the chorus have more parts?? Gdi i need to do one to one comparisons with all of these. Already salivating over the Kendrick Lamar version at the end of the album I'm excited for him
It's official that 1989 tv has made me really like songs I've been ambivalent or mildly positive towards (like style and wildest dreams now), so that's like actually huge imo
Everything is so pretty! (I'm half asleep now help I'm at WORK)
I Know Places is one of those TS songs I rarely listen to and then I listen and am like "why the fuck aren't I listening to this one daily" and IKP tv has me feeling that More Intensely
Clean is yet another fave and clean tv makes my very soul tremor. Don't look at me for a week
Wonderland continues to be a fucking transcendental experience that electrocutes my spinal column <3 the bridge is even MORE earth-shattering than it was in the original. please see my original thoughts from 4.5 years ago
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these feelings re: Wonderland still stand and always will
The first chord of YAIL kind of sounds like the first chord of Give Great Thanks by Dorian Electra lmao
Still not crazy about YAIL but the lyrics and the ****** lore...phew!
New Romantics tv is suuuch a good example of how gorgeous tayla's lower register has gotten. It's so much richer and I guess more well supported?
I've heard that Slut! is actually emotional af...not ready
"I might as well be a joke in love" HOO BOY I SEE NOW WHAT FOLKS HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT
"Got lovesick all over my bed" is SO !!!!!!
Okay yeah Slut! is so fucking good
Say Don't Go has me reeling. I can see why it didn't make the final cut (she is just a little too unlike her brethren to the point that, imo, she wouldn't fit well into the original album as well as the songs that made it do), but it's soooo ggoooooOOOD!!! It gives me almost like...cousin of 1989 and Lover and Midnights vibes?
Now That We Don't Talk...!!!! These vault songs fucking rule, dude.
The end of NTWDT 🤝 Mastermind??
The I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it ⏩️ I broke his heart 'cause he was nice pipeline and how it rejects the continuation of a cycle of passivity while simultaneously continuing the emotional burden carried by women in their relationships!! And also a cycle of cruelty! These are half-baked thoughts but they ARE thoughts I'm having!! An english degree was wasted on me because my textual analysis skills are still so juvenile,,
Is It Over Now Boo From Fleabag Moment
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