#1p nyo rula das átøsál
shatteredminds · 2 years
Ayo a list of everyone who's chained so far and some of their fam
Part 2. Rula Das Átøsál
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1p- Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis
Hypëřbøřiän name- Uvalash Vishgar Phrash
Gender identity- Male
Orientation- Pansexual/Panromantic/Polyamororus
God of- Lightning(Malevolent), Lust(Benevolent)
Physically- 20
Actual age- 552
Height- 6'4
Hair- Chocolate Brown
Eyes- Electric Blue
Birthday- Nov, 5, 1470
Blood linage- 1/3 Human, 1/3 Scandinavian, 1/3 Dziadozans(Old Russian Clan)
Children- 11
Shifter form- Dire wolf
Zora Jarsław (Estranged/hated/enemy)
Jørgan Fenrir Wolvisherii Friis/Wolvran Taviyar Phrash
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (Older half brother)
Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis/Lashia Zarias Phrash (Younger twin sister)
Viltautas Onfrio Wolvranii Friis (Younger brother)
Osvald Chane Valnicii Friis (Eldest son/first born)
Nora Synnove Säde Väyrynen Friis (Eldest Daughter/Second born)
Nala Mystique Valniciala Friis (Second born daughter/third born)
Hugo Kip Valnicii Friis (Second born son/Nala's twin/forth born)
Darrin Dima Uvalashii Alyakhnovich (Third born son/fifth born)
Harvey Jedrek Uvalashii Alyakhnovich (Forth born son/Darrin's twin/sixth born)
Dante Butch Zaishvaerii Friis (Fifth born son/eldest of the litter/seventh born)
Jessie Eiralys Zaishvaerala Friis (Third born daughter/second born of the litter/eighth born)
Dexter Constantino Zaishvaerii Friis (Sixth born son/third born of the litter/ninth born)
Talia Kineta Zaishvaerala Friis (Forth born daughter/youngest of the litter/tenth born)
Spencer Derrica Uvalashala Winchester (Fifth born daughter/eleventh born)
1p Nyo- Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis
Hypëřbøřiän name- Lashia Zarias Phrash
Gender identity- Female
Orientation- Demisexual/Demiromantic
Goddess of- Lightning(Benevolent)
Phisically- 20
Actual age- 552
Height- 4'11
Hair- Cedar Brown
Eyes- Scarlet Red
Birthday- Nov, 5, 1470
Blood linage- 1/3 Human, 1/3 Scandinavian, 1/3 Dziadozans(Old Russian Clan)
Children- 3
Shifter form- Dire wolf
Zora Jarsław (Estranged/hated/enemy)
Jørgan Fenrir Wolvisherii Friis/Wolvran Taviyar Phrash
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (Older half brother)
Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis/Uvalash Vishgar Phrash (Older twin brother)
Viltautas Onfrio Friis (Little brother)
Jupiter Ulric Lashiaii Friis (Eldest son/eldest of the litter/forst born)
Lena Veera Lashiala Friis (Eldest Daughter/Second born of the litter/second born)
Dove Narrila Chessy Lashiala Friis (Second born daughter/youngest of the litter/third born)
2p- Viltautas Onfrio Friis
Gender identity- Male
Orientation- ???
Phisically- 12
Actual age- 261
Height- 5'4
Hair- Gingerbread Brown
Eyes- Caribbean Blue
Birthday- July, 17, 1760
Blood linage- 1/3 Human, 1/3 Scandinavian, 1/3 Dziadozans(Old Russian Clan)
Shifter form- Dire wolf
Zora Jarsław (Estranged/hated/enemy)
Jørgan Fenrir Wolvisherii Friis/Wolvran Taviyar Phrash
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (Older half brother)
Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis/Uvalash Vishgar Phrash (Older brother)
Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis/Lashia Zarias Phrash (Older sister)
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shatteredminds · 2 years
💬 I heard Ulfric is the type of person to eat someone else’s leftovers without telling them
"NO I DON-" the Átøsálian started before getting cut off by Uriel.
"Yes, yes you do you illiterate wolf pup" The first male soul of Hölíá, Uriel, snaps at Ulfric as a deep bearish rumble resonates from his chest.
"Oi!" Ulfric growls out as his eyes started hazing red and lighting strikes a metallic object near the older male causing him to jump.
"Hey watch it!" Uriel yelps before clearing his throat, straighting up his shirt, and walking up to the now approaching dire wolf shifter.
Just as both of them started squaring up for a fighth blazing orange balls of hell-fire was thrown at them causing them to duck.
"Would you two stop fighting like littermates fighting over a piece of pray!" The ash gray haired male snaped. Firey orange eyes blazing brightly with clear malicious intent if the younger males continued to fight.
Toros has been done with these two fighting for a long. Every meeting between the nineteen main soul that were chained to the regions of the island these two would fight without fail.
The young male duo looked like they were about to say some snide remarks about how the Inferno wolf wasn't one to talk about fighting like littermates when Restus walked onto the room.
The cerberus's eyes scaned the room, locking eyes with the bear and the two wolf shifters for just a few seconds before sitting down in the chair with the card that had 'Restus Lawlor Tähtinen, second male soul of Rivau Das Cánïa' on the table in front of it.
The three males who were arguing prior to the cerberus's arrival were now silent. Shuffling to their seats, each labeled with their name and what they were chained to.
Uriel sat in the chair with the card that had 'Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold, first male soul of Revlas Das Hölíá and first male soul of Vittagarðr Island' on the table in front of it.
Ulfric sat in the chair with the card that had 'Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis, first male soul of Rula Das Átøsál and second male soul of Vittagarðr Island' on the table in front of it.
Toros sat in the chair with the card that had 'Toros Solaris Helmarnii Coinin, second male soul of Rulva Das Kíngslánð' on the table in front of it.
A few minutes passed of Toros, Uriel, and Restus looking through their notes before the cerberus spoke up.
"I'm going to be on Ulfric's side for the argument you three were having, it's not like he can help it. He is illiterate after all." The crimson haired male said before taking out the papers from the college students who take his class out of his bag and starts grading them.
"That's still no excuse." Uriel muttered under hi s breath.
Though before Ulfric had any chance to retort the other souls who are chained to the islands regions started filling in and the meeting started.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Main five in a nutshell
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Main souls
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Dumbfucks (Affectionate)
Yes Luka is still a main.
Also, only the ones who were born in the empire(for example- Rodia and Restus) and one's born only a couple centuries later(for example Ulfric and Lana) have Hyperborian names(The ones that come after their English names
Top to bottom left to right-
Rula das Átøsál-
1p. Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis(Uvalash Vishgar Phash), physically 20, actually 552, 6'4.
1p Nyo. Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis(Lashia Zarias Phrash), physically 20, actually 552, 4'11.
2p. Viltautas Onfroi Wolvranii Friis, physically 10, actually 261, 5'4.
Rivau das Cánïa-
1p. Lucy Itiunnr Leiashrala Rosenqvist(Valnici Kinalac Zavisya) physically 22, actually 622, 5'6.5
1p Nyo. Lumír Basant Leiashraii Rosenqvist(Fovasu Ilumactu Zavisya), physically 22, actually 622, 6'6. Is a ghost btw, died when he was 1.
2p. Rodia Zofia Fox(Roshani Kilmura), physically 26, actually 1008, 5'7.
2p Nyo. Restus Lawlor Tähtinen(Reshis Novanta), physically 25, actually 1012, 6'11.
Relvas das Hölíá-
1p. Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold(Urzavax Frosiash Fulcasna), physically 21, actually 572, 6'1.
1p Nyo. Kena Nediva Orsini, physically 24, actually 576, 5'11.
2p. Raphiel Malachi De Angelis, physically 26, actually 578, 6'6.
2. Nyo. Lillith Raziela De Angelis, physically 26, actually 578, 5'5.
Rulva das Kíngslánð-
1p. Sebastian Myles Jäger, physically 19, actually 522, 6'6.
1p Nyo. Zila Rosaline Roux-Lokison, physically 28, actually 664, 5'10.
2p. Toros Solaris Helmarnii Coinin(Hilvash Vilantana), physically 26, actually 1005, 6'8.
2p Nyo. Drerena Hedvige Neri(Caivnai Givana), phisically 27, actually 825, 5'4.
Dacflur das Tăchoveșh-
1p. Azura Pixie Rhaghverala Lokison(Zaishvaer Noctalsis Kisharnva), physically 25, actually 1000, 6'0.
1p Nyo. Sydall Colston Zero Bloodworth(Houlvani Wovaun), physically 24, actually 866, 6'5.
2p. Aphy Willetta Savage(Lixbana Wilvashu), physically 27, actually 761, 5'3.
2p Nyo. Ziarus Aryzath Hunt(Rigvasa Shaduna) physically 25, actually 865, 6'6.
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