#2p vittagarðr island
shatteredminds · 2 years
💬 I heard Ulfric is the type of person to eat someone else’s leftovers without telling them
"NO I DON-" the Átøsálian started before getting cut off by Uriel.
"Yes, yes you do you illiterate wolf pup" The first male soul of Hölíá, Uriel, snaps at Ulfric as a deep bearish rumble resonates from his chest.
"Oi!" Ulfric growls out as his eyes started hazing red and lighting strikes a metallic object near the older male causing him to jump.
"Hey watch it!" Uriel yelps before clearing his throat, straighting up his shirt, and walking up to the now approaching dire wolf shifter.
Just as both of them started squaring up for a fighth blazing orange balls of hell-fire was thrown at them causing them to duck.
"Would you two stop fighting like littermates fighting over a piece of pray!" The ash gray haired male snaped. Firey orange eyes blazing brightly with clear malicious intent if the younger males continued to fight.
Toros has been done with these two fighting for a long. Every meeting between the nineteen main soul that were chained to the regions of the island these two would fight without fail.
The young male duo looked like they were about to say some snide remarks about how the Inferno wolf wasn't one to talk about fighting like littermates when Restus walked onto the room.
The cerberus's eyes scaned the room, locking eyes with the bear and the two wolf shifters for just a few seconds before sitting down in the chair with the card that had 'Restus Lawlor Tähtinen, second male soul of Rivau Das Cánïa' on the table in front of it.
The three males who were arguing prior to the cerberus's arrival were now silent. Shuffling to their seats, each labeled with their name and what they were chained to.
Uriel sat in the chair with the card that had 'Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold, first male soul of Revlas Das Hölíá and first male soul of Vittagarðr Island' on the table in front of it.
Ulfric sat in the chair with the card that had 'Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis, first male soul of Rula Das Átøsál and second male soul of Vittagarðr Island' on the table in front of it.
Toros sat in the chair with the card that had 'Toros Solaris Helmarnii Coinin, second male soul of Rulva Das Kíngslánð' on the table in front of it.
A few minutes passed of Toros, Uriel, and Restus looking through their notes before the cerberus spoke up.
"I'm going to be on Ulfric's side for the argument you three were having, it's not like he can help it. He is illiterate after all." The crimson haired male said before taking out the papers from the college students who take his class out of his bag and starts grading them.
"That's still no excuse." Uriel muttered under hi s breath.
Though before Ulfric had any chance to retort the other souls who are chained to the islands regions started filling in and the meeting started.
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ask-hws-mosiheim · 3 years
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Hey kid. Heard you're new around here. Welcome. My name is Ulfric Valter Friis. The 2p of Vittagarðr Island. The Kingdom of Atosal has come to pay a visit.
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heija Ulfric! welcome to Mosiheim, glad you could come visit
ja im pretty new to this whole thing, i hope you can be forgiving if i make any mistakes with it, haha
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shatteredminds · 2 years
From this one :>
What if frogs just suddenly started sprinting on two legs instead of hopping
Ulfric: *The most girlish shriek of terror you've ever heard*
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Ayo a list of everyone who's chained so far and some of their fam
Part 2. Rula Das Átøsál
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1p- Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis
Hypëřbøřiän name- Uvalash Vishgar Phrash
Gender identity- Male
Orientation- Pansexual/Panromantic/Polyamororus
God of- Lightning(Malevolent), Lust(Benevolent)
Physically- 20
Actual age- 552
Height- 6'4
Hair- Chocolate Brown
Eyes- Electric Blue
Birthday- Nov, 5, 1470
Blood linage- 1/3 Human, 1/3 Scandinavian, 1/3 Dziadozans(Old Russian Clan)
Children- 11
Shifter form- Dire wolf
Zora Jarsław (Estranged/hated/enemy)
Jørgan Fenrir Wolvisherii Friis/Wolvran Taviyar Phrash
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (Older half brother)
Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis/Lashia Zarias Phrash (Younger twin sister)
Viltautas Onfrio Wolvranii Friis (Younger brother)
Osvald Chane Valnicii Friis (Eldest son/first born)
Nora Synnove Säde Väyrynen Friis (Eldest Daughter/Second born)
Nala Mystique Valniciala Friis (Second born daughter/third born)
Hugo Kip Valnicii Friis (Second born son/Nala's twin/forth born)
Darrin Dima Uvalashii Alyakhnovich (Third born son/fifth born)
Harvey Jedrek Uvalashii Alyakhnovich (Forth born son/Darrin's twin/sixth born)
Dante Butch Zaishvaerii Friis (Fifth born son/eldest of the litter/seventh born)
Jessie Eiralys Zaishvaerala Friis (Third born daughter/second born of the litter/eighth born)
Dexter Constantino Zaishvaerii Friis (Sixth born son/third born of the litter/ninth born)
Talia Kineta Zaishvaerala Friis (Forth born daughter/youngest of the litter/tenth born)
Spencer Derrica Uvalashala Winchester (Fifth born daughter/eleventh born)
1p Nyo- Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis
Hypëřbøřiän name- Lashia Zarias Phrash
Gender identity- Female
Orientation- Demisexual/Demiromantic
Goddess of- Lightning(Benevolent)
Phisically- 20
Actual age- 552
Height- 4'11
Hair- Cedar Brown
Eyes- Scarlet Red
Birthday- Nov, 5, 1470
Blood linage- 1/3 Human, 1/3 Scandinavian, 1/3 Dziadozans(Old Russian Clan)
Children- 3
Shifter form- Dire wolf
Zora Jarsław (Estranged/hated/enemy)
Jørgan Fenrir Wolvisherii Friis/Wolvran Taviyar Phrash
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (Older half brother)
Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis/Uvalash Vishgar Phrash (Older twin brother)
Viltautas Onfrio Friis (Little brother)
Jupiter Ulric Lashiaii Friis (Eldest son/eldest of the litter/forst born)
Lena Veera Lashiala Friis (Eldest Daughter/Second born of the litter/second born)
Dove Narrila Chessy Lashiala Friis (Second born daughter/youngest of the litter/third born)
2p- Viltautas Onfrio Friis
Gender identity- Male
Orientation- ???
Phisically- 12
Actual age- 261
Height- 5'4
Hair- Gingerbread Brown
Eyes- Caribbean Blue
Birthday- July, 17, 1760
Blood linage- 1/3 Human, 1/3 Scandinavian, 1/3 Dziadozans(Old Russian Clan)
Shifter form- Dire wolf
Zora Jarsław (Estranged/hated/enemy)
Jørgan Fenrir Wolvisherii Friis/Wolvran Taviyar Phrash
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (Older half brother)
Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis/Uvalash Vishgar Phrash (Older brother)
Lana Zorrah Wolvranala Friis/Lashia Zarias Phrash (Older sister)
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shatteredminds · 2 years
The Azura and Lucy's part Nordic children as the MiseryxCPRxReese puffs thing that's stuck in my head rn.
Misery- Hazel and Ylva
CPR- Siegfried and Lumi
Reeses puffs- Hilmar
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shatteredminds · 2 years
"What the fuck are you lookin at? It hot as fuck, I've got thick hair, and I don't like sweatin my fuckin ass off so piss off."
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Character- Azura Pixie Rhaghverala Lokison (Zaishvaer Noctalsis Kisharnva)
Time- 4 hours 21 minutes 27 seconds
Context- A heatwave has hit the island and even with how short her hair already was, she was still sweating her ass of she she gave herself an undercut.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
From this one- 😇 for Azura
For this
How does Azura react when she's given praise?
Well she has to think for a moment to figure out weather it's genuine or mock praise since a lot of her older siblings would praise her mockingly before telling her she's wrong or that she did it wrong.
But once she did figure out that it's a genuine praise she'll get all shy and blushy since genuine praise is incredibly rare from someone that isn't Caspian, Sydall, Zila, Lucy, Ulfric, Toros, or Restus.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
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Name- Raphiel Malachi Berunsarii De Angelis
Reborn exiled soul of- Exiled Raven God Rávïz
Physical age- 26
Actual age- 578
Born- September, 6th, 1444
Height- 6'5 (195.58 cm)
Weight- 80.1kg (176.7lb)
Voice claim- Jack Whitehall
Unknowing God of- Ravens
Realm- Raven realm, Beast domain
Soul chained to-
Rěvínđa (If the empire was around at birth)
Relvas das Hölíá (Current)
Placement- 2p
Species- Cambion, Incubus
Blood linage- 1/2 human(British father) 1/2 Demon(Mother)
Mate status- mate less, widower
Unnamed human Christian father (deceased)
Unnamed demon mother (deceased)
Echo Leola Rossi (Vampire, deceased)
Unnamed twins (passed in childbirth with Echo)
Polyxena Zella Rosenqvist-Lokison (adoptive grand mother)
Vipin Vivyan Rhaghverii Lokison (adoptive grand father)
Rosemarie Leandra Flovidala Rosenqvist (adoptive aunt)
Wolfe Ruud Leiashraii Friis (cousin, older)
Lucy Itiunnr Leiashrala Rosenqvist (cousin, older)
Lumír Basent Leiashraii Rosenqvist (cousin, older)
Chara Faustine Leiashrala Rosenqvist (cousin, younger)
Neith Carmine Leiashrala Rosenqvist (cousin, younger)
Reidar Berhard Flovidalii Fevold (adoptive father)
Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold (adoptive brother, younger)
Coraline Eve Urzavaxala Fevold (neice)
Helios Orsino Urzavaxii Fevold (nephew)
Selene Phobe Urzavaxala Fevold (neice)
Gabriel Aurek Berunsarii Fevold (adoptive brother, younger)
Kena Nediva Berunsarala Orsini (adoptive sister, younger)
Lillith Raziela Berunsarala De Angelis (Nest mate, younger twin sister)
Saorr Birk Urzavaxii De Angelis (nephew)
Shifting; Raphiel can shift into the form of a raven
Seduction; Due to the succubus blood from his mother, Raphiel can influence those he finds interested in to desire him as well. Due to being an immortal from Vittagarðr Island, Raphiel is very loyal to the women he loves and only ever has one mate.
Flight; he can fly via his wings
Night vision; Due to his demon blood, Raphiel can see in the dark. The only downside is his eyes glow.
Heightened eyesight; being a bird type shifter, his eyesight is heightened significantly.
Bird bones; because he is a raven shifter, Raphiel's bones are hollow and therefor weak and easy to break.
Desire lock; His succubus blood allows him to catch on to the wants and desires of the women he's around. Problem with that is it gives him a headache.
Crosses; being half succubus(which is a type of demon) Raphiel and crosses do not mix.
Raphiel is a man of above average height with short wavy black hair, red eyes, slightly pointed ears and sharp teeth. He has a scar over his right eye and on the left side of his lip. The is a partial decapitation scar on his neck which is usually covered like the rest of the scars littering his body. The is an intricate cross branding scar on his right hip.
Born to a Christian human father and a succubus mother. The father didn't know that she was such a being and loved her with all his heart. When she passed during the birth of their twins who looked nothing their father with their black hair and red eyes he called the demons, monsters for taking his love away from him.
Raphiels early memories are filled with abuse, the scent of blood, and the voice of Lillith crying out for their father to stop hurting him only for those to turn into screams of pain and begging thir father to stop hurting her.
One day Raphiel snapped. His father had beaten Lillith to the point that she was barely breathing and all he could see was red. Lunging at the man who had sired him and his sister, Raph tor into him with his little raven claws before stabbing him over and over with a knife he'd kept hiddenon his that day. Even when the man was dead Raph kept going for awhile longer.
That's when Rridar came in, hearing the sound of a knife entering and exiting flesh made him curious. Finding the small raven stabbing the dead corpse and covered in blood amused the bear until he saw the female raven on the ground a few steps off to the side.
From that day on Reidar was their father.
In his teen year(when his body was phisiclly 16-19) Raphiel was quite promiscuous. His succubus blood driving him and his thoughts as he laid one women after another, sometimes even more then one at a time. That was until he met a certain vampiress who's name was Echo Leola Rossi.
He felm head over heals for that young vampire. Trying to woo her any chance he got and failing each time. Eventually he gave up, though his heart yearned for her. That made it impossible for him to get into the mood for any bed related activities with women.
Until one day Echo approached him and asked to court him, which hit him like a fully loaded semi sliding kn black ice down a steep hill. Naturally he said yes, proceeding to do everything and anything she asked. But what of the women who were trying to get his affection? They were jealous as can be and doing everything they could to get Echo run out of town. They managed to that successfully but to their astonishment and disappointment Raphiel went with her.
Fast forward to the early 17th century and they have been mated(married). In 1709 they conceived children and were very happy, Raph made sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed. Making sure that she fed(drank his blood) frequently to keep her strength and to feed the baby's as well.
The tragedy hit. In 1710 Echo and the baby's passed in birth due to bloodloss. Raphiel was heart broken, depressed, and suicidal. Blaming himself for her death and vowed never to have another mate.
To this day he hasn't had another partner, any women who caught his interest he annoyed them to the point they told him he was annoying and to leave them alone as they hated him. Breaking his heart just like he wanted.
His younger twin sister Lillith has become his top priority as well as her son Saorr. As much as Raphiel desires to be a father to hatchling of his own and to have a loving mate to spoil and love... he doesn't want to feel the pain of loss again.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
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Name- Marcas Mureadhach Morvyn Zaishvaerii Leòideach
Physical age- 18
Actual age- 351
Birthday- June 17, 1672
Hight- 6'3 (190.5 cm)
Weight- 88.4kg (195.1lb)
Voice Claim- David Tennant
Soul chained to- Kívøřaň Sector
Placement- 2p
Species- Vampiric Dragon
Blood linage- 1/6 Human(Scottish), 1/6 Dragon, 1/6 Vampire, 1/6 Wendigo, 1/6 ice wraith, 1/6 Reaper.
Mate Status- Single
Azura Pixie Rhaghverala Lokison (Mother)
Machadh Adair Leòideach (Father)
Skye Oceana Ziashvala Leòideach (Full blood older sister)
Many other older and younger half-siblings as well as nieces and nephews.
Kívøřaň Sector, Rulva Das Kíngslánð, Vittagarðr Island (Current)
Shifting; Marcas has two shifter forms. His dragon form and his Scottish Wolf hound form.
Superhuman strength; His draconic blood makes him able to carry or lift more than a human can by a long shot. He's capable of ripping a sheet of tin roofing in half with his bare and is able to tear a full-grown human in half with his bare hands.
Flight; he can fly both in dragon form and in his halfway form.
Shadow travel; like his sibling, shadow traveling's an ability inherited from his mother, Azura.
Increased healing; being immortal means his healing ability is much faster than humans. Due to his human genetics, it is slightly slower. Like his mother, he requires blood to heal up.
Indestructible bones; Like the other Vampiric Dragons in his family, Marcas's bones can't be broken in any way.
Longer feeding; Due to his bloodline Marcas can go without feeding(blood-drinking) for about five to six months.
Heightened sense of smell; His Vampiric and Draconic blood gives him a heightened sense of smell. This makes it easier for him to find prey(humans and animals), enemies, and his siblings.
Increased sense of hearing; His vampiric and draconic blood gives him a heightened sense of hearing.
Night vision; His Vampiric blood gives him night vision. The only downside is that his eyes glow.
Euphoric and lidocaine venom; makes the women he drinks from feel good. Makes them less likely to cry out. The lidocaine part of his venom numbs any pain his fangs, teeth, and claws can cause.
Bloodlust; Due to his vampiric blood, he has an insatiable hunger for blood.
Ferality; If he goes for longer the five to six months he could go feral.
Insanity curse; this curse causes Marcas to have bouts of Insanity if he doesn't keep his temperament in check.
Marcas is a male in his late teens that is above average height with fluffy shoulder-length light brown hair that is often tied up, gold eyes, slightly pointed ears, and sharp teeth. He has a well-built body that is still filling out. He sports freckles as well as a thick scar going from the left corner of his mouth, crossing over the bridge of his nose, and ending above his right eyebrow.
Marcas never his father, Machadh, since he died months before Marcas's birth from his throat being slashed. He was stillborn, passing in the womb a week before his birth, and turned to dust in Azura's arms.
He was reborn to a Scottish human couple in Detroit Michigan as an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. The mother abandoned him at an orphanage where he was picked on for his eyes, teeth, accent, and how small he was. Often beating him up as they did so. He was bounced from foster home to foster home, his 'siblings' picking on him each time. He ran from each home before getting caught and sent back to the orphanage.
During his time on the streets, he ate anything he could. Scraps from the garbage, rotting food, and any rodent or bird he could catch. He preferred the rodents and birds for they satisfied his at the time strange craving for blood. Due to how dirty he looked, sometimes people would call animal control on him think he was some flea-ridden mutt.
One day he managed to find his way to the Port of Detroit where he stowed away on a boat, using his small size to his advantage to stay hidden. Little did he know that the ship was sailing to Vittagarðr Island where his true mother resided and later adopted him when she found him wandering the shipyard at night hours.
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