#1x04 the broca divide
jadelotusflower · 1 year
Stargate rewatch: 1x04 The Broca Divide
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I forgot how early Colonel Makepeace showed up in the series.
Jack has the night vision goggles over his cap, lol that helmet is never going back on.
RDA swiping the Zorro symbol on the event horizon as the VFX supervisor weeps.
The MALP lights are indeed broken when they get through - implied to be by the Touched.
Daniel and Jack being reluctant to intercede in a rape is gross. Daniel in particular in these early episodes has his anthropology blinders on in a very unfortunate way.
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Gerard Plunkett as High Councillor Tuplo, admirably pulling off very silly hat. Gotta say, I dig the costuming this ep. These are some Looks right here. Lean into it, you know?
Who are the “good gods” in this scenario?
Sam and Daniel on Team Science vs Jack and Hammond on Team Who Cares, but consideration of the cultural value of the mission becomes official policy - this feel like it should have been before Emancipation chronologically?
This episode has a shining light, and it’s the introduction of Dr Janet Frasier.
“Mr Teal’c” So damn cute.
Daniel drinking coffee again, every available surface of the SGC just littered with his empty cups.
One of the show’s strengths is that they don’t (for the most part) sexualise or objectify Sam, she wears the exact same uniform as the guys - but there’s a few early missteps like the tank top that feel like an attempt to please the studio.
Daniel refusing to leave Melosha on the dark side - feeling guilty about his non-action earlier? In the span of an episode he’s gone from non-interference to “we can’t leave her here”.
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Great scene between Jack and Janet - Teryl Rothery just exudes so much warmth.
“How can you be so without heart?” Aww, Teal’c!
I do kind of lol at them making Daniel’s disappearing allergies a plot point - from this point we can assume he takes his anti-histamines every day and never sneezes again.
The Land Of Light will become refugee planet du jour for the SGC.
I wonder if they ever did find out why bulls were so prominent in Minoan culture?
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doritosandavocados · 5 years
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Daniel being dramatic in 1x04 (The Broca Divide)
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stargatevp · 5 years
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When: Sunday, 9th of June at 9pm CEST | 8pm GMT | 3pm EDT
Where: Our cool site (message blog-mods for password)
Host: Mod @rachaeljurassic (back-up Mod 1989Nihil)
Promo by: Mod @dorothyoz39
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jadelotusflower · 9 months
Stargate rewatch: Season 1
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1x01: Children of the Gods
1x02: The Enemy Within
1x03: Emancipation
1x04: The Broca Divide
1x05: The First Commandment
1x06: Cold Lazarus
1x07: The Nox
1x08: Brief Candle
1x09: Thor's Hammer
1x10: The Torment of Tantalus
1x11: Bloodlines
1x12: Fire and Water
1x13: Hathor
1x14: Singularity
1x15: Cor-Ai
1x16: Enigma
1 x17: Solitudes
1x18: Tin Man
1x19: There but for the Grace of God
1x20: Politics
1x 21: Within the Serpent's Grasp
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