#2) i want their relationship to mean smth other than manipulation and betrayal. she already has that with most of her interactions so far
stheresya · 1 year
honestly sansa and myranda's dynamic is one of the most promising to me. because even before the two meet sansa is warned not to trust her, but as soon as they get to know each other sansa is already like 'oh she's such fun company she's my new jeyne' and suddenly they're inseparable, always gossiping and running around and flirting with guys together. just a rare display of girls having fun in asoiaf and also an rare chance for sansa to have a taste of what being a normal teenager should be like. myranda is always saying suggestive things that make us wonder if she's onto sansa or if she's just amusing herself by trying to corrupt the local good girl and perhaps get her tangled in a homoerotic friendship. hopefully it's both. myranda is clever enough to pose a threat to sansa's disguise but she's also the person in the vale whom sansa has connected with the most. i look forward to see how their relationship will play out in twow.
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