#might help her would be a great obstacle for his plans.
stheresya · 1 year
honestly sansa and myranda's dynamic is one of the most promising to me. because even before the two meet sansa is warned not to trust her, but as soon as they get to know each other sansa is already like 'oh she's such fun company she's my new jeyne' and suddenly they're inseparable, always gossiping and running around and flirting with guys together. just a rare display of girls having fun in asoiaf and also an rare chance for sansa to have a taste of what being a normal teenager should be like. myranda is always saying suggestive things that make us wonder if she's onto sansa or if she's just amusing herself by trying to corrupt the local good girl and perhaps get her tangled in a homoerotic friendship. hopefully it's both. myranda is clever enough to pose a threat to sansa's disguise but she's also the person in the vale whom sansa has connected with the most. i look forward to see how their relationship will play out in twow.
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erxxi3 · 6 months
omg hi 👉👈 if it’s not too much to ask for, can i request some ada content? head canons, one shots, fluff, smut, whatever!! she needs more love!!!
ofc ofc!!!
I honestly haven’t written anything in a while nor a lot of fics for Ada Wong, but lets see how I do because lately I have NOT been simping for any resident evil characters and IDK WTF IS WRONG WITH ME ANYMORE.
I’ll do you a solid and do a long ass smut drabble/thirst !
★ — Anniversary with Ada Wong
Summary: this is a lengthy/long ass drabble about Ada taking you to a lingerie store to pick out a few “nice outfits” but she manages to give you her present a little early <3
C.W: smut, wlw, fingering, cunnilingus, kind of in public???, and many more warnings but i’m too lazy to put them!!
— NSFW, MDNI 18+
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Ada Wong is the type to know exactly what she wants and then she goes for it. No matter what obstacles or fears try to keep her from achieving it. This was one of them.
She knew she didn't deserve the love of a good person. It was a blessing that they had given her the chance to live a better life when she’d been nothing but a simple mercenary in the world. But still she would do what it takes to make up for those lost years.
She wanted to be loved by someone who loved her unconditionally. And that someone was you, (insert name).
Her heart swelled at the thought. You were perfect for her, and she for you. . . and she just happened to be in the mood to plan to spend the day with only you, Which she did.
She had taken you to get something for your guy’s aniversary.
It was a special occasion. . . So, the two of you decided to go shopping and of course she had you stop at a lingerie store so you could ogle some pretty lacy things on offer.
She figured she'd give you a nice surprise as well since she had been thinking about spending time with you today.
But that had not worked out as planned. As usual you’d gotten a few things picked out she took you to the dressing room farthest from where anyone else was and surprisingly it was vacant!
You had a tint of pink in your cheeks as you glanced down nervously. “Uh..Ada? I don’t know if this is such a great idea…”
Oh sweetheart, she had no intention of making you uncomfortable, nor was she trying to take advantage of your vulnerability.
She understood you weren’t comfortable with that kind of thing and she wanted to respect that, although she still wanted to see the lingerie displayed on your gorgeous body <3
“What makes you think it's not a good idea?” You must have read her mind, because you looked even more nervous than before.
Well, there we go...
“Well...you know...that is to say...I'm kind of…” Your words drifted off as you bit your lip, looking around the spacious room with a slight blush on your face.
Ada was beginning to suspect you had some sort of problem about your body and how embarrassed you felt being seen in the skimpy things. That was totally ok!
You were beautiful!
She was very appreciative of your body and she wouldn’t want to wear anything you didn’t want to show her, but she wanted you to relax a little bit before she started helping you change into it. She even made sure the door was locked for privacy of what she had planned in store.
“It’s okay, my love. Why don’t you try a few of them on, while I watch. . . . maybe you might be surprised by how much you like it on your stunning image. How does that sound?” She asked, smiling reassuringly at you.
You looked a little relieved and nodded shyly before removing the dress you were wearing now and placing it over the bench next to Ada where she had been sitting before she stood up to help you undress.
Ada’s hands began to slowly wander your body as she slid her hands under your bra strap, giving it a gentle tug, ‘to loosen’ it so that you could remove it without any strain. You moaned softly and her eyes darkened with desire as she stared lovingly at you as you shimmied out of your bra.
“You’re absolutely perfection. I don’t know why you ever tried to hide it. You really are gorgeous.” She whispered in awe as she continued stroking you tenderly.
She gave you a kiss on the neck, feeling the soft skin as goosebumps rose. Her lips moved closer, kissing every exposed inch of skin before stopping on a particularly sensitive spot.
You let out a low moan of approval as her fingers traced their way back to where her mouth had been. “So beautiful....and so responsive.” She whispered against your skin as she kissed her way back to your mouth. She paused briefly to capture your lips with hers for a long slow kiss before parting away slightly as you both sighed in contentment.
“Let’s hurry up and undress each other so I can finish what I began a few minutes ago.” She said, smiling seductively up at you.
She was practically purring as you unclipped your bra and threw it on the floor out of the way and so on. You pulled your panties and garter belt off and tossed them carelessly to the side. Ada smiled and lifted herself onto her knees and leaned down to pull off your shoes before standing back up to slip off your socks.
Ada’s eyes sparkled mischievously as her tongue gently traced your inner thighs causing you to groan again. When her hand began to find their way past your folds, you gasped lightly, gripping the sides of her head as you felt another orgasm building up within you. It was almost too much to bear as her finger rubbed circles around your clit, teasingly teasing until she eventually pushed past your entrance and inside with enough force that you cried out from the pleasure.
She withdrew slightly and thrust deeper, driving harder against your inner walls, creating intense sensations deep within you that nearly brought you to release. She repeated the process again and again and again and again, making you writhe and cry her name.
After a few minutes you climaxed and finally came releasing a loud moan as you felt yourself coming undone within her grasp. She pulled herself out as quickly as possible onto her knees, leaving you gasping and trembling as she started to lap at your cunt with her tongue, making sure to clean and suck up all the juices that leaked out of you.
Once satisfied that you were adequately cleaned, she got up, grabbed your panties, and put them back on you, before grabbing all the utensils you picked out and carrying them to check-out counter. Yes, she did infact buy them all.
They were pretty sexy items.
Especially that pink lace thong with the red hearts lining the crotch area!
She would never tell anyone about buying these items though.
They were special gifts to you after all.
The least she could do was buy some new toys to try out in the bedroom that would end up with leaving you in a wheelchair later on tonight ;)
You would probably need the assistance of a wheelchair for weeks to come. Oh well...
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A/N: I think I am going insane guys because I forgot to mention to ya’ll that I lost my obsession towards residential evil in general but like I still love it, just not as much. Anyways I put myself to work tonight to finish this silly request for Ada Wong, I do hope you like it !!
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btr-rewatch · 5 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 14: “Big Time Dance”
Highlights: Lots of weirdness happening as the guys set up the first annual Palm Woods School Dance. Also, the first appearance of our friend Fabio!
It's the end of the year, and finals week is wrapping up at the Palm Woods School. After announcing the upcoming, notoriously boring class party, BTR suggests that they have a dance. A real one, with music and dates and NOT Bitters making awful balloon animals. Mrs. Collins agrees, but there are a few small obstacles to overcome first, such as the fact that they need to find chaperones, come up with a theme and decorations, get food, and find a place to hold the dance by that night. Oh, and there's no money available to spend on it.
The boys will find a way to pull it off, though.
Btw, this classroom is absolutely ridiculous. Those desks are packed together so tightly that I'm almost certain it's against both room occupancy regulations and fire code.
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Look at that tiny sliver of space between Kendall's and James's desks. If there was an emergency, none of these kids would be able to promptly and safely evacuate without stumbling over desks and backpacks. They'd probably end up trampling each other. So many violations happening in this room. There's no way this classroom setup is legal.
After school ends, the guys get to work planning the dance. Jo is happy when she spots Kendall approaching, as she naturally assumes that he's going to ask her to be his date. Though, if you recall "Big Time Party," you know that his approach to inviting Jo in that episode involved asking her to be his, "guest, friend, person-thing." Quite frankly, Jo's hopes shouldn't be so high.
Somehow, Kendall manages to do an even worse job this time around and simply tells Jo to get snacks and sodas for the dance. Jo's reaction is understandable.
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She's trying so hard to remember why she has a crush on this guy.
After being told by Bitters that they can't have the dance at the Palm Woods, Logan does some quick research and finds them a great deal at a warehouse in L.A.'s "Murder District." (they decide to pass on this deal)
Surprisingly, Gustavo says they can have the dance at Rocque Records under the condition that they perform at it. They agree, then run off to find dates. Well, James, Carlos, and Logan do. Kendall tries to be responsible and wants to find chaperones. Carlos strikes out with each of the Jennifers, then heads to the park to ask any other girls he can find. James decides to help Logan ask out Camille.
He also mentions that Camille's a good choice because she isn't his (James's) type, and can I just say that I kind of disagree with that? In fact, Camille might be the most compatible girl for James in terms of the recurring female characters we see on the show. She's just as high-maintenance, emotional, and passionate as he is, and I think they could have had an interesting relationship.
Or maybe they're too much alike and would have ended up killing each other. Idk.
Logan musters up every ounce of confidence he has within him and manages to do this
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Commendable attempt, Logie.
Over in 2J, Mrs. Knight agrees to chaperone the dance, then loses her cool and promptly flees the scene when Katie suggests she should find a date to bring. Kendall asks when the last time was that their mother went on a date, and Katie says when she was three.
Not gonna delve TOO deeply into the Knight family headcanons, but for Mama Knight to have been in the dating world when Katie was that young, it means Mr. Knight had been out of the picture for quite some time already. Probably just after (or even a little before) Katie was born?
Meanwhile, Carlos is at the park, looking at girls through binoculars like a weirdo.
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The Jennifers approach and tell him that they want to be his date to the dance. Except they don't want him to go as himself. Instead, they've all prepared alternate personalities that he must embody and rotate through during the night. Very normal behavior.
Gonna skim over some stuff because this episode has so many different storylines going on at once, but basically: Carlos is roped into being three difference people at the dance, James keeps inadvertently inviting random girls to be his date while trying to help Logan, and Logan manages to ask Camille out with the aid of cue cards, but she turns him down because she doesn't want his invitation to be coached.
Additionally, Kendall and Katie are struggling to find their mom a date. After almost setting her up with Bitters and bombarding her with a plethora of attention from a horde of handsome doctors, she tells them she'll only go on a date with the man who is on the cover of one of her romance novels. Of course, she does this assuming it'll be an impossible task for them, but nothing is impossible for Kendall and Katie.
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They're adorable and I love them so much
They head down to the lobby to use the computer to track down Fabio (Kendall doesn't have his own laptop??) and I can't get over the way Kendall just shoves the guy already seated at the computer out of the way.
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This is some First Episode Kendall behavior, honestly.
They manage to get in touch with Fabio, hold him hostage in the bathroom, and convince him to go out with their mom. Kendall also fumbles another opportunity to ask Jo to the dance, and Logan faces several other failures trying to ask Camille.
We go the dance later that night, where Carlos quickly crumbles under the pressure of being three different guys and ends up with Stephanie. I always really liked her btw, and I wish she would have stayed on the show as Carlos's long-term girlfriend. They were cute together.
Logan finally finds success in asking Camille to be his date.
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Kendall finds Jo and asks her to dance, but Jo is still upset at the fact that Kendall never actually invited her to be his date. Kendall replies that he didn't ask because he just assumed they were already together. It's sweet, but I think these two need to work on their communication skills.
The guys perform "Stuck" (great song), James gets chased by the angry mob of girls he accidentally asked out over the course of the day, and we close the episode with everyone having fun on the dance floor.
Cannot believe so many shenanigans unfolded over the course of just a handful of hours. I wonder if time doesn't progress in the same way in the BTR universe as it does in the Real World. I mean, as it is, their world is barely governed by the same rules and basic scientific principles as our own is. Impossible scenarios are just everyday occurances to them, and absolutely absurd happenings don't even make them blink.
Honestly, the world of BTR is a scary one. Gustavo's marketing team shock-tests people for research. Sexist coffee makers try to murder you with foam. Doctor Hollywood is out there actually giving people medical advice. Children are packed in school rooms like sardines, with no hope of escape if a fiery inferno consumes the building.
Well...anyway! Silly episode! See you next time :)
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deusvervewrites · 8 months
luminary: How does Izuku do in the sports festival
Um. Whoops.
After careful consideration of the abilities of the students in 1-A and 1-B, the canonical entrance exam, and the hypothetical abilities of the Aldera Squad following Midoriya's advice, I believe that Uraraka, Mineta, and Tsuburaba would not have made the cutoff into the Hero Course.
In 1-A, I am replacing them with the girl who can control water and the girl who can control wind, under the assumption that with training they'd be on par with basic waterbending and airbending. In 1-B I have replaced him with the girl who can turn into fire, under the assumption that she can turn part or all of herself into fire and not just her hands.
That leaves five of them in Gen-Ed where I am certain they would befriend Uraraka. This AU wouldn't go full Gen Ed Sweep but Midoriya would be interested in helping out his friends who didn't quite make it, and that now includes Uraraka.
With that established, I can now discuss the actual event.
Midoriya is simply too fast for an Obstacle Race to matter. That entire event has to be changed. Hmm... what about a version of King of the Hill where players have to stay within a specific, shrinking area? That would handle the mass elimination event while still challenging someone as fast as Midoriya. Additionally, this event would work out great for four of the five Aldera Squad kids that are in Gen Ed (smoke boy, hair girl, rock boy, stronk boy).
Cavalry Battle teams would be different. Todoroki's team would probably be the same, but Midoriya would stick with his friends. There's enough that Uraraka would probably be on a different team, and Midoriya would be a horse to exploit his speed. Let's pair him with the Wind Girl; that'll be a busted combo. add Smoke Boy as another horse and the Hair Girl as the rider they're incredibly fast, flying team, that'll be nigh-impossible to catch.
Uraraka can use a similar strategy by pairing up with the fire girl, Grab their telekinetic friend as the rider and can take headbands at a distance. Assuming that someone from this friend group won first in the previous event, they would point Hatsume towards this team, since Midoriya's strategy has no room for her.
That gives us enough room for one more team. With Fire Girl in 1-B, there's less chance of them following Monoma's plan and honestly those teams were so suboptimal anyway.
Alas, of the three remaining Aldera Kids I find to be noteworthy, two have Quirks that are redundant with the established cast (that being the guy who can buff himself up and the guy who can cover himself in rocks), so I might send them to a different Hero School entirely for peace of mind. That leaves only the Water Girl unassigned
Regardless, the final team is probably still Bakugou's.
Lemme quickly randomize a tournament bracket
Tournament Preliminaries:
The Tournament Round gets things off to an interesting start. Bakugou faces Hair Girl, and assuming she can produce more hair as a restraint like similar anime characters, it'd be a close fight, but Bakugou's Quirk counters her decently well.
Second round is Midoriya against Fire Girl, who happens to be one of the few people who can counter him by simply being fire. Though I feel Midoriya would likely win because of his analytical mind.
Yaoyorozu faces off against Todoroki next and wins, but only thanks to her training against Fire Girl and Water Girl with Midoriya--and Todoroki dropped his guard after the big ice attack.
Hatsume forfeits after her presentation, so Sero moves on
Smoke Boy beats Kaminari when Kaminari TKOs himself.
Iida beats Telekinesis Girl.
Wind Girl beats Kirishima--he's too straightforward to counter her effectively at this point.
Ashido vs Uraraka would be much closer if Ashido knew what Uraraka could do. Yeet.
Tournament Quarterfinals:
Midoriya beats Bakugou; Bakugou puts up a good fight because he knows Midoriya, but, well, Light Powers.
Yaoyorozu beats Sero.
Smoke Boy is hard to hit, but he's still working on his offense while Iida has more training in that department, so Iida wins.
Wind Girl is a hard counter to Uraraka. At least they're friends
Tournament Semifinals:
Yaoyorozu can't beat Midoriya (she takes too long to think at this point) but her clever use of a mirror at the start nearly clinches the match for her.
Iida is used to running into the wind, but Wind Girl can fly, so... sorry Iida.
Midoriya vs Wind Girl. Midoriya should win this one pretty handily, but her flying makes it tricky for him.
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lutawolf · 10 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 2 part 3 & 4
"Are you filming an MV or what? It’s time for bed." "I was just pondering about something." "Does a person like you have anything to ponder about?" "I have a question that needed an answer." "Oh, you’re quite serious, aren’t you?"
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"I do. The Abbot often told me about it. That what we did in our past life will affect us in this life." "Like what people said, Everything happens for a reason. There’s no coincidence. It happens because it has already been destined by something called…" "Commitment" "Yeah."
"You were born into this family of yours, and surrounded by your friends… Because you might have had some commitment with those people in the past life."
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"What if it’s true? What did you promise me? Is that why you’re always there to rescue me? That’s the question that I need to know an answer. What’s the reason behind this?"
I just really loved all that. It moved me, but this show wouldn't be what it is without the humor. "In the past life, I was probably a rich and kind-hearted man who liked to rescue cows like you from the slaughterhouse." "Asshole. Or you were probably a caring wife who always took a great care of a good-looking hubby like me." "I see. This is what a handsome cow looks like."
They talk about the exam and Phaya wants to know what Tharn plans on doing after he passes. Tharn says he'll do what he always wanted to, but then calls Phaya noisy for asking what that is.
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They pass and thank the Captain. My favorite part though was how Khem was left hanging.
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No handshake for you. 😂😂😂 We then see Tharn calling his grandmother to tell her that he passed, and the next stop was finding out about his parent's death.
Ahhh, the flirting. I love the way they flirt. It's so cute!
"Tharn. Can I borrow your phone?" "Phone?" "Yeah. That’s my number." "But I didn’t ask." 🤣🤣🤣 "But I want you to have it. Are you stalking me?"
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Then Phaya sneaks a picture, and I'm so fucking giddy over this cuteness.
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"Why didn’t you tell me first so that I could pose for it?" "You already look nice. I like it." I think I mentioned before that Phaya is not hiding his feelings for Tharn. Tharn is the reserved one, but he seems to be sucked into Phaya's gravitational pull.
Phaya tells Tharn that he is saving his name as Bolster, so a cuddle pillow. 🤣🤣🤣
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"Think of it as returning the favor for always helping me." "No need."
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Ahhh, these two! Phaya knows that Tharn likes him, and he'll happily move all the obstacles. Alas, the brother interrupts the flirt feast. Ohhh, we get one last flirt before Phaya leaves to pack. "I'll call you. Bolster."
That smile that Tharn gives to Phaya's back. So fucking adorable! Yai noticed it too. AHAHAHA. He picked up on the nickname too. "You like him, don't you?" Which Tharn absolutely refutes in a high, squeaky voice. "He's annoying. Why would I like him?" "Just tell me honestly if you like him. I’m going to help protect him too." Why does he need to protect him??? I think we are going to finally get some much-needed info. "Tharn, I really hope you’d find that someone you like. And be with someone you love." Brother just wants him to have a love like he has with his girl.
"I thought you already know… That if I love someone, that person will die." Well, shit, that's fucking deep. I'm afraid you are already shit out of luck, baby boy. Probably why you see him so much in your visions, cause you fell long ago.
"I don't want anyone to die because of me."
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"We have a week to rest before starting our work at the unit. Let’s go party, shall we?" "Yai and I have to go back to Nong Khai province." "You’re from Nong Khai?" The way Phaya says that, I smell a story there. There is something. "So, do we have to go to Nong Khai? You seem interested in him a lot." 🤣🤣🤣 Love it!
I actually really love this next part, but I will apologize for the not so great photo. I tried to get a better one without luck.
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Why do I like this? Because it's like a mile marker. You know, like what you see on the roads in the US, that give you an indication of the exit coming up. So by context clues, we know Phaya isn't a player. The opportunity has been there, but he doesn't play. And he's been heavily flirting with Tharn. Okay Luta, what does this mean then? It means he is interested but not yet invested. He is not in love. Which means we should catch when he in fact does fall in love.
Hahah I called it you guys!!!
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"Listen, I’m telling you right here... I only have eyes for the one I love."
"If I love anyone… I’ll never…" Anyone else think this was for Tharn's benefit? Especially with the way his eyes cut to him. But then the phone rings. It's a girl, whole calling picture is gorgeous. All the guys but Tharn tease him. Phaya walks off to take the call.
Tharn goes up to the bar to order five beer, and another guest orders next to him. Oat is clearly making a play for Tharn.
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Just look at how uncomfortable Tharn looks. Every female knows what this look means in a bar.
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I literally fucking cheered at this next part. If I didn't already love Phaya, I love him more.
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He really said. Um no, you are not buying my guy a drink. He has taken stamped on him, please take note. I think Tharn would have been appreciative, except he clearly caught the possessiveness. Hence, him shaking Phaya's hand off his shoulder. "Who’s this?" "I’m Oat."
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Phaya is an unapologetic asshole and I appreciate that. With claim staked, he swoops Tharn away.
Then Phaya gets talked into going up on stage and singing. My boy is clearly singing to Tharn.
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Oh no, not spin the bottle again! Yai is trying to get his ass kicked. He really is. He asked Tharn if he has anyone he likes right now. I love that when he takes the shot, Phaya says, "What a waste." These assholes, said affectionately. "What’s your type? Is it someone around here?" They don't even get a chance to ask anymore. Tharn just starts upending the drinks. Finally, Phaya puts a stop to it. Ahhh, Tharn is so drunk. Now they are moving on to Phaya, but I got news for them, Phaya isn't that easily embarrassed. "If you can pick anyone in this table to go home with you, whom will you choose?"
While Tharn was too drunk to appreciate Phaya's response. I am not, and I appreciated all of it, thank you very much.
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When Tharn goes to get sick, Phaya grabs him and takes him to the restroom to help sober him up. He helps him drink some water and then splashes water in his face. Which Tharn clearly didn't appreciate. Not that any drunk person would.
OMG the flirting! Why do I enjoy their flirting so much! "You really like for bugging me." "Get off me." "No. I’m not going to let you go. I’ll hold on to you tight. You, evil jellyfish." "Are you sure? This jellyfish’s sting is very painful. It will go directly to your heart." This is when Tharn starts splashing Phaya, backing him up till his back is against the stall while saying, "The heart, the heart, the heart." "Stop it. You’re like a baby when you’re drunk." Tharn kisses Phaya on the check!!! So cute!!! Which shocks Phaya.
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We get some very seductive carcasses after that. I mean, nothing R-rated, but it got my heart beat going. As Tharn runs his hand down Phaya's throat to his chest, he takes note of the necklace that Phaya is wearing. While Tharn is trying to get a closer look, Phaya gives a sweet kiss to the forehead and then asks him what is wrong.
Ahhh! I knew it! They have a past together!!! "Where did you get this necklace from?" "This amulet?" "It’s the same." "Same as what?" "Same as the amulet that I had given to a boy." "You had given a boy an amulet like this? "Yeah." "When? Where? Tell me more about it." "It was when…" "Yes?" "When…" Then Tharn passes out. "Hey, wake up. Talk to me first."
I"m dead. Brother walks in. Almost walks out thinking they are doing something but then when all is sorted has Phaya bent over with Tharn on his back. God, I love Tharn's brother so much.
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"Where are you taking me?" "Your place." "Go back and get Yai too. I don’t want to sleep alone." Yup, Yai knows his brother. "I’ll stay with you."
Damn! We're having a whole SCOY reunion. Not complaining. Great actors.  Dr. Chalothorn needs to hurry up and takes his hands off, though. For a boy not yet in love, he sure is jelly.
Ahhh the next previews got me excited! Hurry up and get here. This is so good. Hope you enjoyed the commentary as much as I had fun making it! 💜💜💜
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tavyliasin · 8 months
ATG Side Story - Villain? Saviour.
Pairing: Tav/Raphael SPICE Rating: 4/5 Content Warnings: Sex, hurt/comfort, minor peril, injury detail, some medical treatment (non-sexual context),  willpower bondage (mild)   
Spoilers Act 3 House of Hope, Steel Watch Canon Compliance Barely. There's an element of the canon in how the Steel Watch are dealt with, but that's about it. Other Notes This one might well end up moved into proper ATG continuity at a later date I'm just not sure when. I was inspired to write some soft Raphael so that's exactly what I did, imagining exactly the kind of scenario that might force the devil to show some care, because all nine hells know he's not doing that by choice. 
Mood/Song Firedancer by Poets of the Fall "Sage advice or sensory overload Whatever the pressure However your pleasure holds you captive to the treasure No matter how the earth reverberates You're dancing with the greats With the fools and their fates For time, it never waits. (Crash the gates) Firedancer, flame of life (What remains) Is a gamble, fall or fly (Play your ace) and remember there's a why You should always question the answer."
The building had already begun to shake. Oil slicked the floor and broken machine parts made an obstacle course of their escape. Of course there had been not a second to spare to try and clear a sensible path, and several times curses were muttered as feet skidded in bloodied mess, boots desperate to find purchase on metal and stone to propel them as far away from the impending explosion as possible. The Steel Watch were about to fall, the Gondians all but safe, save for one. Tav stopped, putting her arm around the injured man to help get him to safety, but she had fallen behind. The others were still sprinting ahead as she summoned every bit of strength in her body to carry him and get them out. The doors were wide open onto sunlit streets, where hundreds cowered in the shadow of brutal machines. Perhaps some could be saved, maybe they weren’t too late- “KARLACH!” Tav yelled, using the last of her adrenaline to bodily hurl the injured gnome towards her, trusting the tiefling to catch him. Unfortunately, her boots were still coated in gore and lubricant. While the Gondian flew to apparent safety, Tav fell forwards, landing hard. The next second, the bomb went off. The ground shook and the Foundry went up in a huge explosion. The amount of incendiary within the building was more than enough to send the masonry flying. Tav’s ears rang, barely able to hear the sound of her friends crying out, her lovers reaching towards her with fear on their faces seeing it was already too late. She felt the door itself, half splintered but still heavy enough to break bone, crash into her hip. Wood pierced her skin, the impact shattering her thigh. White hot pain coursed through her entire body, more stone hitting her, the smell of burning and explosive and…sulphur? She barely held on to the edge of her consciousness, vision blurry, as she saw something… someone , appear before her in a brief flash of light. Then everything went dark. — Raphael paced the room back and forth restlessly. Occasionally his hand raked through his usually perfect hair, other times it tapped against his chin in the brief moments he stopped walking. No, not now. How utterly ridiculous a notion. Far too much planning- His mind raced, emotions that were little understood fighting for dominance in his consciousness. “That vicious little shit.” He voiced his complaints aloud at last, earning a slight huff from his slightly-too-perfect mirror on the bed. “I told you he would be trouble when you let him go,” Haarlep couldn’t resist pointing out the harsh truth, “but you insisted.”
“It was meant to play out perfectly. All he had to do was get the crown, then I could wrest it from his grimy little fingers, and the Hells would be MINE. There was no chance that I could steal it from the vault myself, bastard would’ve sensed me a mile away. But a former cobbler’s son bound in service? He’d pay no mind to that.” Raphael stopped. This wasn’t the issue at hand. “How is it that he built such ridiculous machines? And why did she feel the need to play hero?” “Oh I think you well know the answer to that one, Archduke.” The insulting nickname stung far sharper this time, that same pawn that could have crowned himself King took the very title that Raphael coveted for so long. “You’ve said it yourself before. She’s unpredictable .” “She’s a liability, Harlot.” Raphael shot back with a weaker venom. “How can something so fragile hold the key to everything we need- everything I need.” He corrected himself. “Why don’t you stop your complaining and check on her already?” Haarlep sighed, tired of hearing the same conversation repeat on a loop. It had been hours already and the fool still had no clue why he fretted so much over a simple rodent. “Fine.” The cambion huffed, smoothing down his hair and checking his reflection. The healing waters in his room could only do so much, they would not treat a more severe or lasting injury, and he had little trust in the ridiculous concoctions of mortal mages. It had taken an embarrassing amount of strings pulled and favours called, quite a few pawns he’d held in reserve were used up to make the arrangement so swiftly. But they were the best healer in the city, and he would have no less for his most important client.
— Tav groaned. Despite all the potions and balms, having multiple chunks of wood and masonry pulled from your muscle was never going to be a pleasant experience. Every time she thought the pain might make her pass out, it kept her vividly conscious. The older elf passed her another small potion, keeping her constitution temporarily stronger to help the healing. “Quite the predicament you ended up in, Little Mouse. Taking the cheese from within the trap and getting your tail caught? I thought you were smarter than that.” His words carried condescension, but the tone and the glimpse of the wrinkles on his brow spoke of concern, only lightly tinged with disappointment. “Luckily, it seems the cat came to the rescue just in time.” She smiled, teasing a little, but genuinely grateful. Gratitude, it seemed, was not something he knew how to handle. Not the sincere kind, anyway. Tav reasoned his discomfort must be because he was expecting something. “There’s a price to pay for your help, isn’t there?” She shrugged. “No need to explain, I know how the world works, Raphael, especially with demons and deals. But if you want my eternal servitude, I’m afraid you should’ve left me to a quicker burial back there.”
“What?” He sounded genuinely taken aback, offended perhaps by the suggestion, or by the implication the moment he denied it. “If I wanted your servitude, the contract and pen would be in your hand already. No, that achieves nothing.” He pulled up a chair taking a seat beside where she lay face down, devoid of most dignity as the cleric yanked another large chunk of mahogany from her rear. “FUCK could you at least warn me a little next time?” The elf shrugged. “The pain would be no different either way. Kinder if you don’t know it’s coming, really.” They pulled another piece midway through the sentence as if to prove a point. “Are you almost finished?” Raphael hissed a little too impatiently, brown eyes flicking across Tav’s face briefly again as she winced in pain. He should be used to people suffering, he was certainly good enough at arranging it, but there was something in the way his face twitched, as if his expressions were beginning to slip. “Not much left. Only half a door in her, not a whole one, and the bones will need longer to set.” They gestured to the splint and bandages down Tav’s leg and on one of her wrists. “Only a few days, especially if you use everything you have at your disposal, but the bone still needs to knit together properly or her dreams of joining the circus will be completely gone.” “The circus?” The cambion looked at her, perplexed.
“In my defence, those potions are really strong. And so is the pain. I was barely conscious.” She shrugged. “Besides, I used to enjoy Dribbles performing when I was young. Who didn’t?” She tried to push aside the memory of the clown’s dismembered body parts they kept finding in the city. That could wait. “Little Mouse, you’re not a performer. Even if you do like to dance with danger for no reason.” He sighed, almost reaching out to her but stopping short, putting his hand instead on the edge of the table and standing up.  “The damage shouldn’t be permanent. But you will be staying here for the duration of your recovery.” “Excuse me?” She tried to raise herself up more on her arms to see his face where he stood above her, but shuddered as the pain pulled at the nerves in her shoulder. “Stop trying so hard, Little Mouse, you are quite safe. I will not have any further harm come to my favourite client.” He gently pressed her shoulder back down, hand remaining there for far longer than either of them expected. “Ah. There it is. Client. You still have use for me, that’s why you’re going so far for my sake.” She hadn’t expected anything more, but it stung nonetheless. Raphael faltered, the warmth of his fingers still refusing to leave her. “You are not just any client, Mouse. I have told you before, I have no desire to turn you into just some pitiful debtor, nor do I wish to chain you to any contract beyond what I offered before.” He continued to justify his actions, denying his motivations to himself as much as to anyone else. “You and your friends are uniquely positioned to get what I want, and I can provide you with the means to keep your lovely face tentacle free.” Lovely? She turned the word over in her mind. No, another trick to loosen her grip on her sanity and make her sign. She hadn’t decided yet...and they had time still. She was certain that if it came down to it, she could make that deal at the very last possible moment, if she had to. Although, that would give him a lot more power… Tav groaned. Why is nothing ever simple, and why do I have to be the one to decide all of this? And why is he still being so nice? It’s easier when it’s just unhinged sex, or the usual mind games, the back and forth of Cat and Mouse…
“Get some rest, Little Mouse. You will need it. Our foes will not wait forever.” The cambion’s hand caressed her hair gently, a move that surprised them both again. He withdrew, as if he had touched the very edge of a hot stove. Although, who had ever heard of a devil getting burned? —
Haarlep smiled far too sweetly as the master of the house re-entered the room. “Well?” “Well what?” Raphael snapped. “Was she pleased to see you? Were you pleased to see your precious Little Mouse?” They smirked, tail swishing mischievously behind them. “Shut up, Harlot.” He paused, glancing back at the door. “...She’s fine. Injured, but fine.” He glared back at the incubus, fire rising behind brown eyes. “And you are not to lay a single infernal finger on her without my approval.” Haarlep stood, taking languid steps towards their conflicted master. “This room, the rules are mine.” Their voice was on the edge of a snarl, the hint of threat creeping in. “But as long as she does not enter, there will be no cause for you to worry about losing your favourite little toy to me.” Raphael laughed. “Really? You think you are all she could desire? That sex alone is enough to satisfy a sharp mind and a sharper wit?” The incubus glared back, the heat from their body rising to a palpable level even within Avernus. “And you assume that you are enough that she would turn down my offer? You shouldn’t be so greedy, Raphael, someone might get the impression that you actually care.” “Don’t be absurd.” The cambion spat, ignoring even that his name had been spoken so easily. Haarlep smirked. The test proved it. He was completely distracted, but that was also an insult in itself. “I’m not the one losing his cool over a wounded rodent.”  “I’ve lost nothing but time. She’s a tool, and a broken hammer can hardly forge my crown.” He lied, fooling nobody but himself, and even that deception was on shaky ground. “But time we shall have… If anyone in this house so much as-” “Yes, yes, fire and brimstone, every dreadful torture you can think of~” They smirked again, clawed fingers gripping his chin as blazing eyes gave their challenge. “How about we work out some of that tension, Archduke, before you set something aflame.” For a moment, Raphael faltered. Their breath hot against his lips, the enticing thought of everything they could do- “No.” He pulled their hand away from his face, turning to walk away. “I have work to do. If that brat thinks he will get away with this…”
Haarlep watched him walk away, unsure whether the feeling stirring within them was frustration, jealousy, or perhaps they were simple impressed that their Rat was slowly taking everything she wanted so easily. They wondered if she even knew what she wanted, the kind of fire she was playing with… It didn’t matter. One way or another they would get what they wanted, too.
--- Tav rolled over, mumbling in her sleep again, hair clinging to the thin sheen of sweat on her forehead. Unfortunately, the movement caught the splint on her leg in the sheets, pulling it at just the wrong angle and waking her with a hiss of pain. It took a moment to get her bearings again. These soft silks were a far cry from the rough blankets of the Elfsong, or the worn bedrolls they’d used camping rough across the Sword Coast. The heat and slight reddened hue of the surroundings reminded her where she was. Avernus. The House of Hope. The pieces of reality slid back into place one by one, the puzzle making sense for the most part. Other than the image of Raphael’s human form, sat at a small desk to one side, shuffling through papers and marking them with a quill. Strange, she thought as she peered over at him, surely this isn’t his usual office? “Good morning, Little Mouse.” Raphael didn’t even look up, simply adjusting the small glasses balanced on his nose as he continued to mark and sign the parchment. “Rest well?” “I…about as well as possible, I guess.” Tav rubbed the remnants of sleep from dry eyes, feeling her parched lips on the verge of splitting. “There’s water next to you.” Again, without so much as a glance in her direction, but he seemed to know exactly what she needed. “Thanks, Raphael.” She reached over and filled the glass from the condensation-coated jug, the slight clink of ice promising a more refreshing drink than expected. She wondered for a moment how often the ice was being remade for her benefit, but chose to pay it no mind. Questioning these comforts might lead them to end, after all. “Gratitude, is it now?” Finally, he looked up over the rims of his glasses. “Not looking the gift horse in the mouth?” “Well you made it clear last time, I know where I stand- Where I lay.” She corrected herself, allowing herself a slight smile as she took another sip of cold water. “Anything interesting?” She nodded at the stack of papers. “Only boring contracts, Mouse, there is still so much to do.” He moved from one to the next, frowning and rubbing his brow. “If you really wish to be bored back to sleep, I can read them to you.” “Why don’t you take a break? I’ve slept enough for one day, I think.” Tav moved herself carefully over to the side, smoothing down the covers to make a seat. “I suppose I could indulge you for a moment, if you insist.” He laid his glasses on the stack of papers, sauntering across the room with the scent of his usual perfumes arriving a few steps ahead.
Warm, sweet, spiced… Tav quietly savoured the strange and familiar comfort that it brought, as he sat beside her, reaching towards her still bandaged arm. “It’s doing better.” She reassured him, but he gave her a pointed look instead. “I will be the judge of that, Little Mouse.” He took hold of her wrist, but removed the dressing with a surprising amount of gentle care. “Better indeed. Move it.” The command was simple, and hardly unexpected, but it was delivered with a cold bedside manner that stung. “Ah!” She winced as she flexed the joint. “Fuck…” “Don’t be absurd, you mustn’t shy away from such a small pain.” Despite his words, he wrapped his hands around the joint, applying a little soft heat from his palms and rubbing soothingly. “You think that any of your foes will let you falter? Keep it moving. The bones are set, but you mustn’t lose motion or strength.” “Well I’m not fighting right now…” She grumbled, but gradually moved it further, pushing the limits of the motion as the warmth of his hands sank deeper into the bones. She began to feel a hint of a different heat from his touch, from how close he was… She bit it back. Not the time, don’t even think of how he’s next to you in bed while you’re only wearing a nightgown.
Raphael held longer than was necessary, eyes lingering on the scars that were still fresh along her forearm. “Another potion. It will do no harm, and speed your recovery further. Then we will check on your leg.” His bedside manner still lacked the soft care of an experienced nurse, but by the standards of a fiend it was positively overbearing with affection. He grimaced internally. He was slipping. But no, it was all a part of the manipulation, to ensure his knight - no, his pawn - continued to play her role well. The consideration of how a pawn can become a Queen should it reach the other side of the board completely escaped his notice too. “This one.” He handed Tav the glass bottle, pulling out the stopper to save her the hassle of using her wrist. “It isn’t poisonous then?” Her voice was playful, but she barely even took a moment to sniff or examine the potion before drinking it in one go. “Well, if it is, then it’s the nicest flavour of poison I’ve had in a while.” “Do you make it a habit to drink toxic substances?” His eyebrow raised, but he relaxed more as he saw the relief wash over her face with the effects of the brew. “Only the fun ones.” She laughed now, the soft music strange to his ears, but not distasteful. Perhaps he might like to hear more- No. Focus. He chided himself. What foolish thoughts… “I wouldn’t recommend it, Little Mouse, you are not immortal.” Yet, his subconscious whispered, even as his conscious mind threatened to silence the thought for good. “Now. Your leg. The splint can likely come off now.” Business was easier, he decided, though he hadn’t entirely thought it through. “Right… Well I suppose you’ve seen everything before.” Despite her bravado, a light blush began to appear on Tav’s cheeks as she lifted back the covers and moved to sit atop them. The nightdress reached to just below her knees, though the splint on her leg went from her shin to the middle of her thigh. Raphael swallowed, his mouth feeling excessively dry. He cursed Haarlep under his breath, swearing the bitch must be up to something with the way he felt as he pushed the fabric up to reveal her still-healing wounds. “I will apply some pressure, you must tell me immediately if there is any pain. If the healer has not done proper duties, I shall have them flayed.”
“That’s a bit excessive.” She frowned a little, but didn’t really judge him. Expecting a fiend to be kind was more than foolish, his very nature would not allow it. And yet… Tav winced, the bandage holding the splints in place unwinding slowly. She felt the warmth of his fingers every time they touched her skin, trying in vain not to think about how low he was, how close to her body, how they were already on a bed… “Fuck-” She bit her lip, the pressure on the side of her knee still too much. “Then you will still be unable to bear weight…” Raphael idly rubbed his chin in thought. “A balm, perhaps? Something more direct. Wait here.” Tav watched as he stood and left the room, a swiftness in his step as he went. Is he always in such a hurry? Her pondering was disrupted by a fresh shot of agony as she tried to bend her leg. Right, right…probably better that he’s quicker. I won’t complain. And yet…the space next to her felt like a cold void, now the cambion’s weight was not pressing a divot into the mattress. Only a lingering hint of his scent remained, and the slight heat upon the sheets. A sigh escaped her, there was a quiet need lingering in the back of her mind, compounded by the sudden longing from being left alone. She wondered if she might ever understand him. His intentions, his motivations… Every time she thought she knew what he was doing, what he wanted, everything changed again. Haarlep clearly wasn’t helping either. She wondered if they might be around, if perhaps they would be willing to keep her company when Raphael became inevitably busy once more. If anyone knew what was going through the devil’s mind, it would be them. Her hand rested on the remnants of the warmth where he had been sat, eyes not leaving the door until it opened again. —
Raphael’s feet carried him swiftly down hallways until he reached the cupboards he needed. It was pointless to waste energy on teleporting himself, but still he felt the need to hurry. If the incubus had tainted the potion… He would return to resolve that little problem before it could go further. He blinked away the image of her blushing body dressed in dark satin laying on the bed, and checked the labels of each jar carefully. The waters of the bathing pool could help, but if her leg could not take her weight… Carrying her was not an option, she deserved her dignit- He deserved his dignity to not have to act like a servant to her whims. His brow creased with frustration. Thoughts like unwelcome guests finding themselves swiftly evicted, yet returning through a back door before he could turn the key in the lock. This is all the harlot again, he reasoned, they have poisoned her and continue to toy with me without permission. He grumbled, turning quickly on his heel to go back to the room where she was waiting, laying on the bed- I’m going to make them regret this. — Meanwhile, in the boudoir, a completely serene Haarlep was reclined on the bed simply reading a book. They turned the page, wondering what adventures the struggling heroes might find in the next paragraphs. They had absolutely no intention of interfering with whatever nonsense Raphael was engaging in, nor of playing with their favourite toy until she was healed. They knew better than that, they could be patient. Besides, they considered their complete lack of engagement to be a fitting punishment for the scorn of being turned down by their “Master”.  Ridiculous thought, that he would brush aside the advances of an incubus, refuse the touch that could have him whining in pleasure for hours on end. No matter. They turned the next page, stubbornly ignoring the tell-tale footsteps in the corridor passing by their door without so much as a “hello”. They’ll both be back, in time. They hummed a little tune to themselves, pointedly rejecting any further thoughts of the room down the hallway.
The heavy door swung open swiftly on creaking hinges, closing just as quickly behind Raphael as he moved towards the bed. She was laying where he left her, cheeks flush, lips slightly parted, hair still in disarray from sleep. Even the gown remained pushed up to her upper thigh, revealing her legs, the remnants of technicolour bruising beneath her pale skin. 
Tav was an invitation like this, one he was loathe to accept for now…but clearly she could not be left unsated. Incubus saliva could be unbearable without a resolution to that painful arousal. It might even slow her recovery, which he would not allow. The cambion approached the bedside, already removing the lid from the salve’s jar. He sat lower down beside her, body turned to face her. “Your permission, Mouse, I would like to hear it.” “O-oh.” She stuttered for a moment, the tips of her pointed ears beginning to match the redness in her cheeks. “Of course. Do what you need to do, I trust you.” His brow furrowed at those last three words. Of course that’s what he wanted, her trust, he was not in a habit of lying least of all to his favourite client. But hearing it? That was different. “Should you wish me to stop, you need only say the word. You understand?” —
It was Tav’s turn to frown now. What was there to understand? It was a simple healing balm, nothing she hadn’t used before. She could easily apply it herself, but she was also loathe to argue with Raphael when he looked this serious. What she was not hearing, however, was the undercurrent to his words. She didn’t see the way his eyes travelled her body, gauging her reaction as he began to massage the balm over her wounds. Not a drop of incubus saliva had passed her lips, by potion or otherwise, so she was blissfully oblivious to the cambion’s present concerns. Though, decidedly, the feel of his hands moving further up her leg had a very similar effect.  
Feeling the soothing effects of the salve sinking in to her wounds brought a soft sigh from within her, the deeper massage of tender fingers colouring the sound with the hint of a moan. Seeing his eyes flash with a momentary flame was certainly not helping. It would be hard to deny her own desire either, the thoughts that had passed through her mind in the few minutes he had been gone… Of course, some of those were remarkably close to the sight of brown hair descending towards her thighs- —
Raphael could feel her melting beneath his hands, and his clothing felt tighter by the moment. He imagined the ghost of Haarlep’s fingers, gripping, teasing… He cursed their name under his breath, completely unaware that this was all entirely in his own mind. As was the concern that the potion had been tainted, though it was quite obvious that Tav was feeling as aroused as him. Her skin tinted pink, warming more as he allowed his hands to wander, lowered his head towards her shin, lifted her leg and kissed below her knee. “Does it hurt here?” She had gasped, but the noise was not one of discomfort, as she quickly confirmed. “N- no, it’s fine.” Next he lifted her leg slowly, kissing around and under the joint now, right where her thigh began. “Here?” Her head laid back on the pillows. “No pain…” 
“Good, Little Mouse. Then let me continue, if I may?” “Please-”  Her voice was little more than a gasp, the heat rising from her body in a way that he could feel as he moved further up. It was becoming more difficult to hold back. The cambion could almost taste her on the air already, the heady scent of arousal mingling with her usual perfume and the thicker scent of the salve that still lingered on his hands. He laid her leg back down on the sheets, moving now on to his hands and knees after a quick gesture transported his boots over to the side of the room. But he could not afford to be greedy, rough… He must protect his asset. A means to an end. A very attractive means, dark hair splayed across the pillows, breasts straining the fabric just slightly as her breath quickened, deepened, chest rising and falling with increasing anticipation… —
Tav felt the silk slip easily across her skin, shivering slightly though not from any chill. Raphael was…not how she remembered. The times they’d been together before now were hot, feverish, filled with a sense of desperate urgency that made pulse soar and her head light. This…was almost a different man. Though at the same time, not at all. The same chestnut hair neatly swept back, the same scents of cherry, black pepper, palmarosa…a strong and spiced mix that didn’t lack sweetness. The same intense look in his eyes, as if a fire burned silently behind his pupils even in this human form. The cambion was being careful. That was obvious. And a part of her wished he wouldn’t, that instead of sliding her nightdress up slowly, heated fingers brushing lightly against her skin, that he would rip it from her, or burn it up with a wave of magic from his hands. Most of all, she simply, silently, desperately pleaded for him not to stop. He did not. Wordlessly he curled a finger around her underwear, the smallest flame burning away the seam so the garment could be removed without needing to pass sore joints and bruised muscles. Soft eyes looked up at her again, a question in a single raised brow, one she answered with a simple motion to pull her nightdress further up her body to reveal her waist fully. Raphael smiled, looking pleased with her response, before dipping his head lower to kiss along her stomach, lips pressing on her soft body with delicate affection. Tav bit down on her lip as those same hands began to tease her. This was a different game to him, she realised, as he merely stroked his fingertips with the lightest pressure. It might have felt ticklish, but it built the heat and tension within her, muscles tightening in anticipation. —
Raphael could feel her arousal easily. His fingers already slick and hot, her body shivering beneath his lips as he continued to kiss softly along her waist. Maybe he might’ve preferred her quivering with fear beneath him, perhaps a shot of liquor in her naval, savouring the mixture of terror and arousal he could raise within her… But she was not scared. Neither was she courageous. She was simply accepting of his touch, inviting more with the sweet little moans from her lips, telling him without words that she wanted more, needed more, by pressing her body towards him every time he tried to move away. “So greedy, Little Mouse, and I thought you were supposed to be recovering your strength?” He raised his eyebrow, peering up once more at her face and trying to work out exactly what it was he was seeing. Prey? A pawn? …a lover? Ha! Ridiculous. But she plays the part well… So if it is theatre she wants, then the show must go on. “I have enough strength-” she replied, or at least tried to when her voice was cut short with a gasp. Raphael smiled, it had only taken a single finger to steal her words from that pretty little throat. The second brought a prettier sound, barely a syllable drawn out in a prolonged moan. “You were saying?” His smile widened. Had it always been so easy to bring out the desire in her? Or was this just the potion, and Haarlep’s influence… His ego bristled. It wasn’t Haarlep here now, curling fingers inside her, feeling her muscles tighten and quiver every time his lips pressed to her body. This was no incubus sweetening the noise lingering in the air with slow thrusts in and out, the mere mimicry of what he could offer later… “Please-” She gasped above him, the sound of desperation only adding to his own arousal. “Please, more…” Turning the offer down was unthinkable. It might’ve been better had she begged for something else, but his own lust was thrumming through the pulse in his eardrums, and he had his pride of course. What kind of devil couldn’t even satisfy one mere mortal? Naturally, it would always be harder to satisfy Haarlep, the bitch was practically made for sex and pleasure, but Tav…her body was easier to manipulate, seeing her melt into his hands was simple. Besides, wasn’t her first encounter with Haarlep in the hopes it was him all along?... —
Tav hadn’t expected to be doted on, far less to have the devil himself kissing soft lines along the ridge of  her hip towards where his fingers were already working her into a frenzy. She bit her lip, trying in vain to steady her breath, but already losing herself to the sensations before his tongue flickered across her nerves. “Fuck-” She hissed out a single word as her head pressed back into the pillows, gripping the sheets as he increased the intensity of his motions. His tongue moved in the shape of infernal runes, drawing out a false contract of her pleasure, pulling every sane thought from her head and replacing it with a white hot rush that coursed through her veins. As she tipped over the edge of pleasure’s precipice, her moan was tainted by a cry of pain as her shaking body twisted her still-healing joints. The cambion’s free hand moved to hold her still as he continued to draw out the stimulation, dragging out the afterglow relentlessly, though ensuring the warmth on his palm was soothing the pain. By the time she was able to breathe more evenly, she realised he had simply sat back, caressing her leg once more, adding a little more balm over the worst parts. He was even still fully dressed, making her feel all the more exposed. “Aren’t you too warm?” She asked, already realising how ridiculous the question was as it floated out into the air between them. She cursed her orgasm-fogged mind for the betrayal.   “Have you truly forgotten where you are, Mouse? Who you are addressing?” He shifted a little, kneeling upright above her. “I only look like a human when I wish to, you are well aware of my true nature.” The brief scent of burning sulphur flashed in the air with the infernal fire that swirled around him for a split second, revealing a larger body, red skin, a crown of horns rising above his head almost as high as the wings that splayed out behind him. He remained, as he was before, fully dressed in his silks. His tail twitched in irritation, tapping on the sheets. —
“Whatever shall we do with you? You seem to have lost your mind entirely.” Raphael smiled sweetly, a complete façade as he took up his role as the saviour to relieve his poor little prey of the problem that Haarlep had created. “Would you feel more comfortable if I were less dressed, Little Mouse?” Her eyes widened just slightly, stoking his ego. “Maybe you’d feel more comfortable? Those look…tight…” Her eyes drifted down, his clothes tightened further as it wasn’t just his ego expanding. His wings stretched up further, the pride swelling in his chest. “What kind of host would I be to deny my guest a proper view?” The magic worked in a matter of moments, layers of finery dissolving like smoke, reappearing neatly folded on a chair near his boots. The cambion felt every part the saviour he intended to be, even as he loomed over her like a predator about to swoop down upon his prey. His fiendish form was larger, taller, and more intimidating… He often chose to remain in human shape around mortals, lulling them in to a false sense of security before revealing his more devilish nature for dramatic effect. There was nothing he loved more than feeling the swell of fear within a mortal heart when he grew above them, surrounded by hellfire. But there was no such trepidation from his Little Mouse… He could almost see why Haarlep called her Rat, now, the way her eyes took in all of his form, her body carefully moving to make more space for him. Bold. Too bold, perhaps. It was an invitation. The part of the gentleman saviour was one of pageantry, of etiquette, so the dance must continue now that he was dressed the part. Although… A wave of his hand and her nightdress was upon the same chair as his own clothes. An observer who wasn’t clouded by lust or shielded from the view by large red wings might recognise the subconscious choice to put their clothes together to be entirely too intimate for a devil and his client, but the two upon the bed had no such awareness now. —
Raphael’s body cast a looming shadow over Tav, the light filtering through the thinner skin over his wings in a way that made the almost look as if they were glowing. His eyes were aflame, the full blaze within them clear and glowing as they swept across her body. She shivered involuntarily as he lowered towards her, hands finding purchase either side of her shoulders. “What do you long for, Little Mouse? Tell me.” His lips were close to her ear now, his voice sending shivers down her spine, stomach tying itself in swift knots from the feel of his body so close to hers yet not touching. “I didn’t think you to be so slow in taking what you wanted, Raphael.” A little more of her boldness was returning, the itch to rile him up, to push him into acting how she wanted…but he wasn’t taking the bait. “Now, now, what kind of hero would I be to break you before you’ve even healed? No, that would not do at all. Do not think me a brute purely because of the actions of an unruly incubus, they will be punished for their indiscretion in due course.” Somewhere in another room, a red tail twitched with irritation it didn’t understand the cause of, while clawed hands turned the page of their book. Tav didn’t understand either, why he was bringing up Haarlep when they were alone. “I remember,” she whispered into his ear, “the first time you visited me. In what I thought was just a dream… You danced like a prince.” “And you, Mouse, spoke with no such grace or respect for one you would crown with such a title.” The choice of words was very deliberate, alluding to a contract yet to be agreed upon. “You’re right…Prince doesn’t quite suit you.” She reached up to caress his horns, her other hand running along the top edge of his wing, watching the lines in his face soften unexpectedly at the care. “You already have a crown, a cloak, and a great deal of power. It’s…impressive.” She brought down the hand that had been running over the ridges of his horns, instead tracing along his jaw to bring his lips to hers. “Flattery, Little Mouse, might get you somewhere, but I still want my real crown.” His voice was quieter, softer, lips a hair’s breadth away almost tickling her as he spoke. “Later…we can discuss that later.” She slid her hand behind his neck and pulled him in to a deep and passionate kiss. She didn’t want to think about contracts, or crowns, or tadpoles in her head. All she wanted was to feel , and there was no better way to lose yourself in sensation than to pull a fiend into your bed. —
Tav had once again thrown the proud demon off his balance, making moves on the board with rules he had never considered. The game was not his to outmanoeuvre her if she continued to nudge the table. He should really lay down the rules properly, enforce them, remind her who had the upper hand…but the taste of her lips…the feel of her tongue trying to devour her own essence that lingered on his own… Now he was in his fiendish form her body seemed even smaller, softer. She didn’t lack strength of course, even now as one of his hands traversed the length of her arm from the shoulder down to her delicate wrist, the lines of well honed muscles lay just beneath pale skin. His wings spread above her even as he avoided the deeper bruising, guiding her hands above her head. It was like a shield, a protective canopy, she was beneath him and only him. He would fill her vision, fill her mind, fill her- “I will not hold you here,” he pressed a light kiss to her wrist before guiding it back above her head, laying her hands together, “it’s too soon, and healers are expensive for complex injuries. So you will have to obey me instead. You say I have power? Then prove it, show how much power I have over you, and keep your hands right there.” He looked down, expecting to see her eyes defiance glaring back at him, but instead they were half closed, lips parted, breathing just two words. “Yes, Raphael.” Simple. It’s what he demanded of her, it’s what he wanted to hear, but hearing it? That hit a different chord. His tail shivered behind him, the feeling foreign but arousing. Did he want her to fight? Would he prefer it? Or was this deep trust unnerving again?... She knows she is mine, he reasoned, it’s about time, too. Leaving her arms unbound above her head, he moved his hand back down her body - his other arm still supporting his body easily, holding himself above her where she could see him but not yet feel him. He guided her thigh up a little, shifting lower as the greed within him rose. The need to have her, to feel her, to take her… —
Raphael’s teasing had built the lust in her body to a fever pitch. Tav could feel her body burning with longing, desperate for him to finally make his move. And yet, he remained slow, gentle. Caring , in such a way as a devil could be if he so wished. She realised he was different on his own, without Haarlep baiting him, pushing him. She bit her lip as he began to enter her, slowly, taking his time. Her breath left her in a slow exhale, feeling the stretch and heat building with every deliciously agonising second, the ridges adding friction to the equation, the sum total being a deeply satisfying feeling of being completely filled. Tav wanted to speak, to spur him on to move, to reach down and pull his body closer…but that command echoed in her ears. His blazing eyes, the way his horns and wings loomed above her - there was a power there. It hadn’t all been mindless ego-stroking. She groaned with the sensation as he pulled back slowly, ridges catching on muscles that strained to pull him in, her voice only raising louder as he thrust back into her. The pace he kept, it was maddening…the intensity of every motion, the way he moved his hips and watched her every reaction. If he didn’t care for her pleasure, it would be simple to thrust in and out at his own pace until he was done, but he was more than just attentive. Every single movement was lighting her on fire from the inside. The sound of the cambion’s own deep and seductive voice escaping as he felt her tightening, pulsing- It was getting harder and harder to keep her arms where he put them. She wanted to touch him, to feel his body above her instead of just watching… She imagined an invisible force holding her, focused more on the gathering rush building deeper inside as he began to let his avarice take over. —
Raphael felt every wave of her pleasure, and had long since forgotten to realise that Haarlep had not done a single thing to influence him. Everything he felt was entirely from within this room, from within her . Another time he might have preferred more, to go further, to tease her and draw it out, to mix in some pain and power-  She had enough pain, and watching her face flush pink and wanting, hearing her gasps and moans from undiluted pleasure… It was a wine he was willing to sip today. She was allowing him power, giving herself over to him completely, and everything he drew from her was his alone. He tried to hold back a little, but the feeling of her around him was intoxicating. The scent of her skin, the way she bit her lip, the tightening as he hit just the right places- His voice caught between a moan and a growl as the rush overtook him. The cambion pulsed inside her, continuing to thrust as her own climax had her crying out into the otherwise quiet room. Perhaps the incubus even heard them now, and the thought of the Harlot being jealous sweetened the waves of aftershock as he rode them out with her, relishing the ragged gasps as her mind and body were filled only with what he gave her. Tav was shaking as he finally withdrew. Her hair even more of a mess beneath her head, and her hands still exactly where he told her to keep them. “Good, Little Mouse, good~” his voice rumbled through his chest with a pleased purr, “you may move now, when you are ready.” She relaxed her arms a little, her uninjured hand moving a single stray lock of hair that had fallen in front of his eyes and tucking it gently behind his horns. “Why are you really taking such care of me?” “I told you before,” he sighed, wondering how she still did not understand. “You are my favourite client, my path to what I need…” He paused. That wasn’t all. “And in my own way, I enjoy our time together.” —
Tav blinked. She wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly, and the blindly logical part of her brain quickly rationalised the honesty away. Ah, enjoyed, as in pleasure. The sex is good. That makes sense. Her body still felt a weak and limp as he moved from above her, wrapping the silk sheets around her naked body and lifting her up in his arms, holding her close against his chest as if she were a bride about to be carried across the threshold. “Raphael?” She peered up into his fiery eyes, confused again. “We must get you clean, Mouse, and I will not have sullied eyes gaze upon you. Until you are able to walk on your own, I will indulge you…but I expect you to try after you have bathed in the healing pool.” He was trying to sound stern, but it came across as a better bedside manner than the expensive healer he had hired. —
Haarlep looked up over the top of their novel, raising an eyebrow at the master of the house carrying his charge into the room wrapped in sullied sheets, whilst the devil himself remained completely naked. “Finally, you’ve decided to come and play-” they began, but were quickly cut off. “No, you’ve done quite enough for one day Harlot. She needs to recover, and I shall accept no more interference from you. I suggest you sit quietly and contemplate the punishment you have earned.” His voice was stern, dripping with venom, but quiet. Tav was already half asleep, exhausted already. Haarlep took the hint and kept their reply barely above a whisper. “What I’ve done? I haven’t done a single thing, Archduke , in fact I had considered the very fact that I’ve kept entirely to myself as my punishment to you for denying me.” They gave him an even more pointed look, sitting back and going back to their book. “But it hardly seems like you even need me, you have your prize, now leave me to my story. They’re just getting to the good bit.” Raphael paused. He stood dumbfounded, completely at a loss for words. If there had been no tainted potion, no influence on his own body- It would take days for the effects of those realisations to truly sink in, longer than it took Tav to fully recover. He didn’t even notice the longing when she waved goodbye and stepped through the portal back to the material realm… Avernus felt colder than it should, the halls of the House of Hope suddenly larger and emptier than they had been before.
----------- ----------- ENDING NOTES ----------- ----------- This one will fit very nicely into the ATG storyline I just need to work out where, either that or it'll hint towards a potential alternate ending path instead. Either way I very much enjoy toying with a softer side to Raphael, exploring his reluctance and denial in greater depth, along with the ways that both Haarlep and Tav can push him out of his comfort zone.
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soupsopsoap · 20 days
My Hero Academically. Episode 7.
recap, great
OH BOY THE SONG!!! eueueueueuueueueuueueueuueueue out of 2 stars
ok, I will admit that trash man looks pretty cool in the intro. I'm still not sure he's qualified to teach though
Baby Bully Boy Bakugo needed 10x more supervision than he had. What is he doing
Good job bully boy, identifying your feelings. Thats a good first step towards not killing someone also where is your teacher?
Ah, i see. Midoriya's quirk is autism.
Honestly? If their opponent wasn't legitimately trying to kill him, this would be a good plan. Midoriya and Uraraka have much better communication than Iida and Bakugo, meaning they can better coordinate with the earpieces. So if both teams are split up, they would have the advantage. Not to mention, Midoriya is taking on Bakugo, and the two of them have much more destructive quirks than their team mates, so Midoriya running around and not using his quirk not only minimizes the destruction he causes, but also Bakugo's since bully boy is using his quirk offensively here, and not to get around like we saw him do in the test yesterday, likely because going long distances at high speeds isn't helpful in an enclosed environment. This leaves Uraraka and Iida, whose fighting styles I cant say much about, but I would bet lots of objects that can be floated would be best for Uraraka, while large open areas would be best for Iida. Unfortunately, Bakugo is absolutely going to kill Midoriya, so all of this goes down the drain.
???? Is the reason Bakugo Is so mad at Midoriya because of this??? Bestie you cant get mad at someone for asking if you are ok after you fell three times your own height?
Ok, Bakugo doesn't like Midoriya because whenever he gets hurt or is in a dangerous situation Midoriya tries to help. My guy. What.
Hmm, looks like neither Uraraka nor Iida has a natural advantage here, nothing for Uraraka to float, but lost of obstacles that will take significant concentration to dodge. Also why is Iida monolouging
WHY IS HE DOING A LITTLE POSE??? Well, at least he knew that random things all over the place would give her an advantage...
Iida, stop monologuing, this is why all the big-time villains get defeated! She's right in front of you, she can't dodge in time and there's nothing for you to go around! This is literally your best shot!
All might did you not look over the costumes beforehand to make sure no one had a giant bomb strapped to their wrist? Like? You messed up here? You just killed Midoriya?
Uraraka... what are those shoes... girl ur killing ur feet...
Yeah, I agree Red-needs-shirt, this is crazy, we should stop this
Yes, you should stop it. stop it.
WOAH!! ok, cool move from Bakugo. I'll give him that. But uh. It won't do him any good in jail. So. Let's stop the exercise now.
Wow, ok! Bakugo is an incredible fighter! He is showing great use of small, concentrated explosions and a good knowledge of physics to back it up, which I wouldn't have expected from him given his tendency thus far to use big attacks for direct damage. This sort of versatility and skill would make him a great hero, unfortunately, as he is about to kill a classmate, I'm not sure he will get to be one.
Yes All Might, you should stop them. Lets do that now. Like now now. Please all might please
NOOOO MIDORIYA NOOOO! now Midoriya is going to kill Bakugo...
Who's this Red-needs-a-shirt, he's talking a lot of sense
"wow, Midoriya won't blow me up, he must be underestimating me." uh maybe he doesn't want you to die?
Well uh, glad no one died, although I did expect it. Any waaayy. um. Uraraka was awesome in that last scene. bye
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xojennyboo · 11 months
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A/N: double update today! This one contained loads of smut. Thank you for reading and liking my stuff. This will be the last part of this mini story. Let me know what you think. There’s also a small message at the end of the chapter for anyone who needs to hear it. Love you guys. Thanks once again. Happy reading!
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As the months passed, dealing with what happened got easier. I continued on going to therapy, having some sessions by myself and some with Harry. When I had brought up Harry joining in on some sessions to my therapist, she instantly thought it would be a great idea considering how comfortable I felt with Harry. Harry also had private sessions by himself to talk about his feelings with everything. As the days passed by, Harry and I got closer and closer. It was weird adjusting to not spending time with one another prior, to now spending every minute together.
After doing months of therapy, I learned to stop blaming myself for what happened. I also learned so many things about myself that slowly started to make sense as the days went by. Having control of my life was important to me. I wanted to be able to be happy for myself and to be able to not break out if things didn’t go my way, things that I have overcome by therapy. As for my fears about pregnancy, I learned that it’s all about taking chances and going with the flow. Yes, it might be scary obtaining the answers to tough questions, but these are obstacles that we must surpass. After facing my fears to obtaining the answers to my fertility questions, I decided on booking appointments to my gynecologist. I went with the same doctor who oversaw my pregnancy since I felt super comfortable with her. I had expressed my worries and she helped me get all of the fertility exams done. Harry came to some of the appointments when he wasn't busy with the last-minute arrangements for his album release. He was officially finished with it and was super excited to release it to his fans. Once the doctor provided me with the results on my fertility, I was relieved to know that I had no issues. She explained that sometimes, miscarriages can be common, especially when it's your first pregnancy. Harry came to this appointment with me, and he was very happy to know that I was okay too. Harry also decided to do a fertility test on himself with me, and his testing came back clean as well. Having him take a fertility test with me meant the world to me.
Harry moved back into our house a couple of months ago, selling his apartment. Things felt right with him here. He became super attentive with me, making sure I was okay emotionally, physically, and mentally. We cooked almost every night together and created new memories that I Cherish every day. Our relationship has been kept private from the media, only our closest family and friends knowing about it. Thomas was very happy when he found out about it. Thomas has been supportive about everything. We’ve definitely had gotten closer after everything that had happened. He occasionally came to our house for dinners or just to hang out and write music with Harry. He recently started a new relationship with one of the women who works with us. I couldn't be happier for him.
Since Harry and I decided to rekindle our romance, we haven't had any intimacy. This being that I wasn't ready emotionally. I was too scared to take that step. I had talked about it with my therapist, and she mentioned that it was okay to feel that way but that I would have to take those necessary steps to overcome. As the time passed by, the need to feel Harry intimately was consuming my thoughts almost every day. The desire to feel his naked skin against mine grew and grew each day. I knew that he felt the same way by the way he would look at me with desire. Today, I planned on taking the first step. He had a long day of meetings which gave me plenty of time to plan what I wanted to do. I was going to cook a romantic dinner for us, decorate the dining room and our bedroom with candles. Our bedroom will have rose petals are around the floor and on the bed making this very intimate and romantic.
As soon as Harry left for the day, I went to the grocery store to purchase the ingredients for tonight's dinner. I decided on cooking chicken for dinner with a creamy sauce to accompany it. I also decided on making mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, and a bit of rice. Then I went to a flower shop to purchase enough roses for tonight. Lastly, I went to Target to purchase enough candles,the light up ones, not the real ones. Once I got home, I decided on decorating first since I knew it would be more tedious. Once finished, I started cooking dinner. Once that was done, I went back upstairs to shower, shave, get dressed and do my makeup. I decided on wearing a simple champagne colored dress that hugged my curves in the right places. Underneath, I wear a sexy lingerie set I had purchased a few days ago. it was also champagne colored, having the matching bra, thong, stockings, and garter belt to put together the whole outfit. I was definitely nervous. I went downstairs after I finished getting ready and heated up the food. It was already 6 pm. Harry usually comes home around 6:30pm, which is perfect since it gives me time to set the table. At precisely 6:15pm, I get a message from Harry saying that he's on his way home. I quickly get the champagne out of the fridge and place it on the ice bucket. I look at the time again after a couple of minutes I hear Harry pulling up in the driveway. "Get it together y/n ", I tell myself. "You're ready", I tell myself again, giving myself as much affirmation before he walks through that door. I go to the dining room to wait for him there, shaking away the last-minute nerves that have appeared in the last hour. I take a couple of deep breaths before I hear the front door open.
"y/n I'm home! It smells so good in here", I hear him say, lightly giggling at his comment. I take one last deep breath before building up the courage to answer. " Babe where are you?", I hear Harry say. "In the dining room!", I yell back so he hears me. I hear his footsteps coming closer and closer until he's fully in here. He looks shocked at first, and then a wide smile spreads across his face. "What's all of this for?", he says walking up to me placing a small peck on my lips. "I have decided to cook us a romantic dinner", I say to him. "It looks delicious ", he says admiring the table before him. "What's for dessert?", he teasingly asks, knowing that baking wasn't my expertise. With all of the confidence I had left I answered. "Me", his head snapping back towards me in shock and desire. A Mischievous smile takes me in a trance, my need for him growing intently. "Hmm. Is that so honey?", he says with a raspy voice. His arms snakes around my waist pulling me closer to him, his eyes darker than before filled with lust. "Y-yes", I stutter at the close proximity, his face getting closer to me, his eyes staring at my reaction, eyes, and lips. "Well, in that case, I think we should skip right into dessert don't you think?", he says, his lips extremely close to mine, barely touching. "Dinner will get cold", I whispered against his lips, my chest rising and falling at a quick pace. "Hmm, you're right. Let's eat then that way I can eat you afterwards ", he says, placing a kiss on my lips finally. The kiss intensifies as he pulls me closer to him, his tongue entering my mouth. My fingers go directly to his hair, tangling in his curls. He pulls away, our breathing heavy, as he walks towards my chair to pull it out for me. Still stunned, I gather myself and sit down. I feel Harry getting closer to my ear, his breathing heavy. "By the way, you look absolutely beautiful tonight", he whispers against my ear as he places a kiss on my neck before he sits down across the table from me.
How am I going to get through this dinner. That whole interaction, as simple as it was, made me wet. Harry had a thing of making everything he said super sexy, especially towards me. Or maybe it was just in my head. We eat in complete silence at first, savoring the meal I made. I poured us a glass of champagne needing it a bit more for confidence. I watched as Harry ate his dinner his jaw clenching with every bite he took. " Mmmm, so good", he moaned in satisfaction. I felt those moans directly on my clothed clit. Every bite he took of his food he would make some sort of moan or groan, making it harder to contain myself. The suppressed want and frustration for him slowly making its way out. He knew what he was doing, loving the reaction he was getting from me as I squirmed in my seat at how wet I was getting. Once we were done eating, I got up to clear the table. "Stay here", I instructed before going into the kitchen and placing everything on the island. I quickly took my dress off and let my hair down, exposing the lingerie. I felt so sexy in this it boosted my confidence more. I took a deep breath, seems I have to do that a lot nowadays, before walking back into the dining room. Harry quickly looked in my direction and gulped down the bit of champagne he had left. "On my...", he said, as he squirmed around in his seat. "Do you like it?", I ask as I walked towards him. He didn't utter a word, too stunned to speak.
"I'll take it as a, yes?", I say. He gets up abruptly, attaching his lips to mine, the force causing me to take a step back. His tongue entered my mouth swirling around with mine, tasting the champagne on his lips. "You look like such a goddess", he says. He gives me a couple more kisses before pulling away and sitting back down. "Now do me a favor baby and come sit in front of me so I can eat my dessert", he says with confidence. Jesus. I walk towards the table, getting on top of the table to position myself in front of him. Once I’m lying on the table, he gets up to admire me. He takes one of the straps that's attached to my stocking around his finger and pulls it back before letting it go causing it to snap against my skin. I moaned a little at the sensation that it gave me. “My goodness where do I start with you?", he says, unclamping the clips. He slowly reaches to the hem of the thong that I have on and removes it, bringing it up to his face and smelling it, before placing it in his packet. "You smell divine", he says as he places my foot on either side of the table, my legs spreading in front of him. He sits back down on the chair, scooting closer to my exposed pussy. "So wet for me y/n", he says before kissing my clit. My hips buck up at the satisfaction of his lips making contact to where I need him the most. "So ready for me", he says, spreading my folds with his fingers before sucking on my clit, a moan coming out of me. His hot wet tongue swirled around my aching clit over and over, my moans echoing throughout the dining room. My hands gripping at the sides of the table as the noise of Harry's tongue on me consumed me. His tongue licked me all over, not missing any spots.
He inserted his tongue in my aching hole, slowly licking all of my arousal onto his tongue. My legs spread for him, giving him more access. "Oooh fuck Harry, don't stop baby, don’t stop", I moaned as he sucked and flicked my clit. My back arching on the table as I felt my orgasm coming. "That's it baby, let the neighbors know who is making you feel this good", he says as he inserts two fingers inside me making me gasp and choke up. He instantly starts thrusting his fingers in and out of me as his tongue works on my clit. My aching hole clenched around his fingers as I was about to come. Before I did, he withdrew completely from me causing me to whine. "Gosh look at you so desperate", he says. He gets up, attaching his lips to mine, tasting myself on his tongue, causing me to moan against his lips. "You taste so good baby ", he groans against my lips, his clothed crotch pressing against my cunt. "Take me upstairs", I say breathlessly. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me bridal style up the stairs. He slows down and notices the rose petals on the hallway leading up to our room. "Oh y/n what do you have up your sleeve ", he smirks. I open the door with my hand since he's carrying me, and we walk into the dark pre-lit room that is filled with rose petals. "Surprise!", I childishly say to him smiling widely at my work. He looks around in awe giving me a long passionate kiss as he places me on the bed. "Do you like it?", I ask. "Like it? I love this", he says, climbing on the bed with me. "Are you sure you want to do this?", he asks. "Yes Harry", I say grabbing his face and pulling him in a kiss. He reaches behind my back and unclamps my bra, exposing my breasts. The takes one in each hand, gently palming them and pinching my nipples occasionally. My head falls back in pleasure, my body sensitive at the lack of pleasure that it hasn't received in months. My neck exposed, Harry places kisses on my neck, biting and sucking the spot below my ear causing me to moan."Harry please", I gasp, pleading for more. He groans as he kisses down my neck and onto my chest, taking one of my nipples into his mouth while massaging my other breast, my fingers playing with his hair. He switches, now sucking on my other nipple, giving it the same attention.
I kneel up, pushing him against the matters. "Now it's your turn baby", I say as I unbutton his trousers. I took them off, taking his briefs with them. I took his shirt off exposing his tattooed body to me. I could never get tired of looking at his naked body. I straddle his legs, placing delicate kisses on his chest and down his torso. His stomach flexing at the contact of my lips against his skin. "I've". Kiss. "Missed", kiss, "you", kiss, "so", kiss "much", kiss. His eyes closed, feeling every kiss I gave his body. I kissed down his torso and down to his pulsating cock. I placed delicate kisses up his shaft before placing the tip in my mouth, Harry hissing at the sensation. I moaned as I felt his precum on my tongue, the sensation causing Harry to buck his hips upwards inserting himself more into my mouth. "Fuck", he moans as I start bobbing my head, gently squeezing his balls as I sucked him off. I took more and more of him in until I was able to put all of him in my mouth. His tip hitting the back of my throat causing me to gag in pleasure. " fuuck ", Harry moaned as he felt my mouth close around his cock. I was so horny, our actions making me wet. I pulled away a bit looking at him, how sexy he looked right now. "Fuck my mouth Harry", I say as I fully take him into my mouth causing him to groan in pleasure. He reaches down to gather my hair together as he starts to thrust himself into my mouth. "That's right baby, take my cock ", he pants as he continues to hit the back of my throat causing me to gag around his dick. I close my eyes, tears spilling from them as they go down my face. "Fuck baby", he moans the sound of our moans filling the room. Before I can pull back, I feel his cum shoot down my throat. I pull away, a string of my saliva attached to his cock making this super-hot.
I take my finger and wipe my lips, tasting him on my fingers as I sucked his juices off "mmm", I moan. "Delicious", I say as I straddle his hips. His hands were instantly on my waist ready to guide me. I was in a euphoric daze, wanting Harry to fuck my brains out. I grab Harry's dick and I slowly rubbed my wet pussy against it, feeling every pulsating vein on me. My wetness glistening on his cock. "Look at how wet I am for you baby", I moan as we both look down. "Fuck Y/N, please baby", he says as he digs his fingertips on my sides. I grind on him a couple more times before I lift myself up and insert the tip in me, causing both of us to moan. My head falls back in pleasure his tip already stretching me. "You're so big Harry", I say as I slide down on him completely, his cock stretching me out in all the right ways. "Move baby, gosh you feel so good", he pants out, his hips bucking up in desperation. I move my hips up and down, my hands on his chest as we finally connect. With every movement I make, the more I feel my orgasm coming. I'm a moaning mess, my body overly sensitive. "That's right baby, ride my cock", he moans. "Look at your arousal dripping down", he moans as he starts to thrust up, in need of a release from the both of us. We look down and I can see his cock disappearing inside me, covered by my wetness with each thrust. My hands go down to my throbbing clit, rubbing myself as I try to reach my high, but Harry swats my hand away and replaces it with his instead, rubbing me at a steady pace. “Oh fuck, baby that feels...uh", I moan out, my release spraying on Harry's torso. Our actions stopped, looking at the mess I just made. “Fuck that was hot to watch", Harry says. "Want to see if you're able to do that again for me baby?", he says as our movements resumed. I start riding him faster and harder, each thrust hitting that familiar spot from earlier, causing me to moan loudly as Harry rubbed my clit faster. The feeling was so intense sending me into a bliss. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck", I moan out I squirt on Harry's torso again, my arousal dripping down his sides and onto the mattress. "That's a good girl", Harry says as he stops my movements and switches positions. One thing you enjoyed about your sex life with Harry was that he wasn't afraid to explore different things sexually.
Harry pushes me against the mattress, taking my legs in his hands and placing them in a "V" position. My head is hanging from the bed as he positions himself in front of my entrance. Slowly, he thrusts into me, both of us moaning in pleasure. "Look at you already fucked out of your mind", he says, his words causing me to be wet again. "Do you like me stuffing you with my cock y /n?", he asks as he begins to thrust into me. "On fuck, yes Harry", I say as I squeeze my breasts in pleasure. "Tell me how much you love it", he tells me as he thrusts harshly into me. "Il love it baby", I say as he thrusts into me harder and faster, this position hilling my g-spot repeatedly. "I love how your cock stretches my tight wet pussy. I love how hard you fuck me. I love how you make me yours, baby", I gasp for air as his thrusts are literally knocking the air out of me. I let my head hang, the rush of my blood going down causing me to feel the pleasure with much more intensity. "Fuck baby I'm gonna cum", Harry pants as the grip on my legs tighten. I feel very lightheaded in this position but I'm enjoying Harry ramming into me. My moans become louder as Harry rubs my clit again. A few more thrusts and we’re both screaming and moaning our release. I lift my head up, afraid of passing out from the intensity of my orgasm. Harry drags me closer to him, so my head is no longer hanging. He leans closer to me, his sweaty body against mine, our breathing heavily from our highs. "That was", "Amazing", I finish saying.
We both started laughing at what just happened. Harry removes himself from me laying down next to me and engulfing me in a hug. Still in a daze, too tired to do anything. "That was a very good dessert", he says causing both of us to burst out laughing. "You're too much", I playfully hit his chest. "I love you", he tells me, a bit more serious. I look up at him, a few strands of curls sticking to his sweaty forehead. I take my hand and push his hair back, removing it from his forehead as I lean up and kiss his lips softly. "I love you more", I whisper against his lips as we start kissing passionately. He sits up on the bed before straddling me on his lap, my chest against his. He holds me tightly against him, his lips molding against mine, our tongues fighting for dominance, he wins. Smirking against my lips, he moves his arms around my waist and slowly sinks into me again, my head resting against his shoulder. We slowly start to move against each other, kissing our lips with passion. We both moan against one another, his fingers tracing down my back, the sensation causing goosebumps against my skin. The familiar feeling in my stomach appears. My arms are around Harry's neck, my hands gripping at his hair at the intensity that he's making me feel. "Marry me ", he says abruptly, his movements not stopping whatsoever. I look into his eyes and see the sincerity in them. Our movements pick up, our breathing picking up as we’re about to cum together. "Marry me y/n", he says again. He puts his arms around me tightly as he thrust upwardly, my head falling back. "Yes. Yes.yes", I moan out, answering his question repeatedly. A couple more thrusts and we both cum on each other, my orgasm taking a toll on me. After calming down and feeling Harry's dick go soft inside me, I look into his eyes. " a million times yes", I say against his lips. He smiles widely and kisses me passionately.
This whole experience has taught me that life can be very difficult. Everyone is dealing with issues left and right, some more intense than the rest. In my case, I lost our baby, got depressed, and surpassed it. Having a support system, whether it’s a family member or a close friend, having someone there who is willing to help you can make the biggest difference in your life. Seeking help doesn't make you weak or a failure, it just means that you need that extra help to become the better version of yourself. Trying to control everything around you will he straining and will cause you to burn out. Take it one step at a time and learn to take it easy from time to time. Always live in the moment and cherish where you are now. Also...always remember to stay true to who you are and never let anyone change you. You're perfect the way you are whether you believe it or not.
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love-hol1c · 1 year
Hi hi! Could i request a yandere mokou? If youre comfortable with it of course have a great day! :)
OF COURSE! ask and you shall recieve pooks! i'll try to keep the whole yandere thing not too extreme, if ur fine with it, since u didn't specify the type of yandere concept you needed (BUT THATS FINE!!!) (also im super sorry for replying like idk how many days later, probably two months)
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[yandere mokou x gn!reader] (since gender wasn't specified) Normally, Mokou would just be alone, walking the seemingly endless bamboo forest, looking for anyone that had gotten lost. And she wasn't one to get close to people either, but something about you.. it drew her in. She wanted to just have you with her, never leaving her, to be lost in the bamboo forest, forever in her embrace, but she knew that she probably shouldn't be thinking like that. It was.. wicked. But lucky for her, and unlucky for you probably, you were lost in said forest, and she had found you just in time. Immediately, she asked if you were okay, if you had any injuries, and reluctantly helped you out the bamboo forest, waving at you as you left. As much as she wanted you all to herself, she needed you to trust her first. A plan was already forming in her mind anyways, a plan to have you all to herself, and it just needed a little more time and effort for her plan to play out. Eventually, as time passed, you both got closer due to her helping you in and out the bamboo forest, conversing with you as she led you out in different routes of the bamboo forest that you had to go to. And by the time you trusted her, she immediately turned on you, trapping you in the bamboo forest, with nobody else knowing where you are but her. "Oh, [NAME].. You don't get it, I'm only doing this to protect you. Do you know how many humans and youkai there are out there that might hurt you? I can't afford seeing you hurt." Mokou said, walking closer to you, caressing your cheek in a loving manner. "I promise, I won't hurt you, but just trust me. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you, or even look at you." She muttered, staring at you with a sweet but manic expression. "Don't you know I'm only doing this for you because I love you? I love you, [NAME]. So don't think of trying to leave me." Said Mokou, who had started embracing you, not caring if you were afraid or crying, or angry, even. As long as you, her beloved, were with her, away from everybody else who might be an obstacle to your 'relationship', then that's all that matters now, nothing more and nothing else.
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louvay · 11 months
Oh, that gives me an idea-- how about FE4 moms and the kid they'd bond with the most that isn't theirs? I'd say the dads too but aside from Siggy, Quan, and Eldie, they can be anyone's dad
This ask made me think of how the mothers of Fe4 and their respective daughters generally have the opposite personalities to each other while the reverse is true with their sons (See Ayra and Scathach for instance). Now onto the answers:
Edain and Brigid would bond quite well with their respect nephew and niece. Like I can see Edain pass off Patty’s thievery as just her goofing which reminds of Dew while Febail helps her with taking care of the orphanage in Tirnanog. Meanwhile, Brigid is rather doting of Lana and tries to help Lester with archery.
Silvia and Tailtiu would get along really well with Fee due to their similar personalities with Silvia being shocked that Fee is Erinys’ daughter while with Tailtiu, Fee will try to pry out any embarrassing facts about her son so that Fee can later give Arthur a heart attack.
Ayra and Ced would make great partners when it comes to being the busy bodies in the army. They both plan ahead for any possible obstacles the army might encounter in the future and know how to take care of someone amidst being hunted down (Ayra with Shannan, Ced with the Magi squad).
Siggy would definitely adopt Julia. Like he didn’t mind having the prince of the nation his own kingdom is at war with living within his army and he didn’t care about the curse associated with Deirdre’s kin when he proposed to her.
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hay1ock · 11 months
Only Friends Episode 11. I love Ray and Sand so much 😭 Yeah, mainly a Ray and Sand ramble this week. Oops lol
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I’m so glad we got to see them coming back together this episode rather than skipping ahead or anything. The first scene with Sand and Yo and then Plug showing up. 1. I’m so happy they got back together. The question of ‘Do you want to be taken care of?’ And Yo’s little nods😭 Cos seriously same. Take care of me! And 2. I liked how Yo’s fears were tied to Ray’s, about people just wanting her for money and scared when someone claims to genuinely love her. And Sand expressing what he wished Ray might do, take a risk and believe someone cares for him.
Ray’s scene with Sand’s mum was lovely. He’d never had that nurturing loving experience with his own mum and even if Ray’s dad asked Sand for help, the way he speaks and acts towards his son leaves a lot to be desired. So it was great to see her being gentle and understanding, even rooting for him and Sand to patch things up. The switch to then Sand in the bar with his father, the strange comfort he received from someone who would only consider themselves a stranger in Sand’s life. First’s acting though, the slightly teary eyes and voice crack when it was pointed out he was alone that night. Yeah, I really liked they found a little comfort from the parental figures each had been missing in their lives.
‘Sand’. Ray found him 🥺 The way they looked at each other, Ray’s repeated ‘I’m sorry’, the tears, the hug, the relief for both of them. I knew I would love these characters at the very least on the surface level because they are wearing First’s and Khaotung’s faces, but honestly, these two… I care so much about them. For me their characters have been the most interesting and as we moved through the episodes I really wanted for them to overcome the obstacles and Ray’s issues to be able to be together. I truly hope they get a happy (or at the very least open/hopeful ending).
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But anyway, the next couple of scenes are adorable - the bathtub and hand holding, Ray’s community service and the kids, planning for music festivals and getting passports. And then the music store scene and the way Sand rubbed the back of Ray’s head and how stupidly cute Ray was looking and the singing and… It’s amazing to see them like this. We’d had fleeting peeks before of how their relationship might be when Ray wasn’t spiralling, so it was great to see them just getting to be together when things had settled a little.
And then ‘he came in like a wrecking balllll’. Hi Boeing. Even though I’m a little hmm about Top and Mew sometimes, I didn’t exactly enjoy Boeing meddling so was glad Mew had eventually turned him away. Unfortunately, that now means he’s moved onto Sand. The way they focussed on his hand lingering on Sand’s shoulder when they met up. I’m not sure where Boeing’s been until Top brought him back into the Only Friends world, so all this time Sand’s anger has been directed at Top. It’s also probably easier to hate the person you weren’t in love with. Mew still loves Top despite the cheating, so I don’t see why that can’t be true for Sand. There’s not really a time period on a persons feelings toward another. But yeah *curses Top for needing a sleeping buddy* Boeing was given a kind of false hope with Top, then tried to play dirty riling up Mew, and now humiliated and tossed aside has turned to Sand. Maybe he thought he could use Sand’s old feelings and this time get what he wants, some kind of validation of himself. We don’t know that much about him, other than he does seem to enjoy manipulating things and not happy when things don’t go his way. So I do wonder if he thought Sand might be an easy victory, and not necessarily in a relationship way, just a use and dump, but then here’s Ray and now it’s a bigger challenge, so he goes all in and kinda twists things as if he is the one wronged and who suffered😑
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Not sure where I stand on the whole sending Ray away thing. Part of me would want him there ‘if you’ve got something to say, you can say it to both of us’, but also, I don’t trust Boeing and really wouldn’t want him finding anything out about Ray, probably a reason Sand hadn’t mentioned he had a boyfriend (though maybe Ray would have really left the bar feeling more confident and secure about their relationship if he had and Boeing hadn’t dropped Sand in it - he knew what he was doing), plus there’s a chance Boeing could say something that upsets Ray and he’s early in his rehab efforts with therapy and reducing his alcohol consumption so…
As Sand’s mum said, Sand is super caring and wants to be there for people, and with the memories and feelings of what was between them I get why he might be hesitant to cut Boeing off as if they’d been nothing to one another. It’s a tough one and I’ll be interested to see if next episode we get some kind of flashback, a bit like how people were conflicted about Ray leaving Sand for Mew at the end of episode 3 and then we got the bathtub flashback and kiss, and whether you agreed with Ray’s actions or not, you could at least understand from his POV why he picked up the call and went to help Mew. Hoping we do get one or maybe more confirmation on how their relationship was.
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I’m glad Ray stepped in, I’m not sure which way Sand would have gone in the end, not so much any kind of cheating I don’t feel, but at the very least letting Boeing hang around him further into the night. The suggestion of a pool party, however, I did not expect. Not 100% sure what Ray is hoping to achieve, maybe it’s a ‘keep your enemies close’ kind of thing and trying to get a feel for what angle Boeing is playing. Also, not a test as such, but wanted to assess what is going on with Sand and his feelings. It hasn’t been long since Ray’s doubts and insecurities had him yelling and crying and slamming lockers. No matter who tells him, his father, Sand’s mum, Sand himself, how much Sand cares for him, I’m sure those insecurities can’t simply vanish in an instant. I’ll be interested to see what the hell’s going to happen next episode between the 3 of them. Also, I hope Ray isn’t drinking in the pool because he’s feeling stressed (so in excess) vs what I’m assuming is a set daily amount/gradual reduction during rehab.
Okay, not going to add too much on anyone else this week (I say) as it’s nearly time for episode 12.
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Top and Mew. I honestly don’t know how I feel about them anymore. I think I’m as tired as Top lol. While I agree with Top over Mew needing to give him a proper chance, get shut of Boeing and his second round of revenge, and also sympathise with him being in love and having changed and feeling guilty and wanting to be forgiven, I also don’t like how Top went about certain things. Like talking to Mew’s mums, following him about, turning up in front of him so often and I feel like he never gave Mew a chance to deal properly with his feelings without him being in front of Mew and constantly bringing him back to that initial anger and bitterness, saying he’s suffered enough - I’m not sure it’s his place to say that - asking Mew to move in already and to make up for the time Mew was ‘sulking’ - my guy, it’s not like you ate his last candy bar or something. You fucked his friend!
If Mew loves him and is now willing to give Top a real chance, no more games, then good luck to them both. I’ve said before about ‘the heart wants what the heart wants’. I’ve never been put in Mew’s position. I can theorise all I like, but in reality I might feel differently. So, as long as they are properly onboard giving their relationship a second chance then so am I.
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Nick and Boston. Again, so long as there’s no more games and crying, and everybody knows where they stand, then I can happily be onboard for whatever relationship they decide upon and for however long that is for. I am a little sus over Dan’s expression, however, when Nick left, having turned down the boyfriend idea. Surely, there isn’t enough time for him to make a mess as well as Boeing?
Atom and Cheum. Feel a bit bad as to how Nick and Boston went about setting him up for a confession, but I mean, it was a particularly shitty lie he made about Boston that if taken seriously and to the police, could have ruined Boston’s life. I’m glad he confessed to Cheum and yes as his sister she had every right to believe him last week and to comfort and hug him this week, but, a little more scolding than ‘my wicked little brother’ might have endeared her to me as I’ve not been her greatest fan over certain scenes/actions.
I think that’ll do for this episode. Really excited to see how the series ends❤️
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: From New York Times bestselling author Ann Aguirre comes the magical town of St. Claire, where anything is possible...Iris Collins is the messy one in her family. The "chaos bunny." Her sisters are all wildly successful, while she can't balance her budget for a single month. It's no wonder she's in debt to her roommates. When she unexpectedly inherits a house from her great aunt, her plan to turn it into a B&B fails—as most of her plans do. She winds up renting rooms like a Victorian spinster, collecting other lost souls...and not all of them are "human." Eli Reese grew up as the nerdy outcast in school, but he got rich designing apps. Now he's successful by any standards. But he's never had the same luck in finding a real community or people who understand him. Over the years, he's never forgotten his first crush, so when he spots her at a café, he takes it as a sign. Except then he gets sucked into the Iris-verse and somehow ends up renting one of her B&B rooms. As the days pass, Eli grows enchanted by the misfit boarders staying in the house...and even more so by Iris. Could Eli have finally found a person and a place to call "home"? 
Iris Collins is a mess, she’s months behind on rent, her jewelry business is barely a business, and her vampire abilities haven’t even activated. So when she inherits her great aunt’s home, she thinks its the perfect chance to turn it into an air B&B and get a whole new chance to start over. Eli Reese is a shifter who as a child was once saved by Iris from bullies and has been lightly keeping tabs on her ever since. Eli is a rich introvert and dislikes most people except Iris. When he runs into her in town and she mistakenly thinks he is applying to be one of her new housemates, he goes along with it because it would be the perfect opportunity to get close to her and maybe actually talk to her after all these years. Iris begins putting out calls for housemates and soon discovers herself with a rather great group of people who not only are kind and sweet but can help her fix up the very depleted house and turn it around. The only problem is she is beginning to have a crush on her housemate Eli and despite her rule of never dating someone she lives with, its getting harder and harder to resist. Eli can’t seem to find it in himself to tell Iris the truth about how he actually knows her and as time goes on, it gets harder and harder. Then theres the issue of Iris discovering that her actual family might not be the vampire one she never fit in with and theres also a neighbor bent on getting the entire house kicked out. With so many new obstacles, can these two make it when the truth comes out?? This book started off really cute but I just didn’t really feel the chemistry between Iris and Eli. Eli fixated on Iris and essentially stalked her, he even admits it’s a bit creepy how he was keeping tabs on her all these years despite not talking to her. Then there was that super unnecessary third act breakup and how Iris was mad that her boyfriend was literally trying to save the house and help her with her problems by paying for it. She was made her significant other was trying to help her for being rich and then outright refuses thus putting everyone in the house in jeopardy and leaving her at square one???? MAM????  The book started off really cute but then kind of lost me at the end. I liked parts of the book but the overall story arc felt a bit weirdly paced. Overall, it had a really cute found family story and if you like those with a supernatural touch, then definitely give this one a go.
Summarize this Book : poor woman inherits home, her childhood rich stalker becomes her housemate, she collects various other housemates, finds out her stalker turned bf is rich and trying to solve her problems with money, gets upset and dumps him. takes him back after realizing that she doesn’t mind that he stalked her. LOL
*Thanks Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca, Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Hello dear! I would like to be honest with you. Dear author, I really doubt my ability to write my idea. Since I'm more of a reader than a writer.. (The only thing I am able to write decently are poems, usually in my native language, which is Spanish, but the rest is somewhat complex for me haha)
I really think I would feel better if you could write about this twst au. I feel like you would do a great job with it! But if you find it difficult or uncomfortable, I could help you by talking about this au to work on it.
I can understand that you might not actually like the idea of ​​using my idea to create this Dark Twst au, but I sincerely think that you, beloved author, can put my idea to better use with your writing.
Obviously your decision is the important thing here, so I won't insist if you don't want to do it. (Although it would be nice if it did, because I feel Dark twst au would be something with a lot of potential on your hands..)
I'm repeating myself and rambling, sorry. Going back to talking about the dark au (I guess that's what I'll call it for now)
Thinking about what you mentioned… In fact, you're right, Malleus would be in great danger in this au or rather every fae in twisted wonderland. But focusing on malleus.. It would definitely be something to consider.
First he is a fae Second is royalty And third is one of the 5 strongest magicians in the world, right? (I think he was one of the 5, I don't remember..)
So if it's a big obstacle to that group's plans, but they can't get rid of it easily either. That is to say, he has Lilia by his side while he attends school and we already know that Lilia is an old fae, probably one of the fae who knows about the "Forgotten History" of twisted wonderland or was even one of the victims who managed to escape from the claws of that group
So, Lilia is not a fool, he must know that Malleus and all Fae are exposed to danger outside of his land, the valley of thorns.
And Malleus must have known of the existence of this danger from a young age, but… I don't think he knows the absolute truth of the group and what they did to his people long ago, he was only notified with the essentials so that he would be alert. and could protect himself once he was out of his home.
Oh, now that I see this, in truth the Dark au has a lot to work and create..
Anyway, that's what I had to say dear author! please think about what I said at the beginning, without pressure of course.
And take care of yourself and maybe I'll write more Dark things to you or just twst ideas/questions to talk to you~
After all it's nice to talk to you 💜
(By the way, could I draw something for you? If you allow me please tell me your favorite twst character and any oc or representation that I can use for the drawing, that's all, bye~)
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Oh don't worry, you haven't made me uncomfortable with your idea.
The thing is, an au can take a lot of work and time and at the moment I am still releasing basic information about my Otome au. So maybe in the future. We will see.
Now that I think about it, Malleus could be in even more trouble than we believed. Man over there is a dragon Fae and what is said about dragons that is important in a lot of fantasy stuff? Their tears (and the red stuff but I'm feeling a bit more fluffy today). So he will be probably there for a long time so they can get absolutely everything from him. Also, would any Fae groups be going up against the human group trying to do that? Who knows...
Also, feel free to draw me something. I absolutely adore stuff from you all no matter if you have just begun or have drawn since the day you became strong enough to grip a crayon. I don't have a favorite, like someone who is number one and they have to share the pedestal but my absolute favorites are Malleus (who would have thought -_-), Vil and Azul. For the Oc you can use Ende but if you want to make something more like me in real life person then you can also just take her make her hair brown and eyes blue-dark grey. Skin color would be about the same (maybe a bit paler but that depends how the light falls.) Also add glasses. I don't really feel comfortable with sharing my exact appearance (this is the internet I'm not taking any risks) so I hope this is alright.
Hope to hear from you again! These small sessions are really nice!
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freshfurylady · 1 month
How to Check T-Mobile’s Network Coverage Near You
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Paragraph 1: When choosing a mobile service, network coverage matters most. If T-Mobile has poor coverage where you live, it's not worth it. Thankfully, checking T-Mobile’s coverage in your area is easy. You can do it online in just minutes. T-Mobile offers a coverage map on its website. It’s simple and user-friendly. Just enter your address or zip code. The map will show the network quality in your area. Colors on the map represent different levels of coverage. Green usually means strong coverage. Yellow might mean weaker coverage. Red means you may have issues with your signal.
People often rely on T-Mobile’s coverage map before switching. Take Sarah, for example. She lived in a rural area. Sarah needed to know if she could get good coverage with T-Mobile. She went online and checked the map. The map showed green in her area. This made her feel confident to switch. After switching, she was pleased with the strong signal. She could make calls and use the internet without any problems. If you’re thinking about switching, checking the map first can save you headaches later.
Using the map isn’t the only way. You can also ask people around you about their experience. If your neighbors or friends use T-Mobile, ask them how their signal is. This gives you real-life examples of how the network works. Hearing from people you trust can help you decide. Take Mark, for instance. He wanted to switch to T-Mobile but wasn’t sure. So, he asked his neighbor, who had been with T-Mobile for years. The neighbor said the signal was strong, even in their basement. This reassured Mark, so he made the switch.
Another option is visiting a T-Mobile store. The staff there can give you information on coverage. They can even check it for you. They might have more detailed information than what’s online. This can be useful if you live in a tricky area with spotty coverage. You can also test the network by using a friend’s T-Mobile phone. Go to different spots in your area. Make a call or browse the internet. If the signal stays strong, you’re good to go.
Sometimes, online maps may not show the whole picture. You might see green on the map, but still, have issues. Buildings, trees, and other obstacles can block signals. This can be frustrating, especially if you rely on your phone for work. If you face this, you’re not alone. Many have shared similar stories. For example, Laura saw her area in green on the map. But when she switched, she had weak signals inside her house. She found out later that big trees around her home blocked the signal. This shows why testing the network yourself is important.
T-Mobile also offers a free trial. You can try their network before you commit. This trial usually lasts for a few weeks. During this time, use the service as you normally would. Make calls, stream videos, and browse the internet. If you’re happy with the coverage, you can sign up for a full plan. If not, you can walk away with no strings attached. This trial can be a great way to ensure you’re making the right choice. It gives you peace of mind before making a big decision.
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Orpheus and Eurydice (A Maiden of the Stars Finale)
CW: For mourning and general icky eye stuff with deathroot.
This is the Finale of the Maden of the Stars Path. Thank you so much to everyone who has read up to here. I might to an epilogue of sorts later but for now, this is the end of this path. Stay tuned for the ending of the other one. It's a little short, but hopefully you guys like it.
At the other end of Farum Azula, past a destroyed great bridge guarded by a Draconic Tree Sentinel, was Maliketh’s chamber. Since information about The Black Blade is so scarce, you don’t have much to go on making a plan of attack. You asked Ranni if she knew of any weaknesses, but she couldn’t think of anything useful. “The demi-gods did fear the Black Blade for a reason. Yes, even General Radahn would have bethought himself twice was he dared to face him in battle. His blade can sever the immortality of demi-gods and Tarnished warriors alike. To faceth him is to risketh true death.” She says as you approach the entrance. A wall of fog prevents you from seeing inside. “No wonder he was chosen to guard it. The odds seem stacked against us.” Ranni nods, wandering to the side of the building. You follow. ”After the Night of the Black Knives, I am afraid he shall not part with Destined Death willingly.” You sigh, leaning back against the wall. Ranni takes a seat on the railing of the bridge next to you.
“Is that all you know?” You say. “Does he have some sort of weakness we can exploit? He clearly isn’t infallible, but knowing he was tricked once doesn’t help in knowing how to beat him.” The witch shakes her head. “I apologize, but no. Thou wouldst know him far better than me at this point. The Beast Clergyman I sent thee to meet wast him, after all.” That’s… unsurprising. You’ve met the Gurranq more than a few times to feed him the disgusting Deathroot you often found near catacombs or whatnot. You had your suspicions about him (The ornate armor under his cloak spoke volumes about his true nature), but conversing with the shadow was almost impossible. He had brief moments of lucidity after his hunger diminished from partaking in the root. Those were fleeting, and he mostly just begged for more death to be brought, but sometimes he would comment on your appearance.  Not anything in particular, more saying that you looked familiar. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out he was probably talking about your father. You had no chance to ever learn of his real name and title. Much less how to approach and defeat him.
You close your eye and cross your arms, letting the sound and feeling of wind rushing over your fur wash over you. You know little of Gurranq and even less of Maliketh, but you’re not without any information. Para resolver cualquier problema, un hombre debe solo observar y pensar. If you put together what little you know of Maliketh, you can find a way to overcome this obstacle.
Let’s begin with a simple question: Who is Maliketh? Well… Maliketh is Gurranq, is he not? He is the shadow-bound brother of Queen Marika and her half-brother. That means that for all his strength, he’s bound to the rules of the shadow-bound beasts. He can’t betray Marika’s will unless it contradicts that of the Greater Will, or can he?
That brings you to your next question: What is Marika’s will? You’ve actually been wondering this for some time. You were led to the Erdtree by grace, only to be spurned and forced to commit a cardinal sin. Furthermore, Marika is responsible for the shattering, possibly the greatest act of treason against the Greater Will besides the Night of the Black Knives. It seems that Marika and the Greater Will are at odds with each other. Based on your interactions with him, it wouldn’t appear he knows why Marika shattered the Elden Ring.
That would explain why he’s taking the side of Marika’s captors. We followed grace to the forge and committed a cardinal sin by Marika’s guidance. Maliketh can’t take your side until he’s free from the Greater Will’s influence. Luckily you have a needle at your disposal that can do just that.
Final question: What would happen if you free Maliketh from the Greater Will’s influence? It seems so obvious now. Perhaps you should have thought of this sooner. Once free, Maliketh will have to unbind destined death to know what happened to Marika. Thus letting you into the Erdtree. If you can appeal to his relationship with her, you can convince him to use the needle and help you get to her. It’s risky, but it’s worth a shot.
You relay your plan to Ranni, who looks at you with skepticism. “The Black Blade will not be inclined to talk. How shall thou convincest him to listen to thy words?” You shrug. That part is the dangerous part. “I can only try to appeal to him. If it doesn’t work, we will have to fight him anyway, won’t we?” The Witch looks down at her hands, hiding behind the brim of her hat. “Perhaps thou speakest the truth. Still… I beg of thee to return hale and whole.” More promises to maintain and more people you could disappoint, but it’s too late to stop. Might as well continue sinking deeper. “I will… Promise.” You say.
“Wolven Tarnished, why wouldst thou... Why... T’is no matter. I hereby vow that Destined Death shall not be stolen again.” You feel a twinge of sadness upon hearing the betrayal in Gurranq’s voice, but you can’t get distracted. Using your regular voice, you speak to the shadow as he approaches. “I don’t intend on stealing Destined Death from you. I just want to talk.” Gurranq ignores you, swinging his dagger down at you. You wait until the last moment to bat it away with your shield, sending it flying and clattering against the floor. The shadow, now inches away from you, seems stunned into silence by this. You take the chance to continue speaking before he tries to attack again. “My partner died so I could be here. You knew her, she wanted to help you, and I intend to do the same if you’d let me… Please, just listen to what I have to say. There’s no reason to fight.” Gurranq retreats slightly, sharp claws and fangs still in full display, but at least he is not attacking you anymore.”.... then… speak, Tarnished.” He says, a low growl still rumbling beneath his voice.
So far, so good, although perhaps you underestimated how nerve-wracking this entire experience would be. Well, it’s too late to back out now. You take a deep breath and push on. “Why is Marika trapped inside the Erdtree, Gurranq? What happened to her after the shattering? Don’t you want to know?” You don’t wish to sacrifice any more people than you have to. Your partner cared for Gurranq, feeding him in his eternal hunger. While it may not have meant much to her, it does to you. The shadow slightly recoils at the mention of his master but does not respond. You continue. “Grace guided us here, to Farum Azula. To get past the thorns that block the entrance to the Erdtree would require burning them and unbinding Destined Death, but I don’t intend on sacrificing any more people. That is why you must choose of your own free will.” The Black Blade seems perplexed by your words. The low growl peters off, and his fangs retreat into his mouth. You extend your hand slowly and carefully, minding the unspoken warning. Upon seeing (or maybe smelling) the needle, he understands what you mean. “If you decide that you don’t want to know, then I will respect it. You shall not see me again, and my partner’s death shall be in vain. But no one else can choose for you. That’s the most important thing….”
Gurranq stays quiet. Through the holes in the roof, you see the last rays of sunlight start to vanish, ushering the night behind the clouds. The shadow looks down at his claws, grasping the stone beneath him. “... boorish, blunt… and yet kind all the same… thy father… I knew him… Thou art the same.” He says, breaking the silence. You get that a lot, but that’s not a bad thing. “The shadow bound… are not made to be loved, but we love anyway… that is our curse….” He pulls back the hood of his robe, revealing an ornate helm beneath. The true face of Maliketh, the Black Blade. “I wish to know… what remains of me… underneath this….” The helm clatters on the floor as Gurranq pulls it from his face. Beneath it, his eyes are sealed shut by the curse of death. Black veins trail from his eyelids and down his cheeks like tears. His pure white fur was stained grey by years of neglect. He bends his head down, showing the back of his neck to you. It’s clear what you have to do now. 
The shadow winces as you push the needle under his skin. Perhaps a little prick just isn’t anything compared to the hit of a blade, but it still hurts all the same. Gurranq stays impossibly still for a moment that stretches out impossibly long after. Patiently expecting something you’re not privy to. You’re about to say something when Gurranq’s voice breaks the silence. “... my hunger wast my sole companion… now, even it hath forsaken me… I t-thank thee….” His voice breaks as he hides his eyes behind a large clawed hand. You stand back and give him a moment as he lets his newfound freedom from punishment wash over him. Just how long had he been suffering alone? Millenia must have passed since the shattering and even longer since the night death was stolen. You remember your father, how his life was ruled by forces beyond his control; With some bitterness, you think that maybe he would have wanted to be freed as well. You look up into the night through the ruined ceiling. The moon is waning. Soon the new moon shall be upon you.
You shiver as the night air blows through. The scent of ash from the forge is carried by the wind up into the floating city… You can only hope your companion is free to enjoy the night, wherever she is at the moment. You’re about to talk to Gurranq when you notice something odd about the moon. It's as if it’s much closer than it should be. Almost like you could reach out and grab it from the sky by extending your hand. Perhaps you’ve finally gone insane, but the idea seems… tempting. Against your better judgment, you reach out and grab the silver lining of the moon. Surprisingly, it makes contact with your hand.
You pull down the waning moon, now revealed to be a rune. Ashen colored, with the left side widening into the silvery “C” shape that you’d been admiring just seconds earlier. From it, you sense the ash from the forge, embers hidden amongst the muted grey. You don’t know why looking at it makes you so sad. You pull it to your chest and hold back your tears. For a moment, you almost feel a familiar embrace. Just barely.
“I miss you so much.” You whisper, hoping your words will be carried by the wind.
Time passed, seasons changed, and your victory was forgone after that eventful evening. With the Black Blade by your side, the innards of the Erdtree spilled open, the dark secrets held inside exposed for everyone to examine. The Golden Order, a dissected corpse set on a table. The fallen leaves would tell a story. A Wolven Tarnished, bound by the yoke of fate, led to a cold and dark path. A Maiden with no past whose life was spent for the new age to come. A mending rune shaped like the moon, made to allow fate to side with those whose actions are just. An era where fate would not be twisted again by the whims of those whose ambitions would bind others into servitude. The Age of the Icebound Stars has ended, and your part in weaving the Chill Night into being has just begun.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 2 years
Arcann, what we could’ve had.
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So, yesterday, I came across this discussion right here detailing on how a relationship between Arcann and the Outlander could potentially be toxic (great discussion BTW, go check it out), and it made me wonder what if Arcann was written a bit better?
Strap in, this one’s gonna be a long one. Now, I don’t HATE Arcann. I think he’s a fairly serviceable antagonist who does his job well and possess a threat to the main protagonists. He does have his sympathetic qualities, like his backstory being neglected by his own father, and the time on the Asylum where he was willing to let your companions go as long as you’re willing to surrender to him.
However...that’s all he really has. The whole rest of the time, he’s just a generic, raging warmonger with daddy issues. Then he’s taken to the Voss and either instantly cured of all of his negative qualities, or just eventually killed.  Now, I do like post-Voss Arcann quite a bit, but I feel like there could’ve been a bit better buildup to his eventual redemption.
My suggestion? Make his sympathetic qualities more prominent.  Instead of just being a tyrant for the sake of it, perhaps he was aware of his father’s plan to consume the whole galaxy, and dreads being just another pawn in his game. However, since his father’s one of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, all he could do was play along for now. But with Valkorion out of the way, he can focus now on ‘uniting the galaxy’, from a certain point of view. Essentially, he wants to turn Zakuul into a thriving civilization that can oppose any apocalyptic threat to the galaxy, wether that be Valkorion or something else.  That would help make him to a foil to the Outlander. Both of you want to unite your respective factions against a common foe, but while you’re doing it through unity and inspiration, he’s doing it through control and oppression. 
On top of that, we could also have a foil WITHIN the Eternal Empire. Enter Vaylin.
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Perhaps instead of Arcann being the one who’s glassing planets and torturing people, Vaylin’s the one who takes that role. She’d be the one who’s responsible for the Eternal Empire’s more heinous actions, constantly going behind her brother’s back to achieve these actions. Meanwhile, Arcann can only really tell her off, because if he does anything about it, he’ll appear weak in the eyes of Zakuulan society.  So instead of two batshit insane siblings, we have an orderly and focused brother, and his unhinged sister.
We can still have things like that chat on Asylum, but let’s take that up a notch. Perhaps he shows that he genuinely admires and respects the Outlander and wants them to join him against Valkorion, rather than just trying to stab them whenever he can. This could pave the way for philosophical debates between the Outlander and Arcann, discussing their methods and ideals and such. We could even have times where Arcann lowers his guard, showing he might genuinely believe the Outlander to a degree and gradually understanding them more and more. So, instead of just being Deus Ex Machina’d into being a good guy, he gradually goes from being your biggest obstacle to being your ally, in an organic way. This could make his friendship, and yes even his romance arc, seem a lot healthier and more heartfelt. 
But that’s my two cents. What do you guys think?
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