bayanayi · 2 years
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
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found a new girl to base my entire identity around. Also this show is fucking unreal in how awesome literally everything about it is.
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lottiebabyarchive · 2 years
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Lottie via twenty3club’s IG 🤍
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donepretending · 2 years
Iemand die echt in jouw ogen kijkt kan toch niet anders dan verliefd op jou worden? Jij bent echt van een buiten categorie lieve Anna. (ook al zie jij dat misschien anders want jij ziet jezelf elke dag in de spiegel) En ja, ik weet dat je niet zo van dit soort complimenten houdt maar toch wilde ik het je zeggen.
Tbh wil ik hier niet op antwoorden, want ik zie mezelf niet zo en dit delen op mijn eigen pagina voelt aan alsof ik ermee akkoord ga. Nevertheless.. who are you?¿? haha
En je schat me te hoog in hoor, ben niet zo lief xd
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roses-and-elixir · 2 years
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thoughtsofrecovery · 2 years
„Im Nachhinein ist es doch ein gutes Stück Identität, die ganzen Narben. Ich bin nicht stolz darauf, dass ich mich selbstverletzt habe, aber ich bin stolz darauf, dass ich so die ganze Zeit ausgehalten habe und immer noch am Leben bin und wenn das der Preis war, war der vielleicht okay.“
- Me, 2.7.22, 1:37 Uhr
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m48patton · 2 years
Otanjoubi Omedetou Oozora Subaru!
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bayanayi · 2 years
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
I started thinking about the multiplayer modes in Sonic games, right. Cause there are like, a lot more than I think people even realise? Yeah there’s the standard expected stuff - the Riders and All Star Racing games or like anything you’d expect to be built for multiplayer has multiplayer. And then the likes of the classic games and Adventure 2 Battle have racing modes and stuff. But how about the versus mode in Shadow the Hedgehog? Heroes’ several different multiplayer modes? Fucking Secret Rings having a full on entire party game with 40 full on minigames and tons of different gamemodes to check out! Tons of Sonic games have some multiplayer component that people don’t actually discuss when talking about those games and that’s depressing!
I really want to see a video that’s like a comprehensive deep dive on all the multiplayer modes across the series’ history. But alas, that video does not exist. And that got me on a kinda sad thought experiment about how perhaps I could make that video, but then I’d need to spend so much money on a mic and a capture card and either teach myself how to edit or commission an editor and I’d have to practice my voiceover and realistically buy more storage space for all those video files and I’d need someone to actually play the fucking multiplayer with me and just. Not doable really. Too much effort, not enough payoff.
But maybe. Maybe one day I’d try something like this in written form. I think it’d be a lot harder to convey what these game modes are about like that, and I still have the problem of who to actually play them with. But I think that could be something interesting for me to do.
btw if anyone’s a video creator or knows one and wants to tell them to make a video on Sonic multiplayer games please do so because that just sounds cool! Yeah that’s all end post.
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teaandmisanthropy · 2 years
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Snookums and Rowan
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lottiebabyarchive · 2 years
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Lottie via her IG story 🤍
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iosgods · 2 months
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loucastcomics · 1 year
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LouCast Comic 36 “Ugly & Beautiful At The Same Time” (Aired 2.7.22)
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nonfictioncomix · 2 years
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marlimoerle · 2 years
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Am Samstag waren wir auf einer Bananenplantage im Süden der Insel. Erst wurde uns bei einer Führung Einblicke in die Geschichte und Ernte der kanarischen Bananen gegeben und anschließend durften wir verschiedene regionale Produkte verköstigen. Von Bananenmarmelade über Bananenwein und Mojo war alles dabei. 🍌 (2.7.22)
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sax--e · 2 years
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