#200 kitty followers now walk the Earth :D
kkkkkkkitty · 1 year
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 3 years
Hiya, Kitty!! Glad to see you're alive. How're you doing? For the 200 followers event, if you're not drowning under requests, number 18 for Sigma? But only if you have the time or energy. >:D I hope you're having a lovely day!! <3
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🌹200 Followers Event🌹
Character: Sigma x reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol; slight manga spoilers and my really bad header
Notes: Thank you so much for requesting Aure! I really like this prompt and think that it will fit perfectly with Sigma. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing for Sigma, so it might not be that good. Hopefully you enjoy!
Prompt: 18. "Something about you makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't"
Adventurous, bold, daring, fun, are the words he'd use to describe you. Completely the opposite of him he thinks. He's more reserved, rather walk away from a situation than take the trouble of saying something that'll only make it worse. He may not be bold but he will be if really pushed passed the limits.
However, you're different. Yes, you have your moments where you enjoy your quiet time, the joy of peacefulness. But once those moments are over, he knows he's in for a ride.
You'll drag him to a club, the noisiest place on earth. Somewhere he wouldn't want to be but seeing you so happy, it makes him feel glad. Not a drinker, but after some encouraging shouts from you he'll down a few shots of vodka but will regret it the next morning.
Expect the most adorable drunk to ever exist.
Sigma prefers the library and books over parties but you can change that. Instead of usually reading a whole book in one setting, he finds himself going to a party with you. Anxiety, nervousness, shyness, it's only natural, however he doesn't think so.
But he takes one look at you and all his nerves are calmed. He feels a little stiff when you suddenly drag him to the dance floor. Dancing isn't his thing but he must admit he really got into it once he let loose a little and only concentrated on you.
School/ college can be stressful and annoying, Sigma knows this. So he bakes a little something sweet and brings it to you during breaks. You're always able to spot him, a nervous yet warm smile and a waving hand. He plans on just dropping off the snack with a kiss on the forehead, he'll even eat lunch with you if you asked but not when you drag him out of the school/college grounds to go somewhere else.
"Aren't you bunking right now? I don't think it's okay to-" he questioned in worry but got cut off. "It's fine, relax. You worry too much, let's have fun for once, yeah?"
Yeah, you're fortunate you didn't get caught.
Yes you take risks but it's fun. He just doesn't want to say it. There's just something, something about you that makes him want to do things he shouldn't, things he wouldn't usually do. He remembers this one night you both went out and on the return journey home, he did not expect you to speed down roads and use the car for just a little bit of drifting.
He held onto the seat and the other hand on the handle of the inside of the door. His eyes held terror yet excitement in them too. He couldn't tell whether his heart raced because of fear or because of the same hint of excitement visible in his eyes. He glanced at you and saw you smiling, he smiled as well.
He's smiling now too, he lays on the bed on his side, his head held up by the palm of his hand. The soft moonlight trickles into the room, caressing your form. It was rather hot tonight, so thin covers draped over you and Sigma.
A warm smile adorned his tired face. He enjoys every moment spent with you. Watching as your chest rises up and down gracefully when you breathe, your closed eyes. You're beautiful is all he can say. Yes, there certainly is something different about you, you're fun whether it's innocent...or not.
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