#2009 troika
goodbearblind · 2 years
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Loukanikos. Cane meticcio. Color sabbia. Regolarmente registrato all’anagrafe canina con il nome di 1842. Residente sulla scalinata di fronte al Parlamento della capitale greca. Destinato a diventare il simbolo della rivolta contro l’austerity e uno dei personaggi dell’anno secondo il Times. In prima linea in tutte le manifestazioni di protesta a partire dal 2009 e sempre dalla parte di chi si opponeva ai tagli della spesa pubblica. Ai cortei non ce lo portava nessuno. Ci andava da solo. Come fosse in grado di sapere i giorni esatti e riconoscere da che parte stare resta un mistero. Coraggioso, intelligente, mai domo. Non ha mai risparmiato un morso o il suo rauco abbaio a chi attaccava i più deboli, scansando cariche della polizia e lanci di Molotov, sampietrini e gas lacrimogeno. Ha rappresentato il volto della rivolta. Le foto che lo immortalano in azione non si contano. Una delle più celebri lo ritrae al fianco dei poliziotti che scioperano contro i tagli agli stipendi delle forze dell’ordine subito dopo esser stati manganellati dai loro colleghi in borghese. Loukanikos, soprannominato il “cane Black Bloc”. A essergli fatale fu il gas lacrimogeno inalato in tanti anni di manifestazioni. Problemi polmonari che lo hanno lentamente costretto a ritirarsi dalla lotta. Gli studenti del Politecnico che scortava in corteo si sono resi conto che aveva qualche difficoltà motoria e così qualcuno ha deciso di prendersene cura. “Era sul divano a dormire tranquillo e all’improvviso il suo cuore ha smesso di battere”, ha raccontato commossa la famiglia che lo aveva adottato. “La Troika e le pattuglie di poliziotti antisommossa di Atene possono tirare un sospiro di sollievo” ha scritto la testata di un giornale dando la notizia della sua morte.
Loukanikos se n’è andato nel sonno.
Aveva dieci anni. E la lotta contro gli oppressori aveva trovato un nuovo eroe.
Cannibali e Re
#loukanikos #cannibaliere #riotdog
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umarfarooqzahoor · 4 months
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Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has shown his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring &
influential leaders of nations across the globe. Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best
Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERI Group, presently successfully handling business, investors in many companies, and entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct. 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five
children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
1. Sullivan Honor
2. The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
3. US Doctor for Africa Award
4. Social Good Award from UN Foundation
5. South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
6. Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
7. Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
8. Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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head-post · 9 months
Russian Foreign Minister arrives in Morocco to participate in the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum
Russia’s FM Sergey Lavrov arrives in Morocco to take part in the 6th session of the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum.
Lavrov called the forum “an important mechanism of cooperation” between Russia and Arab countries.
The forum on December 20 will be the sixth session since its inception in 2009 following the signing of a memorandum between the Arab League and Russia. Morocco chairs the Arab League’s Council of Ministers and was requested by the League to host the sixth session.
The forum will be held in an expanded troika format with the participation of the Arab League Secretary General, the three members of the Arab Ministerial Troika, as well as the summit chairman. Participation will be open to ministerial delegations.
The last session was held in 2019 in Moscow. However, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the forum being postponed in subsequent years.
Read more HERE
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pacosemnoticias · 10 months
Falta de médicos deixa utentes de unidade de saúde do Seixal sem atendimento até fim do ano
DO polo da Amora da unidade Via Verde Saúde Seixal, no distrito de Setúbal, vai estar sem atividade médica durante todo o mês de dezembro por falta de médicos, anunciou a instituição.
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"Por carência extrema de médicos durante o mês de dezembro, fomos forçados a reformular a atividade da Via Verde Saúde Seixal", explica a coordenadora da Via Verde Saúde Seixal, Alexandra Fernandes, num comunicado divulgado no 'site' da unidade.
Os constrangimentos afetam dois polos: Amora e Corroios.
No polo Amora não haverá atividade médica, mantendo-se apenas as atividades de enfermagem e no polo Corroios manter-se-ão apenas as atividades de enfermagem, as vigilâncias de saúde materna e infantil e a resposta médica a situações urgentes, dentro da capacidade existente.
"Esperamos poder retomar a atividade normal durante o mês de janeiro", adianta a coordenadora.
A Via Verde Saúde Seixal, projeto inovador que recebeu uma menção honrosa no Prémio Boas Práticas em Saúde, foi criada em 2022, serve 45 mil utentes sem médico de família e foi recentemente apontado pelo ministro da Saúde, Manuel Pizarro, como modelo a replicar.
Para a Comissão de Utentes de Saúde do Concelho do Seixal, esta situação é muito preocupante e é uma consequência da falta de atratividade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde para os jovens médicos.
Em declarações à agência Lusa, o porta-voz da comissão, José Lourenço, explicou que a unidade está a um oitavo das suas capacidades, o que torna impossível a assistência médica nos dois polos.
"Estamos preocupadíssimos", disse, adiantando que em finais de novembro terminou o contrato dos médicos tarefeiros que prestavam serviço na unidade, ao abrigo de uma autorização especial, e entretanto não foram feitos novos contratos que precisam de autorização superior nomeadamente da Administração Regional de Saúde.
José Lourenço adiantou que este problema não se resolve com tarefeiros, mas sim com a fixação de médicos com boas condições salariais.
"Não há falta de médicos no país. O que não há é médicos no SNS porque não é atrativo. É bom que as pessoas deixem de maltratar os médicos. Era bom que entendessem que a luta dos médicos é para repor o poder de compra dos últimos 12 anos sem aumentos salariais e as condições que tinham até à altura da 'troika'", frisou.
A situação na Via Verde Saúde Seixal foi também denunciada pela Comissão Política de Secção do PSD Seixal, que em comunicado considera que o anuncio reveste-se de "extrema gravidade, dada a época do ano e as expectativas que foram criadas pelo Governo socialista em torno desta solução, que prometia resolver os problemas dos utentes sem médico de família".
Para o PSD Seixal, o caso revela o estado de falência total do SNS e "coloca a nu as teses mais retrógradas e estatizantes da esquerda e da esquerda radical que, por preconceito ideológico, teimam em rejeitar a urgente e necessária concertação, entre o Estado, o setor social e o setor privado, que possa, de uma vez por todas, resolver os gravíssimos problemas de falta de meios materiais e humanos na área da saúde".
No comunicado, o PSD Seixal afirma ter defendido uma aposta maciça nos cuidados de saúde primários, através de centros de saúde devidamente equipados, da reabertura dos Serviços de Atendimento Permanente e das urgências, e critica o executivo camarário comunista por "em vez de tomar medidas como contratar médicos" apostar "numa política de propaganda em redor de um hospital fantasma", numa alusão ao Hospital do Seixal.
A construção do Hospital do Seixal, no distrito de Setúbal, é uma reivindicação com mais de duas décadas que já foi objeto de um protocolo entre o Estado e a Câmara Municipal do Seixal, em 2009.
Em 29 de março, numa visita ao Hospital Garcia de Orta, em Almada, o ministro da Saúde disse que o concurso para a construção do hospital de proximidade do Seixal deveria ser lançado no último trimestre deste ano ou no inicio de 2024, classificando-o como um equipamento necessário.
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
Ladies' man Tumblebrutus. 😎
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Jason Wise; with Eva Kosmowski as Cassandra and Demeter, and I'm not sure about the Bombalurina. Troika tour 2009.
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ultrajaphunter · 2 years
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Russian Tu-22M3 Backfire-C bombers strike Mariupol
Aviation Defense News April 2022 aerospace air force industry
According to Ukrinform, for the first time since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 
the Russian armed forces have attacked the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol using long-range Tupolev Tu-22M3 bombers, 
Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzianyk said on April 15.
According to Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzianyk, Russian invaders continue to concentrate their efforts on the offensive in eastern Ukraine, establishing control over the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and creating the so-called land corridor with the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea.
The Tupolev Tu-22M (NATO reporting name: Backfire) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing, long-range strategic and maritime strike bomber developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the 1960s. 
According to some sources, the bomber was believed to be designated Tu-26 at one time. 
During the Cold War, the Tu-22M was operated by the Soviet Air Forces (VVS) in a missile carrier strategic bombing role, and by the Soviet Naval Aviation (Aviatsiya Voyenno-Morskogo Flota, AVMF) 
in a long-range maritime anti-shipping role. 
Significant numbers remain in service with the Russian Air Force, and as of 2014 more than 100 Tu-22Ms were in use.
An initial attempt at modernizing the Tu-22M, Adaptation-45.03M, based around modernizing the aircraft's radar, began in 1990 
but was abandoned before reaching production. In 2007, work began on a new radar for the Tu-22M, the NV-45, which was first flown on a Tu-22M in 2008, 
with four more repaired Tu-22Ms refitted with NV-45 radars in 2014–2015.
A contract for a full mid-life upgrade, the Tu-22M3M was signed in September 2014. 
The aircraft is to receive a further modified NV-45M radar, together with new navigation equipment and a modified flight control system. 
A new self-defense electronic radar suite is fitted, replacing the tail gun of the existing Tu-22M3. 
Much of the new avionics are shared with the upgraded Tu-160M2. 
Armament is planned to be enhanced by adding the new Kh-32 missile, a heavily modified version of the current Kh-22, the subsonic Kh-SD, the hypersonic Kh-MT, or the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal missiles. 
Deliveries of the Tu-22M3M were expected to begin in 2021.
A separate, simpler, upgrade program (SVP-24-22) is being carried out by the company Gefest & T, based on avionics developed for the Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft, including a new computer, a new navigation system and digital processing for the aircraft's radar. 
The upgrade is claimed to greatly increase navigation accuracy and bomb delivery. 
An SVP-24-22-equipped Tu-22M underwent trials in 2009, and the program had been ordered into production, with deliveries from 2012.
Tupolev Tu-22M3 Backfire-C
The later Tu-22M3 (NATO: Backfire-C), which first flew in 1977, was introduced into operation in 1983 and officially entered service in 1989. 
It had new NK-25 engines with substantially more power, wedge-shaped intake ramps similar to the MiG-25, 
wings with greater maximum sweep and a recontoured nose housing a new Almaz PNA (Planeta Nositel, izdeliye 030A) navigation/attack (NATO ‘Down Beat’) radar and NK-45 nav/attack system, 
which provides much-improved low-altitude flight. 
The aerodynamic changes increased its top speed to Mach 2.05 and its range by one-third compared to the Tu-22M2. 
It has a revised tail turret with a single cannon,
 and provision for an internal rotary launcher for the Raduga Kh-15 missile,
 similar to the American AGM-69 SRAM. 
It was nicknamed Troika ('Trio' or third) in Russian service. 268 were built until 1993.
As built, the Tu-22M included the provision for a retractable probe in the upper part of the nose for aerial refueling. 
The probe was reportedly removed as a result of the SALT negotiations because with refueling it was considered an intercontinental-range strategic bomber. 
The probe can be reinstated if needed.
Tu-22M3s used to attack targets in Syria underwent modernization, during which the SVP-24-22 specialized computing subsystems were installed on them, significantly increasing the accuracy of the bombing.
No additional details are available so far concerning the Tu-22M3s used to bomb Mariupol and other targets in Ukraine.
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bombateazer · 4 years
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From August 1st to August 31st we are going to be appreciating different productions of Cats!. I’ve put two on each day since I want to include as many productions as possible, this includes replica and non-replica productions. You don’t have to do both of them, you can do just one or do both (it is up to you). You can do fanart, Gifs, edits et, anything you want to do to appreciate these wonderful productions. Please spread the word!.
August 1st - Original London production (1981 - 2002) / Budapest (1983 - present)
August 2nd - Brazil (2010) / broadway 2016 revival (2016 - 2017)
August 3rd - Mexico tour (2018 - 2019) / Mexico (2013 - 2014)
August 4th - Cats video cast (1998) / Zurich (1991 - 1993)
August 5th - Shiki cats Japan (1983 - present) / uk tour (1989 - 1990)
August 6th - Antwerp (1996) / London palladium (2014 - 2015)
August 7th - Madrid (2003 - 2005) / Tecklenburg (2015)
August 8th - German tent tour (2010 - 2013) / Oasis of the seas (2014 - present)
August 9th - Prague (2004 - 2005) / Sydney (1985 - 1987)
August 10th - Buenos Aires (1993) / Asia tour (2017 - 2018)
August 11th - Hamburg (1986 - 2001) / Oslo (1985 - 1987)
August 12th - Australasia (2007 - 2010) / China (2012 - 2014)
August 13th - Moscow (2005 - 2006) / Dutch tour (2006 - 2007)
August 14th - Operà populaire (2017) / Amsterdam (1987 - 1993)
August 15th - UK tour (2003 -2009) / Vienna revival (2019 - present)
August 16th - World tour (2001 - 2005) / Stuttgart (2001 - 2002)
August 17th - Mexico tour (1991 - 1992) / Australian Circus Tent Tour (1999 - 2001)
August 18th - Asia Tour (2014 - 2015) / South Korea (2011 - 2012)
August 19th - Toronto (1985 - 1989) / Copenhagen (2002 - 2003)
August 20th - Australia tour (1989 - 1990) / Warsaw (2004 - 2010)
August 21st - Paris (1989 - 1990) / Italian tour (2009)
August 22nd - Vienna (1983 - 1990) / South Africa (2009 - 2010)
August 23rd - South Korea (2008 - 2009) / Düsseldorf (2004 - 2005)
August 24th - German tour (2005 - 2006) / US tour 2 (1985 - 1986)
August 25th - Original broadway production (1982 - 2000) / Berlin (2002 - 2004)
August 26th - US tour 1 (1983 - 1987) / Uk tour (1993 - 1995)
August 27th - Euro tour (1994 - 1996) / US tour 6 (2019 - present)
August 28th - US tour 5 Troika (2001 - 2012) / UK/European tour (2013 - 2014)
August 29th - Paris revival (2015 - 2016) / US tour 4 (1987 - 1999)
August 30th - US tour 3 (1986 - 1988) / Australia tour (1993 - 1996)
August 31st - Australia / New Zealand Tour (2015-2016) / uk/international tour (2016 - present)
Here’s some prompts/questions to answer if anyone needs them
1.Favourite thing about this production?
2.Favourite actor(s)?
3.Favourite costumes/makeup?
4.Favourite song performed in that particular production?
Please use the #catsproductionsappreciationmonth so I can see any posts you’ve made and share them!
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Il Portogallo il MES lo ha usato. Nel 2011. E non il MES annacquato di cui si discute oggi, senza pesanti condizioni da rispettare. Ma il MES degli inizi, quello pesante, quello oppressivo della Troika, delle “rigorose condizionalità”. Quello che “sì, vi prestiamo i soldi, ma in cambio dovete tagliare qua e dovete tagliare là”. Per ben 78 miliardi messi a disposizione. Secondo la narrazione di Salvini e Meloni il Portogallo oggi, avendo usato il MES, dovrebbe essere una nazione distrutta in mano alla Germania, con i disoccupati a morire per strada e i monumenti venduti alle banche tedesche. E’ andata così? Nei soli ultimi 5 anni il Portogallo è cresciuto del 16%. Tra le crescite più alte in Europa. La Germania, per dirne una, è cresciuta nello stesso periodo del 13%. L’Italia del 3-4%. Il deficit del Portogallo è crollato dall’11% allo 0,5%. Il debito pubblico dal 131% al 121%. La disoccupazione in Portogallo dopo il MES si è dimezzata, passando dal 12% al 6,5%, mentre la ricchezza pro-capite è cresciuta del 12% in 5 anni. (Strano eh? Non dovevano essere tutti morti di fame?). Pure la Spagna ha usato il MES. Lì nel 2013 la disoccupazione era al 26%. Oggi è le metà: il 13%. E nonostante continue incertezze politiche il debito pubblico si è ridotto dal 100% al 96%. Anche l’Irlanda ha usato il MES. Lì nel 2013 la disoccupazione era al 13,8%. Oggi è meno della metà: il 5,5%. E il debito pubblico? Dimezzato: dal 120% al 61%. Oggi, con un PIL pro-capite di 80mila dollari (dati 2018), i cittadini irlandesi (che per la narrazione di Salvini e Meloni, avendo usato il MES, dovrebbero morire di fame) sono al quinto posto tra i cittadini più ricchi del mondo. Dal 2009 al 2018 la “produttività per ora lavorata” in Portogallo è aumentata del 6,1%. In Spagna del 10,3%. In Irlanda del 57,5%. (Ma non dovevano morire di fame?). In Italia del 3,4%. Strano eh? Di questi paesi che hanno usato il MES non si parla mai. In Italia Salvini e Meloni ci parlano solo della Grecia. Perché? Perché bisogna sempre terrorizzare gli elettori per ottenerne il voto. Creare mostri ovunque: gli immigrati, la Germania, l’Europa, il MES. “Col MES ci fanno fare la fine della Grecia” dicono. Dimenticando di parlarci dell’altra parte della storia. Degli altri Paesi che hanno usato il MES. E dimenticando di dirci che la Grecia, alle pezze, ci si è ridotta da sola prima del MES, e cioè quando nel 2009 il premier Papandreou dovette ammettere che i governi greci truccavano i conti da anni per continuare a mantenere il consenso mandando la gente in pensione a 50 anni (che poi continuava a lavorare in nero) e lasciando che evadesse il Fisco. Tanto a prestare loro i soldi c’erano i mercati. Che però, una volta scoperta la truffa, hanno smesso di farlo. E’ così che la Grecia si è trovata senza più un euro (prima del MES). Ed è così che la Grecia ha chiesto al MES centinaia di miliardi di euro dei cittadini europei, che il MES ha concesso in cambio di durissime riforme. Quindi dovremmo essere favorevoli al MES? No, non è questo il punto. Il punto è che questo paese, per colpa di quei due, sta perdendo ogni razionalità, ogni possibilità anche solo di ragionare su qualcosa. Oggi il MES che si sta delineando per il coronavirus è vino annacquato rispetto a quel MES. Non ci saranno condizioni o richieste di riforme, i tassi di interesse saranno inferiori all’1% e la scadenza lunga. E potrebbe essere ancora più annacquato di così. Potremmo ottenere quei soldi a condizioni ancora migliori. Ma non possiamo. Perché il MES ormai, tale è il terrorismo creato da Salvini e Meloni per le loro poltrone, non può più nemmeno essere nominato. Nemmeno se ce li regalassero quei soldi. Risultato? Visto che qualcuno i soldi dovrà pur prestarceli saremo costretti a chiederli ai mercati, i soldi. Pagando interessi che presto saranno del 2 o 3 o 4%, anziché dell’1% o anche meno chiedendoli al MES. Potremmo sederci e contrattare tutto questo. Ma non possiamo. Perché se no poi Salvini e la Meloni fanno i post con la scritta grande gialle “MES” e la faccia della Merkel in bianco e nero dietro, e la scritta “traditori”. Cose che non hanno senso. Non hanno logica. Ma fanno presa sulla parte irrazionale degli elettori. E fanno consenso. L’unica cosa che a Salvini e Meloni interessi veramente. Il consenso. Per le poltrone e il potere. (Emilio Mola)
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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The Secret Agenda of the World Bank and IMF The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) work hand in glove – smoothly. Not only are they regularly lending huge sums of money to horror regimes around the world, but they blackmail poor nations into accepting draconian conditions imposed by the west. In other words, the WB and the IMF are guilty of the most atrocious human rights abuses. You couldn’t tell, when you read above the entrance of the World Bank the noble phrase, “Our Dream is World Free of Poverty”. To this hypocrisy I can only add, ”…And we make sure it will just remain a dream.” This says both, the lie and the criminal nature of the two International Financial Institutions, created under the Charter of the United Nations, but instigated by the United States. The front of these institutions is brilliant. What meets the eye, are investments in social infrastructure, in schools, health systems, basic needs like drinking water, sanitation – even environmental protection – over all “Poverty Alleviation”, i.e. A World Free of Poverty. But how fake this is today and was already in the 1970’s and 1980’s is astounding. Gradually people are opening their eyes to an abject reality, of exploitation and coercion and outright blackmail. And that, under the auspices of the United Nations. What does it tell you about the UN system? In what hands are the UN? – The world organization was created in San Francisco, California, on 24 October 1945, just after WWII, by 51 nations, committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. The UN replaced the League of Nations which was part of the Peace Agreement after WWI, the Treaty of Versailles. It became effective on 10 January 1920, was headquartered in Geneva Switzerland, with the purpose of disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries, through negotiation diplomacy and improving global welfare. In hindsight it is easy to see that the entire UN system was set up as a hypocritical farce, making people believe that their mighty leaders only wanted peace. These might leaders were all westerners; the same that less than 20 years after the creation of the noble League of Nations, started World War II. *** This little introduction provides the context for what was eventually to become the UN-backed outgrowth for global theft, for impoverishing nations, around the world, for exploitation of people, for human rights abuses and for shoveling huge amounts of assets from the bottom, from the people, to the oligarchy, the ever-smaller corporate elite – the so-called Bretton Woods Institutions. In July 1944 more than 700 delegates of 44 Allied Nations (allied with the winners of WWII) met at the Mount Washington Hotel, situated in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, to regulate the international monetary and financial order after WWII. Let’s be sure, this conference was carried out under the auspices of the United States, the self-declared winner of WWII, and from now on forward the master over the financial order of the world – which was not immediately visible, an agenda hidden in plain sight. The IMF was officially created to ‘regulate’ the wester, so-called convertible currencies, those that subscribed to apply the rules of the new gold standard, i.e. US$ 35 / Troy Ounce (about 31.1 grams). Note that the gold standard, although applicable equally to 44 allied nations was linked to the price of gold nominated in US dollars, not based on a basket of the value of the 44 national currencies. This already was enough reason to question the future system. And how it will play out. But nobody questioned the arrangement. Hard to believe though that of all these national economists, none dared question the treacherous nature of the gold-standard set-up. The World Bank, or the Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), was officially set up to administer the Marshall Plan for the Reconstruction of war-destroyed Europe. The Marshall Plan was a donation by the United Stated and was named for U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall, who proposed it in 1947. The plan gave $13.2 billion in foreign aid to European countries that had been devastated physically and economically by World War II. It was to be implemented from 1948 to 1952 which of course was much too short a time, and stretched into the early 1960s. In today’s terms the Marshall plan would be worth about 10 time more, or some US$ 135 billion. The Marshall Plan was and still is a Revolving Fund, paid back by the countries in question, so that it could be relent. The Marshall Plan money was lent out multiple times and was therefore very effective. The European counterpart to the World Bank-administered Marshall Fund was a newly to be created bank set up under the German Ministry of Finance, The German Bank for Reconstruction and Development (KfW – German acronym for Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau”). KfW, as the World Bank’s European counterpart still exists and dedicates itself mostly to development projects in the Global South, often in cooperation with the World Bank. Today there is still a special Department within KfW that deals exclusively with Marshall Plan Fund money. These funds are used for lending to poor southern regions in Europe, and also to prop up Eastern European economies, and they were used especially to integrate former East-Germany into today’s “Grand Germany”. Two elements of the Marshall Plan are particularly striking and noteworthy. First, the reconstruction plan created a bind, a dependence between the US and Europe, the very Europe that was largely destroyed by the western allied forces, while basically WWII was largely won by the Soviet Union, the huge sacrifices of the USSR – with an estimated 25 to 30 million deaths. So, the Marshall Plan was also designed as a shield against communist Russia, i.e. the USSR. While officially the Soviet Union was an ally of the western powers, US, UK, and France, in reality the communist USSR was an arch-enemy of the west, especially the United States. With the Marshall Plan money, the US bought Europe’s alliance, a dependence that has not ended to this day. The ensuing Cold War against the Soviet Union – also all based on flagrant lies, was direct testimony for another western propaganda farce – which to this day, most Europeans haven’t grasped yet. Second, The US imposition of a US-dollar based reconstruction fund, was not only creating a European dollar dependence, but was also laying the ground work for a singular currency, eventually to invade Europe – what we know today, has become the Euro. The Euro is nothing but the foster child of the dollar, as it was created under the same image as the US-dollar – it is a fiat currency, backed by nothing. The United Europe, or now called the European Union – was never really a union. It was never a European idea, but put forward by US Secret Services in disguise of a few treacherous European honchos. And every attempt to create a United Europe, a European Federation, with a European Constitution, similar to the United States, was bitterly sabotaged by the US, mostly through the US mole in the EU, namely the UK. The US didn’t want a strong Europe, both economically and possibly over time also militarily (pop. EU 450 million, vs US pop. 330 million; 2019 EU GDP US$ 20.3 trillion equivalent, vs US GDP US$ 21.4 trillion. Most economists would agree that a common currency for a loose group of countries has no future, is not sustainable. In comes the European Central Bank (ECB), also a creation inspired by the FED. The ECB has really no Central Bank function. It is rater a watch dog. Because each EU member country has still her own Central Bank, though with a drastically reduced sovereignty. Out of the currently 27 EU members only 19 are part of the Euro-zone. Those countries not part of the Eurozone, i.e. Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Sweden – and more, have preserved their sovereign financial policy and do not depend on the ECB. This means, had Greece opted out of the Eurozone when they were hit with the 2008 / 2009 manufactured “crisis”, Greece would now be well on her way to full recovery. They would not have been subject to the whims and dictate of the IMF, the infamous troika, European Commission (EC), ECB and IMF, but could have chosen to arrange their debt internally, as most debt was internal debt, no need to borrow from abroad. In a 2015 bailout referendum, the Greek population voted overwhelmingly against the bailout, meaning against the new gigantic debt. However, the then Greek President Tsipras, went ahead as if the referendum had never taken place and approved the huge bailout despite almost 70% of the popular vote against it. This is a clear indication of fraud, that no fair play was going on. Tsipras and / or his families may have been coerced to accept the bailout – or else. We may never know, the true reason why Tsipras sold his people, the wellbeing of the Greek people to the oligarchs behind the IMF and World Bank – and put them into abject misery, with the highest unemployment in Europe, rampant poverty and skyrocketing suicide rates. Greece may serve as an example on how other EU countries may fare if they don’t “behave” – meaning adhere to the unwritten golden rules of obedience to the international money masters. This is scary. *** And now, in these times of covid, it is relatively easy. Poor countries, particularly in the Global South, already indebted by the plandemic, are increasing their foreign debt in order to provide their populations with basic needs. Or so they make you believe. Much of the debt accumulated by developing countries is domestic or internal debt, like the debt of the Global North. It doesn’t really need foreign lending institutions to wipe out local debt. Or have you seen one of the rich Global North countries borrowing from the IMF or the World Bank to master their debt? – Hardly. So why would the Global South fall for it? Part corruption, part coercion, and partly direct blackmail. – Yes, blackmail, one of the international biggest crimes imaginable, being committed by the foremost international UN-chartered financial institutions, the WB and the IMF. For example, the whole world is wondering how come that an invisible enemy, a corona virus hit all 193 UN member countries at once, so that Dr. Tedros, Director General of WHO, declares on 11 March a pandemic – no reason whatsoever since there were only 4,617 cases globally – but the planned result was a total worldwide lockdown on 16 March 2020. No exceptions. There were some countries who didn’t take it so seriously, like Brazil, Sweden, Belarus, some African countries, like Madagascar and Tanzania – developed their own rules and realized that wearing masks did more harm than good, and social distancing would destroy the social fabric of their cultures and future generations. But the satanic deep dark state didn’t want anything to do with “independent” countries. They all had to follow the dictate from way above, from the Gates, Rockefellers, Soroses, et al elite, soon to be reinforced by Klaus Schwab, serving as the chief henchman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Suddenly, you see in Brazil, a drastic surge in new “cases”, no questions asked, massive testing, no matter that the infamous PCR tests are worthless according to most serious scientists (only sold and corrupted scientists, those paid by the national authorities, would still insist on the RT-PCR tests). Bolsonaro gets sick with the virus and the death count increases exponentially – as the Brazilian economy falls apart. Coincidence? In comes the World Bank and / or the IMF, offering massive help mostly debt relief, either as grant or as low interest loans. But with massive strings attached: you must follow the rules laid out by WHO, you must follow the rules on testing on vaccination, mandatary vaccination – if you conform to these and other country-specific rules, like letting western corporations tap your natural resources – you may receive, WB and IMF assistance. Already in May 2020 the World Bank Group announced its emergency operations to fight COVID-19 had already reached 100 developing countries – home to 70% of the world’s population with lending of US$ 160 billion-plus. This means, by today, 6 months later and in the midst of the “Second Wave” the number of countries and the number of loans or “relief’ grants must have increased exponentially, having reached close to the 193 UN member countries. Which explains how all, literally all countries, even the most objecting African countries, like Madagascar and Tanzania, among the poorest of the poor, have succumbed to the coercion or blackmail of the infamous Bretton Woods Institutions. These institutions have no quarrels in generating dollars, as the dollar is fiat money, not backed by any economy – but can be produced literally from hot air and lent to poor countries, either as debt or as grant. These countries, henceforth and for pressure of the international financial institutions will forever become dependent on the western masters of salvation. Covid-19 is the perfect tool for the financial markets to shovel assets from the bottom to the top. In order to maximize the concentration of the riches on top, maybe one or two or even three new covid waves may be necessary. That’s all planned, The WEF has already foreseen the coming scenarios, by its tyrannical book “Covid-19 – The Great Reset”. It’s all laid out. And our western intellectuals read it, analyze it, criticize it, but we do not shred it apart – we let it stand, and watch how the word moves in the Reset direction. And the plan is dutifully executed by the World Bank and the IMF – all under the guise of doing good for the world. What’s different from the World Bank and IMF’s role before the covid plandemic? – Nothing. Just the cause for exploitation, indebtment, enslavement. When covid came along it became easy. Before then and up to the end of 2019, developing countries, mostly rich in natural resources of the kind the west covets, oil, gold, copper and other minerals, such as rare earths, would be approached by the WB, the IMF or both. They could receive debt relief, so-called structural adjustment loans, no matter whether or not they really needed such debt. Today these loans come in all forms, shapes and colors, literally like color-revolutions, for instance, often as budget support operations – I simply call then blank checks – nobody controls what’s happening with the money. However, the countries have to restructure their economies, rationalizing their public services, privatizing water, education, health services, electricity, highways, railroads – and granting foreign concessions for the exploitation of natural resources. Most of this fraud – fraud on “robbing” national resources, passes unseen by the public at large, but countries become increasingly dependent on the western paymasters – peoples’ and institutional sovereignty is gone. There is always a corrupter and a corruptee. Unfortunately, they are still omni-present in the Global South. Often, for a chunk of money, the countries are forced to vote with the US for or against certain UN resolutions which are of interest to the US. Here we go – the corrupt system of the UN. And of course, when the two Bretton Woods organizations were created in 1944, the voting system decided is not one country, one vote as in theory it is in the UN, but the US has an absolute veto right in both organizations. Their voting rights are calculated in function of their capital contribution which derives from a complex formula, based on GDP and other economic indicators. In both institutions the US voting right and also veto right is about 17%. Both institutions have 189 member countries. *** Covid has laid bare, if it wasn’t already before, how these “official” international, UN-chartered Bretton Woods financial institutions are fully integrated in the UN system – in which most of the countries still trust, maybe for lack of anything better. Question, however: What is better, a hypocritical corrupt system that provides the “appearance”, or the abolition of a dystopian system and the courage to create a new one, under new democratic circumstances and with sovereign rights by each participating country?
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longwindedbore · 4 years
Is Public political discourse in the USA essentially defining the picture on the right as...
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PARTY A: It’s a vase.
PARTY B: It’s two men facing each other.
PARTY A: Party B are all liars!
PARTY B: Party A are all blind!
Obviously there is no answer. Depends how you see the big picture.
Here’s a different big picture:
If I were a member of the oligarchical caste looking to divide-and-plunder I’d want to have the Elecorate tearing at each other’s throats over a mirage. Rather than the Electorate joining together and demanding real structural changes and real economic progress that might cut into my plunder.
So I ask as a member of the Electorate...
Does anything either side of the Electorate wants desperately ever get accomplished when their party controls all three houses?
Or are there perpetually reasons why any agenda by any majority is ALWAYS stymied?
Keeping both sides of the Electorate perpetually angry at the other side.
While the same gridlocked parties with cheerful bipartisanship every year pass hundreds of for-the-oligarch legislation into law with barely a murmur.
Did the Obama-Pelosi-Schumer troika 2009-2010 accomplish what we elected them to accomplish for our Liberal agenda? We got the Insurance industry cabal wet-dream of the ACA instead of Medicare-for-All?
Gitmo was still open 2016. The Obama Administration prosecuted Edward Snowden for revealing a crime the Obama Administration knew was occurring. Hell, Trump just fires whistleblowers.
Did the Trump-Ryan-McConnell 2017-2018 accomplish anything of worth for the Trumpsters? Or even one promise kept?
The oligarchs got their tax avoidance wet-dream.
But, today, the Trump voters are more frustrated and more angry than in 2016.
A similar question can be asked of similar troikas during the Clinton Administration, either Bush Administration, Regan, Carter, Nixon.
All of these past and present POTUSes issued Executive Orders like an Austrian paper hanger.
Did any Executive Order actually accomplish anything; did the voters on the Left or Right get anything...anything...they were promised? Any important part of their agendas advanced?
In the meantime irrespective of who held which house, every year 700 to 900 bills are passed. Then signed by whichever POTUS.
Even when dozens or hundreds of bills important to the Electorate are stalled - still hundreds of bills useful to the oligarchy are passed.
If the other side didn’t feel they had to rally behind some extreme position championed by their Party, would we care? If we didn’t feel we had to band together to champion some extreme position advanced by Our Party, would the other half of the electorate care?
Are we helping to divide ourselves against our own interests?
If so, how do we turn that around?
Of course there are insurmountable cultural divides between the 28% who vote Dem and the 27% who vote GOP.
If the 45% who don’t vote re-engaged with the process and the Parties/Electorate explored potential compromises would ...could ...perhaps...
Yeah, I know. Fat chance.
I raise the possibility of meaningful improvement because a handful of societies have successfully closed ranks to overcome the oligarchs. Or at least reigned them in.
Our we, each side, angry at our countrymen because of their political positions?
Or does our anger stem because of our frustrations?
Frustrations the result of a con game run by the Upper Castes?
Or are we two incompatible cultures trapped in same country? With bloody civil war the outcome of a victory by either side in November?
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mystarmyangel · 5 years
[TRANS-200321 Interview ] [90-ers are coming] Lim YoonA “In the past 13 years.. I have been working hard to portray a new side of me”
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This is a new generation where dramas and movies are received well publicly. Just like the buzzword ‘The 90-ers are coming’, they are creating huge influence socially and culturally, this is the 90-ers. Sports Chosun marks its 30th anniversary since the launch on 21 March 1990, and we took this chance to speak with friends of the same age. Just like the phrase ’90-ers are coming’ we invited the 3 main characters of the new troika: Shin Sekyung, Go Ara, Lim YoonA.
Lim YoonA who debuted in 2007 through SNSD’s single album ‘Into The New World’ has also started her acting career through ‘9 Ends 2 Outs’ at the same time, clearly showing her charms as an all-round entertainer right from the start. YoonA debuted as a member of Korea’s top idol group SNSD and has gained immerse popularity domestically and aboard. Other than actively promoting as a singer, YoonA has also actively met viewers through ‘You Are My Destiny (2008)’, ‘Cinderella Man (2009)’, ‘Love Rain (2012)’, ‘Prime Minister & I (2013)’, ‘The K2 (2016)’, ‘The King In Love (2017)’.
‘The True All-round Entertainer’ Lim YoonA debuted on the big screen in 2017 through the movie ‘Confidential Assignment’, establishing herself as an actress through dramas and movies. Last year, YoonA starred in the movie ‘EXIT’ which receives an excellent result of 9.4m moviegoers, dominating the movie screen last summer. YoonA also won the popularity award at ‘The 40th Blue Dragon Film Awards’ and the best new actress award at ‘The 20th Women In Film Festival’ etc. She is also in the center among all the 90-ers, earning attention for her future works.
Q: Recently, ’90-ers are coming’ has become a buzzword and is gaining attention and spreading through the society. The entertainment industry is no exception, there are even sayings that ‘1990-born actresses performances are especially outstanding’. How do you feel being part of it? A: First of all, I am thankful for the compliment. The 1990-born are all stepping into 30s. Not only towards work and career, there are also many changes to our personal growth. The energy that we exuded are also different from the past. I think that these positive energies come from all the areas we are active in. The 90-ers are dazzling in their own aspect of performances in the society. I am happy and grateful to receive this interview.    
Q: Speaking of ‘1990-born’, it seems everyone feel that it is a generation that is between middle-aged and the youths. Do you face any difficulties in real life? A: Just like how we have many sunbaes when we first debut, right now our hoobaes are getting more and more too. It is especially when we attend music events, there are more hoobaes than sunbaes. But on the contrary, when I am shooting dramas and movies, the people I mostly work with are my sunbaes and I am usually the maknae there.
Since I have only filmed 2 movies thus far, I received a lot of help from the sunbaes and they take care of me well. So rather than saying there are difficulties, I received more help from them. And it is precisely because I received a lot of help, I also thought about my past experiences when I see my hoobaes, I hope that I can help and take care of them with my own experience.
Q: From Eun San in ‘The King In Love’ to ‘EXIT’ you acted as the main leads, everyone think that you have gotten more mature in the selection of role. What are the reasons that make you chose those roles? I am curious if the criteria of choosing roles and the aspects of your life have changed? A: I used to be very conscious of outside view. From few years ago, I started to get rid of this mindset and focus more on my personal growth. When choosing project, I will think of what I can learn from acting in this project and playing this role, disregarding the outcome. I will consider if I will be able to portray a new side of me, I decide on project and role based on these criteria. Although I indeed am more attracted towards characters that are active and determined, but I do not wish to be limit myself to only these genres or characters. I tend to choose projects and roles of what I feel and am attracted to. So regardless of the outcome, at least I will be satisfied with the results.  
Q: It has been 13 years since you debut as a member of SNSD, in this period you have also done a variety of activities, can you comment on this duration as an actress? A: In actual fact, I auditioned numerous times before landing a role in my debut drama ‘9 Ends 2 Outs’. I debut as an actress first and one month later I debut as a member of SNSD. After which I acted in ‘You Are My Destiny’ as my first leading role. Thereafter even though I do not have a lot of acting projects, my acting activity has never stop. Promoting as a member of SNSD and as an actress, I was able to show a variety of things parallelly. It seems like I have spent the past 13 years displaying different sides of me to everyone.
Particularly from the movie ‘Confidential Assignment’, I felt that the standards of what I want to show have changed. After ‘Confidential Assignment’, I have also displayed new sides of me through ‘Hyori’s Homestay 2’ and ‘EXIT’ which I have also received love from everyone. This became an opportunity for me to broaden my views.
To be honest, I have less experience in acting as compared to my singing career, so I want to accumulate more experience in acting.
Rather than giving a commentary on the past, I would like to say that those are the days where I have worked really hard running to where I am today. So right now rather than saying I want to change my past’s image, it is more like ‘the same me who has went through different kind of experiences think it’s the time now to show different sides of myself to the viewers’.
Q: Please tell us what it means to live as a celebrity in Korea? A: Of course, there are times when it is hard to live as a celebrity and it is true that there are many responsibilities that come along too. However, I personally think that I have also gained special power from the love I received from everyone. The reality is, I wish for more freedom and more ordinary life too, however I do know that I can’t have everything I want.
Not only celebrities, but all occupations and everyone will face some difficulties and have their pros and cons. If I think it this way, then I wouldn’t have thoughts like ‘it is celebrity this title that gives me these difficulties’, so long as you change your perspective, celebrity this title also brought many strengths.
Most importantly, I have received a lot of love as SNSD’s YoonA and actress Lim YoonA, even up till now I am still receiving so many cheers and love. So, I am always grateful for that and want to show an even better side of me.
Q: As a 1990-born young actress, what is the biggest worry you have lately? A: Firstly, the thing I thought of the most is definitely my next project. I am thinking what different side of me I can show and will prepare myself to present a better side of me. Also, it’s the things I have been learning and trying new things in my everyday life. As I look back on my life, the Lim YoonA as a celebrity seem to be consistently busy, but the Lim YoonA as an ordinary person did not seem to have done much, so I am taking some time to search for myself and to try new things. While on a break, I cook comfortably at home, go travelling and exercising. Not long ago, I took up HSKK (Chinese Proficiency Conversation Test) and passed it. The time that I used to do all these, I feel like it has become a time for me to recharge myself.
Q: Lastly, can you reveal thoughts on your future activities and the plans you have for the next 10 years as a 90-er. A: I am good at doing things that are in front of me, and not the kind that will plan big ahead, so it is difficult to explicitly talk of my future plans. I am curious too! I think that going forward I will still be giving my best in the situation I am in and showing my best side too. Everyone do take care of your health and cheer up!
Source: Naver Cr Chinese Trans by Limyoonabar (木白 & 黃黃) Eng Trans: mystarmyangel (1) (2)
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goodbearblind · 4 years
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LA STORIA DI LOUKANIKOS, IL CANE RIBELLE, SEMPRE IN PRIMA LINEA A FIANCO DEI MANIFESTANTI DURANTE LE PROTESTE IN GRECIA CONTRO L'AUSTERITY Loukanikos. Cane meticcio. Color sabbia. Regolarmente registrato all’anagrafe canina con il nome di 1842. Residente sulla scalinata di fronte al Parlamento della capitale greca. Destinato a diventare il simbolo della rivolta contro l’austerity e uno dei personaggi dell’anno secondo il Times. In prima linea in tutte le manifestazioni di protesta a partire dal 2009 e sempre dalla parte di chi si opponeva ai tagli della spesa pubblica. Ai cortei non ce lo portava nessuno. Ci andava da solo. Come fosse in grado di sapere i giorni esatti e riconoscere da che parte stare resta un mistero. Coraggioso, intelligente, mai domo. Non ha mai risparmiato un morso o il suo rauco abbaio a chi attaccava i più deboli, scansando cariche della polizia e lanci di Molotov, sampietrini e gas lacrimogeno. Ha rappresentato il volto della rivolta. Le foto che lo immortalano in azione non si contano. Una delle più celebri lo ritrae al fianco dei poliziotti che scioperano contro i tagli agli stipendi delle forze dell’ordine subito dopo esser stati manganellati dai loro colleghi in borghese. Loukanikos, soprannominato il “cane Black Bloc”. A essergli fatale fu il gas lacrimogeno inalato in tanti anni di manifestazioni. Problemi polmonari che lo hanno lentamente costretto a ritirarsi dalla lotta. Gli studenti del Politecnico che scortava in corteo si sono resi conto che aveva qualche difficoltà motoria e così qualcuno ha deciso di prendersene cura. “Era sul divano a dormire tranquillo e all’improvviso il suo cuore ha smesso di battere”, ha raccontato commossa la famiglia che lo aveva adottato. “La Troika e le pattuglie di poliziotti antisommossa di Atene possono tirare un sospiro di sollievo” ha scritto la testata di un giornale dando la notizia della sua morte. Loukanikos se n’è andato nel sonno. Aveva dieci anni. E la lotta contro gli oppressori aveva trovato un nuovo eroe. Cannibali e Re . . #loukanikos #cannibaliere #riotdog https://www.instagram.com/p/CIm36hPgpJT/?igshid=t5zpz3kff6bf
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umarfarooqzahoor · 2 years
Umar Farooq Zahoor Proceeding, A Step Further To Win Hearts
Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has demonstrated his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring & influential leaders of nations across the globe.
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Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, nourished with compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERIGroup, presently successfully handling numerous business, an investor in many companies, and supports various entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct., 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
Sullivan Honor
The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
US Doctor for Africa Award
Social Good Award from UN Foundation
South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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arlindovsky · 2 years
Professores a perder dinheiro desde 2009
Professores a perder dinheiro desde 2009
É preciso recuar a 2009, era de José Sócrates primeiro-ministro, para encontrar um ano com ganhos de poder de compra significativos na função pública. A partir daí foi (quase) sempre a perder. Aliás, este ano, a desvalorização somada é semelhante à dos quatro anos da troika somados.
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Buzzer Klaim Jadi Presidensi G20 Tahun Depan, Bukti Jokowi Pemimpin Hebat, Padahal Jabatan Presidensi G20 Cuma Giliran/Rotasi Tiap Tahun
  KONTENISLAM.COM - Buzzer pendukung Jokowi mencemooh Presiden SBY karena tidak pernah jadi Presidensi KTT G20. SBY lantas dianggap presiden gagal karena tidak seperti Jokowi yang ditunjuk sebagai Presiden KTT G20 tahun depan 2022 di Bali. Menanggapi hal tersebut, politis Demokrat Rachland Nashidik lantas menyebut bahwa menjadi Presidensi G20 itu sifatnya bergilir, dan bukan ditentukan oleh hebat atau tidaknya seorang pemimpin negara. "Itu giliran, dek," ujar Rachland Nashidik di akun Twitter @raclannashidik pada Senin, 1 November 2021, menanggapi ocehan buzzer. Apa yang disampaikan Rachland Nashidik memang benar. Dikutip dari SEJARAH SINGKAT G20 yang dilansir oleh situs Sherpa G20 Indonesia, disebutkan: "G20 tidak memiliki Sekretariat permanen. Dalam proses dan sistem kerjanya, G20 memiliki tuan rumah (Presidensi) yang ditetapkan secara consensus pada KTT berdasarkan sistem rotasi kawasan dan berganti setiap tahunnya. Guna memastikan seluruh pertemuan G20 lancar setiap tahun, Presidensi tahun berjalan beserta presidensi sebelum dan presidensi selanjutnya (disebut Troika) secara intensif melakukan koordinasi kesinambungan agenda prioritas G20." Link: https://ift.tt/3EBAwAN JADI.. pemilihan tuan rumah atau Presidensi G20 bukan karena kehebatan presidennya, tapi giliran berdasarkan sistem rotasi kawasan. Berikut list negara-negara tuan rumah G20 sejak berdirinya: 2008: Washington, Amerika Serikat 2009: London, Inggris 2010: Toronto, Kanada 2010: Seoul, Korea Selatan 2011: Cannes, Prancis 2012: Los Cabos, Mexico 2013: St. Petersburg, Rusia 2014: Brisbane, Australia 2015: Antalya, Turki 2016: Hangzhou, RRC 2017: Hamburg, Jerman 2018: Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019: Osaka, Japan 2020: Riyadh, Arab Saudi 2021: Roma, Italia 2022: Bali, Indonesia https://ift.tt/3jXQgWJ
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/3qcM3CP via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/11/buzzer-klaim-jadi-presidensi-g20-tahun.html
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
Eva Kosmowski covering Demeter in the 2007 and 2009 casts of the US Troika tour.
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With Bethany Moore as Bombalurina.
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Not sure about the Alonzos above or the Munkustrap below; Deuteronomy is Nathan Patrick Morgan.
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