#2009 was a simpler weirder time
chrisflemingslegs · 2 years
The Boys Over Flowers theme song didn't have to slap that hard but it sure fuckin does.
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eyeliketwowatch · 7 years
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New In Town - Getting Old
The next comedy in our Sunday double feature was a bit tiresome. A variation on the old 'Local Hero / Doc Hollywood / Efficiency Expert / Baby Boom' plot device where a big city go-getter gets transplanted to middle america with a cynical attitude and gets won over the by quirky local inhabitants. What I absolutely loved about 'Local Hero' was the wonderful ambiguity of the final scene, and how our main character is changed by his experience, but unfortunately at the end has nothing left of it but a few souvenirs and a photo and an aching longing for a simpler life. And what I loved about 'The Efficiency Expert' was Anthony Hopkins' absolutely believable characterization of a man who comes to grips with the hollow sham of his life, and goes about doing something positive about it. This movie has none of that.
Renee Zellweger plays a shallow caricature of a 'big city executive' (even her high heeled walk was annoying), and who only finds redemption in the guise of 'falling for a man', a hunky local union rep played by Harry Connick Jr -- and, oh yeah, the local midwestern factory workers, a pack of leftover caricatures from 'Fargo', who do all those wacky 'flyover states' activities like hunt and fish and scrapbook and make desserts to bring to your neighbors.
And what's up with Renee Zellweger's face? She just gets weirder looking each time I see her in a movie. Is her makeup comprised of 50% petroleum jelly? Did not enjoy this one at all.
2 stars out of 5
Released 2009, First Viewing May 2011
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