prfm-multiverse · 2 years
Is this from Perfume Fanclub? https://postimg.cc/2bYFk17Y
No. It's from a public blog post by Momo Minbe. There was a short PTA video published though by a-chan from this day.
2019.06.14 Momo Minbe Ameblo Blog cherry picking with a-chan & nocchi
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hikatamika · 5 years
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2019.06.14 | LUX:vrdn
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kpoploveblog · 2 days
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MONSTA X (몬스타엑스) - WHO DO U LOVE? The 3rd Digital Single [English] (2019)
Track List: 01. WHO DO U LOVE? (Feat. French Montana)
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senkitsemerdeklem · 5 years
"Hülye picsa"
Én is szeretlek Apa!☺
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makistar2018 · 5 years
Taylor Swift’s Instagram Stories on June 14, 2019
3 vids in 1
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just42dayy · 5 years
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a-remenyhozo · 4 years
A történelem ez, amit mi csináltunk. Emlékeket hagytunk egymás életében és lesz mire visszagondolni. Az emlékek megkopnak egy idő után és nem mindig emlékezünk az új élmények miatt a régiekre.
- a volt töri tanárom leveléből-
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skyline-photos · 4 years
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Én: Fáj..
Ő: De tudod jól, hogy azért mész messzire, mert van rá okod. És hidd el teljesülni fognak az álmaid.
Én: Hiányozni fogsz..
Ő: Te is..
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iohourtime · 5 years
Hey! Say! JUMP - 2019.06.14 Taipei Event
This is basically a combination of the following articles about the press conference based.  You can also watch the 6 minute Youtube video, which covered pretty much all of the Q&A.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb56lj24qng&app=desktop (Youtube Video of most of the press conference)
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Press Conference
Japanese idol group, Hey! Say! JUMP members Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri, Nakajima Yuto, and Yabu Kota visited Taiwan on the 14th and held a press conference in the afternoon. The moderator for the event was Ms. Matilda Tao.  The members greeted the press in Mandarin, which they practiced furiously for 2 weeks. Nakajima Yuto even learned to say “I’m so happy to see you all” in the Minnan dialect!
[The following is in Chinese.]
Yamada: Hello, I’m Yamada Ryosuke. I’m very happy to be able to come to Taiwan again.
MC: They spent a long time learning these Chinese. Yeah, please applaud to cheer them on.
Chinen: Hello, I’m Hey! Say! JUMP’s Chinen Yuri.  I miss you all.
Yuto: Hello everyone. I’m Hey! Say! JUMP’s Nakajima Yuto. <Minnan Dialect> I am very happy to see you all.
MC: <Applause> I understand. OK.
Yuto: That’s good, that’s good.
MC: Suge… Let’s hear from “Big Brother” Yabu.
Yabu: Hello everyone. I’m Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yabu Kota. I love Taiwan.
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After the greetings, Yamada immediately announced their upcoming concert at the Tokyo Arena on October 5th and 6th. At this time, the other members faked surprise, and kept saying 「真的嗎」 (is this true?) 「真的假的」 (literally: real or fake, which they just learned) and 「不知道」 (I don’t know) at Yamada.
This is the first time they returned since they held a concert here 7 years ago. Yamada said that the fans were really warm last time they came to Taiwan. At the end of the concert, they presented the guys with message cards and they were very moved. Chinen mentioned that their Japanese was very good and they spoke to them directly in Japanese. Yabu said since the fans spoke with them in Japanese, they really want to learn Chinese (Mandarin) so they can communicate with the fans.
[One reporter] mentioned that their Arena Tour in Japan has been canceled, but now they will hold a concert in Taiwan, the fans were shocked. There will probably be Japanese fans coming to the Taipei concerts. To that, Yabu answered “We would like the Taiwan concert to be very Hey!Say!JUMP like, so we will sing a lot of songs that represent us and Johnny’s. Of course, we know a lot of Japanese fans will also come to see us in Taiwan, so we want to make sure they will also enjoy the concert.”
When asked about how they prepare their bodies for the concert, Yamada said that they started playing soccer to improve their endurance and also have fun at the same time. The reporter asked if the members remind each other to not get too fat.
Yuto: “Well, there are some of us who are almost 30.”
Yabu: “Hey, who are you talking about?”
Yuto: “That will be you. Ni Ni Ni (you! you! you!)”
Yabu: “You’re talking about me.”
Yuto: “Yes. So lately, these members are not very good at remembering the dance steps. They are slow to pick up too.”
Yabu: “Stop it!”
Yuto: “The one on the far right is the worst.” [gesturing to the Lucky/Unlucky poster at the back]
Yabu: “Hikaru.”
Yuto: “He hesitates a lot.”
Since the members are all very handsome (?!), the reporter asked what they will bring with them at all times. Nakajima said “lip gloss”. Yabu said “toothbrush and toothpaste, since an idol must have a brilliant smile at all times.” Chinen said he likes to bring as little as possible, so he will just bring his wallet. Yuto reminded him that he also brought his passport today. Chinen said “yeah, luckily I did.” Before Yamada answered, the MC said she watched a program where members said when they went to play darts, Yamada very cooly brought out his own personal darts. She wanted to know if that’s true. Yamada was shocked she knew and asked how. She said she got the information from one of the members, “C-San”. Yamada turned to Chinen and said “it’s you!” before confirming.
Last month, the group released their new single “Lucky/Unlucky”. The MC asked them if there is anything they find lucky lately? Nakajima immediately answered “Being able to come back after 7 years.” Chinen added, “Since it has been 7 years, we were worried that nobody will come to see us. When we see all the people at the airport, we breathed a sigh of relief.” Yamada said he was lucky to be cast in some movies and dramas, and even though he wasn’t sure if they would be shown in Taiwan, he hoped that is a good chance for the Taiwanese audience to get to know them.  Chinen and Yabu said they took a vacation to earlier to watch soccer matches (football) and they roomed together just like when they first debut. But Yabu added that “it was to save money.”
When asked what changed in the past 7 years, the tallest member, Nakajima, immediately said “height”. 7 years ago, he was only 18, so he grew about 5cm since then. Yabu said that the era has changed from Heisei to Reiwa, the group Hey! Say! JUMP also jumped to the new era. He hoped they could also represent the new era. Yuto added “It’s not hard to predict the next group’s name.”
The MC asked if there is anything they would like to eat this time. The members asked them to make a recommendation. Ms. Tao recommended her own Szechuan restaurant. Yabu immediately asked her to treat them to a free meal. He added “If you treat us, then Chinen will not have to bring his wallet at all.”
At this time, the organizers then brought out the bubble tea with dark syrup for them to try. The members jokingly asked if the MC also owned the bubble tea shop. Ms. Tao asked them to try one by one and they all kind of looked at each other. Yamada took the first sip, was shocked, and said “delicious” (in Mandarin). Seeing Yamada was OK after drinking the tea, the rest of the members tried, each adding they also found it delicious. Yamada said that when Ms. Tao asked them to try one by one, they thought they were going to be pranked like in Japanese variety shows. Yabu said he thought they put soy sauce or something in the bubble tea instead of dark syrup.  Yamada said he actually liked sweets a lot and he ate all the chocolates in Chinen’s hotel room just now.
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The press conference came to an end. Yamada said “Although we cannot tell you much about the concert itself, since the Taiwanese fans have been waiting for us for 7 years, we are looking forward to this opportunity as well. We will try our best, so please continue to support us.” They then said “Please look forward to the concert, we will work hard” in Mandarin. [Yuto] said “Thank you for waiting us” in English. [T/N: I don’t know if the author had that wrong or that’s what Yuto really said.]
Post Press Conference Interview
After the press conference, Yamada Ryosuke had to leave immediately to go grab some quick dinner before returning to Japan.  Yabu, Nakajima, and Chinen stayed behind to continue the interview. They admit that they just memorized the Mandarin phonetically and studied using phrase books and apps. In terms of their Chinese, they each claimed they won’t lose to each other, and they trot out all the Mandarin phrases they know, like 「不好意思來晚了」 (sorry we came so late)、「不客氣」 (don’t worry about it)、「辛苦啦」 (thanks for your troubles), etc. They said they will work hard to learn more.
They said they feel that the Taiwanese fans speak very good Japanese. In the last 7 years, they received many fan letters and they also saw Taiwanese fans at their concerts, so they really want to learn Mandarin as a thanks to the fans. Nakajima Yuto is quite the sweet talker. Not only did he say at the press conference that the luckiest thing is to be able to come to Taiwan, when asked if they will invite any VIP guests, he answered without hesitation, “The fans are our VIP!” Yabu and Chinen clapped at his words.
Nakajima said that while he said “height” being the biggest change in the last 7 years at the press conference, he was just joking. The person who changed the most is probably Takaki Yuya, who went from being a lone wolf to the warm, active guy he is today. The group also agreed that Takaki has the best body and is the sexiest in the group. As for the one with the least change, it will be Arioka Daiki, who not only seemed to be frozen in age, he actually seemed to age backwards.
The members expressed their hope to act in a movie together.  Yabu said they could try something like “Ocean’s Eleven” while Yuto said they could do a musical. Yabu said that last time they were in Taiwan for the calendar photoshoot, they visited the night markets and Jiufen, so he hoped to visit some other places.  They asked if we have any suggestions, and started talking about Taipei 101. Nakajima is interested in architecture, especially old-style mansions, so we recommended Huashan 1914 Creative Park.
[One article said the guys plan to stay 2D1N.]
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tegoshigeftw · 5 years
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 Reposting as a pretty edit by 一般女性蛋阿姨
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kyokosdog · 3 years
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Kumada Yoko 熊田曜子, Weekly Post 2019.06.14 
歳/Age: 38
身長/Height: 164cm
B92 W56 H84
Twitter: ?
Instagram: ?
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pyoncom · 3 years
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2019.06.14 A3!/ Act! Addict! Actors!
Photographer/ Shiro
御影密/ Haco
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szonikuscsavarhuzo · 5 years
Chinooks over Budapest
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makistar2018 · 5 years
Why Taylor Swift's Open Support of the LGBTQ Community Should Be Celebrated
6/14/2019 by Stephen Daw
There’s nothing hidden about the meaning behind Taylor Swift’s new song “You Need to Calm Down.” The new song, crafted as a message to angry bigoted people around the world, does contain a few subtle lyrics. But just before launching into her second chorus, Swift makes it clear who this song is for, as she sings “‘Cause shade never made anybody less gay.”
Those lyrics only contribute further to Swift’s newly open support of the LGBTQ community. Even in the Apple Music description of her upcoming album Lover, Swift acknowledges that while she hasn’t been open about her political leanings in the past, she’s officially over that and is “standing up and speaking out.”
In the last few months, Swift has ramped up her efforts of being an ally; she donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to a Tennessee LGBTQ charity, vocalized her support of the Equality Act and urged her state representatives to do the same. “For American citizens to be denied jobs or housing based on who they love or how they identify, in my opinion, is un-American and cruel,” she wrote in an open letter.
While there’s no doubt that Swift has felt this way for a long time, it is still all the more meaningful that she has finally opened up about that support with both lyrics and action. Even in her lyric video, the star gives a shoutout to GLAAD, and highlights the letters “EA” to further promote the Equality Act.
Anthony Ramos, GLAAD’s director of talent and engagement, thanked Swift in a post released on the organization’s website, saying “Taylor Swift is one of the world’s biggest pop stars. The fact that she continues to use her platform and music to support the LGBTQ community and the Equality Act is a true sign of being an ally.”
Ramos is right — Swift is perhaps the biggest pop star in the world, which only gives her promotion of inclusivity more meaning. Where other artists would shy away due to fear of being dropped by a more conservative audience, Swift has planted herself firmly as an ally to the LGBTQ community, regardless of what some prejudiced listeners may think.
Fans of the star are over the moon with the singer’s support, continuing to call her a “gay icon” and referring to the song as a “2019’s gayest anthem.” Check out some of our favorite reactions from fans below:
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tododekucrumbs · 5 years
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Ryo Kitamura (Todoroki) and Shin Tamura (Midoriya) sharing a handshake and hug in costume backstage at The Ultra Stage in Shanghai!
Clip from News Zero 2019.06.14 📺
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