dreaminghour · 1 year
Hayden/Ewan RPF - Prompt: List
Event: @domaystic Fandom: Star Wars RPF Rating: General audiences Prompt: 03 List Ship: Hayden/Ewan Context: References to real people are used fictiously. Words: 865
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Hayden rounded the curve of the drive to find the garage door was already open, music playing from a beat up little radio, Ewan standing with hands on his hips and squinting at him.
"Well this is a pleasant surprise," he said, crossing toward him before he had even gotten out of the car, slapping him on the back as he hugged him. "Figured out the address after all, huh?"
"Well, I mean." Hayden shrugged but couldn't keep himself from grinning. "Turn about is fair play, right?"
"Is it?" Ewan said, a kind of faux lightness to his tone. "Can I get you something to drink? A coke or a water?"
"Nah, not right now. What're you working on?"
"Nothing at the moment," Ewan said, "just finished changing the oil and was cleaning up."
"Don't let me keep you."
So Hayden leaned against a bit of workbench that wasn't currently strewn with tools and things, sipping the cold pop he'd been handed while Ewan ran commentary on the machine he'd been servicing. Hayden hoped he sounded appropriately appreciative.
"So, to what do I owe the honor?" Ewan asked, finally washing his hands at the sink with pumice soap, scrubbing at the lines of grease under his nails. "I don't suppose you're finally doing a bit of housewarming as well?"
"Haven't you been here years now?"
"Yeah, but its the first time you're here, isn't it?"
"A gift for the unsuspecting host." Hayden just rolled his eyes. "No I, er, don't have a gift, but I have this."
He pulled out the notebook he'd stuffed in his back pocket and flipped open to the bookmarked page for Ewan to read once he'd finished wiping his hands. He opened his mouth as he began reading, but then paused, glancing up at Hayden.
"What is this?"
"You tell me," Hayden said with a shrug, keeping his expression mild.
"'Excuses Ewan Has Used to Drop By,'" Ewan began reading. "'Number one, housewarming gift.' You know as well as I do that barbeque tongs go missing, its always good to have tools. Even if you'd already had some, I assumed it would be… Yeah yeah."
At Hayden's look, leaning back once more, crossing his arms, Ewan resumed reading.
"'Number two, had to regift a bottle of whiskey.' You know I don't drink!" He sounded outraged but he was grinning. "And that was a 40 year old single malt scotch, not just any bottle of whiskey! I knew that you'd appreciate it, or if not, I could rest easy that someone I liked was drinking it in their coke."
Hayden covered his smile with a hand but just gestured with his eyebrows as Ewan went on.
"'Number three, wanted to show me his new bike.' Alright." Ewan snapped the notebook shut and shoved it against Hayden's chest. "I'm not reading anymore. If a man can't drive his bike into the hills and visit a friend as he passes by, then…"
"But were you?" Hayden asked, laying the book aside, amused that Ewan was apparently getting a little heated, even if it was all in good fun.
"Was I what?"
"Just passing by? Because you told me you got a new bike, a Moto Guzzi or something."
All the visits over the last two months still remained pretty clear in Hayden's mind, so clear that he'd written them down in an attempt to figure out why Ewan would drop by, chat for a few minutes and then leave again.
It hadn't been a remarkable day in any other way. It had been hazy and gray. Surprisingly cool. Hayden had gotten in only a couple hours before and was looking forward to curling up in front of the fire with a book when he'd heard the motorcycle coming up the hill. He'd met Ewan in his leathers at the door, in his socks on the pavement while Ewan had guzzled cool water, long hair falling into his face, helmet tucked under one arm.
"What're you doing here?" Hayden had asked at some point.
"Just out for a test drive," he'd said, turning to grin at the spotless machine, as though it were able to enjoy the compliments he was about to bestow upon it. "Thought I'd show her off."
"She is something," Hayden had said, because it really was a nice bike.
"Not new," Ewan said now, turning to look at the bike in question. "Just wanted to make sure everything was working correctly."
"So you drove for an hour. To see me."
"Is that so bad?" Ewan asked, cracking open his own drink.
"It isn't, if that's what you called it. I just don't understand why you can't just say you want to see me. Instead of coming up with a dozen different excuses to drive over. We could have met somewhere, or I could have come over. I just don't know what you wanted to achieve. If you wanted to see me."
"You're here now, aren't you?" Ewan asked, raising his eyebrows. "So it worked, didn't it?"
Hayden scoffed.
"Yeah, alright. You don't have to be smug about it."
"Never crossed my mind," Ewan said, still wearing that shit eating grin.
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dickjayweek · 2 years
by  Ssilvercat
General Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne
Additional Tags:
Fluff, Dick Grayson is Batman, Jason Todd is Red Hood
Language: 中文-普通话 國語
众所周知,狐狸并不是一种适合家养的动物,狡猾,敏感,护食,还爱拆家咬人。 迪克在码头捡到了一只濒死的狐狸,不管网上有多少劝退文章,他就是想要养它。
Dickjay周 第三天 —— 兽耳/可变成动物的AU
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