#208 cherry thaxton
Bracket D Round 1
Poll 8
Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles) vs. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
207. Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles)
He's sooooo cute and evil in a fun disney villain way. he's gay he's silly he's even divorced. what more could you want
Laurel is a 7'6" pale elf full of magic slime that comes out as his hair. he wears goth clothes and is very long and pointy.
208. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
mew/mews (mew took mews dog to the park)
#femewnism .... feminism for catgirls. mews a silly beast who likes to make video games to flex on mews friends. mew is crazy smart and mew knows it. also mew is a little bit of a flopgirl since mew has a huge crush on mews own ex girlfriend. #SUCKS
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Bracket D First Half!!
Polls w these blorbos will be going up on Saturday 1st at 5pm GMT!!
193. Dexter Monroe (@cabooseisneat)
194. Usagi (@kkdragonson)                                             
195. Bunie (@ehiiehn)
196. Esteban (@spiderin-space)
197. Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott)
198. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
199. Dr. Diana Diamond (@numberposting)
200. SANGRIA (@kumied)
201. Apple (@cyndalyssa)
202. Anik Pillai (@prozac)
203. Weld (@wallspikes)
204. Weaver (@electrozilla)
205. Jakob 'Jake' Durren (@iateyourburrito)
206. Basil Devaux (@rottenthing)
207. Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles)
208. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
209. Tara "Flux" Nobel (@browncoatparadox)
210. Claire Foster (@radiohead2)
211. Pier Lombardi (@raybotonline)
212. Gil - Gilberta Maravilla Reyes Carillo (@lektricfergus)
213. Tarozu Khaqar  (@farmernotafarmer)
214. William Marwood (@curdled-blood)
215. Xaoc Vasiliev (@emh-wiki)
216. Jersey (@rainerhammond)
217. Ville (@uktoer)
218. Egg Benedict (@fungus-marks)
219. Elias Love (@purgatoryhips)
220. Green Guy (@silver-tounges-and-golden-lies)
221. Leonora Ostrowska - "Lee"  (@arrowandathame)
222. Estelle Reyes (@bashirs)
223. Myrvin McGrove (@inspiredrawaw)
224. Adrian (@roman-writes-sometimes)
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