#207 laurel
Bracket D Round 1
Poll 8
Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles) vs. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
207. Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles)
He's sooooo cute and evil in a fun disney villain way. he's gay he's silly he's even divorced. what more could you want
Laurel is a 7'6" pale elf full of magic slime that comes out as his hair. he wears goth clothes and is very long and pointy.
208. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
mew/mews (mew took mews dog to the park)
#femewnism .... feminism for catgirls. mews a silly beast who likes to make video games to flex on mews friends. mew is crazy smart and mew knows it. also mew is a little bit of a flopgirl since mew has a huge crush on mews own ex girlfriend. #SUCKS
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coffindrawings · 1 year
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Said that no matter what result I got I would draw something out of it so congrats to @sanfielle‘s Cherry Thaxton for kicking my boys ass in the @original-character-championship! he had it coming.
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boinin · 11 months
btw, block #blue lock leaks or #blue lock spoilers if you want to filter out my babbling any time we get a new chapter 🐞
So, first thoughts on this week's leaks?
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there's just this panel of Isagi's legs in the air. not a football in sight.
🌈🫡 never change blue lock never change ✊💙
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More seriously, it's really wholesome how most of the team pile on to celebrate with the winning duo. KURONA you guys, he doesn't even hesitate!! He's so happy for Isagi
Guess who I'm going to next...
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I can't wait to see this in the official release, but damn... The Emperor is Not Happy. It really reminds me of Isagi's DAMN IT panel from chapter 230—probably on purpose. Kaiser is Michael's ideal after all... but is the novice beginning to surpass the star?
Not pictured in the leaks: Kunigami or Yukimiya's reactions. Hmm... We do get wonderful reaction shots of the two coaches and Ness, as well as a disappointed Ubers. Also no sign of Barou—they're saving that confrontation for next week.
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We get some interesting panels of Hiori too. Waiting on the fan translation, but to me it seems like he's going to put off quitting... at least while he's motivated to pursue goals the way he did with Isagi this match.
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look how gorgeous and HAPPY he looks here, I'm going to cry 🥹 he deserves the world
But for me, the key excitement came towards the end of the leaks. Because we didn't get just a glimpse of what's going on beyond the Ubers match...
We got the full-ass ending of the Manshine City v Paris X Gen match.
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oh and nagi i guess. whatever
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.../s Don't come for me. I love Nagi really, but we've seen plenty of him in his spin off.
I was not expecting to get this level of detail on our favourite edgy emo. Rin is absolutely dominating PXG by the looks of it. Isagi can't rest on his laurels yet.
I was also not expecting our princess to be the sole scorer of this match! On the one hand: COME THROUGH MY STRAWBERRY HAIRED SON! ❤️❤️❤️ I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! I wish they showed more of Chigiri this chapter... but at least they gave us chapter 213.
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But still, damn Manshine... get it together.
It could be years until we get the full story behind this match—but Nagi seems to be struggling just as chapter 207 foreshadowed. It's hard to believe he couldn't motivate himself against Rin, who's another established rival of his. Ah well. Maybe he'll redeem himself against Ubers and Barou?
Overall, cracking chapter... and I haven't actually read a word of it yet!
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rosareversa · 2 years
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Sandro Botticelli Primavera (c. 1480) Tempera grassa on wood, 207 x 319 cm   The Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Highlights from around the web 💫
✨ Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (c. 1445 – 1510), known as Sandro Botticelli, was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. Botticelli's posthumous reputation suffered until the late 19th century, when he was rediscovered by the Pre-Raphaelites who stimulated a reappraisal of his work. Since then, his paintings have been seen to represent the linear grace of late Italian Gothic and some Early Renaissance painting, even though they date from the latter half of the Italian Renaissance period. [1]
✨ The nickname Botticelli, meaning "little barrel", derives from the nickname of Sandro's brother, Giovanni, who was called Botticello apparently because of his round stature. A document of 1470 refers to Sandro as "Sandro Mariano Botticelli", meaning that he had fully adopted the name. [2] 
✨ This painting, usually known as the Primavera [or ‘Spring’] depicts nine figures from classic mythology advancing over a flowery lawn in a grove of orange and laurel trees. In the foreground, to the right, Zephyrus embraces a nymph named Chloris before taking her; she is then portrayed after her transformation into Flora, the spring goddess. The centre of the painting is dominated by the goddess of love and beauty, Venus, chastely dressed and set slightly back from the others, and by a blindfolded Cupid, firing his arrow of love. On the left, the three Graces, minor goddesses with virtues like those of Venus, are shown dancing in a circle. The composition is closed by Mercury, messenger of the Gods, recognisable from his helmet and winged sandals, as he touches a cloud with his staff. [3]
✨ Although the complex meaning of the composition remains a mystery, the painting is a celebration of love, peace, and prosperity.  The dark colour of the vegetation is in part due to the aging process of the original pigment, but is lightened by the abundance of fruits and flowers. At least 138 species of different plants have been identified, all accurately portrayed by Botticelli, perhaps using herbaria. The attention to detail confirms the artist’s commitment to this piece, which is also evident in the sheer skill with which the paint has been applied. [4]
↪ Get this design on a t-shirt, sweatshirt, or notebook 🥀
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eridanisanenby · 1 year
Atlantis Attacks
Ant Ant
Arkham Asylum
Agent A (Alfred)
Amity Arkham
Amadeus Arkham
All-American comics
Baxter Building
Bombastic-Bag man
robert Bruce Banner
james Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes
Black Blot/Blackagar Boltagon
elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock
Brian Braddock
william “Billy” Braddock
Billy Batson
Beast Boy
Blue Beetle
Boston Brand
Bouncing Boy
Carl “Crusher” Creel
Captain Carter
nathan Christopher Charles summers/Cable
Curtis "Curt" Connors
Caped Crusader
oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Captain Cold
Captain Carrot
Catherine Cobert
Cressida Clarke
Crocky the Crodile
Doctor Darrk
Doctor Destiny
Dorthy Duncan
Ding-Dong Daddy
yankee Doodle Dandy
Dinah Drake
Darla Dudley
Damien Darhk
(new) Fantastic Four
Four Freedoms plaza
Fin Fang Foom
Freedom Fighters
Freddy Freeman
Felix Faust
Guardian of the Galaxy
Green Goblin
Guy Gardener
Gorilla Grodd
Gotham Gazette
Gotham Globe
Gotham General
Green Guardsman
Golden Glider
Glorious Gordon Godfrey
Happy Hogan
Hank Hensley
Hank Hall (Hawk)
Henry “Hank” Henshaw
Hank Hall
Hippolyta "lyta" Hall
Hank Haywood
Jessica Jones
John Jonah Jameson
Katherine “Kate” Kane
Kristen Kringle
Kip Kettering
Lacie Lorraine
Loki Laufeyson
Lunella Lafayette
Lonnie Lincoln
Lois Lane
Lex Luther
Lighting Lad
Linda Lee
Luma Lynai
Lana Lang
Laura Lang
Louise Lincoln
dinah Laurel Lance
Linda Lang
Lena Luther
May Melinda
Miles Morales (og 42)
Meows Morales
Michael Morbius
Multiverse of Madness
MilkMan Man
Mateo Maximoff
Marya Maximoff
Mole Man
Mister Mxyptlk “Mxy”
M’gann M’orzz/Megan Morse/Miss Martian
Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi
Mary Marvel
Miguel Montez
Music Master
Mr. Miracle
Mirror Master
Mad Mod
Malcolm Merlyn
Maria Mercedes Mooney
Matches Malone
Monsieur Mallah
Nia Nal
Olivia Octavius (doctor Octopus/doc Ock)
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker(s)
Pabitr Prabhakav
Peni Parker
Peter Porker
Pedro Peña
Penny Plunderer
Quasar’s Quantum bands
Quentin Quale
Reed Richards
Rocket Raccoon
Richard Rider
Roberto “Robbie” Reyes (og 69)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Ronald Raymond
Sun Spider
Scarlet Spider
Serpent Society
Super Skrull
Silver Sable/Silvija Sablinova
Sinister Syndicate
Sinister Six
Steven Strange (dr Strange)
Sybil Silverlock
Susan “Sue” Storm
Samuel Sterns
Sebastian Shaw
Suicide Squad
Star Sapphire
Silver St. Cloud
Secret Six
Pter Ptarker (TT)
Taneleer Tivan
Tyros The Terrible (Terrax)
Teen Titans
Titans Tomorrow
Tom Turbine
Traci Thirteen
Unus the Untouchable
Vicki Vale
Valerie Vale
Web Warriors
Wade Winston Wilson
Wallace “Wally” West
Wallace “ace” West II
Wonder Woman
Warlock the Wizard
Wizards & Warlocks
Zatanna Zatara
Zachary Zatara
Zilius Zox
Duela Dent Napier Nigma
Cooper Coen/Web Weaver
Matthew Michael “Matt” Murdock/DareDevil
Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
Otto Octavius (doctor Octopus/doc Ock)/Superior Spider-man
Victor Von doom/Doctor Doom
Warren Worthington III/ArchAngel
Cassandra “Cass” Cain/Black Bat
J’onn J’onnz/John Jones/Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter
Kei Kawade/Kaiju Kid(/Kid Kaiju)
Mitchell Mayo/Condiment King
Max Mercury/Windrunner Whip WhirlWind
Red Robin/Joker Junior
Cletus Cortland Kassidy (Carnage)
Clark Kent
Conner “Kon” Kent
Chemical King
Carrie Kelley
Killer Croc
Karen Crane
Seaboard City
Total alliteration: 207
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joseandrestabarnia · 2 years
Alessandro Filipepei, conocido como Botticelli (Florencia, 1445-1510)
La Primavera
ca. 1480
Temple graso sobre madera
207 x 319 cm
Inventario 1890 n. 8360
Conocido por el nombre convencional de Primavera, el cuadro muestra nueve figuras de la mitología clásica caminando sobre un prado florido, frente a un bosque de naranjos y laureles. En primer plano a la derecha, Céfiro abraza y fecunda a la ninfa Clori, representada un poco más adelante en forma de Flora, diosa de la floración. Dominando el centro de la composición, ligeramente retraída, se encuentran la diosa del amor y la belleza Venus, castamente vestida, y Cupido, representado con los ojos vendados mientras dispara el dardo del amor. A la izquierda danzan en círculo las tres Gracias, deidades benéficas menores cercanas a Venus, y cierra la composición Mercurio, el mensajero de los dioses que lleva casco y zapatos alados, que toca una nube con su caduceo. Si bien el significado complejo de la composición sigue siendo misterioso, la obra celebra el amor, la paz y la prosperidad. la vegetación, cuyo color oscuro se debe en parte a la alteración del pigmento original, se ilumina por la abundancia de flores y frutos. Se han reconocido 138 especies de plantas diferentes, descritas con precisión por Botticelli, quizás usando herbarios. La atención al detalle confirma el compromiso asumido por el maestro en este trabajo, también confirmado por la experiencia técnica con la que se realizó la pintura.
Realizada sobre un soporte de madera de álamo, la obra fue ubicada a finales del siglo XV en la casa de vía Larga (hoy vía Cavour) de los herederos de Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de 'Medici, primo de Lorenzo el Magnífico; colgaba sobre un catre, una especie de arcón con respaldo, característico del mobiliario de las residencias aristocráticas del Renacimiento. Luego pasó a la villa de Castello, donde Giorgio Vasari en 1550 la describió junto con el Nacimiento de Venus.
Información de la web de Le Gallerie degli Uffizi, imágenes mías.
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gabeoryan · 3 years
Flower Arranging Origins
The old Egyptians were supposed to be the person who originally rehearsed flower organizing. That was way back 2,500 B.C. Indications of this is found in Egyptian's cut stone this website alleviation and dividers painted with improvements.
As indicated by records, old Egyptians think about flower arrangement as a crucial piece of their way of life. Intricate flower creating were supposed to be utilized during entombment functions and for marches. Additionally, they were considered as table highlight where flowers were placed in a jar. Very much like today, flowers previously had meanings embedded to them around then. For old Egyptians, lotus, for example, has a sacrosanct nature since it is related with their Goddess Isis. In this manner, the majority of their plans include lotus.
Then, at that point came the Greeks and the Romans turn in the craft of flower arrangement. For the two, flowers likewise had emblematic meanings; the majority of them were related with their divine beings and goddesses. As far as flower making, Greeks and Romans lean toward putting them in wreaths and laurels. The two are said to choose flowers to be arranged by the shape, color and structure.
In the East side of the world, this specialty of flower making was likewise existent during the antiquated occasions. It was supposed to be the Chinese who first show indications of this magnificent workmanship. It tends to be followed back to 207 B.C. During the Han time, flowers had a fundamental impact in strict instructing and strict functions. Buddhists, Taoists and Confucians working on offering flowers at their raised areas during the 618-906 A.D. Very much like the Egyptians, the Romans and the Greeks, they additionally conveyed emblematic meanings in China. Different arrangements were picked for the representative meaning they bring. For example, peony, dubbed as lord of flowers, is an image of riches, fortune and elevated place in the Chinese setting. The Chinese act of enhancing sanctuaries with flowers is said to impact the Japanese. In Japan, there is a specific term utilized for flower masterminding - Ikebana. It goes back 500 years prior. Ikebana is considered as a fine art for the Japanese which again has strict impact. All through time it has advanced and presently as should be obvious, it is quite possibly the most famous styles of this flower expressions.
Flower arrangement prospered late in most European nations. It was distinctly in the Renaissance and elaborate period that this craftsmanship became pervasive in Europe. However, it was then that the customary style of flower creating, as we probably are aware today, started. Certain flower arrangement standards were then drilled. As a rule, they are placed in compartments made of marble, bronze and substantial Venetian glass.
Today, there are many types of flower arrangements. Contemporary plans are normally blends of human expressions of flower craftmanship that created since the commencement.
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2020 Skate America Preview - Pairs
If there was any favorite for the gold medal in the Pairs event, I would say it’s reigning US Silver Medalists, Jessica Calalang and Brian Johnson, who looked very good at the ISP Points Challenge, which they won. They were around 207 in the first opportunity and 215 in the second, so they should sail to a victory here. In my opinion, it’s theirs to lose.
As for the silver medal, I would say our favorites are Alexa Scimeca Knierim and Brandon Frazier, who just teamed up last Spring. They were around 200 in both of the opportunities of the ISP Points Challenge, solidly above the rest of the field, so they should sail to say easy silver medal here in their International debut as a pair.
The favorite for the bronze medal, I would say, are Ashley-Cain Gribble and Timothy LeDuc, who were solidly third in both of the ISP Points Challenges opportunities. They’re not beatable here, so they can’t rest on their laurels, but they are also capable of winning silver here if they can skate a near-personal best, but based on how they skated so far, I would put them here.
The fourth place team I would say are Tarah Kayne and Danny O’Shea, who are coachless at the moment, after leaving their coaches not long ago. They were a solid fourth at both opportunities of the ISP Points Challenge. If everyone skates their personal best, I can’t see them placing higher than third, but if mistakes are made by the top teams, look for them slip up onto the podium.
The solid fifth place team seems to be Audrey Lu and Misha Mitrofanov. They were fifth at both opportunities of the ISP Points Challenge. I can’t see them challenging the top four, and if they skate the way they have been so far, they should be solidly fifth here.
The next ranked team would be, in my opinion, Olivia Serafini and Mervin Tran. They have started gelling as a pair, but they have ranked blow Lu and Mitrofanov, and I don’t see that changing here. Unless mistakes are made, they should be solidly sixth here.
Our seventh ranked team should be Emily Chan and Spencer Howe, who were eighth at the ISP Points Challenge. Without one of the higher-ranked teams here, they should be seventh. They can’t afford too many mistakes, or they could slip down into eighth, but I can’t see them challenging for any higher here than seventh.
That leaves our only non-American team, Anna Vernikov and Evgeni Krasnopolksi of Israel in eighth place. Their scores last season were around 140 – 150, and I can’t see them out of eighth place, unfortunately. If mistakes are made by Chan and Howe, they might be able to slip up into seventh, but I don’t see them any higher than that.
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elaccfinds · 4 years
1. Adagio 2. Akimbo 3. Aloe 4. Arch 5. Ash 6. Aspen 7. Athena 8. Avalon 9. Baja 10. Barley 11. Bask 12. Bayleaf 13. Bean 14. Bird 15. Bisque 16. Bleeker 17. Bling 18. Bliss 19. Blush 20. Bold 21. Bonsai 22. Bright 23. Bubbles 24. Bunny 25. Burst 26. Button 27. Byrd 28. Cabot 29. Cake 30. Calico 31. Calla 32. Calypso 33. Cameo 34. Candle 35. Canopy 36. Canvas 37. Carbon 38. Carob 39. Cascade 40. Cashmere 41. Caviar 42. Chant 43. Char 44. Chasm 45. Chime 46. Cinder 47. Clay 48. Cloud 49. Clove 50. Clover 51. Coconut 52. Cole 53. Comet 54. Cookie 55. Corio 56. Cotton 57. Crisp 58. Crown 59. Crumb 60. Custard 61. Dalila 62. Damask 63. Dapple 64. Dash 65. Dawn 66. Deer 67. Delight 68. Devan 69. Dew 70. Dijon 71. Dipper 72. Doily 73. Doppio 74. Dove 75. Dragon 76. Dune 77. Dusk 78. Dusty 79. Dutty 80. Early 81. Echo 82. Eclipse 83. Eddy 84. Elegance 85. Emrys 86. Eternity 87. Everard 88. Faint 89. Fairway 90. Fallen 91. Feather 92. Fennel 93. Ferne 94. Finley 95. Finnie 96. Firefly 97. Fizz 98. Flax 99. Fleece 100. Flint101. Flutter 102. Fox 103. Frappé 104. Freeze 105. Fresh 106. Froth 107. Fushion 108. Gable 109. Galaxy 110. Gasp 111. Gaze 112. Geddy 113. Gilly 114. Glade 115. Glaze 116. Glimmer 117. Glory 118. Glow 119. Gnocci 120. Goose 121. Grace 122. Graph 123. Gravel 124. Graze 125. Gun 126. Gypsy 127. Hale 128. Hannity 129. Harbor 130. Harmony 131. Harp 132. Haze 133. Hazy 134. Hearth 135. Heirloom 136. Hemlock 137. Hero 138. Hidden 139. Hint 140. Hollow 141. Home 142. Honey 143. Hush 144. Illusion 145. Interlude 146. Java 147. Jet 148. Julep 149. Juniper 150. Jute 151. Key 152. Kittery 153. Kiwi 154. Knox 155. Kona 156. Lace 157. Lacuna 158. Lady 159. Ladybug 160. Lapis 161. Latté 162. Laurel 163. Leap 164. Lemon 165. Lenox 166. Liberty 167. Lichen 168. Light 169. Linen 170. Lion 171. Little 172. Locket 173. Lotus 174. Love 175. Lucia 176. Luxe 177. Magic 178. Mantis 179. Maple 180. Melancholy 181. Mellow 182. Mesa 183. Metro 184. Miller 185. Minimal 186. Mink 187. Mirage 188. Mist 189. Mistletoe 190. Mock 191. Mode 192. Moiré 193. Mortar 194. Mosaic 195. Moss 196. Mousse 197. Myth 198. Neon 199. Newt 200. Night201. Nightingale 202. Nimbus 203. Nomad 204. Nova 205. Nutmeg 206. Nymph 207. Oatmeal 208. Olive 209. Onyx 210. Otter 211. Papaya 212. Paper 213. Parfait 214. Path 215. Pebble 216. Pelham 217. Pensive 218. Peony 219. Pepper 220. Peridot 221. Persimmon 222. Phoenix 223. Pickle 224. Pigeon 225. Pike 226. Pinstripe 227. Polo 228. Pop 229. Poppy 230. Posey 231. Pudding 232. Pumpkin 233. Rabbit 234. Rain 235. Raisin 236. Rapid 237. Ribbon 238. Ridge 239. River 240. Rogue 241. Rory 242. Roque 243. Rowan 244. Royal 245. Sabre 246. Sade 247. Sage 248. Salamander 249. Salem 250. Script 251. Secret 252. Sepia 253. Serenity 254. Shade 255. Shale 256. Sharp 257. Shimmer 258. Silent 259. Silhouette 260. Silk 261. Slate 262. Sleigh 263. Snow 264. Soda 265. Solar 266. Somber 267. Soot 268. Sorbet 269. Soufflé 270. Sparrow 271. Sphere 272. Spruce 273. Squeak 274. Squirrel 275. Star 276. Strand 277. Suede 278. Sunny 279. Sweep 280. Symphony 281. Taffeta 282. Taffy 283. Tambo 284. Tango 285. Taos 286. Tapestry 287. Tarry 288. Tate 289. Taupe 290. Tawny 291. Tea 292. Teacup 293. Thayer 294. Thumble 295. Thunder 296. Timid 297. Tippy 298. Toast 299. Tooty 300. Topeka301. Torte 302. Treasure 303. Truffle 304. Tucker 305. Turret 306. Turtle 307. Vapor 308. Vellum 309. Velvet 310. Vero 311. Vista 312. Vivid 313. Walnut 314. Wanderer 315. Wasabi 316. Wash 317. Wave 318. Wheat 319. Whim 320. Whimsey 321. Whiskers 322. Whisper 323. Whispy 324. Willow 325. Wing 326. Winter 327. Wish 328. Wisp 329. Wolf 330. Woven 331. Wyn 332. Wythe 333. Zing
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katmckool-blog · 5 years
This was an email sent to my husband following an unsuccessful interaction with Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services. I've got to say, I love how badly they treat grieving parents, especially moms.
Amherst writes
Thank you for your email. I just arrived back in the office from services yesterday when I left you a voicemail. I was out all last week for family emergency. I was going to reach out to you specifically in regards to this matter.
Amherst writes
Fionn's cremated remains and death certificates have been ready to be shipped out via Canada Post since last week, while I was away (Again, my staff Carla simply called your wife to confirm address and delivered our standard procedure to ask payment prior to sending as per contract signed, payments are due at the time of arrangement).
My response
Okay, let me stop you there, she wasn’t calling me she was calling someone else; because, once again, one more person on your staff couldn’t get my/our name right. YOU were supposed to handle this yourself.
Amherst writes
So I don't appreciate your wife accusing my staff of taking Fionn's ashes hostage. That wasn't what happened. We dealt with hundreds of families with same procedure and all of them never made such negative interpretations.
My response
SUCH HYPERBOLE! Bull shit. What about the time you sent a customer their loved one’s ashes and the delivery person wanted a tip and wasn’t going to leave until he got one?
That’s exactly how I FELT! We had a prior agreement to have them shipped directly. After your staff member got my name wrong and I had to correct her several times, she was asking for payment!
We can’t ship them unless you pay…her words, NOT MINE! In addition, you and your staff have the WORST COMMUNICATION! I thought you gave them a stern talking to? Sure you did, you’re full of shite!
That’s not what we’d agreed upon. YOU were supposed to handle EVERYTHING Scott. How would you feel if you were treated this way,?? I’ve read the reviews of families for whom you provided a service for and they were mistreated in pretty much the same way.
Your low ratings are proof of that. If you want to skate by on ratings, accolades and cards, Go nuts, however; for the people who are treated in the manner in which WE were treated, I say, get off you high horse!
You don’t appreciate that? Okay, you and your staff started this nonsense your staff obviously doesn’t give a shit about our name and our son’s name. Is this the best you can do Scott, really? You’re quite the mean girl!
Amherst writes
We will ship Fionn's ashes today (November 20, 2019). Once we have completed the shipment, we will email you the Canada Post tracking number. The package will have an original invoice. Please call our main number extension 105 for Kisha and she'll take your credit card information and process accordingly.
My response
The interactions were DEFINITELY DISRESPECTFUL. When the above noted staff member called to ask for clothes on October 30 for our son for the viewing on. October 31, she called him by the wrong name and then proceeded to TALK OVER ME! No ownership and no apology at that point. You think that’s ok? Then, to add insult to injury, you yourself said “I gave her strict talking to” Apparently that means NOTHING to you and your staff. When she called about the remains, I was shocked. You told us they would ship and we would’ve received them on November 4, no call was necessary and yes, it came across as holding on to them. The term held hostage comes from how both Nick and I felt.
Learn how to pronounce people’s names and improve your communication.
So now, once again you’re back-pedalling. First you apologize backhandedly, and then you pile on with lies!
All the while presenting youself as an upstanding business man who truly cares about people and their departed loved ones. BULLSHIT!
Amherst writes
kindly ask if you could do this yourself (and no longer involve your wife in this process) as there has been 2 interactions with different staff members that were unfortunate, but with no intentions of disrespect were ever meant by them. Again, these are the same staff whose other families rave about how caring and left warm notes about. There were clearly misinterpretations of their well-meaning intents. To add, both Carla and Juanita had lost family members themselves quite recently.
My response
Have you ever been married? Partnered in a long term relationship?
Did you honestly think that my husband wasn’t going to share this email with me? Kudos, you’re the meanest passive aggressive mean girl EVER!
You’ve obviously never had children nor had to lay a child to rest. Your business tactics are appalling. Wait, what business are you in again? Oh yeah, well, kind of hard know that because, you think your clients are responsible for your staff’s bereavement.
I don’t really care about your staff members’ losses. Healing your staff is not OUR JOB Scott, Quite frankly; OUR SON DIED and we were paying you for a service.
Not my monkeys, not my circus.
We wanted to pay you when we were in Vancouver, but, nooooo, you said I’ll ship the death certificates along with the invoice and cremated remains. Wow
I’m so glad we didn’t entrust you with our son’s obituary. You probably would’ve messed that up too.
I am SO thankful for Ethical Death Care in Winnipeg. Had I known your company would be such a disrespectful shit show, I would’ve had our son flown to Winnipeg for EVERYTHING!
I’m so glad your staff members’ have received lots of nice notes and letters
I have two letters to leave for you and your staff; they’re F and U.
Rest on your laurels because you do that so well!
Amherst writes
I understand that this is a very difficult time for the family and I hope that sending Fionn home to you will start the healing process.
My response
No you don’t because you wouldn’t have sent this snot-filled drivel to my husband. If you have a problem with me and what I said to your staff, then address it with me…I don’t’ trust business people who are incapable of confronting a difficult situation and customer. You probably have a stronger word for me and that makes me very happy!
Please, save your condescending crap for another family who buys into your shit
Amherst writes
I thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions or concerns, please kindly contact me directly.
Kind regards,( don’t say it if you don’t ‘mean it)
And finally, you have the audacity to leave my name off of the shipment of my baby’s ashes. You really are a hateful little, troll Scott.
R. Scott McFarlane
Owner, Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer
Amherst Funeral & Cremation Services Inc.
The Dominion Building
1209-207 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7
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Bracket D First Half!!
Polls w these blorbos will be going up on Saturday 1st at 5pm GMT!!
193. Dexter Monroe (@cabooseisneat)
194. Usagi (@kkdragonson)                                             
195. Bunie (@ehiiehn)
196. Esteban (@spiderin-space)
197. Luther Arian Knox (@octoshott)
198. Xenia "Bonecrusher" (@mossboss030)
199. Dr. Diana Diamond (@numberposting)
200. SANGRIA (@kumied)
201. Apple (@cyndalyssa)
202. Anik Pillai (@prozac)
203. Weld (@wallspikes)
204. Weaver (@electrozilla)
205. Jakob 'Jake' Durren (@iateyourburrito)
206. Basil Devaux (@rottenthing)
207. Laurel (@sp00ky-doodles)
208. Cherry Thaxton (@sanfielle)
209. Tara "Flux" Nobel (@browncoatparadox)
210. Claire Foster (@radiohead2)
211. Pier Lombardi (@raybotonline)
212. Gil - Gilberta Maravilla Reyes Carillo (@lektricfergus)
213. Tarozu Khaqar  (@farmernotafarmer)
214. William Marwood (@curdled-blood)
215. Xaoc Vasiliev (@emh-wiki)
216. Jersey (@rainerhammond)
217. Ville (@uktoer)
218. Egg Benedict (@fungus-marks)
219. Elias Love (@purgatoryhips)
220. Green Guy (@silver-tounges-and-golden-lies)
221. Leonora Ostrowska - "Lee"  (@arrowandathame)
222. Estelle Reyes (@bashirs)
223. Myrvin McGrove (@inspiredrawaw)
224. Adrian (@roman-writes-sometimes)
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coffindrawings · 1 year
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I am asking you to vote for Laurel in the @original-character-championship please please please I’ve never asked before
He’s soooooo cute and evil and he deserves it soooo much <3
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bloodbcths · 5 years
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Beware the patient woman, 'cause this much I know
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
[EDEN REVNIK] shares our delusions. They are [207], they are a [UPIR] who looks just like [KATE BECKINSALE]. They are a [SPONSOR]. While they might be [CALM], sometimes they get [VIOLENT]. They are a [DOM] in bed, and [PANSEXUAL]. They are into [PAIN PLAY and BLOOD PLAY] and want a [SUB/SWITCH] partner.
Bullet with Butterfly Wings // Tribe Society. The Hunter // Adam Jensen. Resurrection // TeZATalks.  Raise Hell // Dorothy. Desire // Meg Myers. Kill Everyone // Hollywood Undead. Everything Black // Unlike Pluto. I Don’t Give A … // MISSIO. Gasoline // Halsey. Devil // Niykee Heaton. Guilty Filthy Soul // AWOLNATION. Holy Water // LAUREL. Like Em Young // Tove Lo. Dark in my Imagination // Of Verona. Waves // Strange Love. Mouth // Bush. The Remedy // Puscifer. Calm Down // Krewella. A Little Wicked // Valerie Broussard. Heaven and Hell // Let’s Play Dead. Let My Feet Fall Heavy // Kill it Kid. Going to Hell // The Pretty Reckless. Problem // Natalia Kills 
pale skin, blood stains, manacle laughter, smeared lipstick, spent shells, smoking guns, heavy promises, bubblegum bubbles, sweet smiles, sharp teeth, quick tongues, the smell of leather, sarcastic compliments, velvet touches, horror novels, the faint stench of death and smoke, brimstone, dark alleys, dimly lit rooms, hushed whispers,  broken souls, clenched teeth, bloodshot eyes, lazy grins, the lingering smell of dirt, television static, expensive watches, forgotten commitments, bad decisions & empty promises, bruises and scars, sharp nails, dark circles, glitter, stale liquor, hard bass. 
-In all her years of living, the Upir had been nothing more than a bedtime story. A tale to tell children to keep them from falling to sin, to keep them pure. And it wasn’t until after her husband murdered her that she found out the truth.
-It had been a loveless, cold, arranged marriage. And her husband had been nothing short of mentally, physically, and emotionally manipulative and abusive toward her. When she found out she was pregnant was when she tried to run, but he caught her and ended up beating her to death.
-Her death activated the dormant gene she had been carrying and, as a means of revenge, ended up turning around and killing her husband. The violence, the blood, the weird and sudden freedom unlocked something in her, and for years, Eden was on her monster shit.
-There had been no learning curve in what she was, no manual on how to curb and quell everything she felt, so she ended up feeling everything so intensely that containing it, in any way, was next to impossible for her. By the time Eden ended up in Folie, she had massacred more people than she could count. 
-Coming in as a sponsor wasn’t the best idea, but the notion of being anything below that was a direct offence. And, as a result, Eden ended up killing not one, but two rescues, in her short time as a sponsor. She had tried to hide them both, but eventually was found out.
-She’s just recently come off of probation, tbh.
-Eden is, by definition, a cougar. Now, being two-hundred years old, finding people younger than her isn’t exactly a chore. But boy howdy does she love them. The younger they look, the better she enjoys herself.
-She is also, admittedly, very extra in the way she lives her life. Mostly because she remembers what it’s like to be contained and controlled. She’s very much a roll with the punches kind of gal.
-Owner of Seven Sins Strip Club, she’s very protective of everyone who works there and has absolutely no hesitation in maiming anyone who opts to misbehave under her roof.
-Refuses to acknowledge her life before turning. 
-Cousin of the vampire. 
-Weakness to iron.
-Always hungry.
-Enhanced Strength
-Enhanced Senses
-Enhanced agility
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mandarinvocabulary · 6 years
Pokemon Names in Mandarin
Generation II
152. Chikorita = 菊草叶 (chrysanthemum grass leaf) 153. Bayleef = 月桂叶 (bay leaf/moon laurel leaf) 154. Meganium = 大竺葵 (big true sunflower) 
155. Cyndaquil = 火球鼠 (fireball mouse) 156. Quilava = 火岩鼠 (fire rock mouse) 157. Typhlosion = 火爆兽 (fiery beast)
158. Totodile = 小据鳄 (small saw crocodile) 159. Croconaw = 蓝鳄 (blue crocodile) 160. Feraligatr = 大力鳄 (big power crocodile)
161. Sentret = 尾立 (tail stand) 162. Furret = 大尾立 (big tail stand) 
163. Hoothoot = 咕咕 (gu-gu) 164. Noctowl = 猫头夜鹰 (cat head night hawk) 
165. Ledyba = 芭瓢虫 (herb ladybug) 166. Ledian = 安瓢虫 (calm ladybug)
167. Spinarak = 圆丝蛛 (circle silk spider) 168. Ariados = 阿利多斯 (a-li-duo-si)
169. Crobat = 叉字蝠 (fork bat)
170. Chincou = 灯笼鱼 (lantern fish/light basket fish) 171. Lanturn = 电灯怪 (electric light monster)
172. Pichu = 皮丘 (pi-qiu)
173. Cleffa = 皮宝宝 (pi baby)
174. Igglybuff = 宝宝丁 (baby ding)
175. Togepi = 波克比 (bo-ke-bi) 176. Togetic = 波克基古 (bo-ke-ji-gu)
177. Natu = 天然雀 (natural small bird) 178. Xatu = 天然鸟 (natural bird)
179. Mareep = 咩利羊 (baah-li sheep) 180. Flaaffy = 茸茸羊 (fluffy fluffy sheep) 181. Ampharos = 电龙 (electric dragon)
182. Bellossom = 美丽花 (beautiful flower)
183. Marill = 玛力露 (ma-li-lu) 184. Azumarill = 玛力露丽 (ma-li-lu-li)
185. Sudowoodo = 树才怪 (tree, wonder if)
186. Politoed = 蚊香蛙皇 (coil frog emperor)
187. Hoppip = 毽子草 (shuttlecock grass) 188. Skiploom = 毽子 (shuttlecock flower) 189. Jumpluff = 毽子棉 (shuttlecock cotton)
190. Aipom = 长尾怪手 (long tail monster hand)
191. Sunkern = 向日种子 (sun facing seed) 192. Sunflora = 向日花怪 (sun facing flower monster)
193. Yanma = 蜻蜻蜓 (dragonfly)
194. Wooper = 乌波 (crow wave) 195. Quagsire = 沼王 (pond king)
196. Espeon = 太阳伊布 (sun eevee) 197. Umbreon = 月亮伊布 (moon eevee)
198. Murkrow = 黑暗鸦 (darkness crow)
199. Slowking = 呆呆王 (foolish king)
200. Misdreavus = 梦妖 (dream witch)
201. Unown = 夫知图腾 (this know totem)
202. Wobbuffett = 果然翁 (as expected, elderly man)
203. Girafarig = 麒麟奇 (odd qilin)
204. Pineco = 榛果球 (hazelnut ball) 205. Forretress = 佛烈托斯 (fu-lie-tuo-si)
206. Dunsparce = 土龙弟弟 (earth dragon younger brother)
207. Gligar = 天蝎 (sky scorpion)
208. Steelix = 大钢蛇 (big steel snake)
209. Snubbull = 布鲁 (bu-lu) 210. Granbull = 布鲁皇 (bu-lu emperor)
211. Qwuilfish = 千针鱼 (a thousand needles fish)
212. Scizor = 巨钳螳螂 (huge pincers praying mantis)
213. Shuckle = 壶壶 (pot pot)
214. Heracross = 赫拉克罗斯 (he-la-ke-luo-si)
215. Sneasel = 狃拉 (accustomed to pull)
216. Teddiursa = 熊宝宝 (bear baby) 217. Ursaring = 圈圈熊 (circle bear)
218. Slugma = 熔岩虫 (lava worm/fuse rock worm) 219. Magcargo = 熔岩蜗牛 (lava snail)
220. Swinub = 小山猪 (small mountain pig) 221. Piloswine = 长毛猪 (long hair pig)
222. Corsola = 太阳珊瑚 (sun coral)
223. #Remoraid = 铁炮鱼 (iron cannon fish)
224. Octillery = 章鱼桶 (octopus barrel)
225. Delibird = 信使鸟 (messenger bird)
226. Mantine = 巨翅飞鱼 (huge wings flying fish)
227. Skarmory = 盔甲鸟 (armor bird)
228. Houndour = 戴鲁比 (dai-lu-bi) 229. Houndoom = 黑鲁加 (black lu-jia)
230. Kingdra = 刺龙王 (sting dragon king)
231. Phanpy = 小小象 (small small elephant) 232. Donphan = 顿甲 (stomp carapace)
233. Porygon2 = 多边兽II (polygon beast II)
234. Stantler = 惊角鹿 (scared horn deer)
235. Smeargle = 图图犬 (drawing dog)
236. Tyrogue = 无畏小子 (fearless youngster)
237. Hitmontop = 战舞郎 (mr fight dance)
238. Smoochum = 迷唇娃 (crazy lip baby)
239. Elekid =  电吉怪 (electric giga monster)
240. Magby = 鸭嘴宝宝 (duck mouth darling)
241. Miltank = 大奶罐 (big milk jar)
242. Blissey = 幸福蛋 (happiness egg)
243. Raikou = 雷公 (duke of thunder)
244. Entei = 炎帝 (flame emperors)
245. Suicune = 水君 (water monarch)
246. Larvitar = 幼基拉斯 (young ji-la-si) 247. Pupitar = 沙基拉斯 (sha-ji-la-si) 248. Tyranitar = 班基拉斯 (ban-ji-la-si)
249. Lugia = 洛寄亚 (luo-ji-ya)
250. Ho-Oh = 凤王 (phoenix king)
251. Celebi = 时拉比 (shi-la-bi)
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waynebomberger · 6 years
A Work of Street Art: The Best Murals in Nashville
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As Nashville continues to grow, so does its street art scene. And the more I deviate from my normal route in Nashville—thanks, traffic!—the more I see bold, new murals popping up daily. I absolutely love it. They’re unavoidable, they’re stunning, and they really dress the place us.
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I’ve spent the past several years photographing every mural I’ve found. This is an exhaustive list of murals we’ve tracked down in every corner of Nashville, but my no means all of them, as street artists are adding to Music City’s cultural fabric daily thanks in part to creative pioneers like the Nashville Walls Project, which has been connecting both local and international artists with building owners for a handful of years.
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Still, whether you’re a local looking for a Spring Break staycation idea or traveling around Music City’s many neighborhoods on your next weekend getaway, I hope you’ll use this handy map as your guide—and drop descriptions of any murals you find that I may have missed in the comments so I can add them accordingly.
Note: This post was last updated in March 2019.
The neighborhood I spend most of my time in thanks to my yoga studio’s location is also one that’s quite walkable and boasts a growing number of restaurants. Park your car near Werthan Lofts and hit up these walls and murals by foot.
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Rolf & Daughters wall, artist: Shantell Martin
700 Taylor St. at 7th Avenue North
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Waves mural, artists: Eastside Murals
5th Avenue North and Monroe Street
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Nashville scenes, artist: unknown
Rosa L Parks Boulevard and Taylor Street, across from Werthan Lofts
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Saint Stephen (previously Mop | Broom), artist: Nathan Brown
1300 3rd Ave. N
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Kindness Is, artist: Rebekah & Sarah
1120 4th Ave. N (on the side of Juice Bar Germantown)
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Beethoven graffiti, artist: Blek Le Rat
(on the side of Barista Parlor x Germantown)
Marathon Village
My friend Adrien Saporiti (formerly of DCXV Industries) is the brains behind the iconic “I Believe in Nashville” mural, which has been posted more than one million times from seven different continents and which you can now see in Marathon Village, Riverside Village and in 12South. I prefer the Marathon Village location as it’s usually devoid of large crowds (though parking is tricky), plus you can visit Nelson’s Greenbrier and Corsair distilleries while there.
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I Believe in Nashville murals, artist: Adrien Saporiti
Clinton Street, 625 Main St. and 2702 12th Ave. S
Jefferson Street Corridor
For those interested in Civil Rights history, there are some fascinating pieces along Jefferson near the Tennessee State University campus, particularly beneath the I-40 underpass.
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Green Fleet Bicycle Shop mural, artist: Dough Joe/Yusef Hubb
934 Jefferson St.
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Gateway to Heritage murals, artists: various
Jefferson Street beneath I-40
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blues singers mural, artist: unknown
Jefferson Street between 26th and 27th Avenues
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Elks Lodge mural, artist: Dough Joe/Yusef Hubb
2614 Jefferson St.
The Gulch
The “Wings mural” as many call it became the first conversation starter in the Gulch, but a number of bright, splashy creations have joined the fray this year so it’s worth strolling down 11th Avenue South to see else what you may find.
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#WhatLiftsYou Nashville Wings mural, artist: Kelsey Montague
11th Avenue South (near Biscuit Love/behind Taziki’s)
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Google Fiber mural in the Gulch, artist: Chris Zidek
118 12th Ave. N (on the side of Whiskey Kitchen)
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The Nashville Walls Project, artists: Ian Ross, Jason Woodside
11th Avenue South and Laurel Street
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12th and Porter mural, artist: Kim Kennedy
114 12th Ave. N
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Patagonia mural, artist: Nathan Brown
601 Overton St. (side of Patagonia)
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Note: The addition of Patagonia replaced this mural, which was one of my all-time favorites and a collaboration between Nathan Brown and Chris Zidek. I am happy, however, that Patagonia kept the general theme of the mural and also hired the same artist to do it!
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Plaza Artist Materials mural, artist: Maggie Sanger
633 Middleton St.
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Country music icon murals (Dolly, Johnny, Loretta, etc.), artist: unknown
711 6th Ave. S (on the back of Ed’s Supply Company)
8th Avenue South + Wedgewood Houston
I predict this area rife in artist galleries and studios will be the next big neighborhood for murals if zoning codes don’t prevent them, but for now, you really have to go hunting to find them.
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Pastel geometrics mural, artist: unknown
429B Houston St. (patio of Jackalope Brewing Company’s Ranch)
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#OleAllDay Tennessee Tristar mural, artist: unknown
462 Humphreys St. (on the side of Ole Rights Management)
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Life Can Be Sweet mural, artist: Susanna Chapman
1512 8th Ave. S (side of Baked on 8th)
Hillsboro Village
Hillsboro Village is changing dramatically; it’s now easier to arrive on foot than find parking. But if you can nab a coveted spot, there’s a paid lot behind Pancake Pantry just off Belcourt Avenue (be sure and get a ticket before you leave your car as meter maids here are brutal!). An hour is all you need to wander this small area on the Vanderbilt campus and snap a couple shots of its walls.
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Hillsboro Village dragon mural, artists: David Glick, Adam Randolph
2102 Belcourt Ave. (across from the Belcourt Theatre)
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Drippy Lips mural, artist: Donald “Drawbertson” Robertson
1814 21st Ave. S (on the side of UAL)
12South is another one of those highly walkable ‘hoods with murals tucked around every corner. Park on one of the side streets—just make sure it’s not a residential-only parking area, as you will get a ticket—and walk from one length at Sevier Park to the other at 12South Flats.
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Nashville at Heart rainbow mural (former), artists: Eastside Murals
2705 12th Ave. S
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Note: This has now been replaced with this Nashville #PeaceLoveGoodDeeds mural instead.
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Draper James wall, artist: unknown
2608 12th Ave. S
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12South flowers mural, artist: unknown
2900 12th Ave. S (the side of Green Pea Salon)
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Make Music Not War mural, artist: Relax Max
2902 12th Ave. S (the side of Epice, across from Green Pea Salon)
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Halycon Bike Shop mural, artist: Aaron Martin
2802 12th Ave. S
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Rivive! 12South, artist: Mobe Oner
2814 12th Ave. S
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12South graffiti, artist: unknown
12th Avenue South and Elmwood Avenue (photo credit: Joe Hendricks)
Charlotte Ave./Sylvan Park
Many of the murals along Charlotte Avenue are located along one stretch installed by Off the Wall Charlotte, a project backed by the Greater Nashville Arts & Business Council with several corporate sponsors. They’re a bit tricky to reach by foot, so I recommend parking in the lot in front of AVO and crossing the street at the traffic light with your photographer poised on the other side of the busy road.
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Avocado mural, artist: unknown
3 City Ave. (side of AVO)
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Take Flight mural, artist: Kevin Bongang / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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Fly Higher mural, artist: Joseph “Sentrock” Perez / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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It’s Gonna Be OK, artist: Sarah Tate / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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Scribbles, artist: Alic Daniel / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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artist: Julia Martin / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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Jessi Zazu #AintAfraid mural, artist: Billy Lilly / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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Black Cat Tips mural, artist: Kyle Brooks / OFF the Wall Nashville
3020 Charlotte Ave. at 28th Avenue North
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Import Flowers Nashville mural, artist: unknown
3636 Murphy Rd.
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Wish for Peace mural, artist: WHAT. Creative Group
4822 Charlotte Ave.
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Love Heals Every Body mural, artist: Michael Cooper
5122 Charlotte Ave. (side of The Café at Thistle Farms)
The Nations
The Nations is very much up-and-coming, and this 160-foot-tall portrait of 91-year-old Nashville native Lee Estes painted on an old silo is one of its most famed residents. I love seeing more new businesses are commissioning pieces as a way to bring art lovers to this very hip ‘hood.
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Silo mural, artist: Guido van Helten
1407 51st Ave. N
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The Nations walls, artists: Mobe Oner, Zidekahedron, Folek
5901 California Ave. (side of Music City Tents & Events)
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Beaujolais mural, artist: Chloe Meyer
5026 Centennial Blvd. (on the side of Nicky’s Coal Fired)
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Tennessee state outline, artist: WHAT. Creative Group
5012 Centennial Blvd. (on the side of Southern Grist Brewing Co.)
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“Play Well” Lego Man mural, artist: forBecks
1400 51st Ave N (front entrance to Frothy Monkey)
Music Row/Midtown
Midtown is getting a pop of color with some new street art painted down alleys and on parking garages. Music Row, which has a protected historic overlay, on the other hand, isn’t exactly brimming with street art, so you have to go in search of fun pieces like this by heading down Roy Acuff Lane on foot. Pro tip: Also grab a photo with the guitar installations outside of Studio B while you’re there.
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Elliston Parking Garage, Nashville Walls Project artists: Chris Zidek, Audi Adams, Folek, Chase, Brian Wooden, Tess Erlenborn, Daniel Lane, Mobe, Emily Miller, Nathan Brown.
207 Louise Ave. (across from Cafe Coco)
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Hieroglitches mural, artist: Adrien Saporiti
2813 West End Ave. (beside the entrance to Three Brothers Coffee)
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Dueling Cowboys mural, artist: Mike Shine
24 Music Square West (across the street from Historic RCA Studio B)
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walls inside Le Sel, artist: Alic Daniel
1922 Adelicia St.
Downtown is dotted with murals—like the Rainbow Walls that Instagram commissioned from Adrien Saporiti for IG’s #KindComments campaign in support of the LGBTQ community—but there are also a number of country music personalities like Johnny Cash who have their own dedicated pieces of art.
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The Art of the Chalice, artists: Eastside Murals
174 3rd Ave. N (on the side of Piranha’s Bar & Grill)
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Instagram’s #KindComments Mural, artist: Adrien Saporiti
218 3rd Ave. N (on the side of Black Rabbit)
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Gibson Tribute guitar wall, artists: Brandon Donahue, Chris Zidek, Emily Miller, Herb Williams, Sam Dunson
3rd Avenue N (across Printer’s Alley from Skulls)
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Downtown dog mural, artist: Herakut
204 6th Ave. N (side of Nashville Finance Co.)
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Downtown Presbyterian duo of murals, artist: Tavar Zawacki
5th Avenue N alley between Church and Commerce streets
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Curiot and Rone murals, artists: Favio Martinez, Tyrone Wright
Church Street between 6th Avenue S and St. Cloud Alley (side of Oscar’s Taco Shop)
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Rivive! mural, artist: Beau Stanton
5th Avenue N and Commerce Street
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The Wall of Cash mural, artists: Thoughts Manifested Crew
300 4th Ave. South
Note: This one is at risk of being torn down.
East Nashville
Of all the neighborhoods in town, East Nashville is the one most brimming with street art of all kinds—you’ll find it on the sides of buildings, you’ll see it hidden beneath construction zones, you’ll spy paintings on the backs of residential fences. The easiest way to see it all is to hop in the car with a friend and drive down Gallatin Pike to see what all you can find.
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Stay Tuned Nashville mural, artist: Adrien Saporiti
Center 615 at 625 Main St.
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Little Octopus mural, artist: Chris Zidek
604 Gallatin Ave.
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#WhatLiftsYou Hot Air Balloon mural, artist: Kelsey Montague
1034 W Eastland Ave. (side of the Cleo)
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Nashville balloons mural, artist: Mobe Oner
1003 Russell St. (side of Boombozz East Nashville)
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Google Fiber geometrics mural, artist: Nathan Brown
1012 Woodland St. (on the side of Five Points Pizza)
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Five Points murals, artists: Leah Tumerman, Sterling Goller Brown
103 South 11th St. (on the side of and behind Eastside Cycles)
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East Nashville Center 615 mural, artist: Folek
626 Main St.
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Cactus murals, artist: unknown
N. 7th St. on the alleyway between Main and Woodland streets
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The Crying Wolf mural, artist: Denton Burrows, Lauren Asta
823 Woodland St.
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Flowers of Walden, artist: Tara Aversa
2909 Gallatin Pk. (side of Walden bar and also inside the bar)
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Trailer Park Boys mural, artists: Mobe Oner, Zidekahedron, Folek
1006 Gallatin Ave. (on the side of LabCanna East)
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The Athens of the South mural, artist: Mobe Oner
704 Main St. (on the side of Greko Greek Street Food)
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Jerry’s Artarama, artist: unknown
713 Main St.
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East Nashville sign mural, artist: unknown
311 Gallatin Ave.
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Microsoft mural, artist: Bryan Deese
1106 Gallatin Ave.
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The Cobra mural, artists: Eastside Murals
2511 Gallatin Ave.
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Betor Forever mural, artist: Ronnie Bobal
Gallatin Pike and Carolyn Avenue (on the side of Pocket Monkey Recycling)
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Mother Earth mural, artist: Skye Walker x Keep A Breast
500 Gallatin Ave. (on the side of Hair World Beauty Supply)
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Mountain Woman mural, artist: Skye Walker
500 Gallatin Ave. (on the side of Hair World Beauty Supply)
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“Welcome to Nashville” pig mural, artist: Kim Radford
1306 McGavock Pk. (on the side of Mitchell Delicatessen)
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Cheetah mural, artists: Eastside Murals
visible from the parking lot of Stay Golden East
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Born in Tennessee mural, artists: Eastside Murals
Woodland and S. 10th streets (Five Points intersection)
There will always be new murals left to photograph, so I’ll add to this list as I find them. Feel free to drop me a note in the comments highlighting any murals I’ve missed so far!
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Looking for other things to do in Nashville? I’ve got you:
Planning an Adult Bachelorette in Nashville
Date Night at the Grand Ole Opry
An Epic Nashville Weekend Itinerary
The Best Restaurants & Bars in Nashville
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from Camels & Chocolate: Travel & Lifestyles Blog https://ift.tt/2kKbatl
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I have my 2016 version and my 2017 version!
Tagging @ everybody who sees this post and wants to do this! <3
AO3 Stats!
(How to find your stats: go to your Dashboard, click on “Statistics,” then click on the year you’re answering for!)
Total 2018 Word Count: 458053 Total 2018 Hits: 264465 Total Kudos: 16881 Total Bookmarks: 2514 Total Comment (threads): 1964 User Subscriptions: 400
Links and Titles to 2018 Works:
In The Moment  (T, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers & Eleven, 1451 words) cloudbuilt (Not Rated, Fay D. Fluorite/Kurogane, 1534 words) In Boldness (G, Meera Reed/Wylla Manderly, 339 words) Things You Said At 1AM (T, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, 519 words) To Prove It (M, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, 1890 words) Insomnia (T, Kali Prasad/Nancy Wheeler, 1389 words) Every Single Imperfection (M, Jon Snow/Robb Stark, 667 words) Reunion (Not Rated, Barbara Gordon/Kara Zor-El, 815 words) Together Now (G, Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon, 345 words) No More Waiting (T, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, 852 words) A Little Bit Like Home (Not Rated, Bill Denbrough/Richie Tozier, 1747 words) Wednesday’s Child (T, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, 832 words) Undo What’s Been Done (M, Peeta Mellark/Finnick Odair, 3360 words) Your Attention Only (Not Rated, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, 1164 words) That Boy On My Mind (M, Bill Denbrough/Richie Tozier, 1112 words) Dwelling In Possibility (T, Newt/Thomas, 1405 words) Dandelion Wine (T, Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon, 801 words)
Crash (G, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, 120 words) Dim (G, Imra Ardeen/Kara Danvers, 241 words) Futile (T, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, 479 words) Erratic (E, Leia Organa/Evaan Verlaine, 353 words) Loved (G, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, 217 words) Soft (G, Eleven/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, 334 words) Hold (M, Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge, 329 words) Shackles (T, Juliet Capulet/Emilia, 350 words) Broken (T, Teresa Agnes/Brenda 738 words) Precious (Not Rated, Katniss Everdeen/Madge Undersee, 284 words) Odd And Ends (G, Koriand’r/Raven 265 words) Tea (G, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, 312 words) Twisted (Not Rated, Azula/Ty Lee, 105 words) Echo (G, Ariel/Moana Waialiki, 206 words) Soothe (T, Elphaba Thropp/Galinda Upland, 372 words) Fight (Not Rated, Kawakami Tomie/Female Character, 283 words) Naked (M, Clarke Griffin/Niylah, 192 words) Push (E, Chibiusa/Tomoe Hotaru, 400 words) Alive (T, Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, 196 words) New (G, Korra/Asami Sato, 168 words) Born (M, Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen, 327 words) Murmur (G, Andrea/Michonne, 169 words) Devious (Not Rated, Kimberly Hart/Trini, 226 words) Isolation (G, Elizabeth Midford/Sieglinde Sullivan, 148 words) Up All Night (T, Keith/Shiro, 498 words) Starve (G, Rey/Rose Tico, 211 words) Breakable (G, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, 355 words) Winter (E, Sun Bak/Riley Blue/Kala Dandekar/Nomi Marks, 236 words) In The Eye Of The Storm (M, Keith/Shiro, Keith & Lotor, 3045 words) Ignore (G, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, 363 words)
Colour (T, Padmé Amidala/Eirtaé/Rabé/Sabé/Saché/Yané, 454 words) Grace (M, Mazikeen/Original Female Character, 114 words) Between Us (T, Keith/Lance, Keith/Original Alien Characters, 2083 words) Belong (G, Lilly Moscovitz/Mia Thermopolis, 260 words) Choke (Not Rated, Jennifer/Needy, 265 words) Reach (M, Wonder Woman/The Amazons, 393 words) Spin Spin Spin (T, Keith/Shiro, 1686 words) Difficult (Not Rated, Allison Reynolds/Claire Standish, 345 words) Heat (T, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Albus Severus Potter & Ginny Weasley, 847 words) Veneer (T, Silena Beauregard/Clarisse La Rue, 651 words) Make It Better (E, Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt, 1529 words) Fall (T, Jessica Jones/Patricia Walker, 274 words) The Fear (T, Lance/Shiro, 1683 words) Nightmare (Not Rated, Sakura/Clone Sakura, 159 words) Contagious (Not Rated, Ichihara Yuuko/Kunogi Himawari, 492 words) Good riddance (T, Liza/Fish Mooney, 204 words) Closer To What You Want (E, Keith/Shiro, 993 words) Goodbye (Not Rated, Earth-2 Laurel Lance/Felicity Smoak, 327 words) Scarred (G, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance, 505 words) Last dance (G, Giselle/Nancy Tremaine, 716 words) Burn (Not Rated, Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, 399 words) Steady (T, Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto, 372 words) Outstretched At Our Fingertips (T, Keith/Shiro, 950 words) Monster (G, Grace Choi/Anissa Pierce, 131 words) Voodoo (Not Rated, Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, 436 words) Shine (G, Elena/Mithian/Vivian, 334 words) Intent (G, Nakoma/Pocahontas, 382 words) Camping (Not Rated, Tracy Bingham/Maddy Killian, 286 words) Grave (M, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, 245 words) Machine (M, Madame Red/Grell, 438 words) Destination (Not Rated, Artemis Crock/M'gann M'orzz/Zatanna Zatara, 624 words) Nowhere (T, Gwen/Morgana, 661 words) Garden (Not Rated, Lilith/Ruby, 182 words) I know (G, Helga Pataki/Arnold Shortman, 867 words) Dust (T, Alice/Alyss | Intention of the Abyss, 206 words) Dream (M, Nakano Yamato/Sakagami Kouya, 241 words) Polaris (T, Keith/Shiro, 1911 words) Destiny (T, Alucard/Integra Hellsing, 344)
Spring (T, Riza Hawkeye/Winry Rockbell, 383 words) Sigh (G, Ana de Austria | Anne d’Autriche/Constance Bonacieux, 220 words) Fingertips (G, Elsa/Anna, 282 words) Waiting (E, Susan Snell/Carrie White, 576 words) Playboy (Not Rated, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Beverly Marsh, 375 words) Revenge (T, C.C./Euphemia li Britannia, 123 words) Burn Until You Burn Out (T, Jerome/Jeremiah, 604 words) July (T, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, 274 words) Desire (E, Alana Bloom/Margot Verger, 237 words) Free (T, Clarke Griffin/Lexa, 426 words) Celebration (G, Thirteenth Doctor/Martha Jones, 470 words) Stars (G, Aurora/Mulan, 470 words) Morgue (T, Daphne Blake/Velma Dinkley, 302 words) Space (M, Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, 550 words) Whitewash (Not Rated, Frenchy/Sandy Olsson, 100 words) Alone (G, Charlotte La Bouff/Tiana, 203 words) Coma (G, Aurora/Maleficent, 87 words) Letter (E, Jesse/Ruby, 510 words) Phone call (Not Rated, Amy Pond/Amy Pond, 148 words) Music (T, Anna/Little Ballerina Girl, 255 words) Silence (M, Jyn Erso/Yalla, 268 words) Cards (T, Luna/Raven Reyes, 297 words) Emblem (Not Rated, Castiel/Dean/Sam, 462 words) Elephant (G, Beatrice/Greta, Wolfram von Bielefeld/Shibuya Yuuri, 482 words) Monopoly (T, Chloe/Mandy Lane, 81 words) Reality (G, Catherine Bennet/Georgiana Darcy, 480 words) Serenity (M, Hanamura Chigusa/Matsuoka Gou, 278 words) Bone (T, Harleen Quinzel/Tatsu Yamashiro, 288 words) Chalk dust (Not Rated, Jen/Selina Kyle, 127 words) Manuscript (Not Rated, Shae/Makenzie, 201 words) Ink (T, Jenny/Tiggs, 193 words)
Getting Shafted (E, Pidge | Katie Holt/Galran Soldiers, 1441 words) Perfection (M, Cersei Lannister/Original Female Characters, 306 words) Ring (Not Rated, Kim Possible/Shego, 658 words) Drive (Not Rated, Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, 203 words) Missing (T, Kali Prasad/Nancy Wheeler, 134 words) Full moon (G, Arwen Undómiel/Tauriel, 290 words) Cacothes (E, Keith/Lotor, 2045 words) New direction (Not Rated, Queen Ravenna/Snow White, 121 words) Bloody (T, Mina Murray/Lucy Westenra, 300 words) Red String (T, Ahiru | Duck/Rue, 254 words) Unexpected (E, Laurel Castillo/Michaela Pratt, 459 words) Devout (T, Acxa/Ezor, 100 words) Mischief (M, Kaiou Michiru/Tenoh Haruka, 414 words) Crash Course (T, Lance/Shiro, 1756 words) Once Lost, Now Found (E, Lance/Shiro, Lance & Red Lion, 4465 words) Fractures (G, Allura/Pidge | Katie Holt, 364 words)
Finger (E, Barry Allen/Wally West, 162 words) A Twist Of Fate (T, Jeremiah Valeska/Bruce Wayne, 1092 words) Bad (G, Kocoum/Thomas, 324 words) Intelligence (T, Agatsuma Soubi/Aoyagi Ritsuka, 172 words) Good Times, Good Vibes (E, Hunk/Keith, 560 words) Announce (Not Rated, Laurel/Sara, 237 words) Day (E, Kylo Ren/Rey, 187 words) Reaching Out (T, Maebara Keiichi/Ryuuguu Rena, 683 words) Murder (Not Rated, Gilbert Nightray/Oz Vessalius, 109 words) No Longer Dreaming (E, Allura/Keith, 584 words) Sad (E, Ariel/Eric, 613 words) Plan (E, Dick/Damian, 130 words) Ill (G, Bellamy/Octavia, 416 words) Secret (E, Keith/Shiro, Allura/Shiro, Hunk/Shiro, Pidge | Katie Holt/Shiro, Lance/Shiro, 212 words) Double Entendre (M, Wolfgang Bogdanow/Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal, 686 words) Behind (T, Bolin/Mako, 276 words) Want (M, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Artemis Crock/M'gann M'orzz, 1761 words) Stranded (T, Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch vi Britannia, 355 words) Wealthy (T, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 347 words) Marriage (G, Twelfth Doctor/The Master/Missy, 240 words) To Love And Be Loved (T, Keith/Shiro, 708 words) Affected (T, Zuko/Aang, 250 words) Long Hours (E, Bart Allen/Tim Drake, 202 words) Worthy (T, Newt/Thomas, 637 words) Sinful (Not Rated, Ciel/Original Ciel, 107 words) Obvious (Not Rated, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, 100 words) Show Your Colors (T, Jeremiah Valeska/Bruce Wayne, 1197 words) Caught (M, Silver St. Cloud/Bruce Wayne, 116 words) Splatter (M, Alucard/Walter Dornez, 243 words) Flight (E, Leia/Luke, 1116 words) Loving Thy Enemy (M, Jeremiah Valeska/Bruce Wayne, 670 words) Slip (G, Hiei/Kurama, 207 words) Escape (T, Spiderman/Deadpool, 178 words) Smoke and Stars (G, Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, 538 words) Honor (T, Gale Hawthorne/Peeta Mellark, 139 words) Ashamed (E, Haninozuka Mitsukuni/Morinozuka Takashi, 302 words) Attentive (T, Daryl Dixon/Carol Peletier, 104 words) Motivated (T, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, 267 words) Life Grows Lovely Where You Are (T, Keith/Shiro, 1664 words)
Grovel (Not Rated, Killian Jones/Peter Pan, 83 words) Swear (E, Dean/Sam, 223 words) Shoot (Not Rated, Fiona Coyne/Adam Torres, 124 words) Switch (T, Mordred/Morgana, 300 words) Promise (G, Hikaru/Kaoru, 205 words) Crawl (T, Credence Barebone/Original Percival Graves, 125 words) Hell (Not Rated, Alphonse/Edward, 60 words) Next To You (T, Allura/Lance, 1105 words) Grin (G, The Doctor's TARDIS/Rory Williams, 132 words) Hug (E, Gou/Rin, 308 words) Burned (M, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, 194 words) Kiss (Not Rated, Wendy Darling/Peter Pan, 302 words) Over and Above (T, Hunk/Lance, 793 words) Mute (G, Albus Dumbledore/Severus Snape, 159 words) Suffocate (M, Cersei/Jaime, 79 words) Punch (T, Veronica Lodge/Reggie Mantle, 182 words) Flatline (T, Peter/Tony, 347 words) Exhile (E, Phichit Chulanont/Celestino Cialdini, 382 words) Plead (M, Aki/Shima, 1241 words) Strong (T, Toph Beifong/Sokka, 543 words) Defenseless (G, Clark Kent/Kara Zor-El, 76 words) Anywhere With You (E, Shiro/Keith, 691 words) Discover (Not Rated, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, 100 words) Action (M, Sebastian/Ciel, 298 words) Peregrinate (T, Keith/Shiro, 559 words) Sport (G, Fred/George, 25 words) Memorable (Not Rated, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon, 222 words) Die (Not Rated, Red X/Robin, 630 words) The Sorrows of Nybi and Brightcut (T, Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt, 1580 words) Missing You (M, Ion Fortuna/Kuran Kaname, 583 words) Lucky (G, Yuugi/Yami, 172 words) A Cosmos, Held Between Your Fingers (M, Lance/Romelle, 392 words) Rescue (Not Rated, Jason/Bruce, 108 words) Abort (Not Rated, Pietro/Wanda, 192 words) Possessed (T, Fakir/Mytho, 130 words) Graveyard (Not Rated, Lucille/Thomas, 100 words) So Close, No Matter How Far (T, Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt, Blaytz/Trigel (Voltron), 958 words) Trail (G, Rin/Sesshoumaru, 192 words) Walk (M, Sakuma Ryuuichi/Uesugi Tatsuha, 364 words) Cannot Be Tamed (T, Keith/Lance/Shiro, 1292 words)
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