#20sob ch 4
mrsjihyunkim · 7 years
20 Seconds of Bravery Ch 4
       The doctor was gone and I had just decided to order pizza for dinner. My brain was still trying to come to grasp with the fact that I had two, for lack of a better term, pizza virgins standing in front of me. I needed to know exactly how much of my theories were true. I was about to ask V but then Jumin cut in. "V have you ever had pizza before?" Jumin said pizza like it was a completely foreign word. I understood Jumin never having pizza. He was a big shot CEO who lived a very luxurious life.
"I can't say that I have actually. At least not the kind MC is talking about. All I've ever had is gourmet flat bread pizza." He said with his hand on his chin. I was amazed at these two. No wonder they were so mopey and stoic. They've never had pizza before.
"Oh my god. That explains so much. Pizza is like greasy cheesy heaven. You guys have no idea what your missing.
"I was never allowed to have such pizza because it was considered commoners food. This will be interesting." Jumin was highly amused as he continued to hold Yeti.
"Alright got Mr. CEO on board how about you V?" I don't think I had ever gotten so excited about ordering pizza. I could tell that V was amused.
"Of course I am MC. You haven't steered me wrong yet." I ran into my office and grabbed my cell phone. I noticed a lot of missed calls and texts but I ignored those and dialed the number for pizza hut.
"Any preferences on toppings?" They again looked like I was speaking a different language.
"What ever you think is good MC." I nodded and waited for someone to answer the phone.
"Hi this is for delivery. I need one large stuffed crust pizza with extra cheese, bacon, and chicken. Then I need a small pizza ran through the garden and the slaughter house. The address is 138 Sherman ave and I'll be paying with cash." I hung up the phone and walked back into the living room. "It will be here in about 30 minutes. Would you guys like anything to drink while we wait? I have soda, coffee, wine, tea,"
"Can you drink wine with pizza?" Jumin asked. He seemed to be consumed by curiosity. He wasn’t even paying anymore attention to Yeti.
"I mean you can drink what ever you want with pizza. Eating pizza is all about freedom so you can do what you'd like. I sometimes drink wine when I order pizza but it's just a what ever your in the mood for thing."
"I see. So you also drink wine." Jumin peered at me as if he was challenging me. I simply walked over to the cabinet in the living room and unlocked it.
"I do in fact," I pulled out a bottle of Merlot, "I was saving this for dinner this Saturday but if it's ok with V we can open it tonight. It taste good with just about anything." I passed the bottle to Jumin and he inspected it. "I also have whiskey, tequila, and a white wine if you'd rather have those. All my dramas are on hiatus so I haven't been buy wine a lot."
"I've never heard of this wine. I'd like to try it if V doesn't mind," He looked to V who nodded in approval. I was glad because I needed to unwind after the day. "Then it's settled. How long do you need to let it breathe for?" I got the corkscrew out of the cabinet and took the bottle from Jumin.
"Rule number one of cheap wine, it doesn't really need to breathe. Rule number two, drink slowly because it will hit you hard and fast." I popped off the cork and pored it into glasses. "We've still got about 15 minutes before the pizzas get here. So tell me Mr. Han,"
"Jumin is fine." I smiled and continued.
"So Jumin, what kind of things does V say about me?" V's face turned red and he chocked on his wine. He looked in between Jumin and I like he was dreaming. Jumin laughed and he seemed amused by his friend being flustered.
"It's nothing bad I assure you. He mostly just talks about how well you can cook, your cats, and how he worries about you. Oh he also talks about how cute you are and that you made your cats mini pancakes. I'm actually very interested in that last part. Elizabeth the 3rd won't eat my pancakes and I don't know why." Hearing that V talked about me made me feel very happy. It made my stomach do flips and my heart beat fast. "Honestly I haven't heard him talk about anyone like this since he met Rika." The name Rika struck a cord with me and I dropped my wine glass. I knew that name and I didn't want to remember it. The wine glass crashed onto the table and I could hear echos of V and Jumin's voices but all I could focus on her blonde hair and those green eyes. Something warm grabbed my hand and my body began to move. The more I moved the more I came back to reality. I was standing in my kitchen and V was very close to my face.
"MC. Please say something. What's wrong? Just breathe. I'm right here." I could hear the fear in his voice and then I realized what I had done.
"V." He breathed a sigh of relief and he pulled me into his arms.
"Oh thank God. Are you alright? I was worried. What happened?" I felt bad making V worry but I also didn't want to lie to him. If Jumin was talking about the same Rika that means V used to cherish her.
"I'll tell you later. I don't want to sir up memories while Jumin is here." He looked unhappy with my answer but before he could argue there was a knock at the door. "That's the pizza. I need to go pay for it. Can you go set this towel down where I spilled my wine?" He took the towel from me and kissed the top of my head.
"Ok. Just relax for now." I watched as V walked back to the living room. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw the familiar delivery guy Eric standing there with my pizzas. 
"Hey Eric. How's it goin?" I asked while taking out my money.
"It's goin good. How've you been? I haven't seen you at the shop in a while." I handed him the money and he gave me the pizzas.
"I know. I've just been really busy and it's been cold. I'll come by when the weather gets warmer." I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jumin. "Yes Jumin?"
"Do you need any help MC?" I was shocked at his gesture but I gladly let him help. "Thanks Jumin. You can just put these on the table. I'll be there in a seconds. V knows where the plates are." He looked from me to Eric.
"So this is a pizza delivery man. Interesting." I was going to introduce them but Jumin had already walked away.
"Was that Jumin freaking Han? Who the hell are you?" I rolled my eyes at him. "But no seriously why is he in your apartment and why is he eating pizza?"
"Well I'm kinda dating his best friend." Eric dropped his pizza bag and hugged me.
"Holy shit that's fantastic! Shelby is going to flip, but has Jake found out yet?" My face fell flat at his question.
"Yeah and he's not happy about it. But I'm done being afraid of him. I gotta go now. I'll stop by the shop and tell you guys everything later. Bye Eric." He waved as he headed back to his car and I closed the door. When I turned around V was standing behind me and I froze. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked trying not to panic.
"Enough to know that we're apparently dating and there's someone who isn't happy about it." I felt all the color drain from my face.
"I'm so sorry. It was just easier to say that than to tell the whole story. I didn't mean to assume anything." V walked over and grabbed my hand. He looked me in the eye, without breaking eye contact, and kissed my hand. There was no words but I somehow knew what he was saying. I had no idea what had come over me since I met V but I was the happiest I've ever been. My mom always said that 20 seconds of bravery was all it took to change your life and I was finally seeing what she meant. I embraced V and he wrapped his arms around me. "I promise to tell you everything after Jumin leaves."
"There's no rush MC. We'll talk later but right now Jumin is looking sliver wear for his pizza and won't listen to me." I rolled my eyes and laughed. I walked into the kitchen and Jumin was pouring another glass of wine.
"Ok Jumin. First of all how dare you try and eat pizza with silver wear. You use your hands, like this." I flipped open the lid and pulled a piece out and proceed to eat it. I put my piece on a plate and got a piece out for Jumin. "Think you can handle it Mr. Trust Fund?" I said giving him a look. He gave me a quizzical look.
"She sounds like Zen. Are you sure she hasn't met him yet?" Now V was laughing and I was just confused. V walked over and handed me a glass of wine, which I gladly took.
"I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence Jumin. Unless you know who Zen is MC." I was busy drinking wine so I just shook my head. "See. You worry for nothing." I had moved over to the table and just watched the two talk and eat their pizza. Jumin missed his mouth a few times but we let him think that we didn't see. Soon enough they joined me at the table and Jumin began to post in the RFA's chat room. "It appears that you keeping MC a secret has made Saeyoung angry at you." He reached for another piece of pizza and put it on his plate. "He said he keeps trying to call you but you won't answer." V just waved his hand in dismissal.
"Saeyoung can track my phone. He's just pouting because I won't let him do any digging on MC. It's not like when we met Jane and everything was suspicious. I understand that he worries but this is my personal life and he needs to accept that. Plus MC is honest with me and we've only know each other for about a week. I don't see a reason to rush anything."
"I see. Then you should at least tell him that. Can you really blame him for worrying though?" V seemed to look guilty and sad. By now I was on my third glass of wine and felt I should speak up.
"V if you want to tell everyone about me you can. I mean I've already met Jaehee and Jumin." I then turned to Jumin, "In fact Jumin is there anything that you want to know? Cause if there is now's the time to ask, I'm a lot more relaxed right now so I'll tell you anything. With in reason of course. That way V doesn't feel guilty and everyone can be satisfied until I meet them at the party." Both Jumin and V seemed shocked at my words.
"MC you don't have to do that. I don't want you do be uncomfortable and have another attack." I could tell he was worried and I was so touched by it.
"You are just too sweet but don't worry. Wine helps me relax so I won't have any more attacks to night. So Jumin ask away. Seriously anything you want to know." I took another bite of pizza and waited for him to ask.
"MC are you sure you're just not drunk?" V asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Trust me I'm not drunk. I just relax after a couple glasses of wine. My anxiety goes away and I'm able to be the person I truly wish to be. Someone who can make friends and go out on dates." I could tell I was getting sentimental so I changed the subject back. "So I say it again Jumin, ask me anything you want. I promise on my degree to answer anything to the best of my ability." He seemed more than amused by all of this.
"I'll raise you on your deal. Since I'm in the chat room already, I'll just ask everyone what they want to know and you can answer. I don't have any questions of my own so this will be more productive." I leaned back in my chair and took a sip of wine.
"Alright deal. So whose up first?" Jumin was still typing on his phone.
"My guess would be Yoosung. He's always very curious and suspicious of me." V was also now drinking his wine. I could tell he was nervous but I wasn't sure why. I wondered if he was worried about something I would find out.
"V relax. I'm gonna be fine. Watch this," I looked him in the eye, "my mother died when I was eleven. She was a doctor and I miss her every damn day." I waited and once he saw that I wasn't going to have an attack he relaxed. "See I've got this. So whose first Jumin?"
"Well both Yoosung and Zen wanted to know what you look like so I sent them a picture I took while you were talking to V. Now Luciel wants to know where your from."
"Easy. I was born and raised in this city. Next question."
"What do you do for a living? I can answer this one if you'd like." I nodded my head as he typed the answer. "Ok Saeran want's to know your favorite ice cream flavor."
"Mint chocolate chip in the summer and moose tracks in the winter." I looked at V, "Who is Saeran?"
"That's Saeyoung's twin brother. Zen is a musical actor, Yoosung is a student at Sky University, and Luciel owns a toy shop."
"Hey I went to Sky University! Jumin can you tell Yoosung that I said 'Go Rockets!' he'll know what it means."
"Alright. Zen also asked if you were single and I told him no."
"Wait what made you tell him no? I mean I'm glad you did but I'm just curious."
"V may think he's hiding it well but I'v known him for a long time and I can tell when he likes someone. That and he has his arm around you, so I assumed the interest was mutual." I hadn't even noticed V's arm around me. It just felt so natural. V had pulled his arm back and his face matched the wine he was drinking. I couldn't help but laugh.
"I mean I don't think your wrong. We haven't really talked about that, but if I may be bold, I like to think that there's hope." Now my cheeks were turning red. V got up and excused himself to the restroom. I felt like it was a little bit my fault. "I hope I didn't seem pushy. I do really like V but I'm grateful just to be friends. I don't know if he told you but I have really bad anxiety and it makes it hard for me to talk to people or even go out. But for some reason I feel safe with V. It's something I've never felt before so I'm still trying to figure it out." I realized that I was probably just boring Jumin with my feelings. He looked so deep in thought like he was trying to understand something.
"I see. I won't speak for V but I've only seen him with one other woman and he looks a lot happier with you. I can tell he cares a lot about you but I'm not sure what his intentions are. If he's scared then you'll have to be patient with him because he can be very stubborn." He took a sip of wine and leaned back.
"That I know. He chased me for three blocks just to apologize for taking my picture in the store and then insisted on walking me back. If that's not being stubborn then I don't know what is." We both laughed and then we heard a camera shutter. I looked over and saw that V had taken our picture.
"Well now that you've finally gotten your picture I should get going. Elizabeth is surely missing me. V would you like a ride back too?"
"No I'm going to stay with MC and help her clean up. I'll call a taxi later. Plus we need to talk about some stuff before I leave."
"Alright then I'll get out of your way. V don't forget that you need to set a date for the party too. We've started recommending guest  so Jane needs a date." Jumin headed towards the door and V followed him. I began to pick up the plates and put them in the sink along with the empty wine glasses. I finished my glass and put it next to the bottle. Seeing the bottle of wine reminded me that I spilled a glass in the living room earlier. I grabbed the stain remover and went to go put it on the spot. As I was talking care of that I heard the front door close and V walked into the living room.
"Would you like some help? That looks hard to do one handed." I had completely forgotten about my wrist until this point and I looked down at it. "What's wrong? Does it hurt?" I shook my head and smiled at him.
"No I was just having such a great time that I had forgotten about it. And as for the carpet just forget about it. If the stain is still there in the morning I'll just replace it." I stood there awkwardly because I knew that V had questions. This was the first time our silence had been awkward.
"So are you still relaxed enough to answer some of my questions, or should I save them for Saturday?" He had his hands in his pockets and was leaning against the wall. I hated that I was hiding so much from him. I wanted to take time and tell him everything slowly but I knew that the longer I kept talking to him the more aggressive Jake would become.
"V wine or no wine I'll tell you anything you want to know. But yeah right now is the best time so ask away." I laughed nervously as I went to the kitchen to wash my hands. I poured what was left of the wine into my glass and took a big drink.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable anything. I'm willing to listen but if you're not ready to talk then I'll wait." His cheeks were tinted red and his face looked really melancholy. I couldn't keep him in the dark. If I wanted things to go any further with V I needed to be honest and take the risk. I was worried that he would bug out and leave but I was almost certain that wouldn't be the case.
"I want to tell you everything but I'm just nervous. I don't want to lose you like I've lost everyone else. I thought keeping you at an arms length would be best for both of us, but I don't think I can do that anymore. So I want to tell you everything and I'll just have to hope that you choose to stay." I watched as V crossed the room and hugged me.
"MC I promise you that I'm not going anywhere. I don't care about your secrets or anything. All I care about is being there for you. I want to help you face problems that you have. So please know that you can always rely on me."
"Thank you V. It really means a lot that you'd say that. Let's go sit down and I'll tell you what you want to know." I took his hand and we walked back to the living room. As soon as we sat down Yeti jumped in my lap and I began to pet him. "So where do you want to start?" He thought about it and seemed to make a decision.
"Why did the name Rika freak you out so much earlier?"
"I had a feeling that would be your first question. When I was in foster care I lived with this other girl named Rika and she was just awful to me. She was very beautiful, with her blonde hair and green eyes. Everyone thought she was so nice and sweet but when it was just us she was completely vile. She would always hurt me and say that she was just trying to shape my darkness. At first I tried to tell our foster parents about it but they didn't believe me. they thought I was just looking for attention. I had to put up with her for two years until she was actually adopted. After that it was in my case file that I a liar so I just stayed in the system. No one wants a teenager with attitude issues." V grabbed my hand and he looked so sad.
"How did she hurt you?"
"Usually it was just mentally. We only fought once but I was stronger than her physically, so she never tried that again. She would tell me that I was always unloved and no one but my darkness would accept me. Or that my mom left me because she found my darkness ugly. There were many times when I almost believed her but then I would look at pictures of my mom. If I disagreed with her she would so things to make my life difficult like one time she burned my homework. Or there was one time she got me expelled for supposedly trying to sell her weed. Honestly if I wouldn't of had so many memories of my mom I probably would have given in to her. There's no telling what she would have done to me then." When I looked at V he seemed to look very sad. "I know it sounds bad but looking back I pity her. She never knew her parents so I can understand why she was so bitter. A lot of kids bullied me because I was different from them. My mom never abandoned me, she just died. I was loved and I knew what that was like, so that made me different." I stopped talking so that V could take it all in.
"What was Rika's last name?" I had to actually think about it because I hadn't thought of her in so long.
"I believe it was Yang. Why do you ask?" Could my Rika be the same one that Jumin mentioned earlier. I really hoped that wasn't the case.
"I thought maybe I knew her but I seem to be thinking of someone else." I knew he was hiding something by the way he avoided eye contact. It made me sad that he wasn't being honest with me but I knew he'd tell me in time. For now I would just have to trust him.
"I see. Well I'd tell you more about her but after she got adopted I never saw her again. A couple years back I did run into those foster parents and they told me she was engaged, but that's the last I heard of her." I was watching V closely to see if he would react to that.
"If she's really as bad as you say then I feel bad for the man she married." He laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair. He noticed me staring at him and he relaxed. "I'm really sorry that happened to you MC. I wish I could have been there for you."
"It's ok. Dealing with Rika was the nothing compared to Jake. At least Rika is gone but Jake is still trying to control my life."
"That was my next question. Who is Jake and why are you so afraid of him?" I took a deep breathe and got up from the couch. I reached behind the TV and pulled out a small book. I sat back and opened the book to a photo of me and a blonde hair boy. He was a little plump with a cigarette in his mouth and, although the picture didn't show it, he had his hand on my ass.
"Jake was my first boyfriend. I met him my freshman year of college and he was great at first. Then I began to focus on school and he just wanted to party. It started out as just emotional abuse. He would tell me that my major was pointless or that I was useless. It wasn't until I tried to break up with him that he got physical. I tried to maintain control but I was alone and had no one to lean on so I lost it. I just became some toy to him. He told me where to go, what to wear, and what I was going to do." I took a deep breathe and looked at V. His face was very stoic but he nodded at me to continue. "I would always try to run away but he would always catch me and punish me for it. He took everything from me. I never felt safe and there were days where I honestly thought he was going to kill me." I stopped to catch my breathe.
"So how did you get away?"
"I mean I never really did. I met Eric a couple years ago and he knew right away what was going on. Him and his wife helped me build a case against Jake and he went to jail for a while. I also got a restraining order against him so he can't come with in 1,000 feet of me. But that doesn't stop him from harassing me."
"What do you mean?" I pulled out my phone and opened my texts messages. "He has friends who watch me and tell him what I'm up to. For the last year I haven't heard a peep but since our dinner last Saturday I've gotten all of these." I passed V the phone and he scrolled through the messages. His calm expression turned to anger the more he read them.
"MC I fully apologize for this. If I would have know that you were receiving such vulgar messages I would have asked Luciel for help. Why didn't you tell me about these?" I could tell he was struggling with controlling his anger.
"I didn't tell you at first because I thought I could keep you at arms length and he would leave you alone. He can't do anything to me without risking more jail time but there's nothing stopping him from coming after you. I didn't care if you left but I didn't want you to get hurt." I felt so ashamed and couldn't even look him in the eye. "I know know that it wasn't the right thing to do but I also barely knew you. I didn't even plan on telling you any of this yet. I wanted to wait until I knew weather you'd actually stay." I heard V let out a deep breathe and he grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry. I know this a lot to take in and I understand if your angry."
"I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at this Jake person and I'm angry at myself. I just want you to be happy but I'm only causing more problems for you."
"V none of this is your fault. I knew that I'd have to deal with Jake at some point. I just never thought I'd have courage until I met you. I want to be happy and have you in my life, weather it's as a friend or something more. I want to make more memories with you V." I could tell he was shocked by my deceleration and his cheeks had turned a little red. Then he smiled and squeezed my hand.
"I'd also like that very much MC. I'll do what ever I can for you because your precious to me. Please don't ever forget that." His words had me speechless and all I could do was nod. "I have more question for you if that's alright," I gave him a look and he smiled, "Will you go out on a date with me this Saturday?" My face turned red and I was baffled.
"W-w-hy are you asking me out so suddenly?" I blurted out. V just laughed and smiled.
"Because if we go out on a date I can start calling you my girlfriend." He said it so smoothly and I was both elated and shocked. In my mind I was jumping up and down with joy but I realized that no words were coming out of my mouth.
"Well I guess Zen's question did strike a cord with you." I laughed as he blushed. "Of course I'll go out with you. I just have two request," he raised his eyebrow at me, "no where too fancy and no where too crowded."
"I think I can work with those." He said laughing. Yeti then jumped off my lap and began to meow. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost eleven.
"Oh wow it's late. Are you still going to be able to get a cab?" Now that V knew about Jake I was more concerned about his safety.
"Probably not but I can always try calling Jumin or Luciel." He pulled out his phone, "Excuse me for a moment." I nodded as he pulled out his phone and dialed the numbers. I went into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water. When I went back V had just hung up the phone. "Neither one answered. I guess I'll just find a hotel." Suddenly and idea dawned on me.
"You could stay here. My office has a murphy bed in it and I hardly ever use it." V's face was red but he kept his composure.
"I couldn't do that MC. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable in your own home." I rolled my eyes at him.
"V I trust you and I don't think you'll ravage me in my sleep, not without my permission at least." I had not expected that last part to actually come out. Both of our cheeks were red so I quickly changed the subject. "I even some extra clothes that you can sleep in. Wait right here." I went into my room and came back with a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. "I hope these fit. I've never worn the sweat pants because they're way to long and I have more than enough t-shirts. You can use the bathroom to change and stuff. I'll go get the extra bed ready." I went back to my room and grabbed some sheets. I set them on my bed and quickly changed into my own pajamas. I went to the room next door and pulled down the murphy bed. It had been a while since I actually used it but it still seemed in good shape. By the time I had the sheets on it V was done in the bathroom and standing in the door way. The shirt was a little small on him but he didn't seem to mind.
"I don't think I've ever worn clothes like this. They're so casual and comfy." I laughed at his amazement.
"Well you can keep them if you want. Like I said the sweat pants are too big and I don't wear the shirt often because it's too tight. There was a small silence and I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say goodnight but I knew it was late and today had been a long day. "Well is there anything else that you need?"
"You've already done enough. Just make sure you get some sleep." He kissed my forehead gently and I smiled.
"I will but if you need anything I'm just on the other side of this wall, so don't feel bad about asking." He nodded and I left the room. As soon as I got into my room I collapsed on my bed. I was completely exhausted but I had never had such a fun day. For the first time in my life I didn't have any trouble sleeping.      
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mrsjihyunkim · 7 years
20 Seconds of Bravery Ch 14
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            When we got into the kitchen I began opening the cabinets to look for ingredients. "Well I was right. Looks like it's pasta. What kind of sauce should we make?" I asked, taking out the box of pasta.
"To be honest I've never really had pasta." Said Jaehee.
"Neither have I." Yoosung also confessed. I swear my jaw dropped to the floor.
"Is everyone in the RFA food virgins? V and Jumin have never had pizza, you two have never had pasta. That's it. I'm now everyone's food mom. It's now my mission to make all the food that you guys have never had. Alright let's get cooking." I started the pot of water and gave Jaehee and Yoosung various jobs. Jaehee did a perfect job cutting the tomatoes that it almost seemed professional, meanwhile Yoosung really struggled with the garlic. For a few minutes there was nothing but the sounds of knifes hitting cutting boards. Yoosung was first to break the silence.
"MC can I ask you something?" He had just finished washing his hands off and I nodded at him.
"Of course." He began to fiddle with the dishtowel and I could tell he was nervous.
"Well before you left earlier you said something about having to deal with Rika. Did you really know her?" His eyes were full of sadness but I could also see the curiosity in them. I looked to Jaehee and she also looked curious.
"Yes I did. We were in the same foster home while we were teenagers." I paused remembering that Yoosung was her family. "It was definitely a learning experience." I didn't want to hurt Yoosung's feeling by being too blunt. My answer didn't seem to satisfy him though.
"Well what was she like? Did you two get along?" I took a deep breathe and poured some more wine. I think Jaehee caught on to my feelings because she looked uneasy.
"I'll be honest Yoosung, we didn't get along. Like at all. She was mean to me and turned our foster parents against me. Living with Rika are not my fondest memories." He looked sad and I felt bad. "However I know she was your family and I'm sure that having someone like you love her had a positive impact deep down." He seemed to brighten up after I said this and I felt better. "Plus I don't blame her for picking on me. My mom didn't choose to leave me like the other kids." I smiled softly as I stirred the pasta.
"I see. You lost your mom at a young age. That must of been very difficult for you." Jaehee's hand rested on my shoulder and I gave her a smile.
"It was but I know she's with me everyday and that helps." I stirred the sauce and gave it a taste test. The flavor was warm balanced so I began to mix it in with the pasta. "Well looks like it's almost time to eat." I got some place out and handed them too Yoosung. "Can you put these plates on the table Yoosung?" He nodded at me and headed for the table. "Is the salad done Jaehee?"
"Yes. Would you like me to put it on the table?"
"That would be great. Thank you."
"MC are you sure there's gonna be enough room for everyone at your table?" Yoosung almost sounded concerned.
"Well it seats five people and my island has three seats so I think we'll be good." I set the bowl of pasta on the table and looked over everything. "Well I should probably go tell everyone else that it's time to eat. You guys can go ahead and find a seat." I walked  into the living room and saw a merry scene. V was blushing, Jumin was smirking, and everyone else was laughing. "Did I miss something?" I asked before kissing the top of V's head.
"Just Jumin teasing me in front of everyone." V pouted.
"I was not. I was just telling everyone about the day I met MC and how worried you were for her." Jumin looked in between V and I. Now my face was getting red.
"I see. Well the food is ready so anyone who wants to eat come and get it." I squeezed V's hand and headed back to the kitchen. Everyone else followed behind me and filled up the table. V sat down in between Jumin and I, Yoosung sat at the island with Saeran and Saeyoung. Jaehee, Zen, and Jane sat across from the three of us. The small talk between everyone was very pleasant and V looked very happy. I got many compliments on my cooking and everyone seemed to really have a good time. While laughing with everyone I couldn't help but wonder if this was what it felt like to have a family. Even when I lived with foster parents we never had dinners like this. My heart felt so warm that I thought it would melt. The whole dinner seemed to go really fast and soon everyone stood up to leave. I said my good byes and then closed the door. Now it was just me and V and I let myself into fall into his arms. He chuckled and held me tightly.
"Tired Angel?" I let out a deep sigh and he laughed again. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Physically yes. My brain however is swimming with thoughts and information."
"Well we still need to talk about your gun. That was the most shocking thing for me today." I pulled back from him and sighed.
"Fine but can we at least talk in bed. I don't wanna stand anymore." He raised my hands up and kissed them.
"As you wish Dear." His sudden actions really had me flustered. If it would of been anyone else I would of been suspicious. Instead I locked the door and headed to the bedroom. V closed the door behind us and I realized I had to change. My face turned red and my heart began to race.
"Um, V, could you turn around so that I can change?" I was about to explain some more but he spoke before me.
"I'll just go to the bathroom and change. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He reached over my shoulder and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him as be closed the door behind him. After I changed I climbed onto the bed and checked my phone. A new hoard of messages and phone calls littered my phone. I saw that a few of them were the RFA members sending me their info, I kept those ones and deleted the other ones. When V came in he looked somewhat nervous.
"What's wrong?" I asked propping myself up on my elbow. His cheeks turned red and he ran a hand through his hair.
"No it's nothing. I guess I'm just nervous." I shot him a confused look and he blushed even harder. "I just don't know if I'll be able to control myself after last night." Now I was blushing.
"I didn't even think about that, but I trust you V. Plus after the days events I'm gonna sleep if you're not next to me." He finally settled on the bed next to me and I rolled over to face him.
"Speaking of, why did you have a gun today?"
"Because I was scared and I didn't know what I was going to be up against. Plus I always carry the gun when I leave. It's for my protection." He frowned at my reasoning and I sighed. "Think about it. Before I met you and everyone else I was completely on my own. Jake may of been in jail but Alex wasn't, and for a while there he made my life hard. He would throw things at my house, bang on the windows, and follow me places. I was so scared that I stopped leaving the house, I wouldn't even go out to get groceries. So Eric bought me a gun and I took classes for it. Once Alex found out he started to leave me alone." His face softened when I said this but I could tell he was still upset. "I've never once used it and I don't want to. In fact, if I'm being completely honest I hate it. It's like holding a life in your hands and that's a power I don't want." I twisted my fingers into the sheet and V grabbed my hand.
"I suppose I can understand why you needed it but still, bring it to that restaurant was reckless. What if Jake would of found out about it? Then he could of used it against you. All it would of taken is a word from Alex. I mean they even checked me for weapons."
"They still think of me as a pushover, so they would never expect me to do something so bold."
"Well they might after today. You surprised even me with that stunt." I blushed remembering my actions. "Not that I'm complaining. It was enough of a shock that we were able to get out of there." He fiddled with my fingers  and I scooted closer to him.
"Did Jake tell you anything while you were with him?" The question had been on my mind all day so it just slipped out. I bit my lip after seeing his brow knit together.
"He said a lot of things that I didn't like. Like that he was excited to see you and talk about your relationship." I tensed up and V pulled me into him. "He also talked about you like you were property. Talking to him took all my self control. I have never wanted to hit anyone in my life before I met him." He paused and took a deep breath. I could feel the anger coming off of him. "I think what got me more than anything was that when he said he expected my blessing for your relationship with him."
"Wow, he really thinks he's going to get me back." My voice sounded so small with fear and I wanted to sound braver but I was just too tired. V must have noticed it because he tilted his head up and locked eyes with me.
"I swear I'm not going to let that happen. I love you and I'll do anything to protect you." His eyes were full of love and determination. I never in my life thought I would find a person who could chase the fear away so easily. I honestly believed that I could let all my walls down with him. Though I still woke up every day thinking that he'd leave me, I could feel that fear shrinking.  
"I love you too. And thank you for everything." I propped myself up on his chest and kissed him. He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"I didn't really do anything but I'll never turn down the affection of a beautiful lady." I blushed at his words but I was happy. I sat up on the bed and looked at him.
"I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight. Maybe I should do some painting or something." V kinda gave me a surprised look.
"You paint?"
"A little bit. I actually have a studio downstairs. I do painting, ceramics, and various other things. Do you want to see it?"
"Of course I do. I didn't even know this house had any other floors. You really are full of surprises MC." I blushed as I got up to lead the way
"Yeah there's also an upper floor but it's a little cramped so I use it for storage and I finished the basement when I worked on the rest of the house. I've been doing various art stuff as kind of therapy since I was a kid." We reached the door at the back of my kitchen. I took the key off a shelf and unlocked the door.
"Why do you keep the door locked?"
"No reason really. I didn't start locking it until Shelby's son was old enough to reach door knobs. Now it's just habit." I opened the door. I grabbed V's hand and guided him down the stairs. "Sorry but the light is at the bottom and the stairs are steep." I reached over and flipped the lights on. The whole basement flodded with light and V stepped forward to take it all in.
"MC this is amazing. It doesn't even feel like a basement, and these works are amazing!" He walked over to the paintings and looked through them all. Then he moved to some of the ceramics I made and ended up at my photographs. While he looked through everything I grabbed my smock and pulled my hair up into a high bun. "MC your works are incredible. They're all filled with so much emotions and skill. I never even seen such work even from my father's galleries." I blushed as he praised me and then he kissed my cheek. I looked over at him and his eyes had that sparkle in them.
"Thanks. Do you want to paint or anything?" I held out a brush to him and he seemed to hesitate.
"Actually there's something I'd really like to try if it's ok with you." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "I'd like to paint on you if that's ok." He was blushing and it took me a second to realize what he meant. A blush crept across my face as I nodded my head. V took the brush and I removed my shirt for him. He pulled up a stool behind me and waited for me to get settled. I had already started my painting when I felt the coldness of the paint on my back. It made me jump a little but I soon adjusted. "Are you sure you're ok with this?"
"Yes. It actually feels really nice. Like waves are washing over me." We fell silent for a bit, lost in our works. "I know you take photos but do you also paint and stuff?"
"Actually no. I mean I used to draw when I was younger but I wasn't really into art as much as a kid. My father tried to groom me to take over his business so it wasn't encouraged."
"I see. So your upbringing was probably a lot like Jumin's." I cleaned my brush off in the water and selected another color.
"It was. I didn't even really connect with my mom until I was almost in high school. She's the one who really opened my eyes to the arts. I actually always wanted to be a painter but I choose photography instead." I listened to him as I felt the curve of the brush on my back. "In a way I think it was kind of ironic since my eyes got injured. Maybe it happened because I chose to be a photographer."
"I don't believe that at all. The universe is so big and constant that it doesn't care about us at all. To it we're just like specs of dust. I know it sounds kind of morbid but so does the fact that we have no control over our lives." I took a pause to think about my words carefully. "If the universe had any impact on us that would mean people suffer for no reason, that there's no reason to fight for a better life. Believing that the universe controls everything is just an excuse for people to not take responsibility for their happiness." V stayed silent and I worried that I offended him. "That's just what I believe though."
"I know but what you said makes sense. It actually makes me think and maybe I've been wrong all these years. I've just assumed that if I was meant to be happy then it would happen but lately I've been more active in it." I felt the brush swirl on my back as he paused. "Maybe we're both right."
"How so?"
"Well maybe the universe puts things in our path and its up to us to decide what happens with them. Like it gives us opportunities and it's up to us to take them." His logic had me perplexed. I always believed that happiness was something that you had to earn and work for.
"I could see that being the case. I mean after all we only met because you got lost and ended up in my grocery store and acted like a creep." We both laughed and I set my brush down.
"Well if I'm still a creep and I've seen you naked, so what does that make you?" My face turned red with blush and I reached around to give him a playful smack. He only laughed, and I laughed with him.
"You never did tell me why you took my picture that day." At first he didn't say anything. I wanted so badly to see his face but I couldn't. So I just felt the strokes. They were long and smooth so my question didn't seem to catch him off guard.
"I was wondering when you were going to bring that back up." There was another pause and a few more short strokes. "The truth is I don't really have a reason. Sure I could say it was because of your beauty or something like that, but at the time I wasn't even thinking about any of that. I saw you and something inside me knew I needed you. I guess taking your picture was my way of trying to get your attention. Apparently I was right." I blushed again thinking about that day. It was only about three weeks ago but it had already felt like months had passed. So much had changed in that time, I had changed so much since then. There was no stopping any of these changes but they caused a sea of anxiety inside of me. I wondered if V would still love when it was over and I was a new person. "I'm done." I jumped a little as I was snapped out of my thoughts. A sense of excitement and curiosity overcame me as I walked to a mirror in the back of the studio. V had painted a cascade of sunflowers down my back and at the bottom was a book that they were coming out of. It completely took my breath away. The flowers looked so life like that I could almost smell them. I looked at V who was standing a little bit away looking nervous. I ran over to him and threw my arms around his neck.
"I love it V! It's so beautiful and it almost looks real." I went back over to the mirror and looked at it some more.
"I'm glad you like. I've always wanted to do that but Rika would never let me. She said it was pointless to create art that no one would ever see." He looked a little sad but perked up when I grabbed his hand.
"Well Rika was a bitch so of course she said no," he stifled a laugh, "but you can do this any time. Maybe we can even get some dyes so that way it will stay on for a bit after I shower." V blushed at my idea but his eyes seemed thrilled.
"I think I'd really like that." he pulled my hand to his mouth and gave it a light kiss. A small yawn came out of me and V laughed. "I guess it's time for bed finally. I did suddenly feel tired but I also suddenly remembered something.
"It seems to be but before we go back up I have a question. Are we still going on our date tomorrow?" V's face completely dead panned as he covered it with with his free hand.
"God I'm such an ass. Would you be mad at me if I told you I had completely forgot about it?" I simply laughed at him and kissed his cheek.
"It's ok. I just now remembered myself. If you want to postpone it that's ok." V shook his and pulled me into him.
"It's ok. I just have to think of a plan B. It will work out. Now lets go bed before." I nodded at him and picked up my shirt from the table and put it on. I let V go up the stairs first and once he was at the top I turned off the main lights but left the string ones on so I could see my way up. V started to open it but then in one swift motion V was pulled through and the door was slammed in my face. Before I could register anything that had happened I felt myself falling down the stairs. I landed at the bottom and my whole body was racked with pain. There was a lot of noise upstairs but I couldn't bring myself to get up and my vision was getting smaller and smaller. Soon everything was black and I couldn't hear anything.
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