#24 hour doctor Dubai
Dubai, with its towering skyscrapers, bustling economy, and cosmopolitan culture, has established itself as a global hub for healthcare excellence. Among the various medical advancements offered in the city, Sclerotherapy, a minimally invasive procedure for treating varicose and spider veins, stands out as a remarkable solution. Algebra Healthcare, a pioneering medical center in Dubai, has gained recognition for its exceptional Sclerotherapy doctors who specialize in offering patients effective vein treatments with outstanding results. Call doctor Dubai now
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btreeseo · 10 months
Care on Board is a team of doctors and professionals who are dedicatedly working towards the betterment of the system health care in Dubai. Managed under the guidance and support of an efficient team, the system is confident in bringing out a revolution in the healthcare industry. Being able to attend to the needs of patients at their comfort zones, we make sure best treatments are delivered to each and every one without going through the hurdles and complexities of hospital formalities.Home medical health care services are gaining importance these days due to the busy schedule of people especially when both partners are working.
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careonboard · 1 year
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puzzlebeanficrecs · 11 months
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I've been really into Ted Lasso recently and so about 75% of the fics I am currently reading are in this fandom. So I thought it was the perfect moment to share some of my favorite fics!
wanna feel your heartlines by holtzmanns [General, No Archive Warnings Apply, 8,767 words]
The curtain around his bed is ripped back before Jamie has time to elaborate, and his words die on his tongue when the rather eyebrow-heavy man on the other side of the curtain grunts in his direction before looking down at his clipboard. Jamie’s eyes linger on the biceps poking out of his black scrubs, his muscled forearms that don’t appear to be solely from working in a hospital.
“Doctor Kent. I’ll be your physician today. Full name and date of birth, please?”
Jamie’s brow furrows at the question. This man really doesn’t know who he is?
The doctor rolls his eyes, as if he can read Jamie’s thoughts. “Procedure. Out with it.”
“Jamie Tartt, but you already know that.”
Once More, with Feeling by liesmyth [Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, 7,841 words]
“Amsterdam’s our thing, innit? It’s tradition. It’s like—the anniversary of when you learned to ride a bike. Your bikeversary.”
One year on, and they're playing Ajax again, in the fucking Champions League. After, Jamie has plans.
i don't belong and my beloved neither do you by instantcaramel [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 5,855 words]
He drives until he gets to a village near Lake Windermere. He only has the money he has from his last year and from selling his house in Manchester, but it’s enough to rent a place from a nice old lady who just wants to make some extra money.
or, the one where Jamie quits football and moves to a little village near Lake Windermere.
Finding warmth in a cold hotel by CherryPie0 [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1,500 words]
He knows the team's budget hasn't been the same since the whole Dubai Air situation, but come on, they could at least stay at hotels where they won't fucking freeze to death by morning!
Jamie has a problem. Then he finds a solution.
Heart Trouble by MoreThanSlightly (cadignan) [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 6,844 words]
“I tore his shirt after he hit me,” Jamie says, fucking unbearably helpful. He shrugs and tucks his hands into the bottom of his light blue hoodie. “I’m not sure exactly how it went after that.”
“He pushed you against a wall,” Keeley says.
“Er… no?” Jamie says, puzzled. He twists his hands, stretching the fabric over them. His brows draw together like he’s thinking really hard about whether their stupid, embarrassing, ineffectual fight in the middle of an alley involved any walls.
It didn’t. Roy doesn’t know much but he knows that. What the fuck is Keeley doing?
“That’s where you went wrong, then,” Keeley says, and amends, “One of many places you went wrong, mind. Let’s get it right this time.”
I've Got A Rainbow, It's In My Mouth by inlovewithnight [Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, 10,442 words]
Jamie wasn't even supposed to come to Iceland. But here he is, and here Roy and Keeley are, and it's really not a bad time at all.
the talking bit by mixtapestar [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 4,531 words]
How is it that Jamie is always around? And now he wants to talk about something first thing in the morning without Keeley around? Roy isn't awake enough for this.
they say when it's right you know by inlovewithnight [Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, 2,037 words]
There they sit, drinking champagne from specimen cups and laughing about the sheer absurdity of the last 24 hours.
in loco parentis by AuntieClimactic [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 9,954 words]
“Hello? Yes, this is Trent Crimm, The Independent. I’ve got a bit of an emergency and need Coach Lasso’s mobile.” Trent paused, brow furrowing in irritation. “Well, his son is currently standing in my office, in my newspaper building, which is filled with bloodthirsty journos. Could you make an exception for that?"
Lies, Damned Lies, and Lies to Journalists by gutterandthestars [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 6,307 words]
"It’s bad," says Rebecca, "because Trent Crimm is a very good journalist and knows you just bullshitted him right to his face. Which means..."
“He doesn’t believe I had food poisoning?”
“That’s highly likely,” agrees Rebecca. “And that means….”
“Means you’re fucked,” says Roy, appearing in the doorway. “Because now he’s not writing a story that reads ‘Richmond Coach Shits Himself’, he’s investigating a story he assumes is so embarrassing it’s worth your while to try and cover it up by pretending you shit yourself. And since that is already pretty fucking embarrassing, he’s thinks he’s onto something big.”
i think we're supposed to be by manycoloureddays [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1,715 words]
Isaac has been sitting on this revelation for a while now. Getting used to it, learning how to live with this feeling in his chest so huge it threatens to swallow him whole. And now he’s going to say it, declare it, claim it.
A Revealing Poetry by ice_hot_13 [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings, 7,963 words]
When Rebecca needs a date to her ex-husband’s wedding, Keeley volunteers because - because of course she does, Rebecca needs her.
More wonderful by CherryPie0 [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 3,794 words]
And it felt right, wearing Sam's number.
Only that now Jamie can't help worrying that maybe he overdid it a little? Because the more he thinks about it, the more it feels like the grand gesture at the end of a rom com; like he sang a love song in front of the whole school or something.
could you make me happy? by manycoloureddays [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1,305 words]
It keeps happening and Sam doesn’t really know why. He hasn’t asked. A little because he doesn’t want to seem rude, and a lot because it’s been … nice. It’s nice to feel wanted, and it’s nice to be wanted by people you love and respect.
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Home Health Care services in Dubai
Finding the best home care nursing in Dubai is essential for ensuring the well-being of those who need medical assistance and support within the comfort of their homes. Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center stands out as a leader in providing top-tier home nursing services in Dubai. This article will answer common questions about home nursing care and explain why Yadalamal is your best choice for home care services in Dubai.
Which home nursing service is best in Dubai?
Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center is widely regarded as the best home nursing provider in Dubai. Our reputation is built on a foundation of excellent care, qualified healthcare professionals, and personalized service. We offer a range of services that cater to various medical needs, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care tailored to their condition.
How much does home nursing cost in Dubai?
The cost of home nursing in Dubai varies based on the level of care required and the duration of the services. At Yadalamal, we provide competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of care. We offer flexible packages tailored to meet the financial constraints of our clients while ensuring that the highest standards of medical care are maintained.
What Conditions Do Home Care Nurses in Dubai Treat?
Home care nurses in Dubai, particularly those at Yadalamal, are trained to treat a wide range of conditions. These include chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension, post-operative care, wound management, rehabilitation, and palliative care. Our nurses are skilled in handling both long-term and short-term medical needs, providing comprehensive support for various health conditions.
How Do You Find Good Home Care Nurses in Dubai?
Finding a good home care nurse in Dubai involves looking for experienced, certified, and compassionate professionals. At Yadalamal, our nurses are rigorously vetted and undergo continuous training to stay updated with the latest healthcare practices. We pride ourselves on our team of dedicated professionals who are committed to providing empathetic and high-quality care.
Do home-based nurses in Dubai give medicine?
Yes, home nurses in Dubai, including those at Yadalamal, are qualified to administer medications as prescribed by a doctor. This includes oral medications, injections, and intravenous treatments. Our nurses ensure that medications are given safely and on time, monitoring for any adverse reactions and making necessary adjustments as directed by healthcare providers.
How do I get home nursing in Dubai?
Obtaining home nursing care in Dubai is straightforward with Yadalamal. Simply contact our center to schedule an initial consultation and assessment. During this consultation, we will discuss your specific needs and develop a personalized care plan. Our team will coordinate with your healthcare providers to ensure seamless and effective care delivery at home.
24-Hour Nursing Care at Home
For those who require continuous medical supervision, Yadalamal offers 24-hour nursing care at home. This service ensures that patients receive round-the-clock monitoring and support, which is crucial for individuals with serious health conditions or those recovering from major surgeries. Our 24-hour nursing care service provides peace of mind to families, knowing that their loved ones are always in capable hands.
Comprehensive Home Care Services in Dubai
Yadalamal provides a comprehensive range of home care services in Dubai, designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our services include skilled nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and more. We also offer specialized services such as dementia care and post-stroke rehabilitation, ensuring that all aspects of a patient’s health and well-being are addressed.
Why choose Yadalamal for home nursing in Dubai?
Highly Skilled Staff: Our team comprises highly skilled nurses and healthcare professionals who are committed to providing the best care possible.
Personalized Care Plans: We create individualized care plans based on the unique needs of each patient.
Advanced Medical Equipment: We use the latest medical equipment and technology to provide effective and efficient care.
Compassionate Care: Our staff is not only skilled but also compassionate, ensuring that patients feel comfortable and supported.
Flexible Services: We offer flexible service packages to accommodate different needs and budgets.
Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center is dedicated to providing the best home care nursing in Dubai. With our team of skilled professionals, personalized care plans, and comprehensive services, we ensure that every patient receives the highest quality of care in the comfort of their home. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your healthcare needs.
Bullet Point Summary
Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center is a leading provider of home nursing care in Dubai.
Cost: competitive and flexible pricing tailored to individual needs.
Conditions treated: chronic illnesses, post-operative care, wound management, rehabilitation, and palliative care.
Finding Good Nurses: Experienced, Certified, and Compassionate Professionals.
Medication Administration: Safe and timely administration of prescribed medications.
Obtaining Services: A simple process involving consultation and personalized care plans.
24-Hour Care: Continuous monitoring and support for serious health conditions.
Comprehensive Services: skilled nursing, therapy services, dementia care, and more.
Why choose us? Skilled staff, personalized plans, advanced equipment, compassionate care, and flexible services.
Yadalamal Home Healthcare Center is your trusted partner for all your home nursing needs in Dubai. Experience the best care at home with our dedicated team.
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mgangatanzania · 21 days
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Post-Liver Biopsy Care: Tips for a Smooth Recovery
A liver biopsy is a crucial procedure for diagnosing and assessing liver diseases. While it is generally safe, proper post-procedure care is essential to ensure a smooth recovery and to minimize potential complications. If you’ve recently undergone a liver biopsy or are preparing for one, here are some valuable tips to help you through the recovery process.
Understanding the Liver Biopsy Procedure
Before diving into post-care tips, it's helpful to understand what happens during a liver biopsy. In a percutaneous liver biopsy, the most common type, a needle is inserted through the skin to collect a small sample of liver tissue. This procedure usually takes about 15-20 minutes and is typically performed under local anesthesia. Other types, such as transjugular or laparoscopic biopsies, involve different approaches but share similar post-care requirements.
Call for Speaker/Poster We are inviting speaker/poster virtual Register for GASTROUCG Conference!!! Attend as Speaker/ Poster at the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Virtually Registration Here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/virtual-registration/
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Immediate Post-Biopsy Care
1. Rest and Observation
After the procedure, you will be monitored for a few hours in a recovery area to ensure there are no immediate complications, such as bleeding or severe pain.
Rest is crucial during this period. Avoid any physical exertion and follow the medical staff’s instructions.
2. Pain Management
Mild pain or discomfort at the biopsy site or referred pain in the shoulder is common. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen can be used, but avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, as they can increase the risk of bleeding.
3. Monitoring for Complications
Be vigilant for signs of complications, including severe pain, persistent bleeding, fever, or chills. If any of these symptoms occur, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
At-Home Recovery Tips
4. Limit Physical Activity
For the first 24-48 hours after the biopsy, avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and intense exercise. Gradually resume normal activities as recommended by your doctor.
5. Follow a Balanced Diet
Maintain a healthy diet to support your body’s healing process. Avoid alcohol and high-fat foods, which can stress the liver.
6. Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of fluids to help your body recover. Staying hydrated aids in the healing process and can help prevent constipation, which can be a side effect of pain medications.
7. Adhere to Medication Guidelines
Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding any prescribed medications, including antibiotics or pain relievers. Do not take any new medications without consulting your healthcare provider.
Long-Term Care and Follow-Up
8. Attend Follow-Up Appointments
It’s important to attend any scheduled follow-up appointments. Your doctor will review the biopsy results and discuss the next steps in your treatment or management plan.
9. Monitor Your Health
Keep track of any changes in your health and report them to your healthcare provider. This includes new or worsening symptoms that could indicate complications or a need for further evaluation.
10. Educate Yourself About Liver Health
Avoiding a liver biopsy might be possible through alternative diagnostic methods that provide similar information about liver health. These non-invasive or minimally invasive techniques include imaging studies and blood tests, which can assess liver function, detect liver damage, and monitor liver disease progression.
Call for Speaker/Poster We are inviting speaker/poster virtual Register for GASTROUCG Conference!!! Attend as Speaker/ Poster at the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Virtually Registration Here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/virtual-registration/
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Alternative Diagnostic Methods
Blood Tests:
Liver Function Tests (LFTs): Measure levels of liver enzymes, bilirubin, and proteins to assess liver health.
FibroTest/FibroSure: Combines several biochemical markers to estimate the degree of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Imaging Techniques:
Ultrasound: Commonly used to detect liver abnormalities such as fatty liver, tumors, or fibrosis.
Transient Elastography (FibroScan): Measures liver stiffness, which correlates with fibrosis.
Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE): Uses MRI technology to measure liver stiffness.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Provides detailed images of the liver and can assess fat content and fibrosis.
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: Useful for detecting liver tumors and other abnormalities.
Genetic Testing:
Genetic Screening: Identifies hereditary liver diseases without the need for tissue samples.
Clinical Evaluation:
Comprehensive Medical History and Physical Examination: Helps in diagnosing and assessing the severity of liver disease based on symptoms and risk factors.
Lifestyle Modifications
Diet and Exercise: Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding alcohol can prevent and manage fatty liver disease and other liver conditions.
Avoiding Toxins: Reducing exposure to hepatotoxic medications and substances.
Vaccination: Vaccinations for hepatitis A and B can prevent liver infections.
Monitoring and Follow-Up
Regular monitoring and follow-up with a healthcare provider can often replace the need for a liver biopsy. This approach includes:
Regular blood tests to monitor liver function and damage markers.
Periodic imaging studies to assess liver structure and stiffness.
Ongoing evaluation of symptoms and adjustment of treatment plans.
When a Liver Biopsy Might Still Be Necessary
Despite the availability of these alternatives, there are situations where a liver biopsy remains the most accurate method to:
Confirm a specific diagnosis when non-invasive tests are inconclusive.
Assess the extent of liver damage in conditions like autoimmune hepatitis or unexplained liver disease.
Evaluate liver changes when starting new treatments or drugs that might affect the liver.
Call for Speaker/Poster We are inviting speaker/poster virtual Register for GASTROUCG Conference!!! Attend as Speaker/ Poster at the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Virtually Registration Here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/virtual-registration/
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Recovering from a liver biopsy involves a combination of rest, careful monitoring, and following your healthcare provider’s advice. By taking these steps, you can help ensure a smooth recovery and support your overall liver health. Remember, while a liver biopsy can be daunting, it is a valuable tool that provides crucial information for managing your liver condition effectively.
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onecalldoctor123 · 2 months
Home Nursing Services in Dubai | Best Nursing Care at Home in Dubai — One Call Doctor
In today’s fast-paced world, the need for immediate and convenient healthcare solutions is paramount. This is where “One Call Doctor” steps in, offering unparalleled home nursing services in Dubai. With the rising demand for personalized and high-quality healthcare, the concept of home nursing care in Dubai has gained immense popularity. In this blog post, we will explore how One Call Doctor is setting new benchmarks as the best home nursing services in Dubai.
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What is One Call Doctor?
One Call Doctor is a pioneering healthcare service provider that offers comprehensive and personalized home nursing care in Dubai. With a team of highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals, they are committed to delivering top-notch medical care right at your doorstep.
Why Choose Home Nursing Services in Dubai?
One of the most significant advantages of opting for home nursing care in Dubai is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Patients can receive medical attention from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for frequent hospital visits and long waiting hours.
Personalized Care
Home nursing services in Dubai provide personalized care tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each patient. This ensures that patients receive individualized attention and treatment, leading to better health outcomes and improved quality of life.
Contrary to popular belief, home nursing care in Dubai can be more cost-effective than traditional hospital care. By eliminating the overhead costs associated with hospital stays, patients can enjoy high-quality healthcare services at a fraction of the cost.
What Sets One Call Doctor Apart?
Expert Team of Professionals
One Call Doctor boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, who are dedicated to providing exceptional home nursing care in Dubai. Their expertise and commitment to patient care set them apart as the best home nursing services in Dubai.
Comprehensive Services
From post-operative care and chronic disease management to elderly care and pediatric services, One Call Doctor offers a wide range of home nursing services in Dubai to cater to the diverse healthcare needs of their patients.
State-of-the-Art Equipment
One Call Doctor utilizes state-of-the-art medical equipment and technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. This enables them to deliver high-quality healthcare services that meet the highest standards of excellence.
24/7 Availability
Understanding the unpredictable nature of healthcare emergencies, One Call Doctor offers round-the-clock home nursing care in Dubai. Their 24/7 availability ensures that patients receive timely medical attention whenever they need it, enhancing their peace of mind and well-being.
How to Avail One Call Doctor’s Home Nursing Services?
Availing One Call Doctor’s home nursing services in Dubai is incredibly simple and hassle-free. Patients can book an appointment by calling their dedicated helpline or through their user-friendly mobile app. Once the appointment is confirmed, a qualified healthcare professional will visit the patient’s home at the scheduled time to provide the necessary medical care.
In conclusion, One Call Doctor is revolutionizing home nursing services in Dubai by offering personalized, convenient, and cost-effective healthcare solutions. With their expert team of professionals, comprehensive services, state-of-the-art equipment, and 24/7 availability, they have established themselves as the best home nursing services in Dubai. So, the next time you or your loved ones require medical attention, remember that help is just one call away with One Call Doctor. For more details visit our website : https://theonecalldoctor.com/services/home-nursing-services/
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aimshealthcaredubai · 7 months
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Dubai, a city synonymous with luxury and opulence, has grown into a global healthcare hub over the years. Medical Treatment at palm Jumeirah is considering the best treatment in Dubai. The emirate boasts cutting-edge medical facilities, top-tier healthcare professionals, and a commitment to delivering world-class healthcare services. At the heart of Dubai’s medical landscape lies the iconic Palm Jumeirah, an artificial island that is not only a symbol of Dubai’s extravagance but also a beacon of hope for those seeking advanced medical treatment at Palm Jumeirah.
24 Seven Home Care Center in Dubai provides Doctor On Call , Doctor At Home and Doctor At Hotel Services 24 hours a day and we reach our patients in 30 minutes anytime and anywhere in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.
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speechtherapydubai · 9 months
Pediatric speech therapy Dubai | Speech Therapy At Home | One Call Doctor, UAE
At One Call Doctor, we bring expert pediatric speech therapy services right to your doorstep. Our dedicated team of professionals ensures your child receives personalized care and support in the comfort of their home. Say goodbye to the hassle of clinic visits and experience the convenience of home-based speech therapy. Your child’s communication skills are just one call away from improvemen
For more details visit our website : https://theonecalldoctor.com/
Address: UBC Near Al Twar Center — Room 202 — Al Nahda St — Al Qusais — Al Qusais 2 — Dubai — United Arab Emirates
Open 24 hours
Phone: +971 4 268 1901
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healthcarebia · 11 months
Round-the-Clock Availability with Doctor-on-Call Services in Dubai | Healthcarebia
Medical emergencies can happen at any time, day or night. Our home doctor service operates 24/7, so you can access professional medical assistance whenever you need it, even during late hours or holidays. Healthcarebia’s Doctor on-Call service brings the expertise of DHA-certified medical professionals directly to your doorstep in Dubai. A complete and knowledgeable experience for all customers.
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tabidoc54 · 1 year
Getting Accessibility to Quick, Convenient, and Trustworthy Online Medical Consultations in the UAE
In today's fast-paced world, access to quality healthcare has become more important than ever. Tabidoc.com is revolutionizing the way medical care is delivered by providing fast, convenient, and reliable online doctor consultations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). With Tabidoc.com, you can now connect with experienced doctors from the comfort of your own home, saving time and ensuring your health needs are met effectively.
Convenience at Your Fingertips
Gone are the days of long waiting hours at crowded clinics or hospitals. Tabidoc.com brings the doctor's office directly to your screen. The platform offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, enabling you to schedule appointments, consult with physicians, and receive medical advice—all with just a few clicks. Whether you have a minor ailment or seek a second opinion, Tabidoc.com ensures prompt access to healthcare professionals, eliminating the need for travel and waiting times.
Qualified Doctors, Personalized Care
Tabidoc.com collaborates with a network of highly skilled and licensed doctors who specialize in various medical fields. Whether you require general medical advice, specialized consultations, or even prescriptions, you can find the right expert on the platform. The doctors on Tabidoc.com are carefully selected, ensuring that you receive professional and personalized care tailored to your specific needs.
Safety and Security
Privacy and security are paramount when it comes to online healthcare services. Tabidoc.com places great emphasis on safeguarding your sensitive medical information. The platform utilizes advanced encryption protocols and adheres to strict data protection guidelines, ensuring your personal details remain confidential. By choosing Tabidoc.com, you can rest assured that your online consultations are secure, maintaining the same level of privacy you would expect during an in-person visit to a doctor's office.
Flexible and Accessible
Tabidoc.com offers unmatched flexibility in scheduling appointments. The platform operates 24/7, allowing you to book consultations at your convenience, irrespective of your location or time zone. This accessibility is especially beneficial for individuals with busy schedules, mobility restrictions, or those residing in remote areas. With Tabidoc.com, you can now receive quality medical care whenever and wherever you need it, ensuring that your health is not compromised due to logistical challenges.
Tabidoc.com is transforming the healthcare landscape in the UAE by providing fast, convenient, and reliable online doctor consultations. Through its user-friendly platform, highly qualified doctors, and commitment to privacy and security, Tabidoc.com offers a healthcare solution that caters to the modern lifestyle. Embrace the convenience and accessibility of online consultations with Tabidoc.com and take control of your health journey today.
For More Info:-
Online Doctor Consultations in Dubai
Telehealth Online doctor consultation
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salwaty321 · 1 year
Why is Post-Operative Care Important?
Health problems have always been a struggle for every person, but thankfully, evolutionary studies and research have shown the best management and treatment options for each unique illness. Operative techniques, which have a curative, therapeutic, and detective purpose, are one of them. Every stage of this process has a significant impact on each person’s health. However, the significance of the last stage of the operation remains in doubt. Why is postoperative Home Nursing In Dubai so important in promoting one’s health and quality of life?
Postoperative care is the treatment provided to a patient immediately following surgery. It includes the care provided from the operating room to the post-anesthesia care unit and lasts up to a few days after the patient is discharged. Any potential issues should also be communicated to the receiving nurse.
What is the nurse’s order of importance while evaluating the postoperative patient?
Maintaining airway patency is important for ensuring enough oxygenation.
Vital Signs Status, the monitoring of vital signs as a reference point for initial patient status information.
The responsiveness possessed after the transfer to assess the patient’s progress or worsening is known as the level of consciousness.
More categories to take into account when assessing.
any obvious indicators of heavy hemorrhage
reliability of drainage
body temperature level
IV fluid regulation and completeness
control and awareness of the extremities
any discomfort, and whether or if you feel queasy or sick
Nursing diagnosis is also performed for any controllable signs and symptoms, in which the nurse makes a plan for a doable comfort and safety intervention and then reevaluates later for improvement or additional care, as needed.
Initial 24 hours following surgery:
Every evaluation by the nurse must follow the same protocol, and any alarming observations or complaints must be taken seriously. Ongoing surveillance of vital signs, pain scale, and operation site intake and output.
After the first postoperative day:
Already, times between assessments and monitoring might be shortened.
If the patient is stable, vital signs can be monitored every four to eight hours.
Check for drainage and any early indications of infection at the location of the incision.
Complication signs should also be watched for, and the doctor should be alerted right once if erythema in the legs, Pain, loss of breath, ileus, or incision dehiscence is found.
Proper wound care and dressing should be used in the days that follow surgery to encourage healing, stop infection, and avoid subsequent issues. After being released from the hospital, a family member or a healthcare provider, such as a Female Nurse For Home Care or any other carer, is given instructions on how to perform proper dressing, wound care, assistance in activities of daily living, and even an appropriate home diet until the patient has fully recovered or if the patient can do it himself.
Given the above-provided facts, it is certainly true that postoperative care makes an essential contribution to preserving a person’s health condition. Its main objective is to guarantee successful recovery and positive results, which are demonstrated by the absence of complications during the healing phase and the presence of tolerable to minimal pain. Additionally, an efficient healing process at the site of the surgical incision should be evident. The individual’s postoperative return to stability and restoring their optimal health comes before all of these.
A homecare nursing agency with a license from the Dubai Health Authority is called SALWATY HOME HEALTHCARE (“SHHC”). We provide a range of services, such as senior care, wound care, Best Home Nursing Care, private nursing care, stroke nursing care, dementia nursing care, Alzheimer’s nursing care, and others.    
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Doctor on Call
Today’s hospitals and clinics have begun providing patients with home visits from physicians in Dubai to meet their needs, and the demand for these services is rising. Find a trustworthy home visit doctor that is well-known in their field.
Who should use Dubai’s Doctor on Call?
The UAE’s population of elderly people aged 60 to 70 is expanding at the highest rate, and they are the group most frequently in need of periodic home visits from doctors. The greatest option for the elderly and other patients is at-home medical treatment. Patients who are unable to attend the doctor’s office or those who are unable to travel genuinely benefit from it, or patients who have:
Mobility problems brought on by illness or injury
Invisibility issues that make it risky to drive or travel
Insufficient transportation
Difficulties with the mind or memory, such as Alzheimer’s
Several management-related persistent problems
If you match the requirements listed below, you can also request medical assistance at home:
Homebound as defined by the hospital
To avoid, enhance, manage, or halt the progression of the current health problem, you require sporadic or intermittent expert healthcare.
You must be treated by a physician who conducts and records personal visits.
Patients can use a doctor on call service if they require assistance leaving the house, such as a wheelchair, walker, or crutches, or if they fear that doing so could worsen their condition.
Why Would You Need a Doctor to Visit You at Home in Dubai?
Home visit medical services are not a novel idea. In actuality, it predates the time of World War II. This behavior has evolved and taken on a new shape in modern times. Life has become much more straightforward for many individuals, especially the elderly and those unable to get to hospitals or clinics independently. Here are a few advantages of having doctors come to your house:
Saves Time and Money
When a doctor comes to your house, you can save time. Traveling to your doctor’s office from home takes time. In this method, you may request a doctor visit you at home. Regular medical visits also reduce the expense of hospitalization. You can quickly contact physicians at home if you are unwell and have mobility issues. You are not required to pay for public transportation. Health insurance policies now cover the services of a doctor in your house.
Safe for those with weak immune systems
For patients with various conditions, staying in waiting rooms is both uncomfortable and risky. It poses a concern to older individuals with weakened immune systems as well as healthy individuals. Your body gets worn out if you go to the doctor because of an ailment. The issue with senior adults is that they become less flexible and mobile as they age, which affects their balance. So, traveling is complex. Having a doctor visit someone at home is usually preferable in those situations.
You may easily contact the doctor at your house even if you only feel like you need a routine checkup and are too busy to stand in line to visit the doctor. You avoid having to deal with traffic and the hassle of parking. This is why scheduling a home visit with your doctor is much more practical. It is particularly true for those who require medical attention the most, particularly elderly people and those who are ill.
You cannot go to the doctor if you cannot drive or lack transportation. In this situation, a home visit could be the best option. If you are sick, all you need to do is stay in bed. Doctor on call or home visit services are quite helpful in this situation.
24/7 Available
One of the primary issues with seeing general practitioners is the working hours. In this way, home visit physicians may offer adequate treatment, visit you even after other doctors’ offices close for the day, and even take care of you on the weekends. Therefore, medical services are available 24/7.
To sum up
Ultimately, we all require home visit medical services for various reasons. In our own house, we feel the most at ease. Therefore, it is usually advisable to receive treatment at home as well.
There are many advantages to employing a doctor-at-home service, and here are just a few of them. Angels of Medical Care is the finest option if you’re hoping to receive individualized, professional, and scheduled medical treatments in the convenience of your own home. It currently provides 24/7 home healthcare services. with physicians who speak several languages and services such as nebulizers, immunizations, infections, high blood pressure, STDs, and more. If you’re interested in learning how to have a doctor visit you in the convenience of your own home, click here. You can also schedule an appointment by calling Angels of Medical Care at (800) 687–73.
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