#244 and i am not looking for the extras maybe later
i-bring-crack · 2 years
Dude Imagine an AU where Mu Qing is trying to get Hua Cheng to leave the army so that he doesn't get killed but Hua Cheng relents to the point Mu Qing gets mad about him and shouts
And realizes a second later what he just said but can't take it back now.
So Hua Cheng sticks to him out of spite, trained by Mu Qing out of spite and always tailing around him so that he can get a little bit closer to Danxia.
And Danxia thinks that Hua Cheng is Mu Qings adopted brother now so he also tries to get closer to him despite the entire Xianle capital kingdom falling down.
Hua Cheng becomes one of Xie Lian's servants just like Mu Qing, he has to tend to the clothes and care for the highness, even after the fall the boy still remains alongside the trio and the royal family, bc he doesn't really have a family except for Mu Qing and his mother who is also such a nice lady to him, mostly because she can't see so she doesn't judge his appearance.
So when the time comes for Mu Qing to leave, Hua Cheng understands but still doesn't leave Xie Lian behind, and, in an awfully kind way(the best he can muster), tells Xie Lian that he just has some things that are more important in his own head, and that Xie Lian doesn't need to worry about him.
Hua Cheng didn't expect for Mu Qing to come along with 33 others to cultivate under the same mountain Xie Lian was already in.
And as much as he tries, Hua Cheng can't beat against all of the gods, and neither can the banished Xie Lian. Mu Qing just watches it all go down, his body shaking, both in fear of stepping out and out of anger as he tries to help them both out, telling them to leave for their own good.
Hua Cheng punches him, it's weak and one he could have easily dodged, yet it still hurts when that pain is added to the last two people in his life he had a small closeness to.
A hundred years later he happens to find Hua Cheng again as a GHOST(died trying to protect Danxia Noooo, yall can guess if it was at the stabby stabby temple or at the Lang-er bay ) and of devastation rank no less.
For a moment he almost finds wanting to join in the challenge just to see Hua Cheng again, but rejects it out of fear since he knows they both ended on bad terms.
Then, he remembers about Xie Lian, and goes out to meet Hua Cheng again who thinks his battle has been accepted but definitely didn't expect for Mu Qing to come without weapons– he already defeated 33 gods, yet he dares to think so highly of himself that he doesn't bring a weapon— Mu Qing tries to explain to Hua Cheng that he is trying to ask about Xie Lian and isn't looking for a challenge.
Hua Cheng eventually manages to almost win against him until Feng Xin arrives, surprised to see Hua Cheng again and also ask him the same thing, "What happened to Xie Lian."
Hua Cheng doesn't say it because he thinks they dont deserve to hear about such thing but he does point out that he is gone, somewhere out there and he's alone in a miserable world while the two of them rejoice in luxury at the capital.
This leaves them speechless until Mu Qing speaks up: "You only have connections to the earth while I have to the heavens, it'll be faster if we are both looking instead of just one."
Hua Cheng doesn't believe him but he still let's him and Feng Xin live, albeit with a shit ton of wounds that Mu Qing took it as payback for leaving all those years he left— or maybe it was a show of mercy due to Hua Cheng being sheltered by Mu Qing and his loving mother.
Still, for hundreds of years Mu Qing and Hua Cheng slowly remend a kind brotherly bond while trying to find out where Xie Lian is. Somewhat. He still didn't care as much about his life during the lava cliff, rather Feng Xin seemed more worried than before.
[It wasn't that Hua Cheng didn't believe he was working for Jun Wu, in fact if it's coming such unbelievable words from Mu Qings mouth then that definitely is the truth. It's just that if he's stuck in such a dangerous situation then it's definitely a bait of Jun Wu.]
Most of the common talk consisted of Mu Qing trading childhood memories of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng asking for Mu Qing criticism to help him perfect his Danxia artwork.
Bonus headcanon that the only time Feng Xin and Hua Cheng got along was when they could make fun of Mu Qing.
In the third assencion Mu Qing barges into Ghost city, Breaks Hua Cheng door and drags him to Yu Jun Mountain.
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erika---k · 5 years
I translated the part that’s mostly about Pernille. We are working on the rest as well. If there are any Swedish speakers who would like to help out, please dm @magdaerikssons
I suppose I stayed pretty close to the Swedish original, so the language might sound a little odd sometimes. But it’s understandable...
Starting at about minute 55.
L: You yourself mentioned this picture, that the Guardian mentioned in August and that other Swedish newspapers also wrote about. What was it like to have a breakthrough [in popularity] after such a picture that maybe you didn’t even think about when you kissed each other after a match?
M: Yeah…
L: It was the Canada match…
M: Yes, exactly… Yeah, that was very special… because… You are coming from little Sweden and... I am not a known football player in that way. So in that moment you got a taste of what it’s like to be in the gossip. That was very different and I think I got up to 20.000 new followers in just two days, because this picture spread over the whole world. So you understand what kind of power… I understood what kind of power me and Pernille have together as a couple and how we actually are examples in a way that I did not at all think about before.
L: What’s it like to be an example?
M: It’s cool! It is what you… You have come to this point in your career where you feel... What you do has an impact and you can inspire others to do things. And to be able to be a part of “Common Goal”. To be able to show: It doesn’t matter who you love, you should be comfortable with it. To be able to stand for things, to be able to show what you stand for and to actually be able to inspire others. That’s very cool!
L: What kind responsibility comes along if you are an example?
M: Certainly… You think one more time before you retweet something or take a stand for something that it is something that I really stand for. And I know that my opinion matters. So it’s probably that which comes along. Then it also comes natural to me to want to take a stand for certain topics that are important to me.
L: You mentioned Albin Ekdal. It was in connection with pride last summer that he in Aftonbladet spoke about that on the women’s side in football homosexuality is quite common but not on the men’s side. What do you think is the reason for that? Because I assume… This must be something you talk about?
M: Absolutely… The reason why it isn’t accepted on the men’s side is probably because it is a very hard culture, a macho culture, a fan culture in a different way, where you know... or you don’t know but you believe that probably if you would come out as a homosexual male football player you would have the fans against you, the fans of the opposing team against you… You would hear it in a completely different way than what we get to hear, it feels like our fan culture has a more accepting attitude. Then… Why it became this way in the beginning… That’s very difficult to say. Why it is so accepted with homosexuality in women’s football. But I think absolutely that it has to do with macho culture in men’s football. That there is a certain ideal picture of what a men’s football player is supposed to be like, what kind of life he is supposed to live… and so on. And I think it’s very difficult to break that stereotype.
L: What negative aspects of that do you feel? That you get? Or you and Pernille?
M: That’s what I think is so surprising. I actually didn’t  get anything. You can believe that after such a picture comes out like last summer, that you at least should get some hate and some love. That’s so it works in the football world. You get a lot of love, but also some hate, but for me… There wasn’t anything that I saw, that came to me where I could see any kind of hate but it was just that people wanted to praise the picture. If I would have gone into every forum and read every single comment I would certainly had found disgusting things, but there was nothing that came to me or anything I saw. That’s unbelievably cool,  it’s a good sign that we have come far in society.
L: We who followed the world cup saw your girlfriend Pernille Harder in a Swedish national teams jersey. In a way that feels that it would not have been just as ok on the men’s side that she supported you. She plays for Danmark afterall. Did you get any reactions about that?
M: No… actually not about that either. It was a lot of positivity… I don’t know if it is about the fan culture in women’s football, it’s not the same. It is a different mood, it is not polarising in the same way. But we don’t know what it would be like, because it never happened on the men’s side! You wish that someone would dare to break that norm to see if it’s possible to change the culture. But as long as that doesn’t happen, it’s really difficult to know what would happen!
L: You and Pernille have also met in games! Is it difficult…? It has happened before but then people haven't always chosen to tell that they were together… Both in the national teams and Wolfsburg/Chelsea.
M: Yes, absolutly! It is. Because we have chosen to be public so maybe the difficulty was a lot about these kinds of questions. How do you say something? How much should we talk about it before? All that has been the most difficult. The matches themselves… That’s a football match like any other. (laughs) Afterwards it’s about to support the one who sadly ended up losing the match. The difficulty was how you should handle the media, right because it isn't that common and it is a very different situation. 
L: You also meet on the field. Because you are defender, she is a forward… That also gives it an extra seasoning…
M: Yes exactly, but we met, when we played together in Linköping for three years. We met each other in training constantly. I’m used to meet her in that way. That’s not what’s weird, the weird thing was how the excitement around those games has been build up [by the media] and so of course afterward when one is very happy and one is very disappointed.
L: How do you handle that? For example when Wolfsburg beats Chelsea?
M: Yeah… That was very hard for me personally. Because I had…
L: Do you talk to each other about it?
M: Yes, we do. We like to talk a lot. And Pernille understands. She knows what kind of “winner head” I am. She understands. She knows how disappointed I get after a loss. She was very understanding. It wasn’t that she made jokes or made comments but was very understanding and supporting. And now some time later you can talk about the situation and also make jokes.
L: Was there a situation [within the game] where she won against you?
M: There was no actual situation, but she scored goals and beat us very heavily. So it was mostly my ego… Ok, Chelsea is actually far behind Wolfsburg.
L: What kind of feeling was it when you were in Denmark and beat Denmark and qualified for the world cup directly?
M: Yeah, there were the roles the other way around. Unbelievably hard for Pernille. It’s her goal to play a word cup of course. And up to now she hasn’t been able to do that. And it means a lot to take your team… to take your country to a world cup. So I found it very sad for Pernille. I wish that she will be able to experience it. She deserves to play on that scene as well, I think! But, well, that’s what it’s like in football. It doesn’t work… We handle adversity all the time. It was like any loss, any disappointment. I hope that both Sweden and Denmark get to the World Cup next time. 
L: What are your thoughts? Do you want to play on the same team? You did in Linköping. Do you have that thought, that it would be nice to play in Wolfsburg or Chelsea or somewhere else.
M: Yes, we have had a long distance relationship in two and a half years. Which starts to become quite a long time and we feel certainly… The older you get and the more you accomplish the more you want to priorities your personal life over your career. Up to now we have been extreme career people and put football first and everything else we solve somehow. But we start talking more and more… Both our contracts  end in 2021. So we know… right now the situation looks like this. And what happens in 2021, we will see… But… yeah right now we have to deal with making the best from the situation that we are in.
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