2tiedships2 · 7 years
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Int:  Are there any strange habits you or the other guys have?
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jannuarmami-blog · 7 years
Eines Tages werden sie dir Erzählen, dass "Sie" mit jemand anderem gesehen wurde, dass sie Glücklich aussah und strahlte... In diesem Moment werden deine Hände anfangen zu Zittern, deine Augen gläsern und deine Stimme stotternd nochmal nachhaken "Bist du sicher das sie es war..?" Die Antwort wird "Ja, ich bin mir ganz sicher das sie es war.." sein... Plötzlich erinnerst du dich an all die Dinge, die du so sehr an ihr Geliebt hast, das sie Treu war, sie dir bei vielen Dingen entgegen kam weil sie wollte das du dich Wohlfühlst, das sie so gerne lächelte während deine Lippen auf ihren waren weil du alles warst was sie je wollte. Alles fühlte sich so an als hätte der liebe Gott für euch beide einen Plan gehabt, bei dem ihr am Ende alt und glücklich werdet. Aber aus irgendeinem Grund hast du losgelassen, diese wundervolle Frau losgelassen und für eine Weile dachtest du dass es das richtige war sie gehen zu lassen und du glaubtest vom Gefühl her du weißt ganz genau was du da gerade tust... Und Heute weiß jeder Teil in dir, der sie jemals auf irgendeine weise Berührt hat, dass er sie nie wieder Berühren wird und das Zerbricht dich gerade. Es ist Reue die dich in diesem Moment plagt, du blickst zurück auf eure Beziehung wie auf ein Gemälde das ein Meisterwerk hätte werden können, doch als die Finalen Pinselstriche an der Reihe waren bist du geflüchtet, du Blickst zurück auf eure Beziehung wie auf eine Blume die du herausgerissen hast bevor sie überhaupt anfangen konnte zu Blühen, weil du Ungeduldig warst... Reue plagt dich weil du Erfahren hast das ein anderer die Pinselstriche gesetzt hat und nicht geflüchtet ist, dass ein anderer Geduldig gewartet hat bis die Blume blüht, weil er sie Pflegt... Vielleicht wirst du sie Anrufen, um ihr zu sagen dass du einen Fehler gemacht hast, du sie Vermisst und immer noch Liebst und sie wird dir mit einer sanften Stimme sagen "Ja wir haben uns geliebt und bei Gott ich wäre für dich Gestorben, doch du hast mich gehen lassen... Tut mir leid, du hast mich gehen lassen... Vergiss das niemals.. Du hast mich gehen lassen..."
Der Poet
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andrea-bel-arruti · 3 years
Las plantas… las plantas cambian de maceta. Cada mañana tengo que encontrarlas. En las noches sacan sus raíces y se intercambian las macetas. Me dejan la casa llena de pasitos de tierra.
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skamseason1 · 7 years
SKAM Season 1 Sub-masterpost
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Hei! Here is the SKAM Season 1 sub-masterpost!
Instagram from Eva
Instagram from Eva
Instagram from Eve
Instagram from Eva
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Eva
Instagram from Eva
Instagram from Isak
Instagram from Isak
Instagram from Isak
Instagram from Isak
Instagram from Isak
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
Episode 1
Clip “Our Fault”
Instagram picture
Clip “You Don’t Trust Me”
Text between Eva & Jonas
Clip: “Add Me On Facebook”
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Isak
Text between Eva & Jonas
Instagram Picture
Clip “Loner”
Instagram picture
Instagram from Isak
Instagram picture
Instagram picture
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Isak
Clip “Slut”
Episode 2
1. Saturday 26.09.15 - 10.30 Text between Eva & Jonas
2. Saturday 26.09.15 - 13.59 Text between Eva, Jonas & Isak
Instagram from Jonas
3. Saturday 26.09.15 - 17.36 Instagram picture
4. Saturday 26.09.15 - 17.57 Instagram video
5. Sunday 27.09.15 - 15.18 Clip “Stuck”
6. Monday 28.09.15 - 15.53 Instagram picture
7. Monday 28.09.25 - 18.43 Instagram picture
8. Monday 28.09.15 - 21.23 Instagram picture
9. Tuesday 29.09.15  9.04 Clip “I Feel Lonely”
10. Tuesday 29.09.15 - 10.56 Text between Eva & her mom
11. Tuesday 29.09.15 - 13.17 Instagram video
12. Tuesday 29.09.15 - 17.24 Instagram picture
13. Wednesday 30.09.15 - 20.32 Clip “You Know Something”
14. Thursday 1.10.15 - 17.32 Clip “Who The Hell Was That?”
Instagram from Jonas
15. Friday 2.10.15 - 19.04 Clip “ It's a Party”
Episode 3
1. Saturday 3.10.15 - 17.11 Clip “You Nailed It”
2. Saturday 3.10.15 - 18.06 Instagram picture
3. Saturday 3.10.15 - 20.26 Instagram picture
4. Saturday 3.10.15 - 22.11 Text between Eva, Jonas & Isak
Instagram from Jonas
5. Monday 5.10.15 - 10.29 Clip “Strong Body Odor”
6. Monday 5.10.15 - 18.58 Text between Eva & Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
7. Monday 5.10.15 - 21.07 Instagram video
8. Tuesday 6.10.15 - 11.50 Clip “Bet Bus”
9. Tuesday 6.10.15 - 12.20 Text between Eva & Jonas
10. Tuesday 6.10.15 - 19.32 Text between Eva & Vilde
11. Tuesday 6.10.15 - 21.17 Instagram picture
12. Wednesday 7.10.15 - 10.10 Text between Eva & Jonas
13. Wednesday 7.10.15 - 11.51 Instagram video
14. Wednesday 7.10.15 - 19.46 Instagram picture
15. Thursday 8.10.15 - 14.05 Clip “Who’s Hosting”
16. Thursday 8.10.15 - 22.38 Text between Eva & Sana
17. Friday 9.10.15 - 12.17 Instagram video
18. Friday 9.10.15 - 18.50 Clip ‘Cred”
Instagram fro Jonas
Episode 4
1. Saturday 10.10.15 - 10.11 Clip “Dump You”
2. Saturday 10.10.15 - 10.29 Text between Eva & Jonas
3. Saturday 10.10.15 - 14.32 Text between Eva, Noora, Chris & Vilde
4. Sunday 11.10.15 - 16.42 Instagram picture
5. Sunday 11.10.15 - 18.35 Instagram video
Instagram from Jonas
6. Sunday 11.10.15 - 20.21 Instagram picture
7. Monday 12.10.15 - 15.04 Clip “William”
8. Tuesday 13.10.15 - 15.41 Clip “Horny”
9. Tuesday 13.10.15 - 19.50 Instagram picture
10. Wednesday 14.10.15 - 16.15 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
11. Wednesday 14.10.15 - 20.10 Text between Girl Squad
12. Thursday 15.10.15 - 12.10 Clip “The Beer Man”
13.  Thursday 15.10.15 - 18.30 Text between Girl Squad
Instagram from Jonas
14. Thursday 15.10.15 - 20.53 Instagram picture
15. Friday 16.10.15 - 12.23 Instagram video
16. Friday 16.10.15 - 18.41 Clip “Penetrators”
17. Friday 16.10.15 - 20.31 Text between Eva & Jonas
Episode 5
1. Saturday 17.10.15 - 10.21 Text between Eva & Jonas
2. Saturday 17.10.15 - 12.30 Text between Girl Squad
3. Saturday 17.10.15 - 14.59 Text between Eva & Jonas
4. Saturday 17.10.15 - 16.11 Clip “Drama”
5. Sunday 18.10.15 - 18.38 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
6. Monday 19.10.15 - 11.32 Instagram picture
7. Monday 19.10.15 - 15.11 Clip “Good In Bed”
8. Monday 19.10.15 - 20.13 Text between Eva, Noora & Vilde
Instagram from Isak
9. Tuesday 20.10.15 - 16.35 Instagram picture
Instagram from Jonas
Instagram from Isak
10. Tuesday 20.10.15 - 19.06 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
11. Tuesday 20.10.15 - 19.59 Text between Eva & Jonas
12. Wednesday 21.10.15 - 0.35 Clip “ I Have A Boyfriend”
13. Wednesday 21.10.15 - 0.45 Text between Eva & Jonas
14. Wednesday 21.10.15 - 13.15 Clip “Fucked”
15. Wednesday 21.10.15 - 14.11 Text between Eva & Jonas
Instagram from Isak
16. Wednesday 21.10.15 - 18.05 Instagram picture
17. Wednesday 21.10.15 - 19.22 Instagram video
18. Thursday 22.10.15 - 9.15 Instagram picture
Instagram from Jonas
19. Thursday 22.10.15 - 12.11 Instagram picture
Instagram from Isak
20. Thursday 22.10.15 - 19.49 Text between Eva, Noora, Chris & Vilde
Instagram from Chris
Instagram from Vilde
22. Friday 23.10.15 - 19.47 Clip “Fuck Up”
Episode 6
1. Sunday 25.10.15 - 10.02 Text between Eva & Isak
2. Sunday 25.10.15 - 14.42 Clip “Alternative three”
3. Sunday 25.10.15 - 21.11 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
4. Monday 26.10.15 - 14.15 Clip “FUCK YOU”
5. Monday 26.10.15 - 15.00 Instagram picture
6. Tuesday 27.10.15 - 15.30 Clip “Not Lying”
7. Tuesday 27.10.15 - 21.02 Instagram picture
8.1 Wednesday 28.10.15 - 13.55 Instagram video
9.Wednesday 28.10.15 - 19.32 Text between Eva & Jonas
Instagram from Jonas
10. Thursday 29.10.15 - 14.30 Clip “Einstein”
Instagram from Chris
11. Friday 30.10.15 - 17.29 Instagram picture
Instagram from Chris
Instagram from Chris
12. Friday 30.10.15 - 20.30 Clip “Halloween”
Instagram from Penetrator Chris
13. Friday 30.10.15 - 21.42 Clip “The Two of Us”
Episode 7
1. Monday 9.11.15 - 11.32 Clip “Who Did You Hook Up With”
2. Monday 9.11.15 - 13.33 Text between Eva & Jonas
3. Monday 9.11.15 - 14.30 Instagram picture
4. Monday 9.11.15 - 14.40 Clip “Horrible Person”
5. Monday 9.11.15 - 15.18  Instagram video
6. Tuesday 10.11.15 - 13.40 Clip “Living trophy”
7. Tuesday 10.11.15 - 15.35 Text between Eva, Noora & Vilde
8. Tuesday 10.11.15 - 17.32 Text between Eva & Jonas
9. Wednesday 11.11.15 - 0.39 Instagram picture
10. Wednesday 11.11.15 - 18.40 Clip “Marijuana”
11. Wednesday 11.11.15 - 22.58 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
12. Thursday 12.11.15 - 13.20 Clip “Inferiority complex”
Instagram from Isak
13. Thursday 12.11.15 - 20.24 Text between Girl Squad
14. Friday 13.11.15 - 11.17 Instagram picture
15. Friday 13.11.15 - 14.02 Clip “Fucking whore”
Instagram from Isak
Episode 8
1. Saturday 14.11.15 - 11.32 Clip “Fuck up all that is good”
Instagram from Isak
2. Sunday 15.11.15 - 15.51 Text between Eva & Noora
3. Monday 16.11.15 - 0.50 Instagram picture
4. Monday 16.11.15 - 8.59 Text between Eva & Noora
5. Monday 16.11.15 - 11.58 Clip “Piss on your entire life”
6. Tuesday 17.11.15 - 16.29 Clip “Some cunts in 2nd Year”
Instagram from Isak
7. Tuesday 17.11.15 - 22.34  Instagram picture
8. Wednesday 18.11.15 - 14.28 Clip “Asshole”
9. Wednesday 18.11.15 - 20.13 Text between Eva & Noora
10. Thursday 19.11.15 - 15.01 Clip “Blacklisted”
11. Wednesday 18.11.15 - 12.43 Instagram post
12. Friday 20.11.15 - 14.33 Clip “I love you”
Episode 9
1. Saturday 21.11.15 - 12.55 Text between Eva & Isak
2. Saturday 21.11.15 - 23.45  Instagram picture
3. Sunday 22.11.15 - 17.58 Text between Girl Squad
4. Monday 23.11.15 - 7.28 Clip “Who”
5. Monday 23.11.15 - 18.07 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
6. Tuesday 24.11.15 - 13.26 Instagram video
7. Tuesday 24.11.15 - 18.32 Clip “Chill”
8. Tuesday 24.11.15 - 22.48 Text between Eva & Isak
9.  Wednesday 25.11.15 - 13.30  Clip “Chlamydia epidemic”
10. Wednesday 25.11.15 - 19.39 Instagram picture
11. Thursday 26.11.15 - 13.00 Clip “Bad”
12. Thursday 26.11.15 - 16.31 Text between Eva & Isak
13. Friday 27.11.15 - 13.50 Clip “No more bullshit”
Episode 10
1. Saturday 28.11.15 - 11.04 Clip “Breakdown”
2. Sunday 29.11.15 - 15.55 Text between Girl
3. Sunday 29.11.15 - 19.09 Instagram picture
4. Monday 30.11.15 - 12.05 Clip “The Pepsimax crew”
5. Monday 30.11.15 - 20.21 Text Between Eva, Chris, Noora & Sana
6. Tuesday 1.12.15 - 10.11 Clip “Awkward”
7. Tuesday 1.12.15 - 18.06 Instagram Messages with P-Chris
8. Wednesday 2.12.15 - 12.09 Clip “Hot freshman boys”
9. Wednesday 2.12.15 - 19.19 Text between Eva & Iben 2STB
10. Thursday 3.12.15 - 13.01 Instagram picture
11. Thursday 3.12.15 - 16.31 Text Between Eva, Chris, Noora & Sana
12. Friday 4.12.15 - 13.57 Instagram picture
13. Friday 4.12.15 - 19.52 Clip “Fairest lord Jesus” 
Episode 11
1. Saturday 5.12.15 - 10.21 Clip “The day after”
2. Saturday 5.12.15 - 15.38 Text between Eva & Iben
3. Sunday 6.12.15 - 9.02 Text between Eva & Isak
4. Sunday 6.12.15 - 15.52 Text between Eva & Jonas
5. Monday 7.12.15 - 13.39 Clip “Stop playing so fucking interesting”
6. Tuesday 8.12.15 - 10.30 Clip “Pregnant”
7. Tuesday 8.12.15 - 19.53 Instagram picture
8. Wednesday 9.12.15 - 14.30 Instagram picture
9. Wednesday 9.12.15 - 19.29 Text between Eva & Isak
10. Thursday 10.12.15 - 14.23 Clip “Honest af”
Instagram from Isak
11. Thursday 10.12.15 - 22.59 Text between Eva & Jonas
12. Friday 11.12.15 - 14.32 Clip “O come all ye faithful”
Season 2 Trailer - Posted Friday, 12/11/15 8:30 pm
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mynameisbear · 7 years
Здравейте :)
От няколко седмици имам проблеми с емоциите си и като цяло психиката ми . На моменти изпадам много силно в панически атаки и не мога да дишам нормално.Започва да ми се гади и да ми се вие свят.Снощи завърших книгата която много успя да ми помоге с това. Все още не се чувствам напълно добре но поне знам едно .. Ще се справя.Да пиша тук много ми помага.
Няма.м търпение да сложат украсите за Коледа. Да виждам лампички по терасите на хората. Някак си ставаме по - добри по празниците .
“Всичко ще бъде наред…”  повтарям си ..  “ти си силна и обичана”  .
Z  25.11.15,
Мога да направя списък защо искам да се преместя вече да живея там където се очаква да бъда след по - малко от година . ( Мога да направя и списък защо не искам но не в този блог. )
1.Ще мога да ценя моментите си тук на това място много повече.
2.Ще имам по - голямо разнообразие в ежедневието и по - малко моменти за мислене.
3.Ще бъда на място което не познавам.
4Гледката през прозореца ми ще бъде нова .
5.Там имам по - голям избор за това какво да правя.
6.Ще мога да се изчистя от миналото си по - лесно.Няма да виждам същите лица и улици всеки ден.
7 . Ще има повече места за снимане.
8. Хората са още по - разнообразни и различни там и няма да ме гледат толкова странно .
9. Ще мога да си докажа ,че и сама мога да се справя. ( не напълно сама но .. сама ще си готвя например :p )
Докато ги писах в главата ми дойдоха и много лоши неща. Но ще се справя .. винаги съм се справяла . Вярвам в себе си .
Прекалено много лоши неща се случват със света .Трябва да вярваме в себе си за да не се изгубим напълно .
Z.  25.11.15,
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hayalimdebiz · 7 years
Albay yerine Leon yazıyordu. Tarihi yanlış hatırlamıyorsam 25.11.15* Nazen le çok güzeldiniz 1 yıl önce
yanlış hatırlıyorsun ama olsun, eyvallah yine de
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karolinascas · 7 years
My friend and I decided to make a choreography and all the moves we came up with by ourselves. As I have lots of experience and some skills in dancing, I have also been teaching and helping my friends throughout the choreography. It took us 6 hours to put the moves together, memorize them, dance and film it. 
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Icarus ~
I'd fashioned myself a pair of wings
From inexperience and hope. 
Their construction was clumsy
But my eyes were blind to it.
Briefly, I flew. 
I reached out to rosy fingered Dawn 
And she was soft.
I tangled her pale rays of sunshine in my fingers,
Unaware I was causing damage.
Unaware that I was too close,
And the wax that I had used to bind my wings
Was melting and evaporating. 
I knew I was not supposed to fly so close to the sun
But the joy of flying had made me forget.
I squeezed her sunshine in my hands
And I knew what it was to be happy.
But something so beautiful was not meant for me to hold.
She slipped through my fingers,
But took my wings for a keepsake.
The sky rejected me and the see consumed me,
But I did not care,
Because I had felt the touch of Dawn's rosy fingers. 
0 notes
advelecmusic · 7 years
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2tiedships2 · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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jannuarmami-blog · 7 years
"Kein Happy End, doch die Zeit mir dir war das schönste Kapietel."
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jannuarmami-blog · 7 years
Vertrauen ist Mut, und Treue ist Kraft.
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charitabledirection · 9 years
One Direction give a Press Conference in Mexico City, Mexico. (while in Mexico for a performance at the Telehit 2015 Awards Show.) 25.11.15 -MP
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