world-of-wales · 7 months
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26 FEBRUARY 2020 || The Duchess of Cambridge attended a SportsAid Stars Event at the London Stadium in Stratford.
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taeminrecuerdos · 2 years
Vídeo publicado en las redes sociales oficiales de SuperM, anunciando la primera portada de 'Harper's Bazaar' China, protagonizada por el grupo.
🔗fuente: Twitter
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fuckyeahkimwonpil · 5 years
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[20200226] Wonpil’s IG update
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dcldraws · 5 years
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Art 2020 - 26.02.2020
Omae wa mou shindeiru
More Info On Twitter
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karenkarento · 5 years
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Semalam aku Kira aku punya bumbu instan ternyata tidak!, Jadi harus buat bumbu rendang dari nol karena sudah janji suami mau buatin. Di rendang selama 5 jam guys nih.. worth it sih!! #happy #sukses #masakmasak #rendangpadang #myownrecipe #26022020 (at Palmerston City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AXFCygZni/?igshid=ernrkehv2gml
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mliman12 · 5 years
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Part 4/4 #26022020 #AshWednesday #SulamanAnglicanChurchKotaKinabalu #FellowshipAfterService (at McDonald's (Drive-Thru), Jalan Sulaman) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9D5D4WJl1xEGFXtyh8xfPHP5HW-44M4XIEu2k0/?igshid=fpicqstjilsv
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nandro · 5 years
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#lanzarote #chilling #26022020 (en Playa Honda Lanzarote) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9C3xH3qpKe/?igshid=sdixeah79nnl
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Jika suatu hari akan ada perpisahan, maka hari ini akan menjadi sebuah kenangan... Panjang umur sehat selalu, sukses terus dan berbahagia. Tuhan Yesus memberkati langkahmu dan apapun yg engkau kerjakan semuanya berhasil n beruntung. HBD🎂🎁🎈 bagian dari hari2 kami *Elis tak pakai Z* 🥰😇 @cosvany89 #cosvany89 #fannyshean #TienCosvanyDamanik #hbdfamily #hbdfriends #btsaseruseruan #hbdeliz #26022020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9COE43DcCTk-L0akkf2fG-cL0-3GNOjXt10g00/?igshid=l8y8g188jdls
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bymuhammadamin · 5 years
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Judul : Start With Why, Cara Pemimpin Besar Menginspirasi Orang untuk Bertindak Penulis : Simon Sinek Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama ISBN : 978-602-06-2883-7 Jumlah halaman : x + 359 Tahun terbit : 2019 Peresensi : Muhammad Amin MENGAPA, BAGAIMANA, APA Sebenarnya sudah cukup lama saya membeli buku ini, tetapi baru beberapa hari lalu menyelesaikan membacanya. Beliau mengangkat atau memperkenalkan satu teori baru dalam ilmu kepemimpinan bahwa seorang pemimpin seharusnya menginspirasi. Untuk menginspirasi, seorang pemimpin membutuhkan yang disebut Lingkaran Emas, yaitu Mengapa, Bagaimana, dan Apa. Apa maksud dari ketiganya? Mengapa adalah lapisan terdalam dari lingkaran emas. Mengapa adalah ide, tujuan, isu yang kuat yang dipegang oleh seorang pemimpin agar pegawai dan pelanggan senantiasa percaya dengan isu perjuangan tersebut sampai kapan pun. Mengapa harus selalu didengungkan, digaungkan melalui kata, perilaku dalam menjalankan kepemimpinan. Jangan sampai mengalami yang disebut dengan keterpisahan. Adapun bagaimana adalah lapisan kedua setelah mengapa. Bagaimana merupakan tindak lanjut dari mengapa. Bagaimana akan menemukan pola, cara agar mengapa yang menjadi isu utama dapat terwujud. Biasanya dikaitkan dengan merekrut profesional dalam bidang tertentu. Apa adalah hal kasat mata atau produk dari sebuah perusahaan. Produk ini menjadi pendukung dari mengapa dan bagaimana. Orang yang percaya akan semakin kuat ikatan dengan isu perjuangan bila produk ini mendukung. Di dalam buku ini, penulis mengambil contoh CEO Apple, Wright bersaudara, King presiden Amerika sebagai representasi dari Mengapa yang kuat. Problem selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mentransfer MENGAPA yang kuat ini ke generasi berikutnya. Hal inilah yang perlu dipikirkan. Sepertinya akan dibahas di buku selanjutnya yaitu FIND YOUR WHY. Meskipun konsep ini terkesan diulang-ulang dengan contoh dan penjelasan yang esensinya sama, kurang lebih kita akan tahu betapa kuatnya keinginan penulis supaya menjadikan MENGAPA yang kuat melandasi segala hal dalam hidup ini. #ulasanbuku #ulasanbukuAmin #26022020 #startwithwhy #reviewbuku #bookreview (di MAN 2 Kota Malang) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AfJvDHMvl/?igshid=8ajs1jivtgqg
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hcdahlem · 5 years
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Merci à Alain Guillon et Philippe Worms d'avoir consacré à une bibliothèque - celle de Montreuil - le premier rôle de leur documentaire intitulé "Chut!". Comme ils le disent eux-mêmes 《Sans bruit, joyeusement, il se fabrique ici quelque chose d’important, d’invisible au regard pressé ou comptable : l’élaboration d’un nouveau contrat social.》Sortie en février. #bibliotheque #livre #lecture #hcdahlem #26022020 lectrice #lecteur #bibliothecaire (à Bibliothèques de Montreuil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xsjfIqFmG/?igshid=1rmjda6t8pig2
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div6 · 5 years
v26022020/memo_recieved/DI-D6P/T/ Bug Hunt
>Admin thinks this is low priority, but thinking isn’t their department. No news is good news when it comes to galaxy resources, and some rumbling from the rumour mill has caught DI’s attention. This one isn’t under Arquilian jurisdiction, so getting bugged isn’t likely, but I’d keep a fly swatter on me just in case. 
Agent P
CLICHE COMES TRUE! Revelation Changes Everything!
We have all seen the science-fiction television shows and movies where the camera pans back at the end to reveal that our entire planet is the plaything of an alien child, held in its hand like a snow globe.
“It’s a common kind of scene,” said Dr. Allen Gutfeld.  “It’s meant to show us that we’re not very significant in the scope of things, or maybe hat we don’t have control over our own destiny. Or we’re just meant to have that Twilight Zone-like chill down our spine. The Big What If, I call it.”
But now Gutfeld has made a shocking discovery that proves that the Big What If might in fact be the case.
“Early last year,” Gutfeld said, “the Rosentapp Space Laboratory, where I work, launched a space probe.” It was like any other probe, with one important difference: it went the other way. “When we explore space,” Gutfeld said, “we always go out into our solar system, to Mars, then Jupiter, then Saturn—or is it Saturn and then Jupiter? Whatever. The two of them. My point is that it’s like walking one way down a huge corridor. You don’t hardly ever hear anything about Venus or Mercury. We sent a probe the other way and within about two months it hit what we can only describe as a concave barrier.”
THE DAY BEFORE HAD BEEN A WEDNESDAY Gutfeld was manning the equipment at the time. “It was Thursday,” he said. “I remember that specifically because the day before had been a Wednesday. I was sitting at the MonSta. That’s what we call the Monitoring Station. I heard a noise like something crashing into something. I thought that someone had dropped a coffee cup. Nope. It was the probe hitting the end of space.”
Further observation confirmed the shocking theory. By sending the probe in the other direction, Gutfeld had reached the end of the universe within only two months. “And it wasn’t just that it was the end,” he said. “It was what was beyond it. We saw a giant soft alien hand. It looked like a human hand, except a weird shade of reddish-green. At first we thought it was a cloud structure of some kind. But then we adjusted our telescope and saw the pads, the wrinkles, even one giant fingerprint. It was clearly a hand.”
And that hand was shaking the universe.
“We really had to take a deep breath” Gutfeld said. “What did it all mean?”
After a week of speculation and calculation, the team arrived at jubilation. “It was the most important discovery fo our lifetime,” Gutfeld said. “Dr. Ostapowicz, who never cracks a smile, was dancing on that table over there.” He pointed to a table. “Let me call him.”
ENTERS THE ROOM Gutfeld lifted his phone. “Shirley,” he said. “Is Pavel in the lab today?” He hung up the phone. “He’ll be with us in a minute.”
A moment later, the door opened inward and a man entered the room. He was older, with a bushy white beard. He walked briskly to Gutfeld and took him by the wrist. “Come, now, Allen,” he said. “Visiting hours are over.”
Gutfeld stood. “I was just telling this young man about the wall at the end of the universe.”
“Of course you were, Allen,” the bearded man said gently. “Now say goodbye to your brother.” He turned to the other man. “We have upped his dosage,” he said. “That may explain the sudden turn toward a different type of fantasy. Though to be honest, I prefer this to the one where he is a general at war. Too bloody.”
The older man guided the Gutfeld toward the door. He paused and looked back over his shoulder. “Did he tell you my name was Pavel Ostapowicz?” he said. “Always makes me laugh. I am Murray Silver. I guess that’s not exotic enough for him. But I think this way is a little bit of a cliche, no? It’s always those mysterious European types who get to play the lead role when you’re blowing up all known ideas of the universe. Anyway, nice to meet you.”
Gutfeld nodded rapidly. “Dr. Ostapowicz is a direct descendant of Wernher von Braun.”
Silver shook his head.
The door shut behind them, separating Gutfeld from his brother.
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taeminrecuerdos · 2 years
Concierto de SuperM en París "We are the future Tour".
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fuckyeahkimwonpil · 5 years
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[20200226] idolradiokorea’s twitter update
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stefanxhunga · 5 years
Tregëtaret dhe Studentët: Zbritje për Studentët Online - Marketing dhe Klientelë Studentore për Tregëtarët.Merchants and Students: Discounts for Online Students - Marketing and Increasing Student Clients for Merchants.
Tregëtaret dhe Studentët: Zbritje për Studentët Online – Marketing dhe Klientelë Studentore për Tregëtarët.Merchants and Students: Discounts for Online Students – Marketing and Increasing Student Clients for Merchants.
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Dashboard – Student Portal
Ja cfare ne ju ofrojme me shume:
Marketingu qe behet nga platforma jone eshte e nje natyre tjeter dhe ka lidhje me njoftimin direkt te studenteve per zbritjen tuaj arsimore. Ketu jane sqarimet se si praktikisht platforma e ben kete ne ndryshim me operatoret e tjere.
Karta e studentit dhe projekt jone nuk perjashtojne njera tjetren. Karta e studentit eshte aplikuar…
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
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Excerpt from this InsideClimate News story:
The world's major wind-driven ocean currents are moving toward the poles at a rate of about a mile every two years, potentially depriving important coastal fishing waters of important nutrients and raising the risk of sea level rise, extreme storms and heatwaves for some adjacent land areas.
The shift was identified in a new study by researchers with the Alfred Wegener Institute at the Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany, and published Feb. 25 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
The poleward shift is bad news for the East Coast of the U.S., because it makes sea level rise even worse, the researchers said. At about 40 degrees latitude north and south, where the effects of the shifting currents are most evident, sea level rise is already 8 to 12 inches more than in other regions, said lead author Hu Yang, a climate researcher with AWI.
On the West Coast, salmon are being pushed out of traditional fishing waters. In densely populated coastal Asia, the changes could unleash more intense rainstorms, and the shift also makes heat waves more likely in subtropical areas.
Eight major wind-driven ocean currents, known as gyres, circulate around vast areas of ocean: three in the Atlantic, three in the Pacific, and one each in the Indian and Antarctic Oceans. The rotating currents shape the weather and ocean ecosystems in coastal regions, where parts of the currents have regional names, like the Gulf Stream along the East Coast of the U.S.
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currentclimate · 5 years
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