#288 day zodiac challenge
homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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Friend, bacck at it again bcc this is my blog now he’s sccrolling through Amino Anyway here’s a rip off Oliver from It’s Dark bcc I forcced him to listen to it on repeat while drawing Yeah that’s MS Paint
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forfansbyfans · 6 years
Vastness of Art: A FFBF Artist Interview
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FFBF Artist, Xissor, has recently released a whole series of Homestuck zodiac-themed designs. We sat down to discuss their art history with them and get to know them better as an artist.
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Tell us a little bit about your history with Homestuck! How long have you been reading it and how has it impacted your artwork?
I’d known about it for a long time I actually only got into it fairly recently! I first started reading it right after Anime Expo 2017 because my partner and I were doing matching cosplays each of the days and for one of the days we did homestuck because he had been into it for years! I went as Dave and he was Karkat. I thought it would be fun because we both kinda already looked like the characters, lol. After that I decided I was basically required by law to read the actual comic since I had cosplayed one of the characters.
But I kinda forgot about it for a couple months until Hiveswap came out! After we played that I remembered I was going to read Homestuck and actually got around to it! I started doing fanart for it after I finished it and it gave me quite a bit more drive to work on art! I specifically got very into it after the Extended Zodiac was released because I took it’s mere existence as a challenge for whether or not I could make a fantroll for every single sign. I could and did.  Drawing 288 different trolls certainly helped me improve my art quite a bit.
I also do remember I tried to read it waaaay back in middle school. But I’m pretty sure I didn’t know you were supposed to click the buttons that show the chat logs and read stuff so I basically just looked at the pictures, didn't really understand what was going on, got confused, and stopped.
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What is your favorite method to share your artwork? Why do you prefer it over others?
I pretty much only use Tumblr for art. Mostly because its convenient! I have a main art blog and a second art blog for just homestuck. I only have the second art blog because I managed to somehow miraculously get a canon hiveswap url. I only post my art in one place generally because I am am very, very bad at remembering to post things in more than one place!
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I see you take commissions pretty frequently - what advice would you offer to other artists who are hesitant about opening themselves up to taking commissions?
Please do not undercharge yourselves! I know lower prices might seem like you’ll get more commissions quicker but you deserve to be paid fairly for them! Also take commissions from furries.
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Your bio says you prefer Paint Tool Sai and Sai2 when you work digitally - what about Sai do you like over other programs? Do you have any recommended brushes?
I mostly like Sai because its what I’ve been using for years and I tend to be a creature of habit. I started using Sai2 recently though and it's basically got all the old stuff but new features as well! It's still in beta but if you already have a Paint Tool Sai license you can download it from the website and use it for free! It's got a fantastic set of rulers that make drawing backgrounds in perspective way easier!
What is your artistic background? What helped you most grow as an artist?
I’m completely self taught! I’ve never taken a digital art or drawing class before. I actually first started drawing in middle school because I wanted to make L4D fanart. What’s helped me grow has mostly just been drawing whatever I’m interested in at the moment! Whether that be fanart or my own stories, characters, and ideas.
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What are your artistic goals?
I hope to someday go to art school! I’ve been interested in art as a hobby for quite a while but recently I’ve found that it seems to be the thing I most enjoy and am capable of!
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What other fandoms are you a part of? What would you love to design for but haven’t had the chance?
All sorts of things! I don’t think I could list everything if I tried but I’ve really been wanting to design something for Steven Universe or Bee and Puppycat!
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Outside of art, what other types of hobbies do you have?
I absolutely love everything related to tech! I was the president of both the tech and robotics clubs in high school! Writing stories is another one, particularly writing characters and designing worlds. I’m also a huge fan of game design, mostly because its a combination of my love of tech, art, and storytelling. Have yet to actually finish a game though.... But, oh boy do I have a lot of started projects!
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When you were little, what did you want be when you grew up? How has that changed (if it has!)?
For quite a while I wanted to be a Marine Biologist! I grew up by the ocean and have always really liked it here. I really liked the sense of vastness and how little we actually know about the ocean and all its inhabitants. As I got older I started to move towards computer science and technology. I really wanted to go into STEM! Particularly into game design or robotic engineering!
Sadly, after I was diagnosed with psychosis I don’t believe it's realistic that I’ll be able to go into any of those fields. But I don’t let it bother me because I’m very passionate about art and am certain that after I get to a better position with my health I’ll be able to work towards a career in that field! Plus, I’ll still be able to build robots and write games in my free time! :D
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What kind of experience have you had working with For Fans By Fans? - we hope it’s been good!
It’s been awesome! There’s something just innately cool about the fact that my art is on official merchandise for content I enjoy!
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What is the best way people can help support you and your work?
Probably by either buying my designs on FFBF or commissioning me! :D
Follow Xissor--->
Tumblr (main art blog) Tumblr (Homestuck art blog)
Xissor’s For Fans By Fans shop
Interview by Cassie Steensrud
@whatpumpkin @non-corporeal
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365 Creative Challenge
2020 has been a hell of a ride. But I want to try something different for 2021. I want to get back to my creative roots. I used to write all the time, I wanna get back in that habit.
So, here’s the idea:
I have created 365 (and then some) prompts for me in 2021. The aim is, each day I will pick one at random (except 1. and 365) and I will do something creative with that prompt. 
I might write something, cook something, sew something. It might not get completely finished that same day because #life and also my job is going to keep me busy. But the point of it is that I will have 365 days of doing SOMETHING creative.
So, here is my list. Hopefully under the cut. Feel free to follow me on this journey. We’ll see what happens!
1.       The beginning
2.       Butterfly
3.       Jay bird
4.       Pumpkin
5.       Yellow
6.       War
7.       Talisman
8.       Fish
9.       Quote to live by
10.   Haiku
11.   Three best words
12.   Song lyric
13.   Garden
14.   Award
15.   So weird
16.   Comfort food
17.   Dull
18.   Challenge
19.   Fruit
20.   Hope
21.   Sidekick
22.   Three wishes
23.   A magic spell
24.   Sloth
25.   Cider
26.   You and what army?
27.   Happy place
28.   Slug
29.   Sailor Moon
30.   Vanilla
31.   Family
32.   Dragon
33.   Goodbye
34.   Insanity
35.   Mermaid
36.   Whisper
37.   Brilliant
38.   Overgrown
39.   Autumn
40.   Break away
41.   Forgotten
42.   Wear it
43.   Heart of glass
44.   Sprint
45.   Wild
46.   Invisible
47.   Birthday
48.   Japanese
49.   King
50.   Spill your guts
51.   Villain
52.   Beyond the Oath
53.   Sun
54.   The locket
55.   Tomorrow
56.   Leather
57.   Rumour
58.   Vent
59.   Sin
60.   Rawr
61.   Slaughter
62.   Dog
63.   Dungeons and Dragons
64.   Forgiveness
65.   Thrill
66.   Enemies
67.   Sex
68.   Cheat
69.   Crime
70.   Betrayal
71.   Mute
72.   Chink in your armour
73.   Legend
74.   Gold
75.   Snail
76.   Angel
77.   Forest
78.   Eyes
79.   Breathe
80.   Demon
81.   Dragon
82.   Tiefling
83.   Magpie
84.   Secret
85.   Original character
86.   Queen
87.   Hunter
88.   Error
89.   Tame
90.   Bride
91.   Letter to my future self
92.   Blackmail
93.   Bright
94.   Stolen
95.   Envy
96.   Twin
97.   Eternal
98.   Cat
99.   Just one night
100.            Treasure
101.            Chibi
102.            Freedom
103.            Chains
104.            Gems
105.            Bravo
106.            Moon
107.            Apocalypse
108.            Hate
109.            Circle
110.            Float
111.            Strong
112.            Sinking
113.            Legend of Zelda
114.            Help
115.            Ghost
116.            Cliff
117.            Letter
118.            Tickets
119.            Adventure
120.            Rescue
121.            Advice
122.            Transformed
123.            Coral
124.            Flooded
125.            Blank page
126.            Happiness
127.            Shiver
128.            Fist
129.            Lullaby
130.            Rainy day
131.            Found
132.            Dusk
133.            Can you hear me?
134.            Delivered
135.            The gift
136.            Post man
137.            Wtf?
138.            My hero
139.            Roses
140.            The Woman in the Portrait
141.            Frail
142.            Shadow
143.            Survival
144.            Water
145.            Twilight
146.            Shield of Oak
147.            Friends
148.            Sugar and Spice
149.            Eulogy
150.            Greed
151.            I will never regret…
152.            Ancient
153.            Sacred
154.            Guilty
155.            The Blood in the Winter
156.            Locked
157.            Stars
158.            Imagination
159.            Mine
160.            Cosy
161.            Absent
162.            Shoes
163.            I found a key…
164.            Pastel
165.            First step
166.            Who are you?
167.            Anxiety
168.            Drunk
169.            Out of breath
170.            Wet
171.            No entry
172.            Stiff
173.            Mist
174.            Frozen
175.            Paladin’s shrine
176.            Metamorphosis
177.            Pokémon
178.            No pen
179.            Hello
180.            Dear Diary…
181.            Dawn
182.            Purple
183.            Wooden
184.            The new guy
185.            Temptation
186.            Blur
187.            Horses
188.            Hero
189.            Always
190.            Necklace
191.            Runaway
192.            Death
193.            Gunshot
194.            Free delivery
195.            Laughter
196.            Hustle
197.            Luck
198.            Love
199.            Video games
200.            Moonlight
201.            Mirror
202.            Flicker
203.            Disease
204.            Scribe
205.            Unopened
206.            Rainbow
207.            Night
208.            Day
209.            Dreams
210.            Sushi
211.            Five years from now…
212.            Fire
213.            Blind
214.            Don’t look down
215.            Surprise me
216.            Daughter
217.            Ripples
218.            Harry Potter
219.            Zodiac
220.            Childhood
221.            Tarot
222.            Apart
223.            Memory
224.            The Lightning Heavens
225.            Train
226.            Snow
227.            Ocean
228.            Revelation
229.            Handful of light
230.            Beach
231.            Blue
232.            You bastard.
233.            Summer
234.            Dizzy
235.            Teacher
236.            Call your name
237.            History
238.            Plague
239.            Paradise
240.            Starry night
241.            Horror
242.            Lunar
243.            Hunger
244.            Quiet
245.            The clouds gather
246.            Tea
247.            Loud
248.            Peace
249.            LGBTQ+
250.            Bread and honey
251.            Injured
252.            Pier
253.            School
254.            Murder
255.            Nightmare
256.            Curse
257.            Doom
258.            Burning the midnight oil
259.            Spring
260.            Air
261.            Superstition
262.            Lost
263.            Thunder
264.            Heart chains
265.            Magic
266.            Yeet
267.            Spare parts
268.            Candle
269.            Look back
270.            The Oracle in the Sea
271.            Glitter
272.            Innocent
273.            Embrace
274.            Son
275.            Dinosaur
276.            Heal
277.            Immortal
278.            Unexpected kindness
279.            Embers
280.            Earth
281.            Spirit
282.            Me
283.            Strange sign
284.            Tension
285.            Fallen angel
286.            Banned
287.            Silence
288.            Window
289.            Daydreaming
290.            Escape
291.            Succulents
292.            The fight
293.            Giant
294.            Chocolate
295.            Surrender
296.            Potion
297.            Frog
298.            Eclipse
299.            Glass
300.            The three friends
301.            Halo
302.            Siren
303.            Thief
304.            Oracle
305.            Breaking the rules
306.            Tiny
307.            Broken
308.            Voices
309.            Purity
310.            Charm
311.            Drowning
312.            After all this time?
313.            Stunned
314.            Solitary
315.            Infinite
316.            Patience
317.            Regret
318.            Lean on me
319.            Sleep
320.            To catch a dream
321.            Collapse
322.            Wake
323.            Imprisoned
324.            Thief of Smoke
325.            Feather
326.            Constellations
327.            Tired
328.            Coat
329.            Justice
330.            Left hand
331.            Waiting
332.            Reflection
333.            Grey
334.            Threat
335.            Music
336.            Can I come in?
337.            The main character
338.            Space
339.            Impatient
340.            Son of the Devil
341.            Ever a Never After
342.            This time
343.            Get your hands dirty
344.            Fangs
345.            Together
346.            Hidden
347.            Here and now
348.            Spider
349.            Cruel
350.            You knew?
351.            Tangle
352.            Joy
353.            Idea
354.            Revive
355.            Wild things
356.            Half
357.            Glimmer
358.            Storm
359.            Clear
360.            Winter
361.            Puzzle
362.            Sanctuary
363.            Tower
364.            Doubt
365.            The end
366.            Pour
367.            Drop
368.            Support
369.            Kindness
370.            Friendship
371.            Ransom
372.            Hostage
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clwords · 8 years
2017 Daily Writing Challenge
*Note: this is not my post, but i couldn't find the original.if you know the owner, please let me know so i can give them credit! 1.Introduction 2. Love 3. Light 4. Dark 5. Seeking Solace 6. Break Away 7. Heaven 8. Innocence 9. Drive 10. Breathe Again 11. Memory 12. Insanity 13. Misfortune 14. Smile 15. Silence 16. Questioning 17. Blood 18. Rainbow 19. Gray 20. Fortitude 21. Vacation 22. Mother Nature 23. Cat 24. No Time 25. Trouble Lurking 26. Tears 27. Foreign 28. Sorrow 29. Happiness 30. Under the Rain 31. Flowers 32. Night 33. Expectations 34. Stars 35. Hold My Hand 36. Precious Treasure 37. Eyes 38. Abandoned 39. Dreams 40. Rated 41. Teamwork 42. Standing Still 43. Dying 44. Two Roads 45. Illusion 46. Family 47. Creation 48. Childhood 49. Stripes 50. Breaking the Rules 51. Sport 52. Deep in Thought 53. Keeping a Secret 54. Tower 55. Waiting 56. Danger Ahead 57. Sacrifice 58. Kick in the Head 59. No Way Out 60. Rejection 61. Fairy Tale 62. Magic 63. Do Not Disturb 64. Multitasking 65. Horror 66. Traps 67. Playing the Melody 68. Hero 69. Annoyance 70. 67% 71. Obsession 72. Mischief Managed 73. I Can’t 74. Are You Challenging Me? 75. Mirror 76. Broken Pieces 77. Test 78. Drink 79. Starvation 80. Words 81. Pen and Paper 82. Can You Hear Me? 83. Heal 84. Out Cold 85. Spiral 86. FREE DAY 87. Food 88. Pain 89. Through the Fire 90. Triangle 91. Drowning 92. All That I Have 93. Give Up 94. Last Hope 95. Advertisement 96. In the Storm 97. Safety First 98. Puzzle 99. Solitude 100. Relaxation 101.Blink 102.Wedding 103. Fantasy 104. Lock and Key 105. Heart 106. Poison 107. Fairy 108. Parties 109. Stitch 110. Manga/Comic Strip 111. Dragon 112. Yoshi 113. Pikachu 114. Mask 115. Sword 116. Web 117. Vampire 118. Zodiac 119. Bones 120. Phoenix 121. Deviantart 122. Eygptian 123. Anthro 124. Cosplay 125. Chains 126. Action 127. Chibi 128. After A Battle 129. Art Trade 130. Original Character 131. Realistic 132. Moonlight 133. Holiday 134. One Shape 135. Fruit 136. Midnight 137. Elf 138. Pageviews 139. Henshin (Transformation) 140. Fear 141. Under Water 142. Future 143. Mascot 144. Wings 145. New Art Medium 146. During A Battle 147. Vortex 148. Progress 149. Upside Down 150. Unseen 151. Flag 152. Princess 153. Prince 154. King 155. Queen 156. Sharp 157. Fading 158. No Color 159. Censored 160. East Meets West 161. Hologram 162. Tattoo 163. Dirt 164. Dinosaur 165. FREE DAY 166. Portal 167. Lace 168. Envy 169. Study 170. End of the World 171. Graffiti 172. Silhouette 173. Robot 174. Tutorial 175. Death 176. Movie 177. Bird 178. Fun 179. Teeth 180. Jewelry 181. Anniversary 182. Fav TV Show 183. Chaos 184. Fashion 185. Wood 186. 186 187. Circle 188. Bunny 189. FREE DAY 190. Goth 191. Scar 192. Redesign 193. Fast 194. Stamp 195. Sparkle 196. X 197. ID 198. Buttons 199. Space 200. Rocket 201.Life 202. Youth 203. Content 204. Change 205. FREE DAY 206. Pessimistic 207. Pirate 208. Novel 209. Doom 210. Garden 211. Sadness 212. Confusion 213. Freedom 214. Inevitable 215. Idle 216. Vampires 217. Convention 218. Roleplaying 219. Skull 220. Pain 221. Joy 222. Time 223. Warmth 224. Voodoo 225. Insomnia 226. Solitude 227. Zombies 228. Heaven 229. Evil 230. Weary 231. Candyland 232. Robot 233. Old-school 234. Puppets 235. Flight 236. Movie 237. What if… 238. Batman 239. Dance 240. O RLY??? 241. Play 242. Uh-oh… 243. Duel 244. Sound Effect 245. Caption 246. Photo 247. Pants 248. Red 249. Fiesta 250. Percent 251. Soap Opera 252. Underwear 253. Stress 254. Froof 255. Mutation 256. Skeleton 257. Rock 258. Lies 259. Ninja 260. Message 261. Bugs 262. Effort 263. Bandaid 264. Fortune Telling 265. Imaginary 266. Fly Me to the Moon 267. Discovery 268. What? 269. Adhesive 270. Underworld 271. Favorite Holiday 272. Mecha 273. Random 274. Video Game 275. Crisis 276. Insanity 277. Ice 278. Working Hard 279. Hardly Working 280. Sandwich 281. Clone 282. Clumsy 283. Keyboard 284. Hope 285. Song 286. Surprise 287. Cursed 288. Awesomeness 289. Internet 290. Fire 291. Orange 292. FREE DAY 293. Annoyance 294. Misunderstanding 295. Fantasia 296. Puppy 297. Lost 298. Pie 299. Fate 300. Death 301. Chores 302. Happy 303. Life 304. Relationship 305. Play 306. Toy 307. Computer 308. Scene teen 309. Emotion 310. Run 311. Fear 312. Gamble 313. Christmas 314. Animal 315. Wild 316. Morning 317. Loneliness 318. Friend 319. Pet 320. Grow 321. Flag 322. Cigarette 323. Punk rocker 324. Earth 325. Boredom 326. Sweet 327. Smile 328. Hold 329. Hug 330. Wings 331. Wrong 332. Right 333.Tears 334. Hope 335. Night 336. Star 337. Courage 338. Ice Cream 339. Woman 340. Mad 341. School 342. Freedom 343. Eagle 344. Falling 345. Dream 346. Reality 347. Purple 348. Blue 349. Red 350. Pink 351. Rainbow 352. Rain 353. Snow 354. Teenager 355. Space 356. Wind 357. Fly 358. Tree 359. Ka Ching 360. Vulnerable 361. Forever 362. Gothic lolita 363. Warm 364. Cold 365. The End
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stephanywiese8-blog · 7 years
All Stories Through Eliot A. Cohen.
Join our team in celebrating Songs In Our Institutions Month (MIOSM)! Presently, approximately 40 per-cent of the station's commercial-research ability is actually extra-- partially, possibly, since some business aren't sure this is actually offered; partly due to the fact that others aren't certain how zero-G research would be worthwhile. Five years ago," points out John Charles, of NASA's Human being Research study Program, our company had a rocketeer on terminal suddenly say, 'Hey, my sight has actually changed. On August 7, the Aquarius lunar (moon) eclipse takes a surge from shocking improvement to your 2nd home of money, job and also surveillance. A number of these same universities have experienced a number of the country's inmost cuts to social college. Obstacle Days: August 2-January 2, 2018: Uranus retrograde Disruptive Uranus creates its annual five-month backspin in your job sector. With the help of this month's lunar eclipse and also Pluto retrograde, April can be a peculiar time for your socializing-- but luckily we have the AstroTwins to malfunction the very best method, by zodiac indication, of when to stay in, when to go out, as well as exactly what (/ which!) to keep an eye out for all month long. The celebration remains to develop annually, getting to increasingly more pupils, teachers, musicians, as well as songs followers. The ultimate (from three) Jupiter-Pluto clashes pits your personal wishes from your profession desires. August 21: Sun-Uranus trine You can reveal amount of money through a serendipitous link, or you could obtain a bonus of static income, perhaps with a reward or even an inheritance. Students in foster care technique universities a minimum of once or twice a year, as well as through the time they grow old out of the body, over one third will definitely have experienced five or even additional institution moves Kid are determined to drop four to six months of scholastic progression per technique, which puts very most foster care little ones years responsible for their peers.
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Let's start with the eclipses, which landed on the Leo/Aquarius axis. The 2nd eclipse is acquiring primary media buzz given that it's a total solar eclipse, the first one noticeable in the U.S. in many years. The area stroll resides in some means a world from the whole space-station system: hard, awe-inspiring, and strangely tautological.
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Structured Saturn will certainly end its own challenging five-month retrograde on August 25. Since April 5, the annular world has actually been reversing via YOUR indicator, urging some significant self-reflection. August 12-September 5: Mercury retrograde Mercury, leader of communication, technician as well as travel, reverses path with nitpicky Virgo till August 31, triggering perfectionism and study depression. Until April TWENTY, the sunshine resides in Aries, your eleventh property of team social network, team effort, as well as task. August 21: Leo new moon & complete photo voltaic eclipse The next from two next Leo new moons, this a groundbreaking eclipse, could possibly open up the financial floodgates. That's the last payment in a threesome of extreme Jupiter-Pluto squares that have actually shaken the skies over the past eight months. At its own height, Corinthian enrolled over 110,000 students at 105 campuses in twenty-five conditions as well as Canada. Chance Times: August 12: Venus-Neptune trine A caring link of caring Venus and softhearted Neptune assists you really pay attention and also place yourself in yet another individual's shoes. Significant modifications in investigation positions could arise from changes in the form of investigation in progress, mentioned Howard Gobstein, corporate at the Organization from People and Land-grant Colleges. August 21: Leo brand-new moon & total solar energy eclipse Circle today in gold on your calendar. NAfME wishes that teachers, pupils, and popular music followers as well will definitely locate ways to participate in on the event by means of innovative activities as well as advocacy.
Initially held in 1973 as a Songs In Our Universities Time, this party has actually grown to a Music In Our Institutions Month. Seeds grown at this month's photo voltaic eclipse could blossom in a massive method by then. In a job interview along with Vox, Schatz revealed that he's prepping a new expense that can grant much more Americans the option to enroll in Medicaid by providing conditions the option to give a buy-in" to the government course on Obamacare's swaps.
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trash-tartarus · 6 years
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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quick chahut for day 228
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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yesterday’s daily was pisces...! day 163!
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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d, day 206,,
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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This one is Harrie Potter
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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oh no,,,, that’s a lot of limeblood genocide,, (sign of the lurid, so i decided to have some fun with the hemospectrum.)
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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Hi me again bcc even though he’s got accccess to Tungle.ccom now he keeps forgetti n g to u p l o a d this
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