#2lim3rz chats to kate
2lim3rz · 3 years
So. -opens up a chair and sits down in your askbox- tell me about ur OCs, if you're down for that?
Asdfjkakjfds I shall, most of it is gonna be about my deathwatch or tau lads
1. Kal'sol, the adopted son of my t'au Bap and her ex-Salamanders husband Icalos, has a hobby of rock-collecting. He may be a fire-caste, but he wants to be a geologist
2. Strongarm, my tau mercenary that works with Zezota, would never admit it, but he adores being called her adorable little guy
3. Chronah is.. weirdly immature? for a veteran of the Blood Angels and for someone who's part of the Deathwatch. Like... Weirdly immature. Hella loves playing a good joke. He still does his job though!
4. Tarchim is the most cursed Ultramarine ever. His mary-sue powers don't work How? Somehow every well-structured plan he makes just.. falls apart. Every time. Otto makes all the plans
5. Speaking of Ultramarines, I have another one named Pylon. What's his creation story? I was playing Deathwatch and one of the generated space marines was an Ultramarine named Pylon
He's tried to change his name multiple times, every time ignored
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