#3. one rep telling me they could replace a nonfunctional transmitter and i would have it in a week
chrismerle · 2 years
I fucking hate CCS Medical. I don't think there is a single person working for the company who gives a single sloppy shit that people are relying on their business to receive their necessary medical supplies.
I had a shipment of insulin pump and CGM supplies due to ship out on Jan. 3. Knowing that, and knowing my insurance was changing with the new year, I called the company in December to ask if I could give them my updated insurance info in advance, to make sure the switch wouldn't cause issues with my upcoming shipment. I did this because the company has fucked up my insurance multiple times already for no goddamn reason and I wanted to try to head that shit off at the pass.
It is the 7th now. I haven't received any notification that my order shipped. So I went online, and for SOME FUCKING REASON the pending order is also no longer on my dashboard on the patient portal, and it isn't listed with past orders. It's just gone. I am willing to put real, actual money on the odds of them having not actually updated my insurance info like they said they would, so they just decided that I no longer have insurance and cancelled my order. Which means now I'm just stuck sitting with my thumbs up my ass until Monday, when I can call and harangue them about my insurance yet again.
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