#30화 넘어가면 자꾸 주자서맘이됨
shaguagua · 1 year
how we are here?
It's from an epic about fisherman and 屈原(qū yuán; BC. 343 ? ~ BC. 277 ?), title is 漁父辭(yú fù cí). This story came up in episode 3 and 7. Where Gu xiang asked Wen kexing who is 屈原 and Chao weining told Gu xiang incorrect version of 屈原's poem.And Gu xiang askes Wen kexing who is Qu yuan.
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And in episode 3, you may find it below 👇
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This poem has story and very famous as it has quoted in many different media in 漢字文化圈(chinese charater cultur boundaries). Historically he was a talented politician. As his sir name 屈(Qu) was the same as king's sir name in 楚(chu) so there are possibility he was a royal blood. When he lived there were 7 nations (齊; qí 楚; chǔ 燕; yàn 趙; zhào 魏; wèi 韓; hán 秦; qín) that wanted to unite china. 秦,楚,齊 were the most powerful countries, later 秦 united.
Actually you don't need to know these to understand the story. It would be a little helpful why it has used and may find hidden intension. Because when I first noticed 漁父辭, I somehow expected it would be a sad-ending. Because of the chaos around the nations, he followed his king in 楚, but his king was stupid and the other vassals hated and begrudged him of talent. With the chaotic status of 楚, his king died of not listening to 屈原. Later son of his king banished him for the death.
屈原 was still faithful for his country 楚, and had kept trying to save 楚, but no one listened. Finally, he tried suicide to tell for his king to listen and save the country. Unfortunately he didn't and 楚 had fallen. Funny that who had united those 7 nations, his grand mother was from 楚, who was 宣太后(xuān tài hòu; the queen of the Great).
This poem shows a person who had tried to save his most value, but there was no one to listen. The only thing he could do for them to listen was suicide. Sad thing is that even he died no one had listend and his precious nation fell. 屈原 is a model of loyalty. The story goes,
屈原旣放, 游於江潭, 行吟澤畔, 顔色憔悴, 形容枯槁。
屈原 had banished from 楚, wandering around watersides, talking to himself, lanky and futile.
A fisherman noticed him and asked, Were you not the dignitary of 楚? What had happened to be here at this point?
Then the fisher man was listening to lamenting of 屈原. 屈原 was saying how he could be suited with renegades and became a traitor. He could not forsake his fidelity. After the conversation, the fisher man sings based on 屈原's words.
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滄浪之水淸兮 可以濯吾纓
if the water is clean I would wash my hat
滄浪之水濁兮 可以濯吾足
if the water is tuebid, I would wash my feet.
which means, whatever the water is, if it's clean he would follow if it is not he wouldn't associate. And this was on episode 3, where Zhou zishu had met Wen kexing again in the warterside. So I guess, Wen kexing might have known Zhou zishu's identity all along.
I guess Wen kexing intended as, what had happened to 天窗(tian chuang)? had something happend? that's why you're wondering around like that? Is there something you wouldn't bare anymore that's why you left?? and because of that Zhou zishu started to listen and be generous about Wen kexing. And the situation is rather similar with Zhou zishu and 屈原. So, who knows 漁父辭 may have guessed the tragic ending of the character.
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This 漁父辭 reminds of Zhou zishu's story, there are parts alike to 屈原. The difference could be how a person can be active and passive. The story between Jin wang and Zhou zishu would had been similar to 屈原 and 楚王. It's really shame I would never know 🥲At some point I even think it would had been better if Zhou zishu died as a begger traveling where he wanted to do and go. The love and respect he got from people around aren't what they are but burdens. The affection from Wen kexing is too violent sometimes.
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