alexdrakes · 4 years
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Marking 10 years since the Ashes to Ashes finale, we thought it might be nice to delve back into the 80s with 30 Days of Ashes to Ashes. The intention is to ponder over this iconic series, create and post A2A content every day for 30 days. Even though the focus is on A2A, you can, naturally, also choose Life on Mars moments. It’s all the same universe, after all.
Start will be Saturday, July 25. That is still two months from now, but we all know how time flies and it should leave us plenty of time to prepare.
For those who want to participate, feel free to choose any method that feels best for you. Whether it’s text posts, gifsets, fan art or pictures/ screenshots or do a combination of it, it´s up to you.
If you can do something every day - wonderful! if you want to or have to skip some days, perfectly fine. Any participation is appreciated. The main thing is to revive the 80s
You can use the hashtag #30DaysofA2A so your posts/ tweets are easier to find and so you can check out other people’s contributions.
Update: Since, most people were busy and forgot to start this yesterday, I thought it a good idea to start on August 1 and have this collide with #AshestoAshesLive on Twitter. That makes the whole experience even more fun.
These are the questions for each day [with much thanks to @mindibindi]:
What was the scene or episode that hooked you?
What’s your favourite episode?
Who’s your favourite character?
Who’s your least favourite character?
Who’s your favourite villain?
Who’s your favourite guest star?
Who’s your favourite recurring character?
What’s your favourite Alex moment?
What’s your favourite Gene moment?
What’s your favourite Ray moment?
What’s your favourite Chris moment?
What’s your favourite Shaz moment?
What’s your favourite Luigi moment?
What’s your favourite Quattro moment?
What’s your favourite quote/a quote you use regularly?
What’s your favourite Ashes song?
What’s your favourite Ashes series?
What’s your favourite Ashes finale (1, 2 or 3)?
Which Alex Drake 80s look do you prefer?
Name a scene that made you happy.
Name a scene that made you sad.
Name a scene that made you angry.
What’s your favourite pairing?
What’s your favourite moment of your favourite pairing?
Post your favourite picture of your favourite pairing.
Post your favourite Ashes gif.
Post your favourite cast photo.
Have you watched the Ashes cast in other shows?
Is David Bowie God or The Devil?
Will Gene Hunt ever enter The Railways Arms?
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