oneesanmarket · 8 months
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THE IDOLM@STER SideM 3rdLIVE TOUR Cafe: Aoi Yusuke - Can Badge 
Size: 4cm
Price: 4€/9USD
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Units Available :1
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sidem-imagines · 4 years
hello!! thank you so much for running this account ;;!!! i really appreciate it! may i request imagines for rui maita as a boyfriend in general...? ;w; thanks so much
Ooooh! My first ask for something that isn’t headcannons! I’m excited~ I apologise for how long it took me getting to this ask, as it is longer than my usual stuff but! I hope you enjoy it~
I’m putting it under the cut because, like I said, it’s a little bit long, so sorry for that in advance.
As a child you wondered what love might mean for you. You used to wonder would it be a prince or princess who whisked you away. Would there be a thousand failures or one success? Were soulmates real or just something people would say to make themselves feel better? However, you’ve grown now. You’re older, and you’ve matured. No longer are you young and naive. No longer do you have to dream of such concoctions. When you wake and see him sleeping beside you, you know exactly what love is. Rui is not what you would call a ‘graceful’ sleeper, with messy, vibrant bangs falling in his eyes; that immature grin that refuses to fade, even when he’s unconscious; his limbs sprawled across your shared bed at awkward angles. But you love him. You love him with every inch of your heart, and the gaze he gives you when sleepy eyes finally open assures you that he feels the same. Warm, amber eyes that are so, so full of adoration. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just taking in the view of you, his beloved. In that moment, nothing else matters. It's you and him. Nothing else. The rest of the world fades into nothingness. The day's troubles can wait. 
Whilst you shower, you can hear him cooking breakfast for you. He always hums to himself whilst doing it; you can hear it from the bathroom. The sweet sounds of his singing just melt any negativity away. Everything is so much easier with him nearby. Once you’re cleaned and dried off, it’s all set out ready for you. He’s cooked your favourite for you, just like you knew he would. His constant affection is no longer surprising, but it’s no less unwelcome. He’s rambling a mile a minute about anything and everything. As bright as he is normally, he seems to glow even more when the two of you are together. He never seems to stop smiling, and in all honesty? You find yourself doing the same.
After the two of you are finished eating, he gives you a final kiss on your forehead, before heading back to your bedroom to get himself ready for the day. Needing something to keep your hands busy, you pick up your plates and start on the washing up. Best to not let it stack up, right? As you’re finishing it up, placing newly cleaned silverware in the drawer, there’s a sudden welcome weight around your waist. It’s a feeling you’re familiar with. The feeling of your boyfriend cuddling you from behind, his arms wrapped tightly around you with his head resting on your shoulder. “I love you.” He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, pressing a gentle kiss against your skin. He’s so much gentler than his usual bouncing, off the walls self during the mornings. You love that. You love all versions of him, but these soft moments just feel extra...personal.
He’s always so sappy when it comes to saying goodbyes in the morning. He insists on walking with you to the station, even though it slows down his journey to his work at 315Productions. He milks every second he gets to spend with you, and you don’t complain. Your hands are intertwined the entire way there, his thumb stroking soft circles into your skin. He claims that the hug on the platform will be your final one, but you know that’s not true. Just before you can step onto the train, he pulls you in for a brief kiss, before winking and letting you go. He’s just adorable. You can’t help but blush a little as the carriage trudges off. What would you do without him?
Half way through your day your phone vibrates in your pocket, and the message warms your heart. It's routine for him to send you some sort of encouragement  everyday, but you really needed it today. Your smile down at your phone screen, before holding it close to your heart, if only for a moment, before shooting a reply back to him. You place your device back in your pocket, before returning to your work. You can’t help but sigh in relief as you glance at the picture of the two of you that you keep on your desk, an anniversary present from him. Everything is okay, because he’s here. He’ll be waiting for you with open arms, you just know it.
He wraps you up in his arms as tight as can be as soon as you walk through the doors. “Welcome home!” He runs your hands through your hair and holds your face gently, before kissing your forehead lightly. “I missed you.” His voice still holds that chipper quality that makes him sound so unique, but something about his tone is more gentle, and filled to the brim with love and adoration. He thinks the world of you, that much is clear. Whether it's the look in his eyes whenever he sees you, or the thousands of gestures throughout the day, something just tells you that this is right. This is what it feels like to be loved
You spend the evening curled up on the sofa, re-watching old favourite shows and movies. You stay wrapped up in each other the entire time, his arm around your shoulders.. His embraces are always softer than anyone else’s, that bit sweeter. Occasionally, his hands reach up to comb your hair, but mostly they stay in one place, firm but reassuring. He wants you to know that he’s here for you. He wants nothing more than to be there for you until the end of time.
He’s the last thing you see as you close your eyes and settle into bed. He strokes your cheek a final time, planting a kiss on the back of your hand, before both of you fall into the domain of sleep. As a child you wondered what love might mean for you, but now you know. Rui Maita is your love, and no matter what else changes in your life, that one fact will remain constant. I hope you enjoyed!
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denyansu · 7 years
3rd anniversary stream news
2nd Live BD digest
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To go with the release of the BD there’d be something in-game to go with it. Pictured above is the characters in the seiyuu’s live outfits. 
3rd Live announced!
2018年2月3日(土)、4日(日) 千葉・幕張イベントホール 2018年2月24日(土)、25日(日) 仙台・セビオアリーナ 2018年3月25日(日) 福岡・西日本総合展示場 2018年4月28日(土)、29日(日) 静岡・エコパアリーナ
First anime PV
The anime will be airing in October!!
The anime OP is called “Reason!!” and will be sung by DRAMATIC STARS, Beit, S.E.M, HighxJoker, W, Jupiter. The single will be released November 15 and there will be two editions:
Limited edition: comes with a BD with creditless OP, Greeting Tour live digest
Regular edition
New Live on Stage PV
Live on Stage preregistrations are now open ⇒ http://side-m.idolmaster.jp/lo-stage/
Prereg goals:
30000: S.E.M’s ∞ Possibilities MV + 100 M stars 100000: Mofumofuen’s うぇるかむ・はぴきらパーク! MV + 200 M stars 500000: Jupiter’s BRAND NEW FIELD MV + 750 M stars
Minori, Jun, Michio, Hideo, Daigo.
The CD will be released October 18!
That means the remaining idols that will make up ORIGIN@L PIECES 09 are Pierre, Yusuke, Hayato, Rui, and Makio!
In-game presents
Enter keyword “さんしゅうねん” in the campaigns page to get 10 half appeal bars, 4 half vital jellies, 5 dream boxes.
Jupiter Refresh Travel Box
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P@cific League collab info
September 3 is 315Production Day. DRAMATIC STARS will be making an appearance.
315Pro Night Radio
DRAMATIC STARS will once again be hosting the radio from July 21st! This is in part to promote the anime.
Next Niconama
August 22! The hosts will be announced on the iDOLM@STER 12th anniversary stream.
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denyansu · 7 years
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"Thanks for congratulations! Producer-san, I came 315Productions, grow bigger? I think, did! 315Productions and Producer-san, the greatest!"
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