#36 UMK
transpublikid · 1 year
PTPN III (Persero) Berikan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan, Digitalisasi dan Sertifikasi Halal kepada 36 UMK
PTPN III (Persero) Berikan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan, Digitalisasi dan Sertifikasi Halal kepada 36 UMK
MEDAN | TRANSPUBLIK.co.id – Bertempat di Aula Kelapa Sawit Kantor Direksi PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Operasional Medan melaksanakan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan, Digitalisasi dan Sertifikasi dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 36 UMK, Selasa, 26 September 2023, Kegiatan pelatihan dan sertifikasi ini dibuka oleh Kepala Biro Sekretariat Perusahaan H. Dhani Diansurya Hasibuan didampingi Kepala Sub…
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borisbubbles · 5 months
Eurovision 2024: #36
36. FINLAND Windows95Man - "No Rules!" 19th place
Decade ranking: 143/153 [Above Nadir, below Let3]
Okay so, I promised in Saturday's post that I would try to be positive, but I may already have to rescind on that promise lol. (the "lol" is for punctuation because I definitely did not laugh.) "No rules!" stinks and has very few redeeming qualities. 🙂 Natalia was right, she WAS robbed by a Nudist Demon!
For real, does anyone over the age of twenty-five enjoy this dumpster fire? If so, fukk meee. LOVE YOURSELVES.
As I noted in my UMK review back in Feb:
I have difficulty buying into this hyperactive ball of bad taste. “Fuck The System” always feels like the go-to message of individuals that fail to fit into social structures that aren’t fully of their own shaping. For an entry that’s all “live as you like, there’s no rules!” in its messaging, these two look like they conform to just about every styling and behavioural rule associated with Zoomer culture: A total disregard for general aesthetics over a dumbed-down drone of a beat because everything is ironic and nothing is to be taken seriously.  It is a depressing take on life. Yeah sure, a bit of camp levity is welcome in this loathesome world, but any happy song that weaponizes irony like this one trends towards encouraging irresponsibility, cynicism and nihilism. Some things DO matter in life, you know? You need to afford your bills and groceries, charge your social batteries, cultivate your friendships, or else you’ll wind up living alone in a van, down by the river. But if the latter life appeals to you, then this is the entry for you, I guess. For me though; this contest is already has one Joost Klein. Let’s not add a second one from Finland.
Funny how I nailed that even before knowing the full extent of it. I ofc vastly underestimated how bad the live would be, and as soon as I'd seen it my scepsis immediately supernova'd into intense HATRED. If ONLY "Paskana" hadn't been weak as piss. Yes, the cringe in "No Rules!" is deliberate, obviously, I have a sense of humour. Having a sense of humour is why I hate it? How much "deliberated cringe" can one tolerate before concluding "nope, this is r o t t e n." Does it start with
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screaming "SEE ME SLAYYYY" :proceeds to not slay: ?
It definitely ends in whatever this shot is supposed to be.
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Humour is subjective sure enough, and Windowsninetycringeman's jokes fall flatter than a pancake á moi. Why is everything denim? Why is this THIRTY-NINE YEAR OLD MAN still engaging in toilet humour and internet speak? Grow the f up? The art lies in the execution and Finland showed neither. I do NOT like Europapa much, but having Finland and not Netherlands in the final vibes wrong on so many levels. Europapa at least had a clear plan and delivered its nonsense in contained, piecemeal doses? It was COMPETENT in what it attempted to be (A Televote Winner), not a lazy amalgation of simple-minded drunk jokes strung together over a Planet of The Bass megamix as some sort of a Hail Mary. Joost and Teemu represent the Expectations/Reality divide of Zoomer Nonsense and it was darksided that only the latter got to compete for points. But on top of that, Teemu was generally just full of shit? Hooray, an Old Millennial engaging in Zoomer Cringe who lets an actual zoomer do all the vocal heavy lifting, without giving him a single featuring credit. Yay! It's a painfully accurate depiction of what being a zoomer is like, but not an intentional one.
Also remember when Teemu said he would "try to discreetly approach the other contestants to find ways to show support for Palestine" (remember that this contest was supposed to be 'not political'?) Hm yes discreet. So discreet he declared his intentions to interviewers so that everyone would know it was HIS idea. "Discreet", human please. And the result of all that talk was...
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(lol I'm SO making it sound like I care about what political standpoints any of these acts took, and I don't. But I do call out a fraud when I spot one.)
Yeah well thanks for trying, but I'd rather you hadn't. A statement you can apply to my feelings of the entry overall. Okay, we've reached full circle, time to move on to our designated palate cleanser because THIS page is a safe zone for people of good taste.
The universe where YLE overrules the results and sends THEM to ESC is the one where we head to Helsinki twice in a row.
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beritaterkini123 · 9 hours
Kolaborasi Sasa dan IPB Gelar Seminar Pangan
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Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA), IPB University bekerja sama dengan PT. Sasa Inti menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional bertajuk 'Pemenuhan Program Manajemen Risiko pada UMK Pangan Steril Komersial'. Seminar nasional ini diselenggarakan secara hybrid di Hotel Kimaya by Harris Jakarta (luring) dan zoom meeting pada 27 Juni 2023.  
Sebanyak 261 peserta dari berbagai kalangan, mulai akademisi, perwakilan BPOM, praktisi, peneliti, dan tentunya para pelaku usaha (UMK dan industri besar) hadir dalam seminar ini. Peserta yang menghadiri seminar secara luring berjumlah 36 orang dan yang hadir melalui zoom meeting mencapai 225 peserta. 
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pazaryerigundem · 3 months
İzmir Torbalı'da patlama! Ölü ve yaralılar var
İzmir Torbalı'da patlama! Ölü ve yaralılar var
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İzmir’in Torbalı ilçesinde Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi Ayrancılar Barış Manço Caddesi’ndeki bir kıraathanede patlama meydana geldi. İçişleri Bakanlığı, kıraathanede sanayi tüpünün patladığını 35 vatandaşın yaralandığı, 4 vatandaşın ise hayatını kaybettiğini duyurdu.
İZMİR (İGFA) – İzmir’in Torbalı ilçesi Fevzi Çakmak Mahallesi’nde bulunan bir kıraathanede ilk belirlemelere göre sanayi tüpünden kaynaklandığı değerlendirilen patlama meydana geldi.
İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya, sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı paylaşımda, “Bugün İzmir Torbalı’daki Fevzi Çakmak mahallesinde bulunan bir kıraathanede ilk belirlemelere göre sanayi tüpünden kaynaklandığı değerlendirilen bir  patlama meydana gelmiştir. Olay bölgesine; İzmir İl AFAD’dan 2 araç 9 personel, İl Sağlık Müdürlüğünden 8 ambulans 2 UMKE ekibi ve 36 personel sevk edilmiştir. Patlamada maalesef 4 vatandaşımız hayatını kaybetmiş, 35 vatandaşımız da yaralanmıştır. Hayatını kaybeden vatandaşlarımıza Allah’tan rahmet, yaralılarımıza acil şifalar diliyorum. Konuya ilişkin tahkikat devam etmektedir. Gelişmelerden kamuoyu bilgilendirilecektir” ifadelerini kullandı.
Torbalı Belediyesi ise söz konusu patlamanın ardından olay yerine geçerek, bölgedeki ilgili tüm kurumlarla çalışmalara başladı. Patlamada çevredeki bazı binalarda da hasarların oluştuğu kaydedildi.
Ayrancılar Barış Manço Caddesi’nde gerçekleşen patlamanın hemen sonrasında olay yerindeyiz. Bölgede ilgili tüm kurumlarla çalışmalarımızı sürdürüyoruz. pic.twitter.com/XKR1AvyDSc
— Torbalı Belediyesi (@torbalibelediye) June 30, 2024
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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inigresik · 2 years
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Dalam Surat keputusan itu Surabaya masih menjadi daerah dengan angka UMK tertinggi di Jatim sebesar Rp 4.525.479,19. Disusul kemudian oleh Gresik sebesar Rp 4.522.030,51. Lalu berikutnya adalah Sidoarjo sebesar Rp 4.518.581,85. Sekdaprov Jatim Adhy Karyono mengatakan Pemprov Jatim berkomitmen penuh mengumumkan UMK sesuai batas waktu dari pemerintah pusat. Berikut besaran UMK di 38 Kota/Kabupaten Jawa Timur: 1. Kota Surabaya Rp 4.525.479,19 2. Kabupaten Gresik Rp 4.522.030,51 3. Kabupaten Sidoarjo Rp 4.518.581,85 4. Kabupaten Pasuruan Rp 4.515.133,19 5. Kabupaten Mojokerto Rp 4,504.787,17 6. Kabupaten Malang Rp 3.268.275,36 7. Kota Malang Rp 3.194.143,98 8. Kota Pasuruan Rp 3.038.837,64 9. Kota Batu Rp 3.030.367,09 10. Kabupaten Jombang Rp 2.854.095,88 11. Kabupaten Probolinggo Rp 2.753.265,95 12. Kabupaten Tuban Rp 2.739.224,88 13. Kota Mojokerto Rp 2.710.452,36 14. Kabupaten Lamongan Rp 2.701.977,27 15. Kota Probolinggo Rp 2.576.240,63 16. Kabupaten Jember Rp 2.555.662,91 17. Kabupaten Banyuwangi Rp 2.528.899,12 18. Kota Kediri Rp 2.318.116,63 19. Kabupaten Bojonegoro Rp 2.279.568,07 20. Kabupaten Kediri Rp 2.243.422,93 21. Kota Blitar Rp 2.239.024,44 22. Kabupaten Tulungagung Rp 2.229.358,67 23. Kabupaten Blitar Rp 2.215.071,18 24. Kabupaten Lumajang Rp 2.200.607,20 25. Kota Madiun Rp 2.190.216,37 26. Kabupaten Sumenep Rp 2.176.819,94 27. Kabupaten Nganjuk Rp. 2.167.007,05 28. Kabupaten Ngawi Rp 2.158.844,59 29. Kabupaten Pacitan Rp 2.157.270,25 30. Kabupaten Bondowoso Rp 2.154.504,13 31. Kabupaten Madiun Rp 2.154.251,34 32. Kabupaten Magetan Rp 2.153.062,37 33. Kabupaten Bangkalan Rp 2.152.450,83 34. Kabupaten Ponorogo Rp 2.149.709,45 35. Kabupaten Trenggalek Rp 2.139.426,01 36. Kabupaten Situbondo Rp 2.137.025,85 37. Kabupaten Pamekasan Rp 2.133.655,03 38. Kabupaten Sampang Rp 2.114.335,27 #inigresik #gresik #umk #latepost #news #kabarberita #gresikhits (di Gresik Kota Pudak) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4xdPdPuqo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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borobudurnews · 2 years
UMK Jateng Tahun 2023 Segera Dirils Bulan ini, Di 2022 Semarang Tertinggi
UMK Jateng Tahun 2023 Segera Dirils Bulan ini, Di 2022 Semarang Tertinggi
BNews–JATENG-– Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan (Kemnaker) segera menetapkan upah minimum kabupaten/kota (UMK) 2023 pada November ini. Penetapan itu juga termasuk untuk menentukan UMK Jateng 2023. Diketahui, Kemnaker akan segera menentapkan UMK Jateng 2023 pada tanggal 21 November 2022. Perhitungan upah minimum kabupaten/kota sudah disesuaikan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 36 Tahun 2021…
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maticide666 · 3 years
my eurovision top 39 songs (finally)
anyway i finally got my top 39 completed. under a read more because it can get kinda long with the commentary i added klfdja;sflk (and by that i mean VERY long, maybe a wall of text if i have a lot to say about the song.)
none of this takes rehearsals into account.
basically, 39-37 i don't like, 36-35 are meh, 34-25 are decent, 24-18 are good, 17-12 i enjoy listening to a lot, 11-4 i love, and I would pay for votes for top 3 if i could.
39. Azerbaijan - Efendi - Mata Hari - Honestly, I kinda want to like this song. The instrumentation is nice, especially with the Azeri instruments. Efendi's vocals are ok during the verses. However, her vocals during the MA-MA-MA-MATA HARI part makes this song utterly unlistenable for me. It is just so distracting and ear-grating. Not great for my sensitive ears. And that is without taking anything else into account.
38. Estonia - Uku Suviste - The Lucky One - For some reason reminds me of a boring modern country song. Bland af. At least the melody of the chorus is nice.
37. Cyprus - Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo - Discount Lady Gaga at the best points of this song. Feels like three songs at once. Also, the lyrics seem like they just went all "What Spanish-sounding words sound spicy? Taco? Tamale? Mamacita?" As a Spanish speaker and as someone of Mexican descent who enjoys those foods, this annoys the living shit out of me. At least I can make El Diablo/Fallen Angel memes out of this. (Honestly, I don't mind the gratuitous Spanish with the words El Diablo.) Also, this song got real old real quick.
36. Slovenia - Ana Soklič - Amen - The gospel vibe is nice, but there is just too much Christianity in it for me to enjoy this song. Sorry, Ana.
35. Moldova - Natalia Gordienko - Sugar - Sounds like a sugary version of Siren Song by MARUV. Kinda boring, but enjoyable in the right circumstances.
34. Georgia - Tornike Kipiani - You - Good to listen to when mind feels blank. At first I kinda liked this song, but nowadays this song has lost its charm. This won't sound out of place alongside boring 70s slow classic rock songs.
33. Austria - Vincent Bueno - Amen - Not something I would listen to regularly, but still nice. For me, easily the biggest downgrade from 2020.
32. Greece - Stefania - Last Dance - Pleasant to listen to, not much else.
31. Portugal - The Black Mamba - Love Is On My Side - Good song, but not my cup of tea. Unfortunately, some great songs have to be near the bottom of my ranking.
30. Germany - Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate - A fun song to listen to. The novelty wears off after a while. The feel good vibes and ukulele are nice.
29. Israel - Eden Alene - Set Me Free - the song release version was bland and boring, but the revamp. Now THAT is good stuff. The song doesn't seem so empty anymore. I miss the key change from the original, though.
28. Spain - Blas Cantó - Voy A Quedarme - A very emotional and beautiful song from Spain. Again, not usually my cup of tea. However, the melody somehow gives me a nostalgic vibe.
27. North Macedonia - Vasil - Here I Stand - DAMN Vasil has a lovely voice. Nice that he's showing it off here. Too slow of a song for me to enjoy regularly, though.
26. Albania - Anxhela Peristeri - Karma - I don't have much to say other than this song is nice.
25. Bulgaria - VICTORIA - Growing Up Is Getting Old - Pleasant to listen to, but depending on my mood I think this is a beautiful song but not my cup of tea or a complete snoozefest.
24. Serbia - Hurricane - Loco Loco - Fun song, but it feels like something is lacking, and I can't quite put my finger on it.
23. San Marino - Senhit - Adrenalina - Once the initial hype from Flo Rida being on the song died down, this became another typical Eurovision bop.
22. Sweden - Tusse - Voices - At first I thought the song was completely unremarkable and couldn't understand how this won Melodifestivalen. Nowadays it's a nice song to chill to. I gotta respect a perfect televote score from the national final.
21. Ireland - Lesley Roy - MAPS - nice.
20. Croatia - Albina - Tick Tock - Grew on me slightly. Shoutout for including a verse in Croatian.
19. Switzerland - Gjon's Tears - Tout l'Univers - Another grower for me. Doesn't hit as hard as his song from last year, but I dig it.
18. France - Barbara Pravi - Voilà - Lovely chanson right here. I wish it didn't take forever to pick up, though. I was about to completely give up on this song in the middle of my first listen. I'm glad I didn't.
17. Belgium - Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place - Classy. Not much else to say.
16. Ukraine - Go-A - Shum - I'd definitely go rave to this song. I kept finding this song hard to rank due to the white voice. I couldn't decide if I absolutely adored it or if I found it grating. Maybe I just wasn't feeling well when I first thought about it.
15. Lithuania - The Roop - Discoteque - Lots of fun, doesn't have the charm that On Fire had last year. I would dance to this song.
14. Poland - RAFAŁ - The Ride - I actually kinda like this song???? Even with Rafal's vocals??? I know he has political controversies, but I can't help but think this song is nice. A better, less controversial singer would benefit this song, though. I'm not counting the revamp just yet since it was released too recently.
13. Latvia - Samanta Tīna - The Moon Is Rising - This song gives me nostalgic mid to late 2000s hip hop vibes. The guitars in this song are lovely.
12. Romania - ROXEN - Amnesia - Definitely something that can put me in a trance if I'm in the right mood.
11. Czechia - Benny Cristo - omaga - Nice, catchy, I would dance to this.
10. Malta - Destiny - Je Me Casse - Damn, Destiny has a lovely voice! And the song itself is wonderful. I'm not a fan of the amount of Swedish talent being used instead of Maltese talent, but I really do enjoy listening to this.
9. Denmark - Fyr og Flamme - Øve Os På Hinanden - another really fun song! This really grew on me. Nowadays if I want to listen to a Eurovision song, this is one of the first songs I think of.
8. The Netherlands - Jeangu Macrooy - Birth of a New Age - I can vibe with this. You can hear the passion in this song. I wish I could let my body do the talking right now, but y'all can't see that with just a tumblr text post.
7. Russia - Manizha - Russian Woman - I was NOT expecting this to come out of Russia when it won the national final. I wasn't expecting to like this either. The message is great, the instrumental is great, everything about this is brilliant.
6. United Kingdom - James Newman - Embers - A funky song. I LOVE James's voice. Massive upgrade from last year in my opinion. I'm a sucker for brass in an upbeat song. Unfortunately, I have had the staging kinda spoiled and I am VERY skeptical about this coming out of bottom five. I'm done with the BBC.
5. Australia - Montaigne - Technicolour - There is a Lot happening in this song and I am all in for it. I'm kinda terrible at parsing lyrics, but it's a non-issue when I can follow Montaigne's voice and forget about the lyrics. Ironically enough, it's Montaigne's voice that also worries me this Eurovision season - mostly whether she was able to pull off her live on tape performance off.
4. Iceland - Daði og Gagnamagnið - 10 Years - I didn't think Daði could pull it off against this year, but he did it. I like this just a little more than Think About Things, which was my favorite song last year. I'm still a little gutted that this pandemic robbed him of a probable victory, but I've made peace with it. I still need to learn the dance moves, though.
3. Italy - Måneskin - Zitti E Buoni - FUCK YEAH A KICKASS ROCK SONG IN EUROVISION! This song gave me massive rock en español vibes on my fist listen, and honestly this is something I would bang my head to if I had the same body I did when I was 15.
2. Norway - TIX - Fallen Angel - I was not expecting to like this song much, let alone becoming THIS obsessed with TIX. In fact, he wasn't even on my radar for winning MGP. I listened to Ut Av Mørket for the first time and thought something like 'this is boring af, but at least it's in Norwegian'. And then he changed it to English, which I wasn't a fan of at first. And then one day the lyrics clicked - especially with my own struggles with mental illness. To this day this is one of only two Eurovision songs to actually make me cry. Even now he still isn't my MGP winner (that honor goes to JORN), but he has definitely won my heart.
1. Finland - Blind Channel - Dark Side - To say that this song kicks ass would be an understatement for me. This song has just the right mix of rock, pop, and even metal. Ever since I found out that this song would be in the national final, I knew that it would be my favorite this whole Eurovision season regardless of who won UMK. Yes, my jaw dropped when I saw the lead Blind Channel had in UMK. I literally cancelled my plans to watch the MGP final live because of these guys. I am not disappointed. Even Måneskin couldn't bring these guys down in my ranking. And while the lyrics might be a bit iffy, they did get me through rough times. I hope these guys are able to bring rock music back like they want to. But for now, I will give them my (useless tbh) douze points.
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thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
oh...you have activated my trap card!
eeeeeeeeeeer6druewtagfrebtgpxfbt 8wtlbg587 ew tgi5wg 5y
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im so sorry-
WHAHSHSKWGFKSHDKSHFJFJ ITS OKI!!!!!! if I had more energy I'd do that tooooo whahahahaaaaa!!! :DDDD - emu
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saglikagi · 3 years
Hamile Kadını Hastaneye Yetiştirmek İçin Karda 1 Km Yürüdüler https://saglikagi.net/hamile-kadini-hastaneye-yetistirmek-icin-karda-1-km-yuruduler/?feed_id=8730
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inilahonline · 3 years
Ganjar Tetapkan UMK Jateng 2022 Paling Rendah Kabupaten Wonogiri
Ganjar Tetapkan UMK Jateng 2022 Paling Rendah Kabupaten Wonogiri
INILAHONLINE.COM, SEMARANG — Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo telah menandatangani Keputusan Gubernur Jawa Tengah No.561/39 tentang Upah Minimum pada 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Untuk tahun 2022. Penetapan UMK tahun 2022 mendasarkan pada Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 tahun 2021, tentang Pengupahan dimana formula perhitungan dan datanya sudah baku. UMK mendasari perhitungan…
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borobudurnews · 2 years
Soal UMK 2023, Disepakati Di Kabupaten Magelang
Soal UMK 2023, Disepakati Di Kabupaten Magelang
BNews–MAGELANG-– Sepakat terhadap Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 2021 tentang Pengupahan dalam merumuskan upah minimum kabupaten tahun 2023. Hal itu dilakukan oleh Dewan Pengupahan Kabupaten Magelang. “Kami mengikuti rumus (perhitungan upah minimum) yang sudah tertuang di PP 36/2021,” kata Kepala Dinas Perindustrian dan Tenaga Kerja Kabupaten Magelang, Sukamtono, Senin…
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aktifnews · 3 years
Berikut Besaran UMK Yang Sudah Di Sahkan Oleh Gubernur Kepri, '' Batam Naik Jadi Rp 4.186.359 "
Berikut Besaran UMK Yang Sudah Di Sahkan Oleh Gubernur Kepri, ” Batam Naik Jadi Rp 4.186.359 “
AKTIF NEWS | BATAM – Gubernur Kepulauan Riau H. Ansar Ahmad, melalui kepala Biro Humas, Protokol dan Penghubung Hasan, yang didampingi kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Mangara Simarmata memberikan keterangan terkait penetapan Upah Minimum Kabupaten/Kota (UMK) tahun 2022, Rabu (01/12). Menurut Hasan, berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 35 Ayat (2) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 tahun 2021 tentang…
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bogorone · 3 years
UMP Jabar Naik, Disnaker: UMK Kota Bogor 2022 Masih Dalam Pembahasan
UMP Jabar Naik, Disnaker: UMK Kota Bogor 2022 Masih Dalam Pembahasan
BogorOne.co.id | Kota Bogor – Upah Minimum Kabupaten/Kota (UMK) Kota Bogor saat ini masih dalam tahap pembahasan bersama dewan pengupahan yakni perwakilan pemerintah kota, perwakilan pekerja dan serikat, akademisi dan ahli. Nantinya formulasi penetapan UMK 2022 ini akan mengacu pada UU 11 tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja dan PP 36/2021 tentang Pengupahan. Kepala Dinas Ketenaga Kerjaan Kota Bogor,…
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borobudurnews · 3 years
Cek UMK Di Magelang 2022 PDF Dan UMR DI Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Cek UMK Di Magelang 2022 PDF Dan UMR DI Provinsi Jawa Tengah
BNews–MAGELANG–  Cek UMK Kabupaten Magelang 2022 terbaru Jawa Tengah PDF. Dan simak upah minimum kota dan kabupaten atau UMR di provinsi Jateng tahun 2022. UMK Jawa Tengah resmi diputuskan Ganjar Pranowo selaku Gubernur Jawa Tengah pada Rabu, 1 Desember 2021 lalu. Adapun penetapan UMK atau UMR tersebut menurut Ganjar telah berlandaskan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 tahun 2021 tentang…
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