loufcd · 6 years
Self Portrait with Pop
Self Portrait with Pop: No, not that Pop. Just pop, the expression. #365TwentyEighteen #TMLRT2018 #Lighting #Photography #Portraits #SelfPortraits #RestingSadFaceIsAThing #CatchingUpTheBlogProject
No, not that Pop. Just pop, the expression. To make up for the previous day’s lack of real photo, and really, just because I was trying out some new lighting and processing techniques, here’s a decent self-portrait I like.
It’s very serious-looking, but I was focused on the shot more than my visage, and as sometimes happens, forgot that I have Resting Sad Face Syndrome ™.
I feel like I’m out of…
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loufcd · 6 years
It's Gonna Be Adorable
It's Gonna Be Adorable: If you've ever wanted a couple of nice headshots or sexy boudoir shots for yourself or a lover, #SFS18 would be the perfect time and place to get those done quickly and inexpensively. @WoodhullSFA #365TwentyEighteen #TMLRT2018
The kissing booth for Woodhull‘s 2018 Sexual Freedom Summit (#SFS18) is going to work out wonderfully. I’m looking forward to another great year of shooting the summit.
I’ve been shooting the summit each year since 2013, and it’s one of my annual highlights. I always have a blast, and I get to see bunches of my online friends and connections that I don’t get to see most of the year.
This year…
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loufcd · 6 years
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Alvin, is that you?: Everyone knows I'm a bird guy, but every now and again a mammal catches my eye. I took a portrait of this little guy in New York. #TMLRT2018 #365TwentyEighteen #Mammals #Nature #Chipmunk #Forest #NotABirdButStillCute #NewYork Everyone knows I'm a bird guy, but every now and again a mammal catches my eye. I took a portrait of this little guy in New York.
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loufcd · 6 years
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Good Morning, Baltimore!: We had to travel up to The Charm City yesterday, and the skyline looked pretty dramatic with the storm clouds and sunshine. #TMLRT #TMLRT2018 #365TwentyEighteen #JustTheSugarHoney #Baltimore #Skyline #Urban #Clouds We had to travel up to The Charm City yesterday, and the skyline looked pretty dramatic with the storm clouds and sunshine.
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loufcd · 6 years
Helping Me Focus
Helping Me Focus: I can't thank her enough. #TMLRT #TMLRT2018 #365TwentyEighteen #GearingUp #Travel #RoadTrip #NewEngland #MA #NY #RI #CT #NH #ME #VT #Canada #MI #IN #KY #TN #AR #TX #NM #AZ #UT #OR #WA #ID #PNW #VA
I’m going to be back here in the DC Metro until June 5th, after which I’m heading out for realsies. I’m first heading up to Boston, then upstate New York and the rest of New England, before popping over into Canadialand. I haven’t visited Canada since I was about 19, and I’m looking forward to returning. I’m thinking I’ll drive down the Canadian side and cross back into the states around Detroit,…
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loufcd · 6 years
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More Twos: I did the thing. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen #Gypsy #MilesAndMiles #Travel #RoadTrip #CatchingUpTheBlog #Cars #Autos #SomewhereOnInterstate20InSC #IPulledOver #SheGetsMeWhereImGoing I did.
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loufcd · 6 years
Birthday Magnets
Birthday Magnets: I might even take requests. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen #FridgePoetry #Stock #Poetry #Art #Photography #SomeEarlyExamples #ILikeTheLastOne #LOL #Humor #PseudoprofoundBullshit #YSoSerious #Birthday #Presents #Gifts
So I got a thing for my birthday.
I’ve often played with the unicorn-themed magnets on Caz’ fridge, sometimes being silly, sometimes using them to write little notes, sometimes writing pseudo-profound insights of bullshit. And every once in awhile, maybe something actually thoughtful.
For my birthday yesterday, she got me this sex-themed set and a board to put them on. Speaking of actually…
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loufcd · 6 years
National Geographic Photo of the Day
National Geographic Photo of the Day: I'm ridiculously excited about this award. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen @NatGeoPhotos @BigBendNPS #NationalGeographic #AmIFamousNow #Photography #Travel #BIBE #Desert #Thunderstorm #BigFatHeadNow #Nature #WHOOP
My shot of the thunderstorm in Big Bend National Park last June was just chosen as National Geographic’s Your Shot Photo of the Day on Saturday.
I’m way excited about that.
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loufcd · 6 years
On the Third Day, Man Created Floaties
On the Third Day, Man Created Floaties: Because of my neck injury, I can't swing my arms over my head. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen #Caribbean #Cruise #RoyalCaribbean #Snorkeling #BirthdayGift #Bahamas #CocoCay #Disability #Fish #BestBFFEVAH
In case you’ve missed it, my best friend Beverly took me on a cruise to the Bahamas for my fiftieth birthday. We sailed from Nassau overnight to Coco Cay, a private island owned by Royal Caribbean, where the two main attractions were the beach and the snorkeling. As I was on my morning pre-dawn walk around the ship, I discovered I was not the only one aboard celebrating my second 25th birthday.  …
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loufcd · 7 years
Majesty of the Seas
Majesty of the Seas: I really have the best BFF ever. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen #CatchingUp #BirthdayGift #Bahamas #Cruise #RoyalCaribbean #Nassau #MajestyOfTheSeas #FirstCruise #BestestBestieEVAH #LotsOPics #Travel #Vacation #PartyTime #Excellent
I turned 50 last year. Several years ago, as my half-century celebration approached, my best friend Beverly promised to take me on a cruise for the big event. Scheduling proved to be a bit difficult, but we finally made it happen. I’d never been on a cruise before, so I was ridiculously excited. We sailed to the Bahamas on Royal Caribbean’s Majesty of the Seas.         The views as we left Port…
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loufcd · 6 years
Putting it to Bed
Putting it to Bed: I don't ever want to feel like that about my work or my art, so I've decided to put the 365 project to bed. I've got too many irons in the fire. #365TwentyEighteen #Personal #Photography #Portrait #SelfPortrait #Projects #SelfCare
A few years ago I did a 365-day photography project. The idea is to take a picture every day for an entire year. I was pretty happy with the way that turned out, and with what it did for my photography. Forcing myself to take a photo every day kept my photography sharp, my art interesting, and in no small part helped me past the end of one relationship that ended badlyand through the beginning of
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loufcd · 6 years
Another Foggy Morning in Indiana
Another Foggy Morning in Indiana: I made it safely to Indiana, and I'll be here for an indeterminate period of time. #365TwentyEighteen #TMLRT2018 #NotMuchInternetThough #Weather #Fog #Indiana #FriendsILove #UnscheduledRoadTrip #FriendsInNeed
The traffic wasn’t terrible along the drive yesterday, but the weather was brutal in places. It came a deluge twice in West Virginia, bringing traffic to a near-standstill both times.
But I made it safely to Indiana, and I’ll be here for an indeterminate period of time. At the very latest, I’ll be back in the DC metro on Tuesday, since I have to be back for Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit, which…
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loufcd · 6 years
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Stormy Sunset: Seems like the storms are more than just metaphorical, lately. #365TwentyEighteen #DC #StuckInDaCity #Weather #Sunsets #Clouds #Storms #Exhaustion #Drained #Emotions Seems like the storms are more than just metaphorical, lately.
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loufcd · 6 years
Make A Drink
Make A Drink: Sometimes there's just one answer to a problem. #365TwentyEighteen #DC #StuckInDaCity #Tequila #Lemons #MakingLemonade #Booze
Sometimes there’s just one answer to a problem.
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loufcd · 6 years
Princeton University
Princeton University: Collegiate Gothic, 16th century China, and a New Jersey Trash Panda #365TwentyEighteen #TMLRT2018 #NJ #Princeton #PrincetonU #PrincetonNJ #Art #Wildlife #Architecture
I left my Pop’s and went up to Princeton, NJ for a few days. The campus of Princeton University is just gorgeous, and I especially loved the Collegiate Gothic architecture there.
  I spent a few hours in the art museum while I was there, and that pretty well did me in for the day. But it was totally worth it.
    And even happened to sample the wildlife, a bit, by accident. 
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loufcd · 6 years
Olympus Crumbles
Olympus Crumbles: Yesterday was the day my Zeus became mortal. Yesterday was the day Olympus crumbled. #365TwentyEighteen #TMLRT2018 #Family #Aging #HurtyHeart #Inevitability #PassageOfTime #Memory #FeetOfClay #ColossusOfPhilly #Philly
My father is not a good man. If you ask him, that’s what he’ll tell you.
I had a strange nightmare the other night. My mother and father were back together, which I found shocking even in my dream. My parents split up when I was five, and my mother died on Christmas morning 2014, so yeah. I was confused. My mother was standing before my seated father, and was holding out a letter written in my…
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