loufcd · 5 years
Pawnee National Grasslands
Pawnee National Grasslands: When I left Estes Park, I was still having trouble from my back and legs from that long drive there from Idaho. #TMLRT2019 #TMLRT #Colorado #Travel #Camping #RoadTrip #BoundForWashingtonDaCity #EastboundAndDown
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]When I left Estes Park, I was still having trouble from my back and legs from that long drive there from Idaho. I decided to take a few more days to rest, and drove the hour and a half to Pawnee National Grasslands, the Colorado stop I’d meant to make in the first place.
One thing that struck me was how suddenly flat and treeless the land became as…
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loufcd · 5 years
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Hobbits, Hail, and Hello Again: There was never any chance I'd say no to that. #TMLRT2019 #TMLRT #Travel #Camping #RoadTrip #Colorado #Isengard #Rivendell #EstesPark By the time I left Idaho, I was feeling the pressure of the calendar, and felt like I needed to make up some time.
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loufcd · 5 years
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Sex Geek Birds: I'm glad I paid a little bit of attention to the birds while I was shooting camp. #TMLRT2019 #TMLRT #Birds #Birding #SGSC19 #Nature #Multitasking #CatchingUpTheBlog I didn't get to do much birding at Sex Geek Summer Camp, per usual, but some birds obliged me anyway.
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loufcd · 5 years
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Some Birds From The Road: Every now and again I get a minute to point my camera in the general direction of a bird or two. #TMLRT #TMLRT2019 #Birds #Birding #Wildlife #Nature It used to be that I'd go birding every day or three, but not so much these last few years.
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loufcd · 5 years
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No Anal: I should probably have a dedicated category for the funny, strange, and weird signs I see while I'm on the road. #TMLRT #TMLRT2019 #RoadTrip #Camping #Humor #Signs #PortlandBound I should probably have a dedicated category for the funny, strange, and weird signs I see while I'm on the road. This one was somewhere between Lovell Canyon, Nevada and Eagle Lake, California.
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loufcd · 5 years
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Outside Sin City: I had a nice view of Mount Charleston from the front door of my office. #TMLRT #TMLRT2019 #LovellCanyon #NV #MtCharleston #RoadTrip #PortlandBound After the Grand Canyon and Horseshoe Bend, I traveled up past Las Vegas, and into Lovell Canyon.I had a nice view of Mount Charleston from the front door of my office.I was mostly stopping in the area to see my friend Nikki, but although we did meet up (and she fed me rather well), and have a great few hours catching up, it seems we forgot to take a picture together.I suppose you'll just have to be satisfied with the gorgeous views, and a pic or two of my office.
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loufcd · 5 years
Gon' Geekin', Be Back Soon
Gon' Geekin', Be Back Soon: Every year, I get the opportunity to shoot lots of beautiful naked people in the forest. I just can't say no to that. #TMLRT2019 #TMLRT #SGSC19 #Nudes #Kidnappings #CoffeeMugsOfTwitter #Portland #Oregon #MyLifeIsTough #LOL
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Each year, I take a week or so to shoot Sex Geek Summer Camp. It’s always a blast, and I get to do a lot of Beautiful Naked People In Creeks shoots. It’s one of my favorite things to do every year, and that’s where I’ve been since I last posted.
And every year, I say, “Next year, I’m only doing ten Creek Shoots. That’s all my body can handle.…
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loufcd · 5 years
The Petrified Forest in the Painted Desert
The Petrified Forest in the Painted Desert: The week was on a strange kick of weirdness by the time I made that left turn at Albuquerque. I was kind of hoping for a little break of normalcy. That didn't happen. #TMLRT #TMLRT2019 #WTF #PortlandBound #SGSC19
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The week was on a strange kick of weirdness by the time I made that left turn at Albuquerque. I was kind of hoping for a little break of normalcy by the time I said my goodbyes to Becky and headed west for the Grand Canyon.
That didn’t happen.
I had to travel along Interstate 40, which took me right through Petrified Forest National Park in the…
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loufcd · 5 years
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A Lovely Home Away From Home: I love The Rose Marie. I always feel warm and welcome, and it's always a bit sad to leave. #TMLRT2019 #TMLRT #Travel #JustTheSugarHoney #MakingLemonade #Louisiana #PortlandBound #SGSC2019 #SGSC19 I love The Rose Marie. I always feel warm and welcome, and it's always a bit sad to leave.I don't really do woo, but I have a lot of friends who are important to me who do do woo.
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loufcd · 5 years
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I Finally Made It To Arkansas: There wasn’t really anything in particular I wanted to see in Arkansas, it’s just that I’d never been there, or even through there. #TMLRT2019 #MakingLemonade #RoadTrip #PortlandBound #SGSC2019 #JustTheSugarHoney #Travel It was a most circuitous route, but I finally made it to Arkansas. There wasn’t really anything in particular I wanted to see in Arkansas, it’s just that I’d never been there, or even through there.
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loufcd · 5 years
First Stop: Home
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I’m finally on the road as The Making Lemonade Road Tour 2019 gets underway. It feels good to be mobile (and warm) again, and I’m looking forward to starting to get shoots lined up again for The Diverse Sex-Positive Bodies Stock Photography Project along the way.
After weeks that seemed to drag on forever of repairing and redesigning the website so it doesn’t…
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loufcd · 6 years
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Good Morning, Baltimore!: We had to travel up to The Charm City yesterday, and the skyline looked pretty dramatic with the storm clouds and sunshine. #TMLRT #TMLRT2018 #365TwentyEighteen #JustTheSugarHoney #Baltimore #Skyline #Urban #Clouds We had to travel up to The Charm City yesterday, and the skyline looked pretty dramatic with the storm clouds and sunshine.
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loufcd · 6 years
Helping Me Focus
Helping Me Focus: I can't thank her enough. #TMLRT #TMLRT2018 #365TwentyEighteen #GearingUp #Travel #RoadTrip #NewEngland #MA #NY #RI #CT #NH #ME #VT #Canada #MI #IN #KY #TN #AR #TX #NM #AZ #UT #OR #WA #ID #PNW #VA
I’m going to be back here in the DC Metro until June 5th, after which I’m heading out for realsies. I’m first heading up to Boston, then upstate New York and the rest of New England, before popping over into Canadialand. I haven’t visited Canada since I was about 19, and I’m looking forward to returning. I’m thinking I’ll drive down the Canadian side and cross back into the states around Detroit,…
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loufcd · 6 years
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More Twos: I did the thing. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen #Gypsy #MilesAndMiles #Travel #RoadTrip #CatchingUpTheBlog #Cars #Autos #SomewhereOnInterstate20InSC #IPulledOver #SheGetsMeWhereImGoing I did.
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loufcd · 6 years
Birthday Magnets
Birthday Magnets: I might even take requests. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen #FridgePoetry #Stock #Poetry #Art #Photography #SomeEarlyExamples #ILikeTheLastOne #LOL #Humor #PseudoprofoundBullshit #YSoSerious #Birthday #Presents #Gifts
So I got a thing for my birthday.
I’ve often played with the unicorn-themed magnets on Caz’ fridge, sometimes being silly, sometimes using them to write little notes, sometimes writing pseudo-profound insights of bullshit. And every once in awhile, maybe something actually thoughtful.
For my birthday yesterday, she got me this sex-themed set and a board to put them on. Speaking of actually…
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loufcd · 6 years
National Geographic Photo of the Day
National Geographic Photo of the Day: I'm ridiculously excited about this award. #TMLRT #365TwentyEighteen @NatGeoPhotos @BigBendNPS #NationalGeographic #AmIFamousNow #Photography #Travel #BIBE #Desert #Thunderstorm #BigFatHeadNow #Nature #WHOOP
My shot of the thunderstorm in Big Bend National Park last June was just chosen as National Geographic’s Your Shot Photo of the Day on Saturday.
I’m way excited about that.
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