#387 skater & kronos
Bracket G Round 1
Poll 2
Skater & Kronos (@kratt09) vs. Lucy (@blazernot)
387. Skater & Kronos (@kratt09)
Both use They/She        
I put more bio stuff here since I can't figure out words if that's ok
 -are korean and autistic -Mom died in a car crash. skater was present and was 11 at the time -Dad was deemed unfit to be her guardian (I'm working on it but just ignore how possibly unrealistic that is) -She is 15, lives with her uncles now, and is slowly working through her trauma and growing as a person -after the crash she sort of latched onto skate boarding as a coping mechanism and uses the nickname skater, which she is changing her actual name to -the name skater fits with her last name park, which is a common korean last name and they love to see people's expressions when she introduces herself as skater park -Also likes graffiti and using spray paint -mildly good at parkour?? bad but not super bad -Morally ambiguous. she tries hard to be a good person but strays from that frequently -clever. absolutely thrives on vibing with friends but ends up being sort of a weirdo -a bit.. intense. would not hesitate to stab someone and then proceed to never mention it again -"i would kill for you" but genuinely would. Without hesitation - apparently the clone of some old, corrupt time Deity that was intended to be a vessel for them to return to the world but things went askew so now Skayer has to deal with someone who looks almost exactly like her floating around and talking to her and distracting her by talking about death and asking about how she'd feel about letting good ol Kronos take over for a bit -Goofy and immature but Old and Tired at the same time -asks "you need me to kill someone for you?" With a completely straight face -sort of dark humor -walks with a fancy strut and fans her fingers out for dramatic tension and all sorts of movements -fast w running and escaping -smooth talkerz/a bit manipulative -self preservation instinct is strong and they end up in situations where they're forced to betray their friends to survive -actually pretty chill w being a pawn for the villain since they're useful at least -she's trying to be silly and light hearted but ends up very confused when people stare in shock at her when she tells a story they THOUGHT was funny but was actually messed up -they've been running through my head since 2020 -very afraid of turning out even remotely like Kronos -pretty scary when she hs genuine confidence since everyone is reminded of kronos -ts is Everything Moves by Bronze Radio Return
So summary:
Traumatized aroace lesbian with impeccable skating/graffiti vibes that is also kinda sorta an eldritch abomination
-Thousands of years old -Identical to Skater, but taller and with a fancy green uniform and glowing green eyes -Sarcastic and comes off as deranged with the way they smile -it's very clear they're corrupt with power -Immortal and very divorced from the concept of mortality and empathy. They have difficulties thinking of other people and beings as anything more than a piece in their personal chess game -Charming. I can't figure out the words but think of them as having a very similar personality to Loki -time Deity, ability to rewind specific things. She is capable of knocking a few years off of someone's life or straight up winding them until they turn to dust -yea she's overpowered but in a "they have issues regarding that" way -uses a scythe as their main weapon -generally has an older sibling relationship with skater -violent and ruthless. Genuinely has fun fighting and getting injured since it seen so long they've had a physical form and could feel things -was trapped in a pocketwatch by other deities, so it's been a while since they've been out -very manipulative -doesn't care about risks since they can just rewind time to make them no longer exist. High pain tolerance -"scout's honor!" Minutes later, "I was never a scout" -Very little loyalty to anyone other than Skayer -they have a soft spot for Skater and want what's best for her but it's not exactly genuinely good stuff -sort of a ghost?? They're not physically there and won't be unless they possess skater's body. Powerless without a vessel -ts is cabinet man by lemon demon
-tall and sort of skinny -tanned golden skin -dark brown eyes -black, short gnc haircut (https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/59092318_RcWPKVUyyTdzmps.png) -wears a muted green jacket and jeans normally, as well as alchemist goggles
-identical to skater but taller -similar haircut but there's a bun at the end?? Idk I haven't figured it out yet -wears a uniform similar to this but green (https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51IV9Xox+eL._AC_UX522_.jpg) -scythe weapon. it's almost as tall as her -better posture than skater ngl -glowing green eyes
388. Lucy (@blazernot)
Shes a witch, a college drop out, a secretary for a shady government program, she likes frogs, she can summon magical frogs, she does not want to be here, she is very tired.
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Hey there! Do you like:
corruption arcs
eldritch abominations
godlike beings being forced to acknowledge they no longer control the world
heinous crimes
an unhinged villain
symbolism and foreshadowing
characters with ✨️issues✨️?
Well if so, my characters Skater and Kronos may be of interest to you!
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(Kronos, right & Skater, left. Both use they/she)
I don’t have enough time right now to put a big rambly paragraph so I’ll just give the basics
Skater is 15-16 y/o aroace korean lesbian with daddy issues. They already have enough bullshit to get through daily but their issues get much worse when they discover they were apparently intended to be the vessel of an ancient time deity?? except something went wrong so now they have to deal with said deity constantly pestering them. And to make matters worse, that Deity looks exactly like her. Except technically the Deity doesn’t look like Skater, Skater looks like the Deity. There’s a bunch of identity crisis and parallels between the two, as well as unresolved beef between Kronos (the deity) and the system that appointed them as a God. Their stories deal with healing from trauma, giving peace to unresolved issues, and absolute chaos… once I figure out more stuff
It’s pretty wild stuff but without further ado :D
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OK fuck it. Bribe time. If you vote for Skater in their poll and message/send an ask with proof you did I will draw a headshot of your oc
Here are some examples of my art (the first is probably around what it'll be)
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bribe time!!!
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Bracket G First Half!!!
These ocs are entering the competition on Wednesday 19th at 5pm GMT!!!
385. Eloise Garminebhel (@exhaustioninducedapathy)
386. Hyung (@pkstarstruck
387. Skater & Kronos (@kratt09)
388. Lucy (@blazernot)
389. Valerio Álvarez  (@lieutenant-amuel)
390. Gavin (@punchodile)
391. Amber Rio (@cosmik-koto)
392. Chess (@concealeddarkness13)
393. Sollicitus (@skyderman)
394. Virgil Darca (@rusted-muses)
395. Spinz  (@xaeyrnofnbe)*
396. Miko (@byteduchess)*
397. Lotus & Maple (@echoheart0324)
398. Enigma (@sad-tacocat)
399. Vin - Sentinel-General Vincent 'Nate' Hudson & RJ MacCready (@theartofblossoming)
400. Musicbox (@mxdragonica)
401. Suzuki Nobu & Yoshioka Jun (@to-hell-with-good-intentions & @hilowperfixations)
402. Aubrey Miller (@serethespider)
403. Anvilhead (@sixtyt-en)
404. Xifang Baihu (@shranstan)
405. OG dew (@lemoneychicken)
406. Soul & Cred, or soulstone (@vampireautism)
407. Jhero Decedar (@scribespirare)
408. Kalamari & Magnapinna Talismani (@arcadian-vampire)
409. Mirage (@theshrimpgod)
410. Eris Caroll & Mendacium (@kalopseance)
411. Claire Saltzman & Valerie Astaire & Aine Simons (@snazzy-cici)
412. Candid (@halemerry)
413. Kassem & Vermont  (@ow-old-men)
414. Dawn (@rais-crockpot)
415. Cherish (@kindledrose)
416. Royale (@ittybluejay)
*i have been asked to move this matchup to the second half - it will just get posted later there's no other change
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