#393 Lafayette
hudsonespie · 4 years
Global Data Systems, Inc. Named to CRN’S 2020 Solution Provider List
Lafayette, LA, June 2, 2020 – Global Data Systems, Inc., a leading managed services provider, announced today that CRN® a brand of The Channel Company, has named Global Data Systems, Inc. (#410) to its 2020 Solution Provider 500 list. Each year, CRN releases its list of top 500 solution providers, a ranking of the leading IT channel partner organizations across North America by revenue. CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list serves as the industry’s benchmark for recognizing the top-performing technology integrators, strategic service providers, and IT consultants, and as a valuable resource for technology vendors looking to partner with top solution providers.
With over three decades of solution experience, Global Data Systems serves as a Managed Service Provider, delivering Voice & Collaboration, Managed IT, Cloud Services, Connectivity, and Security solutions to medium/large enterprises nationwide.
“We are excited to be recognized on the CRN Solution Provider 500 list for the sixth time”, said Chris Vincent, President of Global Data Systems. Our continued growth and success wouldn’t be possible without our excellent staff of experts that work day in and day out to provide white glove solutions to businesses all around the country. It takes the right people in the right seat to influence a successful outcome and reputation and I think we have the best that the industry has to offer. Stay tuned for more from GDS!”
“CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list showcases the top IT channel partner organizations across North America,” said Bob Skelley, CEO of The Channel Company. “This year, companies on this list represent a combined revenue of $393 billion, a data point that underscores the impact and influence these solution providers have on the IT industry. On behalf of The Channel Company, I’d like to congratulate these companies for their outstanding contributions to the growth and success of our industry.”
CRN’s complete 2020 Solution Provider 500 list is available online at www.CRN.com/SP500 and a sample from the list will be featured in the June issue of CRN Magazine.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/global-data-systems-inc-named-to-crn-s-2020-solution-provider-list via http://www.rssmix.com/
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anachef · 6 years
Roll-A-Cover’s Retractable Roof Enclosures in the Boroughs
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Brooklyn Academy of Music 30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217 This particular retractable roof enclosure at the Brooklyn Academy of Music is a lean-to enclosure situated between two buildings. The academy uses this space for events year-round. What a beautiful space to listen to live music in! https://rollacover.com/galleries/brooklyn-academy-of-music-ny/
Berry Park
Berry Park 4 Berry St, Brooklyn, NY 11211 This mega popular rooftop bar in Williamsburg has spectacular views of Manhattan! Patrons can drink and dine on this rooftop patio year-round, rain or shine, thanks to its Roll-A-Cover retractable roof enclosure. A Yelp reviewer expressed, “Love this place. Great for groups and they have a rooftop area with a retractable roof which makes it great for when the weather turns.” https://rollacover.com/galleries/rooftop-enclosures/berry-park-brooklyn-ny/
McCarren Hotel
McCarren Hotel 160 N 12th St, Brooklyn, NY 11249 McCarren Hotel is an edgy and trendy hotel in Williamsburg. Its stunning rooftop features a popular bar that is enclosed with a Roll-A-Cover retractable roof enclosure, allowing for year-round use and an outdoor ambiance, even when the enclosure is closed. https://rollacover.com/galleries/rooftop-enclosures/mccarren-hotel-brooklyn-ny/
Acqua Santa
Acqua Santa 556 Driggs Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11211 Acqua Santa is an authentic and delicious Italian restaurant in Brooklyn. It features a garden patio area with a retractable skylight. Diners get to feel like they are outside year-round, even when the skylight is closed due to inclement weather. It is a spectacular space! https://rollacover.com/galleries/retractable-skylights/acqua-santa-ny/
Mr. Ciao
Mr. Ciao 2945 Veterans Rd W, Staten Island, NY 10309 Mr. Ciao is a one-of-a-kind Italian/Asian fusion restaurant in Staten Island. This restaurant offers a very wide variety of food and it has a rooftop patio that is approx. 220 sq. feet and wraps around the building! The massive patio is enclosed with a Roll-A-Cover retractable roof enclosure. Diners and party goers can eat in this space year-round. https://rollacover.com/galleries/rooftop-enclosures/mr-ciao-staten-island-ny/
Z-Two 2925 Veterans Rd W, Staten Island, NY 10309 Z-Two is a lively 24-hour restaurant in Staten Island. This particular restaurant has an outdoor patio with a Roll-A-Cover retractable lean-to enclosure. Guests love to sit out here and can year-round, even when the weather is inclement. https://rollacover.com/galleries/z-two-restaurant-staten-island-ny/
Vetro 164-49 Cross Bay Blvd, Howard Beach, NY 11414 This phenomenal Italian restaurant in the Howard Beach area of Queens is mega popular for locals and has a beautiful view of Jamaica Bay. It’s third floor features a large rooftop area that is enclosed with a 3-tier retractable roof enclosure. When the weather is wonderful, the roof opens. When it is not wonderful, the skylight is closed and diners can still feel like they are outside! https://rollacover.com/galleries/vetro-restaurant-lounge-howard-beach-ny/
Cafe Rubio
Cafe Rubio 9805 Northern Blvd, Corona, NY 11368 Cafe Rubio is a lively sports bar in Queens that offers delicious Latin American and Caribbean-style food. Its patio area features a retractable skylight on the roof, which allows patrons to have a view of the sky even when the skylight is closed! https://rollacover.com/galleries/cafe-rubio-retractable-roof-corona-ny/
About Roll-A-Cover, International
Roll-A-Cover, International is America’s largest manufacturer of trackless retractable enclosure products. When the weather becomes inclement you will quickly and easily be able to close your retractable enclosure and still be able to utilize your outdoor area. This allows your customers to be outdoors or indoors rather than having a permanent structure year-round. Roll-A-Cover has earned 14 North American awards for its retractable enclosure products and is continuing to cover restaurant patios, rooftops, and swimming pools across the globe. Don’t waste valuable outdoor dining space and lose money. Generate revenue year-round with a Roll-A-Cover retractable enclosure. For more information, please visit www.rollacover.com, call 866-393-7292, or email [email protected]. You can also follow us on social media @rollacover!
Roll-A-Cover’s got you covered!
source http://www.restaurantnews.com/roll-a-covers-retractable-roof-enclosures-in-the-boroughs-120618/
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Environmental Design Research, Ethnography for Designers, The Chair (lafayette / orinda / moraga) $100
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392 – Jean Sylvain Bailly, nació el 15 de septiembre del año 1736 en París y falleció el 12 de noviembre de 1793 en París, fue un político de la Revolución francesa, científico y académico franc��s. Fue el primer alcalde de París y el primer presidente de la Asamblea Nacional.
393 – Estudió el cometa de Halley y las desigualdades en los movimientos de los satélites de Júpiter. Fue autor de una importante obra de astronomía, Historia de la astronomía antigua (1775), Historia de la astronomía moderna (1778-1783) e Historia de la astronomía india y oriental (1787). Fue elegido miembro de la Academia de Ciencias por sus observaciones y estudios astronómicos.
394 – Fue elegido miembro de la Academia francesa el 11 de diciembre de 1783, ocupando el sillón 31, y sucediendo al conde de Tressan (muerto el 31 de octubre de 1783). Su recepción oficial tuvo lugar el 26 de febrero de 1784. Tras su ejecución en 1793, Bailly no fue sustituido hasta 1803 fecha en la que Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès creó la segunda clase del Instituto de Francia.
395 – Fue elegido presidente de los diputados de los Estados Generales de 1789 por los electores de París el 12 de mayo de 1789 y el 17 de junio los diputados le eligieron presidente de la Asamblea Nacional.
396 – Tras el juramento del Jeu de Paume, el 20 de junio, él fue el primero en prestar juramento y, tres días más tarde, se negaría a cumplir la orden de disolver la Asamblea durante la sesión en la que Luis XVI así se lo exigió.
397 – El 15 de julio de 1789 fue nombrado Alcalde de París y le entregó la escarapela tricolor a Luis XVI cuando fue a visitarle al Ayuntamiento de París el 17 de julio. Es tachado de muy conservador por Camille Desmoulins y por Jean-Paul Marat.
398 – Después de la evasión frustrada del Rey y de su familia los días 20 y 21 de junio de 1791, intentó contener la agitación republicana que pedía el derrocamiento del rey; a petición de la Asamblea, proclamó la ley marcial el 17 de julio de 1791 y ordenó a la Guardia Nacional, bajo el mando de Lafayette, que cargara contra la muchedumbre amotinada en la explanada del Campo de Marte. Como alcalde de París, fue considerado responsable directo de la masacre. Bailly era un hombre acabado y lo sabía; su popularidad, hasta entonces intacta, cayó en picada.
399 – El 12 de noviembre dimitió de todos sus cargos políticos y se retiró a Nantes.
400 – Después de la insurrección federalista de 1793 se refugia en Melun donde es arrestado en julio de 1793. Llamado a testificar durante el proceso iniciado a María Antonieta se niega a declarar en su contra haciendo una defensa a su favor, lo que le condenará implícitamente.
401 – Fue juzgado el 11 de noviembre de 1793, la sentencia se ejecutó al día siguiente. La guillotina fue llevada a la explanada del Campo de Marte y situada, simbólicamente, en el mismo lugar en el que las tropas habían cargado contra el pueblo el 17 de julio de 1791.
402 – El cráter lunar Bailly lleva este nombre en su honor. Bailly es un cráter de impacto lunar que se encuentra cerca de la extremidad sur-oeste de la Luna. El ángulo de visión oblicua da al cráter un aspecto en escorzo, y su ubicación cerca del límite visible puede limitar su visibilidad debido a la libración. El momento más favorable para la visualización de este elemento se encuentra cerca de la luna llena, cuando el terminador está cruzando la pared del cráter.
403 – Este es el mayor cráter del lado visible de la Luna. Su área es comparable en tamaño a un pequeño mare. Se encuentra al norte del cráter Le Gentil y al este de Hausen. Más hacia el oeste de Bailly están los Montes Dörfel (cuyo nombre no es oficial).
404 – El irregular suelo del cráter Bailly se ha mantenido libre de inundaciones de lava, y está cubierto con una multitud de crestas y cráteres. Todo el cráter ha sido desgastado, y las rampas exteriores están erosionadas por innumerables impactos. El posible pico central no es discernible. Debido a su condición actual, los observadores han calificado a este cráter como un "campo de ruinas '.
405 – Su parte sureste es el emplazamiento de dos cráteres notables, designados Bailly A y Bailly B que se superponen entre sí. Bailly A atraviesa el borde de la pared montañosa de Bailly.
El tamaño y el estado desgastado de este cráter indican una edad que se estima en más de 3 mil millones de años como parte del Período Nectárico. Revista Ciencia y Universo - [email protected]
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mebwalker · 7 years
WASHINGTON, DC – FEBRUARY 04: U.S. President Barack Obama meets with a group of ‘DREAMers’ who have received Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in the Oval Office of the White House February 4, 2015 in Washington, DC. ‘DREAMers’ are children who were brought into the U.S. illegally and were then granted temporary relief under Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
The above photograph features DREAMers or beneficiaries of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
President Trump plans to deport immigrants who arrived in the United States as minors. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a policy of the Obama administration  adopted in June 2012 and rescinded by the Trump administration in September 2017 (See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Wikipedia.) DACA beneficiaries received a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and were eligible for a work permit.
DACA is rooted in the DREAM Act (acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act)
“The bill was first introduced in the Senate on August 1, 2001, S. 1291 by United States Senators Dick Durbin (D– Illinois) and Orrin Hatch (R– Utah), and has since been reintroduced several times (see Legislative history) but has failed to pass.” (See DREAM Act, Wikipedia.)
Lafayette and Washington at Valley Forge
George Washington
Thomas Jeffersonby Rembrandt Peale, 1
Dred Scott. Oil on canvas by Louis Schultze, 1888. Acc. # 1897.9.1. Missouri Historical Society Museum Collections. Photograph by David Schultz, 1999. NS 23864. Photograph and scan (c) 1999-2006, Missouri Historical Society.
John Ward Dunsmore‘s depiction of Lafayette (right) and Washington at Valley Forge, battle fought in 1777-1778 (Wikipedia) George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, 1797 (Wikipedia) Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1798 (Wikipedia) Dred Scott  (Photo credit: PBS) Gilbert Motier, marquis de Lafayette by Joseph-Désiré Court, 1791 (Wikipedia)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
If one reads the Declaration of Independence, quoted above, without taking its historical context into consideration, one cannot reconcile the phrase “all men are created equal,” with enslavement. Matters are all the more puzzling since, as Minister to France (1784 -1789), Thomas Jefferson helped the Marquis de Lafayette draft the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), a monument to social justice drawing from the American Declaration of Independence. La Fayette had fought in the American Revolutionary War. Could it be that the Founding Fathers, especially Thomas Jefferson, were hypocrites? I have pondered this question and it would be my opinion that, in their eyes black slaves, were not fully developed men. The Founding Fathers: George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison wished to create a union of white men. George Washington, the 1st President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, was a Mason and a slave owner, but did he know that blacks were human beings to the same extent as whites?
Thomas Jefferson is unlikely ever to have whipped his slaves, but I doubt that his attitude towards the blacks was substantially different from the view expressed, a century later, by Confederate General-in-Chief, Robert E. Lee’s (19 January 1807 – 12 October 1870)
“most noted comment, quoted by most Lee’s biographers, occurred in a [sic]1856 letter to his wife, describing slavery as an evil institution, but one that had more adverse effects on whites than blacks. However, he viewed slavery as a “painful discipline” which elevated blacks from barbarism to civilization while introducing them to Christianity. He felt that the institution would come to an end in God’s good time, but that might not be soon.” (See Robert E. Lee, Wikipedia.)
The White Man’s Burden
In the White Man’s Burden, a poem published as the 19th century drew to an end, in 1899), Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) expressed views that portrayed the inhabitants of colonies as “primitive:”
“The implication, of course, was that the Empire existed not for the benefit — economic or strategic or otherwise — of Britain, itself, but in order that primitive peoples, incapable of self-government, could, with British guidance, eventually become civilized (and Christianized).” (See The White Man’s Burden, Wikipedia.)
Rudyard Kipling is the author of the Jungle Book (1894) and the Just-so stories, classics of children’s literature. As for Lafayette, although he was an abolitionist and a Mason, he fought in the American Revolutionary War and probably realized that George Washington and other Founding Fathers of the United States could not be brought to view their black slaves as altogether human, but that they were good human beings.  The United States Declaration of Independence was worded in the language of John Locke (29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) and also reflected Freemasonry. Equality would be the subject matter of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778)  Discourse on Inequality (1754) and a main theme in Rousseau’s Social Contract (1762). These documents are “cornerstones in modern political and social thought.”
The British John Bull and the American Uncle Sam bear The White Man’s Burden (Apologies to Rudyard Kipling), taking the coloured peoples of the world to civilisation. (Victor Gillam, Judge magazine, 1 April 1899) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) is the author of the Jungle Book (1894) and the Just-so stories, classics of children’s literature.As for Lafayette, although he was an abolitionist and a Mason, he fought in the American Revolutionary War and probably realized that George Washington and his other friends in the United States could not be brought to view their black slaves as altogether human.  The United States Declaration of Independence was worded in the language of John Locke (29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) and also reflected Freemasonry. Equality would be the subject matter of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s (28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778)  Discourse on Inequality (1754) and a main theme in Rousseau’s Social Contract (1762). These documents are “cornerstones in modern political and social thought.”
John Locke by Godfrey Kneller, 1697 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
J.-J. Rousseau by  Maurice Quentin de La Tour 1753 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Naturalization Acts of 1790, 1795, 1798
Three Acts
Dred Scott
The case of Dred Scott is most revealing. In 1857, Dred Scott, a slave taken to free states by his owners, sued for his freedom and lost. Dred Scott vs Sandford  60 U.S  393 is considered one of the worst mistakes of the Supreme Court of the United States. Its decision was made shortly before the American Civil War (1861-1865) and it proved to be an indirect catalyst for the American Civil War.” (See Dred Scott vs Sandford 60 U.S.393.)
Africans had been captured and taken to the Americas forcibly, yet they were not recognized as citizens of the United States until the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted in 1868, three years after the South surrendered to the Union. As for American Indians, they were not  citizens until the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.
“This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants,  slaves, free blacks and later Asians although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states.” (See Naturalization Act of 1790, Wikipedia)
The case of Dred Scott is most revealing. In 1857, Dred Scott, a slave taken to free states by his owners, sued for his freedom and lost. Dred Scott vs Sandford  60 U.S  393 is considered one of the worst mistakes of the Supreme Court of the United States. Its decision was made shortly before the American Civil War (1861-1865) and it proved to be an indirect catalyst for the American Civil War.” (See Dred Scott vs Sandford 60 U.S.393.)States Constitution, adopted in 1868, three years after the South surrendered to the Union. As for American Indians, they were not  citizens until the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.
John Adams’ Alien and Sedition Acts
The Naturalization Act of 1798, is one of four acts, the Alien and Sedition Acts, signed into law by John Adams, the 2nd American President of the United States and its 1st Vice President. There were four laws under John Adam’s Alien and Sedition Acts, which include the Naturalization Act of 1798. (See Alien and Sedition Acts, Wikipedia)
The Alien Friends Act of 1798
The Alien Enemies Act of 1798
The Sedition Act of 1798
The Naturalization Act of 1798
The Naturalization Act of 1798 was repealed by Thomas Jefferson and replaced by the Naturalization Law of 1802, which reduced the residence requirement of immigrants from 14 years to 5 years, as it had been under the terms of the Naturalization Act of 1795.  However, the Alien Enemies Act, was used after Pearl Harbor was attacked, on 7 December 1941. The Alien Enemies Act of 1798 would allow President Franklin Delano Roosevelt “to imprison Japanese, German, and Italian aliens during World War II.” Canadians followed Franklin Delano Roosevelt and also interned Japanese Canadians. (See Internment of Japanese Canadians.) The Alien Enemies Act was also used by President Harry S. Truman “to continue to imprison, then deport, aliens of the formerly hostile nations.” It has been revised but remains in effect. The Alien Friends’ Act and the Sedition Act went into dormancy. A modified Alien Enemy Act is still in force.
“The Sedition Act resulted in the prosecution and conviction of many Jeffersonian newspaper owners who disagreed with the government.” (See Alien and Sedition Acts, Wikipedia.)
The Chinese Exclusion Act of 6 May 1882 is particularly sad, and the United States was not the only country in which the Chinese were viewed as a peril, the Yellow Peril. It was the first American federal law prohibiting the immigration of Chinese laborers. Chinese had first emigrated to the United States during the California gold rush (1848-1855). Later, in the 1860s, they were employed to build the First Transcontinental Railroad from Nebraska to the Pacific Ocean. The Burlingame Treaty, signed in Washington (1868) and ratified in Beijing (1868), granted the Chinese equality with Americans. Yet, on 24 October 1871, 500 rioters entered Los Angeles’ Chinatown “to attack, rob and murder Chinese residents of the city.” Rioters “tortured and then hanged” 17 to 20 Chinese. The Massacre was “racially motivated,” and “it took place on Calle de los Negros (Street of the Negros), also referred to as ‘Nigger Alley.’ “It was the largest mass lynching in American history.” (See Chinese Massacre of 1871, Wikipedia.)
The Yellow Terror in all His Glory (1899) is a rebellious Qing Dynasty Chinese man, armed to the teeth, who stands astride a fallen white woman representing Western European colonialism (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
French aristocrat Arthur de Gobineau, the author of the Essai sur l’inégalité des races (The Essay on the Inequality of  Human Races, c. 1848), feared the Yellow Peril above all. As we have seen, he developed the theory of the Aryan master race, but he was not an anti-Semite.
As biology, botany, ethnology, and related disciplines developed, the matter of racial superiority or inferiority among races started to lose its grip. The findings of English naturalist, geologist and biologist Charles Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) were a revolution. According to Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, two years after the Dred Scott vs Sandford humans had evolved “through a process of natural selection.” (See Charles Darwin, Wikipedia.) Darwin’s views were controversial. Wasn’t man created by God? There is such a thing as Scientific Racism (see Wikipedia), but Darwin was not a racist.
Lafayette and Washington
Gilbert Motier de Lafayette was a very good friend of George Washington. He named one his sons after the 1st President of the United States. (See Georges Washington de La Fayette, Wikipedia.) George Washington de La Fayette, Lafayette’s son went to the United States during the French Revolution. He studied at Harvard and lived at the home of George Washington and Americans did all they could to save the life of the Lafayette’s during the French Revolution. As for Thomas Jefferson, during his stay in France, just prior to the French Revolution, he was a distinguished guest at Lafayette’s home. Lafayette was an abolitionist and a Mason. He was a member of la Société des amis des Noirs  (The Society of Friends of the Blacks). In a letter to George Washington, written in 1783, “he urged the emancipation of slaves and their establishment as tenant farmers.” (See Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, Wikipedia.) He bought land in the French colony of Cayenne to “experiment.” However, there was little he could to do to change the embedded mindset of his American friends. Slavery had long been looked upon as morally acceptable and the slaves were blacks, an inferior race, and one did not have to pay slaves.
Gilbert Motier, marquis de Lafayette by Joseph-Désiré Court, 1791 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By rescinding DACA, President Trump would show that he has little respect for immigrants, especially, but not necessarily, coloured immigrants. DACA beneficiaries arrived in the United States as minors and, at times, alone. The only home they know is the United States. If President Trump deports immigrants who arrived to the United States as minors, and, at times, unaccompanied, America will not be “great again;” it will be cruel and it will be walking back to an age when immigration to the United States was restricted to “”free white persons of good character.” Immigration to the United States is currently taking a turn for the worse. DACA beneficiaries featured in the photograph inserted at the top of this post are dark-skinned.
I prefer to think that ethnicity is not a factor in the Trump administration’s decision to deport DACA beneficiaries. But what about immigrants from the Near to Middle East. They may have pale skin, but ethnicity might deprive them of a home.
In a letter to his wife Adrienne, Lafayette wrote:
“The welfare of America is bound closely to the welfare of all humanity. She [America] is to become the honored and safe asylum of liberty! Adieu! Darkness does not suffer me to continue longer. But if my fingers were to follow my heart, I should need no daylight to tell you how I suffer far away from you, and how I love you.” (See Adrienne de La Fayette, Wikipedia.)
When Lafayette was in United States, it was a country in the making, a project. And it is still a project. It took a long time to accept African-Americans as citizens of America. As for DACA, Mr Trump might change his mind and not deport them. President Trump wants to reverse every decision made by the Obama administration. The Affordable Care Act is his main target.
In all likelihood the Founding Fathers believed that “all men were created equal,” but they lived in an age when humans looked upon the blacks and American Indians, as inferior to white men. Matters have changed. The United States
George Washington (Wikipedia)
George Washington (History)
John Adams (Wikipedia)
John Adams (History)
Thomas Jefferson (Wikipedia)
Thomas Jefferson (History)
James Madison (Wikipedia)
James Madison (History)
History of Immigration to the United States, Wikipedia
Immigration to the United States, Wikipedia
Alien and Sedition Acts, Britannica
Lafayette (Britannica)
Books by Darwin Gutenberg EBook Publications
The Inequality of Human Races is an Internet Archive publication
Sources and Resources
George Washington (Wikipedia)
George Washington (History)
John Adams (Wikipedia)
John Adams (History)
Thomas Jefferson (Wikipedia)
Thomas Jefferson (History)
James Madison (Wikipedia)
James Madison (History)
History of Immigration to the United States, Wikipedia
Immigration to the United States, Wikipedia
Alien and Sedition Acts, Britannica
Lafayette (Britannica)
Books by Darwin are Gutenberg EBook Publications
Gobineau’s L’Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines, is a Wikisource FR
Gobineau’s The Inequality of Human Races is an Internet Archive Publication EN
Love to everyone ♥
John Adams by John Trumbull, 1793 (Wikipedia)
© Micheline Walker 30 October 2017 WordPress
              DACA: from the beginning… The above photograph features DREAMers or beneficiaries of DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
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loveomhh · 7 years
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Master Pioneer Award Ceremony, After Party and Peaches Restaurant special drink BLACKBERRY LEMONADE created for the Master Pioneer Awards oh my! Get all your up to the minute info here..... ***The Master Pioneer Award is this Sat, Sept 30, Brooklyn Music School 126 St. Felix Street Brooklyn, NY 11217. V.I.P sold out. General Admission still available. Get your tickets now https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-master-pioneer-award-tickets-30992009936. Arlette Pender, Natural Hair Diva is our host #awards #celebration #enjoy #naturalhair #industry #sept30 #saturday #culture #history #talent @themasterpioneer @hairloks ---- The Master Pioneer Award After Party follows immediately at 33 Lafayette, 10pm- 2am right across the street from the Awards ceremony. To buy your tickets ($20 in advance call $25 at the door) call 718-875-3811. @dianecbailey #party #dance #drinks #fun #naturalhair #industry #braiders #products ---- ** Special Master Pioneer Drink at Peaches Restaurant $10 Blackberry Lemonade-Tequila, Muddled Black Berries, Housemade Lemonade. -- By supporting Peaches Restaurant, 393 Lewis Ave, Bklyn 11233 you support The Master Pioneer Awards. Order your drinks today and Peaches will donated $1 to the Master Pioneer Award celebrating the Natural Hair Care Industry, September 30th, Brooklyn Music School. -- ***NOTE There will be an additional TIP/DONATION LINE on the CC RECEIPTS for every guest that utilizes a CC to Pay their bill. ***If guest would like to seek additional information they can visit OMhh Beauty Oasis & Debra Hare-Bey Private Parlour location down the block next to KHEMS JERK SHOP. @themasterpioneer #mpawards17 #donate #drinks #support #contribute #thankyou #peachesrestaurant #brooklyn #bedstuy #food (at 33 Lafayette)
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mobilewindshieldpro · 7 years
Mobile Windshield Pro Locations
Mobile Windshield Pro 14646 N Kierland Blvd #106 Scottsdale AZ 85254 (480) 719-3051 Mobile Windshield Pro 4540 E Baseline Rd #5 Mesa AZ 85206 (480) 751-1603 Mobile Windshield Pro 549 N 6th Ave Tucson AZ 85705 (520) 395-9197 Mobile Windshield Pro 10320 W McDowell Rd Avondale AZ 85392 (623) 806-8537 Mobile Windshield Pro 1001 Montana Ave 739B Santa Monica CA 90403 (310) 425-3327 Mobile Windshield Pro 1436 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica CA 90404 (310) 736-9683 Mobile Windshield Pro 945 W Greenwood Ave Montebello CA 90640 (323) 215-1827 Mobile Windshield Pro 155 N Santa Cruz Ave D Los Gatos CA 95030 (408) 335-7569 Mobile Windshield Pro 21760 Stevens Creek Blvd #201 Cupertino CA 95014 (408) 338-0668 Mobile Windshield Pro 1249 Dell Ave Campbell CA 95008 (408) 912-1773 Mobile Windshield Pro 730 San Pablo Ave Pinole CA 94564 (510) 275-4628 Mobile Windshield Pro 541 W Lambert Rd La Habra CA 90631 (562) 217-4873 Mobile Windshield Pro 870 N 2nd St El Cajon CA 92021 (619) 312-4417 Mobile Windshield Pro 620 Grand Ave Spring Valley CA 91977 (619) 320-4759 Mobile Windshield Pro 10221 Buena Vista Ave Santee CA 92701 (619) 567-4617 Mobile Windshield Pro 7959 University Ave #7959 La Mesa CA 91942 (619) 567-4794 Mobile Windshield Pro 637 3rd Ave Suite F Chula Vista CA 91910 (619) 591-8968 Mobile Windshield Pro 1055 E Colorado Blvd #102 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 658-2105 Mobile Windshield Pro 1240 Montgomery Ave San Bruno CA 94066 (650) 285-6941 Mobile Windshield Pro 3252 Middlefield Rd Menlo Park CA 94025 (650) 285-6947 Mobile Windshield Pro 669 Crespi Drive Pacifica CA 94044 (650) 285-6951 Mobile Windshield Pro 2479 E Bayshore Rd #100 Palo Alto CA 94303 (650) 353-2297 Mobile Windshield Pro 262 S 2nd St Dixon CA 95620 (707) 282-5341 Mobile Windshield Pro 1683 Sunflower Ave Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 408-7979 Mobile Windshield Pro 1561 N Orangethorpe Way Anaheim CA 92801 (714) 459-5862 Mobile Windshield Pro 725 Hundley Way Placentia CA 92870 (714) 660-1652 Mobile Windshield Pro 844 Ventura Rd #844 Port Hueneme CA 93041 (805) 283-6451 Mobile Windshield Pro 265 Santa Helena #110 Solana Beach CA 92075 (858) 375-4589 Mobile Windshield Pro 9401 E Stockton Blvd #145 Elk Grove CA 95624 (916) 226-4911 Mobile Windshield Pro 1605 2nd St Davis CA 95616 (916) 248-5772 Mobile Windshield Pro 1024 Iron Point Rd Folsom CA 95630 (916) 978-1849 Mobile Windshield Pro 30161 Avenida de las Banderas Suite C Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 (949) 393-5515 Mobile Windshield Pro 25522 Jeronimo Rd 1-F Mission Viejo CA 92691 (949) 777-6554 Mobile Windshield Pro 711-729 Billings St Aurora CO 80011 (303) 351-5086 Mobile Windshield Pro 7950 E Mississippi Ave Denver CO 80247 (303) 351-5632 Mobile Windshield Pro 400 S. Broadway S-3 Denver CO 80206 (303) 569-8230 Mobile Windshield Pro 2555 49th Street #3 Boulder CO 80301 (303) 990-8062 Mobile Windshield Pro 3665 John F Kennedy Pkwy #210 Fort Collins CO 80525 (970) 658-2442 Mobile Windshield Pro 50 Purnell Pl Manchester CT 06040 (860) 254-4378 Mobile Windshield Pro 3334 S Cleveland Ave Fort Myers FL 33901 (239) 260-9570 Mobile Windshield Pro 1023 SE 12th Ave Cape Coral FL 33990 (239) 260-9619 Mobile Windshield Pro 2671 Edison Ave Fort Myers FL 33916 (239) 260-9638 Mobile Windshield Pro 1869 NW 97th Ave Doral FL 33172 (321) 280-6528 Mobile Windshield Pro 2650 Pemberton Dr Apopka FL 32703 (407) 378-4723 Mobile Windshield Pro 7101 Presidents Dr Meadow Woods FL 32809 (407) 477-5963 Mobile Windshield Pro 1086 Plaza Dr Kissimmee FL 34743 (407) 477-6087 Mobile Windshield Pro 2196 Main St #210 Dunedlin FL 34698 (727) 202-4233 Mobile Windshield Pro 4499 126th Ave N Clearwater FL 33762 (727) 369-8316 Mobile Windshield Pro 1501 Belcher Rd. S B-3 Largo FL 33771 (727) 369-8331 Mobile Windshield Pro 20 Lake Wire Drive #150 Lakeland FL 33815 (863) 614-1485 Mobile Windshield Pro 3840 Crown Point Rd Jacksonville FL 32257 (904) 507-4648 Mobile Windshield Pro 303 13th Avenue East Bradenton FL 34208 (941) 702-9160 Mobile Windshield Pro 8539 Roswell Rd Sandy Springs GA 30350 (404) 334-9500 Mobile Windshield Pro 5328 Panola Industrial Blvd Decatur GA 30035 (404) 418-6161 Mobile Windshield Pro 8105 Odessa St Douglasville GA 30134 (678) 971-2722 Mobile Windshield Pro 1592 Atlanta Rd SE, Ste. 120 Marietta GA 30060 (770) 574-4910 Mobile Windshield Pro 8 Dexter Ln Belleville IL 62221 (618) 509-5074 Mobile Windshield Pro 116 N.Main #120-A Wheaton IL 60187 (630) 659-1147 Mobile Windshield Pro 175 W Jackson Ave #235 Naperville IL 60540 (630) 882-2209 Mobile Windshield Pro 7632 W 159th St Orland Park IL 60462 (708) 290-2447 Mobile Windshield Pro 330 East Main Street Rockton IL 61072 (815) 323-4391 Mobile Windshield Pro 1255 Milwaukee Ave Glenview IL 60025 (847) 512-4464 Mobile Windshield Pro 307 S Milwaukee Ave Wheeling IL 60090 (847) 886-4022 Mobile Windshield Pro 207 Byers Creek, Suite B Mooresville IN 28117 (317) 483-4886 Mobile Windshield Pro 5410 Emerson Way #100 Indianapolis IN 46226 (317) 550-2655 Mobile Windshield Pro 101 W Ohio St #210 Indianapolis IN 46204 (317) 550-3480 Mobile Windshield Pro 802 S Public Rd Unit A Lafayette IN 80026 (765) 588-9381 Mobile Windshield Pro 10217 Mammoth Ave Baton Rouge LA 70814 (225) 754-9951 Mobile Windshield Pro 165 Chandler St Worcester MA 01609 (508) 283-3714 Mobile Windshield Pro 87 Elmwood St Somerville MA 02144 (617) 440-7766 Mobile Windshield Pro 64 Harvard St Brookline MA 02445 (617) 860-3225 Mobile Windshield Pro 100 Tower Park #305 Woburn MA 01801 (781) 559-0674 Mobile Windshield Pro 516 N. Rolling Rd #107 Catonsville MD 21228 (410) 970-6429 Mobile Windshield Pro 1873 E. Main Street #7 Ferndale MI 92848 (248) 845-4137 Mobile Windshield Pro 5555 Eight Mile Rd Warren MI 48091 (586) 933-5728 Mobile Windshield Pro 201 South Cherry Street Flushing MI 48433 (810) 991-4066 Mobile Windshield Pro 11 The Pines Ct St Louis MO 63141 (314) 200-4090 Mobile Windshield Pro 11585 Lackland Rd St Louis MO 63146 (314) 802-1005 Mobile Windshield Pro 11947 Ramah Church Rd Huntersville NC 28078 (704) 233-7881 Mobile Windshield Pro 25 Genesee St Camillus NY 13031 (315) 707-7453 Mobile Windshield Pro 1707 W Genesee St Syracuse NY 13204 (315) 707-7495 Mobile Windshield Pro 359 Broadway Troy NY 12180 (518) 708-8657 Mobile Windshield Pro 37 E. Main St Webster NY 14580 (585) 563-9504 Mobile Windshield Pro 4732 Pearl Rd Cleveland OH 44109 (216) 453-3616 Mobile Windshield Pro 11440 Brookpark Rd Brooklyn OH 44130 (216) 453-3657 Mobile Windshield Pro 6164 Broadview Rd Parma OH 44134 (216) 453-3683 Mobile Windshield Pro 4028 Binion Way #B Mason OH 45040 (513) 239-1135 Mobile Windshield Pro 1528 Brice Rd Reynoldsburg OH 43068 (614) 328-9001 Mobile Windshield Pro 415 West Schrock Rd Westerville OH 43081 (614) 682-8355 Mobile Windshield Pro 3444 Broadway Grove City OH 43123 (614) 682-8397 Mobile Windshield Pro 912 E. Dorothy Lane Kettering OH 45419 (937) 719-4021 Mobile Windshield Pro 3055 Rodenbeck Dr Beavercreek OH 45432 (937) 719-4073 Mobile Windshield Pro 2787 Armstrong Ln Trotwood OH 45414 (937) 719-4181 Mobile Windshield Pro 2554 Needmore Rd Dayton OH 45414 (937) 719-4183 Mobile Windshield Pro 12180 SW Garden Pl Tigard OR 97223 (503) 403-0869 Mobile Windshield Pro 5947 New Nashville Hwy Murfreesboro TN 37129 (615) 420-4289 Mobile Windshield Pro 9322 Kneupper Ln Converse TX 78109 (210) 591-1482 Mobile Windshield Pro 575 Round Rock West Drive Round Rock TX 78681 (512) 553-4980 Mobile Windshield Pro 365 Denbigh Blvd Newport News VA 23608 (757) 512-8542 Mobile Windshield Pro 300 Stockton St Richmond VA 23224 (804) 451-6249 Mobile Windshield Pro 7431 W Broad St Tuckahoe VA 23294 (804) 451-6257 Mobile Windshield Pro 106 S Robinson St Richmond VA 23220 (804) 505-3054 Mobile Windshield Pro 2012 NW Market St Ballard WA 98107 (206) 330-0035 Mobile Windshield Pro 1902 E Main Puyallup WA 98372 (253) 200-5556
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nobfly · 8 years
Sergei sent you a personal invitation
I got you on the list for Shop It To Me, and a spot is open. You should sign up now. BTW, I signed up for 'Daily.' Go here: https://www.shopittome.com/expiring_invitation/abv5a8d4dd4 -Sergei This private invitation will expire in 24 hours. Sergei ([email protected]) has sent you this email. If you do not want to receive these messages, paste the following link into your browser: https://www.shopittome.com/blocked_email/aHNua2Y0c3Nkenpzc0B0dW1ibHIuY29t Shop It To Me, Inc. 3527 Mt Diablo Blvd
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Global Data Systems, Inc. Named to CRN’S 2020 Solution Provider List
Lafayette, LA, June 2, 2020 – Global Data Systems, Inc., a leading managed services provider, announced today that CRN® a brand of The Channel Company, has named Global Data Systems, Inc. (#410) to its 2020 Solution Provider 500 list. Each year, CRN releases its list of top 500 solution providers, a ranking of the leading IT channel partner organizations across North America by revenue. CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list serves as the industry’s benchmark for recognizing the top-performing technology integrators, strategic service providers, and IT consultants, and as a valuable resource for technology vendors looking to partner with top solution providers.
With over three decades of solution experience, Global Data Systems serves as a Managed Service Provider, delivering Voice & Collaboration, Managed IT, Cloud Services, Connectivity, and Security solutions to medium/large enterprises nationwide.
“We are excited to be recognized on the CRN Solution Provider 500 list for the sixth time”, said Chris Vincent, President of Global Data Systems. Our continued growth and success wouldn’t be possible without our excellent staff of experts that work day in and day out to provide white glove solutions to businesses all around the country. It takes the right people in the right seat to influence a successful outcome and reputation and I think we have the best that the industry has to offer. Stay tuned for more from GDS!”
“CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list showcases the top IT channel partner organizations across North America,” said Bob Skelley, CEO of The Channel Company. “This year, companies on this list represent a combined revenue of $393 billion, a data point that underscores the impact and influence these solution providers have on the IT industry. On behalf of The Channel Company, I’d like to congratulate these companies for their outstanding contributions to the growth and success of our industry.”
CRN’s complete 2020 Solution Provider 500 list is available online at www.CRN.com/SP500 and a sample from the list will be featured in the June issue of CRN Magazine.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/global-data-systems-inc-named-to-crn-s-2020-solution-provider-list via http://www.rssmix.com/
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Global Data Systems, Inc. Named to CRN’S 2020 Solution Provider List
Lafayette, LA, June 2, 2020 – Global Data Systems, Inc., a leading managed services provider, announced today that CRN® a brand of The Channel Company, has named Global Data Systems, Inc. (#410) to its 2020 Solution Provider 500 list. Each year, CRN releases its list of top 500 solution providers, a ranking of the leading IT channel partner organizations across North America by revenue. CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list serves as the industry’s benchmark for recognizing the top-performing technology integrators, strategic service providers, and IT consultants, and as a valuable resource for technology vendors looking to partner with top solution providers.
With over three decades of solution experience, Global Data Systems serves as a Managed Service Provider, delivering Voice & Collaboration, Managed IT, Cloud Services, Connectivity, and Security solutions to medium/large enterprises nationwide.
“We are excited to be recognized on the CRN Solution Provider 500 list for the sixth time”, said Chris Vincent, President of Global Data Systems. Our continued growth and success wouldn’t be possible without our excellent staff of experts that work day in and day out to provide white glove solutions to businesses all around the country. It takes the right people in the right seat to influence a successful outcome and reputation and I think we have the best that the industry has to offer. Stay tuned for more from GDS!”
“CRN’s Solution Provider 500 list showcases the top IT channel partner organizations across North America,” said Bob Skelley, CEO of The Channel Company. “This year, companies on this list represent a combined revenue of $393 billion, a data point that underscores the impact and influence these solution providers have on the IT industry. On behalf of The Channel Company, I’d like to congratulate these companies for their outstanding contributions to the growth and success of our industry.”
CRN’s complete 2020 Solution Provider 500 list is available online at www.CRN.com/SP500 and a sample from the list will be featured in the June issue of CRN Magazine.
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/global-data-systems-inc-named-to-crn-s-2020-solution-provider-list via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Environmental Design Research, Ethnography for Designers, The Chair (lafayette / orinda / moraga) $100
Textbook Bundle for Architecture Archi-110AC class at UC Berkeley. New condition, no highlights, no markings, no wear Environmental Design Research [ISBN: 978-1-62131-879-8] Ethnography for Designers [From CopyCentral] The Chair [ISBN: 978-0-393- ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/bks/d/environmental-design-research/6474064498.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
0 notes
Environmental Design Research, Ethnography for Designers, The Chair (lafayette / orinda / moraga) $100
Textbook Bundle for Architecture Archi-110AC class at UC Berkeley. New condition, no highlights, no markings, no wear Environmental Design Research [ISBN: 978-1-62131-879-8] Ethnography for Designers [From CopyCentral] The Chair [ISBN: 978-0-393- ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/bks/d/environmental-design-research/6462128204.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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loveomhh · 7 years
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The Master Pioneer Award is this Sat, Sept 30, Brooklyn Music School 126 St. Felix Street Brooklyn, NY 11217. V.I.P sold out. General Admission still available. Get your tickets now https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-master-pioneer-award-tickets-30992009936. Arlette Pender, Natural Hair Diva is our host #awards #celebration #enjoy #naturalhair #industry #sept30 #saturday #culture #history #talent @themasterpioneer @hairloks ---- The Master Pioneer Award After Party follows immediately at 33 Lafayette, 10pm- 2am right across the street from the Awards ceremony. To buy your tickets ($20 in advance call $25 at the door) call 718-875-3811. ---- ** Special Master Pioneer Drink at Peaches Restaurant $10 Blackberry Lemonade-Tequila, Muddled Black Berries, Housemade Lemonade. -- By supporting Peaches Restaurant, 393 Lewis Ave, Bklyn 11233 you support The Master Pioneer Awards. Order your drinks today and Peaches will donated $1 to the Master Pioneer Award celebrating the Natural Hair Care Industry, September 30th, Brooklyn Music School. -- ***NOTE There will be an additional TIP/DONATION LINE on the CC RECEIPTS for every guest that utilizes a CC to Pay their bill. ***If guest would like to seek additional information they can visit OMhh Beauty Oasis & Debra Hare-Bey Private Parlour location down the block next to KHEMS JERK SHOP. @themasterpioneer #mpawards17 #donate #drinks #support #contribute #thankyou #peachesrestaurant #brooklyn #bedstuy #food (at Brooklyn Music School)
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loveomhh · 7 years
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This Sat, Sept 29th ***Master Pioneer Award Ceremony, After Party and Peaches special Drink BLACKBERRY LEMONADE for the Master Pioneer Awards oh my! Get all your up to the minute info here..... ***The Master Pioneer Award is this Sat, Sept 30, Brooklyn Music School 126 St. Felix Street Brooklyn, NY 11217. V.I.P sold out. General Admission still available. Get your tickets now https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-master-pioneer-award-tickets-30992009936. Arlette Pender, Natural Hair Diva is our host #awards #celebration #enjoy #naturalhair #industry #sept30 #saturday #culture #history #talent @themasterpioneer @hairloks ---- The Master Pioneer Award After Party follows immediately at 33 Lafayette, 10pm- 2am right across the street from the Awards ceremony. To buy your tickets ($20 in advance call $25 at the door) call 718-875-3811. ---- ** Special Master Pioneer Drink at Peaches Restaurant $10 Blackberry Lemonade-Tequila, Muddled Black Berries, Housemade Lemonade. -- By supporting Peaches Restaurant, 393 Lewis Ave, Bklyn 11233 you support The Master Pioneer Awards. Order your drinks today and Peaches will donated $1 to the Master Pioneer Award celebrating the Natural Hair Care Industry, September 30th, Brooklyn Music School. -- ***NOTE There will be an additional TIP/DONATION LINE on the CC RECEIPTS for every guest that utilizes a CC to Pay their bill. ***If guest would like to seek additional information they can visit OMhh Beauty Oasis & Debra Hare-Bey Private Parlour location down the block next to KHEMS JERK SHOP. @themasterpioneer #mpawards17 #donate #drinks #support #contribute #thankyou #peachesrestaurant #brooklyn #bedstuy #food (at 33 Lafayette)
0 notes
loveomhh · 7 years
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This Sat, Sept 29th ***Master Pioneer Award Ceremony, After Party and Peaches special Drink BLACKBERRY LEMONADE for the Master Pioneer Awards oh my! Get all your up to the minute info here..... ***The Master Pioneer Award is this Sat, Sept 30, Brooklyn Music School 126 St. Felix Street Brooklyn, NY 11217. V.I.P sold out. General Admission still available. Get your tickets now https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-master-pioneer-award-tickets-30992009936. Arlette Pender, Natural Hair Diva is our host #awards #celebration #enjoy #naturalhair #industry #sept30 #saturday #culture #history #talent @themasterpioneer @hairloks ---- The Master Pioneer Award After Party follows immediately at 33 Lafayette, 10pm- 2am right across the street from the Awards ceremony. To buy your tickets ($20 in advance call $25 at the door) call 718-875-3811. ---- ** Special Master Pioneer Drink at Peaches Restaurant $10 Blackberry Lemonade-Tequila, Muddled Black Berries, Housemade Lemonade. -- By supporting Peaches Restaurant, 393 Lewis Ave, Bklyn 11233 you support The Master Pioneer Awards. Order your drinks today and Peaches will donated $1 to the Master Pioneer Award celebrating the Natural Hair Care Industry, September 30th, Brooklyn Music School. -- ***NOTE There will be an additional TIP/DONATION LINE on the CC RECEIPTS for every guest that utilizes a CC to Pay their bill. ***If guest would like to seek additional information they can visit OMhh Beauty Oasis & Debra Hare-Bey Private Parlour location down the block next to KHEMS JERK SHOP. @themasterpioneer #mpawards17 #donate #drinks #support #contribute #thankyou #peachesrestaurant #brooklyn #bedstuy #food (at 33 Lafayette)
0 notes
loveomhh · 7 years
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Master Pioneer Award Ceremony, After Party and Peaches Restaurant special drink BLACKBERRY LEMONADE created for the Master Pioneer Awards oh my! Get all your up to the minute info here..... ***The Master Pioneer Award is this Sat, Sept 30, Brooklyn Music School 126 St. Felix Street Brooklyn, NY 11217. V.I.P sold out. General Admission still available. Get your tickets now https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-master-pioneer-award-tickets-30992009936. Arlette Pender, Natural Hair Diva is our host #awards #celebration #enjoy #naturalhair #industry #sept30 #saturday #culture #history #talent @themasterpioneer @hairloks ---- The Master Pioneer Award After Party follows immediately at 33 Lafayette, 10pm- 2am right across the street from the Awards ceremony. To buy your tickets ($20 in advance call $25 at the door) call 718-875-3811. ---- ** Special Master Pioneer Drink at Peaches Restaurant $10 Blackberry Lemonade-Tequila, Muddled Black Berries, Housemade Lemonade. -- By supporting Peaches Restaurant, 393 Lewis Ave, Bklyn 11233 you support The Master Pioneer Awards. Order your drinks today and Peaches will donated $1 to the Master Pioneer Award celebrating the Natural Hair Care Industry, September 30th, Brooklyn Music School. -- ***NOTE There will be an additional TIP/DONATION LINE on the CC RECEIPTS for every guest that utilizes a CC to Pay their bill. ***If guest would like to seek additional information they can visit OMhh Beauty Oasis & Debra Hare-Bey Private Parlour location down the block next to KHEMS JERK SHOP. @themasterpioneer #mpawards17 #donate #drinks #support #contribute #thankyou #peachesrestaurant #brooklyn #bedstuy #food (at 33 Lafayette)
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