asketchnoteaday · 8 years
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06 DEC 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday
1. Using a paper plate and some construction paper, I made a snow head (not a complete snowman).
2. Google’s new #SantaTracker is awesome! A new thing to learn, watch, and play each day!
3. In math we learned more about subtraction.
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
05 DEC 2016 - Rainy Day Edition #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton 
Monster’s report for the day: “I forgot my jacket at recess but I ran around to keep warm. When I got home and took off my shoes, my socks were STINKY! Then I asked mom for some hot cocoa... but not because I was cold.”
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
04 DEC 2016 - Sunday Edition #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
Monster dsaid: “I gave three prayers today: one in our primary openinge exercises, one in my primary class, and also at the end of the day for our family prayer before bed.”
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
02 DEC 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton 
Today seemed like a short day… no teacher… no substitute… his class was split between a few other teachers. But he had GT and they played with pentominos on the iPad.
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
01 DEC 2016 - He wanted to do it himself today! #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
1. He helped set up the Christmas tree today.
2. At school, he almost fell asleep in class.
3. He asked me if he could do the sketchnotes today. Sure thing buddy!
Didn’t he do a great job? ;)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
30 NOV 2016 - Yet another #3thingsmonsterdidtoday! by Michael Clayton
1. As he’s mentioned before, Monster’s job in class is to move the calendar marker to the next day at the end of the day... but when you’re at the end of the month, where does it go?
2. If you earn enough “good marks” then you get to choose something from the teacher’s “Treasure Box”... so Monster got a periscope with a “Penguins of Madagascar” theme.
3. Mindy and I went shopping today found these really cool Christmas shirts... this one fit Monster perfectly!
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
29 NOV 2016 - Here's a new one for today!!! #3thingsmonsterdidtoday by Michael Clayton
1. Monster did the other half of his Scholarstic News worksheet. (He jumped for joy since he didn’t have to bring it home for homework!)
2. He made a wordsearch... and solved it.
3. He doesn’t like walking home from the bus on Tuesdays and Thursedays when his older sister has orchestra after school. So I went down to the bus stop and walked with him. It made his day... and mine when he mentioned it as one of the things he did today.
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
21-25 NOV 2016 - "5 Things Monster Did During Thanksgiving Break: Hand Turkey Edition" by Michael Clayton
Monster didn't want you to forget about him so we did a special "5 Things Monster Did During Thanksgiving Break: Hand Turkey Edition" for this week.
1. I cleaned my room! (... and boy did it need a good cleaning!)
2. I started playing Pokemon Platimum! (He started with a Chimchar.)
3. I saw Moana. (After Thanksgiving Dinner we have a tradition to go see a movie... and we saw Moana. It is a fantastic movie!)
4. My Chimchar evolved into a Monferno then an Infernape. (While playing Pokemon Platinum this week.)
5. I ate turkey, potatoes, rolls, banana & apple salad, and a slice of Chocolate Orea Pie for Thanksgiving Dinner. (Yum!)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
18 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
1. I got a little puppy toy from his teacher's Treasure Box today. I named him Ruff.
2. In GT we did Visual Thinking! It was a map coloring exercise where we could only use 4 colors. (He said it was pretty hard because it was something they hadn't done before.)
3. I ate a "Chocolate Pie with a Marshmallow Center" (it was Megan's birthday)! ... and as a BONUS, they also had Kool-Aid.)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
17 NOV 2016 - #3thingsmonsterdidtoday #quickdraw edition! 😜
17 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday “#QuickDraw Edition!” 😜 by Michael Clayton 
So... I had been playing #QuickDraw all morning and I showed it to Monster when he got home. We decided to theme today inside the QuickDraw design.
1. Furry Friend: He got to take a stuffed animal or plushie to school today... he chose this fuzzy IronMan ball.
2. Wasp: He found a wasp in the house... all in all we found and killed about 15 wasps total today.
3. Cake: He had a slice of applesauce cake when he came home from school... and yes, he wanted the bad pun included in the doodle.
Check out the Google QuickDraw site at: quickdraw.withgoogle.com
... it's addictive!
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
16 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
1. I did iStation for 30 minutes...
2. I took a little break...
3. I did iStation for 30 more minutes!
iStation is an app on the iPad that helps with reading and comprehension. Monster's teacher recommended that he spend 30 minutes with it three times a week. He really loves to read with it.
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
15 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
1. Mrs. Suarez is back! Yeah!!!
2. We did an experiment with heat and how it changes things. Butter, Jell-O, and Chocolate Chips all melt when heat is added.
3. I had some applesauce and it didn't taste like oranges! (He used to have applesauce for a snack everyday after he came home from school... but one day he just stopped beacuse he said it tasted like oranges. We figured he had been eating arange candy after school and it changed the flavor of the applesauce... but it looks like all is well now.)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
14 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
1. We had a substitute named Mr. Banks.
2. We had Extra Recess!
3. In GT we talked about Beehives. (Whatever you do, don't smack a beehive... you'll make the bees angry.)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
11 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday “Veterans Day Edition” by Michael Clayton 
1. We sang a song in the Veteran's Day Program. (They sang "America the Beautiful.")
2. In our GT Class we played a game of strategy. (That involved avoiding a spider as you moved around the web.)
3. Popcorn experiement! (A science experiement about how objects react to heat. He was happy to make popcorn but sad there wasn't any butter.)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
10 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday by Michael Clayton
1. I saw my dad helping kids with math. (I am part of the Watch D.O.G.S. program at my childrens' elementary school and I was volunteering today and helping out in various classes and I happened to be tutoring some kids in my 5th Grader's class when Monster saw me from his classroom across the courtyard.)
2. Someone forgot the drawing supplies we use after lunch. (A member of his class has the job to bring supplies for them to draw after they're done eating lunch.)
3. I helped with the "Parent Pick-Up" line after school. (He's a great help to his teachers.)
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asketchnoteaday · 8 years
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09 NOV 2016 - #3ThingsMonsterDidToday
He woke up to a new president (to which he replied, "meh?")! I volunteered at Wetmore as a part of Watch D.O.G.S.! He did a Word Building Exercise!
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