6n0st1c-g3n3s1s · 3 years
Variations of Fungiform Truth
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memesby3gregore · 3 years
"Discordian Hold-Up(-em-up)" or, "Tell Your Boss This Is Why You Were Late"
#Acioexextri #TGxx3 #TheGame23 #KXTXI #00AG9603 #Fnordmaze
*by 3gregor, spawn of #YogSothoth, devoted of #Galdrux, and wanderer of the #Fnordmaze, forever ever searches and probes the #liminal edges and cracks of the #Simulacrum, seeking to #illuminate the #chaos that underlies consciousness through the #Magick of #Discord, of which he is an #agent working to #RealityGlitchHack the #SentientWorldSimulation alongside the operatives of #OpMIMIC, the #LunaticAsylum, and other sentients in #TheGame23 (too numerous to name, for we are #Legion), with the goal, ultimately, of #SavingTheWorld from the #Mimetic threat of #virus23, utilizing the #DivineMadness of #QuantumSchizophrenia ... #Fnord!
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memesby3gregore · 3 years
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memesby3gregore · 3 years
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memesby3gregore · 3 years
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