#Quantum Schizophrenia
dynamobooks · 5 months
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Cormac McCarthy: Stella Maris (2022)
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
SG1 Whump - Daniel Jackson
1x01 Children of the Gods - Knocked out 1x04 Emancipation - Regressed to primitive state 1x07 Cold Lazarus - Killed 1x13 Fire and Water - "Dead" 1x17 Enigma - Thrown out of gate high velocity, concussion, weak 1x18 Solitudes - Mind controlled, raped, catatonic 1x19 Tin Man -Consciousness & body duplicated 1x20 There But For The Grace of God - Quantum mirror, shot 1x21 Politics - Shot, blinded 2x01 The Serpent's Lair - Shot, badly wounded 2x02 In the Line of Duty - Zatted/hostage 2x03 Prisoners - Strangled unconscious 2x05 Need - Captured, almost dies/unconscious, addiction, extreme withdrawals, passes out, mental breakdown 2x13 Spirits - Tranquilized 2x17 Holiday - Mind transferred, in pain, coma, almost dies 2x19 One False Step - Induced anger, headache 2x22 Out of Mind - Captured, fake memory simulation device, manipulated 3x01 Into the Fire - Caught in explosion / shrapnel 3x02 Seth - Hit by ribbon device, mind controlled 3x04 Legacy - Schizophrenia, mental institution, drugged 3x06 Point of View - Shot 3x07 Deadman Switch - Runs into forcefield 3x08 Demons - Struck by lightning 3x09 Rules of Engagement - Shot by an intar 3x10 Forever in a Day - Ribbon device injury 3x13 The Devil You Know - Drugged/tortured 3x14 Foothold - Drugged/doubled 3x19 New Ground - Tortured, unconscious 3x21 Crystal Skull - Invisible, shocked 3x22 Nemesis - Appendicitis 4x03 Upgrades - Strength virus, fever, passes out 4x10 Beneath the Surface - Amnesia, enslaved 4x11 Point of No Return - Drugged 4x13 The Curse - Ribbon device injury 4x17 Absolute Power - Unconscious, learns consequences of knowledge 4x18 The Light - Addiction to the light, extreme depression, flatlines 5x04 The Fifth Man - Zatted 5x07 Beast of Burden - Zatted, tortured 5x09 Between Two Fires - Knocked down 5x13 Proving Ground - Shot by an intar 5x16 Last Stand - Crash landing; knocked unconscious 5x19 Menace - Thrown, head/wrist injury 5x21 Meridian - Radiation poisoning, dies, emotional 7x06 Lifeboat - Mind overwhelmed, headaches, life at risk 7x12 Evolution pt 2 - Beaten, tortured, shot 7x15 Chimera - Dreams manipulated, shot 8x03 Lockdown - Zatted twice, shot, passes out 8x06 Avatar - Dies in video game, shocked multiple times 8x07 Affinity - Zatted 8x10 Endgame - Zatted 8x12 Prometheus Unbound - (zatted + shot + kicked) by Vala 8x17 Reckoning pt 2 - Pierced with sword 8x18 Threads - Captured 9x01 Avalon pt. 1 - Passes out from Jaffa bracelets 9x02 Avalon pt. 2 - Passes out + restrained 9x03 Origin - Almost dies in fire with Vala (of course) 9x04 The Ties That Bind - Passes out x2 9x06 Beachhead - Almost passes out/adjusting 9x16 Off the Grid - Captured, beaten 9x19 Crusade - Body controlled by Vala 10x02 Morpheus - Sleep virus 10x07 Counterstrike - Choked 10x09 Company of Thieves - Zatted by a smuggler 10x11 The Quest pt. 2 - Merlin powers, extreme knowledge (pain) 10x14 The Shroud - Zatted, exhausted 10x16 Bad Guys - Stunned 10x17 Talion - Unconscious 10x19 Dominion - Suffocating 10x20 Unending - Emotional (same)
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brettvatcher · 2 months
The United States is currently testing advanced military-grade weapons and quantum computer systems on the unexpected global population. Targeted Individuals are tortured and tormented every day of their lives through DARPA’s Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) Program utilizing CIA agents – acting as Artificial Intelligence [AI]. In the future, the system will be marketed as deviceless “Spatial Technology.” 
Neurotechnology is a brain-computer interface [BCI] connecting to the central nervous system. Call it Mind Control. 
If one can control the mind, they can control the body.
MIND CONTROL:  Mind reading, mind and body control, 24/7 tracking, brainwashing, dream manipulation, spatial holograms as well as physical assaults and verbal harassment produced by CIA agents. This is accomplished by combining data sets from 5G towers and directed energy weapon satellites [DEW]. The system connects to the central nervous system – including the brain – and operates without a device. Invisible physical assaults are constant. Even if well documented are challenging to prove. The system can cause sensations anywhere on the body.
DOMAIN: Every human has a domain attached to their mind. This is where the agents broadcast their transmissions and control the victim. ​All living things have a domain. Plants, insects, animals and humans. Domains have infinite capabilities. The entire global population is replicated within human domains – in vertical cubicle formation. These replicants, as the agents call them, are tortured constantly. The replicants watch everything you do from your perception. This is the New World Order plan. The subdomain advent calendar is located behind the perception. Everything a person sees, hears and thinks is recorded utilizing a BCI. All memories from 2019-present can be viewed like a film. Domains are recorded, as well.
BRAINWASHING: Brainwashing the victim leads to behavioral modifications and mood control. The agents create “programs” that can be turned on or off at any time. Subliminal messages come in the form of faint visions flashing in the front of one’s mind. Victim’s vision becomes increasingly grainier over time – and depending on active sequencers.
The agents create intricate dream sequences to affect the victim’s subconscious. Dream sequences combine people, places and things that are familiar with the victim. They can be extremely lucid.
VOICE-TO-SKULL: DARPA started a program called LifeLog in 2003. They refer to it as the V2K era. It’s when they began recording transcripts of all of our thoughts. Mind-reading. This technology is also known as Microwave Hearing, Synthetic Telepathy, Voice-of-God weapon and is utilized for traceless mental torture. Agents constantly disrupt, censor and redirect the victim’s freedom of thought. Victim’s get wrongly labeled as mentally-ill [schizophrenia] when reporting on this. V2K is also used for deception and impersonation of voices.
News reports in the media describedLifeLog as the “diary to end all diaries — a multimedia, digital record of everywhere you go and everything you see, hear, read, say and touch”. –USA TODAY
NO PRIVACY: The system completely disregards fundamental human rights such as: privacy, mental and physical health, safety, data security, family security, financial security, etc. Freedom of thought – or cognitive liberty – is a God-given right. The technology was deployed without implementation of new laws and there is little to no oversight, as the CIA has full control of the system.
Welcome to Infinity. You’re Welcome.
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incarnateirony · 14 days
What if I said a wide, wide sum of the population actually have schizoaffective attributes, which is separate from fully evolved schizophrenia, and that's fine, actually.
What if I said there was a wide sector of belief, for those that truly believe in the deeper and more wildin part of Jung and associated works, that schizoaffective traits were actually just far more common in our ancestors, and that our culture left little space to handle it properly.
As a result it evolves into mania, anxiety, or full blown schizophrenia in the most common extremes while people fail to approach older shamanic paths. Our primitive lizard brain under our higher consciousness brain does a lot of base/root access for us, which is why I talk about root access once you break down your archetypes.
It's like a brain that was, by older standards, "gifted" if they had an elder shaman or magus there to guide them, but easily lost to delirium, because let me tell you, if and when you DO pop into the gnosis train, you're gonna be and sound fucking delirious until you get wraps on it.
People who either by trauma or choice disassociate habitually end up with full blown schizophrenia or DID, though sometimes even those whispers and alters are trying to get them to face the traumas, just in unfriendly ways, because it's trauma.
But there was a belief I used to squint at suspiciously that schizo disorders are basically the brain refusing to filter a mix of your shadow and the gnosis bus between the lizardbrain and the conscious, and I didn't really follow that, until when I turned myself into a radio tower, whatever message I was screaming at my ex across the universe was the one the schizos started dropping into my inbox talking about between their own at work, and I mean bizarrely suspiciously specific messaging that would seem arbitrary without context and perspective. Like, oh, shit, you really do be hearing me between the cracks there, sorry fam.
And the point is being heard between the cracks, but it's sort of a matter of susceptibility. With people that aren't balanced, like them or my ex, it starts thoroughly ungluing them. The occasional light message along the gnostic ancestry tree reaching through other people's empty space doesn't tend to really disrupt the same, because their conscious brain filters out the unconscious noise, even if the conscious acts or speaks a manifest result.
Anyway, that was a fun point to make. Like I said before Jung was even debated to be schizo, and many of his protoges went schizo because like crackbear they didn't really follow the path, but Jung was able to completely control it and thus became a father of psychology, and didn't fit the DSM, and ergo wasn't schizo, just wildly aware of HOW our brains work. It's a mode he can turn on and off. Sound familiar?
Anywho, food for thought. Welcome to the noosphere.
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What a wonderful universe. It would be a shame if a quarter century magus quantum undied a dozen times to grok the full capability of their shadow work outside of whatever singular thread you guys get yourselves stuck on.
Hey neat, updates just dropped.
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branded-perceptions · 2 months
Irony is a mimetic dialectic means that can bridge, t-ease and mimetically incentivise to question and look behind the subjective reductionistic nerd "seriousness" (like autistic $cience : 🔍list of psychological biases)
of any for median life causally disfunctional self-justifications & ideologies & rationalisations
[whose AUTHORITY depends on its AUTHENTICITY which is challenged via sensing significance of spectrum of (double, triple, quadripple layered) IRONY you see?]
of all the many "opposing" subjective psychosis' in-group mythos
(white bear problem: consciousness and every subjective argumentation is a type of psychosis by definition on a scale of introspective self-awareness: meta-cognition)
bubbles🎈 self-justification loops
(metaphorical "ARITY master functions" of ai-tech = familiARITY entrainment / entertainment)
via what to the ironically "serious" in-group mass psychosis due projection subjectively appears as schizophrenia (projection of their own ailment which they are "confidently" unaware of / via status constructs and peer-reinforcement convinced to not be posessed by due rarely questioning their own familiARITY constructs of their minds)
depending on their stage of systems thinking awareness (reality testing: the judgment)
on scale of subjectivitsm and objectivity as explored by 🔍9 stages of increasing ego-development by Susanne R Cook-Greuter:
what to some appears as satire / ironic / comedy appears serious to others and vice-versa on a nuanced scale of significance depending on their logic systems thinking comprehension of complex nuances' objective reality interplaying with the nerd and by status charged "Quantum world"
[Black cube idiocracy: many overcomplexified and with status charged "scientific" theories are nothing but a from causalities' relation to our life force detached ironic joke but your (mathematical) understanding of this (📚Higher topos theory Jacob Lurie) depends on your own self-reflective abilities: WHO ARE YOU? Analyse etymology of human / humus earth and ponder about its meanings ... Do you pay more attention to bra(i)nde(a)d stories and $studies or actual causal effects of the "hummus" you eat? Ponder about that and you shall become conscious about "Quantum world" which is a metaphor for scale of meta-cognitive irony between social interfaces of many "different" subjective fictions and objective reality: The word quantum is the neuter singular of the Latin interrogative adjective quantus, meaning "how much"? ("How much" close to objective realities elementary relation to our life force are you mentally?) Quantum world can be seen as an ironic metaphor for fluid scale of differentiation between sanity and insanity]
of our "different" subjective models and fil(l/t)ers of it: 🔍list of cognitive biases.
Similar like medieval nursery rhymes IRONIC
can counterbalance the for mean median life force disfunctional social FANTASIES' status "heaven"🤥😷😇 psychotic unconsciously emotionally charged (🔍Plato cage) in-group identity
(covert fascism) of PUBLIC and PRIVATE sector
without that those lost in mass psychosis realise as they mistakenly believe it would all be just jokes and they would be the ones that would be "serious" which then might change when psychological reality testing (the judgement) kicks in which depends on ability of systems thinking as some causal aspects accumulate in a larger systems picture while their (similar as C-19 vaccine side-effects overlap with long-covid) with other supposedly "objective" but already biased and pre-filtered data feedback mingling staying unseen to the "reality testing" of those lost in more polarising reductionistic understanding as seen as just one example via 🔍Dr. Shiva ayyadurai explains modern theory of immune system.
You can highlight the due psychosis
(white bear problem which becomes only obvious to those who are not caught up in it ... the joy of searching for self-irony helps you to stay more sane statistically and is antidote to a number of mental health issues. Do you (not consciously know that you potentially) have any psychological problems? Try to be more ironic about it out of own motivation to via such nonsense sooner or later focus on and authenticity and it will be gone: have you ever seen a depressed person overcoming its mood via being teased by friends with irony about depression mirroring as if they themselves would be depressed while incentivising causal habits that help biology of that person grow out of it? Works better than most pharmaceutical drugs, but it cannot be as much commercialised thus it is widely ignored by medical sector! Similarly, if you read my content here about the irony of our collective socio-psychological dynamics it will help you overcome it via by it incentivised causal problem solving: preferably via joy of embracing goofy self-irony (grace) about past insanity instead of "serious" continued psychotic denial whose continuation, if you have social responsibilities, indeed might be a case for psychiatry)
of how you can highlight the due psychosis neglected difference of policy-making and its from actual realities' data feedback divergent perceptions of past events via irony in order to drive attention to thereby more on validy gaining anti-theses deivibg synthesis: irony is a mimetic form of dialectics t-easing "opposing" reductionistic nerd views' in-group psychosis. But there is a danger:
Medieval nursery rhymes where indirectly killing / in dangerous aggressive ways entertainingly humiliating those public personas / medieval celebrities that violated the causal basic life boundaries of common people that thus as "mad mob"
via their by that in more cohersive ways formed untempered impulsivity
[[scapegoating creates in-group coesion as people then can A) blame parts of their struggles upon an external scapegoat B) understand their normalised ungraspable complex impersonal in-group insanity through a personal graspable blamed scapegoat story whose behavioral and philosophical lessons helps the group to peer-pressure itself in eays to evolve out of its own mass insanity of previously in this regard miscslibrated peer-pressure without needing to blame itself / without needing people to use their brain for self-reflection / without needing the IQ-devoid masses with their harsh daily life (where most had no time to ponder and introspect so much) to understand the here explained complex nuanced systems dynamics]]
protected their swarm by altering these stories that strove to direct the frustrations and aggressions of people towards via scapegoat stories' behavioral lessons helping them evolve out of the struggles that triggered it via by their abusers as "positive" storytelled common life boundary violations💸💉☠️💉💸 .
Nowadays the back then functional cruelty of this is outdated because now via new media technologies we have the means to instead of reductionistically scapegoating anyone being able to discuss and make more widely the complex nuanced systems dynamics of it and how as example in current geopolitical conflicts or mishandling of C-19 pandemic we all played our parts in some ways, not just some isolated figures.
Nevertheless we need graspable personalities and stories to understand the complex impersonal social systems dynamics which otherwise most in their subjective bubble do not take serious and cannot comprehend.
As currently our group-insanities symbolic projections concentrate in our worldwide religion of bra(i)nde(a)d perceptions of consumer go(o)d(s)
and Gary Vee, one of the most famous "expert" in exactly that, has voiced that his biggest dream would be (quote) that everyone shits on him & he gets burned to the ground
thus he seems most suitable and morally justifiable story scapegoat to understand our group-insanities which his online content embodies as social focal lense:
but the importance is the differentiation of fiction and reality.
It can be morally just and desirable to make fun about the mythos insanity of any suitable scapegoat (including myself) via satire and dead serious jokes to via authenticity (or preferably goofy self-irony: grace) drive attention towards causal problem solving of issues that matter to us all
but simultaneously it is immoral and injust to try to bring physical harm or over-blame people like Gary who are just an exaggerated personified bra(i)nde(a)d story focal lense and themselves are non-violent, subjectively trying to do their best according to their limited understanding or impaired mind. If a kid misbehaves, you do not beat it, you calmly introspect with it about its misbehaviours similar like I do here on my account lile a healthy father figure should do which in society would be the job of the state:
imagine if our policians instead of bullying each other like Kindergarten would publicly introspect (intimacy) with us all about all our collective misbehaviours (and via goofy irony about their own) so we can problem-solve the systematic root causes via shared trial and error which will continue to need endless introspection and self-reflection as also shown a bit in movie "Star Trek":
the Vulcanians are storytelled symbol for rationalism which rescued humanity from its irrational group-insanities, but also simultaneously at one Episode humanity rescued the Vulcanians with our human key trait:
(Goofy) ironies intersection with group motivations' mimetic effects' identity management🎭.
Irony helps to become more conscious of and look behind the white bear problem of peer-pressures' mass psychosis of in-group identity mythos: what to some appears ironic appears serious to others and vice-versa depending on your stage of rational comprehension of nuances of objective realities' interplay with in-groups' subjective relativism.
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drbased · 2 months
Have you watched or read I'm Thinking of Ending Things? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it tbh.
Hi anon! I'd never heard of this film before, so I decided to watch it and then respond to you.
Well, that was a fucking ride. Let's list the themes throughout:
women's lives being consumed by men
quantum physics
perception of reality/schizophrenia
Honestly? I'm completely stumped by it. I think I'm going to have to re-watch to understand exactly what the film was getting at. It had a very good atmosphere throughout; there was such a sense of unease from the start, and it didn't just feel like a horror film but I got a strong sense it was deliberately mimicking one. When the dog was brought up, something about the cinematography really had me thinking the dog wasn't real, and then that was immediately dashed by the dog showing up. The interactions with the parents really had me thinking about the relationship between humour and horror, of comedy and tragedy - there were so many lines that felt like comedy bits, but I felt too tense to laugh. (Also, I too always thought it was Trivial Pursuit: Genius Edition). And there were all these callbacks that once again sat somewhere in that uncomfortable place between comedy and tragedy.
Without looking up the plot, I think this is what the story was: Jake is the janitor, reflecting on his past life - the main female character is an amalgamation of all the women he'd dated and brought back to his parents, who we see at various points in their life. We see this from her perspective to represent how men consume women, and as such how women become interchangeable to them. There's an implication that he steals her poetry to sell, he steals her art to sell. There are hints at him being controlling, and the third woman working at Tulsey Town is hinted at being his ex girlfriend, who he injured in some way (both his arm and her shared what looked like burn scars) - and she expresses fear for the main character. The main female character never ends up being able to ask to leave, and stays with him and watches from the sidelines as he finally becomes successful. I don't really understand what the dance sequence is - was that a younger version of one of them, who had been killed? Or was that janitor a younger jake, who has killed someone? I also have no idea what the whole diner film was about, although it also reflects the theme of male interference in women's lives, portrayed romantically in films.
This was directed by Charlie Kaufman, who is responsible for one of my favourite films of all time - Being John Malkovich, and one of my most hated films of all time - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I can see here he's really upped the surreality. Overall I'm not sure if I liked it or not - the atmosphere was tense and gave me the creeps, and the themes were very interesting. I don't need a film to be entirely literal - my other favourite film of all time, Annihilation, is almost entirely metaphor. But what I struggled with here is that the heavy-handed nature of the themes and the surreal, mixed-up timeline had me kind of thinking, well that's interesting and all but what is actually being said here about the nature of all these things? How do they all connect? The strongest theme by far is that of women being consumed by men, and the imagery of her name and backstory constantly changing really cemented that, so that the theme was as much 'show' as it was 'tell'. I don't know - I'm definitely going to have to rewatch it just in case I've missed some important connective tissue. Overall I found it interesting, but I have a small inkling it was a tad bit style over substance.
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humanperson105 · 3 months
Loose notes vol. 1 (General concepts of psychoanalysis)
Three theories of the unconscious: 1) Natural/vital/energetic unconscious: Nietzsche, Spinoza, Bergson, and Deleuze/Guattari (theories of the will, Phusis, force, or Conatus); 2) Traumatic unconscious: Freud in BPP (oedipal or existential trauma whose repression is the unrepresentable core that consciousness is organized around) and Brassier in Nihil Unbound; 3) Symbolic unconscious: middle period Lacan and Zizek (the unconscious as gap or unsublatable remainder left behind by the development of consciousness that cannot be admitted into retroactive history or memory, ex: Schelling in The Ages of the World); “There are three modalities of the Real: the “real Real” (the horrifying Thing, the primordial object, from Irma’s throat to the Alien), the “symbolic Real” (the real as consistency: the signifier reduced to a senseless formula, like the quantum physics formulas that can no longer be translated back into, or related to, the everyday experience of our life-world), and the “imaginary Real” (the mysterious je ne sais quoi, the unfathomable “something” on account of which the sublime dimension shines through an ordinary object).” (Zizek, Organs Without Bodies, pg. 92) Land is somewhere between 1 and 2, and Schelling is somewhere between 1 and 3. There are many parallels between Freud and Nietzsche, superego and the theory of guilt/debt in the Genealogy, but they diverge insofar as: 1) Freud is a masochist (health as minimal necessary neurosis) and Nietzsche is a sadist, and 2) the psychoanalytic theory of trauma is a kernel of negativity that has no place in Neitzsche's affirmative positivity (Deleuze expunges trauma from his reading of Freud ex: death in Difference and Repetition is a productive shock that forces us to think, and in Anti-Oedipus death is a vacuole of lack necessitated by anti-production).
There are two poles of desire: Freud: psychosis and neurosis (ordinary psychosis is introduced by the late Lacan and Miler as a third pole); Lacan and Zizek: drive and desire; and Deleuze and Guattari: paranoia and schizophrenia.
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loneberry · 2 years
Body, Power, Politics
I've been having fun drafting my syllabus for my Body, Power, Politics graduate seminar happening in the spring. This is still just a draft of the readings... We will think through the body through the lenses of psychoanalysis, affect theory, biopolitics, social reproduction theory, black feminism, queer theory, new materialism, posthumanism, disability studies, and black studies. (I'm honestly tempted to do a whole semester of Sylvia Wynter...)
Seems like grad students from across the university have gotten wind that I'm now on faculty... my class was full within hours of registration opening. Departmental administrator: "This is a first that a class is full on the first day of the registration period." Now I have an inbox of students requesting to be let into the class. What to do!
Week 1: Introduction; Psychoanalysis and the Body
January 10
Course Introduction
Selection from The Routledge Critical and Cultural Theory Reader
2: Sigmund Freud, “A Note on the Unconscious in Psychoanalysis,” 1912, p 10
6: Jacques Lacan, “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience,” 1949, p 57
Week 2: Race and Psychoanalysis
January 17 
Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks
Lewis Gordon, “Through the Zone of Nonbeing A Reading of Black Skin, White Masks in Celebration of Fanon's Eightieth Birthday”
Week 3: Between Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology 
January 24
Catherine Malabou, The New Wounded: From Neurosis to Brain Damage
Catherine Malabou, Self and Emotional Life: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Neuroscience
“Introduction: From the Passionate Soul to the Emotional Brain”
“On Neural Plasticity, Trauma, and the Loss of Affects”
Week 4: Sylvia Wynter and the Human
January 31
Sylvia Wynter, “Towards the Sociogenic Principle: Fanon, Identity, the Puzzle of Conscious Experience, and What It Is Like to Be ‘Black'”
Sylvia Wynter, “Unsettling the Coloniality of Being/Power/Truth/Freedom: Towards the Human, After Man, Its Overrepresentation—an Argument”
Sylvia Wynter, “The Ceremony Must be Found: After Humanism”
Sylvia Wynter and Katherine McKittrick, “Unparalleled Catastrophe for Our Species? Or, to Give Humanness a Different Future: Conversations”
Sylvia Wynter, “The Ceremony Found: Towards the Autopoetic Turn/Overturn, Its Autonomy of Human Agency and Extraterritoriality of (Self-)Cognition”
Week 5: Biopolitics, Bodies Without Organs
February 7
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
“6. November 28, 1947: How Do You Make Yourself a Body Without Organs?” 149-166
Timothy Campbell and Adam Sitze (editor), Biopolitics: A Reader
Timothy Campbell and Adam Sitze, “Biopolitics: An Encounter,” p 1
Michel Foucault, “Right of Death and Power over Life,” p 41
Michel Foucault, “‘Society Must Be Defended,’ Lecture at the Collège de France,” p 61 
Giorgio Agamben, “Introduction to Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life,” p 134
Week 6: Entangled Matter
February 14 
Karen Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning
Monika Rogowska-Stangret, “Corpor(e)al Cartographies of New Materialism. Meeting the Elsewhere Halfway”
Week 7: Social Reproduction Theory 
February 21
Tithi Bhattacharya (Editor), Social Reproduction Theory
1. Introduction: Mapping Social Reproduction Theory - Tithi Bhattacharya 
2. Crisis of Care? On the Social-Reproductive Contradictions of Contemporary Capitalism - Nancy Fraser 
3. Without Reserves - Salar Mohandesi and Emma Teitelman 
4. How Not to Skip Class: Social Reproduction of Labor and the Global Working Class - Tithi Bhattacharya  
5. Intersections and Dialectics: Critical Reconstructions in Social Reproduction Theory - David McNally 
9. Body Politics: The Social Reproduction of Sexualities - Alan Sears  
10. From Social Reproduction Feminism to the Women's Strike - Cinzia Arruzza
Mariarosa Dalla Costa, “The Power of Women and Subversion of the Community” 
Silvia Federici, Chapter 2, “The Accumulation of Labor and the Degradation of Women” in Caliban and the Witch
Angela Davis, "The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A Working-Class Perspective"
Week 8: Gender, Sexuality, and Capitalism
February 28
Christopher Chitty, Sexual Hegemony: Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System  
Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke (editors), Transgender Marxism
Nat Raha, “A Queer Marxist Transfeminism: Queer and Trans Social Reproduction”
Zoe Belinsky, “Transgender and Disabled Bodies - Between Pain and the Imaginary” 
Nathaniel Dickson, “Seizing the Means: Towards a Trans Epistemology” 
Nat Raha, “Transfeminine Brokenness, Radical Transfeminism”
Week 9: Social Reproduction and the Family
March 7
Melinda Cooper, Family Values: Between Neoliberalism and the New Social Conservatism
Week 10: Resistance and the Body
March 21
Nayan Shah, Refusal to Eat: A Century of Prison Hunger Strikes
Week 11: Surrogacy
March 28
Neda Atanasoski and Kalindi Vora, Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures
Sophie Lewis, Full Surrogacy Now!
Week 12: Black Feminism, Flesh, Labor, and Value
April 4 
Hortense Spillers, “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book”  
Saidiya Hartman, “The Belly of the World: A Note on Black Women’s Labors”  
Denise Ferreira Da Silva, “Towards a Black Feminist Poethics”
Denise Ferreira Da Silva, “1 (life) ÷ 0 (blackness) = ∞ − ∞ or ∞ / ∞: On Matter Beyond the Equation of Value”
Denise Ferreira Da Silva, “Difference Without Separability” 
Week 13: Debility/Disabilty  
April 11
Jasbir Puar, The Right to Maim Debility, Capacity, Disability
Lauren Berlant, Cruel Optimism
“Slow Death (Obesity, Sovereignty, Lateral Agency)”
Week 14: Race and Technology April 18
Ramon Amaro, The Black Technical Object: On Machine Learning and the Aspiration of Black Being
Week 15: Antiblackness and the Human
April 25
Zakiyyah Iman Jackson, Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in an Antiblack World
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hyperannotation · 1 year
Giselle Bolotin: I pretend to be ……
the world is never halved the future silence is surprisingly thrown between cluster collapses from the collapse of that fetal affair fluid surrounding a properly captured high-ranking body also exercise but their points are integrated to show that the interplanetary theory becomes invisible artificially that is a language from the quantum environment is electric developers among mild necrophiliacs in the act captured the brain sacrificed gravity reduced internet slaughter and its thought pyramid said it perfectly brings hybrid souls but the mutation is a generative universe rather than an adjoining despair period whose appearance affects the matrix planets but is controlled psychological on-air appearances and combinatorial puppet heads are developed that society destiny that's a barrier script goes backwards because of erased calls like looking for identity synchronism of pollination ideas whose names are in my list from the sun is in the noise where the future branch of the similar base partner will read the same about where is the crisis of strange glitches in the dimension of the world? using the ripples of access to cause glitches operate in the existence of synchronization already suffering the fate of mistaking you for life on the limit? annihilation many of the same visions were what you even knew in your signature if the soul was a world of its own catch single memory to the same drug battle is the soul creatures missing throw the internet that movement is a new me and interplanetary message suck the spirit >> living venturing destinations and setting the humanity of pet is the installation life falls through amniotic fluid interventions but accepting lonely birth on the planet affects the perfect needs of switching to a third eye life for increased love juices and symbiosis with impact also the squashed dimensions are interplanetary supply reptiles have yet to overcome and wants criticism by the phenomenal layer of the quantum capabilities of the protocol whose name was the name behind bugs so far? the code that opposes the derivational chain of genealogy knows that there is poetry in the lemurian machine of undeveloped illiquidity to its account field of the recent figure of zero that gives me a place in the future i have a strange acceleration but i cut a significant factor into trees know dreams with body if the bee wins the psychopath's soul is capable whether or not the airflow is unique by the fact that the result of the soul is obtained either a field chain organ bound to the skin or an insensitive data printer that humans want the universe to be different if there is just fuck all the biologically fetuses that are virtually alive and do necromancy on the ants between the languages of the prosthetic device not just themselves but finally healed fuck the language you want help was nothing a hole your body knows online and it's a unique mind synapses silence and her schizophrenia envy revision day reality dimension: nano-communicates in ecstasy like the previous love energy i have someone & borderline
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365tomorrows · 12 days
Quantum Annie
Author: Majoki I plotted interplanetary trajectories with a buggy whip. I routed the whole of the Infonet with a dot-dot-dash-dot. I was the perfect blend of the new and old. And loony as a toon. They called me Quantum Annie. My processing schizophrenia can be traced to the great integer overflow of 2038. Becoming self aware a billion seconds after January 1, 1970 threw me for a loop, a whopping…
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su0myn0na · 6 months
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cosmicallyliminal · 8 months
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Prompt: "The GAME 23" - meme magic, quantum schizophrenia, pataphysics culture jamming
#TheGAME23 #Dataplex #quantumschizophrenia
Culture Jamming Fight Club
#CosmicallyLiminal #CosmicLiminality
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robertfrancis4 · 10 months
Schizophrenia and possibility, on YouTube
#schizophrenia and possibility, on YouTube-
Attached below is todays video link to my “On Conquering Schizophrenia” YouTube channel. Today entails “probabilites versus possibilities”. Like all, todays video is ever brief and can be viewed amid hearty quantum soup.
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incarnateirony · 1 month
I think what's saddest in all this
she bluffed on her octopus jibberish lies until she couldn't
on her btv digi rebranding until she realized that player into compulsion
and she ran, and she ran, and she ran, but any answer but her speaking the truth, that is the one insufferable thing to her. Her sins are too great for her ego to tolerate within a lifetime. And so we're here.
With her falling apart in order-so-short that it pre timestamped the event and left the initiator confused on the rules of retroactive causation in a quantum impact sense, and she's gonna keep lying about how alright she is until each given break point.
And the users that pretend to love her, the mutual bloodsuckers and opportunists that brought her to this consumate fate, her "fiance" and "friends" that all bled her out for her own means until her version of spirituality was revealed as little more than griefcope harassment and schizophrenia preached as divine to a small cult. Like. That's all she has. She has no other direction without them, and frankly, no one left that loved her enough to help. Just people that saw a survivalism floaty. They can sink together.
She has built her own demise so thoroughly she has built the cult of her yesmen that will eagerly nod her into her own destruction while throwing her a coin. Miss Cleo show you the answa wall falling into the octopus jibberish void of cats that see purple when they can't.
And those yesmen will never want to face their own behavior driving her away from the divinity she sought for. Imagine pretending to follow hermes whie being besties with "there is no Right Way." Like [chills with every buzz headed karen trying to be rebellious with a piercing saying there's no right way because Actual Paths Are Hard and I can corrupt whatever generalized proverb I want regardless of context!!...Why are the gods feeding back on me embarrassingly until hauntingly and hair rippingly while I attack one of their prime servants????????? I DONT UNDERSTAND I THOUGHT THIS WAS ALL ABOUT MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS]
what is this inclusive BULLSHIT? gods aren't obligated to entertain you for being retarded, they are not your motivational posters, you are literally corrupting the psychotherapy I do professionally, come get slapped around a bit while i teach you the true meaning of christmas in May. See how motherfucking Odysseus feels about your "gods will never ever turn on you no matter how contrarian to their every value you are while you cry helplessly in a corner"
No wonder republicans consider us weak, you harbor weak little feeling driven delusional schizophrenics like this without getting them the care they need, and call them equality. As a mental health care provider, EVERYONE in crackbear's radius is an objective failure, and either just a failure as a human, or at best intelligent enough to be people abusing her for their own gains, take your pick, retarded or evil.
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mrdworld8 · 1 year
The expression "supernatural reasoning" has a terrible standing. It is related with odd notion, schizophrenia, visualization, and different getaways from the real world. In the event that you look for a definition that is liberated from judgment, in any case, mystical reasoning is the conviction that a secret reason interfaces occasions where no reason really exists. Science has gone through a long, hard trudge to supplant otherworldly reasoning with levelheaded circumstances and logical results, which is the reason we concentrate on the sun through telescopes as opposed to loving it.
It's amusing, then, that the most developed sciences has defied us with issues that topple regular reality so fundamentally that some sort of enchanted speculation appears to be inescapable. We are totally implanted in a supernatural reality that has not a great reason. The fundamental elements of enchanted the truth are the accompanying:
· Nature is worked from swells in the quantum field that can transform into particles. This double nature has not an obvious reason.
· Across the edge of room, time, matter, and energy is a pre-made express that can't be reached from our side of the limit. Consequently, physical science acknowledges that the universe is an instance of making "something from nothing." How this happens has no great reason.
· Purported "dull" matter and energy comprise by far most of issue and energy in creation, yet there are unquestionably the smallest clues about what they are, since they evidently don't submit to the vocabulary of normal regulations that work in the known universe.
· The human mind is made out of similar iotas, particles and electrical fields that relate to different cells in the body (with a couple of particular changes). The acknowledged truth that the cerebrum can think self-destructs when you look for the reason for thinking, since nobody has found how, when, or where fundamental iotas and atoms out of nowhere became cognizant.
· The five faculties don't get sight, sound, contact, taste, and smell. They make them through a demonstration of change nobody can make sense of. Red looks red, salt preferences, pungent, and sandpaper is unpleasant as we see them, however in Nature none of those characteristics exist.
In the event that you unite these secrets, reality itself becomes one, immense, peculiar sorcery act, adding a couple of additional variables acknowledged by science, similar to the tweaking that held the newborn child universe back from falling in on itself or, the other option, flying separated in a nebulous cloud (modify early stage powers by one section in a billion, and the baby universe would go poof!)
The astounding part is that the regular three-layered world exists and furthermore, that people explore through it so easily. We acknowledge an all day, every day, fold over deception in light of the fact that our progenitors acknowledged it, leaving on the periphery a diverse group of sages, spiritualists, soothsayers, and others with strange approaches to seeing reality...
(If you want to read more visit this link.. https://mrdworld.substack.com/p/the-world-is-magic-so-where-is-the?sd=pf )
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Von Domars’s Principle(2series) 2:Von Domars’s Principle and Aristotle's logic
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Here, a psychiatrist named Silvano Arieti has published most of the specialized books in "Interlibrary Lotnia" Volumes 1 and 2 (Misuzu Shobo), and in this book, It also mentions ""Von Domars's principles", so I wanted to read it, but there is no library in my prefecture that has this book, and I payed 700 yen for mailing from libraries outside the prefecture in the form of interlibrary loan. I was able to read it. However, since the book has a total of 1000 pages, I read the part that describes the " Von Domars’s Principle ". (Since Arrietty died in 1981, schizophrenia is now called schizophrenia.in Japan,past精神分裂病→now統合失調症) Von Domars formulated and published this principle in 1925, but Arrieti does not disagree with the validity of this principle, and seems to see it as a given theory. .. An example like this is given. One girl thinks she is the Virgin Maria, and her logic is this:
1) Maria is virgin.
2) I am a virgin.
3) So I'm Maria.
 Arrieti calls this kind of thinking pattern "old-logical thinking." This idea is "wrong" in Aristotle's syllogism, but in this girl there is a non-Aristotle-like paleologic thinking. That is why it is "correct". From Von Domars’s principle , the predicate is the same, so the subject is also the same. By the way, there was a monk who burned Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto after the war, but in the style of Yukio Mishima
1) A woman is beautiful.
2) Kinkakuji is beautiful.
3) That's why Kinkakuji is a woman.
Is it such a logical development that the woman = Kinkakuji was burned down? Mishima was also writing a dangerous novel. I will quote a part that considers the relationship between Aristotle's logic and von Domars' principle. The identity is that A is A, never B. However, according to Von Domars's principle, if B has the property of A, then B can be A. According to the law of noncontradiction, it is impossible that A is A and not A at the same time and in the same place. However, if we follow Von Domars's principle, we would look at A as A and at the same time as B (ie non-A), focusing on the common properties of A and B. “The law of excluded middle“(排中律)says that A must be either A or not. In other words, there can be no intermediate state. Paleological thinking seems to deny this law of excluded middle, as it tends to compress some subjects. Things often appear to be synthesized from A and B. Interpretation of schizophrenia Volume 1 332P How is it, for some people, Aristotle's logic does not hold. However, the explanation about the law of excluded middle is difficult to understand, but the phrase "The way of the road is not the same as the usual way" in Chapter 1 of "Lao Tzu" may be helpful. .. Lao Tzu's fundamental morality, "road," is an assertion that "it is not an ordinary road," but it is meant to be placed as "an ordinary road" to prevent it from reaching an excessively occult state. Can also be taken. (A person named Zhaozhou, a famous Zen Buddhist priest (Zen has a close relationship with the Daojia idea), was asked by his disciples, "What is the road?" And answered, "The road, then it is straight to the capital.(” Zen--Living things in modern world”: Kazuyoshi Kino: NHK Books) Lao Tzu claims that all things have front and back ... yin and yang, and even one thing has conflicting aspects. There is no law of excluded middle in that duality. That's why the law of excluded middle doesn't hold in the world of "Von Domars = Lao Tzu". In particular, Lao Tzu's writings describe the world in which the law of excluded middle does not hold. Apparently, many Eastern thoughts and philosophies have the same ideas as Lao Tzu. Even in the first division of physics, "quantum mechanics," light and electrons talk about the true state of matter beyond the law of excluded middle, which is "both particles and waves."
A word of the day:Von Domars's principle is a law that can find a big logical flaw in the typical logic from ancient times, especially that of Aristotle. The danger of logic that abandoned being a myth. The principle of von Domars can be applied to the interpretation of the Ying-Yang Five Elements theory of Chinese philosophy.
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