bushramemon · 9 years
3) Post a song that you think represents overcoming adversity; write two paragraphs about why you think this song represents the theme.
Song:  Life Starts Now – Three Days Grace
Life starts now is a good example of a song that represents overcoming adversity because it repeatedly says "you've done all the things that could kill you somehow". This implies that they have somehow overcome some sort of adversity. Later on it also says that "you will survive this somehow because life starts now" implying that whatever adversity they have overcome, the result of it did not leave them happy. But “life starts now” implies that whatever they have overcome leaves their life amended.
The song mainly represents overcoming adversity because it says "you've done all the things that could kill you somehow" even though doing what they have done, overcoming their adversity did not leave them happy they still have overcome the adversity which leaves their life in a better state than it was in before.
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mahraalsuwaidiblog1 · 9 years
Explaining the quote :
Christopher was afraid of his father , because he had knew that he killed wellington(the dog).christopher thought to his self that hisfather might have killed him if he stays any longer in this house ,because living with a murder isn't an easy thing because you never know when this person is angry or happy , because a murderer never recognize that he has killed somebody only after he dose it .
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kixtonmoodly-blog · 9 years
“The struggles I'm facing, The chances I'm taking Sometimes might knock me down, but No I'm not breaking, I may not know it, but These are the moments that, I'm gonna remember most, yeah Just gotta keep goin', And I, I gotta be strong Just keep pushing on, 'cause”
Miley Cyrus, “Hannah Montana” star (Miley Stewart), was facing major issues at  this time. While she was writing this song. People judged her because of her eating disorder and told her she couldn't act nor sing. Singers, actors, and famous people face adversities every minute of everyday, but Miley didn't allow it to get the better of her. She released this song and so did the producers of the “Hannah Montana” show where she debuted her singing and acting talents. She overcame and she procceded forward becoming extremely famous.
This entire song is about overcoming adversity, but I think this section captures the whole concept perfectly.  The things that we face in life that we do not ask for might hurt us and knock us down, but we don't allow it to break us. We stay strong and sturdy even though there are people and things out there that try to hurt us and challenge us, we don't allow it to get the best of us. We rise above it and accept it. And fight back. Hence know as overcoming adversity.
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alia-fcb-blog · 9 years
I do not like strangers because I do not like people I have never met before. They are hard to understand. It is like being in France, which is where we went on holiday sometimes when mother was alive, to camp.
Chapter 67 ,Christopher
Christopher says that he doesn't like strangers because he thinks they are hard to understand. At the same time, strangers don't understand Christopher because of his disorder. He explains this by saying that its like being in France, where he once went with his mother to camp. Strangers in his opinion, are like the people in France, and when they speak to him, he finds it hard to understand them. This somehow shows how Christopher feels about the world around him, where most of the time he has trouble trying to understand strangers and what they mean.
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elr-eem-blog · 9 years
Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them.
The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime.
This quote shows us into how Chris actually sees the world. He sees it very logical but he could not understand its rules. And, when we read this quote we understand that all Chris thinks about is logical things and detailed information. I think that this is his way ,indirectly, of telling us that life is unpredictable since ,he can not understand his feeling he has to describe them in stories or break them down in logical problems.
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bushramemon · 9 years
Read Chapter 127 (Pages 79-83) to yourself. Then write down what happened when Christopher fought with his father in the book. Why did he respond the way that he did? How did his father respond after their fight? What do these things tell us about the relationship that Christopher has with his father?
Christopher and his father start fighting when Christopher’s father finds Christopher’s book and by reading it discovers that Christopher has been trying to find the murderer of Mrs. Shears’ dog even when Christopher’s father told him to quit poking his nose into other peoples’ business.
At first Christopher and his father are only arguing. However, it soon escalates to his father grabbing him which Christopher is not comfortable with and so hits his father and then his father beats Christopher up. Christopher, though, has no recollection of his father hitting him as he blacks out for that space of time.
Christopher responds to his father grabbing him the way he did because he is uncomfortable with people touching him. He blacked out when his father beat him up because the whole situation was very shocking to him and so his mind couldn't keep track of what was happening.
After the fight, on the next day, Christopher’s father says sorry to Christopher and makes him wash his cut from the night before. To prove he's really sorry, Christopher's father even takes Christopher to zoo. While having lunch in one of the cafes in the zoo Christopher's father apologizes to him once more saying that he knows that he gets angry sometimes and that's because he doesn't want Christopher to get in trouble and he doesn't want Christopher to get hurt.
These things tell us that Christopher and his father actually have a good relationship and have little trouble understanding each other. This is proven by the fact that after doing something bad to Christopher such as hitting Christopher, Christopher's father genuinely feels sorry and regrets it and makes an effort to set things right by explaining the reason for his behavior to Christopher. Also, to make up for his loss of control, Christopher’s father takes Christopher out to a place – the zoo – where he knows Christopher will enjoy himself.
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mahraalsuwaidiblog1 · 9 years
”I was cold and I was frightened Father might come out and find me. But I felt safer in the garden because I was hidden
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kixtonmoodly-blog · 9 years
People say that you always have to tell the truth. But they do not mean this because you are not allowed to tell old people that they are old and you are not allowed to tell people if they smell funny or if a grown-up has made a fart. And you are not allowed to say "I don’t like you” unless that person has been horrible to you.
Chapter 73 , page 46-47
Christopher is confused about the world. He thinks logically and not emotionally. You and I understand why we cannot say these things, but Christopher doesn’t. We know that this is wrong to do because it might bruise their feelings, which is bad. But all Christopher understands is that he you shouldn’t say it even though it’s the truth. He doesn’t getthats it’s good to tell the truth under most circumstances but better to not say anything in others. The world is more confusing because Christopher favors logic over feelings. And because he doesn’t understand the reasons behind truth-telling, and with-holding truth.
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alia-fcb-blog · 9 years
Christopher’s fight with his father:
When Christopher came back from school, he went to the kitchen and put his things on the table, including his book that he has been writing. He watched some Blue Planet videos. Then Christopher’s father came back from his work. Christopher forgot that he left the book lying on the kitchen table because he was too interested in the Blue Planet videos. Christopher’s father found the book on the table and he kept asking Christopher about it. He wasn't shouting so Christopher didn't realize he was angry. Christopher’s father asked him if what he read on the book was true, which was that Christopher talked with Mrs. Alexander. When Christopher said yes, his father got angrier. Christopher’s father told him to not mention Ms. Shear’s name in the house and to not ask anyone about that dog. When Christopher tried to explain, his father grabbed his arm. Christopher didn't like that, so he hit his father. Christopher’s father took hold of Christopher’s hands and lifted him onto his feet. Christopher hit his father again, then he didn't know what he was doing anymore. He had no memories for a while, as if someone had switched him off. He saw that his right hand was bleeding and his head was hurting him. Then Christopher saw that his book was still with his father, but it was bent in half and the corners were messed up. Christopher heard his father throw the book in the bin. The next day, Christopher’s father took him to the zoo as an apology. His father told him that he loves him and that he hit him because he worries about him and because he doesn't want to see his son get in trouble. This shows us that no matter how angry Christopher’s father gets, he still loves his son and will always take care of him. 
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shammaqamzi-blog · 9 years
It is like being in France, which is where we went on holiday sometimes when mother was alive, to camp. And I hated it because if you went into a shop or a restaurant or on a beach you couldn't understand what anyone was saying which was frightening.
The literal language barrier shows us a powerful illustration of Christopher's difficulty with more subtle kinds of communication, like body language and tone of voice. And his fearfulness in France at hearing words he doesn't understand is dwarfed by the daily occasions in which people express themselves in ways he's totally unable to understand.
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itsmerawathii · 9 years
Christopher’s fight with his father
 When Christopher came back home. He went to the kitchen holding his book. When he entered he saw a video was open. And he didn’t realise that he left the book on the kitchen table. So, his father entered and he saw the book and read what did Christopher wrote. Then, his father started shouting and asking did u really saw Alexander. He was like,“Yes”. His father was like ,“What did i tell you?”.Then, he repeated the question ,“What else did i tell you”. He replied, “i don’t know”.His dad said “Come on”.  But he couldn’t think. His dad said “ stop putting your nose into people business and telling it to everyone like Tom, Dick and Henry”. ( not exactly )... Christopher was like “ I was doing chatting with Mrs. Alexander. I wasn’t doing investigating.” His father was like “ I ask you to do one thing for me, Christopher. One thing." Christopher was like, "I didn't want to talk to Mrs. Alexander. It was Mrs. Alexander who -".But then, he grabbed Christopher from his arm really hard. Then Christopher hit his father back but he didn’t let go Christopher and he was shouting. Then Christopher hit him again. Then for a while Christopher had a memory lost. After he got his memory back he saw blood in his right hand and his head was hurting him . 
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bushramemon · 9 years
Find a quote from the book that represents how Christopher feels about the world around him.
“I think that prime numbers are like life. They are very logical buy you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them.” (Chapter 19, Page 12)
Christopher believes that everything is logical and that there is a reason behind everything that transpires in life. He also realizes that in life it is hard to see the pattern of this logic. To him specifically it is hard to work out the rules of life as they are mostly concerned with social interaction. Recalling previous details, we know that people with Asperger’s Syndrome find social interaction more difficult than most. This is why it makes perfect sense for Christopher to think that life is logical but not clear enough to figure out the rules of – even if he spent a long time trying to figure them out. The reason for this being that his brain just isn’t wired to think that way.
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mahraalsuwaidiblog1 · 9 years
A song that represents overcoming adversity :
This song helps with the idea of over coming  adversity ,because she says "this is my fight song "which she here symbolizes her obstacles with a fight song ,it match the idea because she  says that she will overcome her problems and obstacles by fighting it to get rid of fears .
This song  helps because she says what she's going to do in order for to get demolish her fears and to over come them , she also says "my power is turned on " ,what basically she's trying to say  is that she's in full energy to fight them and that from this day she'll be strong and she's not going to be afraid of anyone nor that shell care bout what other people are saying .
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kixtonmoodly-blog · 9 years
Social Networking
Social networking helps us better connect with the world in many different ways. There are many disadvantages and advantages to social media, and this just so happens to be one of the good things in my opinion. It helps you connect to the world. Social networking can help introduce us to new businesses and help them flourish. We can be exposed to things we never thought we needed before, until someone or something shows us what we’ve been missing. For example, if someone had a special problem and they didn’t what to do, they could just search it up online, and find all sorts of things about the particular topic. They could find out the symptoms, the side effects, treatments and more! Then social networks can direct to a company or place that makes or sells a treatment or mental help to process this thing. Social media/network can help a lot when you are in trouble and you don’t know what treatment you need. Social networks also allows you to be anonymous, so you can connect with others who share the same troubles or tribulations.
Social networking can bring someone that is socially different out of there shell. Because social sites allow you to anonymous or use a different name, you are not forced to interact under pressure. People don’t have to be pressured to be something or someone they are not. Social networking lets you interact with people around the world and connect better. For instance, if there was a student at school that didn’t have much experience or desire to talk face to face, because he or she was scared. Social networking can help that person connect with people online, instead of being left out. He or she might have a lot to say but he or she has a problem so it’s harder to talk. Talking online might make this person confident enough to talk outside of the Internet later.
Last of all, social media can help us make stronger connections to the people we already know. For example, your friend posts a picture about a charity or disease and shows compassion. You might have never known how she felt about this subject until she posted about it. You already know your friends family, but social networking can make you connect in closer way based on the things each other posts, shares, likes and comments on.
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elr-eem-blog · 9 years
This song represents overcoming adversity 
I believe this song represents overcoming adversity because it represents fighting back and speaking your mind. 
“And all those things i didn’t say, 
were wrecking balls inside my brain.
I will scream them loud tonight,
can you hear my voice this time.”
And in these lyrics she says that she had been holding her thoughts and feelings back and now she will say them out loud so, she wants everyone to listen. It represents adversity because before she used to keep things to herself and now she has enough courage to say them freely.
“This is my fight song,
take back my life song,
Prove I’m alright song.”
Here the lyrics represent her finally fighting back. Also, they represent her finally taking responsibility and ownership of her life. And, she also proves to everyone that she is ,at last, alright.
“And I don’t really care if nobody else believes,
‘cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me.”
This sentence states that now she does not care if nobody believes in her because, she believes in herself. That is because, she has a lot of hope and fight in her.
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