#419 mail
textsfromcybertron · 10 days
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(419): not only did u rap a voice mail to me last night…. but it lasted so long that it cut you off so you called back to finish…. never do this again
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mightyflamethrower · 2 months
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Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election through a successful tripartite subterfuge.
One, Biden never really campaigned. His handlers rightly assumed that the more the public and the media saw a debilitated Biden in the flesh, the less they would want him as president.
So, the Biden campaign used the COVID lockdowns to ensure that Biden stayed safe in his basement office.
Biden strategically distanced himself from disinterested journalists, using COVID as an excuse to avoid public appearances. It allowed him to run a 19th-century, front-porch sort of virtual campaign.
In his place, the liberal media, Democratic grandees, and the billionaire donor class served as Biden campaign surrogates—vastly outspending, out-advertising, and out-lawyering the underfunded incumbent Trump.
Second, again using COVID as a pretext, well-funded Democratic legal teams altered the voting laws during early 2020 in key swing states to encourage non-Election Day voting.
For the first time, majorities in many key states voted by mail-in/absentee ballots and during weeks of early voting.
We now know why the left was so motivated to push through radical balloting changes that were otherwise impossible prior to 2020 but have been mostly institutionalized since.
Non-Election Day ballots outnumbered Election Day ballots. They were far more likely to be cast by Democrats. And as the number of such ballots soared, the traditional rejection rate of non-Election Day ballots prior to 2020 fell—even as registrars were swamped.
Once obscure terms such as ballot harvesting and ballot curing became mainstream.
Ballot deadlines were extended. There was lax enforcement of incorrect ballot names and addresses or auditing the registrars’ rolls.
Rich liberal entities, such as Mark Zuckerberg and his $419 million in 2020 cash infusions, sought to absorb the work of state registrars. His aim was to “improve” voter turnout through partisan “assistance”—from funding drop boxes to monitoring non-Election Day ballots.
Three, in 2020, the enervated left-wing Joe Biden was reconstructed as a vigorous moderate “ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton.”
Biden’s stealth script was to provide a temperate veneer to the new hard-left Democratic Party.
His 2020 campaign claimed Joe was for “unity” and “moderation”—even as it camouflaged an otherwise extremist neo-socialist agenda to be implemented after November.
Can the Democrats repeat that winning formula for Kamala Harris in 2024?
Only partly.
Even without the excuse of COVID, Harris certainly will not agree to unscripted, ad hoc interviews with non-partisan journalists.
She is unable to speak extemporaneously and off the teleprompter without appearing childish.
Her handlers will ensure few opportunities for Harris to burst into cackling or to stream her puerile musings about yellow school buses or kindergarten geography.
Yet the third element of Biden’s 2020 strategy will be difficult to replicate.
The Bay Area leftist Harris—unlike the Biden of the 1980s and 1990s—never had any reputation, feigned or not, of being a “centrist” or “moderate.”
Her entire political career was one of pandering either to leftist Democrat voters in 2020 or ultra-liberal Californians in her statewide races.
She is on record of opposing fracking and off-shore drilling, private health care, border enforcement, and the traditional close U.S. relationship with Israel.
She proudly promoted the radical new green deal, defunding police forces, mandatory buybacks of private guns, and mass amnesties.
She gratuitously championed the swindler Jussie Smollett and his fraudulent claims of being a victim of systemic racism.
During the horrendous riots of 2020, she sought to raise bail for violent rioters and looters that had been arrested.
On CBS, she egged on the 2020 protests that had already turned violent with deaths, law enforcement injuries, arson, and mass looting—despite the pathetic efforts of partisan fact-checkers to claim otherwise.
Harris gushed of the turmoil: “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. They’re not going to let up and they should not, and we should not.”
What did Harris mean by “beware?”
Was the BLM- and Antifa-led mayhem really just a “movement?”
Why boast that the turmoil might be endless—both before and after Election Day?
And why connect the massive disruptions to the upcoming Election Day—unless she believes that unrest in the streets could weaken the election chances of the then incumbent president?
In sum, Harris, like Biden, is certainly capable of running a remote stealth campaign.
She will surely take advantage of 2020’s revolution in non-Election Day balloting.
Yet, unlike Biden, Harris has no credible moderate veneer—only an unapologetic radical past and a corpus of hard-left boasts.
So, 2024 will hinge on whether Republicans will expose Harris’s lifelong, hard-left ideology and extremist agendas.
She is a poor substitute for the successful bait-and-switch 2020 con of “ol’ Joe Biden,” the fake moderate “uniter” from Scranton.
I'm hoping that she shows her TRUE colors sometime during the campaign
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upennmanuscripts · 2 years
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Coffee With A Codex: Italian Herbal
Join us on Zoom every Tuesday at 12pm Noon EST / 5pm GMT to look at manuscripts from Penn’s collection in an informal environment.
On November 22, curator Dot Porter will show us LJS 419, an illustrated herbal with three styles of illustration: one group of illustrations following medieval conventions, sometimes with fantastic elements such as human faces; another, rougher but more generally somewhat more naturalistic group in ink outline, ; and a third group of naturalistic color illustrations of plants including roots, leaves, flowers and fruit. Written in northern Italy in the 15th century.
The event is informal and everyone is welcome to attend.
Register to attend
Join our mailing list to have announcements dropped directly in your inbox
Find out more about the project and the manuscripts we’ve looked at in the past.
If you miss a week or you just want to know what Coffee With A Codex is about, you can watch recordings of past events on the CWAC YouTube Playlist.
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Čumblraři, obrozenectvo
Začíná se šířit scam mail tvářící se jako policejní předvolání od prezidenta Policie ČR v důsledku "podezření na sledování dětské pornografie". V mailu se budou dožadovat vysvětlení a poté budou vymáhat peníze. Více informací v odkazu
Kámoška to dostala na univerzitní email takže si dávejte pozor hlavně pokud studujete na UPOL
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etrey · 2 months
Exploring the Flavors of Wild Stage Farm's Gourmet and Culinary Garlic
Welcome to Wild Stage Farm, where we take pride in growing the finest gourmet garlic and culinary garlic. Our farm is dedicated to cultivating high-quality garlic that enhances every dish and brings out the best in your cooking. Let's dive into the world of garlic and discover what makes our products truly exceptional.
Gourmet Garlic
At Wild Stage Farm, our gourmet garlic is more than just an ingredient; it's a culinary delight. We grow a variety of garlic strains that are handpicked for their superior flavor and quality. Our gourmet garlic is known for its robust taste and aromatic qualities, making it a favorite among chefs and food enthusiasts alike.
Our commitment to excellence in garlic cultivation ensures that every bulb of gourmet garlic we produce meets the highest standards. From the soil to the table, we focus on every detail to deliver a product that stands out in your dishes.
Culinary Garlic
When it comes to enhancing the flavor profile of your meals, our culinary garlic is the perfect choice. At Wild Stage Farm, we understand the importance of culinary garlic in creating memorable dishes. Our culinary garlic is grown with care and precision, ensuring it brings a fresh, pungent taste to your recipes.
Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, our culinary garlic is designed to elevate your cooking. We take pride in offering garlic that not only adds depth to your dishes but also reflects our dedication to quality and taste.
For more information on our products and to explore other articles from Wild Stage Farm, please visit our other articles.
Business Name — Wild Stage Farm
Phone : +1 415–419–4000
E- Mail — [email protected] 
Website Link — https://www.wildstagefarm.com/
GMB — https://g.co/kgs/DXf2xQc
Address — 3917 Scott River Rd, Fort Jones, CA 96032, United States
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lewisconrada · 2 months
Immobilienmakler Hamburg - Leonhard Immobilien
Willkommen bei Leonhard Immobilien, Ihrem zuverlässigen Partner für Immobilien in Hamburg und Umgebung. Unser engagiertes Team von erfahrenen Immobilienmaklern steht Ihnen zur Seite, um Ihre Wohnträume zu verwirklichen und Ihre Immobilienprojekte erfolgreich umzusetzen.
Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst den Verkauf und die Vermietung von Einfamilienhäusern, Eigentumswohnungen, Gewerbeimmobilien und Grundstücken. Wir bieten Ihnen eine umfassende Beratung und Bewertung Ihrer Immobilie, um den bestmöglichen Preis zu erzielen. Zudem präsentieren wir Ihnen ein vielfältiges Portfolio an attraktiven Immobilienangeboten in und um Hamburg.
Warum sollten Sie sich für Leonhard Immobilien entscheiden? Als Immobilienmakler in Hamburg verfügen wir über eine fundierte Kenntnis des lokalen Immobilienmarktes. Wir bieten Ihnen eine persönliche und individuelle Betreuung, angepasst an Ihre Bedürfnisse. Ehrlichkeit, Transparenz und Vertrauen sind die Grundpfeiler unserer Arbeit. Wir informieren Sie transparent über alle Schritte des Immobilienprozesses und begleiten Sie zuverlässig und kompetent bis zum erfolgreichen Abschluss.
Besuchen Sie uns in unserem Büro in der Mundsburger Damm 30a, 22087 Hamburg, kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch unter 040 – 419 24 980 oder per E-Mail an [email protected]. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Immobilienträume verwirklichen!
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hometechpoint · 3 months
Immobilienmakler Hamburg - Leonhard Immobilien
Willkommen bei Leonhard Immobilien, Ihrem zuverlässigen Partner für Immobilien in Hamburg und Umgebung. Unser engagiertes Team von erfahrenen Immobilienmaklern steht Ihnen zur Seite, um Ihre Wohnträume zu verwirklichen und Ihre Immobilienprojekte erfolgreich umzusetzen.
Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst den Verkauf und die Vermietung von Einfamilienhäusern, Eigentumswohnungen, Gewerbeimmobilien und Grundstücken. Wir bieten Ihnen eine umfassende Beratung und Bewertung Ihrer Immobilie, um den bestmöglichen Preis zu erzielen. Zudem präsentieren wir Ihnen ein vielfältiges Portfolio an attraktiven Immobilienangeboten in und um Hamburg.
Warum sollten Sie sich für Leonhard Immobilien entscheiden? Als Immobilienmakler in Hamburg verfügen wir über eine fundierte Kenntnis des lokalen Immobilienmarktes. Wir bieten Ihnen eine persönliche und individuelle Betreuung, angepasst an Ihre Bedürfnisse. Ehrlichkeit, Transparenz und Vertrauen sind die Grundpfeiler unserer Arbeit. Wir informieren Sie transparent über alle Schritte des Immobilienprozesses und begleiten Sie zuverlässig und kompetent bis zum erfolgreichen Abschluss.
Besuchen Sie uns in unserem Büro in der Mundsburger Damm 30a, 22087 Hamburg, kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch unter 040 – 419 24 980 oder per E-Mail an [email protected]. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Immobilienträume verwirklichen!
Website: https://www.leonhard-immobilien.de/
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rockvillemoverspro · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing Your Family for a Move to Rockville, MD
Moving to a new city can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when you're relocating with your family. Rockville, Maryland, is a vibrant city with a rich history, excellent schools, and a diverse community. To make your move smoother and ensure a successful transition for your family, here's a comprehensive guide from reputable Rockville local moving company to help you prepare for your move to Rockville.
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Researching Rockville
Before diving into the logistics of moving, it's essential to research Rockville to understand the community, amenities, housing options, schools, and recreational activities available. Some key points to consider during your research include:
Housing Market: Explore the housing market in Rockville to understand the types of properties available, average rent or home prices, and popular neighborhoods.
School Districts: Research the local school districts, both public and private, to determine the best educational options for your children.
Community and Amenities: Look into the community vibe, nearby amenities such as parks, shopping centers, healthcare facilities, and public transportation options.
Employment Opportunities: If you or your spouse are seeking employment, research job opportunities and industries in Rockville and the surrounding areas.
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Planning Your Move
Once you've decided to move to Rockville, it's time to start planning the logistics of your move. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you stay organized:
Create a Moving Timeline: Develop a moving timeline that includes important dates such as lease or home sale closing, moving company booking, school registration deadlines, and utility setup dates.
Declutter and Pack: Start decluttering your home by sorting items into categories: keep, donate/sell, and discard. Begin packing non-essential items early to reduce stress closer to the moving date.
Hire a Moving Company: Research and hire a reputable Rockville local moving company well in advance. Obtain quotes, check reviews, and ensure they have experience with long-distance moves if applicable.
Notify Important Parties: Inform utility companies, schools, healthcare providers, banks, and relevant institutions about your upcoming move. Forward your mail to your new address.
Transfer Records: Request to transfer medical, dental, and school records to providers in Rockville. This ensures continuity of care and seamless transitions for your family.
Prepare Your New Home: If possible, visit Rockville before the move to familiarize yourself with the area. Plan any renovations or repairs needed in your new home before moving in.
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Settling In
Once you've arrived in Rockville, focus on settling in and integrating into your new community. Here are some tips for a smooth transition:
Unpack Strategically: Start by unpacking essential items such as bedding, kitchen essentials, and toiletries. Gradually unpack other items based on priority and necessity.
Explore the Neighborhood: Take time to explore your new neighborhood. Visit local parks, shops, restaurants, and community centers to familiarize yourself with the area.
Meet Your Neighbors: Building connections with neighbors can create a sense of belonging. Introduce yourself, attend community events, and join local groups or clubs.
Register Your Vehicles: If you have vehicles, register them in Maryland and obtain updated driver's licenses as per state regulations.
Update Legal Documents: Update your legal documents such as wills, trusts, and insurance policies to reflect your new address and state regulations.
Get in touch with the best Rockville Moving Company today! Call Rockville Movers at 9124 419 800!
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Pro Craft Home Products Roofing Contractors
Pro Craft Home Products is your go-to roofing contractor in Perrysburg, Ohio. Our roofing company takes pride in our work and is dedicated to providing exceptional roofing solutions to our clients. Whether you need residential or commercial roofing solutions, roof inspections, repairs, or new installations, we have the expertise and resources to get the job done right. Contact our Perrysburg roofing company today to get a free quote estimate, learn more about our services, and how we can help protect your property with a top-quality roof.  
Address: 6961 Wagoner Dr, Perrysburg, OH 43551 
Phone: 419-595-5879 
Website: https://www.procrafthomeproducts.com/roofing-perrysburg/ 
Business Mail: [email protected] 
Hours: Mon - Tue: 8:00 am - 5 pm 
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pazaryerigundem · 5 months
Turunç Masa'da rekor memnuniyet
Turunç Masa'da rekor memnuniyet
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Antalya’da Muratpaşa Belediyesi’nin halkla ilişkiler ve yönetişim sistemi Turunç Masa, nisanda yüzde 93.3 memnuniyet oranına ulaştı.
ANTALYA (İGFA) – Muratpaşa Belediyesi, halkla ilişkiler, yönetişim ve iletişim projesi olarak Turunç Masa’yı Kasım 2014’te uygulamaya aldı. Çağrı merkezi, gezici ekipler, sosyal medya, web ve basın birimleriyle kuruluşundan bu yana ilçe sakinlerinin istek, öneri ve şikayetlerini çözüme kavuşturan Turunç Masa, nisan ayında 15 bin 182 başvuru aldı.
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Başvuruların yüzde 82.8’i 444 80 07 numaralı çağrı merkezi üzerinden alınırken başvuruların yüzde 12.5’i web, mail, sosyal medya kanalıyla iletildi. Nisan ayında en yoğun başvuru Sağlık İşleri Müdürlüğü’nce alındı. Müdürlük, 615’i evde bakım hizmeti olmak üzere 2 bin 419 başvuruya cevap verdi. Turunç Masa’ya en çok başvuru ise Güzeloba Mahallesi’nden geldi. Bin 67 mahalle sakini nisan ayında istek, öneri ve şikayet için Turunç Masa’yla iletişime geçti. İlçe sakinlerinin başvurularını çözüme kadar takip eden Turunç Masa, nisanda yüzde 93.3 memnuniyet oranına ulaştı.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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evoldir · 7 months
Fwd: Conference: Oaxaca_Mexico.NorthAmerForestGeneticsSoc.Jun10-14
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Oaxaca_Mexico.NorthAmerForestGeneticsSoc.Jun10-14 > Date: 13 March 2024 at 06:02:42 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > The second North American Forest Genetics Society (NAFGS) Biennial > Conference will take place in Oaxaca, Mexico, from June 10th to 14th, > 2024. This meeting follows the inaugural event hosted in Asilomar, > California in June of 2022. > > NAFGS seeks to provide a platform to discuss current research, foster > collaboration, and promote education in forest genetics as it applies > to forest health and productivity. > > Society membership and registration are OPEN on the conference website. > Early registration ends April 1st.  We are also welcoming abstracts > on a wide range of forest tree genetics topics through March 25th > (DEADLINE EXTENDED). > >  *   Tree Breeding including seed orchard management, progeny testing >  *   Plant pathology and forest health >  *   Population and quantitative genetics >  *   Genetic conservation >  *   Population and community ecology >  *   Phylogenetics/phylogenomics >  *   Genomic and bioinformatic tools > > Visit the website to view the preliminary program, register, submit > a poster or talk abstract, view confirmed speakers, and join several > hands-on bioinformatic training opportunities (offered FREE with > registration) on the first day of the meeting. > > https://ift.tt/2tqEuVw > > Interested individuals can join the NAFGS mailing list here: > https://ift.tt/GamR8g9 > > We hope to see you in Oaxaca, Mexico, in June 2024! > > -NAFGS Organizing Committee > > > > Jill L. Wegrzyn > Associate Professor > Computational Biology Core Director > > Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology > Institute for Systems Genomics: Computational Biology Core > University of Connecticut > Storrs CT 06269-3214 > > [email protected] > +1 860-486-8742 > > Research: https://ift.tt/NqQmK8g > CBC Core: https://ift.tt/5tNaW8k > Office (Gant West 419) / Lab (Gant West 401) > > > "Wegrzyn, Jill"
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gamerbulten · 7 months
Bu gülünç derecede ucuz Dell G15, çarpıcı bir Black Friday oyun dizüstü bilgisayarı anlaşmasıdır Açıkçası, bu Dell G15 indirimi saçma bi...
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thesporkidentity · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
i figure it’s close enough to the end of the year that my own personal tumblr wrapped isn’t going to change in the next few days. as anticipated, pretty much all dracula related except for the dark horse fortune cookie lol
1. 37,351 notes - watching the 2018 milwaukee ballet production of dracula and y'all the dracula/jonathan pas de deux is amazing
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2. 4,117 notes -
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3. 1,626 notes - i appreciate that stoker takes the time to describe the peace each of the vampires feels in that moment before their final...
4. 1,040 notes - here's another instance of the daily dracula format displaying things differently from the original ordering of the novel. by...
5. 807 notes - i know people hate the droughtulas but i love them because that's when the posts start getting weird. days when we have mail...
6. 618 notes - can i just say, whoever decided the ordering of the entries in re: dracula today? they did a very good and very painful job....
7. 500 notes - i love today's entry. this is, if i'm remembering correctly, only the second time we've had van helsing as the recorder rather...
8. 478 notes - no idea if anyone else has mentioned this but salt and cloves, in addition to being food spices, are both natural preservatives...
9. 461 notes - god i love today's entry. mina choking up as the last straw before a cry over van helsing possibly blaming her for what happened...
10. 419 notes - oh god, jack. "i'm sure if van helsing went mad he would be the best most wonderful madman, he would excel at madness." like. i...
Created by TumblrTop10
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etrey · 2 months
Discover the Flavorful World of Gourmet and Culinary Garlic at Wild Stage Farm
Gourmet Garlic
At Wild Stage Farm, we pride ourselves on cultivating the finest Gourmet Garlic that enhances any dish with its rich, robust flavor. Our farm-grown Gourmet Garlic is carefully nurtured to ensure that each bulb delivers a punch of flavor, perfect for elevating your culinary creations. Whether you’re a home cook or a professional chef, our Gourmet Garlic adds a distinctive taste that sets your dishes apart.
Our commitment to quality means that we grow our Gourmet Garlic using sustainable farming practices, ensuring that every clove is free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. This dedication to purity not only results in a superior product but also supports a healthier environment.
Culinary Garlic
In addition to our Gourmet Garlic, Wild Stage Farm offers a variety of Culinary Garlic that is perfect for everyday use in your kitchen. Our Culinary Garlic is versatile, making it an essential ingredient for a wide range of recipes, from simple pasta dishes to complex sauces. Each clove of Culinary Garlic is packed with a depth of flavor that can transform your cooking.
We take great care in harvesting our Culinary Garlic at the peak of its freshness, ensuring that it retains its full flavor and nutritional benefits. Our garlic is hand-selected and cured to perfection, making it a must-have for any culinary enthusiast.
Please see the other articles of Wild Stage Farm using this link.
Business Name — Wild Stage Farm
Phone : +1 415–419–4000
E- Mail — [email protected] 
Website Link — https://www.wildstagefarm.com/
GMB — https://g.co/kgs/DXf2xQc
Address — 3917 Scott River Rd, Fort Jones, CA 96032, United States
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candacemariehughes · 10 months
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blog-fitness4all · 1 year
Lux Health Club - Ovar
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Sobre o ginásio Lux Health Club em Ovar
Manter o corpo em movimento é um dos principais pilares de uma vida saudável. Adicionada a uma boa alimentação equilibrada, o exercício aumenta os seus benefícios. O Lux Health Club é um conjunto de 5 Ginásios espalhados na zona Norte.
Acompanhamento personalizado - Aulas de Grupo - Spa & Banho Turco - Piscina - Nutrição - Fisioterapia
GYMSTICK - POWER - OXIGENO - HIIT - CYCLING - PILATES - GAP - YOGA - ABS - KARATÉ - RACEWALK Morada: Lugar da Pardala, EN109. Atlantic Park Loja K. 3880-728 Ovar Telefone: 925 989 419 E-mail: [email protected]
Segunda / Sexta: 7h00-22h00 Sábado: 9h00 às 13h00 / 15h30 às 19h00 Domingo: Encerrado Página Web| Facebook| Instagram| Youtube| Mapa de Aulas
Fotos Lux Health Club
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Mapa Lux Health Club
Read the full article
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