#45 kemetic prompts
eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
31. How does this deity relate to other gods and other pantheons in your experience?
This is mostly UPG or PCPG, as per the question, but here goes:
Bast and Sekhmet are both very close to Ra, and have a sort of “respectful adult daughter” type relationship.  They follow his lead, though I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a fair amount of input to give at their equivalent of “strategy meetings”.  They also seem to have a respectful relationship with Amun-Ra, which makes a fair amount of sense to me?  Moreso than other syncretisms with Ra (like Sobek-Ra, who seems more peripheral to them.)
Bast seems to have a close relationship with Anpu as well, but not one that I can categorize well, because I haven’t had a lot of experiences with both of them together.
Ptah seems not to be very strongly connected to either Bast or Sekhmet when they’re in their aspect of Eyes of Ra, so I’ve only met him in passing.
Maahes seems more to be Sekhmet’s child than Bast’s, and Sekhmet is very fond of him and fiercely proud of all he does.
Bast and Sekhmet seem to have the closest relationships with Mafdet and Hetheru, out of all the other Eyes of Ra?
Bast and Sekhmet seem rather fond of the various Herus, but seem to not really be concerned with Set, Aset, Wesir, and Nebthet, which makes the Epagomenal Days a little awkward, haha.
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honeyalchemist · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
Day 1: What drew you to Kemeticism? How long have you been practicing?
My journey into Kemeticism really only started recently. Like, the true start was in late September 2018. I was drawn by the freedom of Egyptian Kemetic worship and Anubis has been begging me for months to finally structure my worship and become more educated in it.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
39. How do you communicate with this deity?
Mostly via "godphone", which is a short way of saying that when I focus/"listen", I receive feelings/impressions/visuals/etc that I can translate into words, more or less. Sometimes this goes along with claircognizance, where I ask a question and then Suddenly Know The Answer. Honestly "godphoning" covers quite a number of clairs, depending on which ones the practitioner is better at using.
I also do a bit of meditation/trancework, where I can get more detailed communication of the same variety, often in the context of ritual. This is how I do my Bright Moon Omens.
When I'm stuck, I try to combine the above with divination, specifically tarot, to help me ground the information I'm receiving and check to make sure I'm not missing anything or misinterpreting.
Sometimes when I haven't been paying attention, Bast or Sekhmet will send me Signs in the physical world, via "dashomancy" or an overheard phrase or an actual cat or something, to get my attention so that I know to check in.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
35. Art that reminds you of this deity
Oh goodness. For artwork of Bast and Sekhmet that I like and get Feels from, check their tags. This is an e-shrine, after all.
General aesthetic that reminds me of them? Stuff with wildcats or lionesses, really gorgeous photos of domestic cats, particularly red sunsets, dark skinned black models wearing red or gold or with red or gold makeup, sunflowers (especially the orange or red ones), aaaaand probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
29. Are there any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
Keeping cats as pets is about the only thing I can come up with that's widespread. Besides people liking Kemetic stuff because of History or The Aesthetic. Pet cemeteries and taxidermy, maybe.
Mundane practices I personally associate with Bast are: salve making, perfume making, pretty much anything to do with essential oils, prenatal care, dance parties, music with tambourines or similar percussion, and taking a nap in the sun.
Those I associate with Sekhmet include: any form of medical care that requires a poisonous substance (anything from tylenol to chemo), any medical procedures that require blood to be drawn out or put in, anything to do with lions (even just going to the zoo), doing any kind of cardio workout.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
43. Worst misconception about this deity that you have encountered.
Have a two-for-one deal:
Bast and Sekhmet are totes the same deity (or they're twin sisters!), and Bast is the happy nice MILF, while Sekhmet is a raging bloodthirsty monster that's too scary for anyone to ever worship!!!!!!1
Ugh. Just, no. Sure, Bast-Sekhmet is a thing but like. Neither goddess is that extreme of a stereotype and they actually have a lot of overlapping traits. Both were well respected in Ancient Egypt.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
30. How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?
As Eyes of Ra, both Bast and Sekhmet are on the vanguard of the fight against the forces of Isfet.  That which is considered isfet should have its roots in what we know of the morality of Ancient Egypt, but any modern revivalist religion seeks to adapt itself to the context of its modern practitioners.  Ma’at means balance and order, but also truth, compassion, and justice.  That which works against these forces in our modern societies is the isfet we should oppose.
I don’t mean to say, however, that Bast and Sekhmet are only ever good examples.  After all, the story where Sekhmet nearly kills all of humanity is surely meant as an example of excessive bloodlust.  But in general, as guardians of Ra and thus of the Pharaoh, they were seen as forces working for the good of Egypt (although sometimes that meant they were working to the detriment of Egypt’s political rivals and neighbors).  In a modern revivalist context, they work for the good of the societies in which their worshippers live, as the religion has become uncoupled from a State.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
40. A time when this deity has helped you.
Well, the first time I ever worked with Bast and Sekhmet together as Eyes of Ra, I channeled them as they hunted and ate a Bad Thing that was living in the basement of the building that housed the druid grove I used to belong to. Whatever it was, it had been attacking people and fucking shit up and the leadership had been having a hard time banishing it because someone else in the building kept mucking with their wards. So I asked for help, and my Ladies delivered!
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
33. What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire?
Oh my goodness, their complete confidence, maybe?  Bast and Sekhmet believe in me like success is the obvious outcome and I love them for it.  They are absolutely fearless as they battle isfet every single day, and they never burn out or get tired of it, and it’s so inspiring. I also really admire their Take No Shit attitudes.  If you need someone to help you enforce boundaries, they’re your girls.  I aspire to be the proud mama Sekhmet is with Maahes, with my own son.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
44. Something you wish you knew about this deity but don’t currently.
Hmm. My current research project is investigating whether there was any cult activity for Bast and/or Sekhmet at the Karnak Temple Complex in Thebes, so that, probably. (If you see a lot of Karnak over the next few days, that's why, hahaha.)
But also I would love to know where the worship of these two goddesses started, and when they first became known as Eyes of Ra.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
27. What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?
This is all very obviously UPG and I'm just gonna list them together because Bast and Sekhmet agree on most of this, okay? Okay.
Black Lives Matter
Stopping the policing of women's sexuality, especially stopping slut shaming and rape culture
Empowerment, basically of anyone who's oppressed
Animal rights
That quality of life is more important than length of life, which is sometimes at odds with modern medicine when it comes to terminal illnesses
Upholding Truth and Justice and Fairness (ie, ma'at)
Opposing oppression and bigotry and miscarriage of justice (ie, isfet)
This is not exactly an "issue" but they are both hype about music festivals because it reminds them of holidays back in the day, with everyone drunk and high and dancing and happy and crazy and just LIVING
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
24. Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
Okay this one took a while because I decided to really get everything out of my copy of the Ancient Egyptian Day Book, soooooo I hope you’re ready for all this!  There’s a lot of stuff and a ton of repetitions because these are holidays from all over Egypt and from many different time periods, but I thought it might be helpful anyhow.  Behind a cut so it doesn’t take up a huge amount of space on everyone’s dash...
Holidays for Bast:
I Akhet 1 - Wep Ronpet, Feast of All the Gods
II Akhet 10 - Appearance of Bast of Ankhtawy
I Akhet 11 - Procession of the Great Flame (Eye of Ra)
I Akhet 18-22 - The Return of the Eye Goddess
II Akhet 13 - Feast of Bast of Bubastis
III Akhet all month - Voyage of Hathor (Bast was part of the entourage)
II Akhet 20 - Procession of Bast of Akhtawy, enraged, in front of Ra
IV Akhet 15 - Feast of Bast and Sekhmet before Ra
IV Akhet 16 - Feast of Bast and Sekhmet of Isheru
I Peret 3 - Feast of the Drunkenness of the Eye of Ra
I Peret 13 - Feast of Bast at Bubastis
I Peret 19-21  She is Led Back (as The Wandering Eye) pt 1
I Peret 20 - Procession of Bast
I Peret 21 - Bast Guards the Two Lands
I Peret 28--II Peret 4 - She is Led Back (as The Wandering Eye) pt 2
I Peret 29 - Djehuty sends Bast and Sekhmet to Protect the Two Lands
II Peret 10 - Going Forth of the Eye in Heliopolis
II Peret 18 - Feast of Bast at Bubastis
III Peret 7 - The Eye of Ra Called to the Shemsu
III Peret 13 - Feast of Bast
III Peret 14 - Procession of the Eye from Letopolis 
IV Peret 1-5 - Feast of Ra and the Eyes of Ra
IV Peret 4 - Great Festival of Chewing Onions for Bast
IV Peret 5 - Boat Procession of Bast
I Shomu 1 - She is Brought (Wandering Eye)
II Shomu 16 - Feast of Bast
II Shomu 30 - Procession of Shu to Retrieve the Eye
III Shomu 13 Feast of Bast of Memphis
IV Shomu 10 - The Eye of Ra Enters the Horizon
Bast as Chronokrater:
I Akhet 9 (as She Whose Head Is Her Pillar, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 12 (as She Who Unites With Her Ba, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 14 (as Great of Magic, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 19 (as The Seeker, and The Flame of the Foreign Lands, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 20 (as The Great Eye Goddess, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 22 (as Mistress of the Embalming Hall, and She Who Is In Her Moment, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 23 (as Lady of Anhtawy)
I Akhet 25 (Lady of Rage, She Whose Understanding Is Great, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 27 (as Mistress of the Jubilation of the Two Lands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 4 (as She In Whom Power Is Found)
II Akhet 6 (as She Who Is in The Hearts, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 14 (as Lady of Khabas)
II Akhet 18 (as Lady of Awakening, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra) 
II Akhet 21 (as Lady of the Flood, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 24 (as She Who Is in The Great Lake, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 1
III Akhet 4 (as She Who Judges Her Father, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 7 (as Lady of the River, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 10 (as Foremost in Her Protection, and Foremost of Her Ka, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 17 (as The Jubilating Protectoress, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 23 (as The Great Unifier, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 29
IV Akhet 10
IV Akhet 12 (as the Manifestations of Bast)
IV Akhet 13 (as She Who Hurries Through the Land)
IV Akhet 14 (as Her Effectiveness Is Within, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 21 (as Lady of Tell Tebilla, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 25 (as She Who Unites The Heavens, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra) 
IV Akhet 27 (as She Who Gives the Desert, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 29 (as Lady of Working, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 3 (as She To Whom Her Face Belongs, and She To Whom Things Belong, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 8
I Peret 9 (as Lady of the Box/Chest)
I Peret 10 (as She Who Generates Her Own Perfection, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 11 (as She Whose Power Exists, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 12 (as Ka of The Great One, and Lady of Writing Among the Primordial Ones, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 16 (as She Who Loves Her People, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 22 (as Lady of Reckoning, Lady of Offering-Foods, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 23 (as Lady of Fate Against Apep, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 24 (as The Lady of Nehnu, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 25 (as Mistress of the Opet Temple, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 28 (as No Silence Within Her, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 2 (as Seed of The Effective Ones, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 4 (as She Who Is Over The East, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 5 (as She Who Is In The Palace, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 10 (as Foremost of Her Head/Front, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 10 (as Lady of Heaven)
II Peret 22 (as She Who Is FIlled With Ma’at, and Lady of Nehenu, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 24 (as Lady of A’ay, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 25 (as Lady of the Father of Fathers, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 26 (as Lady of the Throat, The Unifier, Protectress of the Divine Falcon,  epithets for the Eyes of Ra)  
III Peret 1 (as The Lady of Heritage, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 2 (as Mistress of Rituals, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 3 (as Most Beautiful of the Gods, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 8 (as Lady of the Hidden Land, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 9 (as the Lady of Movement, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 10 (as Lady of Heaven)
III Peret 12 (as Lady of the Flame, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 14 (as Lady of Procrastination, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 15 (as Lady of Running)
III Peret 19 (as The Lady of Stars, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 21 (as The Lady of the Eggs, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 25 (as She in Whose Power The King Is, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 26 (as Whose Face is Malachite Colored, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 27 (as She Who Hears Jubilation, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 28 (as She In Whose Following Are Thousands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 29 (as She Who Binds Her Father, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 30 (as the Silent One, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 1 (as She Who Circles the Desert, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 2 (as Lady of Teeth, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 3 (as Lady of Na’a, a location-epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 4 (as She Who Is Greedy For Gold, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 5 (as Storming One, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 6 (as She From Whose Terror There Is No Fleeing, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 7 (as Lady of Heaven, and as She of the Strong Arm, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 8 (as Lady of the Heavenly Thrones, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 9 (as Mistress of Extinguishing Fires, and She Who Is Great Through Her Power, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 10 (as She Who Watches On The Road, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 11 (as Lady of Offerings, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 12 (as She Who Crosses The 10th Upper Egypt Nome, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 14 (as Lady of Movement, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 16 (as Lady of A’af, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 17 (as Lady of Linen Bandages, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 18 (as She Whose Love Is Made Great or She Who Loves Making Greatness, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 20 (as The Lady of Generation, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 22 (as The Lady of The Night, and Protection is Great in Her, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 23 (as She Who Walks Around Her House, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 25 (as She Whose Papyrus Sceptre Emerges, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 26 (as She For Whom There Is No Darkness and Lady of Repulsing, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 27 (as Lady of Nawet, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 1 (as She Who Raises Up Her Father, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 7 (as She Who Desires Hearts, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 8 (as Beloved of Min, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 9 (as The Flesh of Those Who Belong to the Tribunals, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 14 (as Whose Height Reaches Heaven, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 15 (as She to Whom Jubilation Belongs, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 16 (as She Whose Side Cannot Be Struck, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 18 (as She Who Made Herself Distant, and Mistress of Ancestry, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 20 (as Snake of the Foreign Lands, Lady of the Waters, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 24 (as She Who Is In The Flood, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 26 (as the Lady of Nashi, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 28 (as She Who Watches Over The Land, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 29 (as Lady of Favor, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu (all month; as Eye of Ra, Lady of the Two Lands, Female Sovereign Who Comes in Flames)
II Shomu 2 (as Lady of Migratory Birds, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 3 (as Beloved of the Two Lands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 4 (as Lady of Her Portion, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 5 (as Lady of the Great Waterway and Lady of Creation, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 6 (as Lady of Waters, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 7 (as She Who Belongs to the Heart, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 8 (as From Whose Ka There Is No Fleeing, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 10 (as Lady of the Chest/Box)
II Shomu 11 (as Mistress of Heaven)
II Shomu 12 (as Lady of Khau, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 14 (as Lady of Reckoning, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 17 (as The Lady of That Which Pervades the Gods, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 18 (as Joyful One and She Who Brings the Sacred Lake, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 26 (as She Who Gives Birth to The Foremost of the Land, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 1 (as Effective for the Two Lands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 2 (as She Who Follows Sepa, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 3 (as Lady of the Place of Fighting, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 7 (as Lady of Multitudes, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 8 (as Daughter of Nut, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 9 (as Lady of the Sands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 10 (as Her From Whom No Distance Exists, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 11 (as She Who Is Great Everyday, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 14 (as The Lady of Awakening and Great One of Food Offerings, epithets for the Eyes of Ra) 
III Shomu 16 (as She Who Shines in the Horizon, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 17 (as the Great One, Mistress of the Gods, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 19 (as She Who Is Great In Offerings, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 20 (as The Great Daughter, Lady of the Claw, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 25 (as She of Hidden Magic, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 5 (as Lady of Dawn, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 6 (as She Who Unites with the Primordial Ones, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 13 (as The Encircler, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 14 (as Lady of Offerings, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 16 (as She Who Separates Souls/Bau, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 18 (as She Who Sees, and Lady of Isden, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 21 (as Lady of Necessities, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 26 (as Who Belongs to the Heart of Her Mother, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 27 (as Who Loves the One Who Gives Her Water, and Lady of Working, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 29 (as She of Perfect Working, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
Holidays for Sekhmet:
I Akhet 1 - Wep Ronpet, Feast of All the Gods
I Akhet 1 - Appeasement/Litany of Sekhmet
I Akhet 3 - Feast of the Pacification of Sekhmet-Hethert
I Akhet 11 - Procession of the Great Flame (Eye of Ra)
I Akhet 18-22 - The Return of the Eye Goddess
I Akhet 20 - Feast of the Drunkeness of Hethert-Sekhmet
I Akhet 24 - Procession of Sekhmet
I Akhet 25 - Sekhmet Repels the Associates of Set
III Akhet all month - Voyage of Hathor (Sekhmet was part of the entourage)
III Akhet 1 - Feast of Sekhmet and the Standards of Khnum, Neith, and Nebtu 
III Akhet 29 - Procession of Wadjet, Nekhbet, and Sekhmet (the Three Noble Ladies of Memphis) 
IV Akhet 15 - Feast of Bast and Sekhmet before Ra
IV Akhet 16 - Feast of Bast and Sekhmet of Isheru
I Peret 3 - Feast of the Drunkenness of the Eye of Ra
I Peret 5 - Sekhmet Places the Flame before the Great Ones
I Peret 12 - Answering Every Speech of Sekhmet
I Peret 19-21  She is Led Back (as The Wandering Eye) pt 1
I Peret 28--II Peret 4 - She is Led Back (as The Wandering Eye) pt 2
I Peret 29 - Djehuty sends Bast and Sekhmet to Protect the Two Lands
II Peret 6 - Feast of Sekhmet
II Peret 10 - Going Forth of the Eye in Heliopolis
II Peret 13 - Procession of Sekhmet and Her Knife-Demons
II Peret 20-24 - Birthday of Amun’s Priesthood and Rites for Sekhmet
III Peret 7 - The Eye of Ra Called to the Shemsu
III Peret 14 - Procession of the Eye from Letopolis
IV Peret 1-5 - Feast of Ra and the Eyes of Ra
IV Peret 27 - Sekhmet Rages in the Land of the Tjemhu (Libya)
I Shomu 1 - She is Brought (Wandering Eye)
II Shomu 7 - Going Forth of the Seven Arrows of Sekhmet
II Shomu 16 - Purification of Sekhmet
II Shomu 30 - Day of Pacifying Sekhmet
II Shomu 30 - Procession of Shu to Retrieve the Eye
III Shomu 14 - Feast of Chewing Cucumbers for Sekhmet
IV Shomu 10 - The Eye of Ra Enters the Horizon
Sekhmet as Chronokrater:
I Akhet 1 (as Lady of Power)
I Akhet 3
I Akhet 5 (as She Who Is Loved by Her Lord)
I Akhet 6 (as Sekhmet The Great)
I Akhet 8 (as Lady of Shenut)
I Akhet 9 (as She Whose Head Is Her Pillar, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 12 (as She Who Unites With Her Ba, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 14 (as Great of Magic, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 19 (as The Seeker, and The Flame of the Foreign Lands, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 20
I Akhet 20 (as The Great Eye Goddess, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 22 (as Mistress of the Embalming Hall, and She Who Is In Her Moment, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 23
I Akhet 25 (Lady of Rage, She Whose Understanding Is Great, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Akhet 26 (as Sekhmet The Vigorous)
I Akhet 27 (as Mistress of the Jubilation of the Two Lands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 6 (as She Who Is in The Hearts, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 7 (as Lady of Khefa)
II Akhet 8 (as Lady of the Borders of Places)
II Akhet 11 (as Lady of the Mehen-Snake, and as Lady of the City in Her Lake)
II Akhet 18 (as Lady of Awakening, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 20 (as Lady of Sahret)
II Akhet 21 (as Lady of the Flood, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 22 (as She Whose Heart Is Greater Than Her Father’s)
II Akhet 24 (as She Who Is in The Great Lake, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Akhet 27 (as The Devourer)
III Akhet 1
III Akhet 3
III Akhet 4 (as She Who Judges Her Father, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 7 (as Lady of the River, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 10 (as Foremost in Her Protection, and Foremost of Her Ka, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 17 (as She Who Grasps)
III Akhet 17 (as The Jubilating Protectoress, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 18 (as Lady of the Tent, and Lady of the Divine Booth)
III Akhet 19 (as Lady of Heaven, Mistress of Ankhtawy)
III Akhet 23 (as The Great Unifier, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Akhet 27
IV Akhet (all month, as The Female Sovereign)
IV Akhet 2 (as Lady of the Way)
IV Akhet 3 (as She Who Separates the Pleasured Ones, ie Geb and Nut)
IV Akhet 6 (as Lady of the Knees)
IV Akhet 10
IV Akhet 13 (as Lady of the Tent)
IV Akhet 14 (as Her Effectiveness Is Within, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 15 (as Sweet-of-Life)
IV Akhet 16 (as Lady of the Two Acacia Trees, and as she of Perfect Accuracy)
IV Akhet 21 (as Lady of Tell Tebilla, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 25 (as Sekhmet the Great, Beloved of Ptah)
IV Akhet 25 (as She Who Unites The Heavens, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 27 (as She Who Gives the Desert, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Akhet 29 (as Lady of Working, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 3 (as Mistress of Is-hat)
I Peret 3 (as She To Whom Her Face Belongs, and She To Whom Things Belong, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 4 (as Gold of Her Mother)
I Peret 10 (as She Who Generates Her Own Perfection, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 11 (as She Whose Power Exists, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 12 (as Ka of The Great One, and Lady of Writing Among the Primordial Ones, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 16 (as Lady of the Tent of Ra’s Temple)
I Peret 16 (as She Who Loves Her People, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 19
I Peret 22 (as Lady of Reckoning, Lady of Offering-Foods, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 23 (as Lady of Fate Against Apep, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 24 (as The Lady of Nehnu, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 25 (as Mistress of the Opet Temple, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Peret 28 (as No Silence Within Her, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 2 (as Seed of The Effective Ones, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra) 
II Peret 4 (as She Who Is Over The East, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 5 (as She Who Is In The Palace, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 10 (as Foremost of Her Head/Front, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 10
II Peret 11 (as Foremost of Plagues)
II Peret 12 (as Lady of Rage)
II Peret 15 
II Peret 16 (as Lady of the Great Marshes)
II Peret 17 (as She Who Burns Them)
II Peret 20 (as Sekhmet-Menhit)
II Peret 22 (as She Who Is FIlled With Ma’at, and Lady of Nehenu, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 24 (as Lady of A’ay, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 25 (as Lady of the Father of Fathers, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Peret 26 (as Lady of the Throat, The Unifier, Protectress of the Divine Falcon,  epithets for the Eyes of Ra)  
II Peret 28 (as Lady of the Executioners)
II Peret 29 (as Lady of Trembling)
II Peret 30 (as Nut-Sekhmet)
III Peret 1 (as The Lady of Heritage, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 2 (as Mistress of Rituals, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 3 (as Most Beautiful of the Gods, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 4 (as Sekhmet-Hethert Whose Souls/Bau are Millions)
III Peret 6 (as Sekhmet-Hethert Who Is In the Center of the Heart)
III Peret 8 (as Lady of the Hidden Land, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 9 (as the Lady of Movement, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 12 (as Lady of the Flame, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 13 (as Lady of Twin Lions, and as Lady of Carnelian)
III Peret 14
III Peret 14 (as Lady of Procrastination, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 19 (as The Lady of Stars, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 21 (as The Lady of the Eggs, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 24 (as Sekhmet the Eye of Ra)
III Peret 25 (as She in Whose Power The King Is, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 26 (as Whose Face is Malachite Colored, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 27 (as Tefnut-Sekhmet, Great in Millions)
III Peret 27 (as She Who Hears Jubilation, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 28 (as She In Whose Following Are Thousands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 29 (as She Who Binds Her Father, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Peret 30 (as the Silent One, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 1 (as She Who Circles the Desert, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 2 (as Lady of Teeth, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 3 (as Lady of Na’a, a location-epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 4 (as She Who Is Greedy For Gold, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 5 (as Storming One, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 6 (as She From Whose Terror There Is No Fleeing, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 7 (as She of the Strong Arm, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra) 
IV Peret 8 (as Lady of the Heavenly Thrones, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 9 (as Mistress of Extinguishing Fires, and She Who Is Great Through Her Power, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 10 (as She Who Watches On The Road, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 11 (as Lady of Offerings, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 12 (as She Who Crosses The 10th Upper Egypt Nome, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 13 (as Lady of the Great Ones)
IV Peret 14 (as Sekmet-Menhit)
IV Peret 14 (as Lady of Movement, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 16 (as Lady of A’af, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 17 (as Lady of Linen Bandages, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 18 (as She Whose Love Is Made Great or She Who Loves Making Greatness, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 20 (as The Lady of Generation, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 22 (as The Lady of The Night, and Protection is Great in Her, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 23 (as Lady of Letopolis)
IV Peret 23 (as She Who Walks Around Her House, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 25 (as She Whose Papyrus Sceptre Emerges, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 26 (as She For Whom There Is No Darkness, and Lady of Repulsing, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 27 (as Lady of Nawet, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Peret 28
I Shomu 1 (as She Who Raises Up Her Father, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 3 (as Lady of Ikhenet-hy)
I Shomu 6
I Shomu 7 (as She Who Desires Hearts, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 8 (as Lady of the Road/Way)
I Shomu 8 (as Beloved of Min, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 9 (as The Flesh of Those Who Belong to the Tribunals, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 9 (as Lady of Is-hat)
I Shomu 10 (as Lady of the Watering Place, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 11 (as Lady of Procession, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 14 (as Whose Height Reaches Heaven, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 15 (as She to Whom Jubilation Belongs, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 16 (as She Whose Side Cannot Be Struck, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 18 (as She Who Made Herself Distant, and Mistress of Ancestry, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 20 (as Snake of the Foreign Lands, Lady of the Waters, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 24 (as She Who Is In The Flood, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 25 (as Who Rejects Evil)
I Shomu 26 (as the Lady of Nashi, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 28 (as She Who Watches Over The Land, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
I Shomu 29 (as Lady of Favor, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu (all month; as Eye of Ra, Lady of the Two Lands, Female Sovereign Who Comes in Flames)
II Shomu 2 (as Lady of Migratory Birds, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 3 (as Beloved of the Two Lands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 4 (as Lady of Her Portion, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 5 (as Lady of the Great Waterway and Lady of Creation, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 6 (as Lady of Waters, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 7 (as She Who Belongs to the Heart, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 8 (as From Whose Ka There Is No Fleeing, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 12 (as Lady of Khau, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 14 (as Lady of Reckoning, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 17 (as The Lady of That Which Pervades the Gods, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
II Shomu 18 (as Lady of Ihu)
II Shomu 18 (as Joyful One and She Who Brings the Sacred Lake, epithets for the Eyes of Ra) 
II Shomu 20 (as Lady of Raging)
II Shomu 26 (as She Who Gives Birth to The Foremost of the Land, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 1 (as Effective for the Two Lands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 2 (as She Who Follows Sepa, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 3 (as Lady of the Place of Fighting, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 7 (as Lady of Multitudes, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 8 (as Daughter of Nut, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 9 (as Lady of the Sands, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 10 (as Her From Whom No Distance Exists, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 11 (as She Who Is Great Everyday, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 13
III Shomu 14 (as Sekhmet-Menhit)
III Shomu 14 (as The Lady of Awakening and Great One of Food Offerings, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 16 (as She Who Shines in the Horizon, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 17 (as the Great One, Mistress of the Gods, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 18 (as Lady of Neferu)
III Shomu 19 (as She Who Is Great In Offerings, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 20
III Shomu 20 (as The Great Daughter, Lady of the Claw, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 25 (as She of Hidden Magic, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
III Shomu 30
IV Shomu 5 (as Lady of Dawn, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 6 (as She Who Unites with the Primordial Ones, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 7
IV Shomu 11 (as Sekhmet the Powerful Eye)
IV Shomu 12
IV Shomu 13 (as The Encircler, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 14 (as Lady of Offerings, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 16 (as She Who Separates Souls/Bau, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 18 (as She Who Sees, and Lady of Isden, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 21 (as Friend of the Gods)
IV Shomu 21 (as Lady of Necessities, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 26 (as Who Belongs to the Heart of Her Mother, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 27 (as Who Loves the One Who Gives Her Water, and Lady of Working, epithets for the Eyes of Ra)
IV Shomu 29 (as She of Perfect Working, an epithet for the Eyes of Ra)
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
37. A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think resonates strongly with this deity.
Nothing really came to mind except actual prayers, so have two proverbs instead?
Bast: A cat may look at a King.
Sekhmet: Fortune favors the brave
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
25. Places associated with this deity and their worship
Bast's major cult center was in Bubastis (aka Per-Bast), the city that took its name from hers. She is also associated with Lower Egypt.
Sekhmet's major cult center was Memphis, and she is associated with Upper Egypt.
They both had cult activity at different times in Leontopolis (aka Taremu), and I have upg I haven't yet managed to confirm (because I need to get to a university library or something) that at one point, the main temple there served both of them together, and performed Oracular work.
There are numerous other, smaller areas associated with their cult activity, and some of those can be found in my list of all the holidays, or other lists of epithets that have survived the ages.
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
42. How has your relationship with this deity changed over time?
Oh, wow, um. At first it was just Bast, without Sekhmet, and not especially as an Eye of Ra. She was more general and I was just getting to know her and my practice was... very eclectic? Loose.
Over time, I've drifted more into Kemetic Revivalism and maybe even Reconstructionism. Egyptology and archaeology and the surviving religious literature have been becoming increasingly important to my practice, often as a way to find support (or arguments against) my UPG.
The Oracular Priestess-initiate path I'm on is the most recent piece of the puzzle, and it's still largely UPG, but it mirrors the work of some others on Oracular paths. For now, I'm content with that, but I will continue to research as much as I can. (To that end, if anyone knows a good source for the oracular work of the Karnak Temple Complex during the 18th Dynasty, that's my current rabbit hole and I'd be forever grateful.)
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eyes-of-ra · 6 years
45 Kemetic Prompts
41. A time when this deity has refused to help.
Ummmmm... Legitimately nothing comes to mind as I sit here and wrack my brain. I imagine there have been times when Bast and/or Sekhmet told me to ask someone else, or when they told me I was asking for the wrong thing but idk????
I'm usually pretty careful of what I ask, and leave things open ended so that I get what I need, not just what I want.
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