#46 hail marys
kdinjenzen · 10 months
I was a industry vet too I worked for jamdat mobile who owned Tetris then bought by ea mobile ,slaved as a temp gig worker for years at EA laid off finally got into software testing at cbs interactive for years they sold off any properties that weren’t streaming focus in 2020 . I got sold with that deal ( I didn’t even know till I got the actual offer letter bet you can guess how that felt) I also had a massive medical crisis which has now led me to transitioning at 46 (uglycrysobbing) after being sold and then onboarding their ad tech stack to all their properties the promptly laid us off ( it was all the old people lol) so from last June to about this July I was unemployed and literally about to be homeless on the street as my final few dollars of 401k disappeared. I was searching too,applying to everything from tech to Trader Joe’s it was so hard. I did find something after throwing a Hail Mary play help me find something post. I found a job and also a safe place to transition (in theory still trying to connect an endocrinologist and revel my self to work but the vibe is good ) I want to channel my good fortune into you as well as helping reblog and stuff.
I’m so happy your story has a happy conclusion and that you found a safe place to transition.
The industry, as a whole, is still so volatile and hateful toward trans folks (trans women especially) and having a safe place is worth it’s weight in gold.
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mirqmarq428 · 8 months
Just finished listening to Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir (wrote the Martian).
10/10 definitely pirate this one it's amazing (spoilers under cut, but seriously read/listen it first the pacing of reveals is perfect). Unless you hate space realism and germ science and interspecies bromance
Rocky's story is so tragic. His people built a space elevator straight away but never bothered going to the moon. They have no idea about Relativity or even radiation, yet they send a desperate mission of 23 experts and only. one. survives. Imagine. You just idle around the general vicinity of your best clue because you have no way to do the necessary science. For 46 fucking years. And then one day this meatsack in a tiny ship turns up and he's also the sole survivor of his mission. An actual alien lifeform who's affected by the same extinction level plight with mind-blowing scientific knowledge that explains every mystery of your tragic voyage. So you team up out of necessity and loneliness and move into his ship. Finally the two of you hatch a plan to get the world-saving biomatter and on the way out there's a problem with the fuel acceleration and your only companion, this magical savior man, falls upward under his chair and almost dies and you can't let him die, he's got a planet to save too, so you run out of your environment and pick him up even tho the air is way too cold and thin for you and the blood in your nose is burning off. And just as you're fading out you see him wake up so at least his people won't die.
And then you wake up a week later and find out he seriously injured himself saving you as soon as you saved him. And now both of you are so unimaginably lucky to be alive, especially since he tried to clean you out to speed up the healing and accidentally tore all your scabs off.
So together the two of you make the thing to save both your worlds, but it gets into the fuel so you have to clean it out. You part ways and you're puttering along back home on the course he plotted because you still don't understand the math that got you here. And all of a sudden your power is just. Completely gone. So you drift in the right direction slowly and you're trying every single thing you could think of to save the fuel source from contamination and two of your five appendages are badly dinged up but nothing works dammit.
And then. He comes back for you. He threw away his chance of going home and he's knocking on your wall and he knows exactly what happened and he has the solution and he's going to get you home and save your planet. And he's completely confident that he's going to die as soon as he gets you home because apparently your food is toxic to him.
So you return and save the world and the best minds come together and make your friend a nice little environment and he's alive and his lifespan is so short compared to yours but he's really impressed with your society and you can still hang out with him whenever.
Just. The emotion. I got really close to crying at least 3 times.
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twinsfawn · 26 days
4, 12, 46! :))
4. which cryptid do you believe in?
honestly none of them but i’d love for the loveland frog to be real because it’s so fucking ridiculous. a humanoid frog who is also a wizard
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12. what kind of day is it?
unfortunately it’s been like this for the past two months
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46. favorite holiday film?
this is kind of a hail mary but i’ll just say ginger snaps and practical magic. i assume this ask is supposed to be more about christmas-esque films but i simply do not give a fuck about christmas. then i was like “okay pick a halloween movie” but despite loving a lot of spooky stuff i was hard pressed to think of one i enjoy that’s actually About halloween. those two films are tangentially about halloween so we’ll count it
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negative-speedforce · 2 months
13, 19, 26, 27, 46, 49 for any of your Trek OCs in the Unusual HC prompt list, please?
Answering for my OCs Liah Abdul and Qiara
13: do they like the room cold or hot when they sleep?
Liah and her other partner Marie keep the room warm, since they're both from species that hail from rather warm planets.
Qiara... doesn't really care. She doesn't really experience temperature like naturally corporeal beings do, so she'll just go along with what her girlfriends do.
19: what are their phobias? do they have any at all?
Liah has severe agoraphobia. She can't stand crowds, which is why she ran away to join Starfleet after finding out just what being a movie star entails.
Qiara doesn't exactly have any "phobias" per se, but she's terrified that one day she'll need to use her powers to save someone, and they won't work, since they're spotty at best.
26: what are they most passionate about? what could they debate about for hours?
Liah is most passionate about dance! Specifically Bollywood style dancing, but she knows a lot about other kinds of dance as well. However, one thing she could debate for hours (and the one thing she's willing to get into a vehement argument for) is pacifism.
Qiara, being an omnipotent space god, knows a whole lot about just about everything. However, knowledge doesn't equal praxis, so she gets in a lot of arguments with her superiors because she thinks she knows everything, but doesn't really have the experience to implement it.
27: what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever?
Liah would prefer to put that incident with Mork, her almost ex-husband, behind her. Liah was drugged and kidnapped by a group of Ferengi while at a bar, and was nearly forced to marry one of them, until Qiara and Marie showed up and saved her before Liah could finish the vows.
Qiara would prefer not to speak about her condition. Because of something that went wrong when she was willed into existence by another Q, Qiara's powers don't really work right. Using them at all completely exhausts her, and sometimes, they're volatile and hard to control. However, this embarrasses her, and she'd prefer not to talk about it.
46: if they could control one thing in the world, what would it be?
Liah would like to be able to control weapons, only so she could force them to not work. Because her parents died in an uprising when she was 4, Liah's developed strong pacifistic tendencies, believing that war (and all other kinds of violence) are inherently wrong.
Qiara would like to be able to control her own powers. They're erratic and patchy at best, and she'd like to be able to keep them in check, and always be able to access them when she needs them.
49: do they have a creative outlet? if so, what is it?
Liah loves music and dance. Since she's not a big fan of large crowds, sometimes she'll perform for small groups, usually for friends who are having a birthday or something.
Qiara enjoys watercolors. She's not exactly talented with it, since art isn't exactly something you're taught when you're supposed to be all-powerful, but it makes her feel like there's something in her life she can control.
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officialjeffprobst · 3 months
Survivor 46 Episode 4 Thoughts
This episode really frustrated me. For the past three episodes, I found Banhu entertaining, but this episode was torturous. From the moment Yanu lost immunity, it was clear he was going home and watching him beg on his knees and make no effort to throw a hail mary or ANYTHING just made the ending of the episode just drag on and on. It’s so annoying seeing tribes get decimated like this. I pray for a tribe swap or SOMETHING so that we don’t see Yanu go to tribal again. 
As funny as I found Jem’s little manufactured idol hunt, we are getting basically no strategic content from Siga. To spend THIS much time on Banhu for him to go like that, while we could be getting info from people who will actually go far in the game, is displeasing. While we did get a little more from Nami like last week, it seemed like a crumb compared to Banhu imploding. 
I am really hoping that things will turn around soon. It seems like there are plenty of people wanting to play hard and I can’t wait to see this strategic minds go head to head and/or team up.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Do you think Ashley will be mentioned or at least coming in future RE games? if so what do you think her role might be? I heard alot of fans wanting re6 remake and replacing Helena with Ashley????? what are your thoughts on that??
off topic but I js wanted to say that I absolutely love your analysis on everything it's so accurate and lovely 🫶🏻🫶🏻💕
RE fans are so fucking stupid oh my god LMAO Capcom isn't going to delete and overwrite a playable protagonist, jfc. And Helena didn't do anything wrong to deserve getting punished like that. Jackasses.
I've talked about this a little bit before, but I don't see them bringing Ashley back in the OG timeline. I really just don't. I think the only way we get her back is if the Remake games become their own offshoot series.
And the reason why I say that is because she's not going to get brought back without Leon, and Leon has maybe one more mainline title in him before Capcom's going to be forced to retire his character due to his age. He's canonically turning 46 this year, so if he's not in RE9 (which will likely put him around 47-49), his story will have to end in RE10, because there's no way they're keeping him going past age 55.
And to bring Ashley back this late in the game seems absolutely ludicrous. They'd have to find some way to explain where the fuck she's been and what the fuck she's been doing for over twenty years. And that's absurd, even by RE standards.
I mean. I guess it's not impossible. Rebecca was absent for 16 in-universe years, but. She's also Rebecca. It's way easier to bring someone like her back and handwave it away that she's already met and known the other protagonists that she's never shared a game with, simply by virtue of her being a Raccoon City survivor and being connected to everyone through Chris and Jill. Ashley doesn't have that. She only knows Leon and has absolutely no reason to ever meet anyone else.
I feel like the only way we see Ashley return in the OG timeline is if Capcom pulls the rug out from under fucking everyone and makes her Leon's happily ever after at the zero hour. Like, he finally hangs up his gun and retires and Ashley is the home he returns to. AND THAT'S NEVER GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN LOL (but dear god could you imagine how incredibly hilarious it'd be if it did??? the fandom would never recover)
She might get a mention. Sure. I was shocked to see her mentioned in Infinite Darkness, so now I won't be shocked if she gets another mention somewhere -- maybe in a memo in a game or something. But... I really just think it's been too long to have her be a physical presence in the storyline anymore.
And I'd love to be wrong. Really, I would love to be wrong in this instance. Maybe the writers over at Capcom have an Aaron Rogers-tier Hail Mary up their sleeves to shock and awe me with and they could actually pull off a return for her.
But I really think our best bet is hoping for the Remake timeline theory to become reality.
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ulmo80 · 6 months
📚Books I've read in 2023📚
1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, F. Scott Fitzgerald
2. The Quiet Gentleman, Georgette Heyer
3. The Turn of the Screw, Henry James
4. The Book of Magic, Alice Hoffman
5. Abaddon's Gate, James S. A. Corey
6. The Blue Castle, L. M. Montgomery
7. Cibola Burn, James S. A. Corey
8. The Adventures of Pinocchio, Carlo Collodi
9. The Foundling, Georgette Heyer
10. Hamlet, William Shakespeare
11. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne
12. Dangerous Women, Anthology Edited by George R. R. Martin
13. Artemis, Andy Weir
14. The Miserable Mill, Lemony Snicket
15. The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
16. The Last Olympian, Rick Riordian
17. Gerald's Game, Stephen King
18. Mirror in the Mirror: A Labyrinth, Michael Ende
19. The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas
20. Nemesis Games, James S. A. Corey
21. Harrow the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
22. The Austere Academy, Lemony Snicket
23. Rogues, Anthology Edited by George R. R. Martin
24. Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
25. Babylon's Ashes, James S. A. Corey
26. Arabella, Georgette Heyers
27. The Ersatz Elevator, Lemony Snicket
28. The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood
29. Nona the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
30. The Vile Village, Lemony Snicket
31. The Hostile Hospital, Lemony Snicket
32. Fire and Blood, George R.R. Martin
33. Anne of Ingleside, L. M. Montgomery
34. Rainbow Valley, L. m. Montgomery
35. The Carnivorous Carnival, Lemony Snicket
36. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Douglas Adams
37. Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen
38. The Slippery Slope, Lemony Snicket
39. The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann
40. The Grim Grotto, Lemony Snicket
41. Project Hail Mary, Andy Weir
42. A Civil Contract, Georgette Heyer
43. The Penultimate Peril, Lemony Snicket
44. The End, Lemony Snicket
45. The Angel of Darkness, Caleb Carr
46. Y colocín, colorado... Tú, David Safier
47. The Hitchshiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
48. The Chestnut Man, Søren Sveistrup
49. El Juego del Ángel (The Angel's Game), Carlos Ruiz Zafón
50. The Prison of Freedom, Michael Ende
51. Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart, Chrétien de Troyes and Godefroi de Leigni
52. A Room with a View, E. M. Foster
53. A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
54. La Cocinera de Castamar (The Cook of Castamar), Fernando J. Núñez
55. Sleeping Beauties, Stephen King & Owen King
56. Love Among the Chickens, P. G. Wodehouse
57. The King's Man, Elizabeth Kingston
58. 1984, George Orwell
59. My family and other animals, Gerald Durrell
60. The Princess Bride, William Goldman
61. Birds, Beasts and Relatives, Gerald Durrrell
62. The Garden of the Gods, Gerald Durrell
63. Dead Until Dark, Charlaine Harris
64. Living Dead in Dallas, Charlaine Harris
65. Club Dead, Charlaine Harris
66. Rivers of London, Ben Aaronovitch
67. Dead to the World, Charlaine Harris
68. Dead as a Doornail, Charlaine Harris
69. Definitely Dead, Charlaine Harris
70. All Together Dead, Charlaine Harris
71. From Dead to Worse, Charlaine Harris
72. Dead and Gone, Charlaine Harris
73. Moon Over Soho, Ben Aaronovitch
74. Dead in the Family, Charlaine Harris
75. A Touch of Dead, Charlaine Harris
76. Kiki's Delivery Service, Eiko Kadono
77. Whispers Under Ground, Ben Aaronovitch
78. The Inimitable Jeeves, P. G. Wodehouse
79. Persepolis Rising, James S. A. Corey
80. Cranford, Elizabeth Gaskell
81. El Silencio del Asesino, Concha López Narváez. I read it because one of my students asked me. She had to read it for school (she's in 9nth grade), and want for me to explain her the end because she got confussed and doubted her reading comprhension. It's a murder mystery withouth the mystery, omniscient narrator that's a jumping POV, and the cheapest plot twists at the end. It was painful, a mess. Poor girl, of course she was confussed.
82. Drive, James S. A. Corey
83. The Churn, James S. A. Corey
84. The Butcher of Anderson Station, James S. A. Corey
85. The Last Flight of the Cassandra, James S. A Corey
86. Tiamat's Wrath, James S. A. Corey
87. Gods of Risk, James S. A. Corey
88. The Vital Abyss, James S. A. Corey
89. Strange Dogs, James S. A. Corey
90. Auberon, James S. A. Corey
91. Cotillion, Georgette Heyer
92. The Great Gastby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
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tiny012 · 10 months
I remember how in the DiC English dub of the episode where Sailor Moon is revealed to be the princess, Luna says that the four are the princesses of their respective planets, but they all lived on the Moon at times. The original Japanese dub never said this. Even in the ice skating episode, Artemis even refers to Mako's past self as "Princess Jupiter" while in the Japanese dub, he calls her "Sailor Jupiter". But the DiC unintentionally makes things worse because even with it making all the girls princesses, they still shit on Usagi for not being princess like when the others are no better.
I was about to throw a Hail Mary theory really quick but it's not going to work either after looking at the Sailor Moon Chrono sheet.
Meaning it was going to be far far far stretch anyway but a tiny tiny tiny pinch a possibly but after looking at the sheet nope.
Since the Dic Dub started when the 90's anime and the Manga was both on the Dream arc , my Hail Mary theory was going to be that the dic dub writers may have read dream arc and knew that it the Senshi was going to be confirmed as princesses of their planets but that was shot down quickly as I thought about it.
Two reasons why
Number 1
Act 46 Dream 7 Mirror Dream was released Oct 6 1995
The act we found out there are princesses was Act 48 Dream 10 Princess Dream was released Feb 2nd 1996
Episode 30 Crystal Clear Destiny was released Oct 20 1995
Episode 31 A Reluctant Princess was released Oct 23 1995
So that's is out the window since no one ( Manga,(90's anime sub and dub) found they were princesses until four months after.
Number 2
They wasn't even translated yet since they was just being released in Japan. The Mixx translations didn't even come out until 1997 and they didn't get the rights to translated to English until 1996
So that Hail Mary theory is out the window!! Lmao!
So A Plausible Theory.
I think we can chalk up with DiC decision to make them princess even tho it was not even canon yet in the Manga or 90's anime is to being that Serena was a princess so her other four friends have to be princess too. Since they would be considered not only her protectors but her court and most ladies of the court was either princesses of another land or High ranking Ladies.
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sophia-sol · 1 year
Books I read in 2022!
I spent a lot of this year messing with my brain chemicals, in order to find a medication that worked well for me, and what that means is that I spent a lot of this year varyingly exhausted, out of it, too anxious to function, and a bunch of states in between. So I kind of feel like my reading this year was all over the place too, as a result. But I still somehow managed to do a fair amount of reading! Did you know: I like books. I like books a lot.
Books read: 104
Rereads: 20
Books with male authors: 18
Books with female authors: 83
Books with nonbinary authors: 5
Books with authors of colour: 46
5-star books: 18
4-star books: 48
3-star books: 36
2-star books: 2
1-star books: 0
This year and going forward I plan to not think about these numbers in the context of percentage of books read. I have realised that that approach is unhelpful to me, and too often leads to me choosing to not read anything at all if I don't have something appealing on hand that will increase the percentages on the Morally Correct Stats. It's good to read diversely! But it's also good to just....actually read.
Here's the list of all the books I read this year! Please feel free to talk to me about them! I love talking about books!
*** A Snake Falls to Earth, by Darcie Little Badger
**** Heartstopper volume 3, by Alice Oseman
**** The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System volume 1, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
*** This Poison Heart, by Kalynn Bayron
**** The Flatshare, by Beth O'Leary
*** The Kingdoms, by Natasha Pulley
***** Vespertine, by Margaret Rogerson
*** Kiki Kallira Breaks a Kingdom, by Sangu Mandanna
**** Chaos on Catnet, by Naomi Kritzer
**** The Jasmine Throne, by Tasha Suri
**** A Marvellous Light, by Freya Marske
*** Heartstopper volume 4, by Alice Oseman
*** Tidesong, by Wendy Xu
**** Almost American Girl, by Robin Ha - nf
**** The Legend of Auntie Po, by Shing Yin Khor
*** A Spindle Splintered, by Alix E Harrow
** Project Hail Mary, by Andy Weir
*** The Complete Debarkle: Saga of a Culture War, by Camestros Felapton
- nf
**** Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism, by Elsa Sjunneson
- nf
***** The Terracotta Bride, by Zen Cho
*** Victories Greater than Death, by Charlie Jane Anders
***** Elder Race, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
**** The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, volume 2, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Where the Wild Ladies Are, by Aoko Matsuda, translated by Polly Barton
*** Race the Sands, by Sarah Beth Durst
*** Dracula, by Bram Stoker
**** Iron Widow, by Xiran Jay Zhao
***** Too Bright to See, by Kyle Lukoff
**** The Past is Red, by Catherynne M Valente
***** All the Horses of Iceland, by Sarah Tolmie
***** Favourite Folktales, translated by [redacted]
*** The Hellion's Waltz, by Olivia Waite
*** The Magnolia Sword, by Sherry Thomas
***** The Blue Castle, by Lucy Maud Montgomery
***** Siren Queen, by Nghi Vo
*** Swim Team, by Johnnie Christmas
***** Make, Sew and Mend, by Bernadette Banner
- nf
*** The Grief of Stones, by Katherine Addison
*** Swan Lake: Quest for the Kingdoms, by Rey Terciero
***** Spirits Abroad, by Zen Cho
**** Me and White Supremacy, by Layla F Saad - nf
*** Fevered Star, by Rebecca Roanhorse
**** A Mirror Mended, by Alix E Harrow
**** Outcast, by Rosemary Sutcliff
*** Song for a Dark Queen, by Rosemary Sutcliff
**** The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water, by Zen Cho
***** The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, Volume 3 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
*** The Last Mapmaker, by Christina Soontornvat
*** 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne
*** Fireheart Tiger, by Aliette de Bodard
*** Birds Through an Opera-Glass, by Florence A. Merriam
- nf
***** A Desolation Called Peace, by Arkady Martine
*** Soulstar, by CL Polk
**** The Odyssey, by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson
**** Glass Town: The Imaginary World of the Brontës, by Isabel Greenberg
*** Have His Carcase, by Dorothy Sayers
**** Moby-Dick; or, the Whale, by Herman Melville
*** Folktales of Japan, edited by Keigo Seki, translated by Robert J Adams
***** The Haunting of Tram Car 015, by P Djèlí Clark
***** The Black God's Drums, by P Djèlí Clark
**** The Bear and the Nightingale, by Katherine Arden
*** Skin of the Sea, by Natasha Bowen
**** When You Trap a Tiger, by Tae Keller
**** Squire, by Nadia Shammas and Sara Alfageeh
*** The Girl in the Tower, by Katherine Arden
***** Kaufman Field Guide to Advanced Birding, by Kenn Kaufman
- nf
*** The Winter of the Witch, by Katherine Arden
**** Gideon the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir
** A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, by Foz Meadows
**** Empire of Sand, by Tasha Suri
**** Last Night at the Telegraph Club, by Malinda Lo
**** Realm of Ash, by Tasha Suri
***** Ducks, by Kate Beaton
**** Harrow the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir
**** Nona the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir
**** Radcliffe Hall, by Miyuki Jane Pinckard
*** The Golden Enclaves, by Naomi Novik
*** Sailor's Delight, by Rose Lerner
**** The Wife in the Attic, by Rose Lerner
*** Sisters of the Vast Black, by Lina Rather
*** Passing Strange, by Ellen Klages
**** A Taste of Honey, by Kai Ashante Wilson
*** The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System, Volume 4, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Into the Riverlands, by Nghi Vo
***** Ocean's Echo, by Everina Maxwell
**** Dracula, by Bram Stoker, edited by Matt Kirkland (Dracula Daily)
*** The Black Tides of Heaven, by Neon Yang
**** Sorcerer of the Wildeeps, by Kai Ashante Wilson
*** Moira's Pen, by Megan Whalen Turner
**** Heaven Official's Blessing, Volume 1, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Heaven Official's Blessing, Volume 2, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Heaven Official's Blessing, Volume 3, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Heaven Official's Blessing, Volume 4, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Illuminations, by T Kingfisher
**** Heaven Official's Blessing, Volume 5-8, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** The Ramsay Scallop, by Frances Temple
**** Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke
**** Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night, by Iona Datt Sharma and Katherine Fabian
**** Island of Ghosts, by Gillian Bradshaw
***** Code Name Verity, by Elizabeth Wein
*** Schemes of the Wayfarer, by Drew Sarkis
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branzycrafted · 2 years
Aka @clownpierced's playlist :D Cause mine was before this one and I did both of ours fhfjjs
Again!! Not all the songs are on Spotify and some might be specific versions so that's why there's also the YouTube one with all of the proper songs
(And yeah we have like most of these songs in common but y'know)
[Spotify playlist]
[YouTube playlist]
1. Dr. Sunshine Is Dead (Will Wood)
2. Thermodynamic Lawyer Esq, G.F.D. (Will Wood)
3. BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA (Will Wood)
4. Ruler Of Everything (Tally Hall)
5. & (Tally Hall)
6. Turn Off The Lights (P!ATD)
7. A Gorey Demise (Creature Feature)
10. Whose Eye Is It Anyway??? (Jhariah)
11. BAD LUCK! (Jhariah)
12. Flight Of The Crows (Jhariah)
13. Punk Tactics (Joey Valence & Brae)
14. Bad Romance (Halestorm)
15. Bitches (MSI)
16. Blame (Bastille)
17. Blood // Water (grandson)
18. Left Behind (DAGames)
19. Break My Mind (DAGames)
20. Just Gold (Caleb Hyles)
21. I Got No Time (CG5)
22. Control (Social Repose cover/mashup ver.)
23. Darkside (Neoni)
24. Brittle Bones Nicky (Rare Americans)
26. Everybody Likes You (Lemon Demon)
27. My Ordinary Life (The Living Tombstone)
28. Everybody Loves Me (OneRepublic)
29. Are You Satisfied? (MARINA)
30. brutal (Olivia Rodrigo)
31. Ballad Of The Lonely Hearts (BVB)
32. Achilles Come Down (Gang Of Youths)
33. Dysphoric (Cavetown)
34. Goodbye (Bo Burnham)
35. Body (Mother Mother)
36. Freak Show (SIO)
37. Gasoline (Halsey)
38. Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart (Mitski)
39. Sweet Hibiscus Tea (Penelope Scott)
40. Little Lion Man (Mumford & Sons)
41. No Children (The Mountain Goats)
42. Mr. Brightside (The Killers)
43. My Alcoholic Friends (The Dresdin Dolls)
44. New Americana (Halsey)
45. Nobody's Hero (BVB)
46. Told Ya So (Get Scared)
47. Sarcasm (Get Scared)
48. Hail To The King (Avenged Sevenfold)
49. Requiem (Avenged Sevenfold)
50. Hokus Pokus (ICP)
51. My Axe (ICP)
53. I Can't Decide (The Scissor Sisters)
54. Killer (The Ready Set)
55. Fighter (Jack Stauber)
56. Teen Idle (MARINA)
57. Enemy (Imagine Dragons)
58. Honey I'm Home (Ghost and Pals)
59. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Daft Punk)
60. The Horror And The Wild (The Amazing Devil)
61. Farewell Wanderlust (The Amazing Devil)
62. Liar Liar (Burn In Hell) (The Used)
63. Prisoner (James Arthur)
64. Renegades (X Ambassadors)
65. Resurrect The Sun (BVB)
66. Revived (Derivakat)
67. Casino Royale (Derivakat)
68. Scotty Doesn't Know (Lustra)
69. Bitchboy (The Oozes)
70. Fuck Away The Pain (Divide The Day)
71. Royals (Lorde)
72. Dear Diary, (BMTH)
73. Parasite Eve (BMTH)
74. Crucify Me (BMTH)
75. Alligator Blood (BMTH)
76. The Fox And The Wolf (BMTH)
77. sugar honey ice & tea (BMTH)
78. Welcome To The Black Parade (MCR)
79. Centuries (FOB)
80. Uma Thurman (FOB)
81. w.a.m.s. (FOB)
82. 20 Dollar Nosebleed (FOB)
83. West Coast Smoker (FOB)
84. Build God, Then We'll Talk (P!ATD)
85. Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time (P!ATD)
86. Emperor's New Clothes (P!ATD)
87. Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off (P!ATD)
88. There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet (P!ATD)
89. Victorious (P!ATD)
90. Bleed Magic (IDKHOW)
91. Absinthe (IDKHOW)
92. We Both Reached For The Gun (Chicago)
93. Combat Carousel (Nombra101)
94. ClownPierce's Theme (Nombra101)
95. Born To Win (Nombra101)
97. Hello Kitty (Jazmin Bean)
98. ECHO (Crusher-P)
99. Karma (VocaCircus)
100. KING (Kanaria)
101. Mary On A Cross (Ghost)
102. Running Up That Hill (Loveless)
103. Blow My Brains Out (Tikkle Me)
104. Hayloft (Mother Mother)
105. Hayloft II (Mother Mother)
106. World's Smallest Violin (AJR)
107. Burn The House Down (AJR)
108. Bang! (AJR)
109. Eleanor Rigby (Remastered 2015) (The Beatles)
110. King For A Day (PTV)
111. Black Cat (Never Shout Never)
112. Thnks fr th Mmrs (FOB)
113. Ancient History (SIO)
114. Devil Town (Cavetown)
115. Love Like You (Caleb Hyles & Ashe cover)
116. Sweater Weather (The Neighborhood)
117. Strawberry Blond (Mitski)
118. My Demons (STARSET)
119. Lock Me Up (The Cab)
120. Teeth (5SOS)
121. Tear In My Heart (TOP)
122. Partners In Crime (SIO)
123. Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back (MCR)
124. The Last Of The Real Ones (FOB)
125. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (SIO)
126. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid (The Offspring)
127. Angel With A Shotgun (The Cab)
128. Icarus (Bastille)
129. Crazy = Genius (P!ATD)
130. Fear & Delight (The Correspondents)
131. Starkiller (Bear Ghost)
132. Paper Planes (M.I.A.)
133. Do It All The Time (IDKHOW)
134. Devil I Know (Allie X)
135. Royalty (Connor Maynard)
136. Looking Like This (Lyre Le Temps)
137. Build Our Machine (DAGames)
138. The Devil's Swing (Fandroid & Caleb Hyles)
139. Kiss Me (Jazzotron vs Jamie Berry)
140. Swagger Stagger (Lucas Pittman)
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shiptowreck · 6 months
been seeing end of year reading posts going around and wanted to share the list of everything i read this year!! it’s under the cut if you’re interested :)
1. Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed
2. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin
3. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
4. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
5. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
6. Mysteries of Thorn Manor by Margaret Rogerson
7. Educated by Tara Westover
8. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
9. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
10. Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
11. Joan by Katherine J. Chen
12. Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann
13. Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell
14. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
15. Superfan by Jen Sookfong Lee
16. Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin
17. Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
18. The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison
19. Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
20. Idol Burning by Rin Usami
21. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
22. The Disaster Tourist by Yun Ko-eun
23. Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
24. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
25. Bones and All by Camille DeAngelis
26. Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
27. Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy
28. Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
29. Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young
30. Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
31. Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski
32. The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
33. Get Rich or Lie Trying by Symeon Brown
34. Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
35. A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard
36. Found: An Anthology of Found Footage Horror Stories
37. Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
38. None of This Rocks by Joe Trohman
39. The Radium Girls by Kate Moore
40. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
41. We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
42. Near the Bone by Christina Henry
43. The Road by Cormac McCarthy
44. The Lonely City by Olivia Laing
45. Slewfoot by Brom
46. Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice
47. Uprooted by Naomi Novik
48. In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
49. Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
50. Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo
51. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
i’ve also just started Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer so we’ll see if i finish it before the new year !
i’d love to hear about the books you read this year or talk about some of the ones on my list!!! i’ve had so much fun making new mutuals and whatnot this year and i hope you all have a great year of reading in 2024! <33
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thewahookid · 6 months
Joseph and Mary were truly married
While clearly affirming that Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that virginity remained intact in the marriage (cf. Mt 1:18-25; Lk 1:26-38), the evangelists refer to Joseph as Mary's husband and to Mary as his wife (cf. Mt 1:16, 18-20, 24; Lk 1:27; 2:5).
And while it is important for the Church to profess the virginal conception of Jesus, it is no less important to uphold Mary's marriage to Joseph, because juridically Joseph's fatherhood depends on it.(...)
The Son of Mary is also Joseph's Son by virtue of the marriage bond that unites them: "By reason of their faithful marriage both of them deserve to be called Christ's parents, not only his mother, but also his father, who was a parent in the same way that he was the mother's spouse: in mind, not in the flesh."(13) In this marriage none of the requisites of marriage were lacking: "In Christ's parents all the goods of marriage were realized-offspring, fidelity, the sacrament: the offspring being the Lord Jesus himself; fidelity, since there was no adultery: the sacrament, since there was no divorce."(14)
John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Redemptoris Custos § 7
13. St. Augustine, De nuptiis et concupiscentia, I, 11, 12: PL 44, 421; cf. De consensu evangelistarum, II, 1, 2: PL 34, 1071; Contra Faustum, III, 2: PL 42, 214.
14. St. Augustine, De nuptiis et concupiscentia, I, 11, 13: PL 44, 421; cf. Contra Iulianum, V, 12, 46: PL 44, 810.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.
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motiv8world · 1 year
But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30).
As a Christian, the favour of God upon your life has distinguished and qualified you to be the head and not the tail, to be the best and receive the best. Psalm 5:12 says, “For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.”
In your life, be forever conscious that you’re divinely favoured. Ephesians 1:6 says He has made us accepted in the beloved. The word, "accepted" there is the Greek, “charitoo” which refers to being highly favoured.
It’s the same word that the angel brought to Mary in Luke 1:28: “And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” If the angel were to come to you today, he’ll use the same expressions, because it's already written concerning you that you’re blessed and highly favoured!
This is what Paul was telling the Christians in Corinth in our theme verse when he called them sanctified. The word, “sanctification” is from the Greek “hagiasmos” and it means to be separated unto God, to be distinguished in Christ. You’ve become friends with God.
Luke 2:52 says concerning the Master, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Did you know that the same is true about you? You have favour with God and with man. Therefore, in your life, welcome favours every day. Your life has been beautified with divine favours from God. Affirm this every day about yourself. Hallelujah!
The favour of God upon my life has qualified me to be the best and receive the best. Today and always, in every place and in all that I do, God’s supernatural favour is manifested in my behalf. It opens doors and opportunities to me that can’t be humanly explained. I’m conscious of the favour-factor. Hallelujah!
Psalm 5:12 NIV; Genesis 39:21-23; Daniel 1:9
Mark 16:1-20; Deuteronomy 1-2
Matthew 22:34-46; Exodus 23
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seekfirst-community · 2 years
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2022. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: Do you know the mercy and favor of the Lord? Those who hunger for the Lord will not be disappointed. The Lord himself will fill them with the fruits of his peace, joy, and righteousness. We see God's boundless love manifested in the promise of a Redeemer. As the events leading to the birth of our Savior unfold we see all the prophecies, promises and prayers of the Old Testament being fulfilled because "God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son" (John 3:16).
Those who are humble and hungry for God receive his Spirit
The Gospel of Luke reveals the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in Mary's life. When Elizabeth and Mary greeted one another they were filled with the Holy Spirit and with a joyful anticipation of the fulfillment of God's promise to give a Savior. John the Baptist, even before the birth of the Messiah, pointed to his coming and leapt for joy in the womb of his mother as the Holy Spirit revealed to him the presence of the King to be born. The Holy Spirit is God's gift to us to enable us to know and experience the indwelling presence of God and the power of his kingdom. The Holy Spirit is the way in which God reigns within each of us.
The Holy Spirit fills us with the joy and hope of heaven
Mary accepted her mission with uncompromising faith and obedience. She acted with unwavering trust and faith because she believed that God would fulfill the word he had spoken. Her great hymn of praise echoes the song of Hannah (see 1 Samuel 2:1-10) and proclaims the favor of the Lord: God exalts the lowly and he fills the hungry with good things. Hannah like Mary had been without child and God in a marvelous way gave her a son, named Samuel, whom she dedicated at an early age to the service of the Lord (1 Samuel 1:24ff.) Mary, too, would lose her son to a servant ministry that would take him to the cross. Christmas is a time for renewing our faith and hope in God and in his promises and for deepening our love for God and for neighbor. Do you seek the Lord Jesus and the power of his Holy Spirit so that you may be renewed in faith, hope, and love?
"Lord Jesus, help me to earnestly seek you with humility and confidence. Increase my faith in your promises, strengthen within me the hope of heaven and eternal life, and set my heart on fire with burning love for you and for your kingdom. May I always praise and magnify your great mercy and glory."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2022.
the “blessed” mother
“All ages to come shall call me blessed.” —Luke 1:48
At her visitation to the house of Elizabeth and Zechariah, the Blessed Virgin Mary prophesied that all generations would call her “blessed” (Lk 1:48). This prophecy has been proven true. Throughout the history of the Church, she has been called the “Blessed Mother.” Likewise, she is called the “Blessed Virgin Mary” in the Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV of the Mass.
In the Hail Mary prayer, we likewise fulfill this prophecy by praying the words of Elizabeth: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the Fruit of your womb” (see Lk 1:42). Surely many millions of times each day throughout the world, Mary is called blessed by each generation in countless rosaries (Lk 1:48).
Elizabeth called Mary blessed a second time: “Blest is she who trusted that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled” (Lk 1:45). Jesus also fulfilled Mary’s prophecy when He called her blessed because she heard the Word of God and obeyed it (Lk 11:28). In her Magnificat, which is quoted in today’s Gospel, Mary acknowledges that God has greatly blessed her, and promptly redirects the focus to God Himself. She proclaims the greatness of God, rejoices in Him, and praises His mercy and righteousness (Lk 1:46-55).
Imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary. Use your every blessing to proclaim “the greatness of the Lord” (Lk 1:46).
Prayer:  “My being proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit finds joy in God my Savior” (Lk 1:46-47).
Promise:  “I prayed for this child, and the Lord granted my request.” —1 Sm 1:27
Praise:  “O King of all the nations, the only Joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch of man, come and save the creature You fashioned from the dust.”
Reference:  (This teaching was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for the publication One Bread, One Body covering the time period from December 1,2022 through January 31,2023. Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio April 12, 2022"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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allaboutjoseph · 2 years
Prayers - Via Gaudii (Way of Joy) - 4th Station
Via Gaudii or Way of Joy (Christmas) Via Crucis or Way of Sorrow or Stations of the Cross (Lent) Via Lucis or Way of Light (Easter)
The Via Gaudii is a prayerful reflection on the events of the incarnation and early life of our Lord Jesus Christ, based on the first chapters of the Gospels according to Saint Matthew and Saint Luke. The fourteen stations cover the events from the Betrothal of Joseph and Mary to the return of the Holy Family to Nazareth. A Chaplet was later developed that would guide the faithful in praying the Via Gaudii.
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V: We adore You, O Christ and we bless You! R: Because by Your Holy Birth, You have lived with us!
READING (Luke 1: 46 – 56) And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him. He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, according to his promise to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her home.
REFLECTION Since she has great joy, Mary powerfully praises God and acknowledges him for the grace she had received. She recognizes the greatness and the power of God; ordinary and simple as she is, God has chosen her to become the mother of Jesus. Her song describes how she has become strong and courageous, as she accepts and participated in the plan of God. She declares as God has chosen her, she will believe, hope, and entrust everything to God and to His plan.
PRAYER O God, our powerful Father, you raise Mary to be the mother of Jesus with all her weakness and simplicity. By this, Mary courageously proclaims your greatness and power. We pray that by your grace, we may have the courage to accept your will for us like what Mary did. Amen.
Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be …
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crownofallsaints · 2 years
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“God is light” (1 John 1:5) and “the children of God” (Matt. 5:9) are “the children of light and children of the day” (1 Thess. 5:5); “the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14, and John 8:12 & 9:5, cf. Matt. 16:16, and John 1:5 & 12:46); and #thespectrumofsaints.
#TheFirstEternalandMostHolyMysticalBrideofChrist, (#theMotherofAlltheLivingtheLostandtheDead “made new” (Gen. 3:20, and cf. Apoc. 21:5) in holy communion with #theMostHolyMysticalBodyofChrist form one body (cf. Matt. 19:4-6), that is #theMostHolyRevelationoftheCrownof AllSaints (cf. Isai. 62:3, and Phil. 4:1), and it is adorned with “the armor of light” (Rom. 13:12), that is “the armor of God” (Eph. 6:10-17, and cf. #theMostHolyCrownofAllSaintsRosary).
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Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Most holy art thou among the children of God, and divine is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the Truth, the Son of God, and the Light of the World.
Saint Mary of the Holy Innocents, Holy Immaculata, Holy Illuminata, Our Lady of Divine Wisdom, Most Holy Mother, Martyr and Shield of Christ, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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