p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
Gimmie ur Mars thoughts
anyways been rping him at a party and he and Armourer (that's Lagos guy) have been talking and god mars is such a clusterfuck. Like he used to be this really powerful war hero, this guy who conquered so many planets for the empire and always argued the loudest in court and was so unstoppable his adult name was Vanquisher Adamantine. Then he argued too hard to conquer a planet the Governess (the head fuschia) didn't want conquered yet for various reasons (mostly it wasn't strategic to conquer it then. It was in the books to be conquered later). Big argument in the court ensued, mars got shot down and told no, and they all thought that was the end of that. BUT THEN mars did it anyways despite her orders so they banished him from the court, deemed him Sacrilege Adamantine and demoted him to HR for warren and jays specops ship. They told him if you calm down and learn your mistakes we'll let you come back. So he's been trying really really hard not to be snappy and pushy, even though that's what he needs to be as a violet. And he's just SO fucking awkward. He's tsundere. He's trying to be calm and professional when his first instinct is to bite. He looks up to Armourer a LOT and has a stupid little crush on him which makes things worse because he wants to impress him but also he gets so flustered around him. And now at this party, mars DID lash out, and he's so embarrassed and frustrated with himself AND he did that in front of Armourer. So naturally he's regretting his life choices . And feeling gay
I'm rotating him so fast in my brain it's unbelievable
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
21 mars if you feel like it
screaming about this
put it under cut so its not too long on y'all's dash
They get vacation time on a planet with a milder climate they say is in the full swing of the cooler season before the coolest season. All the leaves turning colors, the air crisp and cool. They've got a cabin for the time being, mostly split up, and Mars is glad to have his own. He wanders into town, a little quaint place set up a few sweeps back. He's heard of how people like this colony for all it's quaint little things.
The air is crisp, and cool, so he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jacket, not used to cold like this. Hunkered in his coat and his scarf, he spies a small little shop and steps inside where everyone immediately looks at him, then starts whispering among themselves. It's mostly mids in here, so he'd understand why.
He straightens, trying to act everything the highblood he is, then steps up to the front counter and smiles at the olive running the shop. She smiles back, then glances over her shoulder at her friend who shrugs.
Mars looks over the menu, then says, "Apple cider.. is that alcoholic?"
"I mean, it depends, sir," she says. "We have both."
He's heard of this before, warm, spiced... "I'll get spiked," he says and scans his chip. The order goes through, and he steps back and freezes.
Of all the fucking people he could've run into across the entire galaxy.... He feels his cheeks warming up, and he shrinks into his scarf.
Armourer looks directly at him because he tilts his head ever so slightly. Slight flick of tail.
All the other trolls immediately get all nervous. One was bad enough, but two? And fuschia, even?
Mars waves. He's not letting the guy go.
Armourer steps into the shop and approaches Mars, waves back and grips his hand in a greeting, then steps back.
"I've heard this place is good," he says, hands behind his back, stilted and military. Mars stands straighter to match his posture. They must look like a couple of fools, a clearly fleet troll and a dressed-more-casually-but-also-clearly-fleet-by-his-stance.
Mars colors, ducking his head. "I should get that fixed," he mutters, slinking over to the counter and grabbing his drink. He smiles at the olive and she smiles back, and he fishes a few caegars out of his pocket and slides them across the counter.
"It's an administrative nightmare," Mars says, gripping the drink between his two hands as he looks up at Armourer. "You know they want me branded.
He sits and Armourer joins him as Mars cracks his drink open and sniffs it, letting it cool. Armourer puts his head on his hand, tilted, watching Mars, tail flicking slightly.
"Ah yes, how's the new medic?" he asks.
"Scary," Mars says, and he laughs, cradling the drink in his hands.
"Yeah, she's .... you know those..." He glances over his shoulder, then lowers his voice. "You know those jades who look like such prudes and are all no-nonsense? She's like that. She's pushy. Not rude or mean, but cold in a way."
"I'm sure you'll get used to her," he chuckles.
"You want a drink?" Mars asks. "I'll pay."
Armourer watches him, and Mars breaks into a little smile. He thinks again, somehow how managed to find the guy he's always looked up to and befriended him.
"It looks like you want to get me one," Armourer says, and Mars blushes and stares at his drink.
"Well now I don't just out of spite," he mutters, tail flicking agitatedly.
Armourer puts One Hand on Mars's hand playfully. Mars stares at it, a shudder going through him. He flicks his gaze up, a little stunned.
Mars pulls his hand back and gets up. He glances back over his shoulder at Armourer who tilts his head again like What did I do something and Mars wants to be fucking Gone.
"Huh?" Mars says, looking back at the olive cashier. "um, right, sorry." He glances back at Armourer, then leans forward and says to the olive, "What do you think a guy like that would like?"
The olive leans over, peering at Armourer. "Hm," she says. "Mocha. He seems like he'd like bitter."
"Cool, I'll get that," Mars says. "Oh, and when you call out my name could you please use the second one?"
"You don't go by Sacrilege?" she asks as he scans his chip. He shakes his head.
"No, no, forget you even knew that," he says. "It's just Adamantine."
"You can get that changed you know."
He sighs. "I know."
Mars sits back down with Armourer and puts his face in his hands. "Woman kept hassling me about my name," he mutters. He looks up at Armourer. "Would that be a dead name? Sacrilege?"
"If you don't want to use it, it probably is," Armourer says.
"I thought I was done with that," Mars mutters, sighing heavily. He flicks his tail again, then looks at Armourer. "Why are you here, by the way?"
"I've been busy running some errands," he says, and Mars nods.
"You want to come back to my place and we can idk do something? I've got some shows I been meaning to get through..."
"Hm, sounds fun!" Armourer says, and Mars smiles again.
"Hey, okay, this is weird but..." He stares at his hands. "Ummm...." He lays his hands flat on the table. "You've been like.... the first real friend I've had in a long time." He looks at Armourer. "I mean it."
Armourer doesn't react. Just stays still, his ears lightly tilting backwards.
"I'm sorry that's kinda' awkward and weird," Mars says. "Yeah... sorry—"
"Well, I'm glad," Armourer says.
They sit there, looking at each other, and then Armourer adds after a longer pause,
"I think you're nice. I'm beginning to think the same about you."
Mars stares at his cider and takes a long drink of it, not able to process any of this. It's warm, and spicy, and the alcohol under it feels good. He blushes and stares at his hands, not sure what to say.
"Good cider," he mutters.
"Adamantine?" the olive calls out.
Mars gets up to go and get it, almost tripping over his tail as he does so. He feels a little too hot all over.
He hands Armourer his coffee and says, "You want to walk back?"
"What'd you get me?"
"Find ou— Uk, mocha, haha. I asked the cashier what you looked like you'd like so—"
"You both chose bittersweet."
"Ahh... yeah," Mars says. "Sorry if you don't like it." Without thinking, holds his hand out to help Armourer up. Gentlemanly thing to do. And... Armourer takes it.
Neither comment.
"I can try it out for sure," Armourer says, and he nods at Mars. "To your cabin then?"
"Yeah," Mars says.
They walk out still holding hands.
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