k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 10 months
WELL someone has to ask for the funny number in the spotify wrapped. And it's gonna be me what's number 6️⃣9️⃣????
AHHAHHEHEHAHAAA you get brazil. i love this song. lago gave it to me. enjoy it
cant vouch for the youtube videos quality dsajhfd i didnt listen to it there
fun story!!!! i was at the beach in romania at a very famous beach town (Constanța) on the pier overlooking the water, very windy but summer and this song was in me brain
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
Ryfraf, is there any movie you watch every year as a Christmas tradition?
“I like that one about that hive that has all sorts of fuck ups. I think it was called uhhhh Hive of Four Midbloods Spend a Very Eventful Christmas In Which They Get a Christmas Tree That’s Way Too Big for the House, Almost Slip and Die Putting Way Too Many Lights on the House That Don’t Even Turn on Until It’s Revealed That the Light Switch Wasn’t On, Drain the Power Grid Because They’re Super Bright Lights, Cause the Stuckup Highblood Neighbors to Have an Accident, Have Really Nasty Friends Come Over Who Bring Their RV That Explodes at Some Point, Have an Extended Elderly Friend Come Over and Bring Her Cat with Her, Burn the Turkey, Fry the Cat, Have an Extended Fantasy about the Lady from the Department Store, and then After All Of These Mishaps, and The Fantasizing of the New Swimming Pool From a Promised Job Bonus, Find Out that Said Bonus Is Just a Year Subscription to Jello, Absolutely Snap and Lose it All, Kidnap the Boss to Demand Money, and then Have a Big Discussion with the Local Law Enforcement Only For Everything To Get Nicely Resolved Because It’s Christmas. And the Woman of the Hive Has a Boob Window.”
Ryfraf smiles, proud to have remembered the name of the movie.
“It makes me laugh a whole lot because a lot of people get hurt in it for really stupid reasons and I think that shit’s kinda’ funny. Also it has a nice ending. So it makes me happy too lol. I think Christmas is about spending time with your hive and just.. good vibes. You survived the sweep. Congrats. Take a break, indulge in luxuries, and love your crew hehe. And your job! And your place in the system. Kinda’. Sometimes that shit pisses me off.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
To any troll who is currently in the imperial military: What was your job back when you were on planet?
that’s everyoneee hehe all of my trolls r fleet trolls. i’ll do my mains for now. these r kinda ooc.
Ryf: “The government assigned me barista at troll!starbucks because that’s just what lowbloods do lol. it was absolutely shit. If I’d been higher caste, they might’ve given me something cool like library but nooo.”
Warren: “i killed people n that was alright but it coulda’ been nice to have done some jobs or somethin’ to get some more shit n money n stuff but i wasn’t in the system until like the last year or so but coz there’s so many trolls in those archives n shit they done completely fuckin’ overlooked how i just popped up out of nowhere of conscription age like one year after my account was made n shit but it’s wahtever. jay said he’d get me a purple chip n i did that for a while but it weren’t under my name n shit n i wanted my own account so we got one of ryfraf’s friends to log me properly into the system n that did the trick jus’ nicely. previous purple had a job doin’ architectural plannin’ with a firm which i showed up to half the time but they didn’t really fuckin’ miss me n it was mostly just free money. coz it was like. i was expected to oversee the midbloods drawin’ up the drafts n shit. which i did. but i also had some guy workin’ with me n’ he knew i’d killed his partner n that scared the shit out of him so he didn’t say anythin’ to the firm we were workin’ for or anything. he was kinda’ hot. i fucked him sometimes. that also got him to shut up.”
Jay: “I was a police officer. : )”
Mars: “That was so many fucking sweeps ago. I’ve mostly been in the court doing court things. Lots of accounting. I miss accounting. Then after that, well... I suppose it wouldn’t be on planet anymore would it? Because I went directly to being an admiral. Conquered a lot of territory. They think I’m too much for that now, though. Whatever. I’ll get back to doing it eventually, that’s for sure.”
Cody: “I was in school. With Elliot and Derek. I did a few odd jobs here and there for anyone who wanted to hire me for shit. Did some fucking tutoring for idiots. Half the time they couldn’t understand what I was telling them but whatever. They fucking payed me. Midbloods and highbloods are so shit with math sometimes it’s unbelievable.”
Elliot: “We worked in a fucking pizza shop. It sucked. I wanted to kill everyone who came in through that fucking door.”
Derek: “I found the pizza shop alright! Elliot’s just easy to anger. However, I did do some tutoring as well. That was a real pain. Cody’s right. People are fucking stupid.”
Zyrehn: “I’m too rich for that shit. I’ve never had a job in my life.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
38 for cody, elliot, ryf and jay
what’s the least successful thing you’ve ever done? every troll has a bad day.
Cody: “Tried to kill myself LOL. It still hasn’t fucking happened yet. I’m a fucking coward, that’s why. But whatever. You make fucking do.”
Elliot: “I succeed in everything I fucking do. Why the FUCK would you think I have “bad days????” Huh??? Something fucking wrong with you??? Do you THINK I look like a guy who fails??? Jesus fucking christ.”
Ryf: “Bad day? Try bad LIFE. Well. Used to be. It’s okay now. But also it’s not. You know how it goes, you win some you lose most, etc. Anyways. Least successful. Uh. Do I have to talk about it? I’m not gonna’ talk about it. Bad memories and shit hahah... why would you ask me this? There’s so many nicer things to think about, man.”
Jay: “I don’t have bad days.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
Derek, what do you want for Christmas?
"Big gun. Like... not an AR-15 because everyone uses that but [he mentions a more obscure higher quality rifle]. But I can't have that because if I ask my mom for that she'll tell the FBI and they'll find me out. So." He smiles and shrugs. "Video games. I'd like an XBox." He slowly puts his hands in his pockets and laughs. "Normal teen stuff lol."
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
To Elliot, Derek, Mars, Tyler: What would your ideal partner be like?
Going feral about vq rn but lemme see if I can answer this
Elliot: "big tits huge ass. Blonde. Or brunette idgaf. Hot. Good meat for fucking. Behaves. Does what I tell her. What else is a woman good for?? She's gotta be here for me and she's gotta be hot as shit. And kinda dumb and slow so I can be the man about it and help her out and shit."
Derek: "Ideal..?" he smiles. "I guess she should be nice. A good person you know... and pretty." He shrugs. "Someone i get along with I guess." He laughs a little.
Elliot: "just nice and pretty really??"
Derek: "okay fine she has to have nice hands and a nice ass and also be good for fucking so I can call her bitch and shit and she'll like it."
Mars: "hahahah. Ideal. Well there's no ideals in this world because everyone kinda sucks about it but... ideal... First and foremost he'd be a really close friend I could trust who'd be excellent to talk to and hang out with as well as good in bed. Good to fuck. Patient with me...." Mars smiles a little and laughs. Shrugs." I guess he'd be smart too... full of ideas... Kind of strange. Big weirdo. Good with kids. Sleepy. Surprisingly cuddly even though he doesn't want to admit it. Big... wide shoulders... squishy tummy... big dick. Good with war and strategy.. good with guns so we can go shooting together... guy who has an edge to him too... who'd kill for me.... who'd KILL period. Mm I love a guy who can kill... and a guy who listens... You know, whenever I talk about pool and poker and all of those more high class court activities he's SUCH a fast learner?? I LOVE that about—" Mars stops mid sentence. "Get the fuck out of here I'm not talking to you." He's blushing a LOT.
Tyler: "uhhnnnnnn well first of all I'm unloveable. But! I would hope they're queer as fuck lol! I'd love it if they were trans like me.. and accepting of my pronoun preferences and my identity. Would be cool if they were beastkin like me too. Most wolf people just call themselves werewolves which is such a horribly demeaning term. So an ideal would prooooobably be a wolfkin beastkin wolf person who's trans and queer as fuck. Oh and if they liked horror that would be cool too. Oh and they'd have to be okay that I also kill wolf people. For fun. Coz that's a thing I do lol. But it's just for the money I swear! I derive no pleasure from it. It's just for the money!!" He sits there for a second then says. "God I wish I could get fucked good and hard by a trans girl with a big cock."
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
Jay, what do you think of Elliot? Elliot, what do you think of Jay?
Jay: Who? I have never heard of him.
Elliot: Wasn't there a guy... traveling with Warren at some point that had that name...? Fuck. I think he died lmfao. Rip. He doesn't deserve to be friends with americas worst serial killer anyways!
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
Warren, Jay said you were planning a surprise. What is it?
Yah so we're specops for the fleet right so basically we did a really good fucking job this sweep n did a lot of missions for the empire n they liked us enough they gave us perk so we're gonna go to some wintery vacation planet or some shit n spend the holidays there. I ain't told the crew yet I'm gonna tell 'em soon but I hope they lose their minds this is like one of those things that only like super high end generals get tbh. So like really special stuff here heheh. They give us a big house to live in n then they stock it full of stuff so I'm gonna make a huge fuckin feast and everything it's great
Also if you go on n ruin the surprise n tell anyone anythin I'll hunt ya down n personally fuckin kill ya coz it ain't no fun spoilin shit got that?
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
is there any particular type of food that warren won't eat?
Well I mean is gotta be fresh n shit. Thas obvious standards. Raw is fine n cooked is fine but as long as it ain't you know rotten n shit I'll eat it. Also I don't like bland stuff but I'll eat that too if I gotta. Swhy I usually keep spices n hot sauces n shit on me ya know. Make things spiced up n stuff. N is also why I usually cook for my crew! Some of those guys have shit taste n then it's fuckin miserable. So like I cook for them coz of that. But there ain't nothin much I won't eat just aside from stuff that's ya know standard shit that ain't edible.
Oh and I'll eat troll too haha. It's good, specially if it's a fresh kill. Jay likes to feed me some of the meat from his kills sometimes hehe.
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
What do you think about your fleet, Elliot?
"Fuck all of them tbh. Except Derek, he can live."
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
Zyrehn, do you ever wish you were a different caste?
"Absolutely not. The Goddess of the Six Stars herself saw it fit that I was born fuschia. Why would I give up her gift? It would be blasphemy."
He folds his hands in his lap and stares at his fingers. His tail flicks a bit. His ears pin back. "It would be blasphemy," he repeats, not looking at you.
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
Hey Tyler
Tumblr media
He gives you the most unamused stare. Then starts laughing.
"Nice joke bro! You know I've considered getting a pin with the stickbug guy on it but idk how i feel about representing other animals when I'm just wolfkin you know? I mean i kin some bugs (like moths, long live the creatures of the night lol) but since I don't kin stickbugs specifically it feels like appropriation."
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
what are the Guys going to be doing for Christmas?
warren and jay answered in a previous ask! but basically they all got together for a big party. the main crew decorated the whole ship, caught up on life events, did a little secret santa among friends, and then they had a lot of people over and partied till they were drunk stupid, passed the fuck out, and hung out all weekend doing stupid christmas winter things
oh my god im stupid. let’s say that ^^^ is for new years (except for the secret santa part)
COZ ACTUALLY THEY WENT TO THIS FUCKING CABIN THE MAIN CREW GUYS WENT TO THIS CABIN coz they got promoted. they’re super good specops guys so they got to go to this SUPER exclusive winter resort type place where the house had decorations and shit provided, a fully stocked fridge and pantry, and lots of fun winter events like tree lighting and christmas market and ice skating shit available. it’s super exclusive for like emperor governor type people but sometimes as a reward for good good work some Civilians get to go as well
so they went there and hung out there for a week. did gift exchanges, baked shit together, hung out together, drove each other nuts, etc. it’s a lot of fun
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
🌲 👪 💫 for Tyler
🌲  : Does your muse celebrate Christmas? If they don’t, what and how else do they celebrate during the holidays?
"It’s ingrained in me despite being such a horrible appropriation of ancient Pagan rites. The fam, may their conservative hearts suffer, really goes ham on Christmas. They go to the big mega church and everything. They’re super doomsday preppers and shit but then they go and hang out with the homies at the concert mega-church. I’d rather blast my brains out than go to another one of those fucking god concerts. So I just... ignore all their calls on Christmas. They deadname me lol, they don’t want to accept me as their son, so! I’m not their son anymore. It really pisses them off, but they pissed ME off.”
👪 : Do they spend the holiday alone or with others?
“I have no real life friends. But! I hang out with the guys on my Discord server and we watch shitty Christmas movies until four am, it’s great. Wish I had someone I could just... you know... spend time with in real life... a wolf gets lonely without a pack, man!”
💫  : If your muse has powers, do they utilize these abilities into the festive season? How?
“Man i WISH i had powers dude. When I shift into my true form, I like to commune with nature and really get in touch with the natural world. Yule is about feasting and spending time with family... so I spend time with the natural world! Since they are more of a family than my real family will ever be.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
📜 🦃 📝 For Warren/Jay
📜 :  Is your muse on the nice list, or the naughty list?
Warren: “i’m on the nice list coz i’m really cool n i do lots of cool things for my crew n also i came back from the dead n made sure that jay would find me so yeah i’m on the nice list”
Jay: He looks at you for a long second. He’s thinking about it. Judging you for asking this. Then he splits into a big nasty grin. “Naughty.” His grin widens. “As to why... that’s for me to know, and you to find out, hm?”
🦃  : What does their Christmas dinner look like? Is it a huge feast? Something small? Or do they maybe settle for takeout?
Warren: “We all cook somethin’ nice for each other n have a big fuckin’ feast. Lots n lots of fuckin’ food. We have leftovers for days after. I usually like to cook one thing I’ve always cooked n then somethin’ new. This time I did my usual big roast meat with Christmas spices, n then I made some mac n cheese for it. Good fuckin’ shit, everyone absolutely DEVOURED that shit. Ryfraf usually makes cookies, his cookies r really fuckin’ nice. The other guys make all sorts of different types of shit. Side dishes usually, since I’m in charge of the big main course. Everyone helps out n shit.”
Jay: “I usually help Warren with whatever he’s cooking. I also try and make a key lime pie every year. Warren’s tried to get me to adjust the recipe multiple times. He insists I’m a terrible chef, but I think his tastes are just terrible. My key lime is the most excellent thing I know how to make, AND it tastes really good in coffee, and that’s truly what matters.”
📝 : Does your muse or their family have any holiday traditions?
Warren: “Well like I said we all try n cook somethin’ for dinner together. N then on top of that we do some gift exchangin. We usually just get each other gifts n shit n put em under the kringlefucker that’s what y’all call it, but this time we tried out doin’ a secret santa type shit which was a whole lotta’ fun. So I think we’re gonna’ do taht again next year. We also get everyone from everywhere to come back to the ship n hang out n stuff. It’s like a big extended family visit complete with all the fuckin’ n melodrama n’ yellin’ at each other n’ shit. Big fun party with all the guys we know, it’s great.”
Jay: “I enjoyed the secret santa. Our nurse bought me scented colored candles. For the wax. : ) I quite like the concept of purchasing gifts to embarrass or scare people. Warren also neglected to mention the joint effort taken to decorate the entire ship. It’s just among the hive, excluding extended members. Just the few close crew members. Naftha insisted on fucking with me and ruined every perfect little excellently centered decoration I would place on the walls, so I made sure to teach him a good lesson about that, but otherwise decorating went well this year. Ryfraf seems to find so many exotic and interesting items from his travels around which I always enjoy going through. And Riymah always adds a lovely touch... she puts blood on the walls. Which normally would disgust me because it’s messy... but there is a certain charm to jade and rust colored walls for Christmas...”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
🌿 💁 For Ryfraf
🌿 : How do they feel about Mistletoe? Have they ever used it / had it used on them?
“I fucking love it. I put it up around the ship n then I A. get to see people Ignore it B. get to see people abuse it and C. KISS HOT PEOPLE. I mean I normally kiss hot people but this is an excuse to kiss them in public like REALLY nastily. I love kissing guys in front of people hahah. It’s fun. It pisses them off sometimes. Extra fun if you use the mistletoe as an excuse to grope them LOL. And it’s also a fun excuse to kiss people I’d normally not kiss lol. Like this one guy I work with who’s SO stuck up normally, but then I caught him under the mistletoe and gave him a fat kiss on the lips and he melted it was incredible.”
💁  : Would your muse work on Christmas if they had the option to?
“Fuck no????? Christmas is for lounging around and eating lots of food and getting fat and fucking people, I’m NOT fucking working on Christmas even if the government thinks they can fucking force me to. No. Fuck off. I live my own fucking life. No amount of overtime pay is worth me missing out on hanging out with my hive.”
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