#4x4 Equipments
mikeshouts · 1 year
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Munro MK_1 Pick-Up: It’s The MK_1 With A Small Truck Bed
From SUV to a pickup truck.
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onlyhappyvibes · 10 months
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Some scrap hauling being done
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greasemonkeymotel · 3 months
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“Been spendin weekends at the Grease Monkey and let me tell ya it’s one hell of a damn place for any gearhead lookin' to get their hands dirty. This ain't your typical fancy-ass motel; it's a damn paradise for mechanics and grease monkeys like myself who thrive on hard work and gettin' grimy.”
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tractorspk · 1 year
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jeepclub · 1 year
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sidewinder31k · 5 months
You have maintenance problems in mountainous terrain, guess what I got the right man for you. This derpy boy is equipped with 4x4 leggy drive. He can reach and spot and carry more repair materials than his basic configuration.
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An old P@tre0n reward from @saynajaye . Sayna thought it would be a good idea to taurify my Proto Fazz.l and I think it was indeed a good idea. A happy derpy toaster ready for duty (and a hug)
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Thank you so much @yandere-paramour for commissioning me.
Commission description: I got in a freak accident where in hs where I was in theatre rehearsal and basically a 4x4 fell directly onto my head and I was severely concussed for the Next month. Can you write this happening to Reader and Yves cannot prevent it in time? and he's very upset and angry at himself and Reader is just absolutely fucked up and nearly helpless.
tw: injury, yandere themes
(2632 words)
He oversaw your entire hospital residency. Yves didn't trust the doctors and nurses that were there, he would be the one to administer any treatment. Yves would also be the one to give you bed baths and clean any messes you may have made due to losing some control over your bladder or bowels. Yves had seen all of you.
All he needed to do was talk to a few people, pull some strings, forge a few signatures, and erase a handful of records.
You were in deep throbbing pain, only made manageable by the painkillers you were made to eat. But you couldn't think straight either, everything is just too hazy and foggy. The slightest bit of light bothers you to no end, luckily you were vaguely aware Yves was around to be with you. He knew what to do, he always knew what to do.
You could make out your boyfriend's hushed voice as he spoke through the phone. Squinting your eyes, you could discern a blurry image of Yves holding his smartphone in one hand, and the other typing away on his laptop. You had always found his voice soothing, but it sounded like he was upset, it didn't help that you were barely registering the words he was saying.
Noticing that your drugs are slowly wearing off, Yves quickly ended the call and walked over to you in large strides. You closed your eyes and he didn't say anything, only the shuffling and rustling of what you think came from the medical equipment reached your ears. Occasionally, you open your eyes only to close them again, catching glimpses of Yves toggling with your cannula and a filled syringe.
You were too concussed to question why Yves is doing the nurses' or doctors' job, or if he was even qualified to do so. You were just glad that he was by your side.
Soon, you felt the relief and newfound wooziness from the freshly administered IV painkillers and something else. You were sent to your own world when Yves pulled himself away to clean up and put everything back in place.
You felt him caress your cheek and kiss you on the forehead. After that, you felt the mattress of your hospital bed dip as Yves got on, he tucked himself under your blanket and spooned you from behind.
It was baffling how that wooden plank dislodged itself from somewhere and hit you. Just you, out of all the people present there. He does routine checks on the places where you frequent, the theatre didn't appear to be dilapidated, nor did his numerous tests yield any conclusions that could help him predict this outcome. That damned building passed all his safety checks, likewise, your coworkers weren't a threat to your life.
He buried his head in the crook of your neck, closing his eyes as he breathed in your scent. Yves was deep in thought while he tenderly rubbed the palm of your hands, it's not foul play. If it was, he already knew from the footage from a few dozen cameras he hid around the theatre. Moreover, he did his research on every single one you knew or knew you. The idea of someone trying to end your life is possible, but not plausible.
Yves had replayed that one video over and over again to try and discern the cause of the wooden plank falling from the top. It seemingly... isn't caused by anything. No matter how he digitally enhanced it, no matter how many times he watched it until it was positively seared into his brain, Yves found nothing of note. It just detached from the ceiling and fell. He frowned each time he had to remember the instant it slammed right into your head.
He even paid the theatre a visit just to investigate the site of impact itself. Bewilderingly, he could discern advanced signs of weakness in the surrounding areas that weren't there a day before but would have taken a few months to form through natural means. He swabbed everything and all his tests came out nothing. Yves was undetected by the owners of that building or the authorities because he broke in during the dead of night and scaled the beams quietly and skillfully. He balanced himself on a taut rope while he snapped pictures of the sites.
He called up people who he thought could give him advice and more information about the matter, but to no avail. It's almost like this was caused by something paranormal, there were no conceivable reasons as to how or why this happened. Even if there was, it defied the laws of physics in this reality.
Regardless of how strange and unexpected this event was, Yves was upset that he didn't think of a failsafe for this. He thought of everything but not this, because it was just so implausible.
You groan in discomfort, nothing feels right and you want your mind back now. However, there really isn't anything Yves could do and all the other relatively instantaneous healing methods he knew of would cause more significant harm than good. So, for now, you're stuck like this.
He sighed, murmuring that he was here to assure you. Well, at least this has given him a new set of data that he otherwise wouldn't go out of his way to induce and collect; there is at least that silver lining.
Yves frowned as he parted away from you, despising the cold nipping at him without you as his soft heater. But he has a lot to do, he has to maintain the life that you built for yourself while you're out of commission for at least a month.
He pressed a kiss on your forehead once more, ensuring that you were completely passed out from the drugs before taking out his phone again to make a few more important calls.
He transferred you to his humble abode a few days later, after determining that you were stable enough for him to resume your care outside of the hospital. You could barely walk, talk, or open your eyes, you were entirely helpless. Mumbling semi-incoherent words to try and communicate your needs and wants. Luckily for you, Yves clearly knew what you wanted just by your body language alone, so you were never too angry or frustrated that he couldn't understand you.
Unfortunately for your friends and family who would visit you from time to time, you were babbling in a language from another planet. They're either too loud, too panicky, or too pungent-smelling to be around with. It's as if the air was ruined by their presence. Your poor, concussed mind thought everyone else was just idiots and Yves is the only intelligent lifeform there.
Such an attentive man, he is. Yves would politely shoo them out of your shared bedroom when they got too much, he would then spend a few more minutes entertaining them with small talk downstairs before ultimately making them leave the property. The ones who truly care about you are glad you are under Yves's supervision.
However, if you were just lucid enough, you would question how Yves knew that you wanted a blanket from your heavy slurring, how he knew that you wanted to be hugged at that very moment by just watching you blink, how he knew what hurts by an incomprehensible grumble.
A few times, you did catch yourself realizing that you may have been completely unintelligible in verbalizing your wants. Still, he gave you exactly what you needed before you could correct yourself.
You always look forward to meal times, as he would never fail to whip up something delicious yet nutritious enough; packed chock full of vitamins, and minerals to your healing process. The best part was that he would spoon-feed you while sitting on his lap, it's ridiculously comfortable and you felt like absolute royalty. Strangely and fortunately for you, it never once felt degrading or patronizing. At most, you felt heavily nostalgic and had a strong sense of sadness that you couldn't conjure up an idea as to why. But it would all ebb away with every spoonful Yves fed you or every kiss he gave to show his appreciation for your cooperation.
Yves wouldn't allow you to use your phone or watch the television, he wouldn't allow anything in his house to emit too bright of a light. Which you were grateful for since it reduces the pain dramatically, and he would keep you fully engaged by reading stories from his library. They're always so exhilarating to hear as the protagonists always possess a wonderful personality that closely matches yours, allowing you to immerse yourself in whatever whimsical and fantastical world of his storybook. His smooth, baritone voice lulled you to sleep more times than you can count, letting you continue the story in your dreams.
Sometimes, you want to experience that particular story again, so you would pick up the book Yves read from. Only to find that its' pages are seemingly filled with illegible graphite chicken scratch. Asking him about it will lead him to tell you he wrote each and every single one of those pieces, they're all based on your proudest achievements and your life journey.
When Yves promised that he would take care of you to the fullest, he meant it. He wouldn't allow you to shower on your own, nor did he let you stand too long. He prepared a stool for you to sit on as streams of warm water washed over your nude body, Yves would roll his sleeves up and clean you up while you merely remained there in a daze; you didn't have to do anything, Yves would work up a lather on your hair and massage your scalp, he would gently scrub your skin with his smooth hands and apply an impossibly long list of skincare products that leaves your skin happy and glowing.
Yves is rarely apart away from you when you're this needy. And he enjoys it, savoring every second he spends with you. Yves would take his time styling your hair, stroking it, and collecting any strands you may have shed for data. Applying hair oil and caring for your body, he wouldn't have had the chance to do this when you're perfectly healthy, as you would either get too uncomfortable, bored, or too busy for him to do this for you.
In many ways, this accident was a blessing in disguise. For you to make up for all the missed bonding times with him; it's not that Yves is elated with you being severely concussed, but he isn't too upset over it either.
"Is this the color you want for your base?" He asked, ensuring his voice wasn't above the volume threshold. Yves brought up a bottle of nail polish in your favorite color.
You gave him a thumbs up, as nodding can cause you pain.
"What design would you like?" Yves continued asking, putting the polish away so he could begin to prep your fingernails. He had your hand limply resting on a towel draped over his thigh.
You opened your mouth to speak, but it was gibberish and garbled. But you were so used to talking like this and your brain is still healing from the damage, that you couldn't tell something was wrong.
Yves merely hummed in response while he skillfully pushed your cuticles in, they were softened by some cuticle oil he applied earlier. He needed no extra enlightenment even though you spoke in a tongue that no human could ever comprehend easily, Yves already knew what you wanted. He only asked that to give you an illusion of control.
You relaxed to the soothing music playing in the background while Yves continued with his manicure on you, skillfully using his tools to create intricate works of art on your nails. It's amazing how he could do that with laser precision in dim light.
Perhaps you tried holding a conversation with him, and you did. Albeit one-sided, Yves seemingly responds to your words normally as if he truly understood. But he was actually doing some very complex "guesswork" that was apparently accurate all the time. However, if there is one thing for certain, he memorizes all the sounds that left your mouth and movements you made no matter how random or unnecessary.
If thinks that you're getting too under-stimulated, he will recite one of the many stories he wrote for you to listen to and immerse yourself in. Yet, he wouldn't get distracted, continuing his work with elegance and expertise.
You were mesmerized by how he would hold his brush, how he would administer a graceful stroke, and how he would do the details of such an impossibly beautiful masterpiece.
You smiled and cheered when you saw your nails, all that there was left for you to do was wait for the polish to dry. The corners of his lips were also pulled up into a pleased grin, feeling absolutely delighted to see you beaming like that. He couldn't resist pecking you on the apples of your cheeks, as he might accidentally squeeze you out of his cuteness aggression if he didn't at least expel some of it.
He cleaned up after himself and put the items away. You were still giddy over your nails and he was in joy too. Yves then sat right next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and letting his silky, jet-black hair tickle you in the nose.
Yves closed his eyes and relaxed at the sound of your heavenly giggles, nuzzling his head further into the side of your neck to keep the playfulness alive. He would occasionally litter your shoulder with kisses too.
Eventually, the atmosphere calms back down to a gentle lull, where you would be lying on his lap as Yves runs his fingers through your hair. A soft smile graced his face as he watched you stare at his artwork, feeling flattered and honored that you liked it.
Yves always knew the potential of himself enjoying the aftermath of such a tragedy happening to you was there. But he didn't anticipate that he loved it this much. As bad as it sounds, Yves is unwilling to think about the time when you will inevitably heal and leave him alone all over again to live your life.
His smile faltered a bit thinking how you're most likely going to go back to that theatre to work again, cutting the time that he's used to have with you short by a drastic amount. He is going to miss tender moments like these so awfully...
Yves paused when he noticed that you drifted into slumberland, softly breathing as your lips were slightly parted and drool running down the sides of your mouth. Yves chuckled a bit as he wiped them away with his thumb.
He blinked as he thought about the situation at hand even more.
You are such a strong, resilient person, who endured far worse than a measly headache. And it seems like your recovery process isn't too agonizing for you to bear, you're fine.
And, you would definitely be fine if Yves extended that duration for a few more weeks; he needs to make sure that you're fully healed before allowing you to go back into the real world. You would also be fine to consume a bit more sugar than usual, he knows you better than yourself.
Yves brought your hands and grazed his fingertips against your nails to see if it was fully dried. They were, and he gave them each a kiss.
The next few hours were spent with Yves watching you sleep, his green eyes were unblinkingly trained on you.
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a-study-in-sepia · 1 year
Manually Decoding DTMF Through A Spectrogram
While working on a recent CTF, I came across a challenge that required participants to extract a credit card number from a recording of a touch-tone telephone. If you pull your phone out now, turn on your ringer (because it’s almost definitely off), and click on some random numbers on the phone app keypad, you’ll hear the product of what’s known as DTMF, which stands for dual-tone multi-frequency.
I won’t go into the specifics of DTMF and why it exists — the important thing to know is DTMF uses a combination of two distinct tones to create one sound. There is a low tone and a high tone. Today, I’ll be showing you how to decode DTMF by sight through a spectrogram. There are decoders available for free online, so if you come across a problem like this in a CTF, or otherwise, I highly recommend using one of those, purely for speed and convenience. All that being said, this is an interesting process, and just generally a cool thing to know about. It’s the equivalent of converting binary to hexadecimal by hand instead of using an online converter — basically useless — but a great party trick (in the event of attending one, which I highly doubt given you’re reading this — so yeah, basically useless… on that note (or should I say tone (my musically inclined friend has informed me that I should not)), on with the article!)
Note — Standard DTMF — two tones, four levels per tone.
As of iOS 15.7, this tutorial is still relevant. I am looking for more samples (other phone brands and software models) to determine how accurate this is cross-platform. If you’re interested in contributing, there will be some information at the end explaining how.
I’ll be using this audio file - https://voca.ro/1dr1J1gbyw5B
(This is from the CyberSoc Wales “personalbanker” challenge)
The first thing I did was put the recording through a spectrogram program. There are plenty available for free online; personally, I like using Academo, because it includes lines that will help with quick sight-reading later on. (https://academo.org/articles/spectrogram/).
You may be better off downloading software (Audacity is fantastic), should you require a spectrogram for a longer recording. Academo is not scalable beyond 10 seconds, so you can use it, but you’re going to be taking quite a few screenshots.
The first thing I did was drop the recording from the challenge into Academo.
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A spectrogram is a visual representation of the frequency content of an audio signal as it changes over time. In the image above, I’ve isolated the beeps produced by the clicking of the phone keypad. This section of the recording is longer than 10 seconds, so I also spliced together two screenshots. Any discrepancies you may notice in the image above are a product of that.
Each vertical line of dots represents one beep, and thus, one number. You’ll notice that there are two horizontal rows per beep, this is the magic of DTMF. There are 8 total frequencies involved in the DTMF system. The original DTMF keypad was laid out in a 4x4 format (below). The letter keys (A, B, C, and D) are no longer used for personal telecommunication. For digital decoding purposes, you will almost certainly not come across the letter keys, although they are still used by amateur radio operators, payphones, and the occasional equipment control system.
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I was starting from scratch, with no knowledge of how a spectrogram worked with DTMF, so the first thing I did was create two recordings of myself clicking each number in my phone app (I am using iOS 15.7 on my iPhone XR).
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What you’ll begin to notice is that each number has its own combination of low and high tones. If you want to try to figure out the system on your own, now is the time.
Each variation in height represents a tone at a specific Hz. In order to decode this manually, you do not need to know the specific Hz of each number, you just need to understand the relational position of each tone, informed by its Hz.
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I ended up throwing the original audio into Audacity so that I could create my own lines on the spectrogram for demonstration purposes.
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First, I’m going to turn down the contrast to make it a little easier to see.
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Now, I’m going to add some lines to match up the similar tones.
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At this point, we have 6 layers of lines, there are no 0s present in this recording, if there were, we would have another line just above the bottom three. The use of the original DTMF structure with the ABCD keys would give us another line above the top three.
The simplest way to proceed is to categorize each set into Low, Medium, and High. You could choose any system — 1, 2, 3; a, b, c; whatever works for you. I recommend the LMH system because it’s visual and easy to keep track of.
I filled out the table below to show each numerical combination.
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Two letters per number, each representing Low, Medium, or High (ultra High in the case of 0).
The first letter represents the top layer, and the second letter represents the bottom.
The corresponding Hz are listed in the third row for your reference.
I’ll walk you through the decoding process for the first two and then you can try the third.
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We’re going to look at the first column of tones (boxed in yellow).
This represents one number.
The first tone is crossed by the lowest of the top lines, it is marked L.
The second tone is crossed by the medium bottom line, it is marked M.
Together, they are LM — which, upon referencing the chart, is 4.
The second one is MM, which is 5.
Now try the third. (full answer at the end, scroll up now if you’d like to try it on your own — try it with lines or without!)
Once you get a feel for this, the process becomes much faster. The lines are purely for demonstrative purposes, with a little practice you’ll be able to quickly do this without lines.
And that’s how to decode DTMF manually through a spectrogram! Is it useless? Yes! Is it fun? That’s debatable!
If you’d like to help me compare cross-platform DTMF signaling, take a screen recording that captures you pressing 1234567890 on your phone keypad. Send the file to me through one of the methods outlined below. Please include your phone model and its latest software.
Discord — Adler#7210
Email me — [email protected]
If you’re seeing this on Tumblr, send me a DM!
Medium link - https://medium.com/@adler7210/manually-decoding-dtmf-through-spectrogram-562e4b0b99c3
The final answer to the CTF challenge — 4562 6598 4585 2366
Anyway, thanks for reading, enjoy decoding!
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titanrpg · 1 year
playbook preview for NO GOOD DEED: Bleed 10,000 Hit Points
i'd like to share a draft of one of my favorite playbooks so far. this one revolves around using a rubik's cube to see the future as well as just being a fun guy
Xe Who Has Much More to Become but is Still Whole Now, The Mycochild
You are the sentient, mobile fruiting body of an ancient transdimensional mycelial network. Many mycochildren grow into powerful myconauts, but it takes thousands of years. For now, you are learning.
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Recommended Material
3x3 puzzle cube
Cane for when you want to walk
Collection of rare mushrooms and fungi
Your choice of bizarre, esoteric divination tools
Knowledge of all your ancestors (but it’s hard to find the information you want in that vast sea)
Just a lil guy
Sentient cloud of spores
Fairy circle that only moves when not directly observed
Veiled mushroom
Mini mycelial network
Scramble your puzzle cube, stop, then choose a side. Interpret generously. A version of what you describe comes to pass. Here are the meanings I’ve assigned colors. Modify or make your own entirely.
White - Snow
Yellow - Sun
Orange - Fire
Red - Danger
Blue - Water
Green - Growth
You can redistribute hit points between entities at will. 
Learn to solve a puzzle cube you don’t already know. Next time you play this game, use that cube for gameplay. Increasing to a 4x4, 5x5, etc. represents your ability to see farther into the future. Alternatively, learn any new skill.
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bu1410 · 3 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - July 8th - 2024
“Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971.”
Gazoducto Samalayuca - Sasabe. Mexico - Nuevos Casas Grandes - Chihuahua.
Part 5
Snow and Sun. One of the phrases that I have heard repeated most often by friends and former colleagues reads:
Lucky you who are in Mexico… there is no winter there… in Mexico… We must consider that Nuevo Casas Grandes is located on a plateau at 1,200 meters above sea level, and it is in Northern Mexico, not far from the border with the United States. The winter is mild, but subject to sudden temperature changes when the strong disturbances originating in the Sea of ​​Cortez collide with the air coming from the Gulf of Mexico. During morning there might be significant snowfall, which the afternoon sun will then melt. The blizzard hit us as we returned from an exploratory mission in the Sonoran mountains, looking for access to the pipeline route, and trying to determine the logistics of the most challenging stretch of the entire project. On the climb that leads to the pass that marks the border between the states of Sonora and Chihuahua, the snow fell like it was in Italian Alps. Unfortunately, the Mexican traffic police, in order to maintain their reputation for proverbial readiness in case of emergency, had not set up any checkpoints at the beginning of the two sides. Thus the enormous Mexican trailers (twice as long as any European trailer) had faced the climbs with the snow that progressively filled the road surface.
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As we climbed the Puerto San Luis pass, the intensity of the snow increased. Luckily we were traveling in the Jeep Compass 4x4, so we were pretty sure we could get by in an emergency. Having almost reached the pass, the situation became very complicated: numerous trailers were stopped, unable to continue due to the snow. But the worst was yet to come: at the entrance to the deep carving in the rock that marks the border between Sonora and Chiuhuahua, a couple of trailers had already turned around, occupying practically the entire road. Ramiro, who was driving at the time, managed to avoid being blocked by performing a reckless maneuver: using the lay-by, he managed to get around the trailers stopped in the middle of the road, and so we were able to continue towards Janos! Without this providential maneuver, we would probably have been stuck for several hours, waiting for roadside assistance to arrive to remove the trailers placed sideways at the Puerto San Luis pass. We carefully went down the slope towards Janos, passing a crazy queue of trailers, kilometers long. Still no trace of the traffic police. The snow continued to fall, but with less force than on the Sonora side. After over 120 kilometres, we arrived at our Base, and found it completely whitewashed: a beautiful and unusual sight, the cactus covered in snow! We went to lunch, and in the afternoon the sun made its appearance: within a couple of hours the heat of its rays had melted the snow, the landscape had changed so radically, to the point that we asked ourselves by chance it hadn't all been a dream! Had it really snowed? Or had we had a collective dream?! Welcome to Mexico! Where everything (and its opposite) is possible!
Mission on the Sierra Alta de Sonora.
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After having successfully intalled approximately 20 km of the total 44 km of mountain line, we were incessantly searching for access to the most difficult section of the entire pipeline route: the one on the Sierra Alta de Sonora between the municipalities of Agua Prieta and Janos. In addition to the objective morphological difficulties, there were those linked to:
Access roads (the pipeline route was approximately 35 km away from the nearest asphalt road)
The presence of marijuana cultivations in the area, controlled by local narcos. Who obviously did not look favorably on the arrival of many people in the area, moreover equipped with drones.
Logistics: where would we have housed the staff, given that the area is one of the wildest in Mexico? How were we going to transport the heavy 12mt pipes to the track? We sought answers to all these questions by visiting the area, accompanied by an individual who CARSO had supported us, el Senor Juan Ramon Gomez Jimenes, a man who had ''familiarised'' with the Dueños who presided over the ranchos in the area. An essential condition for entering the area, given that these people were armed to the teeth (they rode around on horseback and made sure to point out the weapons they were equipped with).
Juan Ramon had managed to gain the trust of these people, to the point that he was in possession of the keys to the numerous gates that prevented access to the various ''caminos'' that allowed transit on the cart tracks of these mountains. Sometimes just a path where even the jeeps with the 4x4 always engaged struggled along with difficulty. We were on a mission with three vehicles: in addition to my Jeep Compass, two pick up's Toyota 4x4, conducted by Crocefisso the Chief Surveyor, who with the help of Ramiro would have flown the drone to obtain the altimetric profile and the route where the gas pipeline should have been installed. The pick ups carried the necessary supplies in the back in case a vehicle got stuck or fell on the frequent embankments. The mission lasted three days, and every evening we returned to Agua Prieta to spend the night in safety. The areas we explored are truly the wildest and most uncontaminated you can imagine. High mountains, rivers, dense forests, herds of cows, horses grazing in remote areas. On the third day, unfortunately, Crocifisso - despite having been told to strictly follow the tracks of the vehicles in front of him - managed to get bogged down in a hole full of mud. And naturally he did what should never be done in these situations: he accelerated to the maximum with 1st gear engaged, managing to make the pick sink to the window's level! An afternoon of assiduous work by the members of the expedition was not enough to get the vehicle out of trouble. We tried to hook it to the Jeep with the long cables we had brought with us: nothing to do! As evening approached, and as we absolutely couldn't stay in the area, we reluctantly abandoned the pick up. The next day the Company's rescue team would come to the area with more powerful vehicles (the IVECO 4x4 trucks that we always used in these cases) and would have managed to recover the vehicle. An exhaustive survey report was drawn up to inform the customer about the difficulties that the section presented, and where possible solutions were suggested. (Including the use of helicopters to transport pipes and personnel).
The Lady Senator's son Mexico is a country with very contradictory aspects: if on the one hand it is set to become the 5th industrial power in the world, on the other it still lives in a medieval reality, with families who own vast properties such as an entire Italian region, where they exercise a absolute control. Generally, these families, in addition to passing property from parents to children, are also holders of public positions in which they do nothing (but from which they receive large salaries): seats in the Parliament of the State, or even in the Federal Senate of the City of Mexico. Assignments that are used to weave completely personal affairs and to broaden the network of acquaintances. The ''Lady Senator'' of the constituency of Nuevos Casas Grandes was, as often happens in Mexico, the widow of a parliamentarian, married when he was already over seventy, and she was just over twenty. The ''Señora'' spent almost all her time ''in the Capital'', and her thirty-year-old son took care of the family hacienda. The hombre had a concept of taking care of the hacienda borrowed from the TV series Americans: and therefore he used to go around the property dressed as a cowboy (vaquero) with wide-brimmed hat, belt with exposed gun, finely decorated boots, driving the biggest American SUV available on the market. We were ordered by the Client that the section of pipeline that crossed the Senatora's property had to be completed in the shortest time possible, so as not to disturb the grazing herds too much. So it was, but we needed a big favor from Don Manuel Ruiz Martin Alvarez: on his property there was one of the most important water wells in the area, and we needed water, a lot of it. Water, for pipeline testing. We soon concluded an agreement with Don Manuel, quite onerous to tell the truth, but when you have no alternatives…. One day we started pumping water from the well of the Machuca hacienda. But something was immediately wrong: the flow rate of the well was much lower than that declared by Don Manuel. Furthermore, the hacienda's ''Fazendero'' claimed the well at certain hours of the day, interrupting the flow of water to our installation. In these conditions, filling the section of gas pipeline to be tested would have taken not days, but months! We contacted Don Manuel, and after wasting two days, we managed to meet him. As a perfect ''Mexican gentleman who never has to ask'' (because his mother is a Senator……) he replied: ''If you want it is like this otherwise remove all your equipment from my property and leave'' (implying that the money that we had transferred to his account he would keep it)
But it's you who don't respect the terms of the agreement, Don Manuel, the water you are giving us is not enough!
Well...you know what? I don't care about your trials, saludos! And he left'. We had to take note of the failure of the contract with the Senator's son, and we were forced to look for another well nearby (so to speak…) This is a typical example of how things still go today in Mexico, where those with power, money and high-ranking friendships always win despite being completely wrong.
London's mission Our Group of Company had decided to participate in the tender for the Tilenga project. A pipeline will have to connect the oil fields in Uganda - a landlocked country - with the Tanzanian port of Tanga. Total pipeline length: approximately 1,400 km with numerous intermediate pumping stations.
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In this regard, at the beginning of 2019, I was summoned to London for a week of meetings with the engineering company Worley Parsons, representatives of the client TOTAL. The Company travel office is still managed by a woman whose aim in life is to demonstrate to the owner that she is capable of saving 1 USD on the expense of her employees. My flight Mexico – London was planned as follow:
Ciudad Juarez – Mexico City – Bogota – London: duration 27 hrs
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Be that as it may, I arrived alive in London around midday on January 14th: it was raining as usual, and I had myself taken to the hotel that the diligent lady mentioned above had booked for us. The other members of the mission arrived in the afternoon: Mr. General Director, Mr. Tender office Manager, Mr. Tender office assistant, QA/QC Manager, QA/QC Headquarters Manager , and Mr. HSE Manager. In the evening we went out to the suburb of Brentford, where the hotel where we were guests was located, to try to get something to eat. After wandering around for a while, we ended up having dinner at aTurkish kebab shop, promising ourselves to find something better the next evening. It was a very intense week, every day we entered the Parsons offices at 9.00 and left at 5.00 (we had lunch in the same room where the meeting was held).
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The engineers from TOTAL, CCOC (the Chinese partner) and Worley Parsons subjected us to a barrage of questions on how we intended to tackle such a complex project. For our part, we had the opportunity to clarify the several obscure points that the project documents had left us. One of the most comical moments of the entire week was during the second day of work. The two Chinese engineers from CCOC asked specious questions about secondary aspects of our working methods and, not only that: we couldn't understand a single word about their English. During a lunch break we decided that the Chinese's absurd questions would be answered by our WMD ''weapon of mass dissuasion'': Mr. QAQC Headquarter Manager. This guy is a ''good Christian'' (as they say in Sicily) but he has a small flaw: he's a stutter. And not only that, when he gets stuck and can't move forward with a sentence he does something weird:
Start all over again from the very beginning! Result: From the third day the Chinese no longer asked questions.
Every night we went out to dinner at a different restaurant. Mr. Stutter had appointed himself the group's ''Trip Advisor'' and I must say that out of 4 evenings, the Argentino's El Gaucho restaurant was the only good he picked up. It's better to draw a veil of compassion over the other choices, especially when he took us to dinner in an ENGLISH restaurant!
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I couldn't identify anything I ate bcoz of two reasons: The lights in the restaurant were so dim that you could barely make out the dish. (Apparently it is an English tactic to prevent the customer from recognizing what he is eating, and to establish a ''romantic'' atmosphere in restaurants). Secondly the dish offered were a concoction of herbs and pieces of meat from an unspecified animal. Nor did it help in identifying the food that the two waiters were Italians who no longer spoke proper Italian, but in the meantime had not yet learned to speak English. (From the series ''we're here to learn the language, then we'll see…') The evening at GAUCHO was instead pleasant. Classy restaurant in central London, well frequented. Bottle of Argentinian Malbec for the modest sum of £120, divine meat.
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And then the last day came, and we were free, so we all went to the Westminster area to be tourists, including watching the Queen's ridiculous cavalry parade go round in circles and then go into Buckingham Palace.
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I returned to Mexico via the same route as the outward journey: upon arrival in Casas Grandes it took me a while to realize what day of the week it was.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Fiat Panda 4x4 
The small Italian utility vehicle premiered in 1985 the connectable all-wheel drive, developed by the specialist Steyr Puch, coinciding with the slight restyling that the entire range received. Its extraordinary lightness and generous ground clearance largely compensated for the low power and torque of its engine to make the Panda 4x4 capable of moving with a ease that is hardly imaginable on the most difficult terrain. 
Those early Panda 4x4s with their modest 965 cubic centimeter four-cylinder engine, especially the units built in 1985 and 1986, have now become the car of choice in the most exclusive ski resorts in the Alps, such as St. Mortiz or Courchevel. This has skyrocketed their price and has made them the target of classic vehicle restorers who until now only dedicated themselves to the most renowned sports cars. 
This model is called PandAgnelli and is a restomod created by GulfBlue Automobili. Its metallic gray color and its name pay homage to the Fiat 130 Familiare that Gianni Agnelli used to drive, the mythical patriarch of the family that owned Fiat for decades. This PandAgnelli was commissioned by an American customer and 'extra' equipment includes bar-protected yellow fog lights, Cromodora alloy wheels, wood-finished sides, a rattan roof rack and eye-catching grass green wool interior trim.
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mikeshouts · 2 years
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Munro MK_1: Off-road, 4-Wheel-Drive EV For Farming, Construction, And More
For commercial/industrial purposes.
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nikjmiles · 7 months
Conquer the Wild: America's Top 4x4 Vehicles Gear Up for Adventure! from Our Auto Expert on Vimeo.
In the heart of America's rugged landscapes, a new breed of 4x4 vehicles is making headlines, promising to take your adventures off the beaten path to the next level. With the market more crowded than ever, discerning which vehicle will serve as your next expedition ally can be as challenging as the terrains you aim to conquer. Today, we delve into the world of the most sought-after 4x4s, from the iconic designs of the Land Rover Defender to the family-centric Jeep Grand Cherokee, each boasting features that set them apart in a fiercely competitive arena.
After a hiatus that left enthusiasts yearning, the 2024 Ford Bronco has roared back onto the scene, not just to stir nostalgia but to assert its dominance with a starting price of $41,025. This isn't merely a comeback; it's a declaration of war against the Jeep Wrangler, equipped with a Bronco Raptor variant that houses a 400-hp twin-turbo V-6 engine, ready to tackle any challenge thrown its way.
Then there's the 2024 Land Rover Defender, which commands attention not just with its starting price of $57,875 but with a design that nods respectfully to its predecessors while embracing the future. Beneath its stylish exterior lies a 518-hp supercharged V-8 engine, capable of launching the Defender to 60 mph in an astonishing 4.4 seconds, making it a potent mix of heritage and high performance.
For families who live for the thrill of exploration without sacrificing comfort, the 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee emerges as the front-runner. With a base price of $41,330 and a 293-hp V-6 engine, it promises a blend of overlanding capability and everyday utility, ensuring that every trip is memorable.
The 2024 Jeep Wrangler, priced from $33,990, continues to uphold its legacy as the quintessential off-roader. Factory-equipped to navigate through almost any terrain and updated to offer modern comforts, the Wrangler demonstrates that practicality and adventure can go hand in hand.
Not to be overlooked, the 2024 Toyota 4Runner, with a starting price of $41,350, maintains its stronghold on reliability in the 4x4 segment. Its longstanding presence since 2009, coupled with a massive fanbase and robust aftermarket support, cements its reputation as a durable companion for the long haul.
For those seeking an all-encompassing solution, the Chevrolet Tahoe starts at $56,095 and doesn't disappoint. It merges the toughness of a truck-like chassis with a genuine four-wheel drive system, offering the capability to tow over 8,000 pounds and accommodate up to nine passengers, making it the epitome of versatility.
As we explore these titans of the 4x4 world, it becomes evident that each vehicle offers a unique proposition. From the style and power of the Land Rover Defender to the unmatched versatility of the Chevrolet Tahoe, and the family-friendly Jeep Grand Cherokee, the market is teeming with options that cater to every adventurer's needs.
In the quest for the perfect 4x4 companion, these vehicles are not just tools but partners in adventure, designed to meet the demands of both the untamed wilderness and the urban jungle. With the landscape of 4x4 SUVs richer and more diverse than ever, finding your ideal match means embarking on an adventure in itself. May your journey lead you to the 4x4 that not only drives you forward but inspires your next unforgettable expedition.
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greasemonkeymotel · 3 months
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"I ain't never had so much fun gettin' dirty! Me and my bud Jimmy stayed at the Grease Monkey for three days, and we worked our butts off fixin' up an old Camaro. We learned how to replace brake pads, bleed the clutch, even rewired the dashboard. The guys were helpful, showin' us the ropes and makin' sure we knew what we were doin'. We used every tool in the book - wrenches, sockets, pliers you name it! And when we needed parts, they had 'em right there. We found an old carburetor to experiment with. My clothes are completely fucked up and stained I wouldn't trade this experience for nothin' in the world! If you're lookin' for a place to get your hands dirty and have a good ol’ time, look no further than the Grease Monkey!" – Bud
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
File: Leprechaun
Code Name: The Real Leprechaun
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ACU has been contained at Site-AD within a 4x4 meter containment room. The walls of the room have been outfitted with transmitters that emit the same frequencies as Scranton Reality Anchor devices, preventing SCP-ACU from teleporting. On the same floor there are two different gardens where common foods for Foundation staff are being cultivated but also mini gardens for mass growing four-leaf clovers. 
Should a containment breach involving SCP-ACU ever happen, Foundation staff are to get to these gardens right away. There are hollow plastic bullets next to the gardens; the staff members are to harvest the four-leaf clovers, stuff them into the bullets, and load them into the guns proved. Afterwards they are to shoot SCP-ACU once spotted but mainly aim for limbs rather than organs or the head. They are then to apprehend SCP-ACU with a Reality Anchor Collar and hold him until the containment breach is confirmed to be over. Once it is, he will be placed back in his cell where he will slowly but surely heal from the injuries over a month or longer. 
Should for whatever reason the garden produces no four-leaf clovers, or the garden is inaccessible then the protocol will change. Instead, Foundation security is to shoot SCP-ACU and keep shooting him ever 5 seconds to keep him in a death like sleep until they ca get the RAC on him. Only then can they stop shooting and throw him back in his containment cell. It should be noted that it's because of SCP-ACU in particular that Foundation security at Site-AD always carry extra ammo.
No testing is to ever be permitted with SCP-ACU ever. The only testing that is done is with blood and DNA testing to fully understand the nature of SCP-ACU. 
Description: SCP-ACU is by all accounts, a genuine leprechaun, a very powerful one in fact. Though more specifically, like most fairy tale anomalies, SCP-ACU seems to be a member of Species of Interest: [data expunged] which were created from the blood of [data expunged], or at least that's the working theory. Regardless, SCP-ACU is a Level 3 Reality Bender and a very powerful one at that. Unfortunately, SCP-ACU seems to have the same power level and mental state as a Prankster God Class Anomaly. Prankster Gods, for those that don't know, are sadistic gods or demi-gods that have no sense of morality or order. They love spreading destruction and chaos wherever they go, without the proper equipment it's impossible to deal with or even hide from them. 
For whatever reason, SCP-ACU seems to get increasingly stronger when around gold, simultaneously he gets progressively weaker when the gold he currently has is taken away from him. Though no matter how weak he is he still has the power of teleportation and immortality. Despite his small size he's rather strong enough to bite off flesh, scratch people with blade like nails, and even force a grown man to the ground with little effort. As he gets stronger, he can shapeshift, make whatever or whoever he wants teleport to different places, manipulate objects and organic life to small extents, and even inflict deadly curses on people. It has been theorized that if he was able to steal all the gold of the world, he could become a true God Class Anomaly if he ever desired. 
Even when SCP-ACU has been ripped of all his gold he is still a force to be reckoned with, though that is not to say he's unstoppable. Should SCP-ACU ever make contact with a four-leaf clover his body will start to weaken, and he becomes killable. For obvious reasons the Foundation does not want this, but it is helpful in that SCP-ACU is easier to manage when weakened and his powers are drained. Though by all accounts SCP-ACU is immortal as one of the first tests with four leaf clovers showed [data expunged]. [data expunged] leading to [data expunged] casualties. It was then decided that testing would only revolve around SCP-ACU's blood, not himself ever again. 
SCP-ACU was discovered in 1993 when anomalous wave lengths were detected at the [data expunged] retirement home. Foundation agents investigated the area and found several dead bodies. With obvious hits of an anomalous attack the retirement home was shut down and evacuated while Foundation agents followed the trail SCP-ACU left behind. After reports of more anomalous wave lengths, they were led to a farm. This farm in particular belonged to one of the victims within the retirement home. 
It was there that agents discovered SCP-ACU just as he was dying due to having swallowed a four-leaf clover. Thanks to his weakened state, agents were able to grab him and put him inside a Singularity Containment Case, specifically designed to suppress the reality warping abilities of anomalous objects. It's not meant for humanoids but since he was so small, he fit in rather easily. 
The victims of the incident were later amnestied all except Alex Murphy. Alex was not amnestied as he was 10 and humans that young receiving amnestics often develop long term negative mental effects. Furthermore, he was the one who weakened SCP-ACU just long enough for the agents to contain him. As such he was spared and under Protocol “Sole Survivor” talked with the Foundation agents about how when he comes of age he will be visited again and allowed to join if he desired it. He accepted gleefully and agreed to go along with the cover story that the whole incident was a bobcat attack. 
After about a month of containment SCP-ACU had fully recovered though he also accidently revealed his gold during that time allowing Foundation staff to take it from him. It is believed that even with it the reality anchor frequencies would be able to hold him, but it was not worth the risk to find out. SCP-ACU was obviously most rebellious during the first year of containment but as time went on, he started to become more docile. Whether this is him giving up hope or trying to trick Foundation staff into believing he has is unknown. As such, all Foundation staff are advised to remain vigilant around him and those feeling sympathetic are to be transferred to a different Site.
Update 2004 - Alex Murphy has become of age and joined the Foundation. He has been assigned as a Field researcher within the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics.
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Day 9 of heraldsims #NYNewRooms challenge - Streamer
Needing to upgrade your stream? Or maybe you're wanting to start off with all of the top of the line equipment? Then have we got a room for you! It's a stream dream!
Gallery ID: BeachyPeasySandy
Move Objects used
EP: Cats and Dogs, City Living, Discover University, Get Famous, Get to Work, High School Years
GP: Dream Home Decorator, Jungle Living
SP:  Tiny Living
Kits: Blooming Rooms, Everyday Clutter
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