#5 months of actively applying to over 300 applications and only getting one interview where i got rejected at the end
elfgremlin · 1 year
im going to end up homeless
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so a number of people is curious about PhD here in Brazil and as I have nothing else I want to do right now let me tell you about it
I’ll talk about the two processes I went through for my PhD (masters is kinda the same but a bit simpler)
as I already told you here in Brazil the best universities are free, it’s kinda hard to get in but if you do you have the best education available in the country and chances are you will get some kind of scholarship. in my case as I am poor as hell I had a scholarship since first year of grad school and also a place to live. yes, I was paid to live in a nice city away from my abusive family and to study in the best program of my field in Brazil
then came the masters in which I also had a scholarship
and then the nightmare begins
see as part of my scholarship I had to finish my masters in two years. what does it mean? it means that in my second year I was writing my masters dissertation, finishing papers, preparing for qualification, then argumentation, writing my PhD project and preparing for the PhD tests
and of course as you probably know by now I love complicating things so I applied for two PhDs programs. why? only God knows, but I did. now each university has its own way to deal with PhDs applications so I’ll tell you about the two kinds of tests I had to go through
first my home university:
first you write a project. 20 pages. must have: abstract, key words, title, introduction, methodology, cronogram of activities, bibliographic references. it must present a certain novelty in the idea, they want something new, a thesis (that I will later prove right or wrong in 200 to 300 pages). my thesis was basically “Fantasy is a literature genre and it IS NOT the same as fantastic literature (don’t get me started - I wrote a PhD thesis about it but I’m still bitter)”
you need to hand this project in September. then in October is the written test. in our field the written test (in this particular university, as I said it varies) is: they pick a literary topic, that is a surprise only reveled to us mortals the day and hour of the test, and we have four hours to write an essay about it, in a room like an exam, no researches allowed. the topic in my year was History and Literature. then they grade the essay 0-10 and you need at least a 7 to go to next phase.
fine, now the few people who got the 7 go to phase “analyzing the project”. you get a grade on that too. and you need a 7 to pass as well.
then if you are lucky enough to have your project accepted you go to phase “interview” when a board will make all kinds of questions about your study, project, plans, you know... to make sure you were the one who wrote the thing and know what you’re talking about (I just need to mention here that at my interview they said my project was perfect and made 0 questions because, and I quote, “we know your trajetory and we know what you are capable of and no one else studies Fantasy Literature here”)
then they grade the interview. if you didn’t get at least a 7 bye bye bird, it doesn’t matter if your project was perfect and you aced the written test, it’s goodbye
after this they add all the scores and divide by something and if your final score is below 7, that’s goodbye too.
then you need to do the language test because oh yes YOU DO NEED TO KNOW TWO FOREIGN LANGUAGES to be accepted in any PhD program here.
and that’s it for my first application. I passed first place. usually the good programs gets scholarships and our program was very good so we had like six scholarships every year for sure and then maybe more. they give the scholarships according to the final score so yep I got it
but... when I traveled for my second PhD application I still didn’t have any of my scores, I didn’t even know if I had passed the written test and let me tell you I was desperate and honest to God terrified I wouldn’t pass
anyway, now process number two:
they make things quite different there and they are way more demanding so I was just really terrifie that I would end the year with a crappy masters and no PhD perspective.
first test they do is the language one, a translation and ooooh boi do I hate translating stuff. but it was okay, I wasn’t worried about that part. the system there was very different. while at my home university the process was spread through months, here you had three days of tests and if you failed the first day you are not even invited for the next day. again, you need 7 to pass.
so first day: language test, 52 people applying. 20 passed for day two, me included.
second day, written test. I knew they had a different style from my home university but I was not prepared for that. they gave you 10 questions, all about literature. you had to pick five and answer. so you kinda had to write 5 mini essays on 5 different topics and the questions were like “in the page 25 of the essay Memory in Baudelaire by Walter Benjamin the author express a view on how experience play a central part in the story of the narrative genre. comment on that.”
one of them was to “comment on” the trajetory of the novel as a genre. I read the 10 questions then I started laughing. then I noticed the Professor in the class was the one I wanted as my supervisor there (she is like a big deal in Fantasy studies), the one who, in two months, would be in the board of my masters argumentation. I started crying. so much. I had to be escorted to the bathroom to “calm down”. well, I thought, it’s over, I better not even come back to the exam room and save me the embarrassment of looking the Professor in the eyes. but I couldn’t do that. I had to at least convince myself that I did everything I could. so I went back and started answering the ones I thought I had a shot at. we had four hours too and after doing my darnest to answer 4 questions I wanted to die before having to answer one more. so I chose the novel one because, you know it’s not that hard to trace a genealogy of the novel as a genre. but I was so tired. so incrediby tired and I thought I won’t pass anyway so I might as well have some fun. and friends, what did I do? I wrote a mini novel where my protagonist was the novel “living” through all its phases. I can’t remember a word of that but I did it.
when I was back to the hotel I started crying so much and felt so guilty, I was sure I would fail both programs. next morning the result would be on campus and honestly I only went there because I had spent too much money to just ignore the result, I would never have peace if I didn’t check. but I was really really sure I didn’t pass so I checked out the hotel, got into a taxi, asked him to take me to campus for two minutes, so I could check a thing, and then he could take me to the station
ooooh I have no words to describe my happiness when I looked to a list of FIVE names who had got through to the next phase and my name was there.
I still can’t believe it and until this day I wonder what kind of crap did people write because they considered my “novel is a protagonist of a novel” answer over other 15????
anyway so I was happy but fucked because I had checked out the hotel so I had no place to go and the interview would be only at 5pm so there I was full of bags wandering around the campus waiting for my interview.
interview time: board with two fucking specialists in the Fantasy field and an ass who thinks she is above this. I was very nervous, they asked a bunch of questions about my project (oh yeah I forgot to say you had to hand a project like in the other uni and it is considered part of your application as well) and then... last question... from the ass “why do you consider fantasy as literature” I froze, the other two smiled (they knew my reputation). I want to murder that woman. why do I consider fantasy as literature? WHY?? son of a motherfucking bitch. so I smile*** and ask “what do you study?” she answers “Goethe” with an air of superiority. I say “oh I love Goethe, he is magnificent and the way he.... bla bla bla” I was just showing off. then I say “now think about why you consider Goethe literature. that’s your answer.” I want to say that if I had a mic I would drop it but nah... if I had a mic I would probably make that bitch eat it.
they didn’t have score there, you only passed or failed. I passed. one of five. from 52. I got a scholarship there too, but I decided to stay home. my supervisor at my uni was amazing and a wonderful person and so so smart and funny and he is in a band and is super cool and nerdy, also one of my best friends and one of the most successful translators in Brazil
so yes. this is two of the possibles processes you can go through to get in a top PhD program. and that friends is the easy part. seriously, masters and doctorates are exhausting and it breaks you. neurotypicals get mental illnesses because of it and honest to God I don’t know how I managed it. neither does my doctors. no, actually I know. it was spite.
*** funny story: because of an incident in my masters interview, before my PhDs interviews my supervisor called me to “teach me how to interact with stupid people”. he basically told me I was not supposed to laugh at a stupid question, I was not supposed to death stare the board after a stupid question and, of course, I was not allowed to get up and leave. because I did all that in my masters interview and almost didn’t get into the program. then he made me pretend he was the board talking shit and I had to smile and take notes. his words “it doesn’t matter if you are writing a curse and planning that person’s murder, smile and take notes.”
in my defence I did all that because in my masters interview a Professor asked me if I knew that Tolkien was an author who died in the 70s and that The Lord of the Rings wasn’t just a movie. after I laughed and asked if she was joking she got mad and then I tried to explain that yes, I did in fact know that John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, born in January 3rd, 1892 and dead in September, 2nd, 1973, was an author and wrote the book called The Lord of the Rings who inspired Peter Jackson’s trilogy. then I pointed out that my study had nothing to do with The Lord of the Rings, book or movie. I was in fact studying Tolkien’s essay “On Fairy Stories” and how critics point out The Lord of the Rings as the base of moderny fantasy without noting that Tolkien himself wrote the theory I consider the foundation of fantasy as a genre. then she said “that was done before” and I said “no it wasn’t, surprisingly enough people never came to this conclusion until now” and she looked me in the eyes and asked “are you sure? did you do a deep and careful research on the matter?” and I said “yes I did” and I swear to God she asked “did you try google it?”
yep I just got up and left. did I try google??? are you fucking serious? yes I did, when I wasn’t even at the uni yet you moron. google. can you believe it? I was reading papers from Oxford and Cambridge and this ass ask me if I used google.
I had a very bad score at my masters interview but my supervisor loved it anyway.
so that’s it. I hope it helps to have an idea how things work around here.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP IMMUNOLOGY Interview Questions and Answers
IMMUNOLOGY Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. What are iccosomes? The particles coated with immune complexes and are released from follicular dendritic cell extensions, are called as iccosomes. 2. What is an incomplete antibody? Antibody can bind to an antigen but cannot induce agglutination is called incomplete antibody. 3. What is opsonin? Opsonin is a substance, which promotes phagocytosis of antigens by binding to them. 4. What is a myeloma protein? It is a monoclonal immunoglobulin produced from a myeloma cell. 5. What is delayed hypersensitivity? We can recognize the Symptoms only days after exposure. This is delayed hypersensitivity (DTH). 6. What is hypersensitivity? The inflammatory response produced by inflammatory molecules result in tissue damage and some times even death. We call this as hypersensitivity or allergy. 7. What is anaphylaxis? It is most rapid hypersensitive reaction. It responds within minutes of applying a stimulus and can get localize. Reactions are mediated by release of pharmacologically active substances. 8. Give the classification of hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity is classified into five types- Anaphylaxis Antibody dependant cytotoxicity Immune complex mediated diseases Delayed type ‘o’ cell mediated hypersensitivity Stimulatory hypersensitivity 9. Name the scientists who classified hypersensitivity. Coombs and Gell 10. What are hypersensitive reactions? If humoral or cellular immunity is switch on to high for length of time, tissue damage may occur. Such reactions are called hypersensitive reactions.
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IMMUNOLOGY Interview Questions 11. What is auto immunity? Disease caused by immunological reaction to self-antigen. Such type of diseases is classified either organ specific or non-organ specific. 12. Name some of the immuno suppressive agents. Cytotoxic agents such as chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine Glucocorticoids Cyclosporine Antilymphocyte antibodies 13. What is immuno suppression? Immuno suppression is particularly given to the patients who are undergoing organ transplantation in the treatment of autoimmunity, graft rejection and in allergy conditions. 14. What are the types in adjuvants? Organic adjuvants Synthetic adjuvants Tuftsin 15. What is an adjuvant? Adjuvant potentates the immune response Vaccines need to be enhanced by some substances, these substances are called adjuvants. 16. What is vaccination? Vaccination means exploiting the immune system to protect against infectious diseases. Vaccination is done to protect against lethal diseases such as mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, small pox etc. 17. What is attenuation? Natural behavior of an organism without causing disease is called attenuation i.e. reducing pathogenesity of the organism. 18. What is secondary immune response? Secondary immune response occurs when second exposure to the same antigen occurs after weeks, months or after years. 19. What is inductive or latent period? After immunogen is introduced no antibody is detected, this is latent or inductive period. In this period, immunogen is recognized as a foreign substance. 20. What is primary immune response? First exposure to an antigen produces primary immune response. 21. What is a binder? The binding protein (usually antibody) which binds to the ligand is called as binder. 22. What is an analyte or ligand? The substance whose concentration is to be determined is called as an analyte or ligand. 23. What is importance of radio immuno assay? It is the most sensitive technique used for detecting antigen or antibody. This type of reaction is also called as binder ligand assay. 24. In radio immuno assay what is the used to label an antigen? In this technique, the antigen is generally labeled with a- emitting isotopes such as I125. 25. What is radio immuno assay? It is a competitive binding assay in which fixed amount of antibody and radiolabelled antigen react in the presence of unlabelled antigen. 26. What is western blotting? Identification of specific protein in a complex mixture of proteins can be accomplished bye a technique that is known as western blotting. 27. What are the enzymes used for labeling of antibodies? Enzymes used for labeling of antibodies are horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, ?- galactosidase, lacto preoxidase, etc. 28. What is the significance of indirect ELISA? It is used for the detection of the presence of serum antibodies against immuno deficiency virus (HIV, the causative agent of AIDS). 29. In how many ways ELISA can be carried out. It can be carried out in three ways. Indirect ELISA Sand witch ELISA Competitive ELISA 30. What is the significance of ELISA? It is used for the detection and for identification of either antigen or antibody. 31. Name two enzymes that have been employed for ELISA. Alkaline, phosphatase, horseradish, preoxidase Para nitro phenyl phosphatase 32. What is the basic principle of ELISA? The basic principle is an enzyme conjugated to n antibody reacts with a colorless substrate to generate a colored product. 33. What is the full form of ELISA? Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbant Assay. 34. What are the uses of indirect immuno fluorescence? For identifying bacterial species Detecting antigen-antibody complexes in autoimmune diseases Detecting compliment components in tissues. Localizing hormones 35. What are the advantages of indirect immuno fluorescence? The primary does not need to be conjugated with label. It increases the sensitivity of staining because multiple fluorochrome reagents will bind to each antibody molecule. This method has great flexibility. 36. What is indirect immuno fluorescence? In a method the primary unlabelled antibody is detected with a number of reagents have been developed for indirect staining. The most common is fluorescence labeled anti isotype antibody such as fluoroscin labeled goat- mouse antibody. 37. What is the disadvantage of direct immuno fluorescence? A separate fluorescent conjugate have to be prepared against each antigen to be tested. 38. What is direct immuno fluorescence? In this method, the species antibodies are primary antibodies, which are directly conjugated to fluorescent dye. 39. Into how many types is immuno fluorescence is divided? Immuno fluorescence is divided into 2 types- Direct immuno fluorescence Indirect immuno fluorescence 40. What are the most commonly used fluorescent dyes? The most commonly used fluorescent dyes are fluorescin or rhodamine. Both dyes can be conjugated to Fc region of antibody without affecting the specificity of the antigen. 41. What is immuno fluorescence? Fluorescence is the property of absorbing light ray of particular wavelength and emitting rays in different wavelength. Antigens that are bound to cells or tissue sections can be visualized by tugging the antibody molecule with a fluorescent dye or fluorochrome. 42. What is counter current immuno electrophoresis? This technique involves the simultaneous electrophoresis of antigen and antibody in the gel in the opposite direction resulting in precipitation of point where there is optimum concentration of antigen-antibody. This method produces visible precipitin with in 30 minutes and is 10 times more sensitive than the standard double diffusion technique. 43. Give some applications of immuno electrophoresis. This technique is useful for testing normal and abnormal proteins in serum and urine. It is useful to determine whether a patient produces abnormally a low amount of one or more proteins. It is also used if a patient over produces some serum proteins. 44. How is immuno electrophoresis more advance than paper electrophoresis? In paper electrophoresis, serum proteins can be separated into 5 different bands but the same protein using immuno electrophoresis can be separated into 30 different proteins. 45. What is immuno electrophoresis? The resolving power of immuno diffusion was greatly enhanced bye immuno electrophoresis. This involves the electrophoretic separation of antigen into its constituent proteins followed by immuno diffusion. This technique is performed on 1% agarose gel. Antigen mixture is first electrophori zed and separated based on charge, troughs are then cut in the agarose gel, and antiserum is added to the troughs. The agarose gel is then incubated 18-24hrs during which the antigen and antibody diffuse towards each other. The formation of precipitin bands can be observed for the individual antigen components. 46. What is double immuno diffusion method? In this method, both antigens and antibodies diffuse radically from wells towards each other by establishing a concentration gradient. As equivalence is reached, a visible line of precipitation is observed. The patterns of precipitin lines that are formed when two different antigens are placed in adjacent wells indicate whether they share any common epitope or not. Identity occurs when two antigens share identical epitopes; hence, the line of precipitation formed by them will fuse to give single curve line of identity. Non-identity occurs when two antigens are unrelated. The antiserum form independent precipitin lines that cross each other. Partial identity occurs when two antigens share common epitope. The antiserum forms line of identity with the common epitope and a curved spur with the unique epitope. 47. What is the limitation for radial immuno diffusion method? This method cannot the antigens present in concentration below 5-10 micro grams/ml. 48. What is radial immuno diffusion method? It is used to qualitate the antigen. Suitable dilution of antiserum is incorporated in the agar gel. Antigen is added to the wells cut on the surface of the gel. As the antigen diffuses into the agar region, equivalence is established and ring of precipitation is formed. The area of precipitin ring is directly proportional to the concentration of antigen. By comparing the area of precipitin with a standard curve obtained by measuring the precipitin area of known concentration of antigen, the concentration of antigen in the given sample can be determined. 49. Name the two-immuno diffusion techniques. Radial immuno diffusion method and Double immuno diffusion in two dimensions 50. What are immuno diffusion reactions? These reactions can be used to determine relative concentrations of antigens and antibodies to compare antigens and to determine the relative purity of an antigen. They are mainly preformed in 1% agarose gels. 51. What are the applications of precipitation reactions? Precipitation reaction is the basic reaction for a number of techniques. It is less sensitive for detecting antibodies. Precipitation reactions in gels have several advantages rather than in liquid medium. They have forensic application in identification of blood and seminal stains. 52. What is zone of equivalence? In this, ratio of antigen-antibody is seen optimal which results in large multimolecular lattice, hence maximum precipitation is observed. 53. What is zone of antibody excess? In this, the first available antigen is completely filled by antibody molecules. Hence, no antigenic determinant is left out free. Unreacted antibody is seen in large amount, hence poor lattice formation. 54. What are the three distinct phases that a precipitation shows? The three distinct phases are Ascending part called ‘zone of antibody excess’. A peak called ‘zone of equivalence’. A descending part called ‘zone of antigen excess’. 55. Give the mechanism of precipitation. Marrak proposed the lattice hypothesis to explain the mechanism of precipitation. The amount of precipitate formed is greatly influenced by relative proportions of antigens and antibodies. The valency of antigens is multivalent. When antigen-antibody is in optimal concentration, the precipitation is complete. So that, large lattice is formed. 56. Briefly describe about precipitation reaction. When a soluble antigen combines with corresponding antibody in the presence of electrolyte at a suitable temperature and pH, the antigen-antibody complex forms an insoluble precipitate .Antibodies that form precipitate ate called precipitants. 57. Into how many types is antigen-antibody reactions are broadly classified? It is broadly classified into five- Precipitation Agglutination Complement fixation Immunoassay using labeled reagents Immunohistrochemistry (Immunoflourescence) 58. What is horseman antigen? The glycolipid antigens are present in most tissues of guinea pigs but not in the RBC. They are found in gastrointestinal mucosa in some people. This horseman antigen will not induce antibody formation. 59. What are heterophile antigens? Heterophile antigens are polysaccharides, which are structurally similar because of their limited complexity. They are derived from members of widely separated taxonomic groups. 60. Give an example of cross-reaction. Cross reactivity is often observed in polysaccharide antigens that contain similar oligosaccharide residue. A, B, O blood group antigens - These are glycoprotein expressed on RBC. 61. What is a cross-reaction? Antigen-antibody reactions are specific, but in some cases antibody elicited by one antigen can cross react with another antigen. This reaction is called as cross-reaction and the antigen that produces cross-reaction is called as cross-reactive antigen. Cross-reaction is due to the presence of two or more antigenic determinants on the related antigen. 62. What is avidity? The capacity of an antiserum containing various antibodies to combine with the whole antigen is called avidity. Thus, avidity is used to denote the overall capacity of an antibody to combine with multivalent antigen. A multivalent antigen has many types of antigenic determinants, when this is injected into the blood each antigenic determinant stimulate the production of particular antibody. 63. What is affinity of an antibody? The strength of binding of an antibody to a monovalent antigen or single antigenic determinant is called affinity of an antibody. 64. Explain in brief about Vander Val interactions in antigen-antibody interaction. Temporary transfer of electrons from one molecule to another will result in the force of attraction between them. This is seen when the interacting molecules come close to each other. 65. Explain in brief about hydrophobic interactions in antigen-antibody interaction. Contribute up to 50% of the total strength of antigen- antibody interactions. These reactions are found when ever the side chains of non-polar amino acids of antigen-antibody come together. 66. Explain in brief about hydrogen bonds antigen-antibody interaction. Reversible hydrogen bonds are formed between hydrophilic groups such as hydroxyl, amino and carboxylic group. Although hydrogen bonds are relatively weak, they play an important role in interaction of antigen-antibody. 67. Explain in brief about electrostatic bonds in antigen-antibody interaction. These are formed due to the attraction between opposite charged protein side chains. 68. What are the forces that are responsible for antigen-antibody reactions? The process that holds antigen-antibody together is called non-specific interactions. Inter molecular forces may be classified into four- Electrostatic bonds Hydrogen bonds Hydrophobic interactions Vander Val interactions 69. What is a paratope? The portion of the antibody molecule that binds to the epitope is called as paratope. Epitope and paratope determine the specificity of immunological reactions. 70. What is an epitope? The smallest unit of antigenesity is known as antigenic determinant or epitope. The part of the antigen at which the antibody reacts is known as epitope or antigenic determinant. It is a small area possessing specific chemical structure and stereo configuration on the antigen capable of sensitizing on immuno site and of reacting with its complimentary site on the specific antibody. 71. What is antigenic specificity? Antigen antibody reaction is specific and specificity is determined by special configuration of antigenic determine. 72. Give some general features of antigen-antibody interaction. The reaction is specific and antigen combines only with its corresponding antibody and vice versa. Entire molecules react but not the fragment. There is no denaturation of antigen or antibody during the reaction. The combination of antigen – antibody is firm but reversible. The firmness of the reaction is influenced by the affinity and avidity of the reaction. Both antigens and antibodies participate in the formation of agglutination and precipitation reactions. Antigens and antibodies can combine in various proportions unlike chemicals with fixed valancy. 73. What is an antigen and antibody interaction? Antigen-antibody interaction is similar to an enzyme substrate interaction. The reaction between antigen and antibody occurs in two stages. Primary stage is the initial interaction of antigen-antibody without any visible effect .The reaction is rapid and obeys the general law of thermodynamics and physical chemistry. The primary stage is followed by the secondary stage leading to demonstrate events such as precipitation, lysis of cells, neutralization of toxins and fixation of compliments etc. 74. Briefly describe about dosage and route of administration, which make a substance antigenic. Combination of optical dosage and routes of administration will induce a peak immune response in a given animal. An insufficient dose will not stimulate an immune response. An excessive dose does not give a peak immune response because it causes a state of immunological unresponsiveness or non-response known as immunological tolerance. 75. Briefly, describe about the foreignness of a molecule, which makes a substance antigenic? To be antigenic macromolecules must come from foreign source. Antigens from related species are less antigenic than that of unrelated species. More distance the antigen source the better is the antigenesity. Ex: Plant proteins are good antigens in animals, where as duck serum proteins are not good antigens for chick. 76. Briefly describe about the chemical nature of the molecule, which make a substance antigenic? Most naturally, occurring antigens are proteins and polysaccharides. Lipids and nucleic acids are less antigenic. The antigenic property of these compounds is enhanced by combination with proteins. Certain degree of structural complexity is required for antigenesity. Synthetic polymers are macromolecules in size are not antigenic because they lack structural complexity. Ex: Gelatin 77. Briefly describe about size of a molecule, which make a substance antigenic ? Molecule size of an antigen has a direct relation to antigenesity. Very large molecules such as haemocyanin (6.7 million Daltons) and thymoglobulin (669 kd) are highly antigenic where as low molecular weight compounds whose molecular weight is less than 10,000 Daltons are poor antigenic. Ex: Insulin and histones 78. What are the factors that influence immunogenesity? A number of factors have been identified which make a substance antigenic. They are - Size Chemical nature Susceptibility to tissue enzymes Foreignness Immunogen dose and route of administration 79. Give an example for hapten molecule. Small molecules such as DNP (Dinitro phenyl), M-amino benzene sulphonate by themselves are not immunogenic. However, when they conjugate with a protein such as Bovine serum Albumin (BSA), they can act as complete antigens. 80. What are haptens? Haptens are small molecules that can react specifically with antibodies but cannot initiate immune response by themselves. They have property of antigenesity, but lack immunogenicity. 81. What is cell-mediated immune response? It is based on T cells. These T cells are of two types. T helper cells (TH) T cytotoxic cells. (TC) T helper cells interact with antigen MCH II present on APC (Antigen presenting cell) and secrete cytokines. These activate B cells, Tc cells and other phagocytic cells; these activated phagocytic cells kill microorganisms like protozoa and bacteria. 82. What is humoral immune response? It is based on antibodies. It is conferred to non-immune individuals by administration of serum antibodies from an immune individual. Antibodies bind to the antigens and facilitate their elimination by forming clusters through cross-linking. 83. What is immunogenesity? The ability of a material to induce an immune response is referred to as immunogenesity. 84. Into how many types is immune response divided? Immune response is divided into two types Humoral immune response Cell mediated immune response. 85. What is an immunogen? The ability of a material to induce immune responses referred as immunogenicity and such material is known as an immunogen. 86. What is antigensity? The ability of an antigen to combine specifically with the final products of immune response is called as antigensity. 87. What is an antigen? A substance that can produce a specific immune response when it is introduced into the animals and that can react specifically with the products of immune response is generally known as an antigen. 88. What is opsonisation? Immunoglobulins specific for particulate antigens such as bacteria play an important role by coating the surface of the bacteria and making the antigen more susceptible for phagocytosis. This process is called as opsonisation. 89. What is Secondary IgA? It is a dimer of molecular weight of 400,000 Daltons and sedimentation coefficient of 11S. It contains a glycin rich polypeptide called a secretary component or secretary piece. It is relatively resistant to digestive enzymes and reducing enzymes. It is believed to play an important role in local immunity against respiratory and intestinal pathogens. 90. What is serum IgA? It is a monomer. It has a molecular weight of 160,000 Daltons and sedimentation coefficient of 7S. 91. Give the classification of immunoglobulin molecules. Immunoglobuins are classified into 5 different types. They are IgG IgA IgM IgD IgE 92. What are the domains, which are present in heavy chain? Heavy chain contains one variable domain (VH) and either 3 or 4 constant domains (CH1, CH2, CH3, and CH4). 93. What are the domains, which are present in the light chain? Light chain contains one variable domain (VL) and one constant domain (CH). 94. Name the scientists who elucidated the basic structure of immunoglobulin. Rodney Porter and Gerald Edelman 95. Name the bond linking the two heavy chains 1-2 disulphide bonds 96. Name the bond linking L chain and H chain. Disulphide bond 97. What are immunoglobulins? Immunoglobulins are glycoproteins, each molecule containing two pairs of polypeptide chains of different sizes, smaller ones are called light chains (L), and larger ones are called heavy chains (H). 98. What are basophils? They are found in blood and in tissues. They contain several hydrolytic enzymes and amines like histamine, serotonin etc. 99. What are oesnophils? They are found in large number in allergic inflammatory actions and in parasitic infections. 100. What are neutrophils? They are most abundant leucocytes. Constitute 60 – 75% of blood leucocytes. They are active in phagocytosis. 101. What are microphages? Neutrophils, oesnophils, basophils are called as microphages. 102. What are dendritic cells? Cells, which help in presentation of antigen to cell during primary immune response, are dendritic cells. They have no phagocytic activity and are highly polymorphic. They are present in peripheral lymphoidal organs particularly and in the germinal centers of spleen and lymph nodes. 103. What are phagocytic cells (macrophages)? All macrophages originate from bone marrow stem cells in the form of monoblast, which develop into promonocytes and monocytes. Monocytes enter the blood and their half-life in the blood is about 3 days. Later they enter into the tissues and develop into macrophages. 104. What are natural killer cells? These are large granulated lymphocytes posses’ spontaneous cytotoxicity towards various target cells mainly the malignant cells and virus infected cells. Their cytotoxicity is not antibody dependant. They bind to glycoprotein receptor of target cells and release cytolytic factor. 105. Give the classification of null cells. Null cells are classified into three types. Natural killer cells Antibody dependant cellular cytotoxic cells Lymphokine activated killer cells. 106. What are null cells? The lymphocytes that are devoid of markers for T and B- cells are called null cells. 107. What are TH- cells? T helper cells (TH) will recognize the antigen when it is presented by antigen presenting cell along with MHC class – II complex. They secrete various cytokines activate B – cells Tc cells and a variety of cells that participate in the immune response. 108. What is the life span of a plasma cell? The life span of a plasma cell is 2 – 3 days. 109. What are plasma cells? They are antibody-secreting cells. They are oval in shape and twice the size of small lymphocytes, with a centrally placed oval nucleus containing large blocks of chromatin located peripherally. 110. What is B – lymphocyte? They are derives from bone marrow stem cells. Their development and maturation takes place in bone marrow. Matured B-cells leave the bone marrow and migrate via blood stream to the secondary lymphoid organs. Give the classification of lymphocytes They are classified into two types. T- lymphocytes: derived from thymus B – lymphocytes: derived from bone marrow What are lymphocytes? They are the central cells of immune system responsible for acquired immunity, diversity, specificity, memory, self and non-self recognition. Lymphocytes are small, round cells found in peripheral blood, lymph, lymphoid organs and in many tissues. What is haematopoisis? Formation and development of red and white blood cells from stem cell is called haematopoisis. What is bursa of fabricius? It is a lympho epithelial organ arising as a pouch from the dorsal part of the cloacae in birds. Its development, structure, and function are parallel to those of thymus. In birds, it is the primary site of B-cells maturation. What are T- cells? Lymphocytes produced in the thymus are called as T-cells or thymus dependant lymphocytes. What is the function of bone marrow? Bane marrow serves as a site for B-cell development and maturation. Immature B-cells proliferate and differentiate within the microenvironment of the bone marrow into immuno competent of bursal lymphocyte (or) B-cell. What is the relation between thymus and immune function? The importance of thymus in lymphocyte proliferation and development of cell mediated immune response came from experiments involving neonatal thymectomic in which the thymus was surgically removed from newborn mice. These thymectaomide mice showed a dramatic decrease in T-Lymphocytes and an absence of cell mediated immune response. This condition is seen in congenital birth defect in humans. What is the function of thymus? The primary function of thymus is the production of thymic lymphocyte. It is the major site for lymphocyte proliferation in the body. What are secondary lymphoid organs? Lymphnode, spleen, various mucosal associated lymphoid tissues (MALT) are secondary lymphoid organs. After acquiring immune competency, the lymphocytes migrate along blood and lymph streams and accumulate in the peripheral lymphoid organs. What are primary lymphoid organs? Thymus and Bone marrow are the primary lymphoid organs. During haematopiosis, immature lymphocytes are generated. These become mature and acquire immune competence within primary lymphoid organs. Primary lymphoid organs are also called as central lymphoid organs. What is artificial passive immunity? It is the resistance passively transferred to a recipient by administration of antibodies. What is natural passive immunity? It is the resistance passively transferred from the mother to the baby. Antibodies are transferred predominantly through the placenta. By active immunization of mother during pregnancy is possible to improve the quantity of immunity. How Passive immunity is classified? Passive immunity is classified into two types. 1. Natural passive immunity 2. Artificial passive immunity Define artificial active immunity, and give an example? It is the resistance induced by vaccines. Vaccine is preparation of live or killed microorganisms or their products used for immunization. Ex: 1. Bacterial vaccines- 1) Live - BCG for Tuberculosis Killed - TAB for entire fever. Ex: 2.Viral vaccines- 1) Live – ORAL polio militias. Killed – SALK polio militias Define natural active immunity, and give an example to support the definition? Natural active immunity results either from a clinical or in appointed infection with a parasite. Ex: 1. a person who has recovered from an attack of measles develops natural active immunity. Ex: 2. the immunity is life long in case of viral diseases such as chicken pox or measles. Into how many types is active immunity further classified? What are they? Active immunity is classified into two types- 1. Natural active immunity 2. Artificial active immunity Define passive immunity The resistance that is transmitted from a recipient in a ready-made form is known as passive immunity. Define active immunity Active immunity is the resistance developed by an individual because of antigenic stimulus. Into how many types acquired immunity is classified. Acquired immunity is classified into two types. 1. Active immunity and 2. Passive immunity How many major groups of cells are involved in acquired immunity? It involves two groups of cells. They are Lymphocytes Antigen Presenting Cells (APCs) How many types of defensive barriers are there in innate immunity? There are four types of defensive barriers. 1. Anatomic 2. Physiologic 3. Endocytic and phagocytic and 4. Inflammatory components Define acquired immunity. The resistance that an individual acquired during life is known as acquired immunity. Unlike innate immunity, this immune system is highly adaptive and exhibits four characteristic features. 1. Antigen specificity 2. Diversity 3. Immunologic memory 4. Recognition of self from non-self antigens Define innate immunity. Innate immunity is the resistance to diseases that an individual has from the time of its birth. Into how many types immunity is classified. Immunity is classified into two types. 1. Innate immunity (or) native immunity (or) natural immunity 2. Acquired immunity Define immune system Immune system is a defense system that protects from pathogenic microorganisms (harmful) and cancer. Define the term immunity Immunity refers to the resistance exhibited by the host towards injury caused by microorganisms and their products. (Or) Immunity is concerned with resistance to infection. What is isotype switching? It is conversion of antibody class to another resulting from genetic rearrangement of heavy chain constant region genes in B cells. Isotype switching is also called as class switching. What is lysogeny? The condition in which viral genome that is provirus associated with host genome in a way that the viral genes remain in unexpressed state. What is microglial cell? Macrophage found in central nervous system is called microglial cell. What is a myeloma cell? It is a cancerous plasma cell. What is a myeloma cell? It is a cancerous plasma cell. What is myeloma protein? It is a monoclonal immunoglobulin, which is produced by myeloma cell. What is multiple sclerosis? An autoimmune disease affects the central nervous system. What is a pathogen? Pathogen is a disease-causing organism. What is a stem cell? It is a cell, from which differentiated cells derive. What is tapasin? It is a protein that is associated with class I MHC molecules. What is a vaccine? It is a preparation of antigenic material used to induce immunity against pathogens. What are tumor antigens? Tumor antigens are cell surface proteins, which are present on the surface of tumor cells that induce cell-mediated immune response. Name the parasite, which causes malaria? The parasites that cause malaria are Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falcifarum. Name the parasite, which causes leishmaniasis? It is Leishmania species. Name the parasite, which causes chagas disease? It is Trypanosoma cruzi. Name the parasite, which causes sleeping sickness or trypanosomiasis? Trypanosoma rhodense, Trypanosoma gambiense What is the mechanism of host defense in malaria? Blocks invasion and opsonises for phagocytosis What is the mechanism of host defense in leishmaniasis? Restrict the spread of disease. What is the mechanism of host defense in chagas disease? Lysis in presence of compliment What is the mechanism of host defense in trypanosomiasis? Opsonises for phagocytosis What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule IgA? Blocks binding of virus to host cells, thus preventing infection What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecules IgG, IgM and IgA? Blocks fusion of viral envelope to the cell plasma membrane What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule IgG, IgM? Enhances phagocytosis by opsonization What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule IgM? Agglutination What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule compliment activated by IgG or IgM? Mediated opsonization What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule IFN ? secreted by TH or TC cell? Cell mediated immune response. What is the response type and activity shown by effectors molecule cytotoxic T cells? Cell mediated immune response. Activity: Kills virus infected self-cells. What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule natural killer cell macrophages? Cell mediated immune response. Activity: Kills virus infected cells by ADCC. What is the host defense mechanism shown if an attachment is made to host cell? Blockage of attachment by secretory IgA antibodies What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through proliferation? Phagocytosis compliment mediated lysis localized inflammatory response. What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through invasion of host tissues? Antibody mediated agglutination. What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through toxin-induced damage of host cells? Neutralization of toxin by antibodies What is an exon? Exon is a region of a gene that contains coding sequences for a “polypeptide”. What is an intron? The nucleotide sequence present between exons of a gene. They can be removed by the process of splicing. What is immunolabeling? Labeling molecules by the use of antibodies bound to another molecule that serves as labels for an antigen antibody complex. What is immunoblotting? This is a technique to determine the presence of an antigen by the reaction of labeled antibodies to the antigen. This is done after separating the antigens according to the size or charge by gel electrophoresis. What is i-gene? It is a bacterial gene, that code for lac operon- repressor protein. What is an iso antigen? It is produced only by some members of a species but not the others. These are capable of eliciting immune response in the individuals that lack the antigen. What is the other name of isoantigen? The other name is Alloantigen. Give an example for alloantigen Blood group antigens are alloantigens. Name some features of a secondary immune response that distinguish it from primary immune response Secondary immune response requires an amplified population of memory cells. Response is more rapid compared to primary immune response. Describe major events in the inflammatory response. The following are the major events in the inflammatory response: The diameter of the capillaries increases in the affected region and their permeability, which facilitates influx of white blood cells. What does the following sentence means? “T cell is said to be class I restricted”. It means that they can recognize the antigen, which is, associated with class I MHC molecules. Name the assay method for IgG in serum. The method is ELISA. Name the assay method for compliment component C3 on glomerullar basement membrane. Immunofluorescence Name the assay method for horsemeat combination of hamburger. Agglutination Name the assay method for insulin in serum. ELISA or RIA How B cell hybridomass are formed? They are formed by the fusion of antigen primed B cells with cancerous plasma cells. Expand cell line HL-60. Human myeloid leukemia cell line IMMUNOLOGY Interview Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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mrkeb · 8 years
Pay Off
“…never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world”
I remember my first day working at the Port. My supervisor showed me around the Port building, drove me to the airport location, and introduced me to the people I would be working with. It was his birthday. People joked that I was his birthday present. And I felt special.
I felt like this was this was the payoff. I had a career. I had a place where I could envisioned spending the rest of my life working.
I spent 2 years working at a public accounting firm. Our firm had clients all over the Bay, and for 3 month out of every year, I would drive 2 hours to and another 2 hours from our biggest client in the peninsula. There was a manager, who really liked me, who always would request me on his engagements. Unfortunately, he was also verbally abusive, which he shrugged off as ‘tough love’, to the point where multiple clients pulled me aside and told me to quit. It got so bad that I would literally have 4-5 work related nightmares on an average week. That was probably when I realized that I had anxiety. To this day, I jump a little bit, every time the phone rings. But I wanted to tough it out. I knew that it was important that I secured at least 2 years of work experience on my paper.
I spent months applying to jobs. I tailoring my resume specifically for each position that I applied for. I went to many interviews and would always make it to the second-to-last or very last round. I would follow up, each of the jobs that I thought I had a good chance with, on a weekly basis until the contact would either ghost or tell me that they chose somebody else.
I did everything ‘right’ in college to prepare me for this. I went to the 8th best public university in the nation. To get into the Economics and Accounting Major, I had to average a 2.85 GPA (a B- is 2.7) and they a only allowed the top 20% to get As, the next 20% Bs, etc. Because of this, I jumped through many hoops and was only one + or – away from having to transfer to another school or pick another major. I did 2 internships to fluff up my resume while I was at school. I joined a Professional Business Fraternity in order to network and meet people who were smarter than me, in order to help push me through the major. I took on a role as a ‘Finance Manager’ in an organization in order to have more talking points in preparation for my interviews.
They closed off the position after 600 applicants. 250-300 applicants were selected for an over-the-phone interview. 60 applications were selected for the standardized multiple choice and excel test. I ranked #2 out of those applicants. 8 applicants were called back for a 1-to-1 interview, followed by a 3-to-1 interview. I was selected for the job.
My co-worker told me, on the first day, that he was ‘surprised’ I made it. “You know, part of the reason that you are here is because I wanted you.” Huh? “Between you and me, I had a lot of choice in the matter in who got your position. A lot of people applied.” He had this smug look on his face. "And be careful. Not everybody makes it past the 9 month new hire probation. They can kick you out for any reason."
I was heart broken I thought I got the job because I deserved it. I thought I got it because I qualified. I thought I got it because I worked hard, hauled ass, spent years and years preparing for something like this. I thought I got this because my parents each worked 60-80 hour workweeks, to afford Kumon and extra-curricular activities, and hauled even more ass, and did whatever they could so that their kids had some opportunities available to them.
“You know, the problem with millennials is that the all feel so entitled”, he stated in another conversation.
Really? Because I felt like I worked really hard to help me go from being that kid who was enrolled in ESL and was the ‘Kevin has a lot of potential’ kid to who I am now. (And) Maybe you are just bitter because it took you 26 years within this company have the same position as somebody who had lived 26 years.
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jakehglover · 6 years
Melanoma Is a Disease of Office Workers
In this interview with the late Dr. Robert Heaney, Creighton University professor of medicine and renowned researcher in the field of bone biology and vitamin D,1 he admits that an embarrassing secret in the field of nutrition is the lack of knowledge of what is really normal.
When the approach to measuring vitamin intake is determining the amount needed to avoid triggering a disease or establishing the highest amount before you experience toxicity, then you don’t achieve what is optimal to support biological function.
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone your body produces with the help of cholesterol when you're exposed to the sun. This critical nutrient interacts with a number of different systems in your body and is vital to cell DNA expression. One of the best ways to optimize your blood level is to get sensible sun exposure, taking great care to never get burned.
Although deficiency is very common, not only in the U.S. but also around the world, many believe they are not at risk simply because they eat foods fortified with vitamin D. With advancing technology and research it has become clear vitamin D deficiency is rampant and significantly impacts the development of several health conditions and chronic diseases.
In fact, research estimates2 85 percent of children in industrial cities, and well over half of adults and the elderly, suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Lack of sun exposure has likely been driven by the fear of developing skin cancer. However, office workers actually develop melanoma at greater rates than those who spend more time outdoors.3
Office Work May Increase Risk of Malignant Melanoma
For decades, the message from the medical community has been to avoid direct sun exposure and apply sunscreen when spending any amount of time outdoors. Australia's long public campaign4 to curb skin cancer rates has resulted in 31 percent of Australian adults being deficient in vitamin D, which in turn is linked with a number of deadly conditions, including cancer.
The application of SPF 30 can reduce the production of vitamin D by 97 percent. However, while it's important to reduce your potential for sunburn, it's been known since the 1970s that office workers have a higher risk of malignant melanoma than those who work outdoors.
Interestingly, melanoma appears on body parts that don't usually see much sun but which occasionally get burned, such as men's torsos or the back of women's legs.5 In one population-based, case-controlled study, researchers found a pattern of significantly increased risk of melanoma for lesions on the trunk of individuals who reported using sunscreen to enable them to spend more time sunbathing.6
When outside, you're exposed to the full spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) rays, including UVA and UVB. UVB light is necessary for your body to produce vitamin D and often affects only the superficial layers of your skin. UVA rays, on the other hand, will penetrate deep into the dermis and may lead to premature skin aging and suppression of your immune system.7
The differentiation between UVA and UVB light is where the light waves fall on the light wavelength spectrum. One reason why office workers may be at higher risk for developing malignant melanoma is their exposure to UVA wavelengths filtered through office windows.
Windows block UVB light but allow UVA through. A secondary reason may be that those who work in offices spend more time outside on holidays and weekends, resulting in burns, laying the groundwork for skin cancer.8 The World Health Organization (WHO) states:9
“Exposure during childhood is thought to be more important than exposure later in life. Tumor development may be linked to occasional exposure to short periods of intense sunlight, such as at weekends or on holiday. The higher incidence of malignant melanoma in indoor workers compared to outdoor workers supports that notion.”
Total Sun Spectrum Is Beneficial to Health
Scientists are just beginning to understand the many ways sun exposure is vital to human health. In an interview with Alexander Wunsch, Ph.D., world class expert on photobiology,10 he explains:11
"Sunlight induces coordinated endocrine adaptation effects. It affects sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, and is a major circadian and seasonal stimulus for the body clock … Our system, via the eyes and via the skin, detects the colors of the light in the environment in order to adapt the hormonal system to the specific needs of the time and place.
It's different if we are sitting under the sun in the desert, or if we are sitting under a leaf roof or under a tree somewhere in the woods. The colors around us tell, through the eye, to our brain, to the midbrain [and] to the hormonal steering centers, what happens around us and what is to do in order to cope with this particular situation."
Given the many benefits of sun exposure, the WHO's classification of sunlight as a carcinogen (and recommendation to avoid the sun) is akin to saying oxygen may cause cancer because it's the precursor molecule for free radicals, so we should all stop breathing, according to Wunsch.
It's becoming clear regular exposure to full spectrum light is necessary and beneficial for most people, and public health would be better served by helping people understand the optimal "dose" needed, rather than telling them to shun all sun exposure.
Although abnormally high amounts of UVA exposure damages your skin, sensible sun exposure to UVA helps produce nitric oxide, which relaxes your arterial system and normalizes your blood pressure. In turn, high blood pressure (hypertension) is linked to coronary artery disease, aneurysm, heart failure, stroke and dementia.12
Importance of Vitamin D to Your Overall Health
In the past, vitamin D was recognized as the treatment for rickets, and later for osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Today, much of the attention on the benefits of vitamin D has focused on the prevention of colds and illnesses. However, vitamin D is a micronutrient vital to the functioning of each cell.
As Heaney describes, when you don't have enough of a micronutrient it impacts the optimal functioning of every cell. What scientists have learned in the past 10 years is the critical role the active form of vitamin D plays in making DNA available to the cell to create proteins and enzymes needed to function.
When your vitamin D level falls, it impacts how the cell functions. More immediately, you may experience a decline in immune competence, balance or bone strength. However, in the long term, vitamin D is responsible for number of crucial functions, including regulating the absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus.
These nutrients are essential for bone health and neuromuscular activity. A study led by Arash Hossein-Nezhad, Ph.D., professor of endocrinology at Boston University,13 found adults who increase their vitamin D during the winter months enhanced the function of nearly 300 genes and circulating immune cells that control more than 800 biological processes and help repair DNA.14
These functions also help promote the death of precancerous cells and improve immune function. When vitamin D is at a suboptimal level, it increases the risk of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, depression, schizophrenia and tuberculosis. Deficiencies are more apt to occur at higher latitudes and during the winter months when the angle of the sun is oblique.15
Vitamin D Toxicity Is Relatively Rare
A collaborative study16 between Duke University and the National University of Singapore found low levels of vitamin D also increased the risk of cognitive decline and mental impairment. However, while the benefits of optimal vitamin D levels are many, it's nearly impossible to get enough sunlight all year-round in the Northern Hemisphere in order to meet your needs.
Residents of the British Isles are in a similar situation, where the sun is a relatively rare commodity. Public Health England17 recently issued a report recommending citizens take a vitamin D supplement, where before only at-risk individuals and children under 5 were given this recommendation.
Since each person absorbs and activates vitamin D differently, it’s impossible to recommend one supplemental dose for everyone over the winter months to achieve an optimal blood level of 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml.
The only way to assess your ideal dose is to monitor your serum vitamin D. This is easily done with a simple blood test, available at most labs and/or from GrassrootsHealth. While it’s important to take enough, it’s unlikely you’ll take too much unless you take more than 30,000 IU per day.
Vitamin D affects your serum calcium levels, which is how the Institute of Medicine defines vitamin D toxicity. According to Heaney, there is a wide margin of safety. For instance, in measuring blood levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D, there are no recorded problems at levels of 200 ng/ml and below. To achieve this serum level you need to be take greater than 30,000 IU per day.
While it is difficult to achieve vitamin D toxicity, you may suffer negative effects if you don’t also maintain a healthy balance with other nutrients. If you take high doses of vitamin D3, remember to also boost your intake of vitamin K2 and calcium through food and/or a supplement, and get your vitamin D level tested to be sure you're safely within the therapeutic range.
Magnesium is another nutrient important to the optimization of vitamin D. You can learn more about this in my previous article, “Without Magnesium, Vitamin D Supplementation May Backfire.”
Fluorescent Lighting in the Office Affects Your Health
Many offices are turning to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) in an effort to reduce energy expenditure. However, the low levels of energy and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted may damage your health. A study from Stony Brook University finds UV radiation seeping through CFLs may damage skin cells.18
The research was sparked after the lead researcher read an article in an Israeli newspaper reporting a spike in skin cancer on a communal farm after residents switched to CFLs.19 Disturbing evidence had also surfaced in the European Union literature indicating exposure to CFL bulbs may be responsible for photodermatosis and skin cancer in humans.
CFL bulbs work by using electricity to excite mercury vapor, emitting UV light, which is absorbed by the bulbs’ phosphor coating, converting the energy to visible light. In comparison to standard fluorescent tubes, CFLs create more space where UV light can escape when the phosphor coating chips.
Researchers studied keratinocytes from the outermost layer of skin and dermal fibroblasts forming the connective tissue. Although all of the bulbs tested had some emissions, some were worse than others. Under lab conditions, the cells on the skin stopped growing and changed shape.20 Andrew Goldsworthy, Ph.D., biologist from the Imperial College in London writes:21
“The symptoms of exposure to CFL radiation are remarkably similar to those reported by electrosensitive individuals when exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields. Since the lamps do not flash, it seems probable that they are a direct effect of the pulsed radiation on the brain and nervous system.
The magnetic component of the radiation is the more dangerous because it can penetrate deep into the human body where it generates electrical voltages proportional to its rate of change. The rapid rise and fall times of these magnetic pulses can therefore give relatively massive and potentially damaging voltage spikes both in living cells and across their membranes.”
EMF is emitted from baby monitors, cellphones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters and other wireless devices and causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage. For a discussion of how electromagnetic fields affect your cells and your health, see my previous article, “Reduce EMF Exposure.”
Are You Sensitive to Fluorescent Light?
Environmental factors may trigger stress reactions, nervous system dysregulation or physical sensitivities, including exposure to CFLs. These light bulbs have become increasingly ubiquitous as proponents argue they save energy. However, if these energy efficient bulbs increase mental and physical disease burden, the collective cost may far outweigh any savings.
Although stress reactions to CFLs are likely triggered by several factors, one issue is the blue light emitted, which stimulate nonvisual pathways from the eye and affect your circadian rhythms, arousal level and muscle tension.
Compared to incandescent lighting, CFLs demonstrate the ability to raise stress markers, blood pressure and reduce a drop in temperature during sleep, significantly affecting your quality of sleep.22
There have also been a handful of studies indicating an increase in repetitive behaviors in children suffering from autism23 or hyperactivity24 when they are exposed to fluorescent versus incandescent lighting. It's important to note the researchers found immediate effects and were not evaluating long-term cumulative effects as would occur from stimulation over time.
For all of these reasons, I recommend using incandescent lightbulbs in your officer and living spaces, reserving CFLs and LEDs for areas where you don’t spend any significant amount of time, such as in hallways, the garage or in porch lights. To learn more about healthy lighting, see “How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health.”
Also remember that sensible sun exposure (and/or a vitamin D3 supplement when sun exposure is not feasible) may actually lower your risk of several types of cancer, including the most lethal form of skin cancer.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/12/melanoma-disease-of-office-workers.aspx
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jerrytackettca · 6 years
Melanoma Is a Disease of Office Workers
In this interview with the late Dr. Robert Heaney, Creighton University professor of medicine and renowned researcher in the field of bone biology and vitamin D,1 he admits that an embarrassing secret in the field of nutrition is the lack of knowledge of what is really normal.
When the approach to measuring vitamin intake is determining the amount needed to avoid triggering a disease or establishing the highest amount before you experience toxicity, then you don’t achieve what is optimal to support biological function.
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone your body produces with the help of cholesterol when you're exposed to the sun. This critical nutrient interacts with a number of different systems in your body and is vital to cell DNA expression. One of the best ways to optimize your blood level is to get sensible sun exposure, taking great care to never get burned.
Although deficiency is very common, not only in the U.S. but also around the world, many believe they are not at risk simply because they eat foods fortified with vitamin D. With advancing technology and research it has become clear vitamin D deficiency is rampant and significantly impacts the development of several health conditions and chronic diseases.
In fact, research estimates2 85 percent of children in industrial cities, and well over half of adults and the elderly, suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Lack of sun exposure has likely been driven by the fear of developing skin cancer. However, office workers actually develop melanoma at greater rates than those who spend more time outdoors.3
Office Work May Increase Risk of Malignant Melanoma
For decades, the message from the medical community has been to avoid direct sun exposure and apply sunscreen when spending any amount of time outdoors. Australia's long public campaign4 to curb skin cancer rates has resulted in 31 percent of Australian adults being deficient in vitamin D, which in turn is linked with a number of deadly conditions, including cancer.
The application of SPF 30 can reduce the production of vitamin D by 97 percent. However, while it's important to reduce your potential for sunburn, it's been known since the 1970s that office workers have a higher risk of malignant melanoma than those who work outdoors.
Interestingly, melanoma appears on body parts that don't usually see much sun but which occasionally get burned, such as men's torsos or the back of women's legs.5 In one population-based, case-controlled study, researchers found a pattern of significantly increased risk of melanoma for lesions on the trunk of individuals who reported using sunscreen to enable them to spend more time sunbathing.6
When outside, you're exposed to the full spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) rays, including UVA and UVB. UVB light is necessary for your body to produce vitamin D and often affects only the superficial layers of your skin. UVA rays, on the other hand, will penetrate deep into the dermis and may lead to premature skin aging and suppression of your immune system.7
The differentiation between UVA and UVB light is where the light waves fall on the light wavelength spectrum. One reason why office workers may be at higher risk for developing malignant melanoma is their exposure to UVA wavelengths filtered through office windows.
Windows block UVB light but allow UVA through. A secondary reason may be that those who work in offices spend more time outside on holidays and weekends, resulting in burns, laying the groundwork for skin cancer.8 The World Health Organization (WHO) states:9
“Exposure during childhood is thought to be more important than exposure later in life. Tumor development may be linked to occasional exposure to short periods of intense sunlight, such as at weekends or on holiday. The higher incidence of malignant melanoma in indoor workers compared to outdoor workers supports that notion.”
Total Sun Spectrum Is Beneficial to Health
Scientists are just beginning to understand the many ways sun exposure is vital to human health. In an interview with Alexander Wunsch, Ph.D., world class expert on photobiology,10 he explains:11
"Sunlight induces coordinated endocrine adaptation effects. It affects sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, and is a major circadian and seasonal stimulus for the body clock … Our system, via the eyes and via the skin, detects the colors of the light in the environment in order to adapt the hormonal system to the specific needs of the time and place.
It's different if we are sitting under the sun in the desert, or if we are sitting under a leaf roof or under a tree somewhere in the woods. The colors around us tell, through the eye, to our brain, to the midbrain [and] to the hormonal steering centers, what happens around us and what is to do in order to cope with this particular situation."
Given the many benefits of sun exposure, the WHO's classification of sunlight as a carcinogen (and recommendation to avoid the sun) is akin to saying oxygen may cause cancer because it's the precursor molecule for free radicals, so we should all stop breathing, according to Wunsch.
It's becoming clear regular exposure to full spectrum light is necessary and beneficial for most people, and public health would be better served by helping people understand the optimal "dose" needed, rather than telling them to shun all sun exposure.
Although abnormally high amounts of UVA exposure damages your skin, sensible sun exposure to UVA helps produce nitric oxide, which relaxes your arterial system and normalizes your blood pressure. In turn, high blood pressure (hypertension) is linked to coronary artery disease, aneurysm, heart failure, stroke and dementia.12
Importance of Vitamin D to Your Overall Health
In the past, vitamin D was recognized as the treatment for rickets, and later for osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Today, much of the attention on the benefits of vitamin D has focused on the prevention of colds and illnesses. However, vitamin D is a micronutrient vital to the functioning of each cell.
As Heaney describes, when you don't have enough of a micronutrient it impacts the optimal functioning of every cell. What scientists have learned in the past 10 years is the critical role the active form of vitamin D plays in making DNA available to the cell to create proteins and enzymes needed to function.
When your vitamin D level falls, it impacts how the cell functions. More immediately, you may experience a decline in immune competence, balance or bone strength. However, in the long term, vitamin D is responsible for number of crucial functions, including regulating the absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus.
These nutrients are essential for bone health and neuromuscular activity. A study led by Arash Hossein-Nezhad, Ph.D., professor of endocrinology at Boston University,13 found adults who increase their vitamin D during the winter months enhanced the function of nearly 300 genes and circulating immune cells that control more than 800 biological processes and help repair DNA.14
These functions also help promote the death of precancerous cells and improve immune function. When vitamin D is at a suboptimal level, it increases the risk of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, depression, schizophrenia and tuberculosis. Deficiencies are more apt to occur at higher latitudes and during the winter months when the angle of the sun is oblique.15
Vitamin D Toxicity Is Relatively Rare
A collaborative study16 between Duke University and the National University of Singapore found low levels of vitamin D also increased the risk of cognitive decline and mental impairment. However, while the benefits of optimal vitamin D levels are many, it's nearly impossible to get enough sunlight all year-round in the Northern Hemisphere in order to meet your needs.
Residents of the British Isles are in a similar situation, where the sun is a relatively rare commodity. Public Health England17 recently issued a report recommending citizens take a vitamin D supplement, where before only at-risk individuals and children under 5 were given this recommendation.
Since each person absorbs and activates vitamin D differently, it’s impossible to recommend one supplemental dose for everyone over the winter months to achieve an optimal blood level of 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml.
The only way to assess your ideal dose is to monitor your serum vitamin D. This is easily done with a simple blood test, available at most labs and/or from GrassrootsHealth. While it’s important to take enough, it’s unlikely you’ll take too much unless you take more than 30,000 IU per day.
Vitamin D affects your serum calcium levels, which is how the Institute of Medicine defines vitamin D toxicity. According to Heaney, there is a wide margin of safety. For instance, in measuring blood levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D, there are no recorded problems at levels of 200 ng/ml and below. To achieve this serum level you need to be take greater than 30,000 IU per day.
While it is difficult to achieve vitamin D toxicity, you may suffer negative effects if you don’t also maintain a healthy balance with other nutrients. If you take high doses of vitamin D3, remember to also boost your intake of vitamin K2 and calcium through food and/or a supplement, and get your vitamin D level tested to be sure you're safely within the therapeutic range.
Magnesium is another nutrient important to the optimization of vitamin D. You can learn more about this in my previous article, “Without Magnesium, Vitamin D Supplementation May Backfire.”
Fluorescent Lighting in the Office Affects Your Health
Many offices are turning to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) in an effort to reduce energy expenditure. However, the low levels of energy and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted may damage your health. A study from Stony Brook University finds UV radiation seeping through CFLs may damage skin cells.18
The research was sparked after the lead researcher read an article in an Israeli newspaper reporting a spike in skin cancer on a communal farm after residents switched to CFLs.19 Disturbing evidence had also surfaced in the European Union literature indicating exposure to CFL bulbs may be responsible for photodermatosis and skin cancer in humans.
CFL bulbs work by using electricity to excite mercury vapor, emitting UV light, which is absorbed by the bulbs’ phosphor coating, converting the energy to visible light. In comparison to standard fluorescent tubes, CFLs create more space where UV light can escape when the phosphor coating chips.
Researchers studied keratinocytes from the outermost layer of skin and dermal fibroblasts forming the connective tissue. Although all of the bulbs tested had some emissions, some were worse than others. Under lab conditions, the cells on the skin stopped growing and changed shape.20 Andrew Goldsworthy, Ph.D., biologist from the Imperial College in London writes:21
“The symptoms of exposure to CFL radiation are remarkably similar to those reported by electrosensitive individuals when exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields. Since the lamps do not flash, it seems probable that they are a direct effect of the pulsed radiation on the brain and nervous system.
The magnetic component of the radiation is the more dangerous because it can penetrate deep into the human body where it generates electrical voltages proportional to its rate of change. The rapid rise and fall times of these magnetic pulses can therefore give relatively massive and potentially damaging voltage spikes both in living cells and across their membranes.”
EMF is emitted from baby monitors, cellphones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters and other wireless devices and causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage. For a discussion of how electromagnetic fields affect your cells and your health, see my previous article, “Reduce EMF Exposure.”
Are You Sensitive to Fluorescent Light?
Environmental factors may trigger stress reactions, nervous system dysregulation or physical sensitivities, including exposure to CFLs. These light bulbs have become increasingly ubiquitous as proponents argue they save energy. However, if these energy efficient bulbs increase mental and physical disease burden, the collective cost may far outweigh any savings.
Although stress reactions to CFLs are likely triggered by several factors, one issue is the blue light emitted, which stimulate nonvisual pathways from the eye and affect your circadian rhythms, arousal level and muscle tension.
Compared to incandescent lighting, CFLs demonstrate the ability to raise stress markers, blood pressure and reduce a drop in temperature during sleep, significantly affecting your quality of sleep.22
There have also been a handful of studies indicating an increase in repetitive behaviors in children suffering from autism23 or hyperactivity24 when they are exposed to fluorescent versus incandescent lighting. It's important to note the researchers found immediate effects and were not evaluating long-term cumulative effects as would occur from stimulation over time.
For all of these reasons, I recommend using incandescent lightbulbs in your officer and living spaces, reserving CFLs and LEDs for areas where you don’t spend any significant amount of time, such as in hallways, the garage or in porch lights. To learn more about healthy lighting, see “How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health.”
Also remember that sensible sun exposure (and/or a vitamin D3 supplement when sun exposure is not feasible) may actually lower your risk of several types of cancer, including the most lethal form of skin cancer.
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/12/melanoma-disease-of-office-workers.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/melanoma-is-a-disease-of-office-workers
0 notes
paullassiterca · 6 years
Melanoma Is a Disease of Office Workers
In this interview with the late Dr. Robert Heaney, Creighton University professor of medicine and renowned researcher in the field of bone biology and vitamin D,1 he admits that an embarrassing secret in the field of nutrition is the lack of knowledge of what is really normal.
When the approach to measuring vitamin intake is determining the amount needed to avoid triggering a disease or establishing the highest amount before you experience toxicity, then you don’t achieve what is optimal to support biological function.
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone your body produces with the help of cholesterol when you’re exposed to the sun. This critical nutrient interacts with a number of different systems in your body and is vital to cell DNA expression. One of the best ways to optimize your blood level is to get sensible sun exposure, taking great care to never get burned.
Although deficiency is very common, not only in the U.S. but also around the world, many believe they are not at risk simply because they eat foods fortified with vitamin D. With advancing technology and research it has become clear vitamin D deficiency is rampant and significantly impacts the development of several health conditions and chronic diseases.
In fact, research estimates2 85 percent of children in industrial cities, and well over half of adults and the elderly, suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Lack of sun exposure has likely been driven by the fear of developing skin cancer. However, office workers actually develop melanoma at greater rates than those who spend more time outdoors.3
Office Work May Increase Risk of Malignant Melanoma
For decades, the message from the medical community has been to avoid direct sun exposure and apply sunscreen when spending any amount of time outdoors. Australia’s long public campaign4 to curb skin cancer rates has resulted in 31 percent of Australian adults being deficient in vitamin D, which in turn is linked with a number of deadly conditions, including cancer.
The application of SPF 30 can reduce the production of vitamin D by 97 percent. However, while it’s important to reduce your potential for sunburn, it’s been known since the 1970s that office workers have a higher risk of malignant melanoma than those who work outdoors.
Interestingly, melanoma appears on body parts that don’t usually see much sun but which occasionally get burned, such as men’s torsos or the back of women’s legs.5 In one population-based, case-controlled study, researchers found a pattern of significantly increased risk of melanoma for lesions on the trunk of individuals who reported using sunscreen to enable them to spend more time sunbathing.6
When outside, you’re exposed to the full spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) rays, including UVA and UVB. UVB light is necessary for your body to produce vitamin D and often affects only the superficial layers of your skin. UVA rays, on the other hand, will penetrate deep into the dermis and may lead to premature skin aging and suppression of your immune system.7
The differentiation between UVA and UVB light is where the light waves fall on the light wavelength spectrum. One reason why office workers may be at higher risk for developing malignant melanoma is their exposure to UVA wavelengths filtered through office windows.
Windows block UVB light but allow UVA through. A secondary reason may be that those who work in offices spend more time outside on holidays and weekends, resulting in burns, laying the groundwork for skin cancer.8 The World Health Organization (WHO) states:9
“Exposure during childhood is thought to be more important than exposure later in life. Tumor development may be linked to occasional exposure to short periods of intense sunlight, such as at weekends or on holiday. The higher incidence of malignant melanoma in indoor workers compared to outdoor workers supports that notion.”
Total Sun Spectrum Is Beneficial to Health
Scientists are just beginning to understand the many ways sun exposure is vital to human health. In an interview with Alexander Wunsch, Ph.D., world class expert on photobiology,10 he explains:11
“Sunlight induces coordinated endocrine adaptation effects. It affects sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, and is a major circadian and seasonal stimulus for the body clock … Our system, via the eyes and via the skin, detects the colors of the light in the environment in order to adapt the hormonal system to the specific needs of the time and place.
It’s different if we are sitting under the sun in the desert, or if we are sitting under a leaf roof or under a tree somewhere in the woods. The colors around us tell, through the eye, to our brain, to the midbrain [and] to the hormonal steering centers, what happens around us and what is to do in order to cope with this particular situation.”
Given the many benefits of sun exposure, the WHO’s classification of sunlight as a carcinogen (and recommendation to avoid the sun) is akin to saying oxygen may cause cancer because it’s the precursor molecule for free radicals, so we should all stop breathing, according to Wunsch.
It’s becoming clear regular exposure to full spectrum light is necessary and beneficial for most people, and public health would be better served by helping people understand the optimal “dose” needed, rather than telling them to shun all sun exposure.
Although abnormally high amounts of UVA exposure damages your skin, sensible sun exposure to UVA helps produce nitric oxide, which relaxes your arterial system and normalizes your blood pressure. In turn, high blood pressure (hypertension) is linked to coronary artery disease, aneurysm, heart failure, stroke and dementia.12
Importance of Vitamin D to Your Overall Health
In the past, vitamin D was recognized as the treatment for rickets, and later for osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Today, much of the attention on the benefits of vitamin D has focused on the prevention of colds and illnesses. However, vitamin D is a micronutrient vital to the functioning of each cell.
As Heaney describes, when you don’t have enough of a micronutrient it impacts the optimal functioning of every cell. What scientists have learned in the past 10 years is the critical role the active form of vitamin D plays in making DNA available to the cell to create proteins and enzymes needed to function.
When your vitamin D level falls, it impacts how the cell functions. More immediately, you may experience a decline in immune competence, balance or bone strength. However, in the long term, vitamin D is responsible for number of crucial functions, including regulating the absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus.
These nutrients are essential for bone health and neuromuscular activity. A study led by Arash Hossein-Nezhad, Ph.D., professor of endocrinology at Boston University,13 found adults who increase their vitamin D during the winter months enhanced the function of nearly 300 genes and circulating immune cells that control more than 800 biological processes and help repair DNA.14
These functions also help promote the death of precancerous cells and improve immune function. When vitamin D is at a suboptimal level, it increases the risk of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, depression, schizophrenia and tuberculosis. Deficiencies are more apt to occur at higher latitudes and during the winter months when the angle of the sun is oblique.15
Vitamin D Toxicity Is Relatively Rare
A collaborative study16 between Duke University and the National University of Singapore found low levels of vitamin D also increased the risk of cognitive decline and mental impairment. However, while the benefits of optimal vitamin D levels are many, it’s nearly impossible to get enough sunlight all year-round in the Northern Hemisphere in order to meet your needs.
Residents of the British Isles are in a similar situation, where the sun is a relatively rare commodity. Public Health England17 recently issued a report recommending citizens take a vitamin D supplement, where before only at-risk individuals and children under 5 were given this recommendation.
Since each person absorbs and activates vitamin D differently, it’s impossible to recommend one supplemental dose for everyone over the winter months to achieve an optimal blood level of 60 ng/ml to 80 ng/ml.
The only way to assess your ideal dose is to monitor your serum vitamin D. This is easily done with a simple blood test, available at most labs and/or from GrassrootsHealth. While it’s important to take enough, it’s unlikely you’ll take too much unless you take more than 30,000 IU per day.
Vitamin D affects your serum calcium levels, which is how the Institute of Medicine defines vitamin D toxicity. According to Heaney, there is a wide margin of safety. For instance, in measuring blood levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D, there are no recorded problems at levels of 200 ng/ml and below. To achieve this serum level you need to be take greater than 30,000 IU per day.
While it is difficult to achieve vitamin D toxicity, you may suffer negative effects if you don’t also maintain a healthy balance with other nutrients. If you take high doses of vitamin D3, remember to also boost your intake of vitamin K2 and calcium through food and/or a supplement, and get your vitamin D level tested to be sure you’re safely within the therapeutic range.
Magnesium is another nutrient important to the optimization of vitamin D. You can learn more about this in my previous article, “Without Magnesium, Vitamin D Supplementation May Backfire.”
Fluorescent Lighting in the Office Affects Your Health
Many offices are turning to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) in an effort to reduce energy expenditure. However, the low levels of energy and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted may damage your health. A study from Stony Brook University finds UV radiation seeping through CFLs may damage skin cells.18
The research was sparked after the lead researcher read an article in an Israeli newspaper reporting a spike in skin cancer on a communal farm after residents switched to CFLs.19 Disturbing evidence had also surfaced in the European Union literature indicating exposure to CFL bulbs may be responsible for photodermatosis and skin cancer in humans.
CFL bulbs work by using electricity to excite mercury vapor, emitting UV light, which is absorbed by the bulbs’ phosphor coating, converting the energy to visible light. In comparison to standard fluorescent tubes, CFLs create more space where UV light can escape when the phosphor coating chips.
Researchers studied keratinocytes from the outermost layer of skin and dermal fibroblasts forming the connective tissue. Although all of the bulbs tested had some emissions, some were worse than others. Under lab conditions, the cells on the skin stopped growing and changed shape.20 Andrew Goldsworthy, Ph.D., biologist from the Imperial College in London writes:21
“The symptoms of exposure to CFL radiation are remarkably similar to those reported by electrosensitive individuals when exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields. Since the lamps do not flash, it seems probable that they are a direct effect of the pulsed radiation on the brain and nervous system.
The magnetic component of the radiation is the more dangerous because it can penetrate deep into the human body where it generates electrical voltages proportional to its rate of change. The rapid rise and fall times of these magnetic pulses can therefore give relatively massive and potentially damaging voltage spikes both in living cells and across their membranes.”
EMF is emitted from baby monitors, cellphones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters and other wireless devices and causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage. For a discussion of how electromagnetic fields affect your cells and your health, see my previous article, “Reduce EMF Exposure.”
Are You Sensitive to Fluorescent Light?
Environmental factors may trigger stress reactions, nervous system dysregulation or physical sensitivities, including exposure to CFLs. These light bulbs have become increasingly ubiquitous as proponents argue they save energy. However, if these energy efficient bulbs increase mental and physical disease burden, the collective cost may far outweigh any savings.
Although stress reactions to CFLs are likely triggered by several factors, one issue is the blue light emitted, which stimulate nonvisual pathways from the eye and affect your circadian rhythms, arousal level and muscle tension.
Compared to incandescent lighting, CFLs demonstrate the ability to raise stress markers, blood pressure and reduce a drop in temperature during sleep, significantly affecting your quality of sleep.22
There have also been a handful of studies indicating an increase in repetitive behaviors in children suffering from autism23 or hyperactivity24 when they are exposed to fluorescent versus incandescent lighting. It’s important to note the researchers found immediate effects and were not evaluating long-term cumulative effects as would occur from stimulation over time.
For all of these reasons, I recommend using incandescent lightbulbs in your officer and living spaces, reserving CFLs and LEDs for areas where you don’t spend any significant amount of time, such as in hallways, the garage or in porch lights. To learn more about healthy lighting, see “How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health.”
Also remember that sensible sun exposure (and/or a vitamin D3 supplement when sun exposure is not feasible) may actually lower your risk of several types of cancer, including the most lethal form of skin cancer.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/12/melanoma-disease-of-office-workers.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/181039141421
0 notes
topicprinter · 6 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with 1990 of Fridays Off Fabric Shop, a brand that sells all things fabric.Details:Product: Fabric.Revenue/mo: $20,000Started: March 2013Location: Toronto, CanadaFounders: 1Employees: 1Hello! Who are you and what are you working on?Hi - my name is Alanna Banks and I’m the owner of Fridays Off Fabric Shop. Fridays Off is an online fabric store based in Toronto, Canada that supplies fabric enthusiasts, quilters and makers with beautifully curated modern fabrics.In addition to that, we operate a monthly fabric subscription club where subscribers receive one-of-a-kind bundles of fabric every month.What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?Before starting Fridays Off I was an Account Director at a public relations agency where I ran PR campaigns for consumer product brands.After returning from a year long maternity leave I found it difficult to juggle my new life as a mom working in the confines of a 9-5, I also came to the realization that the corporate life just wasn’t for me and became very unhappy. I was tired of faking it and really just wanted to follow my forever dream of doing my own thing and being my own boss. So, I did what anyone would do in that situation and got pregnant again ;)Knowing I had another year-long maternity leave on the horizon, I started brainstorming e-comm business ideas. Then, in December 2012 it hit me. I was going to start an online fabric store carrying all the fabrics that I loved from my local brick and mortar fabric shop. I already had a blog called Fridays Off where I would ramble on about stuff, so the domain name was already established. I was a mediocre sewer and knew a little bit about fabric, but had the marketing and PR savvy to really sell it.At the time there was almost no competition in Canada, but because I followed a lot of sewing related blogs and belonged to sewing related groups online I knew there was definitely a demand. People were tired of paying high shipping rates from online fabric shops in the US and wanted to shop Canadian.I listened to these online conversations, researched the popular US shops and modeled Fridays Off after them with the goal of providing the Canadian customer with cool modern fabrics at competitive shipping rates.Describe the process of building the initial store.I launched Fridays Off Fabric Shop in March 2013 using Shopify, just four months after I came up with the idea. I built the site myself using a free template, took all my own photography and wrote all the web content. I used my blog to announce the new direction of the website and posted the announcement all over my personal Facebook page asking friends and family to broadcast it for me.I bootstrapped the whole operation, using whatever I had in my bank account to buy my starting inventory of about 20 bolts of fabric. It took three weeks to get my first sale (oh that felt good!) and I ended up with a total of five sales that month.The first few months I treated Fridays Off more like a side hustle than a business because I wasn’t making any money. I remember my sales being so far a few between that we would ring the bell every time I got a sale. My first few months resulted in only 16 sales and a revenue of just over $700 (sad face). To be fair I had a major full time job in PR and was on my way out on maternity leave with a 2.5 year old in tow. I didn’t really take it too seriously, but I also desperately wanted it to succeed.Fast forward six months, with a newborn I decided to participate in the largest crafting trade show of the year to get my brand noticed and talk to potential customers, also build my email list. It was there that I met the editor of Style at Home, a major Canadian interior design magazine.This introduction resulted in Fridays Off being included in a feature story about the booming industry of online fabric shops in Canada. This helped legitimize my brand and put me on the map as a major fabric player in Canada and I saw my sales grow by 600% in 2014.With that, I knew I had something good and decided to quit my job in the PR world and focus solely on Fridays Off. I needed a better recurring source of income to convince my husband and myself I had made the right decision. I had a lot of inventory that wasn’t moving so I started brainstorming ideas to get rid of it without running a big clearance sale. Subscription boxes were becoming popular so I started researching fabric subscriptions in Canada and nothing came up despite there being several in the US. I replicated what I saw businesses doing in the US and started Le Club Canada’s first fabric subscription club. It took some researching and digging around to find a subscription app that was compatible with Shopify. I started off with Recurhub, but later switched to Recharge. I blasted the link out to my meagre email list as well as my social media accounts and within the first month I had 15 subscribers to send to, from there it kept growing. Now we send to a 100+ subscribers and it represents 15% of my monthly revenue.Fortunately, we live a fairly modest lifestyle and my husband was 100% supportive in the early days/years. Without that, I don’t think I would have been able to grow this brand in to what it is today.It was also at this trade show where I started gathering names for my email newsletter list and distributed loads of business cards. From there, I did two more tradeshows and saw another 300% increase in 2015.How have you attracted customers and grown the business to where it is today?I can’t really say that I have a go-to platform for attracting customers, but one that works really well is email marketing. I have worked hard to build a substantial email newsletter list and I send frequent emails to my customers. I read somewhere that email should represent 20% of your sales so I work hard to keep up with that number. Our newsletter list has grown to 11,000+ subscribers and the majority of it has come from email lead capture pop-ups via Mailchimp and Justuno. We started out with MailChimp, but last year switched over to Klaviyo for our email newsletter platform. I send out at least one email per week with content like new arrivals, sales and pre-order information. My goal is to send out more content that’s less about the store and more informative. I’d like to have a better mix of salesy stuff and sewing related content.I’m still trying to figure out Facebook and Instagram ads, but regardless I’m very active on both platforms and make it personal when posting content. I have a good mix of personal content and fabric to show that I’m a real person behind the brand. I have embodied Fridays Off and that resonates with my customers.I just started a brand ambassador program on Instagram. I put a call out for people to apply who would be interested in receiving a discount three-month subscription to Le Club in exchange for 2 posts about the subscription in Instagram per month for 3 months. I had about 50 applicants and picked four. The programs is kicking off in June and I’m hopeful it will attract to customers.Learning as much as I could about search engine optimization has been really helpful. In the early days I read Shopify Empire, The Definitive SEO Guide for Shopify by Josh Highland and followed everything that book discussed. I had a basic knowledge of SEO from blogs but the book really solidified things for me and gave me a step-by-step guide to get things done.I googled my keywords every day until I got to the number one spot on the first page and I’ve probably edited my meta description 100 times to get that number one spot. I’m constantly tweaking the site to better optimize it and make sure Fridays Off comes out on top for Google searches. What seems to work for me is getting the write keywords in my meta description, keeping the content fresh on my site and writing meta descriptions for each product listed in my store. It’s a pain but it’s pays off in the end.Coming from a PR/client service background my top priority is communication. I treat every customer like a client and I want them to understand that every step of the way. I have an extensive order confirmation email that communicates everything that they might be wondering.I am super friendly in all of my correspondence with customers and send them a personalized thank you email after their first and second purchase using my email service provider Klaviyo.The fabric I sell in the shop is premium quality, designer cotton. It’s the kind of fabric you want to keep. It’s so pretty you’re too afraid to cut into it. The fabric drops seasonally by collection in the same way fashion designers launch their lines. This anticipation creates excitement among fabric fiends and provides lots of visual content for Facebook and Instagram as well as email marketing campaigns. I ride the coattails of this excitement on social media and have an eye for curating beautiful bundles of colorful fabric.My priority from day one has always been the customer.Instagram and Facebook, email marketing, SEO and killer customer service.Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?I’ve learned that not everything is going to work the first time or the second time for that matter. Resilience is key. I’ve had many failures but I just keep getting back up and trying again.I’ve also learned that competition doesn’t matter. I do like to keep my finger on the pulse and listen to what they’re up to via social media, but it doesn’t influence my strategy or business plans.Where you are at now and what are your plans for the future?I recently moved the shop into a new studio space and have hired an employee to help with cutting orders.This has opened up a lot of extra time for me to work on building the brand and the business. My goal is to increase the subscription base and add new products. I’m using the time to focus on creating more content for my email newsletters like creating automated flows and weekly email newsletters. I’m also starting a brand ambassador program on Instagram (mentioned earlier) to increase exposure of my brand and Le Club. I’m looking at expanding my product offering and carrying more sewing related items such as scissors and sewing machines. I’ve already started carrying irons and ironing boards but haven’t put much effort behind marketing and advertising these products. I’m also going to start selling Fridays Off branded merchandise and plan to run a design competition to get customers to create fun sewing related sayings to be printed on t shirts etc.What platform/tools do you use for your business?Shopify - Ecommerce platform.Klaviyo - Email marketing.Recharge - Recurring billing and subscriptions.Justuno - Pop-ups and conversion marketing.S Loyalty - Rewards and loyalty program.Yotpo - Product reviews and site reviews.I also love listening to podcasts. My go-to right now is Unf*ck Your Brain. When I first started out I listened to Shopify Masters Podcast a lot. I also listen to Masters Of Scale.I also recommend reading Shopify Empire, The Definitive SEO Guide for Shopify by Josh Highland.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?Just go for it! You can think about your idea forever but if you put the idea into action and figure it out as you go at least you’ve got something started.Massive action! Keep taking action until you get the results you want. Failure is not an option.Consider hiring a coach. I worked with a retail coach in 2017 for about 6 months and it was extremely helpful. She pushed me to take action on ideas I had been thinking about and gave me a lot of great ideas that resulted in increased revenue.Absorb it all. Listen to podcasts and read, read, read. Never stop learning.Liked this interview? Check out more founders that shared their story on StarterStory.com.
0 notes
shmow-zows · 7 years
Nanny Resume: Sample and Complete Guide [+20 Examples]
You just landed that nanny job.
  You know, the one with paid time off, health insurance, and your own car.
  It wasn't easy.
  You were up against 300+ candidates. Most had great references, experience, and Mary-Poppins-level nanny resumes.
  But your resume went above and beyond.
  It showed experience. Beyonce-style confidence.
  More, it proved you fit the position like a custom-tailored Princess Elsa onesie.
  How did you do it?
  This guide will show you:
  A nanny resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
How to write a nanny resume that will land you more interviews.
Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on a nanny resume.
How to describe your experience on a resume for a nanny to get any job you want.
  Here's a sample resume for a nanny made with our online resume builder.
  Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you'll get tips and right vs. wrong examples while writing your resume. See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.
  Nanny Resume Example - See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.
What's the Best Format for a Nanny Resume?
  I don't know how to tell you this.
  Those once-in-a-lifetime parents just hit "delete."
  Your perfect nanny resume is gone forever.
  Because you didn't use a professional nanny resume format.
  Parents want to know you'll pay attention to detail.
  Without it, you couldn't get a job nannying for the Bluths.
  Use a trusted layout like the reverse-chronological resume format.
  Make good use of whitespace, eye-friendly headings, and clear, legible fonts.
  Last, save your great nanny resume as a PDF. MS Word resumes can scramble during emailing.
  Now, let's get on with how to make a resume for a nanny job.
  Pro Tip: Check the job offer to make sure PDFs aren't banned. Some applicant tracking systems don't play well with them.
  Want more format options for how to make a nanny resume? See our guide:  "3 Resume Formats: How to Choose the Best One [Examples]"
How to Write a Resume Summary or Resume Objective
  Meet Karen and Steve. They're searching nannies for hire.
  The culprit is the cooing, smiling baby banging on the laptop.
  They're fantastic to work for.
  They're also reading dozens of nanny resumes.
  How can you make them spend more time with yours?
  Answer: With a resume summary or a resume objective.
  A resume summary proves you're perfect for the nanny job with oodles of experience.
  A resume objective does the same by showing passion, even if you lack experience.
  See the nanny bio examples below.
  Full Time Nanny Resume Examples: Summary Statements
  Check out these two very different nanny resume examples (for a private nanny):
Compassionate, nonsmoker nanny with 3+ years experience. Seeking to enhance daily care for Jimenez family. Served as live-in nanny for over two years. Ensured physical activity 355 days/yr. Enhanced math scores by 35% through tutoring. Transported children daily with 100% clean driving record. Certified Child Development Associate (CDA).
Engaged, efficient, experienced nanny looking for work. Have handled all nanny responsibilities, including daily care, cooking, laundry, etc.
  See that first one? Totally Mrs. Doubtfire. Chock full of measurable proof.
  Our resume builder will give you tips and examples on how to write your resume summary. You can easily copy them straight into your resume - it will save you a ton of time.
    Inside our resume builder you will find tips and examples for your resume.
  Don't have that kind of experience? Write a nanny resume objective statement.
  How to Write an Objective for a Nanny Resume with No Experience
  If you're a newbie nanny, you can show your passion with an objective statement.
  Traditionally, those just state your goal. They don't show experience.
  But here's a tip worth gold:
  Everyone has nanny experience. And anyone can get more, fast.
  Look at these example nanny resume bios.
Compassionate, hardworking nanny with an abundance of patience. Have provided nanny care for six different clients. Received four written commendations from parents for efficiency and good-naturedness. Nonsmoker. Certified in CPR and First Aid.
Hardworking, efficient nanny applicant. No direct experience yet but I'm very eager to become a
  Big difference, right? That first nanny resume example could probably get you hired by the Huxtables.
  The trick is, the "experience" came from volunteer work and part-time babysitting. It took about a month while earning income.
  Pro Tip: Don't let your nanny resume summary or objective give you writer's block. Write it last, so you've got plenty of material.
  Need more help writing a great objective or summary? Check out the nanny resume template up top. Also, see these guides: How To Write A Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples You Will See AND +20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them on Your Resume (Tips)
How to Write a Nanny Experience Description for a Resume
  Let's say you're trying to get hired by The Incredibles.
  Your nanny resume will need to show experience finding invisible girls. It wouldn't hurt to add a history of keeping up with bullet-fast boys.
  But if you're applying to Hermione Granger's parents, you'll need to show resistance to magic spells. Plus, prove your knack for engaging with extremely brainy children.
  See what's going on here?
  A resume that isn't custom-tailored to the job will get passed by like a public pool in February.
  List your last job first. Under it, add 4-6 bullet points that show accomplishments. But tie them to the job description for your nanny resume.
  Examples of Experience for Nanny Resumes
Full Time Nanny
Peter & Kate McCallister
2015 - 2017
  Served as live-in nanny to two beautiful, happy children. Fulfilled a general nanny housekeeper description and performed all nanny duties.
Assisted with daily care, nurturing, and play. Played sports, including tennis and swimming. Ensured physical activity of children 330 days per year.
Coordinated daily activities and scheduling. Did light laundry. Cooked nutritious meals. Received weekly commendations for meal quality.
Drove children to and from school. Maintained perfect driving record. Tutored children in math. Children's test scores improved by 35%.
Full Time Nanny
Peter & Kate McCallister
2015 - 2017
  Served as live-in, full-time nanny for two years.
Helped with daily care.
Enforced regular exercise.
Coordinated daily activities.
Drove children to and from school.
   Yikes. That bottom one might get hired by Peter and Lois Griffin.
  But all it needs to get it dancing is a few measurable achievements.
  Now, what if you don't have experience? That's where it really gets exciting.
  How to Write a Nanny Resume with no Experience
  Think you can't get nanny jobs without experience?
  Think again.
  First, you already have experience. You just don't know it yet.
  Troll your past non-nanny jobs for any nanny resume experience.
  Have you cooked meals for others? Done budgeting? Made schedules? Taught? Communicated? Those are all personal nanny resume responsibilities!
  Second, you can get experience to build a great babysitter nanny resume fast.
  By doing short-term nanny-style jobs, including:
Volunteer work for youth organizations like the YMCA, or preschools.
Working for family, friends, neighbors.
Camp counseling.
  Also, check online forums where people ask things like, "How much do nannies cost?" or "What's the best way to find a nanny?" Those people are on the hunt for you.
  Then, see the bad/good nanny resume examples below:
  No Experience: Two Nanny Resume Samples
Freelance Nanny
2016 - 2017
  Provided short-term nanny services for six different clients.
Received four written commendations from parents for efficiency and patience.
Scheduled activities for children 4-5 times per week.
Transported children to school daily with 100% clean driving record.
Nanny Experience: No formal experience yet, but I'm ready to learn!
  Other Experience:
   Angelina Jolie would hire from that first creative nanny resume sample.
  But here's the trick: The same person wrote both resumes.
  Pro Tip: Never use a childcare resume for a nanny position. Comparing nanny resumes to child care resume examples shows important differences.
  Keep those parents reading with creative nanny resume action words. Can't think of any? Use ours! "+80 Examples of Resume Action Words for Every Profession"
Is Your Education Section Napping? It Might Be
  You're a nanny. You don't need a college education. Right?
  It's true that education isn't crucial in a nanny resume.
  But not flaunting it is like having an UPPAbaby stroller, then only using it to carry laundry.
  It can do so much more.
  Start with the basics:
  School Name and Location.
Years in School.
  But here's the magic:
  Use nanny resume bullet points to prove you fit the job.
  Education: Two Nanny Resume Examples
Bates College, ME
2009 - 2013
  Received a BA in History.
GPA 3.5
   That's pretty bland, right? It's cream of wheat when we need blueberry waffles with real maple syrup.
  Mmmm. Waffles.
  But see what happens when we do it right, like in this live-in nanny resume sample:
BA, Bates College, ME
2009 - 2013
  Pursued a passion for childhood education coursework.
Excelled in special needs education classes.
Participated in student Head Start volunteer program for local children.
Wrote a monthly column in the student paper about disadvantaged children.
  Wow. Suddenly you're Maria from The Sound of Music.
  But anyone can do that in a resume for a nanny. It just takes a little work remembering old accomplishments that fit the job.
  Ready for more creative nanny resume ideas? Let's dive into skills.
  Pro Tip: Your employer will do a background check on you. Return the favor! Check references, and trust your instincts. You can even have a friend go with you to the interview.
  Want your nanny resume education section to turn heads like Pippi Longstocking? See our guide: "How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]"
How to Put Skills on a Resume for a Nanny
  Let's check back with our awesome parents, Steve and Karen.
  They're in a room with big, sunny windows. They're munching homemade coffee cake and poring through 300+ nanny resumes.
  They're looking for the right nanny skills and qualities.
  Only a few resumes will have them.
  Be one of those few.
  First, read the nanny resume job description. Highlight all the skills you see.
  Second, list them on your nanny resume. Add extras so you're not just pandering.
  Third, prove the skills by showing them in your experience and education bullet points.
  Skills: Newborn Nanny Resume Sample
  Let's say you're applying for an infant nanny resume position. It values newborn care, attention to detail, and prepping baby formula.
  You'll put those in your skills list, plus changing diapers and doing laundry.
  Then you'll prove them in your nanny resume bullet points, like this:
   Performed duties of a nanny for four different clients, all with newborn or infant children. Changed 5+ diapers per day, fed 5-6 bottles per day.
Did laundry, including 2 loads cloth diapers per day.
Prepared baby formula for one client 5+ times per day.
Spotted RSV symptoms in one child. Doctor said I may have saved her life.
Noticed an expired car seat and got it replaced. Commended by parents.
  They're all there. Those last two infant nanny resume bullet points show attention to detail.
  With a formula like that, the Bradys will hire you if Alice ever quits.
  List of Skills to Put on a Nanny Resume
  Let's get the ball rolling (and bouncing) with the nanny resume skills list below.
  Find more skills online, and search your work history for others.
  Nanny Resume Skills
  Soft Skills Hard Skills More Nanny Skills Communication Pediatric First Aid Physical Stamina Problem Solving CPR Newborn Care Love of Children Cooking Toddler Care Nonsmoker Planning Meals for Children Young Adult Care Reliability Laundry Dressing Children Listening Cooking Transporting Children Teamwork Clean Driving Record Helping with Homework Interpersonal Teaching Scheduling Activities Patience Preparing Baby Formula Spanish Decision Making Changing Diapers MS Office
   If you do this, your professional nanny resume will be more popular than Goodnight, Moon.
  Read the job description carefully. Live-in nanny jobs need different skills from child caregiver resumes.
  Pro Tip: Is nonsmoking a skill? 89% of parents say they won't hire smokers. Yet most won't list it on a nanny resume. If you do, you're way ahead.
  Want to make your skills section behave? Use the nanny resume template at the top of this guide. Also, see this article: "+30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)"
How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume
  Remember our fantastic parents, Karen and Steve?
  They've narrowed down "the pile" to 30 nanny resumes.
  All show similar skills, experience, and education.
  Make it easy for them. Add some Supernanny "other sections" that show you're more than just a sheet of paper.
  Nanny Resume Sample "Other" Sections
  Take weekly yoga classes to stay fit.
Can provide five glowing letters of recommendation from parents.
Scored a 95% on the 4NannyTraining.com Nanny Skills Assessment.
Regular listener, NannyWise podcast.
  Child Development Associate (CDA)
Pediatric First Aid & CPR
  Volunteer Work
  Regular volunteer at YMCA as youth mentor.
  The creative nanny resume bullet points above show nanny skills and qualities.
  The yoga classes prove fitness. The Skills Assessment test shows you can handle nanny responsibilities. It also shows you're learning how to be the best nanny you can.
  Pro Tip: You don't need a license to be a nanny. But if you've got a CDA or other certification, showcase it in your perfect nanny resume.
  Drawing a blank for things to put in your professional nanny resume "other" sections? See our guide: "+20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)"
Here's the Most Common Myth About Cover Letters
   Nobody reads cover letters anymore. Right?
  Correction. Nobody reads boring nanny resume cover letters.
  You know, the ones that go, "Hi, I'm Sue, I'm great, I'm looking for a job, here is my nanny resume."
  That letter might as well get eaten by the very hungry caterpillar.
  Here's how to do it right:
  First, make it personal. Call the parents by name.
  Second, make it passionate. Share your excitement about the job. If you can learn a detail you like about the parents or referral agency, use it.
  Third, make it tantalizing. Add 1-2 accomplishments to whet the appetite.
  Fourth, use a call to action. That's as simple as, "I'd love to talk with you about your needs."
  Last, follow up. A thank you note a few days after you submit your nanny resume can put you top-of-mind.
  Pro Tip: Don't put references on a resume for a nanny. If you've got some shining ones, mention them in your bullet points.
  Plus, a great cover letter that match your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write your cover letter in our resume builder here. Here's what it may look like:
  See more templates and create your resume and cover letter here. 
  Want to see how this all works in action? Need a sample for your nanny cover letter? See our guide: "How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples]"
How to Add Contact Info to Your Resume
  Here's a bad dream:
  You shared your contact info. But you didn't do it right.
  Now your nanny resume is in the rejects pile.
  What did you do wrong?
  Of course you added:
  Full Name
Updated Phone Number
Professional Email Address
  Like this:
  Luca Collins, [email protected] - 617-756-1644
  We say "professional" because nobody wants [email protected] watching little Dennis.
  But here's the real nightmare:
  The McCallisters have got it narrowed down to five live-in nanny resumes, including yours.
  But someone added a LinkedIn profile and Twitter handle. The parents check those out. They love what they see.
  The other nanny is hired.
  So, include your LinkedIn profile, Twitter address, and relevant social media hangouts. That way employers can dig deeper than your nanny housekeeper resume.
  Pro Tip: Tidy up your online presence. That tipsy pic of you in Cancun four years ago? That's not doing anybody any favors. See this guide for help.
  Need more tips to write the best nanny resume since Jane Eyre's? See our article: "How to Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide (+30 Examples)"
How to Put Nanny on a Resume
  Picture this:
  You're making the switch to a "real job."
  So, you're not writing a nanny resume.
  But you don't get hired, because they think you were a "babysitter."
  You need to know how to make nanny sound good on a resume.
  So, here's how to include nanny experience on a resume for non-nanny jobs.
  First, look at the job description. Write down all the duties, skills, and responsibilities you see.
  Then, do a little head-scratching. When did you do those in nanny world?
  Finally, in the nanny job description, add resume bullet points that prove your chops.
  Governess (another name for nanny on a resume)
  Performed daily scheduling of all activities. Included two physical and two intellectual activities per day.
Planned and cooked meals, conducting avid nutritional research.
Maintained clean driving record while navigating busy city streets daily with young children.
Maintained constant communication and collaboration with two demanding parents. Received frequent commendations for efficiency and thoroughness.
  That's how to list nanny on a resume.
  Pro Tip: Don't call yourself an "Au Pair" if you're not. It's not another word for nanny on a resume. "Governess" is a fancy word for nanny, if you must.
  Knowing how to add nanny experience to a resume comes down to fitting with the job description. For pointers, see our guide: "6 Tips on How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description (Examples)"
  Key Takeaway
  Even when you've got perfect nanny resume templates to work from, writing your own is still a challenge.
  Start by looking at the job description. Highlight all the nanny resume duties and responsibilities.
  Prove your cred in nanny resume bullet points. Show measurable accomplishments.
  Add other sections to show your human side. In a resume for a nanny, that means interests, hobbies, and other extras. You need to prove you fit the job like Spiderman underoos.
  Do you have questions on how to write a resume for a nanny job? Not sure how to describe your skills or achievements? Give us a shout in the comments! We'll answer as soon as we can!
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265703 http://ift.tt/2nE6ZUf via IFTTT
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willafigg · 7 years
Nanny Resume: Sample and Complete Guide [+20 Examples]
You just landed that nanny job.
  You know, the one with paid time off, health insurance, and your own car.
  It wasn't easy.
  You were up against 300+ candidates. Most had great references, experience, and Mary-Poppins-level nanny resumes.
  But your resume went above and beyond.
  It showed experience. Beyonce-style confidence.
  More, it proved you fit the position like a custom-tailored Princess Elsa onesie.
  How did you do it?
  This guide will show you:
  A nanny resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
How to write a nanny resume that will land you more interviews.
Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on a nanny resume.
How to describe your experience on a resume for a nanny to get any job you want.
  Here's a sample resume for a nanny made with our online resume builder.
  Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you'll get tips and right vs. wrong examples while writing your resume. See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.
  Nanny Resume Example - See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.
What's the Best Format for a Nanny Resume?
  I don't know how to tell you this.
  Those once-in-a-lifetime parents just hit "delete."
  Your perfect nanny resume is gone forever.
  Because you didn't use a professional nanny resume format.
  Parents want to know you'll pay attention to detail.
  Without it, you couldn't get a job nannying for the Bluths.
  Use a trusted layout like the reverse-chronological resume format.
  Make good use of whitespace, eye-friendly headings, and clear, legible fonts.
  Last, save your great nanny resume as a PDF. MS Word resumes can scramble during emailing.
  Now, let's get on with how to make a resume for a nanny job.
  Pro Tip: Check the job offer to make sure PDFs aren't banned. Some applicant tracking systems don't play well with them.
  Want more format options for how to make a nanny resume? See our guide:  "3 Resume Formats: How to Choose the Best One [Examples]"
How to Write a Resume Summary or Resume Objective
  Meet Karen and Steve. They're searching nannies for hire.
  The culprit is the cooing, smiling baby banging on the laptop.
  They're fantastic to work for.
  They're also reading dozens of nanny resumes.
  How can you make them spend more time with yours?
  Answer: With a resume summary or a resume objective.
  A resume summary proves you're perfect for the nanny job with oodles of experience.
  A resume objective does the same by showing passion, even if you lack experience.
  See the nanny bio examples below.
  Full Time Nanny Resume Examples: Summary Statements
  Check out these two very different nanny resume examples (for a private nanny):
Compassionate, nonsmoker nanny with 3+ years experience. Seeking to enhance daily care for Jimenez family. Served as live-in nanny for over two years. Ensured physical activity 355 days/yr. Enhanced math scores by 35% through tutoring. Transported children daily with 100% clean driving record. Certified Child Development Associate (CDA).
Engaged, efficient, experienced nanny looking for work. Have handled all nanny responsibilities, including daily care, cooking, laundry, etc.
  See that first one? Totally Mrs. Doubtfire. Chock full of measurable proof.
  Our resume builder will give you tips and examples on how to write your resume summary. You can easily copy them straight into your resume - it will save you a ton of time.
    Inside our resume builder you will find tips and examples for your resume.
  Don't have that kind of experience? Write a nanny resume objective statement.
  How to Write an Objective for a Nanny Resume with No Experience
  If you're a newbie nanny, you can show your passion with an objective statement.
  Traditionally, those just state your goal. They don't show experience.
  But here's a tip worth gold:
  Everyone has nanny experience. And anyone can get more, fast.
  Look at these example nanny resume bios.
Compassionate, hardworking nanny with an abundance of patience. Have provided nanny care for six different clients. Received four written commendations from parents for efficiency and good-naturedness. Nonsmoker. Certified in CPR and First Aid.
Hardworking, efficient nanny applicant. No direct experience yet but I'm very eager to become a
  Big difference, right? That first nanny resume example could probably get you hired by the Huxtables.
  The trick is, the "experience" came from volunteer work and part-time babysitting. It took about a month while earning income.
  Pro Tip: Don't let your nanny resume summary or objective give you writer's block. Write it last, so you've got plenty of material.
  Need more help writing a great objective or summary? Check out the nanny resume template up top. Also, see these guides: How To Write A Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples You Will See AND +20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them on Your Resume (Tips)
How to Write a Nanny Experience Description for a Resume
  Let's say you're trying to get hired by The Incredibles.
  Your nanny resume will need to show experience finding invisible girls. It wouldn't hurt to add a history of keeping up with bullet-fast boys.
  But if you're applying to Hermione Granger's parents, you'll need to show resistance to magic spells. Plus, prove your knack for engaging with extremely brainy children.
  See what's going on here?
  A resume that isn't custom-tailored to the job will get passed by like a public pool in February.
  List your last job first. Under it, add 4-6 bullet points that show accomplishments. But tie them to the job description for your nanny resume.
  Examples of Experience for Nanny Resumes
Full Time Nanny
Peter & Kate McCallister
2015 - 2017
  Served as live-in nanny to two beautiful, happy children. Fulfilled a general nanny housekeeper description and performed all nanny duties.
Assisted with daily care, nurturing, and play. Played sports, including tennis and swimming. Ensured physical activity of children 330 days per year.
Coordinated daily activities and scheduling. Did light laundry. Cooked nutritious meals. Received weekly commendations for meal quality.
Drove children to and from school. Maintained perfect driving record. Tutored children in math. Children's test scores improved by 35%.
Full Time Nanny
Peter & Kate McCallister
2015 - 2017
  Served as live-in, full-time nanny for two years.
Helped with daily care.
Enforced regular exercise.
Coordinated daily activities.
Drove children to and from school.
   Yikes. That bottom one might get hired by Peter and Lois Griffin.
  But all it needs to get it dancing is a few measurable achievements.
  Now, what if you don't have experience? That's where it really gets exciting.
  How to Write a Nanny Resume with no Experience
  Think you can't get nanny jobs without experience?
  Think again.
  First, you already have experience. You just don't know it yet.
  Troll your past non-nanny jobs for any nanny resume experience.
  Have you cooked meals for others? Done budgeting? Made schedules? Taught? Communicated? Those are all personal nanny resume responsibilities!
  Second, you can get experience to build a great babysitter nanny resume fast.
  By doing short-term nanny-style jobs, including:
Volunteer work for youth organizations like the YMCA, or preschools.
Working for family, friends, neighbors.
Camp counseling.
  Also, check online forums where people ask things like, "How much do nannies cost?" or "What's the best way to find a nanny?" Those people are on the hunt for you.
  Then, see the bad/good nanny resume examples below:
  No Experience: Two Nanny Resume Samples
Freelance Nanny
2016 - 2017
  Provided short-term nanny services for six different clients.
Received four written commendations from parents for efficiency and patience.
Scheduled activities for children 4-5 times per week.
Transported children to school daily with 100% clean driving record.
Nanny Experience: No formal experience yet, but I'm ready to learn!
  Other Experience:
   Angelina Jolie would hire from that first creative nanny resume sample.
  But here's the trick: The same person wrote both resumes.
  Pro Tip: Never use a childcare resume for a nanny position. Comparing nanny resumes to child care resume examples shows important differences.
  Keep those parents reading with creative nanny resume action words. Can't think of any? Use ours! "+80 Examples of Resume Action Words for Every Profession"
Is Your Education Section Napping? It Might Be
  You're a nanny. You don't need a college education. Right?
  It's true that education isn't crucial in a nanny resume.
  But not flaunting it is like having an UPPAbaby stroller, then only using it to carry laundry.
  It can do so much more.
  Start with the basics:
  School Name and Location.
Years in School.
  But here's the magic:
  Use nanny resume bullet points to prove you fit the job.
  Education: Two Nanny Resume Examples
Bates College, ME
2009 - 2013
  Received a BA in History.
GPA 3.5
   That's pretty bland, right? It's cream of wheat when we need blueberry waffles with real maple syrup.
  Mmmm. Waffles.
  But see what happens when we do it right, like in this live-in nanny resume sample:
BA, Bates College, ME
2009 - 2013
  Pursued a passion for childhood education coursework.
Excelled in special needs education classes.
Participated in student Head Start volunteer program for local children.
Wrote a monthly column in the student paper about disadvantaged children.
  Wow. Suddenly you're Maria from The Sound of Music.
  But anyone can do that in a resume for a nanny. It just takes a little work remembering old accomplishments that fit the job.
  Ready for more creative nanny resume ideas? Let's dive into skills.
  Pro Tip: Your employer will do a background check on you. Return the favor! Check references, and trust your instincts. You can even have a friend go with you to the interview.
  Want your nanny resume education section to turn heads like Pippi Longstocking? See our guide: "How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]"
How to Put Skills on a Resume for a Nanny
  Let's check back with our awesome parents, Steve and Karen.
  They're in a room with big, sunny windows. They're munching homemade coffee cake and poring through 300+ nanny resumes.
  They're looking for the right nanny skills and qualities.
  Only a few resumes will have them.
  Be one of those few.
  First, read the nanny resume job description. Highlight all the skills you see.
  Second, list them on your nanny resume. Add extras so you're not just pandering.
  Third, prove the skills by showing them in your experience and education bullet points.
  Skills: Newborn Nanny Resume Sample
  Let's say you're applying for an infant nanny resume position. It values newborn care, attention to detail, and prepping baby formula.
  You'll put those in your skills list, plus changing diapers and doing laundry.
  Then you'll prove them in your nanny resume bullet points, like this:
   Performed duties of a nanny for four different clients, all with newborn or infant children. Changed 5+ diapers per day, fed 5-6 bottles per day.
Did laundry, including 2 loads cloth diapers per day.
Prepared baby formula for one client 5+ times per day.
Spotted RSV symptoms in one child. Doctor said I may have saved her life.
Noticed an expired car seat and got it replaced. Commended by parents.
  They're all there. Those last two infant nanny resume bullet points show attention to detail.
  With a formula like that, the Bradys will hire you if Alice ever quits.
  List of Skills to Put on a Nanny Resume
  Let's get the ball rolling (and bouncing) with the nanny resume skills list below.
  Find more skills online, and search your work history for others.
  Nanny Resume Skills
  Soft Skills Hard Skills More Nanny Skills Communication Pediatric First Aid Physical Stamina Problem Solving CPR Newborn Care Love of Children Cooking Toddler Care Nonsmoker Planning Meals for Children Young Adult Care Reliability Laundry Dressing Children Listening Cooking Transporting Children Teamwork Clean Driving Record Helping with Homework Interpersonal Teaching Scheduling Activities Patience Preparing Baby Formula Spanish Decision Making Changing Diapers MS Office
   If you do this, your professional nanny resume will be more popular than Goodnight, Moon.
  Read the job description carefully. Live-in nanny jobs need different skills from child caregiver resumes.
  Pro Tip: Is nonsmoking a skill? 89% of parents say they won't hire smokers. Yet most won't list it on a nanny resume. If you do, you're way ahead.
  Want to make your skills section behave? Use the nanny resume template at the top of this guide. Also, see this article: "+30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)"
How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume
  Remember our fantastic parents, Karen and Steve?
  They've narrowed down "the pile" to 30 nanny resumes.
  All show similar skills, experience, and education.
  Make it easy for them. Add some Supernanny "other sections" that show you're more than just a sheet of paper.
  Nanny Resume Sample "Other" Sections
  Take weekly yoga classes to stay fit.
Can provide five glowing letters of recommendation from parents.
Scored a 95% on the 4NannyTraining.com Nanny Skills Assessment.
Regular listener, NannyWise podcast.
  Child Development Associate (CDA)
Pediatric First Aid & CPR
  Volunteer Work
  Regular volunteer at YMCA as youth mentor.
  The creative nanny resume bullet points above show nanny skills and qualities.
  The yoga classes prove fitness. The Skills Assessment test shows you can handle nanny responsibilities. It also shows you're learning how to be the best nanny you can.
  Pro Tip: You don't need a license to be a nanny. But if you've got a CDA or other certification, showcase it in your perfect nanny resume.
  Drawing a blank for things to put in your professional nanny resume "other" sections? See our guide: "+20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)"
Here's the Most Common Myth About Cover Letters
   Nobody reads cover letters anymore. Right?
  Correction. Nobody reads boring nanny resume cover letters.
  You know, the ones that go, "Hi, I'm Sue, I'm great, I'm looking for a job, here is my nanny resume."
  That letter might as well get eaten by the very hungry caterpillar.
  Here's how to do it right:
  First, make it personal. Call the parents by name.
  Second, make it passionate. Share your excitement about the job. If you can learn a detail you like about the parents or referral agency, use it.
  Third, make it tantalizing. Add 1-2 accomplishments to whet the appetite.
  Fourth, use a call to action. That's as simple as, "I'd love to talk with you about your needs."
  Last, follow up. A thank you note a few days after you submit your nanny resume can put you top-of-mind.
  Pro Tip: Don't put references on a resume for a nanny. If you've got some shining ones, mention them in your bullet points.
  Plus, a great cover letter that match your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write your cover letter in our resume builder here. Here's what it may look like:
  See more templates and create your resume and cover letter here. 
  Want to see how this all works in action? Need a sample for your nanny cover letter? See our guide: "How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples]"
How to Add Contact Info to Your Resume
  Here's a bad dream:
  You shared your contact info. But you didn't do it right.
  Now your nanny resume is in the rejects pile.
  What did you do wrong?
  Of course you added:
  Full Name
Updated Phone Number
Professional Email Address
  Like this:
  Luca Collins, [email protected] - 617-756-1644
  We say "professional" because nobody wants [email protected] watching little Dennis.
  But here's the real nightmare:
  The McCallisters have got it narrowed down to five live-in nanny resumes, including yours.
  But someone added a LinkedIn profile and Twitter handle. The parents check those out. They love what they see.
  The other nanny is hired.
  So, include your LinkedIn profile, Twitter address, and relevant social media hangouts. That way employers can dig deeper than your nanny housekeeper resume.
  Pro Tip: Tidy up your online presence. That tipsy pic of you in Cancun four years ago? That's not doing anybody any favors. See this guide for help.
  Need more tips to write the best nanny resume since Jane Eyre's? See our article: "How to Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide (+30 Examples)"
How to Put Nanny on a Resume
  Picture this:
  You're making the switch to a "real job."
  So, you're not writing a nanny resume.
  But you don't get hired, because they think you were a "babysitter."
  You need to know how to make nanny sound good on a resume.
  So, here's how to include nanny experience on a resume for non-nanny jobs.
  First, look at the job description. Write down all the duties, skills, and responsibilities you see.
  Then, do a little head-scratching. When did you do those in nanny world?
  Finally, in the nanny job description, add resume bullet points that prove your chops.
  Governess (another name for nanny on a resume)
  Performed daily scheduling of all activities. Included two physical and two intellectual activities per day.
Planned and cooked meals, conducting avid nutritional research.
Maintained clean driving record while navigating busy city streets daily with young children.
Maintained constant communication and collaboration with two demanding parents. Received frequent commendations for efficiency and thoroughness.
  That's how to list nanny on a resume.
  Pro Tip: Don't call yourself an "Au Pair" if you're not. It's not another word for nanny on a resume. "Governess" is a fancy word for nanny, if you must.
  Knowing how to add nanny experience to a resume comes down to fitting with the job description. For pointers, see our guide: "6 Tips on How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description (Examples)"
  Key Takeaway
  Even when you've got perfect nanny resume templates to work from, writing your own is still a challenge.
  Start by looking at the job description. Highlight all the nanny resume duties and responsibilities.
  Prove your cred in nanny resume bullet points. Show measurable accomplishments.
  Add other sections to show your human side. In a resume for a nanny, that means interests, hobbies, and other extras. You need to prove you fit the job like Spiderman underoos.
  Do you have questions on how to write a resume for a nanny job? Not sure how to describe your skills or achievements? Give us a shout in the comments! We'll answer as soon as we can!
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265703 http://ift.tt/2nE6ZUf via IFTTT
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shotbydalonewolf · 7 years
Nanny Resume: Sample and Complete Guide [+20 Examples]
You just landed that nanny job.
  You know, the one with paid time off, health insurance, and your own car.
  It wasn't easy.
  You were up against 300+ candidates. Most had great references, experience, and Mary-Poppins-level nanny resumes.
  But your resume went above and beyond.
  It showed experience. Beyonce-style confidence.
  More, it proved you fit the position like a custom-tailored Princess Elsa onesie.
  How did you do it?
  This guide will show you:
  A nanny resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
How to write a nanny resume that will land you more interviews.
Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on a nanny resume.
How to describe your experience on a resume for a nanny to get any job you want.
  Here's a sample resume for a nanny made with our online resume builder.
  Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you'll get tips and right vs. wrong examples while writing your resume. See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.
  Nanny Resume Example - See +20 resume templates and create your resume here.
What's the Best Format for a Nanny Resume?
  I don't know how to tell you this.
  Those once-in-a-lifetime parents just hit "delete."
  Your perfect nanny resume is gone forever.
  Because you didn't use a professional nanny resume format.
  Parents want to know you'll pay attention to detail.
  Without it, you couldn't get a job nannying for the Bluths.
  Use a trusted layout like the reverse-chronological resume format.
  Make good use of whitespace, eye-friendly headings, and clear, legible fonts.
  Last, save your great nanny resume as a PDF. MS Word resumes can scramble during emailing.
  Now, let's get on with how to make a resume for a nanny job.
  Pro Tip: Check the job offer to make sure PDFs aren't banned. Some applicant tracking systems don't play well with them.
  Want more format options for how to make a nanny resume? See our guide:  "3 Resume Formats: How to Choose the Best One [Examples]"
How to Write a Resume Summary or Resume Objective
  Meet Karen and Steve. They're searching nannies for hire.
  The culprit is the cooing, smiling baby banging on the laptop.
  They're fantastic to work for.
  They're also reading dozens of nanny resumes.
  How can you make them spend more time with yours?
  Answer: With a resume summary or a resume objective.
  A resume summary proves you're perfect for the nanny job with oodles of experience.
  A resume objective does the same by showing passion, even if you lack experience.
  See the nanny bio examples below.
  Full Time Nanny Resume Examples: Summary Statements
  Check out these two very different nanny resume examples (for a private nanny):
Compassionate, nonsmoker nanny with 3+ years experience. Seeking to enhance daily care for Jimenez family. Served as live-in nanny for over two years. Ensured physical activity 355 days/yr. Enhanced math scores by 35% through tutoring. Transported children daily with 100% clean driving record. Certified Child Development Associate (CDA).
Engaged, efficient, experienced nanny looking for work. Have handled all nanny responsibilities, including daily care, cooking, laundry, etc.
  See that first one? Totally Mrs. Doubtfire. Chock full of measurable proof.
  Our resume builder will give you tips and examples on how to write your resume summary. You can easily copy them straight into your resume - it will save you a ton of time.
    Inside our resume builder you will find tips and examples for your resume.
  Don't have that kind of experience? Write a nanny resume objective statement.
  How to Write an Objective for a Nanny Resume with No Experience
  If you're a newbie nanny, you can show your passion with an objective statement.
  Traditionally, those just state your goal. They don't show experience.
  But here's a tip worth gold:
  Everyone has nanny experience. And anyone can get more, fast.
  Look at these example nanny resume bios.
Compassionate, hardworking nanny with an abundance of patience. Have provided nanny care for six different clients. Received four written commendations from parents for efficiency and good-naturedness. Nonsmoker. Certified in CPR and First Aid.
Hardworking, efficient nanny applicant. No direct experience yet but I'm very eager to become a
  Big difference, right? That first nanny resume example could probably get you hired by the Huxtables.
  The trick is, the "experience" came from volunteer work and part-time babysitting. It took about a month while earning income.
  Pro Tip: Don't let your nanny resume summary or objective give you writer's block. Write it last, so you've got plenty of material.
  Need more help writing a great objective or summary? Check out the nanny resume template up top. Also, see these guides: How To Write A Resume Summary: 21 Best Examples You Will See AND +20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them on Your Resume (Tips)
How to Write a Nanny Experience Description for a Resume
  Let's say you're trying to get hired by The Incredibles.
  Your nanny resume will need to show experience finding invisible girls. It wouldn't hurt to add a history of keeping up with bullet-fast boys.
  But if you're applying to Hermione Granger's parents, you'll need to show resistance to magic spells. Plus, prove your knack for engaging with extremely brainy children.
  See what's going on here?
  A resume that isn't custom-tailored to the job will get passed by like a public pool in February.
  List your last job first. Under it, add 4-6 bullet points that show accomplishments. But tie them to the job description for your nanny resume.
  Examples of Experience for Nanny Resumes
Full Time Nanny
Peter & Kate McCallister
2015 - 2017
  Served as live-in nanny to two beautiful, happy children. Fulfilled a general nanny housekeeper description and performed all nanny duties.
Assisted with daily care, nurturing, and play. Played sports, including tennis and swimming. Ensured physical activity of children 330 days per year.
Coordinated daily activities and scheduling. Did light laundry. Cooked nutritious meals. Received weekly commendations for meal quality.
Drove children to and from school. Maintained perfect driving record. Tutored children in math. Children's test scores improved by 35%.
Full Time Nanny
Peter & Kate McCallister
2015 - 2017
  Served as live-in, full-time nanny for two years.
Helped with daily care.
Enforced regular exercise.
Coordinated daily activities.
Drove children to and from school.
   Yikes. That bottom one might get hired by Peter and Lois Griffin.
  But all it needs to get it dancing is a few measurable achievements.
  Now, what if you don't have experience? That's where it really gets exciting.
  How to Write a Nanny Resume with no Experience
  Think you can't get nanny jobs without experience?
  Think again.
  First, you already have experience. You just don't know it yet.
  Troll your past non-nanny jobs for any nanny resume experience.
  Have you cooked meals for others? Done budgeting? Made schedules? Taught? Communicated? Those are all personal nanny resume responsibilities!
  Second, you can get experience to build a great babysitter nanny resume fast.
  By doing short-term nanny-style jobs, including:
Volunteer work for youth organizations like the YMCA, or preschools.
Working for family, friends, neighbors.
Camp counseling.
  Also, check online forums where people ask things like, "How much do nannies cost?" or "What's the best way to find a nanny?" Those people are on the hunt for you.
  Then, see the bad/good nanny resume examples below:
  No Experience: Two Nanny Resume Samples
Freelance Nanny
2016 - 2017
  Provided short-term nanny services for six different clients.
Received four written commendations from parents for efficiency and patience.
Scheduled activities for children 4-5 times per week.
Transported children to school daily with 100% clean driving record.
Nanny Experience: No formal experience yet, but I'm ready to learn!
  Other Experience:
   Angelina Jolie would hire from that first creative nanny resume sample.
  But here's the trick: The same person wrote both resumes.
  Pro Tip: Never use a childcare resume for a nanny position. Comparing nanny resumes to child care resume examples shows important differences.
  Keep those parents reading with creative nanny resume action words. Can't think of any? Use ours! "+80 Examples of Resume Action Words for Every Profession"
Is Your Education Section Napping? It Might Be
  You're a nanny. You don't need a college education. Right?
  It's true that education isn't crucial in a nanny resume.
  But not flaunting it is like having an UPPAbaby stroller, then only using it to carry laundry.
  It can do so much more.
  Start with the basics:
  School Name and Location.
Years in School.
  But here's the magic:
  Use nanny resume bullet points to prove you fit the job.
  Education: Two Nanny Resume Examples
Bates College, ME
2009 - 2013
  Received a BA in History.
GPA 3.5
   That's pretty bland, right? It's cream of wheat when we need blueberry waffles with real maple syrup.
  Mmmm. Waffles.
  But see what happens when we do it right, like in this live-in nanny resume sample:
BA, Bates College, ME
2009 - 2013
  Pursued a passion for childhood education coursework.
Excelled in special needs education classes.
Participated in student Head Start volunteer program for local children.
Wrote a monthly column in the student paper about disadvantaged children.
  Wow. Suddenly you're Maria from The Sound of Music.
  But anyone can do that in a resume for a nanny. It just takes a little work remembering old accomplishments that fit the job.
  Ready for more creative nanny resume ideas? Let's dive into skills.
  Pro Tip: Your employer will do a background check on you. Return the favor! Check references, and trust your instincts. You can even have a friend go with you to the interview.
  Want your nanny resume education section to turn heads like Pippi Longstocking? See our guide: "How to Put Your Education on a Resume [Tips & Examples]"
How to Put Skills on a Resume for a Nanny
  Let's check back with our awesome parents, Steve and Karen.
  They're in a room with big, sunny windows. They're munching homemade coffee cake and poring through 300+ nanny resumes.
  They're looking for the right nanny skills and qualities.
  Only a few resumes will have them.
  Be one of those few.
  First, read the nanny resume job description. Highlight all the skills you see.
  Second, list them on your nanny resume. Add extras so you're not just pandering.
  Third, prove the skills by showing them in your experience and education bullet points.
  Skills: Newborn Nanny Resume Sample
  Let's say you're applying for an infant nanny resume position. It values newborn care, attention to detail, and prepping baby formula.
  You'll put those in your skills list, plus changing diapers and doing laundry.
  Then you'll prove them in your nanny resume bullet points, like this:
   Performed duties of a nanny for four different clients, all with newborn or infant children. Changed 5+ diapers per day, fed 5-6 bottles per day.
Did laundry, including 2 loads cloth diapers per day.
Prepared baby formula for one client 5+ times per day.
Spotted RSV symptoms in one child. Doctor said I may have saved her life.
Noticed an expired car seat and got it replaced. Commended by parents.
  They're all there. Those last two infant nanny resume bullet points show attention to detail.
  With a formula like that, the Bradys will hire you if Alice ever quits.
  List of Skills to Put on a Nanny Resume
  Let's get the ball rolling (and bouncing) with the nanny resume skills list below.
  Find more skills online, and search your work history for others.
  Nanny Resume Skills
  Soft Skills Hard Skills More Nanny Skills Communication Pediatric First Aid Physical Stamina Problem Solving CPR Newborn Care Love of Children Cooking Toddler Care Nonsmoker Planning Meals for Children Young Adult Care Reliability Laundry Dressing Children Listening Cooking Transporting Children Teamwork Clean Driving Record Helping with Homework Interpersonal Teaching Scheduling Activities Patience Preparing Baby Formula Spanish Decision Making Changing Diapers MS Office
   If you do this, your professional nanny resume will be more popular than Goodnight, Moon.
  Read the job description carefully. Live-in nanny jobs need different skills from child caregiver resumes.
  Pro Tip: Is nonsmoking a skill? 89% of parents say they won't hire smokers. Yet most won't list it on a nanny resume. If you do, you're way ahead.
  Want to make your skills section behave? Use the nanny resume template at the top of this guide. Also, see this article: "+30 Best Examples of What Skills to Put on a Resume (Proven Tips)"
How to Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume
  Remember our fantastic parents, Karen and Steve?
  They've narrowed down "the pile" to 30 nanny resumes.
  All show similar skills, experience, and education.
  Make it easy for them. Add some Supernanny "other sections" that show you're more than just a sheet of paper.
  Nanny Resume Sample "Other" Sections
  Take weekly yoga classes to stay fit.
Can provide five glowing letters of recommendation from parents.
Scored a 95% on the 4NannyTraining.com Nanny Skills Assessment.
Regular listener, NannyWise podcast.
  Child Development Associate (CDA)
Pediatric First Aid & CPR
  Volunteer Work
  Regular volunteer at YMCA as youth mentor.
  The creative nanny resume bullet points above show nanny skills and qualities.
  The yoga classes prove fitness. The Skills Assessment test shows you can handle nanny responsibilities. It also shows you're learning how to be the best nanny you can.
  Pro Tip: You don't need a license to be a nanny. But if you've got a CDA or other certification, showcase it in your perfect nanny resume.
  Drawing a blank for things to put in your professional nanny resume "other" sections? See our guide: "+20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests To Put on a Resume (5 Tips)"
Here's the Most Common Myth About Cover Letters
   Nobody reads cover letters anymore. Right?
  Correction. Nobody reads boring nanny resume cover letters.
  You know, the ones that go, "Hi, I'm Sue, I'm great, I'm looking for a job, here is my nanny resume."
  That letter might as well get eaten by the very hungry caterpillar.
  Here's how to do it right:
  First, make it personal. Call the parents by name.
  Second, make it passionate. Share your excitement about the job. If you can learn a detail you like about the parents or referral agency, use it.
  Third, make it tantalizing. Add 1-2 accomplishments to whet the appetite.
  Fourth, use a call to action. That's as simple as, "I'd love to talk with you about your needs."
  Last, follow up. A thank you note a few days after you submit your nanny resume can put you top-of-mind.
  Pro Tip: Don't put references on a resume for a nanny. If you've got some shining ones, mention them in your bullet points.
  Plus, a great cover letter that match your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write your cover letter in our resume builder here. Here's what it may look like:
  See more templates and create your resume and cover letter here. 
  Want to see how this all works in action? Need a sample for your nanny cover letter? See our guide: "How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples]"
How to Add Contact Info to Your Resume
  Here's a bad dream:
  You shared your contact info. But you didn't do it right.
  Now your nanny resume is in the rejects pile.
  What did you do wrong?
  Of course you added:
  Full Name
Updated Phone Number
Professional Email Address
  Like this:
  Luca Collins, [email protected] - 617-756-1644
  We say "professional" because nobody wants [email protected] watching little Dennis.
  But here's the real nightmare:
  The McCallisters have got it narrowed down to five live-in nanny resumes, including yours.
  But someone added a LinkedIn profile and Twitter handle. The parents check those out. They love what they see.
  The other nanny is hired.
  So, include your LinkedIn profile, Twitter address, and relevant social media hangouts. That way employers can dig deeper than your nanny housekeeper resume.
  Pro Tip: Tidy up your online presence. That tipsy pic of you in Cancun four years ago? That's not doing anybody any favors. See this guide for help.
  Need more tips to write the best nanny resume since Jane Eyre's? See our article: "How to Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide (+30 Examples)"
How to Put Nanny on a Resume
  Picture this:
  You're making the switch to a "real job."
  So, you're not writing a nanny resume.
  But you don't get hired, because they think you were a "babysitter."
  You need to know how to make nanny sound good on a resume.
  So, here's how to include nanny experience on a resume for non-nanny jobs.
  First, look at the job description. Write down all the duties, skills, and responsibilities you see.
  Then, do a little head-scratching. When did you do those in nanny world?
  Finally, in the nanny job description, add resume bullet points that prove your chops.
  Governess (another name for nanny on a resume)
  Performed daily scheduling of all activities. Included two physical and two intellectual activities per day.
Planned and cooked meals, conducting avid nutritional research.
Maintained clean driving record while navigating busy city streets daily with young children.
Maintained constant communication and collaboration with two demanding parents. Received frequent commendations for efficiency and thoroughness.
  That's how to list nanny on a resume.
  Pro Tip: Don't call yourself an "Au Pair" if you're not. It's not another word for nanny on a resume. "Governess" is a fancy word for nanny, if you must.
  Knowing how to add nanny experience to a resume comes down to fitting with the job description. For pointers, see our guide: "6 Tips on How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description (Examples)"
  Key Takeaway
  Even when you've got perfect nanny resume templates to work from, writing your own is still a challenge.
  Start by looking at the job description. Highlight all the nanny resume duties and responsibilities.
  Prove your cred in nanny resume bullet points. Show measurable accomplishments.
  Add other sections to show your human side. In a resume for a nanny, that means interests, hobbies, and other extras. You need to prove you fit the job like Spiderman underoos.
  Do you have questions on how to write a resume for a nanny job? Not sure how to describe your skills or achievements? Give us a shout in the comments! We'll answer as soon as we can!
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