#6-8 is the common range in terms of amt of tentacles though
counterfeitphantoms · 8 months
misc phantom thoughts...
Phantoms feel. gooey? almost. they aren't scaled or anything, or solid (completely). of course this varies type by type; and a heavy phantom may be closer to oobleck (so they feel soft if you slowly push them but when they're slamming onto the ground its like 500lbs of pure mass)
the "fuzzy" phantoms (as described in-book) feel like how mold fuzz feels
electricity isn't something all phantoms have! the kings canonically lack it, but so do heavies (and maybe certain spiked phantoms)
they talk through electricity, though. like that it's own language. they have a verbal language too, though (the weird growls/laughs we hear from them in adventures sometimes)
phantoms can be patterned but generally it's hard to see when they're not under some sort of light. the patterns are minimal, though, and dark in color
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