gabyglifestyle · 8 years
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Ok #letsbreakthisdown This is what #Trump and #Putin are up to: #ExxonMobil, under #RexTillerson, brokered a deal with #Russia in 2013 to lease over #60millionacres of Russian land to pump #oil out of (which is five times as much land as they lease in this country), but all that Russian oil would go through pipelines in the #Ukraine, who heavily tax the proceeds, and Ukraine was applying for admission into #NATO at the time. Putin subsequently invaded Ukraine in 2014, secured the routes to export the oil tax-free by sea, and #tookcontroloftheport where their #BlackSeaNavalFleet is based, by taking the #Crimeanpeninsula from Ukraine by force. This was Hitler style #imperialism that broke every international law in the free world. After Obama sanctioned Russia for the invasion, Exxon Mobil could only pump oil from approximately 3 of those 60+ million acres. But now Rex Tillerson is soon to be our #SecretaryofState, and as of today, there’s information circulating that Donald Trump will likely unilaterally #removeallsanctions against Russia in the coming days or weeks. The #Russiangovernment’s oil company, #Rosneft, will make #halfatrillion (#500Billion) dollars from that much untapped oil, all pumped tax-free through Crimea, stolen from Ukraine, now owned by Russia. Putin may have subverted our government just for this deal to go through. Please #share this EVERYWHERE, #factcheckawaydoubters #thisisthetruestory #hopeitsgettingclearernow (at Carmel, California)
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